"Journal","Year","Title","International" "American Journal of Sociology",1953,"SOCIAL STRATIFICATION IN LATIN AMERICA.",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1953,"THE: MARXIST REMOLDING OF CHINESE SOCIETY",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1953,"THE EMPLOYEE SOCIETY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1953,"DESTRATIFICATION AND RESTRATIFICATION: AN EDITORIAL FOREWORD",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1953,"THE PROFESSIONALIZATION OF LABOR IN DETROIT",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1953,"AMERICAN UNIONISM, SOCIAL STRATIFICATION AND POWER",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1953,"STATUS AND POWER IN THE INDUSTRIAL COMMUNITY: A COMMENT ON DRUCKER'S THESIS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1953,"SOCIAL STRATIFICATION IN FRANCE AND IN THE UNITED STATES",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1953,"A CRIMINOLOGICAL APPROACH TO THE SOCIAL CONTROL OF INTERNATIONAL AGGRESSIONS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1953,"THE SOCIAL CONTROL OF PHILANTHROPY",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1953,"DIFFERENTIAL FERTILITY IN CHICAGO, 1920-40",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1953,"SUICIDE, HOMICIDE, AND SOCIAL STRUCTURE IN CEYLON",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1953,"GUTTMAN SCALING APPLIED TO CENTERS' CONSERVATISM-RADICALISM BATTERY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1953,"FORMAL DEVICES FOR MAKING SELECTION DECISIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1953,"SOCIAL CLASS, OCCUPATION, AND IMPUTED BELIEF",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1953,"THE EFFECT OF RESIDENTIAL PROPINQUITY ON MARRIAGE SELECTION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1953,"VALUE, THEORY, AND FACT IN INDUSTRIAL SOCIOLOGY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1953,"OCCUPATION AND THE SELECTION OF LOCAL UNION OFFICERS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1953,"THE DETROIT AREA STUDY: A TRAINING AND RESEARCH LABORATORY IN THE COMMUNITY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1953,"GENERALIZATIONS IN THE SOCIAL SCIENCES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1953,"TOWARD A SOCIOLOGICAL DEFINITION OF OLD AGE: A RESEARCH NOTE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1953,"EMPIRICAL TRAINING AND SOCIOLOGICAL THOUGHT",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1953,"THE SPATIAL DIFFUSION OF AN AIRBOURNE LEAFLET MESSAGE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1953,"WHO THINKS WHAT ABOUT EDUCATORS?",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1953,"THE FOLK-URBAN CONTINUM AND THE RURAL PROLETARIAN COMMUNITY",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1953,"COMMENTS ON THE SCIENTIFIC FUNCTION OF THE CONCEPT OF COHESIVENESS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1953,"SOME METHODOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF EIGHT-HOUR INTERVIEWS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1953,"THE VANISHING SERVANT AND THE CONTEMPORARY STATUS SYSTEM OF THE AMERICAN SOUTH",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1953,"CHANGES IN INCOME DISTRIBUTION AND SOCIAL STRATIFICATION: A NOTE",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1953,"ORIENTATION OF COLLEGE STUDENTS TOWARD INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1953,"BECOMING A MARIHUANA USER",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"SOCIAL RELATIONS, ACTIVITIES, AND PERSONAL ADJUSTMENT",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"THE MIGRATION OF OLDER PEOPLE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"MOOSE HAVEN: CONGREGATE LIVING IN A COMMUNITY FOR THE RETIRED",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"SOCIAL THEORY AND SOCIAL ACTION IN THE SOCIOLOGY OF LOUIS WIRTH",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"THE THEORY OF GAMES OF STRATEGY AS A MODERN SOCIOLOGY OF CONFLICT",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"METHODOLOGICAL CONVERGENCE OF MEAD, LUNDBERG, AND PARSONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"PREMISES IN SOCIOLOGICAL INQUIRY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"CO-OPERATION AND COMPETITION IN A BUREAUCRACY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"OCCUPATIONAL PATTERNS OF INEQUALITY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"SOME ASPECTS OF CHRISTIAN SCIENCE AS REFLECTED IN LETTERS OF TESTIMONY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"DIVORCE AND DESERTION BY RELIGIOUS AND MIXED-RELIGIOUS GROUPS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"SEX DIFFERENCES IN ATTITUDES TO 'IN-LAWS,' A TEST OF A THEORY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"PAROLE PREDICTION USING MULTIPLE CORRELATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"RESEARCH NOTE ON THE HYPOTHESIS OF MEDIAN LOCATION",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"A CENTENARY APPRECIATION OF ALBION W. SMALL",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"VARIABLES IN THE FORMATION OF SO-CALLED `MINORITY GROUPS'",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"PRIMARY FUNCTIONS OF THE SMALL GROUP",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"CITY SHOPPERS AND URBAN IDENTIFICATION: OBSERVATIONS ON THE SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY OF CITY LIFE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"ATTITUDE OF TEXTILE WORKERS TO CLASS STRUCTURE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"MARITAL ADJUSTMENT AND PREDICTION IN SWEDEN",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"THE NEGRO OFFENDER: AN URBAN RESEARCH PROJECT",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"MODERN MANAGEMENT IN WESTERN EUROPE",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"THE COMMUNITY-STUDY METHOD",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"CITY DIRECTORIES AS SOURCES OF MIGRATION DATA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"DEVIATION AND SOCIAL CHANGE IN THE JEWISH COMMUNITY OF A SMALL POLISH TOWN",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"AN OUTLINE OF THE COMPLETE SYSTEM OF ECONOMIC AREAS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"ECONOMIC STRUCTURAL INTERRELATIONS OF METROPOLITAN REGIONS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"THE ECOLOGICAL APPROACH IN SOCIAL PSYCHIATRY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"THE NATURE AND CONDITIONS OF PANIC",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"SOCIAL TENSIONS BETWEEN FARMER AND FARM LABORER IN NORTHERN HOLLAND",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"LOCAL INTIMACY IN A MIDDLE-SIZED CITY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"MORMONISM AND THE AVOIDANCE OF SECTARIAN STAGNATION: A STUDY OF CHURCH, SECT, AND INCIPIENT NATIONALITY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"INDUSTRIAL CONFLICT AND ITS MEDIATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"STRIKE-PRONENESS AND ITS DETERMINANTS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1954,"EFFICIENCY AND 'THE FIX': INFORMAL INTERGROUP RELATIONS IN A PIECEWORK MACHINE SHOP",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"STATUS IN EXPERIMENTALLY PRODUCED GROUPS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"LEADERSHIP IN THE SMALL GROUP",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"TECHNOLOGY AND THE STANDARD OF LIVING IN THE UNITED STATES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"IN MEMORIAM: HOWARD WASHINGTON ODUM, 1884-1954",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"INEQUALITIES IN SCHOOLING IN THE SOUTH",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"IMPLICATIONS OF THE RISING STANDARD OF LIVING IN THE UNITED STATES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"MAKING UNAMERICANS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"REFERENCE GROUPS AND PERSPECTIVES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"URBANIZATION AMOUNG THE YORUBA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"URBANISM IN THE UNITED STATES, 1950",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"URBANISM IN INDIA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"THE ORIGIN AND GROWTH OF URBANIZATION IN THE WORLD",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"THE GREAT CITIES IN SOUTH EAST ASIA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"LAND VALUE PATTERNS IN OKAYAMA, JAPAN, 1940 AND 1952",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"THE PREINDUSTRIAL CITY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"SOCIAL CHANGE IN THE MUSLIM CITIES OF NORTH AFRICA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"RESIDENTIAL DISTRIBUTION AND OCCUPATIONAL STRATIFICATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"THE SENSITIVE-AREA COMPLEX A CONTRIBUTION TO THE THEORY OF GUIDED CULTURE CONTACT",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"SOCIOLOGICAL FACTORS IN THE STRUCTURING OF INDUSTRIAL WORKERS' TEAMS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"THE SECT AND THE SECTARIAN",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"SOME PHASES OF RELIGION THAT ARE SUSCEPTIBLE OF SOCIOLOGICAL STUDY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"THE EARLY AND CONTEMPORARY STUDY OF RELIGION",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"THE PASSING OF THE SAINT",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"A CONTRIBUTION TO THE SOCIOLOGY OF RELIGION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"THE CHURCH AND CLASS CONFLICTS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"RELIGION AND THE MORES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY AND CONTEMPORARY POLITICS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"THE VIKINGS AND THE RISE OF CAPITALISM",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"A SOCIOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF CONFLICTING ROLE-EXPECTANCIES.",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"A JEWISH PEER GROUP",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"SOCIOECONOMIC VARIABLES IN A LARGE CITY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"CULTURAL AND AMERICAN ADJUSTMENT OF JAPANESE WAR BRIDES",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"CHANGING CRIMINALS: THE APPLICATION OF THE THEORY OF DIFFERENTIAL ASSOCIATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"OCCUPATIONAL CONTROLS AMONG STEEL DISTRIBUTORS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1955,"FERDINAND TOENNIES' CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE SOCIOLOGY OF POLITICAL PARTIES",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1956,"ROLE-TAKING, ROLE STANDPOINT, AND REFERENCE-GROUP BEHAVIOR",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1956,"MEASURING ROLE CONFLICT",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1956,"ANOMIE, AUTHORITARIANISM, AND PREJUDICE: A REPLICATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1956,"THE DEVELOPMENT OF IDENTIFICATION WITH AN OCCUPATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1956,"NATIONAL COMPARISONS OF OCCUPATIONAL PRESTIGE",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1956,"THE DRUGGISTS DILEMMA: PROBLEMS OF A MARGINAL OCCUPATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1956,"THE EXTRA PROFESSIONAL ROLE OF THE LAWYER",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1956,"GROUP PRESSURE AND FAMILY BREAKUP: A STUDY OF GERMAN COMMUNITIES",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1956,"A TEST OF INTERACTIONIST HYPOTHESES OF SELF-CONCEPTION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1956,"QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF QUALITATIVE DATA IN THE ASSESSMENT OF MOTIVATION: RELIABILITY, CONGRUENCE, AND VALIDITY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1956,"SYSTEMIC DIFFERENCES BETWEEN LATIN-AMERICAN COMMUNITIES OF FAMILY FARMS AND LARGE ESTATES",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1956,"CRIMINALITY THEORIES AND BEHAVIORAL IMAGES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1956,"A TEST OF SIMMEL ON THE SECRET SOCIETY: THE DOUKHOBORS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1956,"A NOTE ON RIESMAN'S, THE LONELY CROWD",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1956,"GROUP INFLUENCES AND AGRICULTURAL INNOVATIONS: SOME TENTATIVE FINDINGS AND HYPOTHESES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1956,"HOMICIDE AND SOCIAL CONTACT IN DENMARK",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1956,"TRADE-UNION GOVERNMENT, ITS NATURE AND ITS PROBLEMS A BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REVIEW, 1945-55",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1956,"A TYPOLOGY OF RANK-AND-FILE MEMBERS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1956,"CONTROL STRUCTURE AND UNION FUNCTIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1956,"DEFINITIONS OF TIME AND RECOVERY IN PARALYTIC POLIO CONVALESCENCE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1956,"THE RESPONDENT REPORTS ON THE INTERVIEW",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1956,"THE DYNAMICS OF INFORMATION INTERVIEWING",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1956,"ROLE RELATIONSHIPS AND CONCEPTIONS OF NEUTRALITY IN INTERVIEWING",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1956,"DIMENSIONS OF THE DEPTH INTERVIEW",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1956,"INTERVIEWING FRENCHMEN",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1956,"A CLASSIFICATION OF BIASED QUESTIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1956,"ROLEPLAYING IN SURVEY RESEARCH",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1956,"EMBARRASSMENT AND SOCIAL ORGANIZATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1956,"THE VOTER AND THE NON-VOTER",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1956,"CAREERS: PERSONALITY, AND ADULT SOCIALIZATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1956,"AUTHORITY AND POWER IN 'IDENTICAL' ORGANIZATIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1957,"STATUS, AUTHORITARIANISM, AND ANTI-SEMITISM",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1957,"ORIGINS OF AMERICAN OCCUPATIONAL ELITES: 1900-1955",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1957,"FARM RESIDENCE AND LEVEL OF EDUCATIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL ASPIRATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1957,"THE MARINE RADIOMAN'S STRUGGLE FOR STATUS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1957,"SOCIAL CHANGE, RELIGION, AND BIRTH RATES",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1957,"THE AMERICAN INDIAN IN TRANSITION: REFORMAIFON AND STATUS INNOVATIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1957,"SOCIETAL COMPLEXITY: AN EMPIRICAL TEST OF A TYPOLOGY OF SOCIETIES",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1957,"BLAME AND HOSTILITY IN DISASTER",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1957,"MILITARY EXPERIENCE AND ATTITUDES TOWARD AUTHORITY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1957,"CHARACTER AND SOCIAL ROLE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1957,"PREJUDICE AND PERCEPTION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1957,"METROPOLITAN GROWTH AND DECENTRALIZATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1957,"THE NATURAL HISTORY OF STANDARD METROPOLITAN AREAS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1957,"TWELVE YEARS LATER: AN ANALYSIS OF FIELD EXPERIENCE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1957,"ECONOMIC MOBILITY AND SOCIAL STRATIFICATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1957,"THE STATUS OF THE MARINE RADIOMAN - A BRITISH CONTRIBUTION",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1957,"THE SOCIAL-DISTANCE PYRAMID: RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN CASTE AND CLASS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1957,"INTERACTION IN AUDIENCE-PARTICIPATION SHOWS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1957,"THEMES IN COSMETICS AND GROOMING",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1957,"THE HYPOTHESIS OF SLOW CYCLICAL VARIATION OF CREATIVITY",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1957,"YOUTH AND POPULAR MUSIC: A STUDY IN THE SOCIOLOGY OF TASTE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1957,"THE DIALOGUE OF COURTSHIP IN POPULAR SONGS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1957,"FASHION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1957,"INSPIRATIONAL RELIGIOUS LITERATURE: FROM LATENT TO MANIFEST FUNCTIONS OF RELIGION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1957,"NOTES ON A NATURAL HISTORY OF FADS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1957,"MALE AGGRESSION IN DATING-COURTSHIP RELATIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1957,"WAR BRIDES IN HAWAII AND THEIR IN-LAWS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1957,"ATTITUDES TOWARD WORK IN AN INDUSTRIAL COMMUNITY.",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1957,"FORMAL ORGANIZATION: DIMENSIONS OF ANALYSIS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1957,"THE DETERMINATION OF LOCAL POWER ELITES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1957,"COLLECTIVE PROTEST IN RELOCATION CENTERS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1957,"INTERDISCIPLINARY COLLABORATION IN MENTAL ILLNESS RESEARCH",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1958,"EMILE DURKHEIM: ENEMY OF FIXED PSYCHOLOGICAL ELEMENTS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1958,"ATTACHMENT AND ALIENATION: COMPLEMENTARY ASPECTS OF THE WORK OF DURKHEIM AND SIMMEL",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1958,"THE CHALLENGE OF DURKHEIM AND SIMMEL",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1958,"SUICIDE, HOMICIDE, AND THE SOCIALIZATION OF AGGRESSION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1958,"DURKHEIM'S SUICIDE AND PROBLEMS OF EMPIRICAL RESEARCH",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1958,"CULTURE PROFILES AND EMPHASES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1958,"SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1958,"GEORG SIMMEL'S STYLE OF WORK: A CONTRIBUTION TO THE SOCIOLOGY OF THE SOCIOLOGIST",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1958,"THE IMAGE OF THE SCIENTIST IN SCIENCE FICTION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1958,"NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN AUDIENCE RESEARCH METHODS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1958,"SOCIAL CHANGE IN JORDAN A QUANTITATIVE APPROACH IN A NON-CENSUS AREA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1958,"INTERVIEWING A LEGAL ELITE: THE WALL STREET LAWYER",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1958,"RELIGIOUS ASPECTS OF MODERNIZATION IN TURKEY AND JAPAN",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1958,"THE NATURE AND FUNCTIONS OF OFFICIAL MORALITY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1958,"AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE RELATIONSHIP OF LEGITIMATE AND ILLEGITIMATE BIRTH STATUS TO SCHOOL AND PERSONAL AND SOCIAL ADJUSTMENT OF NEGRO CHILDREN",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1958,"THE LOCAL COMMUNITY AS AN ECOLOGY OF GAMES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1958,"LOCAL PARTY SYSTEMS: THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS AND A CASE ANALYSIS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1958,"RELIGIOUS AND SOCIOECONOMIC FACTORS IN THE FRENCH VOTE, 1946-56",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1958,"SMALL BUSINESSMEN, POLITICAL TOLERANCE, AND SUPPORT FOR McCARTHY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1958,"THE CASE OF THE FLOPPY-EARED RABBITS: AN INSTANCE OF SERENDIPITY GAINED AND SERENDIPITY LOST",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"LEISURE AND LIFE-STYLE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"THE FAILURE OF PRESBYTERIAN UNION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"MEN'S AND WOMEN'S BELIEFS, IDEALS, AND SELF-CONCEPTS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"AMERICAN SOCIOLOGY IN JAPAN",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"THE IDENTIFICATION OF VALUES IN ANTHROPOLOGY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"STATUS INTEGRATION AND SUICIDE IN CEYLON",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"SOCIOLOGY AND HISTORY; THEORY AND PRACTICE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"REFLECTIONS ON BUSINESS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"FERAL CHILDREN AND AUTISTIC CHILDREN",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"EFFECT OF THE GROUP ON AUTHORITARIAN AND NON-AUTHORITARIAN PERSONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"THE WOLF BOY OF AGRA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"A CROSSCULTURAL STUDY OF STRUCTURE AND CONFLICT IN SOCIAL NORMS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF A THEORY OF COALITIONS IN THE TRIAD",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"THE IDENTIFIABILITY OF JEWS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"URBANISM AND URBANIZATION",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"RACIAL AND MORAL CRISIS: THE ROLE OF LITTLE ROCK MINISTERS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"APPEARANCE AND CRIMINALITY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"ORGANIZATIONAL GOALS AND THE BEHAVIOR OF INFORMAL LEADERS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"THE STRUCTURE OF AUTHORITY IN NON-INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION ORGANIZATIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"ALFRED WEBER--THE SOCIOLOGIST AS A HUMANIST",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"CULTURAL, BEHAVIORAL, AND ECOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES IN THE STUDY OF SOCIAL ORGANIZATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT AND PER CAPITA INCOME",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"THE SIGNIFICANCE OF MEMBERSHIP IN ASSOCIATIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"THE CYBERNETIC ANALYSIS OF CHANGE IN COMPLEX SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"A SOCIAL-PSYCHOLOGICAL THEORY OF THE AUTHORITARIAN PERSONALITY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"CHRISTMAS IN AN APARTMENT HOTEL",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"QUANTITATIVE METHODS FOR THE STUDY OF IDENTIFIABILITY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATIONS AND URBANIZATION: A DIACHRONIC ANALYSIS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"SOCIAL MOBILITY AND PREJUDICE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"UNCERTAINTY AND THE SUPREME COURT'S DECISIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"EGO INVOLVEMENT IN SEXUAL RELATIONS: IMPLICATIONS FOR RESEARCH ON ILLEGITIMACY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY AND URBAN SOCIAL LIFE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"SEX RATIO AND BIRTH CONTROL",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1959,"SOCIOLOGY AND STAPHYLOCOCCUS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"A UNIT CONCEPT FOR SOCIOLOGY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"AN EPISTEMOLOGICAL VIEW OF SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"THE UNITED STATES IN COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE: MAX LERNER'S AMERICA AS A CIVILIZATION",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"CASTE, CLASS, AND DEFERENCE IN THE RESEARCH INTERVIEW",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"THE KLAN REVIVAL",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"CORRELATES OF ETHNIC IDENTIFICATION",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"POWER STRUCTURE AND DECISIONMAKING IN A MEXICAN BORDER CITY",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"SOCIAL CLASS AND SOCIABILITY IN FRATERNITY PLEDGING",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"JAPANESE AND AMERICAN PERCEPTIONS OF OCCUPATIONS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"COMMUNICATION RESEARCH AND THE IMAGE OF SOCIETY CONVERGENCE OF TWO TRADITIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"THE ADOLESCENT SUBCULTURE AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"THE FUNCTION OF INSTITUTIONAL INBREEDING",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"THE MARGINAL CATHOLICS IN THE SOUTH:A REVISION OF CONCEPTS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"ANCIENT JUDAISM AND THE PROTESTANT ETHIC",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"DIVORCE AND THE LAW IN GERMANY: A REVIEW",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"MORTALITY ESTIMATES FROM ROMAN TOMBSTONE INSCRIPTIONS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"SOCIAL THEORY IN FIELD RESEARCH",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"A THEORY OF SOCIAL INTEGRATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"OCCUPATION, EDUCATION, AND HOUSING IN AN ENGLISH CITY",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"ORIENTATION TOWARD SOCIAL CLASSES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"CLASS DIFFERENCES IN DEFINITION OF ROLE AND MEMBERSHIP IN VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATIONS AMONG URBAN MARRIED WOMEN",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"ROLES AND INNOVATIONS IN MEDICINE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"THE 'COOLING-OUT' FUNCTION IN HIGHER EDUCATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND RENT-CONTROL VIOLATIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"THE MEASUREMENT OF MARITAL STRAIN",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"DOMINANCE IN DECISIONS IN THE FAMILY RACE AND CLASS DIFFERENCES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"NOTES ON THE CONCEPT OF COMMITMENT",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"THE RURAL-URBAN CONTINUUM: REAL BUT RELATIVELY UNIMPORTANT",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"INDUSTRIAL MAN: THE RELATION OF STATUS TO EXPERIENCE, PERCEPTION, AND VALUE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"EXPRESSIVE AND INSTRUMENTAL GROUPS: TOWARD A THEORY OF GROUP STRUCTURE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"SOME MOTIVES FOR ENTERING DENTISTRY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"UNCERTAINTY IN MEDICAL PROGNOSIS CLINICAL AND FUNCTIONAL",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"CONCEPTIONS OF SELF AND OTHERS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"METROPOLITAN GROWTH: AN INTERNATIONAL STUDY",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"URBAN RACIAL VIOLENCE IN THE UNITED STATES CHANGING ECOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"CASTE IN INDIA AND THE UNITED STATES",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"CORRELATES OF SUCCESS IN RETAIL SELLING",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"CORRELATES AND ESTIMATION OF OCCUPATIONAL PRESTIGE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"GRADUATE SCHOOLS AND THE PRODUCTIVITY OF THEIR GRADUATES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"SIZE OF FAMILY AND PREFERENCE FOR CHILDREN OF EACH SEX",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"OCCUPATIONAL PRESTIGE AND SOCIAL MOBILITY OF SUICIDES IN NEW ZEALAND",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"HOWARD PAUL BECKER, 1899-1960",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"HOWARD PAUL BECKER, 1899-1960",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"THEORETICAL PROSPECTS OF URBAN SOCIOLOGY IN AN URBANIZED SOCIETY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"NORM COMMITMENT AND CONFORMITY TO ROLE-STATUS OBLIGATIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"DOCTORS AND POLITICS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"SIBLING CONFIGURATIONS OF SCIENTISTS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1960,"TYPES OF FAMILY AND TYPES OF ECONOMY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"MODIFICATIONS OF THE DORN-STOUFFER-TIBBITTS METHOD FOR 'TESTING THE SIGNIFICANCE OF COMPARISONS IN SOCIOLOGICAL DATA'",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"THE CLUBS IN CRISIS: RACE RELATIONS IN THE NEW WEST AFRICA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"THE ECOLOGY OF INDONESIAN CITIES",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"FUNCTIONAL DIFFERENTIATION AND POLITICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SUBURBS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"PROFESSIONS IN PROCESS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"THE DIVISION OF LABOR IN BANKING",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"ORGANIZATIONAL PRESTIGE: SOME FUNCTIONS AND DYSFUNCTIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"STENDHAL AND THE SELF: A STUDY IN THE SOCIOLOGY OF LITERATURE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"MEMBERSHIP IN CLIQUES AND ACHIEVEMENT",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"SOCIAL-PSYCHOLOGICAL THEORY FOR SELECTING AND GUIDING COLLEGE STUDENTS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"MIDWIFE: CHANGING ROLES AND FUNCTIONS OF A FOLK PRACTITIONER",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"ETHNIC AND CLASS DIFFERENCES AMONG HOSPITALS AS CONTINGENCIES IN MEDICAL CAREERS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"THE SELF IN THE EMOTIONALLY DISTURBED",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"TARDE'S PSYCHOLOGIE ECONOMIQUE: AN UNKNOWN CLASSIC BY A FORGOTTEN SOCIOLOGIST",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"PATTERNS OF WOMEN'S PARTICIPATION IN VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"A SKEPTICAL NOTE ON THE RELATION OF VERTICAL MOBILITY TO EDUCATION",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"THE PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYEE: A STUDY OF CONFLICT IN NURSING ROLES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"OCCUPATIONAL ROLES AND FORMS OF ENTERPRISE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"THE EVALUATION OF OCCUPATIONS BY WARSAW INHABITANTS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"LEGISLATORS' SOCIAL STATUS AND THEIR VOTES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"THE PREJUDICE-INTERACTION HYPOTHESIS FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF THE NEGRO MINORITY GROUP",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"ECONOMIC DEPRIVATION AND EXTREMISM: A STUDY OF UNEMPLOYED NEGROES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"COMMUNITY GROWTH, DEPRESSIVE DISORDERS, AND SUICIDE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"THE PUERTO RICAN SPIRITUALIST AS A PSYCHIATRIST",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"ATTITUDES TOWARD MARRIAGE AND THE FAMILY IN TAIWAN",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"PREFACE TO A METATHEORETICAL FRAMEWORK FOR SOCIOLOGY",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"ANALYTICAL MODELS IN THE STUDY OF SOCIAL SYSTEMS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"POLITICS AND SOCIAL STRUCTURE IN A NORWEGIAN VILLAGE",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"AGRICULTURAL ENTERPRISE AND RURAL CLASS RELATIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"MODELS OF BUREAUCRACY WHICH PERMIT CONFLICT",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"MANAGEMENT CONFLICT AND SOCIOMETRIC STRUCTURE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"INDUSTRIALIZATION AND THE FAMILY IN SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"SOCIAL INTEGRATION AND THE CONTROL OF COMPETITION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"OCCUPATIONAL RANK AND GRADE OF RESIDENCE IN A METROPOLIS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"CORPORATE SIZE, BUREAUCRATIZATION, AND MANAGERIAL SUCCESSION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"PROCESS SATISFACTION AND POLICY APPROVAL IN STATE DEPARTMENT-CONGRESSIONAL RELATIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"PARENTAL ROLE DIFFERENTIATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"AGING IN ISRAEL, A PLANNED SOCIETY",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1961,"REINSPECTING A STRUCTURAL POSITION ON OCCUPATIONAL PRESTIGE",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1962,"ETHNOCULTURAL FACTORS IN SCHIZOPHRENIA-THE JAPANESE IN HAWAII",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1962,"THE SOCIOLOGICAL IMAGINATION OF C. WRIGHT MILLS: IN MEMORIAM",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1962,"ORGANIZATIONAL CONTROL STRUCTURES IN FIVE CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1962,"COALITION FORMATION AT PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATING CONVENTIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1962,"MULTIPLE INDICATORS IN SURVEY RESEARCH",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1962,"FAMILY PROCESSES AND BECOMING A MENTAL PATIENT",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1962,"SOURCES OF RESISTANCE TO CHANGE IN A MENTAL HOSPITAL",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1962,"ROLE STRAIN AND THE NORM OF RECIPROCITY IN RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1962,"FAMILY GROUP STRUCTURE AND PATTERNS OF SOCIAL INTERACTION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1962,"STATUS, ANOMIA, POLITICAL ALIENATION, AND POLITICAL PARTICIPATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1962,"FOUR-VARIABLE CAUSAL MODELS AND PARTIAL CORRELATIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1962,"SOCIAL CLASS EXPECTATIONS AND PERFORMANCE OF MENTAL PATIENTS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1962,"STATISTICAL METHODS FOR ANALYZING PROCESSES OF CHANGE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1962,"CONFLICTING GROUP NORMS AND THE 'THIRD' PERSON IN THE INTERVIEW",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1962,"THE FUNCTION OF MALE INITIATION CEREMONIES: A CROSS-CULTURAL TEST OF AN ALTERNATIVE HYPOTHESIS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1962,"ETHNOPHAULISMS AND ETHNOCENTRISM",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1962,"ETHICAL RELATIVISM AND ANOMIA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1962,"WRITERS IN A TOTALITARIAN STATE: CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1945-56",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1962,"APPRENTICESHIP AND ATTITUDE CHANGE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1962,"SOME OBSERVATIONS ON IDEOLOGICAL GROUPS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1962,"SOME METHODOLOGICAL PROBLEMS OF FIELD STUDIES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1962,"LAW AND SOCIAL CHANGE: SUMNER RECONSIDERED",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1962,"THE MEASUREMENT OF ASSIMILATION: THE SPOKANE INDIAN.",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1962,"PEASANT VALUES AND INNOVATION IN INDIA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1962,"SOCIAL DISTANCE BETWEEN CLIENT AND PROFESSIONAL",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1962,"POWERLESSNESS AND POLITICAL NEGATIVISM: A STUDY OF DEFEATED LOCAL REFERENDUMS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1962,"GREGARIOUSNESS, GROUP MEMBERSHIP, AND THE FLOW OF INFORMATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1962,"SOCIALIZATION, COMMAND OF PERFORMANCE, AND MENTAL ILLNESS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1962,"URBANISM, RACE, AND ANOMIA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1962,"SUBURBS AND ETHNIC RESIDENTIAL PATTERNS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1962,"ROLE SATISFACTIONS AND LENGTH OF LIFE IN A CLOSED POPULATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1962,"NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY AND THE PROFESSIONALIZATION OF LABOR",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1963,"SOME UNDERCURRENTS IN THE PRESTIGE OF PHYSICIANS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1963,"SOCIAL CLASS AND PARENT-CHILD RELATIONSHIPS: AN INTERPRETATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1963,"COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP: A CASE STUDY AND CONCEPTUAL REFINEMENT",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1963,"EDUCATION AND OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY A REGRESSION ANALYSIS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1963,"POLITICAL EXPRESSION OF ADOLESCENT REBELLION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1963,"AN ECOLOGICAL APPROACH TO THE THEORY OF SUBURBANIZATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1963,"STRUCTURAL ATTACHMENTS AND POLITICAL SUPPORT IN URBAN POLITICS: THE CASE OF FLUORIDATION REFERENDUMS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1963,"RESEARCH IMPLICATIONS OF A FIELD VIEW OF PERSONALITY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1963,"STRUCTURAL BALANCE, MECHANICAL SOLIDARITY, AND INTERPERSONAL RELAT",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1963,"ORTHODOXY, CHURCH PARTICIPATION, AND AUTHORITARIANISM",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1963,"OCCUPATIONAL COMPOSITION AND THE METROPOLITAN HIERARCHY: THE INTER-AND INTRA-METROPOLITAN DIVISION OF LABOR",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1963,"INSTITUTIONS OF PRIVACY IN THE DETERMINATION OF POLICE ADMINISTRATIVE PRACTICE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1963,"ALIENATION AND SOCIAL LEARNING IN A REFORMATORY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1963,"RESIGNATION AS A COLLECTIVE BEHAVIOR RESPONSE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1963,"AFFILIATIONS: STRUCTURAL DETERMINANTS OF DIFFERENTIAL DIVORCE RATES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1963,"THE POLITICAL ACT AS AN ACT OF WILL",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1963,"MEASURING A NATION'S PRESTIGE",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1963,"MANAGERIAL SUCCESSION AND ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1963,"MAKING CAUSAL INFERENCES FOR UNMEASURED VARIABLES FROM CORRELATIONS AMONG INDICATORS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1963,"ALTERNATIVE QUESTIONNAIRE APPROACHES TO THE MEASUREMENT OF INFLUENCE IN ORGANIZATIONS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1964,"RESIDENTIAL DISTRIBUTION AND STRATIFICATION, 1950-1960",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1964,"SOME EFFECTS OF CLOSE AND PUNITIVE STYLES OF SUPERVISION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1964,"CORRELATES OF PREJUDICE: SOME RACIAL DIFFERENCES AND SIMILARITIES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1964,"NOTES ON THE CONCEPT OF A POPULATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1964,"INTERNAL MIGRATION PATTERNS OF A POPULATION SUBGROUP: COLLEGE STUDENTS, 1887-1958",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1964,"DISPLACEMENT OF SCOPE: A PROBLEM OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SMALL-SCALE AND LARGE-SCALE SOCIOLOGICAL THEORIES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1964,"A FUNCTIONALIST REAPPRAISAL OF PARETO'S SOCIOLOGY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1964,"URBAN-RURAL DIFFERENCES AS A FUNCTION OF THE DEMOGRAPHIC TRANSITION: EGYPTIAN DATA AND AN ANALYTICAL MODEL",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1964,"CIRCUITOUS PARTICIPATION IN POLITICS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1964,"ASCETIC PROTESTANTISM AND POLITICAL PREFERENCE IN THE DEEP SOUTH",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1964,"THE RATE OF TECHNOLOGICAL DIFFUSION AMONG LOCALITY GROUPS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1964,"INSTITUTIONAL COMPLETENESS OF ETHNIC COMMUNITIES AND THE PERSONAL RELATIONS OF IMMIGRANTS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1964,"SOCIOMEDICAL VARIATIONS AMONG ETHNIC GROUPS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1964,"ON THE RELATION OF PATRON AND ARTIST: COMMENTS ON A PROPOSED MODEL FOR THE SCIENTIST",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1964,"CONCEPTIONS OF ORGANIZATIONAL WORTH",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1964,"ORGANIZATIONAL SIZE AND MANAGERIAL SUCCESSION: A RE-EXAMINATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1964,"A CRITICISM OF AN EMPIRICAL ASSESSMENT OF THE CONCEPT OF BUREAUCRACY ON CONCEPTUAL INDEPENDENCE AND EMPIRICAL INDEPENDENCE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1964,"SOME ASPECTS OF WOMEN'S AMBITION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1964,"GUMPLOWICZ' 'OUTLINES OF SOCIOLOGY'",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1964,"POLICE ENCOUNTERS WITH JUVENILES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1964,"FERTILITY AND FAMILY PLANNING IN TAIWAN:A CASE STUDY OF THE DEMOGRPHIC TRANSITION",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1964,"INFORMAL GROUP PARTICIPATION AND RESIDENTIAL PATTERNS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1964,"SCAPEGOATING IN BASEBALL",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1964,"INTERVIEWING POLITICAL ELITES IN CROSS-CULTURAL COMPARATIVE RESEARCH",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1964,"ITEM ORDER AND GUTTMAN SCALES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1964,"INSTITUTIONAL AND LIFE-CYCLE SOCIALIZATION OF COLLEGE FRESHMEN",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1964,"ECONOMIC CORRELATES OF ARTISTIC CREATIVITY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1964,"OCCUPATIONAL PRESTIGE IN THE UNITED STATES, 1925-63",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1964,"SOCIAL CLASS AND COLLEGE GRADUATION: SOME MISCONCEPTIONS CORRECTED",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1964,"IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS OF ALIENTION, CRITICISMS OF THE CONCEPT OF ALIENATION, & REPLY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1964,"EMBARRASSMENT AND THE ANALYSIS OF ROLE REQUIREMENTS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"THE PLAY WORLD OF CAMPING: RESEARCH INTO THE SOCIAL MEANING OF OUTDOOR RECREATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"COMMUNITY OF RESIDENCE AN OCCUPATIONAL CHOICE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"ON THE STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF MOBILITY TABLES",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"THE CHANGING CHARACTER OF NEGRO MIGRATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"SOME COMMENTS ON COMMENTS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"OVERT CONFORMITY TO CHURCH TEACHING AS A FUNCTION OF RELIGIOUS BELIEF AND GROUP PARTICIPATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"THE IMPLICATIONS OF PENTECOSTAL RELIGION FOR INTELLECTUALISM, POLITICS, AND RACE RELATIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"PROTESTANT RELIGION AND SOCIAL STATUS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"SOME COMMENTS ON THE PROFESSIONALIZATION OF EVERYONE?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"RACE AND SOCIAL CLASS AS SEPARATE FACTORS RELATED TO SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"A NOTE ON NEGRO ALIENATION",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"A TEST OF SIGNIFICANCE FOR THE HOMOPHILY INDEX",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"THE MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS OF DICHOTOMIZED VARIABLES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"THE PROFESSIONALIZATION OF EVERYONE?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"POLITICAL STRUCTURE, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, AND NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY PROGRAMS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"THE MEASUREMENT OF EMPATHY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"A DURKHEIM FRAGMENT",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"NORMS: THE PROBLEM OF DEFINITION OR CLASSIFICATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"STATUS ORIENTATION AND ETHNIC SENTIMENT AMONG UNDERGRADUATES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"FROM MAFIA TO COSA NOSTRA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"INTRA-PLANT MOBILITY OF NEGRO AND WHITE WORKERS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"SEGMENTATION OF RADICALISM-THE CASE OF THE PROTESTANT CAMPUS MINISTER",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"FROM COMMERCIAL ELITE TO POLITICAL ADMINISTRATOR: THE RECRUITMENT OF THE MAYORS OF CHICAGO",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"THE CONTRIBUTION OF VOLUNTARY ORGANIZATIONS TO COMMUNITY STRUCTURE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"INMATE PRIDE IN TOTAL INSTITUTIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"SUBJECTIVE SOCIAL DISTANCE AND URBAN OCCUPATIONAL STRATIFICATION",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"TEMPORAL ASPECTS OF DYING AS A NON-SCHEDULED STATUS PASSAGE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"SOME IMPLICATIONS OF RANDOM MEASUREMENT ERROR FOR CAUSAL INFERENCES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"SOCIAL CLASS AND PREFERRED FAMILY SIZE IN PERU",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"AGE DISTRIBUTION AS A CHALLENGE TO DEVELOPMENT",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"AN ILLUSTRATION OF THE USE OF ANALYTICAL THEORY IN SOCIOLOGY: THE APPLICATION OF THE ECONOMIC THEORY OF CHOICE TO NON-ECONOMIC VARIABLES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"AGE NORMS, AGE CONSTRAINTS, AND ADULT SOCIALIZATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"LOCAL-COSMOPOLITAN: UNIDIMENSIONAL OR MULTIDIMENSIONAL?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"INNOVATION AND CONSTANCY IN THE CHURCH-SECT TYPOLOGY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"OCCUPATIONAL ASSIMILATION AS A COMPETIVE PROCESS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"SOCIAL MOBILITY IN ITALY",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"ASSIMILATIONS OF CHINESE IN AMERICA: CHANGES IN ORIENTATION AND SOCIAL PERCEPTION",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"STRUCTURAL EFFECTS AND INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"WOMEN'S SEXUAL RESPONSIVENESS AND THE DURATION AND QUALITY OF THEIR MARRIAGES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"AFFLUENCE AND THE WORKER: THE WEST GERMAN CASE",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"COMTE'S CHANGING SOCIOLOGY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"BILINGUALISM IN MONTREAL: A DEMOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"COMMUNITY ADOPTION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF URBAN RENEWAL",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"SOCIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS AND POVERTY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"ON REPORTING RATES OF INTERMARRIAGE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1965,"SOME MEASUREMENTS OF ACHIEVEMENT ORIENTATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"LOYALTY TO IMMEDIATE SUPERIOR AT ALTERNATE HIERARCHICAL LEVELS IN A BUREAUCRACY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"COMMAND, CONTROL, AND CHARISMA: REFLECTIONS ON POLICE BUREAUCRACY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"SEGREGATION IN SOUTHERN CITIES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"INDUSTRIALIZATION, VALUES, AND OCCUPATIONAL EVALUATION IN URUGUAY",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"STATUS HOMOPHILY, SOCIAL CONTEXT, AND PARTICIPATION IN PSYCHOTHERAPY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"GROUP DIFFERENCES IN PERCEPTION: A STUDY OF COMMUNITY BELIEFS AND FEELINGS ABOUT TUBERCULOSIS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"POLITICAL GENERATION IN THE CUBAN WORKING CLASS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"ORDER AND CONFLICT THEORIES OF SOCIAL PROBLEMS AS COMPETING IDEOLOGIES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"COERCION AND CONSENSUS THEORIES: SOME UNRESOLVED ISSUES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"COMMENTS ON MOORE'S AND BIERSTEDT'S PAPER",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"GLOBAL SOCIOLOGY; THE WORLD AS A SINGULAR SYSTEM",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"SOCIOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS OF THE THOUGHT OF GEORGE HERBERT MEAD",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"INDICES OF CIVILIZATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"SOCIAL CLASS AND CHURCH PARTICIPATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"THE CAMPUS AS A FROG POND: AN APPLICATION OF THE THEORY OF RELATIVE DEPRIVATION TO CAREER DECISIONS OF COLLEGE MEN",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"A REAPPRAISAL OF THE SOCIAL AND POLITICAL PARTICIPATION OF NEGROES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"PARTY IDENTIFICATION AT MULTIPLE LEVELS OF GOVERNMENT",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"PATH ANALYSIS: SOCIOLOGICAL EXAMPLES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"INTER-MARRIAGE OF PUERTO RICANS IN NEW YORK CITY",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"ON SPITTING AGAINST THE WIND: ORGANIZATIONAL PRECARIOUSNESS AND AMERICAN IRRELIGION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"SUBSTANCE AND ARTIFACT: THE CURRENT STATUS OF RESEARCH ON COMMUNITY POWER STRUCTURE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"FOUNDATIONS FOR A THEORY OF COLLECTIVE DECISIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"ORGANIZATIONAL GOALS AND INMATE ORGANIZATIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"PRESSURES AND DEFENSES IN BUREAUCRATIC ROLES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"SOME INFLUENCES OF HEBRAIC CULTURE ON MODERN SOCIAL ORGANIZATIONS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"SOME FUTHER COMMENTS ON CHRONIC CONTROVERSIES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"STATUS DISCREPANCIES AND PREJUDICE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"ROLE DISTANCE, SOCIOLOGICAL AMBIVALENCE, AND TRANSITIONAL STATUS SYSTEMS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"A PSYCHOLOGICAL MODEL OF INDIVIDUAL PARTICIPATION IN FORMAL VOLUNTARY ORGANIZATIONS: APPLICATION TO SOME CHILEAN DATA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"FREEDOM, VISIBILITY OF CONSEQUENCES, AND SCIENTIFIC INNOVATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"VALUES AND POST-COLLEGE CAREER CHANGE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"ATTRIBUTES OF INNOVATIONS AS FACTORS IN DIFFUSION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"A DEMOGRAPHIC AND ECOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF THE DISTRIBUTION OF PHYSICIANS IN METROPOLITAN AMERICA, 1960",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"MARITAL INSTABILITY BY RACE, SEX, EDUCATION, AND OCCUPATION USING 1960 CENSUS DATA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"THE HYPOTHESIS OF INTERSOCIETAL SIMILARITY IN OCCUPATIONAL PRESTIGE HIERARCHIES",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"SECULARIZATION, INCORPORATION, AND SOCIAL RELATIONS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"RACIAL INTEGRATION IN THE ARMED FORCES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"MASS, CLASS, AND THE INDUSTRIAL COMMUNITY: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF MANAGERS, BUSINESSMEN, AND WORKERS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1966,"REPUTATION AND RESOURCES IN COMMUNITY POLITICS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"REFORMATION AND RECIDIVISM AMONG ITALIAN AND POLISH CRIMINAL OFFENDERS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"REVOLUTIONARY WORKERS AND INDIVIDUAL LIBERTIES",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"PROXIMITY AND PEERSHIP: BASES OF BALANCE IN INTERPE-SONAL ATTRACTION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"THE LANGUAGE OF ADOLESCENCE, AN ANTHROPOLOGICAL APPROACH TO THE YOUTH CULTURE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"THE FEMALE CLERGY, A CASE OF PROFESSIONAL MARGINALITY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"BIRTH ORDER AND ATTAINMENT OF THE DOCTORATE, A TEST OF ECONOMIC HYPOTHESES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"ALIENATION IN THE GHETTO",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"SOURCES OF SOCIAL CHANGE IN COMMUNITY, FAMILY, AND FERTILITY IN PUERTO RICAN TOWN",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"COMMENT ON THE BLUMER-BALES DIALOGUE CONCERNING THE INTERPRETA TION OF MEAD S THOUGHT",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"REFLECTIONS ON THE EDUCATION OF GEORGE HERBERT MEAD",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"FURTHER COMMENT ON THE BLUMER-BALES DIALOGUE CONCERNING THE IMPLICATIONS OF THE THOUGHT OF GEORGE HERBERT MEAD",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"REPLY TO WOELFEL, STONE AND FARBERMAN",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"MARITAL INSTABILITY BY RACE AND INCOME BASED ON 1960 CENSUS DATA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"RELIGION AND ACADEMIC CAREER PLANS, A NOTE ON PROGRESS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"SOCIAL STRATIFICATION OF DISCUSSIONS ABOUT LOCAL AFFAIRS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"SOCIFUGAL SPACE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"PROGRAM CHANGE AND ORGANIZATIONAL PROPERTIES. A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"SOCIAL PARTICIPATION AND HAPPINESS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE (GEORGE HERBERT MEAD)",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"THE COCKTAIL LOUNGE, A STUDY OF HETEROSEXUAL RELATIONS IN A PUBLIC ORGANIZATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"LAWYER ATTITUDES ON JUDICIAL SELECTION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"EDUCATION AND SOCIAL BACKGROUND",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"PROFESSIONALIZATION AND STRATIFICATION PATTERNS IN AN INDUSTRIAL COMMUNITY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"PREJUDICE AND URBAN SOCIAL PARTICIPATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"DISSONANCE-CONGRUENCE AND THE PERCEPTION OF PUBLIC OPINION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"TOWARD A THEORY OF SOCIETAL GUIDANCE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"NEGRO-WHITE OCCUPATIONAL DIFFERENCES IN THE ABSENCE OF DISCRIMINATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"PROFESSIONAL POLITICIANS AND PERSONALITY STRUCTURES",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"SOME COMMENTS ON PROFESSIONALIZATION AND STRATIFICATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"STATUS INCONSISTENCY AND INTERACTION: SOME ALTERNATIVE MODELS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"DIMENSIONS OF NATIONS: SIZE, WEALTH, AND POLITICS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"URBAN DIFFERENTIATION, CHARACTERISTICS OF BOARDS OF DIRECTORS, AND ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"POWER AND PARTICIPATION IN DECISION-MAKING IN FORMAL ORGANIZATIONS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"PATH CONSISTENCY IN DIRECTED GRAPHS AND SOCIAL STRUCTURE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"A NOTE ON THE CONCEPT OF ROLE DISTANCE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"GANGS, NETWORKS, AND SUBCULTURE DELINQUENCY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"SOCIAL LEVEL, SOCIAL DISABILITY, AND GANG INTERACTION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"THE CRIMINAL PATTERNS OF BOSTON SINCE 1849",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"UNINTENDED EFFECTS OF PARENTAL ASPIRATIONS: THE CASE OF CHILDREN'S CHEATING",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"DETERMINANTS OF SPAN OF CONTROL",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"THE SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY OF THE GIFT",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1967,"SOME BEHAVIORAL ASPECTS OF THE ECOLOGICAL APPROACH TO SOCIAL ORGANIZATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"CLASS IDENTIFICATION IN THE UNITED STATES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"PATTERNS OF ATTITUDINAL CHANGES AMONG FOREIGN STUDENTS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"POWER ORIENTATION AND MCCARTHYISM",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"SOCIAL CLASS, PARENTAL ENCOURAGEMENT, AND EDUCATIONAL ASPIRATIONS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"OCCUPATIONAL PRESTIGE EXPECTATIONS AMONG MALE COLLEGE GRADUATES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"ISOLATION, POWERLESSNESS, AND VIOLENCE: A STUDY OF ATTITUDES AND PARTICIPATION IN THE WATTS RIOT",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"MARX'S USE OF 'CLASS'",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"ARE SOCIOLOGISTS INCOMPREHENSIBLE? AN OBJECTIVE STUDY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"OCCUPATIONAL INHERITANCE: A CROSS-NATIONAL ANALYSIS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"THE CONVERGENCE OF MILITARY AND CIVILIAN OCCUPATIONAL STRUCTURES: EVIDENCE FROM STUDIES OF MILITARY RETIRED EMPLOYMENT",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"THE ROLE CONFLICT OF THE FIRST-LINE SUPERVISOR: AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION AND THEORETICAL FUNCTIONS OF PRIMARY GROUPS AND BUREAUCRATIC STRUCTURES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"THE HIERARCHY OF AUTHORITY IN ORGANIZATIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"COMMUNICATION, CREATIVITY AND PROBLEM-SOLVING ABILITY OF MIDDLE-AND WORKING-CLASS FAMILIES IN THREE SOCIETIES",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"PATH ANALYSIS: TESTIMONIAL OF A PROSELYTE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"EDUCATIONAL MOBILITY AND ACCESS: GROWTH AND PARADOXES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"ECONOMICS, FAMILY STRUCTURE, AND COLLEGE ATTENDANCE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"THE EFFECT OF INCOME ON THE SUICIDE RATE: A PARADOX RESOLVED",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"DISCREPANCY IN SOCIOECONOMIC LEVEL OF ASPIRATION AND PERCEPTION OF ILLEGITIMATE EXPEDIENCY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"IS EVERYONE GOING MODERN? A CRITIQUE AND A SUGGESTION FOR MEASURING MODERNISM",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"A NOTE OF EXTREME CAUTION ON THE USE OF GUTTMAN SCALES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"PROFESSIONALIZATION AND BUREAUCRATIZATION IN LARGE PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"DEVELOPMENTAL SOCIOLINGUISTICS: INNER-CITY CHILDREN",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"COLLECTIVE BEHAVIOR: THE SENSE OF A RUBRIC",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"THE GENERAL LINEAR MODEL: A NEW PERSPECTIVE ON SOME FAMILIAR TOPICS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"DIMENSIONS OF MARRIAGE HAPPINESS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"PROTESTANT GROUPS AND COPING WITH URBAN LIFE IN GUATEMALA CITY",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"PARTICIPATION IN INTERSCHOLASTIC ATHLETICS AND COLLEGE EXPECTATIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"MASS SOCIETY AND POLITICAL MOVEMENTS: A NEW FORMULATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"PATTERNS OF NAME ORDERING AMONG AUTHORS OF SCIENTIFIC PAPERS: A STUDY OF SOCIAL SYMBOLISM AND ITS AMBIGUITY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"DEMOGRAPHY OF ORGANIZATIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"AUTOMATION AND BUREAUCRATIC STRUCTURE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"COMMENTS ON HENSLIN'S 'CRAPS AND MAGIC'",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"ANOMIE: COMPARISONS BETWEEN THE OLD AND NEW MIDDLE CLASS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"CONVENTIONALIZATION AND CONTROL: AN EXAMINATION OF ADOLESCENT CROWDS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"PATTERNS OF MANAGEMENT AND ADAPTATIONS TO ORGANIZATIONAL ROLES. A STUDY OF PRISON INMATES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"PEER INFLUENCES ON ASPIRATIONS: A REINTERPRETATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"ETHNIC ENDOGAMY-THE CASE OF MEXICAN AMERICANS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"INTERSOCIETY AND INTRASOCIETY CORRELATIONS OF OCCUPATIONAL PRESTIGE",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"WHO VOTED FOR HITLER? A NEW LOOK AT THE CLASS BASIS OF NAZIISM",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"COMMUNITY STUDY: RETROSPECT AND PROSPECT",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"THE SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY OF PRIVACY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1968,"SOME PROBLEMS IN DEFINING SOCIAL POWER",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"SOCIO-ECONOMIC DIFFERENTIALS AMONG RELIGIOUS GROUPS IN THE UNITED STATES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"INCOME AND RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: A REGRESSION ANALYSIS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"SCHOOLS AND THE STRATIFICATION PROCESS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"SOURCES OF CONSISTENCY OF POLITICAL OPINION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"THE CONCEPTION AND MEASUREMENT OF ASYMMETRIC MONOTONIC RELATIONSHIPS IN SOCIOLOGY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"SPONSORSHIP AND ORGANIZATIONAL STABILITY: BOY SCOUT TROUPS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"INDEX OF RIOT SEVERITY AND SOME CORRELATES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"COMMENTS ON THE SOCIOLOGY OF GEORGES GURVITCH",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"WORKING WIVES AND MARRIAGE HAPPINESS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"MINORITY GROUP STATUS AND FERTILITY",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"FATHER-TO-SON MOBILITY: AUSTRALIA IN COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"MARKS OF DISTINCTION: AN ANALYSIS OF BRITISH MASS AND PRESTIGE NEWSPAPER EDITORIALS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"THE REDRESS OF DISTRIBUTIVE INJUSTICE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"BEHAVIOR RHYTHMS IN MENTAL HOSPITALS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"JUVENILE ENTREPRENEURS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"CHANGING COURTSHIP PATTERNS IN THE POPULAR SONG",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"ETHNIC AND RACIAL SEGREGATION IN THE NEW YORK METROPOLIS, 1960",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"MARITAL STATUS AND SUICIDE IN THE UNITED STATES: A SPECIAL TEST OF THE STATUS INTEGRATION THEORY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"TEACHERS' STRIKE: A STUDY OF THE CONVERSION OF PREDISPOSITION INTO ACTION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"ITALIANS AND CRIME IN CHICAGO: THE FORMATIVE YEARS, 1890-1920",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"COMMENT ON A REVIEW OF SCHUTZ'S PHENOMENOLOGY OF THE SOCIAL WORLD",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"RACIAL CHANGE IN A STABLE COMMUNITY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"RACE AWARENESS AMONG AMERICAN AND HONG KONG CHINESE CHILDREN",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"CONTINUITIES IN RESEARCH ON THE 'RELIGIOUS FACTOR'",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"PERCEPTIONS AND EXPECTATIONS OF THE LEGISLATURE AND SUPPORT FOR IT",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"ADVERTISING THEMES AND QUIET REVOLUTIONS: DILEMMAS IN FRENCH CANADA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"MAKING MEN MODERN: ON THE CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES OF INDIVIDUAL CHANGE IN SIX DEVELOPING COUNTRIES",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"COMMENT ON JACK GIBBS 'MARITAL STATUS AND SUICIDE'",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"REACTIONS TO DEVIANCE: A CRITICAL ASSESSMENT",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"QUEUE CULTURE: THE WAITING LINE AS A SOCIAL SYSTEM",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"COMMENT ON ORDEN AND BRADBURN'S 'WORKING WIVES AND MARRIAGE HAPPINESS'",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"SOCIAL CHANGE AND TYPE OF MARRIAGE",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"MARRAIGE PLANS AND EDUCATIONAL ASPIRATIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"ON ADAMS AND MEIDAM'S 'ECONOMICS, FAMILY STRUCTURE, AND COLLEGE ATTENDANCE'",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"A SOCIOLINGUISTIC CENSUS OF A BILINGUAL NEIGHBORHOOD",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"ELECTORAL PARTICIPATION AND THE OCCUPATIONAL COMPOSITION OF CABINETS AND PARLIAMENTS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"STUDENT POLITICS AND POLITICAL SYSTEMS: TOWARD A TYPOLOGY",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"LOCAL-COSMOPOLITAN PERCEPTIONS OF POLITICAL CONFORMITY: A SPECIFICATION OF PARENTAL INFLUENCE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"THE POWER AND THE FUNCTIONS OF BOARDS OF DIRECTORS: A THEORETICAL SYNTHESIS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"TWO COMMENTS ON GUTTMAN SCALING",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"HOW TO RANSACK SOCIAL MOBILITY TABLES AND OTHER KINDS OF CROSS-CLASSIFICATION TABLES",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"MULTIPLE INDICATORS AND THE CAUSAL APPROACH TO MEASUREMENT ERROR",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"A COMMENTARY ON 'IS EVERYONE GOING MODERN?'",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1969,"THEORY, DEDUCTION, AND ROLES OF CORRESPONDENCE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"THE STRUCTURE OF SIBLING RELATIONSHIPS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"INFLUENCE ON COMMUNITY VALUES ON INNOVATIVENESS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"THE GREAT AWAKENING: AN HISTORICAL ANALYSIS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"ADOLESCENT ACHIEVEMENT BEHAVIOR, FAMILY AUTHORITY STRUCTURE, AND PARENTAL SOCIALIZATION PRACTICES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"STRATIFIED OPPORTUNITIES: THE ESSENCE OF THE 'VICIOUS CIRCLE'",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"MINORITY-GROUP STATUS AND FERTILITY: AN EXTENSION OF GOLDSCHEIDER AND UHLENBERG",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"ALIENATION CORRELATES OF CATHOLIC FERTILITY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"PROPHETIC FAILURE AND CHILIASTIC IDENTITY: THE CASE OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"LAW, POLICY, AND BEHAVIOR: EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE POLICY AND STUDENT MIGRATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"HIGH SCHOOL EFFECTS ON COLLEGE INTENTIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"ENCOUNTERING THE MALE ESTABLISHMENT: SEX-STATUS LIMITS ON WOMEN'S CAREERS IN THE PROFESSIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"PROFESSIONAL STANDING AND THE RECEPTION OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"STAYERS AND MOVERS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"WESTERN EUROPEAN MOBILITY",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"CLASS AND FAMILY IN A MODERNIZING SOCIETY",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"PROBLEMS IN ANALYZING ELEMENTS OF MASS CULTURE: NOTES ON THE POPULAR SONG AND OTHER ARTISTIC PRODUCTIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"IN DEFENSE OF POPULAR TASTE: FILM RATINGS AMONG PROFESSIONALS AND LAY AUDIENCES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"MEASURING MODERNISM: THEORETICAL AND EMPIRICAL EXPLORATIONS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"THE IMPACT OF CITY ON RACIAL ATTITUDES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"ETHNIC-GROUP COHESION",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"DEFENSIVE STRUCTURING AND ENVIRONEMNTAL STRESS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"HOMANS ON EXCHANGE: HEDONISM REVIVED",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"'PARK AND BURGESS': AN APPRECIATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"SLEEP DEPRIVATION: A CAUSE OF PSYCHOTIC DISORGANIZATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"FAMILY LOCALISM AND SOCIAL PARTICIPATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"MOTIVATION AND ASPIRATIONS OF SOUTHERN NEGRO COLLEGE YOUTH",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"SELECTION AND CONTEXT AS FACTORS AFFECTING THE PROBABILITY OF GRADUATION FROM COLLEGE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"LAMENT FOR THE LETTERMAN: EFFECTS OF PEER STATUS AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES ON GOALS AND ACHIEVEMENT",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"OCCUPATIONAL ATTAINMENT AMONG MALE COLLEGE GRADUATES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"DEVELOPMENT DECISION MAKING: A COMPARATIVE STUDY IN LATIN AMERICA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"STATUS DISCREPANCY AND PREJUDICE RECONSIDERED",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"SELECTION AND CONTEXT AS FACTORS AFFECTING THE PROBABILITY OF GRADUATION FROM COLLEGE",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"FOREIGN AFFAIRS AND PARTY CHOICE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"COMMENTS ON WANDERER'S ARTICLE ON RIOT SEVERITY AND ITS CORRELATES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"LAMENT FOR THE LETTERMAN: EFFECTS OF PEER STATUS AND EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES ON GOALS AND ACHIEVEMENT",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"A COMPARISON OF BOOK REVIEWING BY THE AJS AND THE ASR",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"RELIGIOUS INTERMARRIAGE IN A DENOMINATIONAL SOCIETY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"THE ACADEMIC MARKETPLACE REVISITED: A STUDY OF FACULTY MOBILITY USING THE CARTIER RATINGS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"COMMENTS ON HAUSER'S 'CONTEXT AND CONSEX'",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"ORGANIZATIONAL INEQUALITY: THE CASE OF THE PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"SOME DEBATE ABOUT ROBERT COOK'S REVIEW OF ETZIONI'S 'THE ACTIVE SOCIETY'",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"A STATISTICAL EXPOSITION OF THE 'BEFORE-AFTER' AND 'AFTER-ONLY' DESIGNS AND THEIR COMBINATIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"A MARKOVIAN APPROACH TO MEASURES OF ASSOCIATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"DUNCAN'S CORRECTIONS OF PUBLISHED TEXT OF 'PEER INFLUENCES ON ASPIRATIONS: A REINTERPRETATION'",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"ON THE ESTIMATION OF RELATIONSHIPS INVOLVING QUALITATIVE VARIABLES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"A METHOD FOR DETECTING STRUCTURE IN SOCIOMETRIC DATA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"THE COMPUTERIZED CONSTRUCTION OF A MATCHED SAMPLE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"PREMARITAL PREGNANCY AND STATUS BEFORE AND AFTER MARRIAGE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"THE MEANING AND END OF RELIGIOSITY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"RELIGIOUS PARTICIPATION AND THE URBAN-SUBURBAN CONTINUUM",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"CONTEXT AND CONSEX: A CAUTIONARY TALE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"SCHOOL INTEGRATION AND OCCUPATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT OF NEGROES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"INCOME AND STRATIFICATION IDEOLOGY: BELIEFS ABOUT THE AMERICAN OPPORTUNITY STRUCTURE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"SOCIAL STRATIFICATION IN CONTEMPORARY CZECHOSLOVAKIA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"SIMON OUT OF HOMANS BY COLEMAN",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"CONTEXT AND CONSEX: A CAUTIONARY TALE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"MOTIVATION AND ASPIRATIONS OF SOUTHERN NEGRO COLLEGE YOUTH",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"THE CHANGING DISTRIBUTION OF NEGROES WITHIN METROPOLITAN AREAS: THE EMERGENCE OF BLACK SUBURBS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"INCOME AND STRATIFICATION IDEOLOGY: BELIEFS ABOUT THE AMERICAN OPPORTUNITY STRUCTURE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"RELIGIOUS AND CLASS BASES OF POLITICAL CONFLICTS IN ITALY",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1970,"PATH ANALYSIS AND ORDINAL DATA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"THE RELIGIOUS CRUSADE: REVIVAL OR RITUAL?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"ON TRANSCENDING THE ABSURD: AN INQUIRY IN THE SOCIOLOGY OF MEANING",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"RESOLVING THE CONDORCET PARADOX",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"OCCUPATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT IN AUSTRALIA AND THE UNITED STATES: A COMPARATIVE PATH ANALYSIS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"OBSERVATIONS ON THE STUDY OF CRIME CAUSATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"DECISIONS BY JUVENILE OFFICERS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"RACE AND ETHNICITY RELATIVE TO OTHER FACTORS IN JUVENILE COURT DISPOSITIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"A RESEARCH NOTE: A SOCIAL STRUCTURAL MODEL FOR THE SOCIOECONOMIC CAREER",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"MARITAL STATUS AND POLITICAL ALIENATION AMONG BLACK VETERANS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"REVIEW SYMPOSIUM: THE COMING CRISIS OF WESTERN SOCIOLOGY BY ALVIN W. GOULDNER, MAURICE ZEITLIN, AND ALAIN TOURAINE",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"SCHOOL ETHNIC COMPOSITION, SOCIAL CONTEXTS, AND EDUCATIONAL PLANS OF MEXICAN-AMERICAN AND ANGLO HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"A COMMENT: THE FUTURE OF SOCIAL MOBILITY STUDIES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"MOBILITY AND WORK SATISFACTION: A DISCUSSION OF THE USE AND INTERPRETATION OF MOBILITY MODELS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL CONSEQUENCES OF INTERGENERATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"ANOMIE IN THE GHETTO, A STUDY OF NEIGHBORHOOD TYPE, RACE AND ANOMIE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"JEWISH STUDENT ATTITUDES TOWARD INTERRELIGIOUS AND INTRA-JEWISH MARIAGE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"ANOTHER LOOK AT THE BURGESS HYPOTHESIS: TIME AS AN IMPORTANT VARIABLE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"RETESTING THE BURGESS ZONAL HYPOTHESIS: THE LOCATION OF WHITE-COLLAR WORKERS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"INTELLECTUAL BELIEVERS: A STUDY OF EIGHTEENTH-CENTURY SCOTLAND",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"BLACK AND WHITE IN THE CONSUMER FINANCIAL SYSTEM",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"SOME LIKE IT HOT: SOCIAL PARTICIPATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL USE AS FUNCTIONS OF THE SEASON",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"COMMENTS ON BOYLE'S 'PATH ANALYSIS AND ORDINAL DATA'",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"SKIN COLOR, STATUS,AND MATE SELECTION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"CLASS AND MARRIAGE IN AFRICA AND EURASIA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"AN EMPIRICAL STUDY OF MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL LINKAGES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"SYSTEM SIZE AND STRUCTURAL DIFFERENTIATION IN MILITARY ORGANIZATIONS: TESTING A BASELINE MODEL OF THE DIVISION OF LABOR",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"LIFE-TIME COMMITMENT IN JAPAN: ROLES, NORMS, AND VALUES",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"ABILITY TO ALTER SKIN COLOR: SOME IMPLICATIONS FOR AMERICAN SOCIETY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"A RESEARCH NOTE ON URBANISM AND TOLERANCE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"INTERGROUP ATTITUDES AND SOCIAL ASCENT AMONG NEGRO BOYS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"IN MEMORIAM: WILLIAM LLOYD WARNER, 1898-1970",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"PREDICTIVE MEASURES OF ORDINAL ASSOCIATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"THE MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS OF ORDINAL MEASURES",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"INDIVIDUAL RESOURCES, SOCIETAL REACTION, AND HOSPITAL COMMITMENT",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"VILLAGERS IN CAIRO: HYPOTHESES VERSUS DATA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"REPLY TO GUEST AND ZUICHES: 'ANOTHER LOOK AT RESIDENTIAL TURNOVER IN URBAN NEIGHBORHOODS'",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"THE ECOLOGY OF CHICAGO: PERSISTENCE AND CHANGE, 1930-1960",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"ANOTHER LOOK AT RESIDENTIAL TURNOVER IN URBAN NEIGHBORHOODS: A NOTE ON 'RACIAL CHANGE IN A STABLE COMMUNITY' BY HARVEY MOLOTCH",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"THE SOCIAL CLASS BASIS OF ETHNIC RESIDENTIAL SEGREGATION: THE CANADIAN CASE",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"CAREER ATTAINMENT IN CANADIAN BUREAUCRACIES: UNSCRAMBLING THE EFFECTS OF AGE, SENIORITY, EDUCATION, AND ETHNOLINGUISTIC FACTORS ON SALARY",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"REPLY TO WASHINGTON BY MCCARTHY AND YANCEY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"RESIDENTIAL MOBILITY OF BLACKS AND WHITES: A NATIONAL LONGITUDINAL SURVEY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"REPLY TO WASHINGTON BY HENSCHEL",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"COMMENTS ON THE JANUARY (1971) ISSUE, 'AMERICAN SOCIOLOGY AND BLACK AMERICANS'",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"AN ALTERNATIVE MODEL FOR RESEARCH ON CATHOLIC EDUCATION",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"ON THE INTERPRETATION OF CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"STATUS INCONSISTENCY AND ETHNO-RELIGIOUS GROUP MEMBERSHIP IN DETERMINANTS OF SOCIAL PARTICIPATION AND POLITICAL ATTITUDES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"FAMILY STATUS, SOCIALIZATION, AND STUDENTS POLITICS: A MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"ON LIEBERSON'S STUDY OF MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL LINKAGES: A FAN LETTER WITH IMPLICATIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"RACE, MATERNAL AUTHORITY, AND ADOLESCENT ASPIRATIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"ETHNIC RELATIONS IN ISRAEL",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"FORMAL EDUCATION AND INDIVIDUAL MODERNITY IN AN AFRICAN SOCIETY",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"CLASS, CULTURE, AND 'SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND ANOMIE'",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"BLACK INVISIBILITY, THE PRESS, AND THE LOS ANGELES RIOT",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"UNCLE TOM AND MR. CHARLIE: METAPHYSICAL PATHOS IN THE STUDY OF RACISM AND PERSONAL DISORGANIZATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1971,"AMERICAN SOCIOLOGY AND BLACK ASSIMILATION: CONFLICTING PERSPECTIVES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"My Four Revolutions: An Autobiographical History of the ASA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Some Effects of ""Social Desirability"" in Survey Studies",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Examining the Weinberg and Walker Typology of Student Activists",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Variations in Occupational Prestige Hierarchies: Brazilian Data",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Societal Complexity and Familial Complexity: Evidence for the Curvilinear Hypothesis",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Some Contingencies of the Moral Evaluation and Control of Clientele: The Case of the Hospital Emergency Service",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Psychiatry and Suicide: The Management of a Mistake",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Sleep Deprivation, Drug Use, and Psychiatric Disorders",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Comment on Holland and Leinhardt",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Presentation of Self in Appeals to Bureaucracy: An Empirical Study of Role Specificity",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"The Sociology of Odors",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Comments on Peres's ""Ethnic Relations in Israel""",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Comments on Rushing's ""Class, Culture and 'Social Structure and Anomie'""",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"The Impact of Suburban Population Growth on Central City Service Functions",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Undergraduate Aspirations: A Test of Several Theories",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Epilogue: To be a Phoenix--Reflections on Two Noisy Ages of Prose",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"On Gouldner's Crisis of Western Sociology",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Radical Politics and Sociological Research: Observations on Methodology and Ideology",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Self-Evaluations of Blacks and Whites",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Ethnic and Environmental Influences on Mental Abilities",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Social Antecedents of Adult Psychological Functioning",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Social Position and Self-Evaluation: The Relative Importance of Race",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"The Impact of Military Service on Authoritarian Attitudes: Evidence from West Germany",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Contrasting Institutions of Air Force Socialization: Happenstance or Bellwether?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Political Judgments and the Perception of Social Relationships: An Analysis of Some Applied Social Research in Late 19th-Century Germany",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"A Note on the Rapid Rise of Mass Bengali Nationalism in East Pakistan",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Aspirations of Low-Income Blacks and Whites: A Case of Reference Group Processes",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Insiders and Outsiders: A Chapter in the Sociology of Knowledge",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Marxist Thought in the First Quarter of the 20th Century",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Extensions of the Mover-Stayer Model",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Erratum to the Werts-Linn Comments on Boyle's ""Path Analysis and Ordinal Data""",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Crime and the Division of Labor: Testing a Durkheimian Model",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Alienation and Action: A Study of Peace Group Members",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Structural Change and the Durkheimian Legacy: A Macrosocial Analysis of Suicide Rates",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Accepting ""Significant Others:"" Six Models",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Toward the Sociology of Esoteric Culture",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Two Sourees of Antiwar Sentiment in America",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Commentary on Racially Changing Neighborhoods",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Why Neighborhoods Change: A Reply to Whom it May Concern",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Remarks on Rushing's Paper on Hospital Commitment",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Parents, Peers, and Delinquent Action: A Test of the Differential Association Perspective",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"A General Model for the Analysis of Surveys",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"An Exchange between Durkheim and Tonnies on the Nature of Social Relations, with an Introduction by Joan Aldous",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Social Structure and Individual Political Participation in Five Countries",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Sex-Role Socialization in Picture Books for Preschool Children",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Professionalization of Sociology",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"The Politics of American Sociologists",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"The Positive Functions of Poverty",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Reciprocity in Racial Stereotypes: White, Black and Yellow",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"Authoritarianism as World View",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"OBJECTIVITY AS STRATEGIC RITUAL: AN EXAMINATION OF NEWSMEN'S NOTIONS OF OBJECTIVITY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"THE 'WETBACK' AS DEVIANT: AN APPLICATION OF LABELING THEORY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"SYSTEM SIZE AND STRUCTURAL DIFFERENTIATION IN MILITARY ORGANIZATIONS: TESTING A HARMONIC SERIES MODEL OF THE DIVISION OF LABOR",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"PROCESSING FADS AND FASHIONS: AN ORGANIZATION-SET ANALYSIS OF CULTURAL INDUSTRY SYSTEMS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"MOTIVES AND AGGRESSIVE ACTS IN POPULAR FICTION: SEX AND CLASS DIFFERENCES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"THE FAMINE IN AMERICAN MASS-COMMUNICATIONS RESEARCH: COMMENTS ON HIRSCH, TUCHMAN, AND GECAS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"FAMILY COMPOSITION AS A VARIABLE IN RESIDENTIAL SUCCESSION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"THE UNIFORM: A SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1972,"POPULATION DENSITY AND GROUP SIZE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Causal Analysis of Data from Panel Studies and Other Kinds of Surveys",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Linear Models of Consistency: Some Extensions of Blalock's Strategy",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"A Content Analysis of Book Reviews in the AJS, ASR, and Social Forces",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Maid of all Work or Departmental Sister-in-Law? The Faculty Wife Employed on Campus",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Adult Sex Roles and Mental Illness",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"The Changing Role of Women in the Armed Forces",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Positive Effects of the Multiple Negative: Explaining the Success of Black Professional Women",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Some Social Characteristics of Mathematicians and Their Work",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"The ""Religious Factor"" and Academic Careers: Another Communication",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Charisma, Recognition, and the Motivation of Scientists",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Income Differences Between Men and Career Women",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Spatial Patterning of Urban Population Characteristics",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Women, Work, and Wedlock: A Note of Female Marital Patterns in the United States",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Swinging: A Study of Decision Making in Marriage",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Orifice: Women in Gynecology Textbooks",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Employment Opportunities for Blacks in the Black Ghetto: The Role of White-Owned Businesses",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Interracial Public Housing in a Border City: Another Look at the Contact Hypothesis",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Intergenerational Occupational Mobility and the Political Party Preferences of American Men",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Identification and Estimation in Path Analysis with Unmeasured Variables",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Theoretical Innovation in Science: The Case of William F. Ogburn",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Howard W. Odum: The Implications of Folk, Planning, and Regionalism",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Gouldner and ""The Politics of American Sociologists""",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"The Factorial Structure of Modernity: Empirical Replications and a Critique",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Coalition Game Research: A Reexamination",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Recovering Individual Data in the Presence of Group and Individual Effects",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Reporting the News: An Organizational Analysis",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Functionalism and the Functional Theory of Stratification: An Empirical Assessment",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Women and Social Stratification: A Case of Intellectual Sexism",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Impediment or Stimulant? Marital Status and Graduate Education",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"The Origins of the Women's Liberation Movement",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"A Review of Sex Role Research",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Introducing Students to Women's Place in Society",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Social Relations of Black and White Widowed Women in a Northern Metropolis",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Demographic Influence of Female Employment and the Status of Women",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Men, Women, and Work: Reflections on the Two-Person Career",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"The Integration of Fieldwork and Survey Methods",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"The Life Histories of W. I. Thomas and Robert E. Park",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"On the Quality of Discourse among Some Sociologists",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Comment on ""The Impact of Military Service on Authoritarian Attitudes""",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Making News by Doing Work: Routinizing the Unexpected",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"The Persistence of Regionalism in the British Isles, 1885-1966",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"An Examination of Recent Hypotheses about Institutional Inbreeding",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Comments on the Analysis of Role Conflict in the Married Student",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Power Distribution, Integration, and Conformity in Small Groups",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Comments on Szymanski's Paper ""Military Spending and Economic Stagnation""",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Measures of Organizational Structure: A Methodological Note",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Neglected Characteristics of Collective Behavior",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Staged Authenticity: Arrangements of Social Space in Tourist Settings",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Mayoral Influence in Urban Policy Making",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Generational Differences among Blacks in the North",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"The Preindustrial Family in America: A Further Examination of Early Magazines",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"What Is and What Ought to Be: A Comparison of Certain Characteristics of the Ideological and Legal Styles of Thought",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"The Effect of Schooling on Social Contracts of Urban Women",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"The Strength of Weak Ties",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Early Career Determinants of Research Productivity",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Legal Evolution: One Further Step",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Conjugal Power and Decision Making: A Methodological Note on Cross-Cultural Study of the Family",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"On Changing Matchmaking, Marriage, and Fertility in Israel: Some Findings, Problems, and Hypotheses",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Military Spending and Economic Stagnation",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"A Comment on Wamsley's ""Air Force Socialization""",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"On the Validity of Measures of Association: The Nominal-Nominal, Two-by-Two Case",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"On ""The Multivariate Analysis of Ordinal Measures""",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Some Comments on Gans' ""Positive Functions of Poverty"" and on ""The Famine in American Mass Communications Research""",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1973,"Comment on Gans's ""The Positive Functions of Poverty""",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Instrumental and Infra-Resources: The Bases of Power",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Transvestites in the Middle Ages",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Social Selection and Stratification within Schools",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Causal Models, Unobserved Variables, and Experimental Data",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Theory Construction from Available Materials: A System for Organizing and Presenting Propositions",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"On ""Accepting Significant Others""",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"On ""Military Spending and Economic Stagnation""",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"""New Princes"" for Old? The Large Corporation and the Capitalist Class in Chile",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Success Values: Are They Universal or Class-Differentiated?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Violence in Prisons: A Sociological Analysis",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Sex Differences in Mental Illness: An Analysis of Response Bias in Self-Reports",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Analysis of Ratio Variables: Opportunities and Pitfalls",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"A Structural Model of Sentiment Relations",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Durkheim's Theory of Anomie",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Measuring the Significance of Others: A Methodological Note",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Kinship and Polity in Stateless Societies",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Ethnic Stratification and Political Cleavage in the United States, 1952-68",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"The Moral Integration of American Cities. II",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Religious Orthodoxy and Minority Prejudice: Causal Relationship or Reflection of Localistic World View?",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Parachuting",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Thoughts on a Neglected Category of Social Movement Participant: The Agent Provocateur and the Informant",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Who Will Gain and Who Will Lose Influence under Different Electoral Rules",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"On the Definition of Status Inconsistency",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Father-to-Son Occupational Mobility in France: Evidence from the 1960's",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Marriage and Fertility in Postfamine Ireland: A Multivariate Analysis",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Minority Group Status and Fertility Revisited",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Family Structure and Socialization Patterns in Taiwan",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"A Model for Occupational Careers",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"A Test of Lindesmith's Theory of Addiction: The Frequency of Euphoria Among Long-Term Addicts",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Partisan Stability and the Continuity of a Segmented Society: The Austrian Case",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"The Coup d'Etat in Theory and Practice: Independent Black Africa in the 1960s",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Waiting, Exchange, and Power: The Distribution of Time in Social Systems",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Physician Distribution across Metropolitan Areas",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"The Villiage Influence on Punjabi Farm Modernization",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Community Change: A Stochastic Analysis of Chicago's Local Communities, 1930-60",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Racial Segregation in the Public Schools",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Ethnicity, Americanization, and Religious Attendance",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Comments on Jensen's ""Parents, Peers, and Delinquent Action""",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"The Analysis of Systems of Qualitative Variables When Some of the Variables Are Unobservable. Part I - A Modified Latent Structure Approach",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"The Political Economy of Ethnic Change",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"The Problem of Societal Transition",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Elective Affinities between Religious Beliefs and Ideologies of Management in Two Eras",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Social Position and Self-Evaluation: A Reanalysis of the Yancey, Rigsby, and McCarthy Data",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Race, Sex, and Violence: A Laboratory Test of the Sexual Threat of the Black Male Hypothesis",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"On Bolton's ""Alienation and Action: A Study of Peace-Group Members""",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Corporate Ownership and Control: The Large Corporation and Capitalist Class",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1974,"Patterns of Intergenerational Occupational Movements: A Smallest-Space Analysis",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"AFRIKANER CALVINISM AND ECONOMIC ACTION: THE WEBERIAN THESIS IN SOUTH AFRICA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"HOUSEHOLD STRUCTURE ON AN AMERICAN FRONTIER: LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, IN 1850",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"COMMENTARY AND DEBATE: ""MARRIAGE AND FERTILITY IN POSTFAMINE IRELAND"": A COMMENT ON MCKENNA'S INTERPRETATIONS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"A THREE-GENERATIONAL APPROACH TO TRENDS IN OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS OF ORDINAL VARIABLES",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"THE WISCONSIN MODEL OF SOCIOECONOMIC ACHIEVEMENT: A REPLICATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"MODERNIZATION AND MOBILITY INTO THE PATRIMONIAL MEDICAL ELITE IN THAILAND",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"THE PROCESS OF STATUS ATTAINMENT IN THE UNITED STATES AND GREAT BRITAIN",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"A THEORY OF DEFERENCE EXCHANGE IN POLICE-CIVILIAN ENCOUNTERS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"COMMUNISM, CONFORMITY, COHORTS, AND CATEGORIES: AMERICAN TOLERANCE IN 1954 AND 1972-73",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"LEADERSHIP AND ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"ABOLITION, THE EXTENSION OF SLAVERY, AND THE POSITION OF FREE BLACKS: A STUDY OF SPLIT LABOR MARKETS IN THE UNITED STATES, 1830-1863",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"COMMENTARY AND DEBATE: COMMENT ON SCHULMAN'S ARTICLE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"BLACK RELIGION'S PROMETHEAN MOTIF: ORTHODOXY AND MILITANCY",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"THE EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT PROCESS: RESULTS FROM A NATIONAL SAMPLE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"RACE AND SEX VARIATIONS IN THE CAUSES OF THE EXPECTED ATTAINMENTS OF HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"THE COURSE OF MOTHER-TONGUE DIVERSITY IN NATIONS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"ACCIDENTAL NEWS: THE GREAT OIL SPILL AS LOCAL OCCURRENCE AND NATIONAL EVENT",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"Commentary and Debate Errors of Omission and Commission in ""On the Validity of Measures of Association: The Nominal-Nominal, Two-By-Two Case""",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"Norms, Deviance, and Social Control: A Mathematical Elaboration of Concepts",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"The Dynamics of Role Acquisition",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"Monotheism, Materialism, and Collective Purpose: An Analysis of Underhill's Correlations",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"Economic and Political Antecedents of Monotheism: A Cross-Cultural Study",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"Saint-Simon and Saint-Simonism: A Weberian View",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"Protest or Work: Dilemmas of the Tourist Industry in American Chinatowns",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"Essences as Moral Identities: Verifiability and Responsibility in Imputations of Deviance and Charisma",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"Ethnicity and Participation: A Study of Mexican-Americans, Blacks, and Whites",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"Commentary and Debate: Race Relations, Social Science, and Social Policy: A Comment on Two Articles",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"Patterns of Educational Attainment in Great Britain",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"Three Flaws in Clemente's ""Early Career Determinants of Research Productivity""",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"The Fertility-Inhibiting Effect of Crowded Apartment Living in a Tight Housing Market",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"Migration and Income Differences between Black and White Men in the North",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"Socialization for Impending Death in a Retirement Village",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"U.S. Women's Sex-Role Ideology, 1970",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"Comment on Aldous and Cox",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"The Social Construction of Anomie: A Four-Nation Study of Industrial Workers",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"Alienation Predictors of Differential Fertility: A Longitudinal Study",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"Commentary and Debate on Roland K. Hawkes's ""Spatial Patterning of Urban Population Characteristics""",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1975,"The Partial Effect of Income on Suicide is Always Negative",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"Communities, Associations, and the Supply of Collective Goods",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"Ethnicity and Participation: A Commentary",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"An Assessment of Garnier and Hazelrigg's Paper on Intergenerational Mobility in France",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"Industrialization and the Stratification of Cities in Suburban Regions",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"The City as a Growth Machine: Toward a Political Economy of Place",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"Economy, Polity, and Monotheism: Reply to Swanson",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"Race, Achievement, and Delinquency: A Further Look at Delinquency in a Birth Cohort",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"Some Comments on Ritter and Hargen's ""Test of the Asymmetry Hypothesis""",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"History and Social Change",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"Structural Change in Social Processes",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"Changes in the Socioeconomic Stratification of the Races, 1962-73",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"Crime Rates of American Cities in an Ecological Context",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"Productivity, Favor, and Grants among Scholars",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"Economic Strains and the Coping Functions of Alcohol",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"The Practice and Explanation of Coups d'Etat: Measurement or Artifact?",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"SEX DIFFERENCES AND PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"COMMENT ON CLANCY AND GOVE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"COMMENT ON MCKENNA'S ""MARRIAGE AND FERTILITY IN POSTFAMINE IRELAND""",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"JUSTICE AS FAIRNESS: COLEMAN'S REVIEW ESSAY ON RAWLS",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"OCCUPATIONAL STRUCTURE AND ALIENATION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"SUBJECTIVE SOCIAL DISTANCE, OCCUPATIONAL STRATIFICATION, AND FORMS OF STATUS AND CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS: A CROSS-NATIONAL REPLICATION AND EXTENSION",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"ON THE SOCIOLOGY OF NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT: THEORIES AND ISSUES",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"DEFENSE SPENDING AND DEFENSE VOTING IN THE HOUSE: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY OF AN ASPECT OF THE MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX THESIS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"COMMENT ON ""PARACHUTING"" BY GIDEON ARAN",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"INDUSTRIAL VIOLENCE IN ITALY, 1878-1903",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"THE COST OF BEING BLACK: A 1970 UPDATE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"SERFDOM'S LEGACY: AN ETHNIC CONTINUUM",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"HERBERT SPENCER'S FOUR THEORIES OF SOCIAL EVOLUTION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"ON DURKHEIM, ANOMIE, AND THE MODERN CRISIS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"COMMENT ON HAWKES'S ""NORMS, DEVIANCE, AND SOCIAL CONTROL""",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"SOCIAL STRUCTURE FROM MULTIPLE NETWORKS. II. ROLE STRUCTURES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"THE REPRESENTATION OF SOCIAL PROCESSES BY MARKOV MODELS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"SIZE AND THE DENSITY OF INTERACTION IN HUMAN AGGREGATES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"COMMENTARY AND DEBATE: REPLY TO ALLAN'S COMMENT",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"CONTINUITIES IN THE STUDY OF ECOLOGICAL SUCCESSION: CHANGES IN THE RACE COMPOSITION OF NEIGHBORHOODS AND THEIR BUSINESSES",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"COMMENTARY AND DEBATE: COMMENT ON ""THE VILLAGE INFLUENCE ON PUNJABI FARM MODERNIZATION""",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"THE FUNCTIONS AND REPRODUCTION OF MIGRANT LABOR: COMPARATIVE MATERIAL FROM SOUTHERN AFRICA AND THE UNITED STATES",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"THE REAL SELF: FROM INSTITUTION TO IMPULSE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"FASHIONS IN SHAVING AND TRIMMING OF THE BEARD: THE MEN OF THE ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, 1842-1972",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"ON THE EMERGENCE OF OLIGARCHY IN HUMAN INTERACTION",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"ON THE CONCEPT OF FACE",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"SIMMEL'S INFLUENCE ON AMERICAN SOCIOLOGY. I",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"SIMMEL'S INFLUENCE ON AMERICAN SOCIOLOGY. II",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"CLASSICAL SOCIAL THEORY AND THE ORIGINS OF MODERN SOCIOLOGY",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"COMMENTARY AND DEBATE: ON HECHTER'S INTERPRETATION OF WEBER",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"COMMENTARY AND DEBATE: A CRITICAL COMMENT ON SUCCESS-VALUE RESEARCH",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1976,"SOCIAL STRUCTURE FROM MULTIPLE NETWORKS. I. BLOCKMODELS OF ROLES AND POSITIONS",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"Talcott Parsons, the Problem of Order in Society, and the Program of an Analytical Sociology",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"Comment on ""The Course of Mother-Tongue Diversity in Nations""",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"Community-Elite Influence Structures: Extension of a Network Approach",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"Prestige among Peasants: A Multidimensional Analysis of Preference Data",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"Careers, Labor Market Structure, and Socioeconomic Achievement",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"On Linking Cultural and Structural Models of Ethnicity: A Synthesis of Schooler and Yancey, Ericksen and Juliani",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"Comment on ""Network Sampling: Some First Steps"" by Mark Granovetter",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"Sex Differences in Mental Illness: A Comment on Dohrenwend and Dohrenwend",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"Income and Marital Events: Evidence from an Income-Maintenance Experiment",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"The Religion of Blacks in the United States: Some Recent Trends and Current Characteristics",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"The Effects of Education as an Institution",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"The Campus as a Frog Pond: A Theoretical and Empirical Reassessment",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"Urban Voluntary Associations, Locality Based and Externally Induced",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"Comment on Mayhew and Levinger's ""Size and the Density of Interaction in Human Aggregates""",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"Affluence, Class Structure, and Working-Class Consciousness in Modern Spain",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"Racial Stratification and Socioeconomic Change in the American North and South",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"Response Errors of Black and Nonblack Males in Models of the Intergenerational Transmission of Socioeconomic Status",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"Mayhew and Levinger's Use of Random Models",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"Resource Mobilization and Social Movements: A Partial Theory",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"The Process of Bureaucratization",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"Institutionalized Organizations: Formal Structure as Myth and Ceremony",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"Wage-Attainment Processes: The Retail Clerk Case",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"Comment on Ralph Turner's ""The Real Self: From Institution to Impulse""",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"Identity Loss, Family, and Social Change",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"The Importance of Being Beautiful: A Reexamination and Racial Comparison",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"Structural Differentiation, Efficiency, and Power",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"Comment on Levy's Review of The Logic of Social Systems",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"Revolution and the Rebirth of Inequality: A Theory of Stratification in Postrevolutionary Society",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"A Macrosociological Theory of Social Structure",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"Societal Complexity or Production Techniques: Another Look at Udy's Data on the Structure of Work Organizations",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"Some Real and Imaginary Consequences of Social Mobility: A French-American Comparison",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"On Lin and Yauger's Cross-National Comparison of the Process of Occupational Status Achievement",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"Trends in Residential Segregation: 1960-1970",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"The Occupational Composition of American Classes: Results from Cluster Analysis",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"Some Effects of Proportions on Group Life: Skewed Sex Ratios and Responses to Token Women",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"Social Structure, Homogenization, and ""The Process of Status Attainment in the United States and Great Britain""",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"The Population Ecology of Organizations",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1977,"Inequality and the Relative Size of Minority Populations: A Comparative Analysis",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Homophily, Selection, and Socialization in Adolescent Friendships",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Group Formation and the Cultural Division of Labor",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Schooling and Socioeconomic Attainments: High School and College Influences",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Is It True What They Say about Daddy?",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Artwork: Collection and Contemporary Culture",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Justice and Revolutionary Coalitions: A Test of Two Theories",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Max Weber's Elective Affinities: Sociology within the Bounds of Pure Reason",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Nonparametric Path Analysis: Comments on Kim's ""Multivariate Analysis of Ordinal Variables""",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Token Women: An Empirical Test of Kanter's Hypothesis",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Changing Public Policy: The Impact of Public Opinion, Antiwar Demonstrations, and War Costs on Senate Voting on Vietnam War Motions",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"The Role and the Person",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Social Class and Self-Esteem among Children and Adults",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"The Reciprocal Effects of the Substantive Complexity of Work and Intellectual Flexibility: A Longitudinal Assessment",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Comment on Jones's ""On Understanding a Sociological Classic""",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Models of Relevance: The Social Effects of Sociology",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Toward an Improved Explanation of Income Attainment: Recalibrating Education and Occupation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"The Location of Change in the Sexual Structure of Occupations, 1950-1970: Insights from Labor Market Segmentation Theory",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Ascription versus Achievement in the Attribution of Family Social Status",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Who Should Get What? Fairness Judgments of the Distribution of Earnings",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Desegregation Rulings and Public Attitude Changes: White Resistance or Resignation?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Remarriage as an Incomplete Institution",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Income and Independence Effects on Marital Dissolution: Results from the Seattle and Denver Income-Maintenance Experiments",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"The Application of Log-Linear Techniques to Recursive Models: Comment on Reynolds",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Cross-national Evidence of the Effects of Foreign Investment and Aid on Economic Growth and Inequality: A Survey of Findings and a Reanalysis",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Human Values and the Market: The Case of Life Insurance and Death in 19th-Century America",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"A Brief Guide to the Causal Analysis of Data from Surveys",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Substantive Theory and Statistical Interaction: Five Models",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Race, Class, and Income Inequality",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Threshold Models of Collective Behavior",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"University Social Structure and Social Networks among Scientists",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Comment on Gusfield's Review Essay on Becoming Modern",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Untangling Structural and Normative Aspects of the Minority Status-Fertility Hypothesis",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"The Structural Sources of Adventurism: The Case of the California Gold Rush",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Toward a Redefinition of Action Theory: Paying the Cognitive Element Its Due",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"On the Justice of Earnings: A New Specification of the Justice Evaluation Function",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Travels through Inner Space: Family Structure and Openness to Absorbing Experiences",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Arts and Crafts",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"A Reconsideration of the Income Differences Found between Migrants and Northern-born Blacks",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Social Movements in Organizations: Coup d'Etat, Insurgency, and Mass Movements",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Possible Effects of Using Alcohol to Control Distress: A Reanalysis of Pearlin and Radabaugh's Data",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Review Essay: Rituals, Symbols, and Society--Explicating the Mechanisms of the Moral Order",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Black Ghetto Diversity and Anomie: A Sociopolitical View",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"The Sectoral Transformation of the Labor Force in Seven Industrialized Countries, 1920-1970",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"Transitions over the Life Course: Lessons from Age-Set Societies",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1978,"""Anticritical Last Word on The Spirit of Capitalism,"" by Max Weber",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"Review Essay: On Pierre Bourdieu",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"Emotion and Social Life: A Symbolic Interactionist Analysis",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"Experiments on the Provision of Public Goods. I. Resources, Interest, Group Size, and the Free-Rider Problem",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"Work Experience and Occupational Value Socialization: A Longitudinal Study",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"Minority-Group Status and the Fertility of Black Americans, 1970: A New Look",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"Black Ethnicity and the Persistence of Ethnogenesis",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"'Token Women': Comment on Spangler, Gordon, and Pipkin",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"Ethnic Boundaries in Modern States: Romano Lavo-Lil Revisited",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"The Changing American Soldier: Work-Related Attitudes of U.S. Army Personnel in WWII and the 1970s",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"The Interests of Bureaucrats: Implications of the Asian Experience for Recent Theories of Development",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"Mobility Effects in the Workplace",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"Children's Experience of Marital Disruption",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"Indicators of Sex Typing: Traditional and Egalitarian, Situational and Ideological Responses",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"The Utilitarians Revisited",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"The Idea of 'Advancement' in Theories of Social Evolution and Development",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"Emotion Work, Feeling Rules, and Social Structure",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"Public Education as Nation-Building in America: Enrollments and Bureaucratization in the American States, 1870-1930",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"Ethnic Inequality in Israeli Schools and Sports: An Expectation-States Approach",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"Review Essay: Feminism and Sociology -- Some Recent Perspectives",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"Socioeconomic Status and Mental Disorder: New Evidence and a Sociomedical Formulation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"Differences in the Canadian and American Class Vote: Fact or Pseudofact?",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"Review Essay: On Tourism and Modern Culture",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"Comment on Mollenkopf's Review",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"Suicide, Motor Vehicle Fatalities, and the Mass Media: Evidence toward a Theory of Suggestion",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"Comment on Lenski's ""History and Social Change""",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"Age and Scientific Performance",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"Capital Punishment, Gun Ownership, and Homicide",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"Multiplicative Models for the Analysis of Occupational Mobility Tables and Other Kinds of Cross-Classification Tables",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"How Destination Depends on Origin in the Occupational Mobility Table",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"Education and Political Party: The Effects of College or Social Class?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"Education and Occupational Mobility: A Comparison of Polish and American Men",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"Language, Structure, and Measurement: Structuralist Semiotics and Sociology",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"Normative Expectations and the Emergence of Meaning as Solutions to Problems: Convergence of Structural and Interactionist Views",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1979,"Dynamic Analysis of Event Histories",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Experiments on the Provision of Public Goods. II. Provision Points, Stakes, Experience, and the Free-Rider Problem",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"The Vagaries of the Vignette World: A Comment on Alves and Rossi",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Revolution and Inequality: Reply to Eckstein",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"More on the Myth of Rural Tranquility",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Multiple Victimization in American Cities: A Statistical Analysis of Rare Events",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"From Weber to Parsons and Schutz: The Eclipse of History in Modern Social Theory",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Max Weber's Types of Rationality: Cornerstones for the Analysis of Rationalization Processes in History",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Regional Modes of Production and Patterns of State Formation in Western Europe",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"The Structure of Economic Segmentation: A Dual Economy Approach",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"The Weakness of Organization: A New Look at Gamson's The Strategy of Social Protest",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Public Opinion and Public Ignorance: The Fine Line between Attitudes and Nonattitudes",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Social Consensus on Norms of Justice: Should the Punishment Fit the Crime?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Child Care as a Constraint on Employment: Prevalence, Correlates, and Bearing on the Work and Fertility Nexus",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"A Reevaluation of a Test of Kanter's Hypothesis",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Sociology, Physiology, and Emotions: Comment on Shott",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"The Strategy of Social Protest: A Comment on a Growth Industry",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Rewards and Punishments as Selective Incentives for Collective Action: Theoretical Investigations",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Rational Capitalism in Renaissance Italy",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"The Dual System",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Black In-Migration, White Flight, and the Changing Economic Base of the Central City",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Networks of Faith: Interpersonal Bonds and Recruitment to Cults and Sects",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"The 'Common Structure Semigroup,' a Replacement for the Boorman and White 'Joint Reduction'",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Physiological Aspects of Communication via Mutual Gaze",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Sex, Segments, and Stratification: Comment on Snyder, Hayward, and Hudis",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Determinants of Political Orientation: Class and Organization in the Parisian Insurrection of June 1848",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Metropolitan Morphology and Population Mobility: The Theory of Ecological Expansion Reexamined",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"The European Witch Craze of the 14th to 17th Centuries: A Sociologist's Perspective",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Property Crime Rates in the United States: A Macrodynamic Analysis, 1947-1977; with Ex Ante Forecasts for the Mid-1980s",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"The Deterrent Effect of Capital Punishment: New Evidence on an Old Controversy",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Considering Divorce: An Expansion of Becker's Theory of Marital Instability",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"A Formal Theory of Selection for Schizophrenia",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"The Analysis of Attitude Items",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"A Comment on Marwell and Ames: Utilizing Interdisciplinary Research for the Public Good",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Critical Theory: Is There Still Hope?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Minority Status, Ethnic Culture, and Distress: A Comparison of Blacks, Whites, Mexicans, and Mexican Americans",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Southern Birth and Racial Residential Segregation: The Case of Northern Cities",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Ethnic Endogamy among Mexican American Grooms: A Reanalysis of Generational and Occupational Effects",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"The Happy Worker: An Analysis of Educational and Occupational Differences in Determinants of Job Satisfaction",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Working Wives and the Family Life Cycle",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Immigrant Enclaves: An Analysis of the Labor Market Experiences of Cubans in Miami",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Prohibiting Employment Discrimination: Ideas and Politics in the Congressional Debate over Equal Employment Opportunity Legislation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Consensus and Dissensus in the Attribution of Status and Equity: Comment on Nock and Rossi and on Alves and Rossi",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Cognitive Maps of Class and Racial Inequalities in England and the United States",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Status Claims and Status Attainment: The Determinants of Financial Well-Being",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Sex, Schooling, and Occupational Status",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"A Note on the Measurement of Growth Rates in Cross-National Research",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Minority-Group Status and Fertility: A Study of Japanese and Chinese in Hawaii and California",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Comment on 'Untangling Structural and Normative Aspects of the Minority Status-Fertility Hypothesis' by Lopez and Sabagh",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Minority Status and Fertility Revisited-Again: A Comment on Johnson",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"Remarriage: The More Compleat Institution?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1980,"The Social Context of Women's Labor Force Participation: A Comparative Analysis",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Perspectives on the Legal Order: The Capacity for Social Control",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Suicidal Motor Vehicle Fatalities in Detroit: A Replication",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"The North-South Earnings Gap: Changes During the 1960s and 1970s",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Parental and Peer Influences on Adolescents' Educational Plans: Some Further Evidence",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Social Constructionist and Positivist Approaches to the Sociology of Emotions",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Rationality and Equity in Professional Networks: Gender and Race as Factors in the Stratification of Interorganizational Systems",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Unemployment over the Life Cycle: Racial Differences and the Effect of Changing Economic Conditions",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"How Many Working Classes?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Estimating the Effects of Marriage Timing on Educational Attainment: Some Procedural Issues and Substantive Clarifications",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Analyzing Recent Trends in Prejudice toward Blacks: Insights from Latent Class Models",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Hierarchy and Ecological Control in Federal Budgetary Decision Making",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Competing Models of Political Mobilization: The Role of Ethnic Ties",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"On Last Resorts",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Which Norms of Justice? A Commentary on Hamilton and Rytina",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Networks of Occultists: Comment on Stark and Bainbridge",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"An Assessment of Japanese American Assimilation, Pluralism, and Subordination",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Media Diffusion of Subcultural Elements: Comment on Fine and Kleinman",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"On the Neofunctionalist Theory of Inequality: A Comment on Cullen and Novick",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Living Alone, Social Integration, and Mental Health",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Criteria for Determining whether Certain Categories in a Cross-Classification Table Should Be Combined, with Special Reference to Occupational Categories in an Occupational Mobility Table",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Economic Segmentation, Worker Power, and Income Inequality",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"The Social Class Structure of Occupational Mobility",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"The Economics of Organization: The Transaction Cost Approach",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Where Do Markets Come From?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Toward a Theory of Mobility and Behavior in Organizations: An Inquiry into the Consequences of Some Relationships between Individual Performance and Organizational Success",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Comment on Samuel and Lewin-Epstein",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"On Camic's Antipresentist Methodology",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Latent Structure Models of Mobility",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Introducing Influence Processes into a System of Collective Decisions",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Max Weber and Robert Michels",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"On the Microfoundations of Macrosociology",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"The Focused Organization of Social Ties",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Marriage, Women, and Social Stratification: A Theoretical Critique",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Theoretical Consequences of the Status Characteristics Formulation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Learning, Social Learning, and Sociocultural Evolution: A Comment on Langton",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"A Behavioral Theory of Sociocultural Evolution: An Illusive Answer to the Wrong Question?",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"History and Career in a Bureaucratic Labor Market",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Circularity in the Dual Economy: Comment on Tolbert, Horan, and Beck",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Power and Privilege in the Large Corporation: Corporate Control and Managerial Compensation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"The Vesting of Interests and the Determinants of Political Power: Size, Network Structure, and Mobilization of American Industries, 1886-1905",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Structural Blockage: A Cross-National Study of Economic Dependency, State Efficacy, and Underdevelopment",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Racial Insurgency, the State, and Welfare Expansion: Local and National Level Evidence from the Postwar United States",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Community Power and Population Increase: An Empirical Test of Growth Machine Model",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Differentiation and Integration: Two Dimensions of Political Thinking",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Economic Effects of Revolution: A Reevaluation of Cuban Evidence",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Selection by Certification: A Neglected Variable in Stratification Research",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Status and Status Strain in the Professions",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"American Character and the American Novel: An Expansion of Reflection Theory in the Sociology of Literature",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Detecting Sentencing Disparity: Some Problems and Evidence",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"The Price and Value of Children: The Case of Children's Insurance",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1981,"Kinship, Marriage, and the Family: An Operational Approach",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"Hard Times in Women's Lives: Historical Influences across Forty Years",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"The Sexual Segregation of Occupations: Theories of Labor Stratification in Industry",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"Male Power and Female Victimization: Toward a Theory of Interracial Rape",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"Race, Class, and the Perception of Criminal Injustice in America",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"Do Denominations Matter?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"The Association between Husbands' and Wives' Occupations in Two-Earner Families",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"Disagreement over the Evaluation of a Controlled Experiment",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"Community Change and Patterns of Delinquency",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"Knowledge, Meaning, and Social Inequality in Kenneth Burke",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"Max Weber's Ancient Judaism",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"Using Association Models in Sociological Research: Some Examples",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"Temporal Changes and Urban Differences in Residential Segregation: A Reconsideration",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"The Arithmetic of Social Relations: The Interplay of Category and Network",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"Ethnic Enclaves: A Comparison of the Cuban and Black Economies in Miami",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"The Standardization of Time: A Sociohistorical Perspective",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"Deterrence and the Death Penalty: A Comment on Phillips",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"A Comment on ""The Deterrent Effect of Capital Punishment"" by Phillips",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"Why Do Peasants Rebel? Structural and Historical Theories of Modern Peasant Rebellions",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"Christian Intolerance of Homosexuality",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"On Durkheim's Explanation of Division of Labor",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"An Empirical Typology of American Metropolitan Juvenile Courts",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"Capital Cities in the American Urban System: The Impact of State Expansion",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"On ""The Analysis of Attitude Items"" by Piazza",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"Determinants of Extended Household Structure: Cultural Pattern or Economic Need?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"The Impact of Fictional Television Stories on U.S. Adult Fatalities: New Evidence on the Effect of the Mass Media on Violence",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"The Spread of Municipal Reform: Temporal, Spatial, and Social Dynamics",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"Occupational Recruitment, Retention, and Labor Force Cohort Representation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"Job Conditions and Personality: A Longitudinal Assessment of Their Reciprocal Effects",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"Economic Development and Status Change of the Aged",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"Age, Housing Choice, and Neighborhood Age Structure",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"Race and Juvenile Justice Processing in Court and Police Agencies",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"Environmental Selection and Physician Supply",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"Dependency Theory and Taiwan: Analysis of a Deviant Case",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"Sexual Taboos and Social Boundaries",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"A Liberal Theory of Prestige",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"The Operational Approach: Just How New Is It?",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"Some Comments on Reflection Theory in Griswold's Study of American Novels",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"A Comment on Schoen and Cohen",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"Lenski Revisited: The Linkage Role of Religion in Primary and Secondary Groups",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"The Age Structures of Occupations and Jobs",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"Energy, Information, and Sociocultural ""Advancement""",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"Women and Weak Ties: Differences by Sex in the Size of Voluntary Organizations",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"Talcott Parsons and the Theory of Action. II. The Continuity of the Development",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"The Occupational and Earnings Returns to Education among Black Men in the North",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1982,"Intermarriage among Hispanic Ethnic Groups in New York City",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"Age and the Explanation of Crime",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"A Critique of Criminology: Toward an Integrated Structural-Marxist Theory of Delinquency Production",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"Sex and Earnings in Industrial Society: A Nine-Nation Comparison",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"Social Contexts, Social Networks, and Urban Neighborhoods: Environmental Constraints on Friendship Choice",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"Comment on Bornschier, Chase-Dunn, and Rubinson",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"Return to Indianapolis: A Comment on the Logic of Model Construction",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"A Structural Decomposition of Black-White Earnings Differentials",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"Distress and the Traditional Female Role: A Comparison of Mexicans and Anglos",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"Careers and Organizational Labor Markets: Demographic Models of Organizational Behavior",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"Restricted Access in Networks and Models of Power",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"The Structure of Intergenerational Occupational Mobility: Generality and Specificity in Resources, Channels, and Barriers",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"Neutralizing Sexism in Mixed-Sex Groups: Do Women Have to Be Better than Men?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"Early Adolescent Self-Esteem as a Function of Social Class: Rosenberg and Pearlin Revisited",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"The Politics of Heresy",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"Niche Width and the Dynamics of Organizational Populations",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"Collective Security and the Demand for Legal Handguns",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"Social Structure, Institutions, and the Legal Status of Children in the United States",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"Masking the Social in Educational Knowledge: The Case of Learning Disability Theory",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"Regional and Racial Effects on the Urban Homicide Rate: The Subculture of Violence Revisited",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"The Measurement of Spatial Segregation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"The Effect of Primary-School Quality on Academic Achievement across Twenty-Nine High- and Low-Income Countries",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"Social Psychological Variables and Their Relevance to the Status Attainment of Teenagers",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"Racial Insurgency, the State, and Welfare Expansion: A Critical Comment and Reanalysis",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"An Alternate Approach to the Development of a Distance-Based Measure of Racial Segregation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"The Great European Witch-Hunts: A Historical Perspective",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"The Effect of Research Methodology on Desegregation-Achievement Studies: A Meta-Analysis",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"Professional Ethics",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"The Radicalism of Tradition: Community Strength or Venerable Disguise and Borrowed Language?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"An Examination of the Determinants of Organizational Structure",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"Comments",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"The Distribution of Power in Exchange Networks: Theory and Experimental Results",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"Multiple Discoveries and the Central Message",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"A Multivariate Model for Mobility Tables",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"Economic Development, Pension Policies and the Labor Force Participation of Aged Males: A Cross-National, Longitudinal Approach",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"A Note on Emotionality, Self, and Interaction",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"Status in the World System, Income Inequality, and Economic Growth",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"Response Variability in Self- and Proxy Reports of Paternal and Filial Socioeconomic Characteristics",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"Ethnic Ties and Political Mobilization: Comment on Leifer",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"Beauty as Status",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"Structural Equations and Path Analysis for Discrete Data",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"Felicity's Condition",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"The Hierarchy of the Sciences?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"Max Weber, ""Rational Capitalism,"" and Renaissance Italy: A Critique of Cohen",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"The Black-and-White Model of Attitude Stability: A Latent Class Examination of Opinion and Nonopinion in the American Public",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"A Methodological Comment on ""Economic Segmentation, Worker Power, and Income Inequality""",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1983,"Comments",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Alexandrian Sociology",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Black-White Differences in Self-Esteem: Are They Affected by Response Styles?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Some Characteristics of Children's Second Families",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Socioeconomic Gains of Asian Americans, Blacks, and Hispanics: 1960-1976",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Women, Outside Employment, and Marital Instability",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"The Conventionalization of Collective Behavior in Cuba",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Talcott Parsons's Analytical Critique of Marxism's Concept of Alienation",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Toward a Phenomenology of Domestic, Family Violence",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"The Social Structure of a National Securities Market",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Household Work as an Ordeal: Culture of Standards versus Standardization of Culture",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Processes of Hispanic and Black Spatial Assimilation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Racial Segregation and Racial Change in American Suburbs, 1970-1980",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Sources of the Family Income Differentials among Hispanics, Blacks, and White Non-Hispanics",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Human Ecological and Marxian Theories",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Continuity and Change in Work Values among Young Adults: A Longitudinal Study",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Comment on ""Dependency Theory and Taiwan: Analysis of a Deviant Case""",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Ethnic Culture or Methodological Artifacts? A Comment on Mirowsky and Ross",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Modes of Extraction, Unequal Exchange, and the Progressive Underdevelopment of an Extreme Periphery: The Brazilian Amazon, 1600-1980",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Pietism and Science: A Critique of Robert K. Merton's Hypothesis",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"The Fallacy of the Latest Word: The Case of ""Pietism and Science""",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Urbanization and Inflation: Lessons from the English Price Revolution of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Testing the Decline-of-Community Thesis: Neighborhood Organizations in Seattle, 1929 and 1979",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"In Defense of Modernity: Talcott Parsons and the Utilitarian Tradition",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Rule Enforcement without Visible Means: Christmas Gift Giving in Middletown",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Modes of Production and Demographic Patterns in Nineteenth-Century France",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"A Structuralist Critique of the IQ-Delinquency Hypothesis: Theory and Evidence",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Status, Autonomy, and Training in Occupational Mobility",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"A Comment on ""The Standardization of Time"" by Zerubavel",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Weber and the Judaic Economic Ethic: A Comment on Fahey",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Status, Purity, and Professional ""Regression""",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Military Rank Attainment of a West Point Class: Effects of Cadets' Physical Features",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"""New Class"" and Cumulative Trend Explanations of the Liberal Political Attitudes of Professionals",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Fame and Misfortune: Edging Women Out of the Great Literary Tradition",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"The Resurgence of Sharecropping: Historical Anomaly or Political Strategy?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"At a Snail's Pace: Time to Equality in Simple Models of Affirmative Action Programs",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"On ""The Measurement of Spatial Segregation""",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Work for the Household: Its Nature and Consequences for Husbands and Wives",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Trends in Parental Socialization Values: Detroit, 1958-1983",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Comment on Denzin's ""Note on Emotionality, Self, and Interaction""",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Centuries of Death and Dying",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"The Transition from Youth to Adult: Understanding the Age Pattern of Employment",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Social Structure and Crime Control among Macrosocial Units",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Military Keynesianism in the United States, 1949-1976: Disaggregating Military Expenditures and Their Determination",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"The Cumulative Texture of Local Urban Culture",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Karl Marx and the Satanic Mills: Factory Politics under Early Capitalism in England, the United States, and Russia",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Black Family Formation and Tenancy in the Farm South, 1900",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"The Dynamics of Self-Esteem and Delinquency",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"Comment on Barrie S. Morgan's ""An Alternate Approach to the Development of a Distance-Based Measure of Racial Segregation""",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1984,"The Impact of Fictional Television Suicide Stories on U. S. Fatalities: A Replication",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Concentration and Specialization: Dynamics of Niche Width in Populations of Organizations",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Democratizing Organizations: A Case Study of a Union Reform Movement",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"On the Resolution of Role Incompatibility: A Life Event History Analysis of Family Roles and Marijuana Use",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Hegemony and Mass Culture: A Semiotic Approach",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Social Movements and Network Analysis: A Case Study of Nineteenth-Century Women's Reform in New York State",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Cultural Capital, Educational Attainment, and Marital Selection",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Latent Structure Models for Relationally Defined Social Classes",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Nonverbal Cues and Status: An Expectation States Approach",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"The Global Context of Metropolitan Growth: Houston and the Oil Industry",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Marital Disruption: Structural and Temporal Dimensions",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Thrill and Adventure Seeking and the Age Distribution of Crime: Comment on Hirschi and Gottfredson",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"The Class Structure of Gender and Delinquency: Toward a Power-Control Theory of Common Delinquent Behavior",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Overboard with Myth and Symbols",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Gender and Opportunity in the Federal Bureaucracy",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"New Light on the 16-Fold Table",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Determinants of Economic Attitudes in the American Business Elite",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Consensus and Conflict at the Onset of Revolution: A Quantitative Study of France in 1789",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Age, Crime, and Social Explanation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Review Essay: Articulating Stratification and Personality",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Review Essay: Habermas's New Critical Theory -- Its Promise and Problems",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Residential Segregation and Color Stratification among Hispanics in Philadelphia: Comment on Massey and Mullan",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Methodological Problems in Studying ""Military Keynesianism""",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Exchange, Structure, and Symmetry in Occupational Mobility",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Institutions and Schools of Thought: The Neogrammarians",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Social Inequality and the Arts",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Social Mobility in Great Britain and the United States",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Class Reproduction among Men and Women in France: Reproduction Theory on Its Home Ground",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Self-Labeling Processes in Mental Illness: The Role of Emotional Deviance",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Comparative Genius",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Some Limits to the Parsons Revival: Comment on Sciulli",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Social Processes: Models and Methods",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Fraternal Resemblance in Educational Attainment and Occupational Status",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Multilevel Effects of Socioeconomic Development and Family Planning Programs on Children Ever Born",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Continuity of Learning-Generalization: The Effect of Job on Men's Intellective Process in the United States and Poland",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Depression and Marital Power: An Equity Model",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"A Theory of the Critical Mass. I. Interdependence, Group Heterogeneity, and the Production of Collective Action",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Structural Constraints on Interpersonal Relations: A Test of Blau's Macrosociological Theory",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Economic Action and Social Structure: The Problem of Embeddedness",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"A Foolproof Method for Disposing of Multiple Discoveries: Comment on Patinkin",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Review Essay: Historical Sociology",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Family Structure and the Reproduction of Poverty",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Changing Attitudes toward Separation and Divorce: Causes and Consequences",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"The Impact of Social Status, Family Structure, and Neighborhood on the Fertility of Black Adolescents",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"The Juvenile Court As a People-Processing Organization: A Political Economy Perspective",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"The Emergent Organization of Plea Bargaining",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Occupational Conditions and Psychological Functioning in Japan",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1985,"Do Sociological Theories Grow?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1986,"On a Semiotic Approach to Mass Culture: Comment on Gottdiener",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1986,"Job Stability among Young Women: A Comparison of Traditional and Nontraditional Occupations",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1986,"Sex Discrimination and Admission to Medical School, 1929-1984",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1986,"Vulnerability and the Location of Power Positions: Comment on Cook, Emerson, Gillmore, and Yamagishi",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1986,"Review Essay: The Theory of Structuration",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1986,"Intelligence and Delinquency Reconsidered: A Comment on Menard and Morse",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1986,"Cross-National Patterns and Determinants of Female Retirement",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1986,"Economic Segmentation and Politics",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1986,"The Contagiousness of Aircraft Hijacking",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1986,"Organizational Task and Institutional Environments in Ecological Perspective: Findings from the Local Newspaper Industry",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1986,"From Ambushes to Golden Parachutes: Corporate Takeovers as an Instance of Cultural Framing and Institutional Integration",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1986,"Men and Women at Work: Sex Segregation and Statistical Discrimination",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1986,"The Fallacy of the Received Word: A Reexamination of Merton's Pietism-Science Thesis",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1986,"Review Essay: Copyrighted Subcultures",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1986,"Trends in the Effects of Family Background on Educational Attainment in the Philippines",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1986,"Is 1980s Sociology in the Doldrums?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1986,"Social Theory, Social Research, and a Theory of Action",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1986,"Marxisms as Utopias: Evolving Ideologies",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1986,"Gender, Power, and Legitimation: A Test of Three Theories",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1986,"Structural Determinants of Intergroup Association: Interracial Marriage and Crime",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1986,"Taste and Domination",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1986,"Comment on Bunker",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1986,"Friendships and Delinquency",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1986,"Community Population Size and Social Heterogeneity: An Empirical Test",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1986,"Declining Union Membership in the Post-World War II Era: The United Furniture Workers of America, 1939-1982",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1986,"Immortalizing the Self through Sport",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1986,"The Matter of Habit",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"The Law in Terms of Systems Theory",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"Unification Research Programs: Integrating Two Structural Theories",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"Power and Centrality: A Family of Measures",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"Adolphe Quetelet and the Origins of Positivist Criminology",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"Men, Women, and the Premed Persistence Gap: A Normative Alternatives Approach",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"The Fabrication of Meaning: Literary Interpretation in the United States, Great Britain, and the West Indies",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"Changes in Religious Commitment in the United States, Holland, and Japan",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"In Defense of Domhoff: A Comment on Manning's Review of Who Rules America Now?",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"Face and Favor: The Chinese Power Game",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"The Ecology of Organizational Founding: American Labor Unions, 1836-1985",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"Short-Term Projects and Emergent Careers: Evidence from Hollywood",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"Job Mobility and Drug Use: An Event History Analysis",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"The Interracial Nature of Violent Crimes: A Reexamination",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"Class in the Household: A Power-Control Theory of Gender and Delinquency",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"Extracommunity Dynamics and the Ecology of Delinquency",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"The Psycho-Economics of Feeling Underpaid: Distributive Justice and the Earnings of Husband and Wives",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"Understanding Mexican Migration to the United States",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"Identity Work among the Homeless: The Verbal Construction and Avowal of Personal Identities",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"Social Contagion and Innovation: Cohesion versus Structural Equivalence",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"Minority Concentration and Earnings Inequality: Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians Compared",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"The Professionalization of Administration and Equal Employment Opportunity in the U.S. Federal Government",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"Labor-Market Entry and the Sexual Segregation of Careers in the Federal Republic of Germany",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"Technology, Control, and the Social Organization of Work at a British Hardware Firm, 1791-1891",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"Making It Underground: Comparative Material on the Informal Sector in Western Market Economies",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"The Transformation of the American Class Structure, 1960-1980",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"How Many Emotions Are There? Wedding the Social and the Autonomic Components",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"Sympathy Biography and Sympathy Margin",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"The Seriousness of Acts and Social Contexts: A Test of Black's Theory of the Behavior of Law",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"Urban Black Violence: The Effect of Male Joblessness and Family Disruption",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"Gun Ownership and the ""Southern Subculture of Violence""",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"Toward an Integrated Theory of White-Collar Crime",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"New Methods for Analyzing the Intrinsic Character of Qualitative Variables Using Cross-Classified Data",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"How to Become a Dominant French Philosopher: The Case of Jacques Derrida",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"The Social Control of Impersonal Trust",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"Married Women's Economic Dependency, 1940-1980",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"Suburbanization and Central-City Crime Rates: New Evidence and a Reinterpretation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"Comment on Hodge on Class Awareness",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"Review Essay: Parsons's Politics",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"Complex Jobs and Complex Mental Processes: Comment on Miller, Slomczynski, and Kohn",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1987,"Review Essay: The New Institutional Economics",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"Racial Differences in Underemployment in American Cities",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"Network Connections and the Distribution of Power in Exchange Networks",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"Corporate Economic Power and the State: A Longitudinal Assessment of Two Explanations",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"G. H. Mead, Socialism, and the Progressive Agenda",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"The Matter of Habit and G. H. Mead: Comment on Camic",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"Concepts and Reality, Values and Validity",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"She Works Hard for the Money: Household Responsibilities and the Allocation of Work Effort",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"Father-Child Relationships and the Status of Women: A Cross-Cultural Study",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"Sex Ratios and Women's Roles: A Cross-National Analysis",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"The Family Economy, Work, and Educational Participation in the United States, 1890-1940",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"Telephone and Automobile Diffusion in the United States, 1902-1937",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"The Other Side of Dialogue: On Making the Other Strange and the Experience of Otherness",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"Is Spencer's Theory an Evolutionary Theory?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"Many Roads Lead to Rome: Implications of Heterogeneous Diffusion for Institutionalization and ""Internal Imperatives""",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"Discovering Heterogeneity: Continuous versus Discrete Latent Variables",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"What Is a Good Job? A New Measure of Labor-Market Success",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"More Universalism, Less Structural Mobility: The American Occupational Structure in the 1980s",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"A Note on Two Models of Sibling Resemblance",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"Welfare Spending in Advanced Industrial Democracies, 1950-1980",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"Age, Crime, and the Early Life Course",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"Church Membership and Suicide Reconsidered: Comment on Breault",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"Is Population Ecology a Useful Paradigm for the Study of Organizations?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"The Ecology of Organizational Mortality: American Labor Unions, 1836-1985",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"The Rise and Fall of Social Problems: A Public Arenas Model",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"Recognition and Renown: The Survival of Artistic Reputation",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"Sons, Daughters, and the Risk of Marital Disruption",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"Intergenerational Consequences of Family Disruption",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"Graffiti as Career and Ideology",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"Trends in Antiblack Prejudice, 1972-1984: Region and Cohort Effects",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"Survey-Based Experiments on White Racial Attitudes toward Residential Integration",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"The Social-Institutional Bases of Gender Stratification: Japan as an Illustrative Case",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"The Stability of American Markets",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"Review Essay: The Labyrinth of Science",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"A Theory of Marriage Timing",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"Collective Sanctions and the Creation of Prisoner's Dilemma Norms",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"Social Networks and Collective Action: A Theory of the Critical Mass. III",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"A General Theory of Expropriative Crime: An Evolutionary Ecological Approach",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"Suburbanization and Segregation in U.S. Metropolitan Areas",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"Review Essay: Sociological Theory as Public Philosophy",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"Review Essay: Cultural Analysis and Social Theory",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"White-Collar Crime, Competition, and Capitalism: Comment on Coleman",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"Price and Authority in Inter-Profit Center Transactions",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"Market, Culture, and Authority: A Comparative Analysis of Management and Organization in the Far East",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"The Structure of Earnings Inequality in the United States and Japan",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"Gifts as Economic Signals and Social Symbols",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"Matching: Finding a Partner for Life or Otherwise",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"A Formal Model of Church and Sect",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"An Economic Approach to Influence Activities in Organizations",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"Sociological and Economic Approaches to the Analysis of Social Structure",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1988,"The Psychological Effects of Traditional and of Economically Peripheral Job Settings in Japan",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"Review Essay: Institutionalization as a Creative Process. The Sociological Importance of Cornelius Castoriadis's Political Philosophy",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"Secondary School Tracking and Education Inequality: Compensation, Reinforcement, or Neutrality?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"The Maturational and Role Perspectives on Aging and Self through the Adult Years: An Empirical Evaluation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"New Social Movements and the New Class in the Netherlands",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"Democratic Transition and Breakdown in Western Europe, 1870-1939: A Test of the Moore Thesis",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"The Fall and Rise of the Petty Bourgeoisie: Changing Patterns of Self-Employment in the Postwar United States",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"Collegiality, Bureaucratization, and Professionalization: A Weberian Analysis",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"Polygynous Fertility: Sexual Competition versus Progeny",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"Age and the Distribution of Crime",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"Community Structure and Crime: Testing Social-Disorganization Theory",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"Interlocks, PACs, and Corporate Conservatism",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"The Normative Foundations of Emancipatory Theory: Evolutionary versus Pragmatic Perspectives",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"Structural Barriers and Normative Constraints in Medical School and Premed: Comment on Cole and Fiorentine",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"Comment on Varenne's Review of Middle American Individualism: The Future of Liberal Democracy",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"Commentary and Debate",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"Punishment Power: A Balancing Process in Power-Dependence Relations",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"Travel as Performed Art",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"From High School to Work: Market and Institutional Mechanisms in Japan",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"Labor Unrest, Immigration, and Ethnic Conflict in Urban America, 1880-1914",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"From Peaceful Protest to Guerrilla War: Micromobilization of the Provisional Irish Republican Army",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"Corporate Taxation and Corporate Economic Power: Testing Class-Power and Business-Confidence Models",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"Comments on Young",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"Radical Theory and Programmatic Thought",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"Crime and State Surveillance in Nineteenth-Century France",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"The Social Meaning of Money: ""Special Monies""",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"Occupational Status-Assignment Systems: The Effect of Status on Self Esteem",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"Similarity of Political Behavior among Large American Corporations",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"The Strong State, Social Class, and Controlled School Expansion in France, 1881-1975",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"Worker Control and Attachment to the Firm",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"State Timing of Policy Adoption: Workmen's Compensation in the United States, 1909-1929",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"Markets in Hierarchies: Organizational and Market Influences on Gender Inequality in a State Pay System",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"The Production of Punctuality: Social Interaction, Temporal Organization, and Social Structure",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"The Divergence of Black and White Marriage Patterns",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"Another Look at the Network Boundaries of American Markets",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"Media Discourse and Public Opinion on Nuclear Power: A Constructionist Approach",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"Structure after 50 Years: The Anatomy of a Charter",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"Fathers' Ages and the Social Stratification of Sons",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"Self-Perceptions of Black Americans: Self-Esteem and Personal Efficacy",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"Long-Term Trends in Occupational Segregation by Sex",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1989,"A Caution about Mechanical Solutions to the Identification Problem in Cohort Analysis: Comment on Sasaki and Suzuki",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"Comment on Jefferys's Review of Auto Slavery",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"Commentary and Debate",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"What's Class Got to Do with It? A Further Examination of Power-Control Theory",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"Position in the Class Structure and Psychological Functioning in the United States, Japan, and Poland",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"Structural Covariates of Homicide Rates: Are There Any Invariances across Time and Social Space?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"Novel Readings: The Social Organization of Interpretation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"Edgework: A Social Psychological Analysis of Voluntary Risk Taking",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"A Reanalysis of Marital Stability in the Seattle-Denver Income-Maintenance Experiment",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"The Politics of Ideology: The Papal Struggle with Liberalism",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"The Ecology of Inequality: Minorities and the Concentration of Poverty, 1970-1980",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"What Is the Relationship between Socioemotional Behavior and Status in Task Groups?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"World War II and Divorce: A Life-Course Perspective",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"Reading Cultural Texts: Comment on Griswold",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"Labor-Market Experiences and Labor-Force Outcomes",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"The Consolation-Prize Theory of Alienation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"Bureaucrats and Entrepreneurs: Institutional Responses to Deviant Children in the United States, 1890-1920s",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"Legal Environments and Organizational Governance: The Expansion of Due Process in the American Workplace",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"Friendship in Commercial Society: Eighteenth-Century Social Theory and Modern Sociology",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"Rationalizing the Irrational: Karl Mannheim and the Besetting Sin of German Intellectuals",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"Challenges to Weberians' Treatments of Collegiality: Comment on Waters",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"Religion as Opposition: A Gramscian Analysis",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"Dimensions of Microinteraction",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"Structure and Trend in the Process of Stratification for American Men and Women",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"Measuring Resemblance in Sequence Data: An Optimal Matching Analysis of Musicians' Careers",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"A Cross-National Comparison of the Gender Gap in Income",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"The Social Reproduction of a Criminal Class in Working-Class London, circa 1950-1980",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"Class, Compliance Structures, and Delinquency: Assessing Integrated Structural-Marxist Theory",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"American Apartheid: Segregation and the Making of the Underclass",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"The Rise of the Pentagon and U.S. State Building: The Defense Program as Industrial Policy",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"Intermarriage and Social Distance among U.S. Immigrants at the Turn of the Century",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"Academic Performance and Personality Traits of Chinese Children: ""Onlies"" versus Others",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"Dual Exchange Theory, Social Networks, and Informal Social Support",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"Different Strokes from Different Folks: Community Ties and Social Support",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"Market Networks and Corporate Behavior",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"Reputation and Efficiency in Social Interactions: An Example of Network Effects",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"Inequality among Equals: Embedding Market and Authority in League Sports",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"Science, Class, and the Welfare State: A Class-Centered Functional Account",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"Self-Employment and the Petty Bourgeoisie: Comment on Steinmetz and Wright",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1990,"Review Essay: A New Durkheim",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Adolescent Competence and the Shaping of the Life Course",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"State and Business in Postwar Taiwan: Comment on Hamilton and Biggart",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Individualism Askew",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Local Marriage Markets and the Marital Behavior of Black and White Women",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Influence of the Marital History of Parents on the Marital and Cohabitational Experiences of Children",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Legal Custody Arrangements and Children's Economic Welfare",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Children and Marital Disruption",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Intergenerational Class Mobility in Postwar Japan",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Mind, Self, Society, and Computer: Artificial Intelligence and the Sociology of Mind",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Why Do Strikes Turn Violent?",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"""Red"" Unions and ""Bourgeois"" Contracts?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Legal Mobilization as a Social Movement Tactic: The Struggle for Equal Employment Opportunity",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"The Epidemic Theory of Ghettos and Neighborhood Effects on Dropping Out and Teenage Childbearing",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"The Two Lefts? Occupation and Party Choice in France, Italy, and the Netherlands",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Targets of Opportunity: Organizational and Environmental Determinants of Gender Integration within the California Civil Service, 1979-1985",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"The Sutherland-Glueck Debate: On the Sociology of Criminological Knowledge",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Functions of Crime: A Paradoxical Process",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Why Your Friends Have More Friends than You Do",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Theoretical Foundations for Centrality Measures",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Sponsoring the Next Generation: Parental Willingness to Pay for Higher Education",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Assessing the Risk of Inattention to Class, Race/Ethnicity, and Gender: Comment on Lyng",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Comment on Siegelman's Review of Auctions",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Core Intervention and Periphery Revolution, 1821-1985",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Accounting for Rationality: Double-Entry Bookkeeping and the Rhetoric of Economic Rationality",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"The Role of General Theory in Comparative-Historical Sociology",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Organizational Differentiation and Earnings Dispersion",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Participation in Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Groups: A Theoretical Integration",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Human Capital Investments or Norms of Role Transition? How Women's Schooling and Career Affect the Process of Family Formation",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Aging, Cohorts, and the Stability of Sociopolitical Orientations over the Life Span",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Conceptual Issues in Models of Sibling Resemblance: Comment on Hauser and Mossel (1985) and Hauser (1988)",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Role as Resource in the Hollywood Film Industry",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Musical Patronage and Social Change in Beethoven's Vienna",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Critics and Publics: Cultural Mediation in Highbrow and Popular Performing Arts",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"The Vietnam Veterans Memorial: Commemorating a Difficult Past",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Culture as Class Symbolization or Mass Reification? A Critique of Bourdieu's Distinction",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Interaction and Asymmetry in Clinical Discourse",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Status Homogamy in the United States",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Review Essay: The Power of Talk",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Conflict Management, Honor, and Organizational Change",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"The Rise of Factories in Nineteenth-Century Indianapolis",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Getting Ahead in Urban China",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Features of Educational Attainment and Job Promotion Prospects",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Prejudice, Discrimination, and the Labor Market: Attainments of Immigrants in Australia",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Skin Tone and Stratification in the Black Community",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Childlessness",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Learning to Cooperate: Stochastic and Tacit Collusion in Social Exchange",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Comment on Hobson's Review of Disturbing the Nest: Family Change and Decline in Modern Societies",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1991,"Comment on Brown's Review of Search for Society: The Quest for a Biosocial Science and Morality",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"The Paradox of Liberal Intervention: Health Policy and the American Welfare State",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"Sociological and Economic Theories of Markets and Nonprofits: Evidence from Home Health Organizations",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"Restructuring Patterns of Elite Dominance and the Formation of State Policy in Health Care",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"Dynamics of Professional Control: Internal Coalitions and Crossprofessional Boundaries",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"Uncertainty and Professional Work: Perceptions of Physicians in Clinical Practice",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"Religion, Disability, Depression, and the Timing of Death",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"The Political Empowerment and Health Status of African-Americans: Mapping a New Territory",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"Beyond Rational Choice: The Social Dynamics of How People Seek Help",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"Introduction: Strengthening Ties between Specialties and the Discipline",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"Gender as a Mediator of the Activist Experience: The Case of Freedom Summer",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"I Will Follow Him: Family Ties, Gender-Role Beliefs, and Reluctance to Relocate for a Better Job",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"The Culture of Production: Aesthetic Choices and Constraints in Culinary Work",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"Repair after Next Turn: The Last Structurally Provided Defense of Intersubjectivity in Conversation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"Law That Does Not Fit Society: Sentencing Guidelines as a Neoclassical Reaction to the Dilemmas of Substantivized Law",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"A Notable Administration: English State Formation and the Rise of Capitalism",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"The Origins of Private Social Insurance: Public Policy and Fringe Benefits in America, 1920-1950",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"PACS, Interlocks, and Regional Differences in Corporate Conservatism: Comment on Clawson and Neustadtl",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"Review Essay: The Alchemist of Contingency Theory",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"Legal Ambiguity and Symbolic Structures: Organizational Mediation of Civil Rights Law",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"Reflected Appraisals, Parental Labeling, and Delinquency: Specifying a Symbolic Interactionist Theory",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"Successful Aging: A Life-Course Perspective on Women's Multiple Roles and Health",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"Shadow Education and Allocation in Formal Schooling: Transition to University in Japan",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"Scaling in Intergenerational Continuity of Occupation: Is Occupational Inheritance Ascriptive after All?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"How Not to Measure Intergenerational Occupational Persistence",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"Critical Theory and the Pragmatist Challenge",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"Bank Control, Owner Control, or Organizational Dynamics: Who Controls the Large Modern Corporation?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"A Hero for the Aged? The Townsend Movement, the Political Mediation Model, and U.S. Old-Age Policy, 1934-1950",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"Young White Adults: Did Racial Attitudes Change in the 1980s?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"Characteristics of Successful American Protest Groups: Another Look at Gamson's Strategy of Social Protest",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"A Theory of Structure: Duality, Agency, and Transformation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"The Structure of Opportunity: Middle-Class Mobility in England, 1548-1689",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"Payment Systems and the Structure of Inequality: Conceptual Issues and an Analysis of Salespersons in Department Stores",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"Growth Effects of Foreign and Domestic Investment",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"Gender, Parenthood, and Job-Family Compatibility",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"The Sociological Concept of ""Group"": An Empirical Test of Two Models",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"Was There a Hawthorne Effect?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"Individual, Collective, and Systems Rationality in Work Groups: Dilemmas and Market-Type Solutions",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"Children's First Names: An Empirical Study of Social Taste",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"Mesomobilization: Organizing and Framing in Two Protest Campaigns in West Germany",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"Mean Streets: The Theoretical Significance of Situational Delinquency among Homeless Youths",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1992,"Reciprocal Effects of Religiosity, Cohabitation, and Marriage",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1993,"Trade Cohesion, Class Unity, and Urban Insurrection: Artisanal Activism in the Paris Commune",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1993,"Organizational Repertoires and Institutional Change: Women's Groups and the Transformation of U.S. Politics, 1890-1920",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1993,"Racial Differences in Household and Family Structure at the Turn of the Century",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1993,"A Status-Based Model of Market Competition",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1993,"Crime as Strategy: Testing an Evolutionary Ecological Theory of Expropriative Crime",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1993,"Differential Fertility and the Distribution of Traits: The Case of IQ",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1993,"Work in Progress toward a New Paradigm for the Sociological Study of Religion in the United States",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1993,"Narrative, Event-Structure Analysis, and Causal Interpretation in Historical Sociology",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1993,"The Dynamics of Organizational Rules",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1993,"Robust Action and the Rise of the Medici, 1400-1434",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1993,"Embeddedness and Immigration: Notes on the Social Determinants of Economic Action",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1993,"Socioeconomic Status and Depression: The Role of Occupations Involving Direction, Control, and Planning",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1993,"Minority Proximity to Whites in Suburbs: An Individual-Level Analysis of Segregation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1993,"The Structure of Intergenerational Exchanges in American Families",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1993,"Intraorganizational Power and Internal Secularization in Protestant Denominations",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1993,"Economic Necessity and the Life Cycle in the Family Economy of Nineteenth-Century Indianapolis",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1993,"The Legitimation of Inequality: Occupational Earnings in Nine Nations",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1993,"The Structural Sources of Military Coups in Postcolonial Africa, 1957-1984",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1993,"The Effect of Physician and Corporate Interests on the Formation of Health Maintenance Organizations",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1993,"The Protestant Ethic Revisited: Disciplinary Revolution and State Formation in Holland and Prussia",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1993,"Work and Welfare among Single Mothers in Poverty",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1993,"Do Neighborhoods Influence Child and Adolescent Development?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1993,"Equal Opportunity Law and the Construction of Internal Labor Markets",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1993,"Disaster, Organizing, and Role Enactment: A Structural Approach",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1993,"The Mangle of Practice: Agency and Emergence in the Sociology of Science",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1993,"James Coleman: Social Theorist and Moral Philosopher?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1993,"Spatial and Temporal Heterogeneity in Diffusion",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1993,"Specifying the Relationship between Social Ties and Activism",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1993,"Review Essay: Density Dependence Theory -- Current Issues, Future Promise",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1993,"Symposium: Two Perspectives on the Welfare State",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"Rules, Resources, and Legitimacy Processes: Some Implications for Social Conflict, Order, and Change",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"Knowledge, Domination, and Criminal Punishment",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"The Legalization of the Workplace",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"Early Parental Work, Family Social Capital, and Early Childhood Outcomes",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"Sons, Daughters, and Intergenerational Support in Taiwan",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"Educational Continuation by College Graduates",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"Review Essay: The Dismal Science and Sex",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"Contagious Collectivities: On the Spatial Diffusion of Swedish Trade Unions, 1890-1940",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"Why Strict Churches Are Strong",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"Weak Ties, Employment, and Inequality: An Equilibrium Analysis",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"Cultural Form and Political Meaning: State-Subsidized Theater, Ideology, and the Language of Style in Fascist Italy",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"""All Hits Are Flukes"": Institutionalized Decision Making and the Rhetoric of Network Prime-Time Program Development",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"Unionization and Labor Market Institutions in Advanced Capitalism, 1950-1985",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"Network Analysis, Culture, and the Problem of Agency",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"A Dilemma of State Power: Brokerage and Influence in the National Health Policy Domain",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"Continuities in Transnational Migration: An Analysis of Nineteen Mexican Communities",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"National Tolerance in the Former Yugoslavia",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"The Social Origins of Agrarian Change in Late Medieval England",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"The Historical Making of Collective Action: The Korean Peasant Uprisings of 1946",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"Ambivalent Cartesians: Durkheim, Montesquieu, and Method",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"The First Shall Be Last? Entrepreneurship and Communist Cadres in the Transition from Socialism",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"Macroeconomics, Economic Stratification, and Partisanship: A Longitudinal Analysis of Contingent Shifts in Political Identification",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"The Ecological Dynamics of Careers: The Impact of Organizational Founding, Dissolution, and Merger on Job Mobility",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"Population Aging, Class Context, and Age Inequality in Public Spending",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"School Desegregation, Interracial Exposure, and Antibusing Activity in Contemporary Urban America",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"The Emergence of Exchange Structures: An Experimental Study of Uncertainty, Commitment, and Trust",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"Organizational Niches and the Dynamics of Organizational Mortality",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"A Time to Grow and a Time to Die: Growth and Mortality of Credit Unions in New York City, 1914-1990",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"Assortative Mating by Cultural and Economic Occupational Status",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"Family Neighbors",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"Systematic Biases in Social Perception",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"Relative Fairness and the Division of Housework: The Importance of Options",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"Innovation and the World-System Hierarchy: British Subjugation of the Irish Cotton Industry, 1780-1830",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"Sheltered Labor Markets, Public Sector Employment, and Socioeconomic Returns to Education of Arabs in Israel",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"Economic Dependency, Gender, and the Division of Labor at Home",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"Returns to Skill, Compensating Differentials, and Gender Bias: Effects of Occupational Characteristics on the Wages of White Women and Men",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"On the Historical Efficiency of Competition between Organizational Populations",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"Stereotypes and Segregation: Neighborhoods in the Detroit Area",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1994,"Organizing the Boys of Summer: The Evolution of U.S. Minor-League Baseball, 1883-1990",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"Forms of Capital and Social Structure in Cultural Fields: Examining Bourdieu's Social Topography",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"Durkheim's Theories of Deviance and Suicide: A Feminist Reconsideration",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"Models for Describing the Underlying Structure of Sex Segregation",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"Vote Turnout of Nineteenth Amendment Women: The Enduring Effect of Disenfranchisement",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"Class Mobility and Political Preferences: Individual and Contextual Effects",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"Delinquency and Disdain: Social Capital and the Control of Right-Wing Extremism among East and West Berlin Youth",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"Married Women's Employment in Rapidly Industrializing Societies: Examples from East Asia",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"'Til Death Do Us Part: Marital Disruption and Mortality",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"The Organizational Context of Criminal Sentencing",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"Structural Sources of Socioeconomic Segregation in Brazilian Metropolitan Areas",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"A Role-Based Ecology of Technological Change",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"Statistical Methods for Comparing Regression Coefficients between Models",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"The Study of Social Taste through First Names: Comment on Lieberson and Bell",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"Interclass Segregation, Poverty, and Poverty Concentration: Comment on Massey and Eggers",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"Historicizing Revolutions: Constitutional Revolutions in the Ottoman Empire, Iran, and Russia, 1905-1908",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"Leaps of Faith: Shifting Currents in Critical Sociology of Education",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"Strikebreaking or Solidarity in the Great Steel Strike of 1919: A Split Labor Market, Game-Theoretic, and QCA Analysis",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"Introduction: Reflections on Historical Prophecy in the Social Sciences",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"The Inevitability of Future Revolutionary Surprises",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"Prediction in Macrosociology: The Case of the Soviet Collapse",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"To Explain Political Processes",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"What Can Sociological Theories Predict? Comment on Collins, Kuran, and Tilly",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"On Grand Surprises and Modest Certainties: Comment on Kuran, Collins, and Tilly",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"Nietzsche's Antisociology: Subjectified Culture and the End of History",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"Tacit Knowledge, Weapons Design, and the Uninvention of Nuclear Weapons",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"Understanding the Dialectic of Discourse and Collective Action: Public Debate and Rioting in Antebellum Cincinnati",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"Class Origin, Class Destination, and Education: A Cross-National Study of Ten Industrial Nations",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"Institutional Perspectives on Sociology",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"Getting the Homeless off the Streets and the Children off the Dole",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"The Wider Circle of Friends in Adolescence",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"Evaluations and the Formation of Expectations",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"Comment on Kuran and Collins",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"Local Governments as Industrial Firms: An Organizational Analysis of China's Transitional Economy",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"Women's Gains or Men's Losses? A Closer Look at the Shrinking Gender Gap in Earnings",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"Separate and Unequal: Occupation-Establishment Sex Segregation and the Gender Wage Gap",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"Learning from other People's Actions: Environmental Variation and Diffusion in French Coal Mining Strikes, 1890-1935",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"Effects of Childhood Family Background on Adult Marital Quality and Perceived Stability",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"Careers in Print: Books, Journals, and Scholarly Reputations",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"The Subcultural Theory of Urbanism: A Twentieth-Year Assessment",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"Violent-Crime Rates and Racial Composition: Convergence over Time",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"Educational Stratification in Russia during the Soviet Period",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"On the Edge or In Between: Niche Position, Niche Overlap, and the Duration of Voluntary Association Memberships",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1995,"Review Essay",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Recombinant Property in East European Capitalism",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Politics and Markets: Dual Transformations",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"The Economic Sociology of the Transitions from Socialism",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"The Market Transition Debate: Toward a Synthesis?",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"The Structural Basis of Social Inequality",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"The Latent Structure of Job Characteristics of Men and Women",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Opportunity and Choice in Socially Structured Labor Markets",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Culture, Class, and Connections",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Sociology as a Worldview",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Pictures at an Exhibition: Conflicting Pressures in Museums and the Display of Art",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Ordaining Women: The Diffusion of an Organizational Innovation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Ecological Metaphors as Scientific Boundary Work: Innovation and Authority in Interwar Sociology and Biology",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"The Emergence of a Market Society: Changing Mechanisms of Stratification in China",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Regional Variation in Earnings Inequality in Reform-Era Urban China",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"The Great Transition: China, Hungary, and Sociology Exit Socialism into the Market",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Markets and Inequality in Transitional Economies: Toward Testable Theories",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"We Still Don't Know If Strict Churches Are Strong, Much Less Why: Comment on Iannaccone",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Strictness and Strength Revisited: Reply to Marwell",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Reputational Entrepreneurs and the Memory of Incompetence: Melting Supporters, Partisan Warriors, and Images of President Harding",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Families and Funny Mirrors: A Study of the Social Construction and Personal Embodiment of Humor",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Civil Society and Crisis: Culture, Discourse, and the Rodney King Beating",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"So Long as They Both Shall Live: Marital Dissolution and the Decline of Domestic Homicide in France, 1852-1909",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Making Contact? Black-White Social Interaction in an Urban Setting",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Status and Participation in Task Groups: A Dynamic Network Model",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Petitions and the ""Invention"" of Public Opinion in the English Revolution",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"The Color of Money and the Nature of Value: Greenbacks and Gold in Postbellum America",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Organizing Integrity: American Science and the Creation of Public Interest Organizations, 1955-1975",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Movements, Countermovements, and the Structure of Political Opportunity",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"African-American Women in the Civil Rights Movement, 1954-1965: Gender, Leadership, and Micromobilization",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Racial Differences in Marriage and Childbearing: Oral History Evidence from the South in the Early Twentieth Century",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"How to Make a Market: Reflections on the Attempt to Create a Single Market in the European Union",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Institutions, Technical Change, and Diverging Life Chances: Earnings Mobility in the United States and Germany",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Confirming Allusions: Toward an Empirical Account of Action",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Toward a Political Model of Incarceration: A Time-Series Examination of Multiple Explanations for Prison Admission Rates",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Ascription into Achievement: Models of Career Systems at Lloyds Bank, 1890-1970",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Patron-Client Ties, State Centralization, and the Whiskey Rebellion",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Durkheim's Epistemology: The Neglected Argument",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"The Myth of the M-Form? Governance, Consent, and Organizational Change",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Straw Men and M-Form Myths: Comment on Freeland",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Theoretical Logic and Predictive Specificity: Reply to Shanley",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Dependency, Disarticulation, and Denominator Effects: Another Look at Foreign Capital Penetration",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Does Foreign Capital Harm Poor Nations? New Estimates Based on Dixon and Boswell's Measures of Capital Penetration",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Differential Productivity, Negative Externalities, and Foreign Capital Dependency: Reply to Firebaugh",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Durkheim's Religious Revival",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Networks, Knowledge, and Niches: Competition in the Worldwide Semiconductor Industry, 1984-1991",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Have Americans' Social Attitudes Become More Polarized?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Are the Rumors of War Exaggerated? Religious Orthodoxy and Moral Progressivism in America",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Vicarious Violence: Spatial Effects on Southern Lynchings, 1890-1919",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1996,"Group Threat and Regional Change in Attitudes toward African-Americans",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Review Essay: The Soviet Descent into Capitalism",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Of Facts and Fables: Reply to Denzin",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Whose Sociology Is It? Comment on Huber",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Generalized Exchange",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Networks of Contention: Villages and Regional Structure in the Seventeenth-Century Ottoman Empire",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Productive Activities and Support Systems of Single Mothers",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Between Markets and Politics: Organizational Responses to Reform in China",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Social Science and the Quest for a Just Society",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Percentages, Odds, and the Meaning of Inequality: Reply to Cotter et al",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Same Data, Different Conclusions: Comment on Bernhardt et al",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Peasants Help Destroy an Old Regime and Defy a New One: Some Lessons from (and for) the Study of Social Movements",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Information Gaps and Unintended Outcomes of Social Movements: The 1989 Chinese Student Movement",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Escaping Distressed Neighborhoods: Individual, Community, and Metropolitan Influences",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"World-Economic Trends in the Distribution of Income, 1965-1992",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"What's Driving Mexico-U.S. Migration? A Theoretical, Empirical, and Policy Analysis",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Why Is Classical Theory Classical?",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"A Sociological Guilt Trip: Comment on Connell",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Structuring a Theory of Moral Sentiments: Institutional and Organizational Coevolution in the Early Thrift Industry",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Sex Segregation and Occupational Gender Inequality in the United States: Devaluation or Specialized Training?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Historical Sociology and CORE Data: Comment on Robnett",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Formal Titles and Bridge Leaders: Reply to Keys",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Sociology without Social Structure: Neoinstitutional Theory Meets Brave New World",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Corporate Elite Networks and Governance Changes in the 1980s",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"The Religious Factor in U.S. Presidential Elections, 1960-1992",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"The Social Organization of Street Gang Activity in an Urban Ghetto",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Welfare and the Rise in Female-Headed Families",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"World Society and the Nation-State",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"The ""New Paradigm"" in the Sociology of Religion: Comment on Warner",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"A Paradigm Is Not a Theory: Reply to Lechner",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Studying the Nazi Party: ""Clean Models"" versus ""Dirty Hands""",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"On Coming to Terms with the Past",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Who Joined the Nazis and Why",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Manifesto for a Relational Sociology",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Collectivist versus Individualist Mobility Regimes? Structural Change and Job Mobility in Four Countries",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Symbolic Networks: The Realignment of the French Working Class, 1887-1894",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"The Impact of the Cultural Revolution on Trends in Educational Attainment in the People's Republic of China",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Intergenerational Solidarity and the Structure of Adult Child-Parent Relationships in American Families",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Review Essay: Old Wine in New Bottles",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Celebration and Suppression: The Strategic Uses of Identity by the Lesbian and Gay Movement",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Sex Segregation and Glass Ceilings: A Comparative Statics Model of Women's Career Opportunities in the Federal Government over a Quarter Century",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Political Culture Wars 1960s Style: Equal Employment Opportunity -- Affirmative Action Law and the Philadelphia Plan",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Whose Expectations Matter? The Relative Power of First- and Second-Order Expectations in Determining Social Influence",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1997,"Runaway Train? The Diffusion of State-Level Reform in ADC/AFDC Eligibility Requirements, 1950-1967",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"Ecologies of Social Movements: Student Mobilization during the 1989 Prodemocracy Movement in Beijing",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"The Importance of Trivial Streets: Residential Streets and Residential Segregation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"Physical Attractiveness, Opportunity, and Success in Everyday Exchange",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"How Many Latent Classes of Delinquent/Criminal Careers? Results from Mixed Poisson Regression Analyses",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"Cooperation and Political Economic Performance in Affluent Democratic Capitalism",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"The Demand for Female Labor",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"More Shock than Therapy: Market Transition, Employment, and Income in Russia, 1991-1995",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"A Frame Analysis of Favor Seeking in the Renaissance: Agency, Networks, and Political Culture",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"Toward a Role-Theoretic Conception of Embeddedness",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"Rethinking Age Dependence in Organizational Mortality: Logical Formalizations",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"Uncertainty, Trust, and Commitment Formation in the United States and Japan",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"Status Processes and Mental Ability Test Scores",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"The Meaning of Data: Open and Closed Evidential Cultures in the Search for Gravitational Waves",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"Making Use of the Past: Time Periods as Cases to Compare and as Sequences of Problem Solving",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"Defended Neighborhoods, Integration, and Racially Motivated Crime",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"Engineering Growth: Business Group Structure and Firm Performance in China's Transition Economy",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"The Strength of a Weak State: The Rights Revolution and the Rise of Human Resources Management Divisions",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"High-Risk Collective Action: Defending Human Rights in Chile, Uruguay, and Argentina",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"A Cultural Field in the Making: Gastronomy in 19th-Century France",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"Linking Action to Social Structure within a System: Social Capital within and between Subgroups",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"Origins, Destinations, and Association in Occupational Mobility",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"""We're No Angels"": Realism, Rational Choice, and Rationality in Social Science",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"The Debate on Historical Sociology: Rational Choice Theory and Its Critics",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"Limitations of Rational Choice Theory",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"Initial Conditions, General Laws, Path Dependence, and Explanation in Historical Sociology",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"Explanation in Historical Sociology: Narrative, General Theory, and Historically Specific Theory",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"Rawls, Durkheim, and Causality: A Critical Discussion",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"Durkheim's Challenge to Philosophy: Human Reason Explained as a Product of Enacted Social Practice",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"The Determinants of Deadly Force: A Structural Analysis of Police Violence",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"Lost in Space: The Geography of Corporate Interlocking Directorates",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"Caveat Emptor: The Construction of Nonprofit Consumer Watchdog Organizations",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"What Is Agency?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"The Long-Term Effects of Foreign Investment Dependence on Economic Growth, 1940-1990",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"Response to Hirsch's Review Essay",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"Rejoinder to Scott",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"An Intellectual's Stock in the Factory of Mexico's Ruins",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"When Desegregation Reduces Interracial Contact: A Class Size Paradox for Weak Ties",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"Can Class Analysis Be Salvaged?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"The Gender Gap in U.S. Presidential Elections: When? Why? Implications?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"International Competition and the Treatment of Minorities: Seventeenth-Century Cases and General Propositions",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"Agrarian Conflict and the Origins of Korean Capitalism",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"Wit and Politics: An Essay on Laughter and Power",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1998,"Reappraising Foucault",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"Prison Riots as Microrevolutions: An Extension of State-Centered Theories of Revolution",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"How Unregulated Is the U.S. Labor Market? The Penal System as a Labor Market Institution",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"The Enduring Effects of Cohort Characteristics on Age-Specific Homicide Rates, 1960-1995",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"Low Socioeconomic Status and Mental Disorders: A Longitudinal Study of Selection and Causation during Young Adulthood",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"Market Partitioning and the Geometry of the Resource Space",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"Nominal, Ordinal, and Narrative Appraisal in Macrocausal Analysis",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"Talking City Trouble: Interactional Vandalism, Social Inequality, and the ""Urban Interaction Problem""",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"Three Views of Associationalism in 19th-Century America: An Empirical Examination",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"Career Patterns of Executive Women in Finance: An Optimal Matching Analysis",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"The Categorical Imperative: Securities Analysts and the Illegitimacy Discount",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"Empirics of World Income Inequality",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"Their Brothers' Keepers? Orthodox Religionists, Modernists, and Economic Justice in Europe",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"Bending with the Wind: Strategic Change and Adaptation by Women's and Racial Minority Organizations",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"Sociobiology, Status, and Parental Investment in Sons and Daughters: Testing the Trivers-Willard Hypothesis",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"Modeling the Relationship between the Criminal Justice and Mental Health Systems",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"Reducing Uncertainty: A Formal Theory of Organizations in Action",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"Family Structure, Educational Attainment, and Socioeconomic Success: Rethinking the ""Pathology of Matriarchy""",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"Marx's Theory of Metabolic Rift: Classical Foundations for Environmental Sociology",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"The Endogeneity of Legal Regulation: Grievance Procedures as Rational Myth",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"Civil Rights Law at Work: Sex Discrimination and the Rise of Maternity Leave Policies",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"Networks, Dynamics, and the Small-World Phenomenon",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"Migration Patterns and the Growth of High-Poverty Neighborhoods, 1970-1990",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"How Events Enter the Public Sphere: Conflict, Location, and Sponsorship in Local Newspaper Coverage of Public Events",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"Is Social Capital Declining in the United States? A Multiple Indicator Assessment",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"Structure and Strategy in Collective Action",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"Interracial Conflict and Interracial Homicide: Do Political and Economic Rivalries Explain White Killings of Blacks or Black Killings of Whites?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"Clocking Out: Temporal Patterning of Retirement",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"Systematic Social Observation of Public Spaces: A New Look at Disorder in Urban Neighborhoods",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"Challenging the Liberal Nation-State? Postnationalism, Multiculturalism, and the Collective Claims Making of Migrants and Ethnic Minorities in Britain and Germany",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"Escape from the GDR, 1961-1989: Hybrid Exit Repertoires in a Disintegrating Leninist Regime",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"The Talk and Back Talk of Collective Action: A Dialogic Analysis of Repertoires of Discourse among Nineteenth-Century English Cotton Spinners",1 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"Conjuncture, Comparison, and Conditional Theory in Macrosocial Inquiry",0 "American Journal of Sociology",1999,"Institutional Logics and the Historical Contingency of Power in Organizations: Executive Succession in the Higher Education Publishing Industry, 1958-1990",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"Collective Knowledge of Public Events: The Soviet Era from the Great Purge to Glasnost",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"Working-Class Power, Capitalist-Class Interests, and Class Compromise",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"Resources and Resourcefulness: Strategic Capacity in the Unionization of California Agriculture, 1959-1966",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"The Outcomes of Homeless Mobilization: The Influence of Organization, Disruption, Political Mediation, and Framing",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"The Emergence of Generalized Exchange",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"Economic Transformation and Income Inequality in Urban China: Evidence from Panel Data",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"Comment: Controversies and Evidence in the Market Transition Debate",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"The Instability of Androgynous Names: The Symbolic Maintenance of Gender Boundaries",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"Social Capital at Work: Networks and Employment at a Phone Center",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"The Power to Punish: Discretion and Sentencing Reform in the War on Drugs",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"Risk and Trust in Social Exchange: An Experimental Test of a Classical Proposition",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"The Mosaic Moment: An Early Modernist Critique of Modernist Theories of Nationalism",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"Symposium on Class Analysis: Toward a Sounder Basis for Class Analysis",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"Class, Exploitation, and Economic Rents: Reflections on Sorensen's ""Sounder Basis""",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"Rent, Class Conflict, and Class Structure: A Commentary on Sorensen",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"A Neo-Utilitarian Theory of Class?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"State-Society Relations and the Discourses and Activities of the 1989 Beijing Student Movement",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"Embedded Altruism: Blood Collection Regimes and the European Union's Donor Population",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"The Evolution of Sex Segregation Regimes",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"Multinomial Logit Latent-Class Regression Models: An Analysis of the Predictors of Gender-Role Attitudes among Japanese Women",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"The Devaluation of Women's Work: A Comment on Tam",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"Occupational Wage Inequality and Devaluation: A Cautionary Tale of Measurement Error",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"Intraracial Diversity and Relations among African-Americans: Closeness among Black Students at a Predominantly White University",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"After Postmodernism: Reactionary Tribalism",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"Avenues of Attainment: Occupational Demography and Organizational Careers in the California Civil Service",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"Mesolevel Networks and the Diffusion of Social Movements: The Case of the Swedish Social Democratic Party",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"The Diffusion of Collective Violence: Infectiousness, Susceptibility, and Mass Media Networks",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"Measuring World Income Inequalities",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"Observed Trends in Between-Nation Income Inequality and Two Conjectures",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"Weber's Misunderstanding of Traditional Chinese Law",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"Breaking the Iron Law of Oligarchy: Union Revitalization in the American Labor Movement",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"Imprisonment and Social Classification in Five Common-Law Democracies, 1955-1985",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"Friendships among Competitors in the Sydney Hotel Industry",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"The Social Structure of Entrepreneurial Activity: Geographic Concentration of Footwear Production in the United States, 1940-1989",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"Political Processes and Local Newspaper Coverage of Protest Events: From Selection Bias to Triadic Interactions",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"Rethinking Social Relations to Crime: Personal and Altruistic Fear in Family Households",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"Creating and Spreading Status Beliefs",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"Emotion and Group Cohesion in Productive Exchange",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"The Emergence of Organizational Forms: A Community Ecology Approach",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"Why the Microbrewery Movement? Organizational Dynamics of Resource Partitioning in the U.S. Brewing Industry",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2000,"Offering a Job: Meritocracy and Social Networks",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Promising the Future: Virginity Pledges and First Intercourse",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Culture Wars and Opinion Polarization: The Case of Abortion",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Opinion Polarization: Important Contributions, Necessary Limitations",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Labor Pains: Change in Organizational Models and Employee Turnover in Young, High-Tech Firms",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Delinquent Peers Revisited: Does Network Structure Matter?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"The Promotion Paradox: Organizational Mortality and Employee Promotion Chances in Silicon Valley Law Firms, 1946-1996",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Review Symposium",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"The Utopia of Postsocialist Theory and the Ironic View of History in Neoclassical Sociology",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"One Way or Multiple Paths: For a Comparative Sociology of East European Capitalism",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Postcommunist Capitalism, Culture, and History",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Change Rules",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Social Change, the Social Organization of Families, and Fertility Limitation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Social Capital and International Migration: A Test Using Information on Family Networks",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Dynamics of Niche Width and Resource Partitioning",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Chinese Villages and Townships as Industrial Corporations: Ownership, Governance, and Market Discipline",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Career Advancement as Party Patronage: Sponsored Mobility into the Chinese Administrative Elite, 1949-1996",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Medical Innovation Revisited: Social Contagion versus Marketing Effort",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"The Evolution of Norms",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Syndication Networks and the Spatial Distribution of Venture Capital Investments",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Diversity Rhetoric and the Managerialization of Law",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Effectively Maintained Inequality: Education Transitions, Track Mobility, and Social Background Effects",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Gender and the Career Choice Process: The Role of Biased Self-Assessments",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Welfare Regimes, Family-Supportive Policies, and Women's Employment along the Life-Course",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Comment: Why We Love Our Children",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Making Love Out of Nothing at All? Null Findings and the Trivers-Willard Hypothesis",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"How Did the Increase in Economic Inequality between 1970 and 1990 Affect Children's Educational Attainment?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Networks as the Pipes and Prisms of the Market",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"It's about Time and Gender: Spousal Employment and Health",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Regulating American Industries: Markets, Politics, and the Institutional Determinants of Fire Insurance Regulation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"In Search of Excellence: Fads, Success Stories, and Adaptive Emulation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Revolution and State Structure: The Bureaucratization of Tax Administration in Early Modern England and France",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Skill-Biased Technological Change and Wage Inequality: Evidence from a Plant Retooling",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"An Affect Theory of Social Exchange",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Bayesian Thinking about Macrosociology",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Middle-Status Conformity: Theoretical Restatement and Empirical Demonstration in Two Markets",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"""Black and White, Unite and Fight"": Interracial Working-Class Solidarity and Racial Employment Equality",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"The Demographic Imperative in Religious Change in the United States",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Emergence in Sociology: Contemporary Philosophy of Mind and Some Implications for Sociological Theory",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Feminist Generations? The Long-Term Impact of Social Movement Involvement on Palestinian Women's Lives",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Student Resistance: How the Formal and Informal Organization of Classrooms Facilitate Everyday Forms of Student Defiance",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Race, School Integration, and Friendship Segregation in America",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Black Neighbors, Higher Crime? The Role of Racial Stereotypes in Evaluations of Neighborhood Crime",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Welfare State and Infant Mortality",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2001,"Review Essay: Sociology for Seminarians",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2002,"Power, Authority, and the Constraint of Belief Systems",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2002,"Global Microstructures: The Virtual Societies of Financial Markets",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2002,"Bureaucratic Rationality and the Developmental State",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2002,"Gender, Crime, and Desistance: Toward a Theory of Cognitive Transformation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2002,"Revisiting the Relationships among Gender, Marital Status, and Mental Health",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2002,"Gender and Religiousness: Can Socialization Explanations Be Saved?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2002,"Business Citizenship at Work: Cultural Transposition and Class Formation in Cincinnati, 1870-1910",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2002,"Scrutinizing the Street: Poverty, Morality, and the Pitfalls of Urban Ethnography",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2002,"The Ideologically Driven Critique",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2002,"What Kind of Combat Sport Is Sociology?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2002,"No Shame: The View from the Left Bank",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2002,"The Origins of Status Hierarchies: A Formal Theory and Empirical Test",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2002,"Opposite-Sex Twins and Adolescent Same-Sex Attraction",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2002,"Constructing Polities and Markets: An Institutionalist Account of European Integration",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2002,"Globalization and the Great U-Turn: Income Inequality Trends in 16 OECD Countries",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2002,"Lifetime Inheritances of Three Generations of Whites and Blacks",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2002,"Culture, Cohorts, and Social Organization Theory: Understanding Local Participation in a Latino Housing Project",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2002,"Why Do Some Occupations Pay More than Others? Social Closure and Earnings Inequality in the United States",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2002,"Sex Segregation, Labor Process Organization, and Gender Earnings Inequality",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2002,"The State, International Agencies, and Property Transformation in Postcommunist Hungary",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2002,"Swift Neighbors and Persistent Strangers: A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Trust and Reciprocity in Social Exchange",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2002,"Life Course Risks, Mobility Regimes, and Mobility Consequences: A Comparison of Sweden, Germany, and the United States",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2002,"Eastern Europe as a Laboratory for Economic Knowledge: The Transnational Roots of Neoliberalism",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2002,"To Counter ""The Very Devil"" and More: The Making of Independent Capitalist Militia in the Gilded Age",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2002,"The Race Construct and Public Opinion: Understanding Brazilian Beliefs about Racial Inequality and Their Determinants",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2002,"Class Identification of Married Employed Women and Men in America",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2002,"The Rebirth of the Liberal Creed: Paths to Neoliberalism in Four Countries",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2002,"The Possession of Civic Virtue: Movement Narratives of Race and Class in the Knights of Labor",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2002,"The Relative Autonomy of Party Practices: A Counterfactual Analysis of Left Party Ascendancy in Kerala, India, 1934-1940",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2002,"Transatlantic Family Travail",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2003,"Culture in Interaction",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2003,"Institutional Change in Toque Ville: Nouvelle Cuisine as an Identity Movement in French Gastronomy",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2003,"Explaining Spatial Variation in Support for Capital Punishment: A Multilevel Analysis",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2003,"The Souls of Sociologists -- Equality versus Freedom in the Twenty-First Century",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2003,"The Mark of a Criminal Record",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2003,"Neighborhood Mechanisms and the Spatial Dynamics of Birth Weight",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2003,"Robust Identities or Nonentities? Typecasting in the Feature-Film Labor Market",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2003,"What Is Field Theory?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2003,"Long-Run Development and the Legacy of Colonialism in Spanish America",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2003,"Constructing a Market, Performing Theory: The Historical Sociology of a Financial Derivatives Exchange",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2003,"The Socioeconomic Determinants of Ill-Gotten Gains: Within-Person Changes in Drug Use and Illegal Earnings",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2003,"When Does Gender Trump Money? Bargaining and Time in Household Work",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2003,"Competition and Social Influence: The Diffusion of the Sixth-Generation Processor in the Global Computer Industry",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2003,"Assimilation and Transnationalism: Determinants of Transnational Political Action among Contemporary Migrants",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2003,"The New Parochialism: The Implications of the Beltway Case for Arguments Concerning Informal Social Control",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2003,"Status, Networks, and Social Movement Participation: The Case of Striking Workers",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2003,"Narrating Social Structure: Stories of Resistance to Legal Authority",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2003,"Political Opportunities and African-American Protest, 1948-1997",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2003,"Resonance and Radicalism: Feminist Framing in the Abortion Debates of the United States and Germany",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2003,"Opportunity Organizations and Threat-Induced Contention: Protest Waves in Authoritarian Settings",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2003,"Exit-Voice Dynamics in Collective Action: An Analysis of Emigration and Protest in the East German Revolution",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2003,"Capitalist Development, the Labor Process, and the Law",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2003,"Ballot Manipulation and the ""Menace of Negro Domination"": Racial Threat and Felon Disenfranchisement in the United States, 1850-2002",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2003,"The Strange History of Employer-Sponsored Child Care: Interested Actors, Uncertainty, and the Transformation of Law in Organizational Fields",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2003,"Opportunity, Honor, and Action in the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of 1943",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2003,"Counterfactual Models of Neighborhood Effects: The Effect of Neighborhood Poverty on Dropping Out and Teenage Pregnancy",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2003,"Object Lessons: Workplace Artifacts as Representations of Occupational Jurisdiction",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"World War II Mobilization in Men's Work Lives: Continuity or Disruption for the Middle Class",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"The Strength of a Weak Agency: Enforcement of Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the Expansion of State Capacity, 1965-1971",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"Organizational Success and Worker Dignity: Complementary or Contradictory?",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"The Organizational Demography of Racial Employment Segregation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"The Changing Color of Welfare? How Whites' Attitudes toward Latinos Influence Support for Welfare",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"Social Shocks and Slave Social Mobility: Manumission in Brunswick County, Virginia, 1782-1862",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"Store Wars: The Enactment and Repeal of Anti-Chain Store Legislation in America",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"From Class to Culture",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"Structural Holes and Good Ideas",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"The Social Ecology of Rural Violence: Land Scarcity, the Organization of Agricultural Production, and the Presence of the State",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"Accounting for the Recent Decline in Global Income Inequality",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"Power and Position in the World City System",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"The Opportunity Structure for Discrimination",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"Racial Wage Inequality: Job Segregation and Devaluation across U.S. Labor Markets",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"Intellectuals and Democratization, 1905-1912 and 1989-1996",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"Kinship Networks and Entrepreneurs in China's Transitional Economy",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"Asian-Americans' Earnings Disadvantage Reexamined: The Role of Place of Education",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"Sociological Realms of Emotional Experience",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"Gender and Emotion in the United States: Do Men and Women Differ in Self-Reports of Feelings and Expressive Behavior?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"Transnationalism in Question",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"Otherwise Known as PUS -- Sociology and the Public Understanding of Science",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"Resistance as a Social Drama: A Study of Change-Oriented Encounters",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"Welfare States and the Scar Effects of Unemployment: A Comparative Analysis of the United States and West Germany",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"The Demise of an Organizational Form: Emancipation and Plantation Agriculture in the American South, 1860-1880",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"Cowbirds, Locals, and the Dynamic Endurance of Regionalism",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"From Red Vienna to the Anschluss: Ideological Competition among Viennese Newspapers during the Rise of National Socialism",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"Sociology and Biology: Can't We Just Be Friends?",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"Are Parents Investing Less in Children? Trends in Mothers' and Fathers' Time with Children",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"Chains of Affection: The Structure of Adolescent Romantic and Sexual Networks",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"The Impact of Parental Wealth on Early Living Standards in Israel",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"The Race Is to the Swift: Socioeconomic Origins, Adult Education, and Wage Attainment",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"Occupational Self-Direction, Intellectual Functioning, and Self-Directed Orientation in Older Workers: Findings and Implications for Individuals and Societies",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2004,"Discursive Opportunities and the Evolution of Right-Wing Violence in Germany",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"Globalization Pressures and the State: The Worldwide Spread of Central Bank Independence",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"Race, Class, and Changing Patterns of Migration between Poor and Nonpoor Neighborhoods",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"Strikes as Forest Fires: Chicago and Paris in the Late Nineteenth Century",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"The Modern State and the Primitive Accumulation of Symbolic Power",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"""Taking the State at Its Word"": The Arts of Consentful Contention in the German Democratic Republic",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"Taking Turns and Talking Ties: Networks and Conversational Interaction",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"First Grade and Educational Attainment by Age 22: A New Story",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"Destination-Language Proficiency in Cross-National Perspective: A Study of Immigrant Groups in Nine Western Countries",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"Human Rights in a Globalizing World: The Paradox of Empty Promises",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"Toward some Fundamentals of Fundamental Causality: Socioeconomic Status and Health in the Routine Clinic Visit for Diabetes",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"A Critique of Exchange Theory in Mate Selection",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"Social Networks and Employee Performance in a Call Center",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"Dynamic Network Visualization",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"Network Dynamics and Field Evolution: The Growth of Interorganizational Collaboration in the Life Sciences",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"Sociology and Simulation: Statistical and Qualitative Cross-Validation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"Dynamic Parties and Social Turnout: An Agent-Based Model",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"An Individual-Based Model of Innovation Diffusion Mixing Social Value and Individual Benefit",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"The Emperor's Dilemma: A Computational Model of Self-Enforcing Norms",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"Cooperation and the Emergence of Role Differentiation in the Dynamics of Social Networks",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"Discovery and Diffusion of Knowledge in an Endogenous Social Network",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"Small and Other Worlds: Global Network Structures from Local Processes",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"Computational Models of Social Forms: Advancing Generative Process Theory",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"Review Essay",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"Why Is France So French? Culture, Institutions, and Neoliberalism, 1974-1981",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"Is Power Sexy?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"Collaboration and Creativity: The Small World Problem",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"Pathways to Power: The Role of Political Parties in Women's National Political Representation",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"Black-White Wage Inequality, Employment Rates, and Incarceration",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"Institutionalizing Collective Memories of Hate: Law and Law Enforcement in Germany and the United States",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"Civil Society Reconsidered: The Durable Nature and Community Structure of Collective Civic Action",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"Labor Transnationalism and Global Governance: The Impact of NAFTA on Transnational Labor Relationships in North America",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"A Qualitative Comparative Analysis of Conversion to Venezuelan Evangelicalism: How Networks Matter",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"Denomination, Religious Context, and Suicide: Neo-Durkheimian Multilevel Explanations Tested with Individual and Contextual Data",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"The Intergovernmental Network of World Trade: IGO Connectedness, Governance, and Embeddedness",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"Gendering the Job: Networks and Recruitment at a Call Center",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"""Don't Put My Name on It"": Social Capital Activation and Job-Finding Assistance among the Black Urban Poor",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"Race and the Accumulation of Human Capital across the Career: A Theoretical Model and Fixed-Effects Application",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"The Institutional Logic of Occupational Prestige Ranking: Reconceptualization and Reanalyses",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"The Case for a New Class Map",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"A Theory of Scandal: Victorians, Homosexuality, and the Fall of Oscar Wilde",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2005,"Interlocking Directorates and Political Cohesion among Corporate Elites",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"The Normative Case Study",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"Empowerment Redux: Structure, Agency, and the Remaking of Managerial Authority",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"From Protective to Equal Treatment: Legal Framing Processes and Transformation of the Women's Movement in the 1960s",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"Policy-Elite Perceptions and Social Movement Success: Understanding Variations in Group Inclusion in Affirmative Action",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"Getting Paid: Wage Arrears and Stratification in Russia",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"The Stages of the Policy Process and the Equal Rights Amendment, 1972-1982",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"A Welfare State Paradox: State Interventions and Women's Employment Opportunities in 22 Countries",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"Pulled, Pushed, and Persuaded: Explaining Women's Mobilization into the Salvadoran Guerrilla Army",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"Takin' It from the Streets: How the Sixties Mass Movement Revitalized Unionization",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"When Do Scientists Become Entrepreneurs? The Social Structural Antecedents of Commercial Activity in the Academic Life Sciences",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"The Construction of a Global Profession: The Transnationalization of Economics",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"Malfeasance and the Foundations for Global Trade: The Structure of English Trade in the East Indies, 1601-1833",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"The Secondary Circuit of Capital Reconsidered: Globalization and the U.S. Real Estate Sector",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"Beneath the Surface of the Self: Pyschoanalysis and the Unseen Known",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"The Economics of Movement Success: Business Responses to Civil Rights Mobilization",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"Liminal Legality: Salvadoran and Guatemalan Immigrants' Lives in the United States",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"Diffuse Status Characteristics and the Spread of Status Value: A Formal Theory",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"Mergers and Mobility: Organizational Growth and the Origins of Career Migration at Lloyds Bank",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"Class Forces, Political Institutions, and State Intervention: Subnational Economic Development Policy in the United States, 1971-1990",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"Social Change, Premarital Nonfamily Experience, and Spouse Choice in an Arranged Marriage Society",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"Cultural Categories and the American Welfare State: The Case of Guaranteed Income Policy",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"Peer Capitalism: Parallel Relationships in the U.S. Economy",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"Social Times of Network Spaces: Network Sequences and Foreign Investment in Hungary",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"Colonialism and Development: A Comparative Analysis of Spanish and British Colonies",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"Organizational Invention and Elite Transformation: The Birth of Partnership Systems in Renaissance Florence",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"NASA Revisited: Theory, Analogy, and Public Sociology",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"Residential Segregation and Interracial Friendship in Schools",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"""Doing"" Gender in Context: Household Bargaining and Risk of Divorce in Germany and the United States",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"Why No Trade-Off between ""Guns and Butter""? Armed Forces and Social Spending in the Advanced Industrial Democracies, 1960-1993",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"Structural Influences on Activism and Crime: Identifying the Social Structure of Discontent",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"Using Geographic Information Systems to Reconceptualize Spatial Relationship and Ecological Context",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"Neighborhood Choice and Neighborhood Change",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"The State-Led Transition to Liberal Capitalism: Neoliberal, Organizational, World-Systems, and Social Structural Explanations of Poland's Economic Success",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"Vox Populi: Resource Partitioning, Organizational Proliferation, and the Cultural Impact of the Insurgent Microradio Movement",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"Gender and Religion: Deconstructing Universality, Constructing Complexity",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"Comment: Parallel Paths to Understanding Global Intercity Relations",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"Reply: Whither the Parallel Paths? The Future of Scholarship on the World City System",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2006,"New Perspectives on Trust",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"Resurrection and Appropriation: Reputational Trajectories, Memory Work, and the Political Use of Historical Figures",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"Natural Intentions: Fertility Decline in the African Demographic and Health Surveys",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"Under and Beyond Constraints: Resource Allocation to Young Children from Biracial Families",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"Social Status and Newspaper Readership",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"The Recursivity of Law: Global Norm Making and National Lawmaking in the Globalization of Corporate Insolvency Regimes",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"How to Stop Harassment: Professional Construction of Legal Compliance in Organizations",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"Getting a Job: Is There a Motherhood Penalty?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"Life Course Trajectories of Perceived Control and Their Relationship to Education",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"Assimilation and Gender in Naming",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"An Institutional Approach to Donor Control: From Dyadic Ties to a Field-Level Analysis",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"The Politics of Resentment in the Post-Civil Rights Era: Minority Threat, Homicide, and Ideological Voting in Congress",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"Networks and Contexts: Variation in the Structure of Social Ties",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"Commentary and Debate",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"Reply: Collective Action and the Empirical Content of Stochastic Learning Models",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"Building Solidarity through Generalized Exchange: A Theory of Reciprocity",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"Democracy versus Distinction: A Study of Omnivorousness in Gourmet Food Writing",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"Is There a Place for Private Conversation in Public Dialogue? Comparing Stakeholder Assessments of Informal Communication in Collaborative Regional Planning",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"Embeddedness, Inflation, and International Regimes: The IMF in the Early Postwar Period",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"Explaining Change in Social Fluidity: Educational Equalization and Educational Expansion in Twentieth-Century Sweden",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"Compensatory Sponsorship in Higher Education",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"Beyond Dogmas: Religion, Social Service, and Social Life in the United States",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"Cumulative Advantage Processes as Mechanisms of Inequality in Life Course Health",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"Adolescent First Sex and Subsequent Mental Health",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"Red Counties, Blue Counties, and Occupational Segregation by Sex and Race",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"Institutional Emergence in an Era of Globalization: The Rise of Transnational Private Regulation of Labor and Environmental Conditions",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"Inequality and Equality under Chinese Socialism: The Hukou System and Intergenerational Occupational Mobility",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"Racial Context and Police Force Size: Evaluating the Empirical Validity of the Minority Threat Perspective",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"Syndication, Institutionalization, and Lottery Play",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"Trajectories of Failure: The Educational Careers of Children with Mental Health Problems",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"Complex Contagions and the Weakness of Long Ties",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"The Integrative Power of Civic Networks",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"Contexts for Mobilization: Spatial Settings and Klan Presence in North Carolina, 1964-1966",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2007,"Community (Dis)Organization and Racially Motivated Crime",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2008,"The Intergenerational Transmission of Context",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2008,"The Making and Unmaking of Ethnic Boundaries: A Multilevel Process Theory",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2008,"Korean Adoptees and the Social Context of Ethnic Exploration",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2008,"The Institutional Logic of Union Organizing and the Effectiveness of Social Movement Repertoires",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2008,"Becoming Full Citizens: The U.S. Women's Jury Rights Campaigns, the Pace of Reform, and Strategic Adaptation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2008,"Producing Change or Bagging Opportunity? The Effects of Discrimination Litigation on Women in Supermarket Management",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2008,"From the Ya Basta to the Caracoles: Zapatista Mobilization under Transitional Conditions",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2008,"Conservatism, Institutionalism, and the Social Control of Intergroup Conflict",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2008,"Conservative Protestants and Wealth: How Religion Perpetuates Asset Poverty",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2008,"The Intrinsic Estimator for Age-Period-Cohort Analysis: What It Is and How to Use It",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2008,"Mexican Immigrant Replenishment and the Continuing Significance of Ethnicity and Race",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2008,"Gender, Race, and Meritocracy in Organizational Careers",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2008,"The Social Dynamics of Mathematics Coursetaking in High School",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2008,"Neighborhood Effects on Economic Self-Sufficiency: A Reconsideration of the Moving to Opportunity Experiment",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2008,"Homeward Bound? Interest, Identity, and Investor Behavior in a Third World Export Platform",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2008,"Confronting the State, the Corporation, and the Academy: The Influence of Institutional Targets on Social Movement Repertoires",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2008,"Religious Pluralism and Religious Participation: A Game Theoretic Analysis",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2008,"Putting Social Context into Text: The Semiotics of E-mail Interaction",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2008,"A Preference-Opportunity-Choice Framework with Applications to Intergroup Friendship",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2008,"Unmixing for Race Making in Brazil",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2008,"Parallel Public Spheres: Distance and Discourse in Letters to the Editor",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2008,"The Ethnic Roots of Class Universalism: Rethinking the ""Russian"" Revolutionary Elite",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2008,"Happiness and Success: Genes, Families, and the Psychological Effects of Socioeconomic Position and Social Support",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2008,"Environmental Contingencies and Genetic Propensities: Social Capital, Educational Continuation, and Dopamine Receptor Gene DRD2",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2008,"Sequencing and Its Consequences: Path Dependence and the Relationships between Genetics and Medicalization",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"Preferences and Pathways to Segregation: Reply to van de Rijt, Siegel, and Macy",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"The Origins of Tax Systems: A French-American Comparison",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"Microclass Mobility: Social Reproduction in Four Countries",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"Revolution, Reform, and Status Inheritance: Urban China, 1949-1996",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"Neighborhood Chance and Neighborhood change: A Comment on Bruch and Mare",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"Overcoming Movement Obstacles by the Religiously Orthodox: The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Shas in Israel, Comunione e Liberazione in Italy, and the Salvation Army in the United States",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"The Archipelago of Faith: Religious Individualism and Faith Community in America Today",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"Cumulative Gender Disadvantage in Contract Employment",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"Hierarchical Rank and Women's Organizational Mobility: Glass Ceilings in Corporate Law Firms",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"Motivation and Justification: A Dual Process Model of Culture in Action",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"Cracking the Glass Cages? Restructuring and Ascriptive Inequality at Work",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"Explaining Deindustrialization: How Affluence, Productivity Growth, and Globalization Diminish Manufacturing Employment",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"Civil Liberty in America: The Diffusion of Municipal Bill of Rights Resolutions after the Passage of the USA PATRIOT Act",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"Segregation, Racial Structure, and Neighborhood Violent Crime",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"Incest Avoidance, the Incest Taboo, and Social Cohesion: Revisiting Westermarck and the Case of the Israeli Kibbutzim",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"Targeting Capital: A Cultural Economy Approach to Understanding the Efficacy of Two Anti-Genetic Engineering Movements",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"Combining Preferences and Processes: An Integrated Approach to Black/White Labor Market Inequality",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"Greed and Contingency: State Fiscal Crises and Imperial Failure in Early Modern Europe",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"Revolutions, Crackdowns, and Quiescence: Communal Elites and Democratic Mobilization in Southeast Asia",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"How Do People Transform Landscapes?: A Sociological Perspective on Suburban Sprawl and Tropical Deforestation",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"Murder by Structure: Dominance Relations and the Social Structure of Gang Homicide",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"Does Race Matter in Neighborhood Preferences? Results from a Video Experiment",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"Repression and Solidary Cultures of Resistance: Irish Political Prisoners on Protest",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"The False Enforcement of Unpopular Norms",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"Pathways to Meaning: A New Approach to Studying Emotions at Work",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"Origins of Homophily in an Evolving Social Network",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"The Puzzle of Korean Christianity: Geopolitical Networks and Religious Conversion in Early Twentieth-Century East Asia",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"Religious Attendance in Cross-National Perspective: A Multilevel Analysis of 60 Countries",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"Operating Room: Relational Spaces and Micro-institutional Change in Surgery",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"A Sociological (De)Construction of the Relationship between Status and Quality",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"Why Do Nominal Characteristics Acquire Status Value? A Minimal Explanation for Status Construction",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"Invigorating the Content in Social Embeddedness: An Ethnography of Life Insurance Transactions in China",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2009,"Does Your Neighbor's Income Affect Your Happiness?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"Six Degrees of ""Who Cares?""",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"Global Neighborhoods: New Pathways to Diversity and Separation",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"Structural Folds: Generative Disruption in Overlapping Groups",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"Interneighborhood Migration, Race, and Environmental Hazards: Modeling Microlevel Processes of Environmental Inequality",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"Leadership, Membership, and Voice: Civic Associations That Work",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"The Social Structure of the World Polity",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"Commentary and Debate",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"Still Weak Support for Status-Caste Exchange: A Reply To Critics",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"Educational Inequality, Homogamy, and Status Exchange in Black-White Intermarriage: A Comment On Rosenfeld",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"Panethnicity, Ethnic Diversity, and Residential Segregation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"Migrants' Competing Commitments: Sexual Partners in Urban Africa and Remittances to the Rural Origin",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"Earnings Inequality and the Changing Association between Spouses' Earnings",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"Theorizing the Restlessness of Events",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"Social Influence and the Autism Epidemic",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"Gender Inequality in the Welfare State: Sex Segregation in Housework, 1965-2003",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"Toward a Historical Sociology of Social Situations",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"Compensation Benchmarking, Leapfrogs, and the Surge in Executive Pay",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"Drawing Blood from Stones: Legal Debt and Social Inequality in the Contemporary United States",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"A Signal Juncture: The Detroit Newspaper Strike and Post-Accord Labor Relations in the United States",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"Cultural Objects as Objects: Materiality, Urban Space, and the Interpretation of AIDS Campaigns in Accra, Ghana",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"Racial Boundary Formation at the Dawn of Jim Crow: The Determinants and Effects of Black/Mulatto Occupational Differences in the United States, 1880",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"Changing to Win? Threat, Resistance, and the Role of Unions in Strikes, 1984-2002",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"Trouble in Store: Probes, Protests, and Store Openings by Wal-Mart, 1998-2007",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"Redistributing toward the Rich: Strategic Policy Crafting in the Campaign to Repeal the Sixteenth Amendment, 1938-1958",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"The Civilizing Process and Its Discontents: Suicide and Crimes against Persons in France, 1825-1830",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"Falling Short of the Promise: Poverty Vulnerability in the United States and Britain, 1993-2003",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"Vox Veritatis: Reply to Hart-Brinson",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"Settling Down and Aging Out: Toward an Interactionist Theory of Desistance and the Transition to Adulthood",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"The Oncomouse That Roared: Hybrid Exchange Strategies as a Source of Distinction at the Boundary of Overlapping Institutions",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"Three Worlds of Relief: Race, Immigration, and Public and Private Social Welfare Spending in American Cities, 1929",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"A Multilevel Systemic Model of Community Attachment: Assessing the Relative Importance of the Community and Individual Levels",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"Beyond and Below Racial Homophily: ERG Models of a Friendship Network Documented on Facebook",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"Vox Regni? Underestimating The Role of The State in Radio Licensing Decisions: A Comment on Greve, Pozner, and Rao",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2010,"Industry Induces Academic Science to Know Less about More",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"Fragmented Networks and Entrepreneurship in Late Imperial Russia NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"The Structural Sources of Association NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"Practicing What They Preach? Lynching and Religion in the American South, 1890-1929",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"Corporate Unity in American Trade Policy: A Network Analysis of Corporate-Dyad Political Action",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"The Diversity-Bandwidth Trade-off NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"Social Organization, Population, and Land Use NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"The Legacy of Disadvantage: Multigenerational Neighborhood Effects on Cognitive Ability",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"The Population Dynamics of Black-White-Mulatto Racial Systems NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"Cultural Mechanisms and the Persistence of Neighborhood Violence NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"Educational Assortative Mating and Earnings Inequality in the United States",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"The Credit Crisis as a Problem in the Sociology of Knowledge NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"Mapping Shared Understandings Using Relational Class Analysis: The Case of the Cultural Omnivore Reexamined",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"Children of Misfortune: Early Adversity and Cumulative Inequality in Perceived Life Trajectories",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"Globalization and Global Inequality: Assessing the Impact of the Rise of China and India, 1980-2005",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"From Reflection to Refraction: State Administration in British India, circa 1770-1855",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"Avoiding Catastrophe: The Interactional Production of Possibility during the Cuban Missile Crisis",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"Jazz and the Disconnected: City Structural Disconnectedness and the Emergence of a Jazz Canon, 1897-1933",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"Pride and Prejudice: Employment Discrimination against Openly Gay Men in the United States",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"Race and the Local Politics of Punishment in the New World of Welfare NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"When Organizations Rule: Judicial Deference to Institutionalized Employment Structures",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"Wealth and the Marital Divide NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"The End of the Gender Revolution? Gender Role Attitudes from 1977 to 2008",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"Contingent Symbiosis and Civil Society in an Authoritarian State: Understanding the Survival of China's Grassroots NGOs",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"Network Position and Sexual Dysfunction: Implications of Partner Betweenness for Men",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"How Network Externalities Can Exacerbate Intergroup Inequality NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"The Relationality of Movements: Movement and Countermovement Resources, Infrastructure, and Leadership in the Los Angeles Tenants' Rights",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"Income Inequality and Income Segregation NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"She Left, He Left: How Employment and Satisfaction Affect Women's and Men's Decisions to Leave Marriages",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"Replacing Members with Managers? Mutualism among Membership and Nonmembership Advocacy Organizations in the United States",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"""737-Cabriolet"": The Limits of Knowledge and the Sociology of Inevitable Failure",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"Cents and Sensibility: Economic Valuation and the Nature of ""Nature"" NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"Segregation in Social Networks Based on Acquaintanceship and Trust NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"Stepwise International Migration: A Multistage Migration Pattern for the Aspiring Migrant",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"Is a College Degree Still the Great Equalizer? Intergenerational Mobility across Levels of Schooling in the United States",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2011,"Moving Teenagers Out of High-Risk Neighborhoods: How Girls Fare Better than Boys",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2012,"Eviction and the Reproduction of Urban Poverty NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2012,"Bright Futures in Malawi's New Dawn: Educational Aspirations as Assertions of Identity",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2012,"Difficult Decoupling: Employee Resistance to the Commercialization of Personal Settings",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2012,"Weber and the Environment: Classical Foundations for a Postexemptionalist Sociology",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2012,"Cohort Change, Diffusion, and Support for Environmental Spending in the United States",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2012,"Human Rights as Myth and Ceremony? Reevaluating the Effectiveness of Human Rights Treaties, 1981-2007",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2012,"Settler Colonial Power and the American Indian Sovereignty Movement: Forms of Domination, Strategies of Transformation",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2012,"Defining America's Racial Boundaries: Blacks, Mexicans, and European Immigrants, 1890-1945",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2012,"Legal Violence: Immigration Law and the Lives of Central American Immigrants",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2012,"Gender Deviance and Household Work: The Role of Occupation NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2012,"To Act or Not to Act: Context, Capability, and Community Response to Environmental Risk",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2012,"Are the Economy and the Environment Decoupling? A Comparative International Study, 1960-2005",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2012,"Employment and Exile: U.S. Criminal Deportations, 1908-2005 NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2012,"Network-Related Personality and the Agency Question: Multirole Evidence from a Virtual World",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2012,"Social Movement Organizational Collaboration: Networks of Learning and the Diffusion of Protest Tactics, 1960-1995",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2012,"Who Am I and Who Are We? Conflicting Narratives of Collective Selfhood in Stigmatized Groups",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2012,"Northward Migration and the Rise of Racial Disparity in American Incarceration, 1880-1950",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2012,"Racial Fluidity and Inequality in the United States NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2012,"Lustration Systems and Trust: Evidence from Survey Experiments in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2012,"Citizenship Rights for Immigrants: National Political Processes and Cross-National Convergence in Western Europe, 1980-2008",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2012,"Building Europe on a Weak Field: Law, Economics, and Scholarly Avatars in Transnational Politics",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2012,"The Three Worlds of Inequality NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2012,"Disposable Ties and the Urban Poor NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2012,"Organized Labor and Racial Wage Inequality in the United States NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2012,"The Flexible Unity of Economics NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2012,"Social Network Dynamics and Biographical Disruption: The Case of ""First-Timers"" with Mental Illness",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2012,"Inheriting the Homeland? Intergenerational Transmission of Cross-Border Ties in Migrant Families",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2012,"Echoes of the Past: Organizational Foundings as Sources of an Institutional Legacy of Mutualism",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2012,"Socially Embedded Investments: Explaining Gender Differences in Job-Specific Skills",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2012,"When Do Fathers Care? Mothers' Economic Contribution and Fathers' Involvement in Child Care",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"Challenger Groups, Commercial Organizations, and Policy Enactment: Local Lesbian/Gay Rights Ordinances in the United States from 1972",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"Misdemeanor Justice: Control without Conviction NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"Diversity, Integration, and Social Ties: Attraction versus Repulsion as Drivers of Intra-and Intergroup Relations",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"The Transformation of America's Penal Order: A Historicized Political Sociology of Punishment",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"Counterbalances to Economic Homophily: Microlevel Mechanisms in a Historical Setting",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"Funding Immigrant Organizations: Suburban Free Riding and Local Civic Presence",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"Making the Connection: Social Bonding in Courtship Situations NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"Defense against Recession: U.S. Business Mobilization, 1950-1970 NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"Mate Selection in Cyberspace: The Intersection of Race, Gender, and Education",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"The Power of Instability: Unraveling the Microfoundations of Bargained Authoritarianism in China",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"Spanning the Institutional Abyss: The Intergovernmental Network and the Governance of Foreign Direct Investment",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"The Effects of U.S. Immigration on the Career Trajectories of Native Workers, 1979-2004",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"The Demography of Social Mobility: Black-White Differences in the Process of Educational Reproduction",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"For a Sociology of Expertise: The Social Origins of the Autism Epidemic NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"The Self-Expressive Edge of Occupational Sex Segregation NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"The Payoff to Skill in the Third Industrial Revolution NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"Betrayal as Market Barrier: Identity-Based Limits to Diversification among High-Status Corporate Law Firms",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"Interethnic Friendship, Trust, and Tolerance: Findings from Two North Iraqi Cities",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"Exposure to Classroom Poverty and Test Score Achievement: Contextual Effects or Selection?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"Coordinating Futures: Toward a Theory of Anticipation NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"Racialized Conflict and Policy Spillover Effects: The Role of Race in the Contemporary US Welfare State",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"Disavowing Politics: Civic Engagement in an Era of Political Skepticism NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"The Sacralization of the Individual: Human Rights and the Abolition of the Death Penalty",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"Overdoing Gender: A Test of the Masculine Overcompensation Thesis NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"Budgetary Units: A Weberian Approach to Consumption NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"Financialization and US Income Inequality, 1970-2008 NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"The Transformation of Prison Regimes in Late Capitalist Societies NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"Social Organization, Collective Sentiment, and Legal Sanctions in Murder Cases",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"Relative Deprivation and Internal Migration in the United States: A Comparison of Black and White Men",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"Terrorist Events and Attitudes toward Immigrants: A Natural Experiment NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"How Options Disappear: Causality and Emergence in Grassroots Activist Groups",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"The Embeddedness of Adolescent Friendship Nominations: The Formation of Social Capital in Emergent Network Structures",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"A Pragmatist Approach to Causality in Ethnography NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"Understanding Latin American Beliefs about Racial Inequality NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2013,"Styles of Causal Thought: An Empirical Investigation(1) NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"Sources of Sibling (Dis)similarity: Total Family Impact on Status Variation in the Netherlands in the Nineteenth Century",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"Who Is Black, White, or Mixed Race? How Skin Color, Status, and Nation Shape Racial Classification in Latin America",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"From Motherhood Penalties to Husband Premia: The New Challenge for Gender Equality and Family Policy, Lessons from Norway",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"Job Displacement among Single Mothers: Effects on Children's Outcomes in Young Adulthood",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"Issue Bricolage: Explaining the Configuration of the Social Movement Sector, 1960-1995",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"A Life Course Trajectory Framework for Understanding the Intracohort Pattern of Wage Inequality",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"The Denigration of Heroes? How the Status Attainment Process Shapes Attributions of Considerateness and Authenticity",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"Racially and Ethnically Diverse Schools and Adolescent Romantic Relationships",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"Civic Action NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"""I Don't Like Passing as a Straight Woman"": Queer Negotiations of Identity and Social Group Membership",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"Moving beyond Stylized Economic Network Models: The Hybrid World of the Indian Firm Ownership Network",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"How Population Structure Shapes Neighborhood Segregation NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"Common Sense and Sociological Explanations NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"Fewer and Better Children: Race, Class, Religion, and Birth Control Reform in America",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"Race in California's Prison Fire Camps for Men: Prison Politics, Space, and the Racialization of Everyday Life",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"The Missing Link in the Diffusion of Protest: Asking Others NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"Governing Inside the Organization: Interpreting Regulation and Compliance",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"Classification and Coercion: The Destruction of Piracy in the English Maritime System",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"Coevolution in Management Fashion: An Agent-Based Model of Consultant-Driven Innovation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"Blocked Acculturation: Cultural Heterodoxy among Europe's Immigrants NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"Decisions about Knowledge in Medical Practice: The Effect of Temporal Features of a Task",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"Red States, Blue States, and Divorce: Understanding the Impact of Conservative Protestantism on Regional Variation in Divorce Rates",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"Class Advantage and the Gender Divide: Flexibility on the Job and at Home",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"Hybrid Activism: Social Movement Mobilization in a Multimovement Environment",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"Spatial Segmentation and the Black Middle Class NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"The New Immigration Contestation: Social Movements and Local Immigration Policy Making in the United States, 2000-2011(1)",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"When Politics Froze Fashion: The Effect of the Cultural Revolution on Naming in Beijing",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"Economists, Capitalists, and the Making of Globalization: North American Free Trade in Comparative-Historical Perspective",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"Contradictions in the Commodification of Hospital Care NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"Saying Yes to Taxes: The Politics of Tax Reform Campaigns in Three Northwestern States, 1965-1973",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"Categories and Organizational Status: The Role of Industry Status in the Response to Organizational Deviance",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"Neither Ideologues nor Agnostics: Alternative Voters' Belief System in an Age of Partisan Politics",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2014,"Beyond Strong and Weak: Rethinking Postdictatorship Civil Societies NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"How Places Shape Identity: The Origins of Distinctive LBQ Identities in Four Small US Cities",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"The Structure of Contingency NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"Race, Self-Selection, and the Job Search Process NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"Love Thy Neighbor? Ethnoracial Diversity and Trust Reexamined NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"From Narcissism to Face Work: Two Views on the Self in Social Interaction",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"Go with Your Gut: Emotion and Evaluation in Job Interviews NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"Stress and Hardship after Prison NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"Peer Influence, Genetic Propensity, and Binge Drinking: A Natural Experiment and a Replication",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"Community Constraints on the Efficacy of Elite Mobilization: The Issuance of Currency Substitutes during the Panic of 1907",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"Caste and Choice: The Influence of Developmental Idealism on Marriage Behavior",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"The Theory of Industrial Society and Cultural Schemata: Does the ""Cultural Myth of Stigma"" Underlie the WHO Schizophrenia Paradox?",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"Cooperative Networks: Altruism, Group Solidarity, Reciprocity, and Sanctioning in Ugandan Producer Organizations",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"The Cost of Color: Skin Color, Discrimination, and Health among African-Americans",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"Do Reputation Systems Undermine Trust? Divergent Effects of Enforcement Type on Generalized Trust and Trustworthiness",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"Representing Human Rights Violations in Darfur: Global Justice, National Distinctions",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"Why Do Liberals Drink Lattes? NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"Explaining the Persistence of Health Disparities: Social Stratification and the Efficiency-Equity Trade-off in the Kidney Transplantation System",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"From Masterly Brokers to Compliant Protegees: The Frontier Governance System and the Rise of Ethnic Confrontation in China-Inner Mongolia,",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"The Social Origins of Networks and Diffusion NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"Agents of Change or Cogs in the Machine? Reexamining the Influence of Female Managers on the Gender Wage Gap",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"Game Changer: The Topology of Creativity NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"Playing the Neoliberal Game: Why Community Leaders Left Party Politics to Partisan Activists",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"Urbanization as Socioenvironmental Succession: The Case of Hazardous Industrial Site Accumulation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"Emergent Ghettos: Black Neighborhoods in New York and Chicago, 1880-1940 NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"Family Structure Instability, Genetic Sensitivity, and Child Well-Being NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"The Making of a Good Woman: Extended Parental Leave Entitlements and Mothers' Work Commitment in Germany",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"Closing Ranks: Closure, Status Competition, and School Segregation NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"Group Threat and Policy Change: The Spatial Dynamics of Prohibition Politics, 1890-1919",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"Selective Service, the Gender-Ordered Family, and the Rational Informality of the American State",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"The Control of Managerial Discretion: Evidence from Unionization's Impact on Employment Segregation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"Reconceptualizing Agency within the Life Course: The Power of Looking Ahead",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"Where Do Immigrants Fare Worse? Modeling Workplace Wage Gap Variation with Longitudinal Employer-Employee Data",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"The Sound of Stigmatization: Sonic Habitus, Sonic Styles, and Boundary Work in an Urban Slum",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"Abortion Liberalization in World Society, 1960-2009 NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2015,"Do Different Methods for Modeling Age-Graded Trajectories Yield Consistent and Valid Results?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"Why Border Enforcement Backfired NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"Strange Bedfellows: Informal Relationships and Political Preference Formation within Boardinghouses, 1825-1841",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"Politics and Economic Stratification: Power Resources and Income Inequality in the United States",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"A Punishing Look: Skin Tone and Afrocentric Features in the Halls of Justice",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"Contested Boundaries: Explaining Where Ethnoracial Diversity Provokes Neighborhood Conflict",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"Transformative Effects of Immigration Law: Immigrants' Personal and Social Metamorphoses through Regularization",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"Who Killed the Inner Circle? The Decline of the American Corporate Interlock Network",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"The Persistence of Extreme Gender Segregation in the Twenty-first Century",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"""Relational by Nature""? Men and Women Do Not Differ in Physiological Response to Social Stressors Faced by Token Women",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"Neighborhood Effect Heterogeneity by Family Income and Developmental Period",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"Does Educational Equality Increase Mobility? Exploiting Nineteenth-Century U.S. Compulsory Schooling Laws",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"Freeing the Press: How Field Environment Explains Critical News Reporting in China",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"The Payoffs of Organizational Membership for Political Activism in Established Democracies",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"The Diffusion of Strikes: A Dyadic Analysis of Economic Sectors in the Netherlands, 1995-2007",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"The Cultural Contingency of Structure: Evidence from Entry to the Slave Trade In and Around the Abolition Movement",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"Looping Genomes: Diagnostic Change and the Genetic Makeup of the Autism Population",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"Parenthood and Happiness: Effects of Work-Family Reconciliation Policies in 22 OECD Countries",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"And Their Children after Them? The Effect of College on Educational Reproduction",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"Status, Faction Sizes, and Social Influence: Testing the Theoretical Mechanism",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"Gendering Genetics: Biological Contingencies in the Protective Effects of Social Integration for Men and Women",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"A Dynamic Model of Cultural Reproduction NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"Racial Profiling and Use of Force in Police Stops: How Local Events Trigger Periods of Increased Discrimination",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"Class Matters: A Study of Minority and Majority Social Mobility in Britain, 1982-2011",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"Toward Open Societies? Trends in Male Intergenerational Class Mobility in European Countries during Industrialization",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"The Power of Counterrevolution: Elitist Origins of Political Order in Postcolonial Asia and Africa",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"The Ecology of Organizational Growth: Chinese Law Firms in the Age of Globalization",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"Made in America? Immigrant Occupational Mobility in the First Half of the Twentieth Century",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"Making the City ""Second Nature"": Freegan ""Dumpster Divers"" and the Materiality of Morality",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"Social Class and Income Inequality in the United States: Ownership, Authority, and Personal Income Distribution from 1980 to 2010",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"Reducing Income Inequality in Educational Attainment: Experimental Evidence on the Impact of Financial Aid on College Completion",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"Corporate Governance and Nested Authority: Cohesive Network Structure, Actor-Driven Mechanisms, and the Balance of Power in American",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"Contested Terrain: The State versus Threatened Lynch Mob Violence NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"Doing Violence, Making Race: Southern Lynching and White Racial Group Formation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"Ethnic Composition and Friendship Segregation: Differential Effects for Adolescent Natives and Immigrants",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"Race Making in a Penal Institution NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"Does Racial Isolation in School Lead to Long-Term Disadvantages? Labor Market Consequences of High School Racial Composition",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2016,"Is the United States a Counterexample to the Secularization Thesis? NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"From Legal Doctrine to Social Transformation? Comparing US Voting Rights, Equal Employment Opportunity, and Fair Housing Legislation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"Why the Poor Support Populism: The Politics of Sincerity in Metro Manila NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"Social Influence Given (Partially) Deliberate Matching: Career Imprints in the Creation of Academic Entrepreneurs",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"Belief Network Analysis: A Relational Approach to Understanding the Structure of Attitudes",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"When Does Globalization Lead to Local Adaptation? The Emergence of Hybrid Islamic Schools in Turkey, 1985-2007",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"Testing Coleman's Social-Norm Enforcement Mechanism: Evidence from Wikipedia",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"Do Anti-Immigrant Laws Shape Public Sentiment? A Study of Arizona's SB 1070 Using Twitter Data",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"The Institutional and Cultural Logics of Legal Commensuration: Blood Money and Negotiated Justice in China",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"Rethinking the Risks of Poverty: A Framework for Analyzing Prevalences and Penalties",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"""The Miracles of Bookkeeping"": How Budget Politics Link Fiscal Policies and Financial Markets",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"Human Rights and Minority Activism in Japan: Transformation of Movement Actorhood and Local-Global Feedback Loop",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"Cultivating Consent: Nonstate Leaders and the Orchestration of State Legibility",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"The Dynamics of Collapse in an Authoritarian Regime: China in 1967 NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"Illuminating a Dark Side of the American Dream: Assessing the Prevalence and Predictors of Mortgage Fraud across US Counties",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"Investigating the Temporal Dynamics of Interorganizational Exchange: Patient Transfers among Italian Hospitals",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"Organizational Structure and Collective Action: Lineage Networks, Semiautonomous Civic Associations, and Collective Resistance in Rural",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"Does Consumer Demand Reproduce Inequality? High-Income Consumers, Vertical Differentiation, and the Wage Structure",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"Ecological Networks and Neighborhood Social Organization NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"Networks, Brokerage, and State-Led Technology Diffusion in Small Industry",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"Stitched on the Edge: Rule Evasion, Embedded Regulators, and the Evolution of Markets",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"The Structural Balance Theory of Sentiment Networks: Elaboration and Test",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"The Uneven Neoliberalization of Good Works: Islamic Charitable Fields and Their Impact on Diffusion",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"One Egalitarianism or Several? Two Decades of Gender-Role Attitude Change in Europe",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"Plausibility Structures, Status Threats, and the Establishment of Anti-Abortion Pregnancy Centers",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"Democracy of Credit: Ownership and the Politics of Credit Access in Late Twentieth-Century America",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"Matching Genotype and Phenotype: A Pragmatist Semiotic Analysis of Clinical Exome Sequencing",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"Interlock Globally, Act Domestically: Corporate Political Unity in the 21st Century",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"The Rise of Protestantism in Post-Mao China: State and Religion in Historical Perspective",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"Public Housing Redevelopment, Neighborhood Change, and the Restructuring of Urban Inequality",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"Redistribution and the New Fiscal Sociology: Race and the Progressivity of State and Local Taxes",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"In the Organization's Shadow: How Individual Behavior Is Shaped by Organizational Leakage",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"School-to-Work Linkages in the United States, Germany, and France NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"State Building and Religion: Explaining the Diverged Path of Religious Change in Taiwan and South Korea, 1950-1980",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"The Price of Admission: Organizational Deference as Strategic Behavior NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2017,"The Interplay of Work and Family Trajectories over the Life Course: Germany and the United States in Comparison",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"Status Organizes Cooperation: An Evolutionary Theory of Status and Social Order",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"Rules, Relations, and Work NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"The Conversion of Cultural Tastes into Social Network Ties NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"Jim Crow, Ethnic Enclaves, and Status Attainment: Occupational Mobility among US Blacks, 1880-1940",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"The Spatial Scale and Spatial Configuration of Residential Settlement: Measuring Segregation in the Postbellum South",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"Minorities and the Clandestine Collective Action Dilemma: The Secret Protection of Jews during the Holocaust",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"For Law and Markets: Employment Discrimination Lawsuits, Market Performance, and Managerial Diversity",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"Democracy and the Class Struggle NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"Work as Foraging: A Smartphone Study of Job Search and Employment after Prison",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"Genetic Options: The Impact of Genetic Ancestry Testing on Consumers' Racial and Ethnic Identities",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"World Citizens on the Periphery: Threat and Identification with Global Society",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"Elitist by Default? Interaction Dynamics and the Inclusiveness of Secularization in Turkish Literary Milieus",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"The Outsider's Advantage: Distrust as a Deterrent to Exploitation NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"Political Islam, Marriage, and Fertility: Evidence from a Natural Experiment",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"Counting Clicks: Quantification and Variation in Web Journalism in the United States and France",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"Recovering the Missing Middle: A Mesocomparative Analysis of Within-Group Inequality, 1970-2011",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"Please in My Backyard: Quiet Mobilization in Support of Fracking in an Appalachian Community",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"Freedom and Convict Leasing in the Postbellum South NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"Money in the Middle: Contribution Strategies among Affluent Donors to Federal Elections, 1980-2008",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"Companies and the Rise of Economic Thought: The Institutional Foundations of Early Economics in England, 1550-1720",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"Incarcerated Fatherhood: The Entanglements of Child Support Debt and Mass Imprisonment",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"Imprisonment and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from a Natural Experiment",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"The Contradictory Impact of Transnational AIDS Institutions on State Repression in China, 1989-2013",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"Material Signals: A Historical Sociology of High-Frequency Trading NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"Risks, Returns, and Relational Lending: Personal Ties in Microfinance NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"Faulkner's Assembly of Memories into History: Narrative Networks in Multiple Times",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"Disciplining Play: Digital Youth Culture as Capital at School NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"How Cultural Capital Emerged in Gilded Age America: Musical Purification and Cross-Class Inclusion at the New York Philharmonic",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"The Uptick in Income Segregation: Real Trend or Random Sampling Variation?",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"Ambiguity and Engagement NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"Neighborhood Context and Enduring Differences in the Density of Charitable Organizations: Reinforcing Dynamics of Foundation and",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"Taking a Pass: How Proportional Prejudice and Decisions Not to Hire Reproduce Gender Segregation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"Emotions and Knowledge in Expert Work: A Comparison of Two Psychotherapies",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2018,"Connected in Crime: The Enduring Effect of Neighborhood Networks on the Spatial Patterning of Violence",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2019,"How Organizational Minorities Form and Use Social Ties: Evidence from Teachers in Majority-White and Majority-Black Schools",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2019,"Market Transition, Industrialization, and Social Mobility Trends in Postrevolution China",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2019,"Categorization by Organizations: Manipulation of Disability Categories in a Racially Desegregated School District(1)",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2019,"The Impact of Class Labels on Life Chances in China(1) NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2019,"Gender Pay Gaps in US Federal Science Agencies: An Organizational Approach",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2019,"The Making of Neoliberal Globalization: Norm Substitution and the Politics of Clandestine Institutional Change",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2019,"Economic Self-Reliance and Gender Inequality between US Men and Women, 1970-2010",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2019,"Neighborhood Attainment Outcomes for Children of the Great Migration(1) NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2019,"Race, Place, and Crime: How Violent Crime Events Affect Employment Discrimination(1)",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2019,"Death of the Salesman but Not the Sales Force: How Interested Promotion Skews Scientific Valuation(1)",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2019,"The Citizenship Advantage: Immigrant Socioeconomic Attainment in the Age of Mass Migration(1)",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2019,"The World System and the Hollowing Out of State Capacity: How Structural Adjustment Programs Affect Bureaucratic Quality in Developing",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2019,"Babies, Work, or Both? Highly Educated Women's Employment and Fertility in East Asia(1)",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2019,"The Materiality of Ideology: Cultural Consumption and Political Thought after the American Revolution(1)",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2019,"Men's Income Trajectories and Physical and Mental Health at Midlife NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2019,"More Than a Sorting Machine: Ethnic Boundary Making in a Stratified School System",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2019,"Prestige, Proximity, and Prejudice: How Google Search Terms Diffuse across the World",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2019,"The Geography of Racial/Ethnic Test Score Gaps(1) NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2019,"Skin in the Game: Colorism and the Subtle Operation of Stereotypes in Men's College Basketball(1)",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2019,"How Do Criminal Courts Respond in Times of Crisis? Evidence from 9/11 NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2019,"Disease, Plantation Development, and Race-Related Differences in Fertility in the Early Twentieth-Century American South",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2019,"Emergent Meanings: Reconciling Dispositional and Situational Accounts of Meaning-Making from Cultural Objects",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2019,"Self-Correcting Dynamics in Social Influence Processes NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2019,"Empowerment or Disintegration? Migration, Social Institutions, and Collective Action in Rural China(1)",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2019,"Do the Poor Pay More for Housing? Exploitation, Profit, and Risk in Rental Markets(1)",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2019,"Decoupling: Marital Violence and the Struggle to Divorce in China NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2019,"With All Deliberate Speed: The Reversal of Court-Ordered School Desegregation, 1970-2013",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2019,"Revisiting the Weberian Presumption: Gun Militarism, Gun Populism, and the Racial Politics of Legitimate Violence in Policing(1)",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2019,"Corporate Conspiracies and Complex Secrets: Structure and Perception of the Insull Scheme in 1930s Chicago(1)",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2019,"Eyes on the Horizon? Fragmented Elites and the Short-Term Focus of the American Corporation",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2020,"The Right to Work, Power Resources, and Economic Inequality(1) NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2020,"Rethinking Religion: Toward a Practice Approach(1) NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2020,"Generating a Violent Insurgency: China's Factional Warfare of 1967-1968(1)",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2020,"Climate Change and Migration: New Insights from a Dynamic Model of Out-Migration and Return Migration",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2020,"Located Institutions: Neighborhood Frames, Residential Preferences, and the Case of Policing(1)",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2020,"Making Markets on the Margins: Housing Finance Agencies and the Racial Politics of Credit Expansion(1)",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2020,"What Do Historical Sociologists Do All Day? Analytic Architectures in Historical Sociology(1)",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2020,"Leveraging Legitimacy: Institutional Work and Change in the Case of Same-Sex Marriage(1)",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2020,"The Disciplining Effect of Mass Incarceration on Labor Organization(1) NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2020,"Kids These Days: Are Face-to-Face Social Skills among American Children Declining?(1)",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2020,"The Microrelations of Urban Governance: Dynamics of Patronage and Partnership",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2020,"On the Other Side of Values(1) NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2020,"Flows and Boundaries: A Network Approach to Studying Occupational Mobility in the Labor Market(1)",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2020,"Colonial Legacies and Comparative Racial Identification in the Americas(1)",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2020,"With Friends Like These: Aggression from Amity and Equivalence(1) NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2020,"Educational Mobility among the Children of Asian American Immigrants(1) NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2020,"Jim Crow and the Spatial Mismatch Hypothesis(1) NA",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2020,"Able but Unwilling to Enforce: Cooperative Dilemmas in Group Lending NA",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2020,"The Imperial Origins of American Policing: Militarization and Imperial Feedback in the Early 20th Century(1)",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2020,"Is Lying Contagious? Spatial Diffusion of High-Yield ""Satellites"" during China's Great Leap Forward(1)",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2020,"Addressing Emotional Health while Protecting Status: Asian American and White Parents in Suburban America(1)",1 "American Journal of Sociology",2020,"The Dynamics of Repression and Insurgent Practice in the Black Liberation Struggle(1)",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2020,"The Role of Multilayered Peer Groups in Adolescent Depression: A Distributional Approach",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2020,"Unequal Displacement: Gentrification, Racial Stratification, and Residential Destinations in Philadelphia(1)",0 "American Journal of Sociology",2020,"Homophily and Segregation in Cooperative Networks(1) NA",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"FACTORY ORGANIZATION AND VERTICAL MOBILITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"THE UNIQUE PERSPECTIVE OF TELEVISION AND ITS EFFECTS: A PILOT STUDY",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"PUBLIC ATTITUDES TOWARD 'CHISELING' WITH REFERENCE TO UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"THE SOCIAL AREAS OF THE SAN FRANCISCO BAY REGION",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"ESTIMATES OF NET MIGRATION IN THE UNITED STATES, 1870-1940",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"SOCIAL CORRELATES OF PSYCHOLOGICAL TYPES OF DELINQUENCY",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"APPLICATION OF RESEARCH TO PRACTICE IN INTERGROUP RELATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"A SITUATIONAL APPROACH TO THE STUDY OF PERMISSIVENESS IN CHILD-REARING",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"STUDIES IN CHILD SPACING: I-PREMARITAL PREGNANCY AS MEASURED BY THE SPACING OF THE FIRST BIRTH FROM MARRIAGE",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"THE HELP PATTERN IN THE MIDDLE CLASS FAMILY",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"A CONSIDERATION OF DIFFERENCES IN THE EXTENT AND LOCATION OF THE FORMAL ASSOCIATIONAL ACTIVITIES OF RURAL-URBAN FRINGE RESIDENTS",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"THE DEFERRED GRATIFICATION PATTERN: A PRELIMINARY STUDY",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"INSTABILITIES IN STATUS: THE PROBLEM OF HIERARCHY IN THE COMMUNITY STUDY OF STATUS ARRANGEMENTS",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"SOCIAL STRATIFICATION AND THE PSYCHIATRIC DISORDERS",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"ASSORTIVE MATING BY PREVIOUS MARITAL STATUS: SEATTLE, 1939-1946",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"CHARACTERISTICS OF THE NEGRO-WHITE INTERMARRIED IN PHILADELPHIA",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"STUDENT REACTIONS TO IMPENDING MILITARY SERVICE",1 "American Sociological Review",1953,"VALUES AND THE FIELD OF COMPARATIVE SOCIOLOGY",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"USE OF A MAIL QUESTIONNAIRE",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF COLLEGE STUDENTS",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"LEVELS OF ASPIRATION AND SOCIAL CLASS",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"THE CLERGY: AUTHORITY STRUCTURE, IDEOLOGY, MIGRATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"THE ANCIENT SWISS COOPERATIVE COMMUNITY",1 "American Sociological Review",1953,"SOME ASPECTS OF MIGRATION IN THE TENNESSEE VALLEY",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"THE ECONOMIC BASE AND STRUCTURE OF THE URBAN-METROPOLITAN REGION",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"PRELIMINARY EVALUATION OF THE HIGHFIELDS PROJECT",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"CHINA'S TRADITIONAL FAMILY, ITS CHARACTERISTICS AND DISINTEGRATION",1 "American Sociological Review",1953,"SOME SOCIOPSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF ADJUSTMENT TO RESIDENCE LOCATION IN THE RURAL-URBAN FRINGE",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"PATTERNS OF FAMILY LIMITATION IN A RURAL NEGRO COMMUNITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"SOCIAL CLASS IDENTIFICATION IN THE URBAN COMMUNITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"IS A NEW FAMILY FORM EMERGING IN THE URBAN FRINGE?",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"SOME FUNCTIONAL CONSEQUENCES OF PRIMARY CONTROLS IN FORMAL WORK ORGANIZATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"WORK SATISFACTION AND SOCIAL REWARD IN QUOTA ACHIEVEMENT: AN ANALYSIS OF PIECEWORK INCENTIVE",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"ETHICAL LIMITATIONS ON SOCIOLOGICAL REPORTING",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"THE CONSISTENCY OF SUBJECT BEHAVIOR AND THE RELIABILITY OF SCORING IN INTERACTION PROCESS ANALYSIS",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"SCALING INTERVIEW DATA",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"ACCEPTANCE OF INDUSTRIALIZATION AND ITS ATTENDANT CONSEQUENCES FOR THE SOCIAL PATTERNS OF NONWESTERN SOCIETIES",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"AN EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH TO THE STUDY OF STATUS RELATIONS IN INFORMAL GROUPS",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"THE EURASIAN MINORITY IN INDONESIA",1 "American Sociological Review",1953,"POWER RELATIONS IN THREE-PERSON GROUPS",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"NEIGHBORHOOD REACTIONS TO ISOLATED NEGRO RESIDENTS: AN ALTERNATIVE TO INVASION AND SUCCESSION",1 "American Sociological Review",1953,"ROLE CONFLICT AND AMBIVALENCE IN LEADERSHIP",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"A PRELIMINARY LABORATORY STUDY OF THE ACTING CROWD",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"THE ACCURACY OF CENSUS RESULTS",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"OPPORTUNITIES FOR SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH IN ALASKA",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"TOWARD AN OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF THE TERM 'OPERATION'",1 "American Sociological Review",1953,"A COMPARISON OF ATTITUDES OF ENLISTED AND COMMISSIONED AIR FORCE PERSONNEL",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"AN ALTERNATIVE TO ECOLOGICAL CORRELATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"ECOLOGICAL REGRESSIONS AND BEHAVIOR OF INDIVIDUALS",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"STUDIES IN CHILD SPACING: III-PREMARITAL PREGNANCY AS A FACTOR IN DIVORCE",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"COURTSHIP VALUES IN A YOUTH SAMPLE",0 "American Sociological Review",1953,"JUVENILE REPEATERS FROM TWO VIEWPOINTS",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AND SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH",1 "American Sociological Review",1954,"SOCIOLOGY IN FINLAND",1 "American Sociological Review",1954,"WHAT IS WRONG WITH SOCIAL THEORY?",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"TESTING THE RELIABILITY OF SYSTEMATIC FIELD OBSERVATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"A STUDY OF SOCIAL STRATIFICATION USING AN AREA SAMPLE OF RATERS",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"ROLE, ROLE CONFLICT, AND EFFECTIVENESS: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"CASTE DIFFERENTIALS IN SOUTH INDIA",1 "American Sociological Review",1954,"SOCIAL STRATIFICATION AND SCHIZOPHRENIA",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP AND SOCIAL STRUCTURE IN A SMALL CITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"TWO KIND: OF CRYSTALLIZED OCCUPATIONAL CHOICE BEHAVIOR: A PROBLEM IN DELINEATION AND RELATIONSHIP",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"WORK CAREERS AND ASPIRATIONS OF AUTOMOBILE WORKERS",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"THE ROLE OF THE STATE LEGISLATOR IN MASSACHUSETTS",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"THE FUSION OF AN INDIVIDUAL WITH THE ORGANIZATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"EXPLORING TECHNIQUES FOR MEASURING HUMAN VALUES",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"PRIMARY GROUP INFLUENCES ON PUBLIC OPINION",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"THE ROLE OF MIGRATION IN POPULATION CHANGE AMONG THE AGED",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"SELECTIVE ASPECTS OF MIGRATION AMONG MISSOURI HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"MIGRATION AND VERTICAL OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"A METHOD FOR THE CLASSIFICATION OF AREAS ON THE BASIS OF DEMOGRAPHICALLY HOMOGENEOUS POPULATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"PATTERNS OF NEGRO-WHITE INTER-MARRIAGE",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"DIFFERENTIAL CHANGES IN MARRIAGE PATTERNS",1 "American Sociological Review",1954,"ANALYSIS OF CHANGES IN THE MARRIAGE PATTERN BY ECONOMIC GROUPS",1 "American Sociological Review",1954,"THE DURATION OF MARRIAGE",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"DISAGREEMENT, DISAGREEMENT ESTIMATE, AND NON-EMPATHETIC IMPUTATION FOR INTIMACY GROUPS VARYING FROM FAVORITE DATE TO MARRIED",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"THE FAMILY AS A THREE-PERSON GROUP",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"MARITAL HAPPINESS OF PARENTS AND THEIR CHILDREN'S ATTITUDE TO MARRIAGE",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"SOCIO-ECONOMIC FACTORS AND MARITAL ADJUSTMENT IN AN URBAN SETTING",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"THE THEORY OF COMPLEMENTARY NEEDS IN MATE SELECTION: AN ANALYTIC AND DESCRIPTIVE STUDY",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"A RECONSIDERATION OF SOME PAROLE PREDICTION FACTORS",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"THE ROLE OF THE EXPERT ON CORRECTIONAL ADMINISTRATION TO A REQUESTING COUNTRY",1 "American Sociological Review",1954,"LEADERSHIP AMONG PRISON INMATES",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"SOCIAL STRATIFICATION AND PSYCHIATRIC PRACTICE: A STUDY OF AN OUT-PATIENT CLINIC",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"VITALIZING SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"THE COMPATIBILITY OF ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES TO THE DELIMITATION OF URBAN SUB-AREAS",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"SOCIAL CLIMATE AND PRODUCTIVITY IN SMALL MILITARY GROUPS",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"NEGRO VISIBILITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"SUBORDINATE LEADERSHIP IN A BICULTURAL COMMUNITY: AN ANALYSIS",1 "American Sociological Review",1954,"DIFFERENTIATION IN METROPOLITAN AREAS",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"STATUS CRYSTALLIZATION: A NON-VERTICAL DIMENSION OF SOCIAL STATUS",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"MASS MEDIA AND INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION IN THE DIFFUSION OF A NEWS EVENT",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"THE VALUE SYSTEM OF A UNIVERSITY RESEARCH GROUP",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"OVERSEAS MIGRATION FROM EUROPE SINCE WORLD WAR II",1 "American Sociological Review",1954,"ACCURACY OF POSTCENSAL ESTIMATES OF POPULATION FOR STATES AND CITIES",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"THE PREDICTION OF TOTAL FAMILY UNEMPLOYMENT",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"SOME FACTORS IN THE AFFECTIONAL ADJUSTMENT OF TWINS",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"THE FORMALIZATION OF SOCIOLOGY",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"BASIC PROBLEMS OF CONTEMPORARY SOCIOLOGY",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"ANTIFEMININITY IN MEN",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"THE SOCIAL ISOLATION HYPOTHESIS AND SCHIZOPHRENIA",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"SOCIAL MOBILITY AND MENTAL ILLNESS",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"SOCIAL STATUS DIFFERENTIALS AND THE RACE ATTITUDES OF NEGROES",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"THE COMPARATIVE ROLE OF CHILDREN AND ADULTS IN PROPAGANDA DIFFUSION",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"REPEATED MIGRATION AS A FACTOR IN HIGH MOBILITY RATES",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"DIFFERENTIAL FERTILITY IN THE UNITED STATES: 1900 TO 1952",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"THE UNWED MOTHER AND SAMPLING BIAS",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"THE CASE FOR THE STUDY OF SMALL GROUPS",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"SOME FINDINGS RELEVANT TO THE GREAT MAN THEORY OF LEADERSHIP",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"INTERPERSONAL ORIENTATIONS IN SMALL GROUPS: A CONSIDERATION OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE APPROACH",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"THE BEHAVIOR OF SMALL GROUPS UNDER THE STRESS CONDITIONS OF 'SURVIVAL'",0 "American Sociological Review",1954,"THE CASH POSTERS: A STUDY OF A GROUP OF WORKING GIRLS",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"THE COMPARISON OF RATES OF CHANGE: A CAUTION",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"THE EFFECT OF CHANGING SIZE UPON THE INTERNAL STRUCTURE OF ORGANIZATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"ECONOMIC, FAMILY, AND ETHNIC STATUS: AN EMPIRICAL TEST",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"THE HINTERLAND RECONSIDERED",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"ORGANIZATIONAL TRANSFORMATION: A CASE STUDY OF A DECLINING SOCIAL MOVEMENT",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"DEPRIVATION AND SOLIDARITY IN THE SOVIET URBAN FAMILY",1 "American Sociological Review",1955,"THE THEORY OF COMPLEMENTARY NEEDS IN MATE-SELECTION: A TEST OF ONE KIND OF COMPLEMENTARINESS",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"THE METHODOLOGY OF FUNCTIONALISM",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"A METHODOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF SEGREGATION INDEXES",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE IN TERMS OF A SERIES OF SELECTED VARIABLES",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"THE CHINESE IN BANGKOK A COMMERCIAL-ORIENTED MINORITY",1 "American Sociological Review",1955,"SOCIAL INFLUENCE ON THE AIRCRAFT COMMANDER'S ROLE",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"CONFLICTING GROUP MEMBERSHIP: A STUDY OF PARENT-PEER GROUP CROSS-PRESSURES",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"ROLE DIFFERENTIATION IN SMALL GROUPS",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"INTERMETROPOLITAN MIGRATION: A COMPARISON OF THE HYPOTHESES OF ZIPF AND STOUFFER",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"PARTICIPATION OF MIGRANTS IN URBAN STRUCTURES",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"CHILDHOOD BACKGROUNDS OF SUCCESS IN A PROFESSION",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"SOME ASPECTS OF THE NATURE OF UNIONISM AMONG SALARIED PROFESSIONALS IN INDUSTRY",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"INTRAOCCUPATIONAL PRESTIGE DIFFERENTIATION: THE SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENCY",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"SOCIAL MOBILITY TRENDS IN THE UNITED STATES",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"A COMPARISON OF INDEXES OF SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS",1 "American Sociological Review",1955,"OCCUPATIONS AND THE CONGRESSIONAL VOTE, 1940-1950",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"SOME DEOMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS OF RECENTLY MARRIED PERSONS: COMPARISONS OF REGISTRATION DATA AND SAMPLE SURVEY DATA",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"EGO DEFICIENCY AS A FACTOR IN MARRIAGE",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"RELATIONSHIPS AMONG CHILD TRAINING PRACTICES",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"THE ADJUSTMENT OF MARRIED OFFSPRING TO THEIR PARENTS",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"THE EFFICACY OF ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES TO PAROLE PREDICTION",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"COMPLETED AND ATTEMPTED SUICIDES: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"THE FUNCTION AND MEANING OF WORK AND THE JOB",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"SOCIAL ISOLATION AND SCHIZOPHRENIA",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND SOCIAL PARTICIPATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"FUNCTIONAL ALTERNATIVES TO INEQUALITY",1 "American Sociological Review",1955,"POPULATION, AREA, AND DENSITY OF COMPARABLE METROPOLITAN DISTRICTS AND STANDARD METROPOLITAN AREAS",1 "American Sociological Review",1955,"MIGRATION AND OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY IN NORRISTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"OCCUPATIONAL LEVEL AND MARITAL DISRUPTION",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"REWARDS AND TASK-ORIENTATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"DIFFUSION IS PREDICTABLE: TESTING PROBABILITY MODELS FOR LAWS OF INTERACTION",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"FACTORS IN THE PERSONAL ADJUSTMENT OF INSTITUTIONALIZED AND NON-INSTITUTIONALIZED AGED",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"CHURCH-SECT TYPOLOGY AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS",1 "American Sociological Review",1955,"MATE SELECTION ON BASIS OF PERSONALITY TYPE: A STUDY UTILIZING AN EMPIRICAL TYPOLOGY OF PERSONALITY",1 "American Sociological Review",1955,"THE THEORY OF COMPLEMENTARY NEEDS IN MATE SELECTION: FINAL RESULTS OF THE TEST OF THE GENERAL HYPOTHESIS",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"INTERACTION PROCESS ANALYSIS OF PROFESSIONAL BEHAVIOR: A STUDY OF LABOR MEDIATORS IN TWELVE LABOR-MANAGEMENT DISPUTES",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"SOCIOLOGY AND THE PRACTICING PROFESSIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"A METHOD FOR THE ANALYSIS OF THE STRUCTURE OF COMPLEX ORGANIZATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1955,"FORMER SOVIET CITIZENS' ATTITUDES TOWARD THE SOVIET, THE GERMAN AND THE AMERICAN MEDICAL SYSTEMS",1 "American Sociological Review",1955,"THE MYTH OF ADOLESCENT CULTURE",1 "American Sociological Review",1955,"EDUCATIONAL DESEGREGATION AS A CONTEXT FOR BASIC SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"MULTIPLE INTERGROUP RELATIONS IN THE UPPER RIO GRANDE REGION",1 "American Sociological Review",1956,"THE MINORITY COURSE.",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"URBAN NEIGHBORHOOD TYPES AND PARTICIPATION IN FORMAL ASSOCIATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"TRENDS IN RESIDENTIAL SEGREGATION OF NONWHITES IN AMERICAN CITIES, 1940-1950",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"SUBURBANISM AS A WAY OF LIFE",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"SCALE ANALYSIS OF URBAN STRUCTURES: A STUDY OF BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"URBANISM RECONSIDERED: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF LOCAL AREAS IN A METROPOLIS",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"OCCUPATIONAL SELECTION AND INTELLIGENCE IN RURAL COMMUNITIES AND SMALL TOWNS IN MISSOURI",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"POPULATION GROWTH AND DISTRIBUTION IN CENTRAL CITIES, 1940-1950",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"PERCEIVED CONSENSUS WITHIN AND AMONG OCCUPATIONAL CLASSES",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"STRUCTURAL-FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS: SOME PROBLEMS AND MISUNDERSTANDINGS",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"ANXIETY AMONG ENGLISH AND AMERICAN BOYS -. AN EMENDATION",1 "American Sociological Review",1956,"SYMBIOSIS AND CONSENSUS AS INTEGRATIVE FACTORS IN SMALL GROUPS",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"SITUATIONAL PATTERNING IN INTERGROUP RELATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"LIFE CAREERS, POWER AND THE PROFESSIONS: THE RETIRED ARMY GENERAL",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"THE ACHIEVEMENT SYNDROME: A PSYCHOCULTURAL DIMENSION OF SOCIAL STRATIFICATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"THE CHANGING CLASS STRUCTURE OF INDONESIA",1 "American Sociological Review",1956,"AN INTERACTIONAL STUDY OF OJIBWA SOCIALIZATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS AND PARTICIPATION IN THE POLIOMYELITIS VACCINE TRIAL",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"RITUAL KINSHIP AND NEGATIVE AFFECT",1 "American Sociological Review",1956,"AMERICAN VILLAIN-TYPES",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"THE ELEMENTS OF IDENTIFICATION WITH AN OCCUPATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"THE USE OF LEISURE AND ITS RELATION TO LEVELS OF OCCUPATIONAL PRESTIGE",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"SOCIAL MOBILITY AND INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"A NEW LOOK AT THE SOVIET POPULATION STRUCTURE OF 1939",1 "American Sociological Review",1956,"SOME INTERRELATIONS OF POPULATION AND ATOMIC POWER",1 "American Sociological Review",1956,"CLINICAL TREATMENT OF MALE DELINQUENTS: A CASE STUDY IN EFFORT AND RESULT",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"PUBLIC ATTITUDES TOWARD STEALING AS RELATED TO THE SIZE OF THE VICTIM ORGANIZATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"A THEORY OF COALITIONS IN THE TRIAD",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"A FACTOR ANALYSIS OF SIXTEEN PRIMITIVE SOCIETIES",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"THE STRUCTURING OF SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS ENGENDERED BY SUBURBAN RESIDENCE",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"IS SOCIOLOGY TOO DETACHED?",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"A TEST OF THE THEORY OF COMPLEMENTARY NEEDS AS APPLIED TO COUPLES DURING COURTSHIP",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"A TYPOLOGY OF NORMS",1 "American Sociological Review",1956,"THE CONCEPTUAL MECHANISM OF STEREOTYPING",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"SOME CHARACTERISTICS OF AMERICAN NEGRO LEADERS",1 "American Sociological Review",1956,"VALUES AND ORGANIZATION IN A UNIVERSITY SOCIAL RESEARCH GROUP",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"MARITAL ROLE TENSIONS AND NUMBER AND SEX OF CHILDREN",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"CHANGE IN VALUES AND ATTITUDES TOWARD THE FAMILY",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"INTERCORRELATIONS OF SOCIAL PROBLEM RATES IN HONOLULU",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"THE SOCIAL SCIENCE CONTENT OF A MEDICAL CURRICULUM",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"SOCIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS AND THE 'VARIABLE'",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"TOWARD A THEORY OF DISASTER",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"SAMPLING MASS MEDIA CONTENT: THE USE OF THE CLUSTER DESIGN",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"SOCIAL INTEGRATION AND CERTAIN COROLLARIES: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"FACTORS INFLUENCING CHOICE IN ROLE CONFLICT SITUATIONS",1 "American Sociological Review",1956,"THE SOCIAL SIGNIFICANCE OF CARD PLAYING AS A LEISURE TIME ACTIVITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"SOCIAL CLASS AND OCCUPATIONAL ASPIRATION: A COMPARISON OF ABSOLUTE AND RELATIVE MEASUREMENT",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"MISANTHROPY AND POLITICAL MEOLOGY",0 "American Sociological Review",1956,"CONFIDENCE INTERVALS FOR CLUSTERED SAMPLES",0 "American Sociological Review",1957,"THE FORMAL ANALYSIS OF NORMATIVE CONCEPTS",0 "American Sociological Review",1957,"MODELS AND THEORY CONSTRUCTION",0 "American Sociological Review",1957,"MODELS, SYSTEMS, AND SCIENCE",0 "American Sociological Review",1957,"EMPIRICAL SCIENCE AND MAX WEBER'S VERSTEHENDE SOZIOLOGIE",0 "American Sociological Review",1957,"THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN LEADERSHIP AND POPULARITY ROLES IN SMALL GROUPS",0 "American Sociological Review",1957,"ADJUSTMENT CHARACTERISTICS OF RURAL AND URBAN CHILDREN",1 "American Sociological Review",1957,"SOCIAL STATUS AND EDUCATIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL ASPIRATION",1 "American Sociological Review",1957,"MEDICAL SOCIOLOGY; A REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE",0 "American Sociological Review",1957,"THEORETICAL REQUIREMENTS OF THE APPLIED SOCIAL SCIENCES",0 "American Sociological Review",1957,"A NOTE ON STATISTICAL ANALYSIS IN THE AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW",0 "American Sociological Review",1957,"TOWARD CLOSER RELATIONS BETWEEN THEORY AND RESEARCH: A PROCEDURE AND AN EXAMPLE",0 "American Sociological Review",1957,"MARITAL SATISFACTION AND RELIGIOUS BEHAVIOR",0 "American Sociological Review",1957,"SOME SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF SOCIAL RESEARCH",0 "American Sociological Review",1957,"SOCIAL MOBILITY AMONG SELECTED GROUPS OF SCHIZOPHRENIC PATIENTS",0 "American Sociological Review",1957,"RITUAL AND MAGIC IN THE CONTROL OF CONTAGION",0 "American Sociological Review",1957,"SOCIOLOGY IN ITALY.",1 "American Sociological Review",1957,"THE STRANGER IN LABORATORY CULTURE",0 "American Sociological Review",1957,"AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF COALITIONS IN THE TRIAD.",0 "American Sociological Review",1957,"METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE IN SUB-CENTER ECONOMIC FUNCTIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1957,"SUBURBANIZATION OF RETAIL TRADE IN THE STANDARD METROPOLITAN AREAS OF THE UNITED STATES, 1948-1954.",1 "American Sociological Review",1957,"OCCUPATIONAL BIAS AND MOBILITY.",0 "American Sociological Review",1957,"ETHNICITY, SOCIAL CLASS, AND ADOLESCENT INDEPENDENCE FROM PARENTAL CONTROL.",1 "American Sociological Review",1957,"RELIGIOUS INSTITUTIONS IN COMPLEX SOCIETIES: DIFFICULTIES IN THE THEORETIC SPECIFICATION OF FUNCTIONS.",0 "American Sociological Review",1957,"SALES SUCCESS AND JOB SATISFACTION.",0 "American Sociological Review",1957,"THE SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH PROGRAM OF THE NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1957,"NORMATIVE ATTITUDES OF FILIPINO YOUTH COMPARED WITH GERMAN AND AMERICAN YOUTH",1 "American Sociological Review",1957,"SOCIAL STRATIFICATION AND SOCIAL RELATIONS: AN EMPIRICAL TEST OF THE DISJUNCTIVENESS OF SOCIAL CLASSES",1 "American Sociological Review",1957,"PREDICTIVE UTILITY OF FIVE INDICES OF SOCIAL STRATIFICATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1957,"EVALUATION OF OCCUPATIONS: A REFLECTION OF JEWISH AND ITALIAN MOBILITY DIFFERENCES",1 "American Sociological Review",1957,"WHAT KIND OF PEOPLE DOES A RELIGIOUS CULT ATTRACT?",0 "American Sociological Review",1957,"SUPPLEMENTARY NOTE CONCERNING THE SOVIET POPULATION STRUCTURE OF 1939",1 "American Sociological Review",1957,"FAMILY LIFE CYCLE AS AN INDEPENDENT VARIABLE",0 "American Sociological Review",1957,"THE SELF COMPONENT IN POTENTIAL DELINQUENCY AND POTENTIAL NON-DELINQUENCY",0 "American Sociological Review",1957,"THE DIFFERENTIAL IMPACT OF FAMILY DISORGANIZATION",1 "American Sociological Review",1957,"A MEASURE OF ALIENATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1957,"PRIORITIES IN SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY: A CHAPTER IN THE SOCIOLOGY OF SCIENCE",0 "American Sociological Review",1957,"DEMOGRAPHIC CORRELATES OF BORDER-STATE DESEGREGATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1958,"CHANGES IN STATUS AND AGE IDENTIFICATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1958,"THE ROLE OF ECONOMIC DOMINANTS IN COMMUNITY POWER STRUCTURE",0 "American Sociological Review",1958,"THE FATE OF IDEALISM IN MEDICAL SCHOOL",0 "American Sociological Review",1958,"STATUS OVERESTIMATION, OBJECTIVE STATUS, AND JOB SATISFACTION AMONG PROFESSIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1958,"INDUSTRY AND COMMUNITY POWER STRUCTURE: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF AN AMERICAN AND AN ENGLISH CITY",1 "American Sociological Review",1958,"OFFICE, FACTORY, STORE -- AND FAMILY: A STUDY OF INTEGRATION SETTING",0 "American Sociological Review",1958,"AUTHORITY AND DECISION-MAKING IN A HOSPITAL: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS",0 "American Sociological Review",1958,"SOCIAL STATUS AND PSYCHIATRIC SERVICE IN A CHILD GUIDANCE CLINIC",0 "American Sociological Review",1958,"ORGANIZATIONAL GOALS AND ENVIRONMENT. GOAL-SETTING AS AN INTERACTION PROCESS",0 "American Sociological Review",1958,"A THEORY OF STATUS INTEGRATION AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO SUICIDE",0 "American Sociological Review",1958,"GRASS ROOTS POLITICANS AND THE VOTE",0 "American Sociological Review",1958,"COOLEY: A PERSPECTIVE",0 "American Sociological Review",1958,"CULTURE CASE STUDY AND GREEK HISTORY: COMPARISON VIEWED SOCIOLOGICALLY",1 "American Sociological Review",1958,"SOCIAL STRATIFICATION AND THE FUNCTIONAL THEORY OF SOCIAL DIFFERENTIATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1958,"RANDOMIZATION AND INFERENCE IN SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH",0 "American Sociological Review",1958,"THE DIFFERENTIAL POLITICAL ACTIVITY OF PARTICIPANTS IN A VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1958,"VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIPS OF AMERICAN ADULTS: EVIDENCE FROM NATIONAL SAMPLE SURVEYS",0 "American Sociological Review",1958,"URBANIZATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES: A STUDY IN ORGANIZATIONAL ECOLOGY",1 "American Sociological Review",1958,"CONVENTIONAL VERSUS METROPOLITAN DATA IN THE INTERNATIONAL STUDY OF URBANIZATION",1 "American Sociological Review",1958,"CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS AND POLITICAL SOLIDARITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1958,"A GENERAL TYPOLOGY OF MIGRATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1958,"THE RELATION OF INDICES OF FETAL AND INFANT LOSS TO RESIDENTIAL SEGREGATION: A FOLLOW-UP REPORT",0 "American Sociological Review",1958,"MARRIAGE PATTERNS AND EDUCATIONAL LEVEL",0 "American Sociological Review",1958,"POSTMARITAL CONSEQUENCES OF PREMARITAL SEX ADJUSTMENTS",0 "American Sociological Review",1958,"MARITAL ADJUSTMENT: A FACTOR ANALYSIS STUDY",0 "American Sociological Review",1958,"FERTILITY THROUGH TWENTY YEARS OF MARRIAGE: A STUDY IN PREDICTIVE POSSIBILITIES",0 "American Sociological Review",1958,"AUTOMATION IN THE AUTOMOBILE INDUSTRY: SOME CONSEQUENCES FOR IN-PLANT SOCIAL STRUCTURE",0 "American Sociological Review",1958,"ALIENATION AND MENTAL ILLNESS",0 "American Sociological Review",1958,"CONGRESSMEN, SOCIAL SCIENTISTS, AND ATTITUDES TOWARD FEDERAL SUPPORT OF SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH",0 "American Sociological Review",1958,"CONTINUITY AND CHANGE IN SOCIOLOGICAL STUDY",0 "American Sociological Review",1958,"PROBLEMS OF INFERENCE AND PROOF IN PARTICIPANT OBSERVATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1958,"THE ""JACOB REPORT""",0 "American Sociological Review",1958,"THE 'JACOB REPORT'",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"HUMOR IN NEGRO AND WHITE SUBCULTURES: A STUDY OF JOKES AMONG UNIVERSITY STUDENTS",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"THE THEORETICAL IMPORTANCE OF LOVE",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"INFORMATION AND AUTHORITY: THE STRUCTURE OF MILITARY ORGANIZATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"ROLE CONCEPTIONS AND ORGANIZATIONAL SIZE",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"DEVIANT BEHAVIOR AND SOCIAL STRUCTURE: CONTINUITIES IN SOCIAL THEORY",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"SOCIAL CONFORMITY, DEVIATION, AND OPPORTUNITY-STRUCTURES: A COMMENT ON THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF DUBIN AND CLOWARD",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"ANTISOCIAL SENTIMENT AND CRIMINALITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"ON STATUS INTEGRATION AND SUICIDE RATES IN TULSA",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"A STRUCTURAL THEORY FOR INTERGROUP BELIEFS AND ACTION",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"CAN THE MAIL-BACK BIAS CONTRIBUTE TO A STUDY'S VALIDITY?",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"TWO DIMENSIONS OF DELINQUENT BEHAVIOR",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"EMPIRICAL ASSESSMENT OF VALUES AND IDEOLOGIES",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"SOME STATISTICAL PROBLEMS IN RESEARCH DESIGN",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"THE GEOMETRIC INTERPRETATION OF AGREEMENT",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"SOCIOLOGISTS AND SOCIOLOGICALLY TRAINED 'PRACTITIONERS'",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"SOME PROBLEMS CONFRONTING SOCIOLOGY AS A PROFESSION",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"SOCIOLOGY IN AMERICAN COLLEGES: FIFTEEN YEARS LATER",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"THE CONTRIBUTION OF GEORG SIMMEL: A REAPPRAISAL",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"EMILE DURKHEIM: A PERSPECTIVE AND APPRECIATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"DURKHEIM AND HISTORY",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"THE MYTH OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS AS A SPECIAL METHOD IN SOCIOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY",1 "American Sociological Review",1959,"EGOISM, ALTRUISM, ANOMIE, AND FATALISM: A CONCEPTUAL ANALYSIS OF DURKHEIM'S TYPES",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"PREDICTING A COMMUNITY DECISION: A TEST OF THE MILLER-FORM THEORY",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"EQUILIBRIUM AND THE PROCESS OF DEVIANCE AND CONTROL",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"ON THE MEANING OF ALIENATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"THE FUNCTIONAL THEORY OF STRATIFICATION: SOME NEGLECTED CONSIDERATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"MEASURING ALIENATION WITHIN A SOCIAL SYSTEM",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"MODELS OF MAN",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"THREE PROBLEMS IN THE ANALYSIS OF COMMUNITY POWER",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"SOME FACTORS IN A PROBABILITY SAMPLE SURVEY OF A METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"INTEGRATION AND CLEAVAGE AMONG COMMUNITY INFLUENTIALS IN TWO BORDER CITIES",1 "American Sociological Review",1959,"'BUREAUCRACY' AND 'RATIONALITY' IN WEBER'S ORGANIZATION THEORY: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"FATHERS AND SONS: FOUNDATIONS OF POLITICAL BELIEF",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"THE TOLERANT PERSONALITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"SOCIAL CLASS AND MENTAL HOSPITALIZATION PROGNOSIS",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"MIGRATION AND MENTAL ILLNESS: A NEW LOOK",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"AN INDEX OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC RANK OF CENSUS TRACTS IN URBAN AREAS",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"THE DIFFERENTIAL RESIDENTIAL SEGREGATION OF WORKING-CLASS NEGROES IN NEW HAVEN",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"FACTORS IN THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SOCIAL STATUS AND THE PERSONALITY ADJUSTMENT OF THE CHILD",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY AND MEMBERSHIP IN FORMAL VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATIONS: A NOTE ON RESEARCH",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"THE OCCUPATIONAL VARIABLE AS A RESEARCH CATEGORY",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"INDUSTRIALIZATION, IDEOLOGIES, AND SOCIAL STRUCTURE",1 "American Sociological Review",1959,"CHANGES IN MORAL VALUES AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS: A FACTORIAL STUDY",1 "American Sociological Review",1959,"RESIDENTIAL SEGREGATION OF SOCIAL CLASSES AND ASPIRATIONS OF HIGH SCHOOL BOYS",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"RE LIGIOUS BACKGROUND AND HIGHER EDUCATION",1 "American Sociological Review",1959,"SOURCES OF DEMOGRAPHIC DATA ON MAINLAND CHINA",1 "American Sociological Review",1959,"CRIME, AGE, AND EMPLOYMENT",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"DECISION-MAKING IN A MENTAL HOSPITAL: REAL, PERCEIVED, AND IDEAL",0 "American Sociological Review",1959,"THE RELATION OF STAFF CONSENSUS TO PATIENT DISTURBANCE ON MENTAL HOSPITAL WARDS",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"THE SOCIOLOGIST AS MEDICAL EDUCATOR",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"COURSES PREFERRED FOR ADMISSION TO GRADUATE'DEPARTMENTS OF SOCIOLOGY",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"THE CONTEMPORARY POLISH SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW",1 "American Sociological Review",1960,"SOCIOLOGY AND HUMANE LEARNING",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"CULTURAL OCCASIONS AND GROUP STRUCTURES: A PHOTOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF AMERICAN SOCIAL SITUATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"ILLEGITIMACY IN THE CARIBBEAN SOCIAL STRUCTURE",1 "American Sociological Review",1960,"THE IMPACT OF RECRUITMENT ON THE ORGANIZATION OF THE LARGE LAW FIRM",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"RURAL-URBAN FERTILITY DIFFERENTIALS IN MEXICO",1 "American Sociological Review",1960,"PREMARITAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE RELIGIOUSLY INTERMARRIED IN AN URBAN AREA",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY AND EXTENDED FAMILY COHESION",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"CULTURAL RELATIVISM AND PREMARITAL SEX NORMS",1 "American Sociological Review",1960,"A NOTE ON SOCIAL MOBILITY, RELIGIOSITY, AND STUDENTS' ATTITUDES TOWARDS PREMARITAL SEXUAL RELATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"UNMARRIED FATHERS AND THE MORES: 'SEXUAL EXPLOITER AS AN EX POST FACTO LABEL",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"THE STATUS OF WOMEN IN PROFESSIONAL SOCIOLOGY",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"THE NORM OF RECIPROCITY: A PRELIMINARY STATEMENT",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"IN DEFENSE OF POPULATION THEORY",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"WEBER'S CATEGORIES OF AUTHORITY AND VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"THE ENGLISH RECORD OF A NATURAL SOCIOLOGY",1 "American Sociological Review",1960,"RURALITY, ITEM BIAS, AND THE APPLICATION OF SCIENTIFIC METHODOLOGY TO HUMAN BEHAVIOR",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL BELTS, 1950 AND 1956",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"URBAN STRUCTURE AND INDUSTRIALIZATION",1 "American Sociological Review",1960,"AGE STATUS AND RESIDENTIAL STRATIFICATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"A METHOD FOR RANKING COMMUNITY INFLUENTIALS",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"THE CONCEPT OF SOCIAL MOBILITY: AN EMPIRICAL INQUIRY",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"EGALITARIAN ATTITUDES OF WARSAW STUDENTS",1 "American Sociological Review",1960,"RESIDENTIAL AND OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY IN AN AREA OF RAPID INDUSTRIALIZATION IN NORWAY",1 "American Sociological Review",1960,"CORRELATES OF TRADE UNION PARTICIPATION: A SUMMARY OF THE LITERATURE",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"PUBLIC OPINION AND AND THE PRIMARY GROUP",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"THE DEMOGRAPHIC TRANSITION IN THE NETHERLANDS",1 "American Sociological Review",1960,"MIGRATION AS A FUNCTION OF POPULATION AND DISTANCE",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"CHANGES IN THE RURAL-NONFARM POPULATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"GEOGRAPHIC MOBILITY AND EXTENDED FAMILY COHESION",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"ON SUICIDE RATE DIFFERENTIALS IN TULSA",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"A CROSS-CULTURAL REPLICATION OF THE RELATION OF URBANISM TO CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR",1 "American Sociological Review",1960,"PARSONS' ACTOR: CONTINUITIES IN SOCIAL THEORY",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"A THEORY OF ROLE STRAIN",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"PATTERN VARIABLES REVISITED: A RESPONSE TO ROBERT DUBIN",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"ALTER VERSUS EGO: AN EXPLORATORY ASSESSMENT OF ALTRUISM",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"SOCIAL STATUS AND THE AMBIVALENCE HYPOTHESIS: SOME CRITICAL NOTES AND A SUGGESTION",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"THE SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND POLITICAL PROCESS OF SUBURBIA",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"URBAN CRIME AREAS: PART I",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"TOWARD A DEVELOPMENTAL THEORY OF PAROLE",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND ANOMIA IN A SMALL CITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"CONTRACULTURE AND SUBCULTURE",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"ELECTRONIC PROCESSING OF SOCIOMETRIC DATA FOR GROUPS UP TO 1, 000 IN SIZE",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"DIFFERENCES IN THE STRUCTURE OF MORAL VALUES OF STUDENTS AND ALUMNI",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"THEY WORK FOR AMERICANS: A STUDY OF THE NATIONAL STAFF OF AN AMERICAN OVERSEAS AGENCY",1 "American Sociological Review",1960,"EMPLOYMENT STATUS OF MOTHERS AND SOME ASPECTS OF MENTAL ILLNESS",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"ETHNIC DISCRIMINATION AND THE MARKETPLACE: A STUDY OF LANDLORDS' PREFERENCES IN A POLYETHNIC COMMUNITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"INCOME AND OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"A NOTE ON OCCUPATIONAL ORIGINS OF HEALTH SERVICE PROFESSIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"REPUTATION AND REALITY IN THE STUDY OF 'COMMUNITY POWER'",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"INNOVATION, INTEGRATION, AND MARGINALITY: A SURVEY OF PHYSICIANS",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"ETHNIC PREJUDICE AND SUSCEPTIBILITY TO PERSUASION",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"EARLY FAMILIAL EXPERIENCES AND BIGOTRY",1 "American Sociological Review",1960,"THE ""GOOD"" BOY IN A HIGH DELINQUENCY AREA: FOUR YEARS LATER",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"URBAN CRIME AREAS: PART II",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"NORMATIVE REACTIONS TO NORMLESSNESS",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"A RECONSIDERATION OF THEORIES OF SOCIAL CHANGE",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS OF CHANGE",1 "American Sociological Review",1960,"CLASS BOUNDARIES",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"WESTERN IMPACT AND SOCIAL MOBILITY IN CHINA",1 "American Sociological Review",1960,"THE INTERACTION OF SOCIAL AND PHYSICAL SPACE",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"SPONSORED AND CONTEST MOBILITY AND THE SCHOOL SYSTEM",1 "American Sociological Review",1960,"OCCUPATIONAL COMPOSITION AND THE URBAN HIERARCHY.",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"ENCROACHMENT, CHARLATANISM, AND THE EMERGING PROFESSION: PSYCHOLOGY; SOCIOLOGY, AND MEDICINE",0 "American Sociological Review",1960,"MEMBERSHIP OF THE AMERICAN SOCIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION, 1950-1959",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"ORGANIZATION PRACTICE AND INDIVIDUAL BEHAVIOR: ABSENTEEISM AMONG PSYCHIATRIC AIDES",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"STRATIFICATION AND HOSPITAL CARE: I. THE PERFORMANCE OF THE MEDICAL INTERNE",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"ORGANIZATIONAL SIZE AND FUNCTIONAL COMPLEXITY: A STUDY OF ADMINISTRATION IN HOSPITALS",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"INFLUENCE AND AUTHORITY AMONG PHYSICIANS IN AN OUTPATIENT CLINIC",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"STRESS, ILLNESS BEHAVIOR, AND THE SICK ROLE",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"ATTITUDES TOWARD MENTAL ILLNESS AMONG RELATIVES OF FORMER PATIENTS",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"SOME ISSUES IN THE EPIDEMIOLOGY OF SCHIZOPHRENIA",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"ON THE INVESTIGATION OF CRUELTY, DIGNITY, AND DETERMINISM",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"IN DEFENSE OF 'CRUELTY, DIGNITY, AND DETERMINISM'",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"A TECHNIQUE FOR ANALYZING THE EFFECTS OF GROUP COMPOSITION",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"THE OVERSOCIALIZED CONCEPTION OF MAN IN MODERN SOCIOLOGY",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"A THEORY OF COALITION FORMATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"CULTURAL UNIFORMITY IN REACTION TO PHYSICAL DISABILITIES",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"FUNCTIONAL UNITIES IN EIGHTY-EIGHT COMMUNITY SYSTEMS",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATIONS AND NEIGHBORHOOD COHESION",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"SPATIAL ASPECTS OF SOCIAL AREA ANALYSIS",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"SOCIAL MOBILITY IN DEMOGRAPHIC PERSPECTIVE",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"THE SOCIAL MOBILITY/FERTILITY HYPOTHESIS RECONSIDERED: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY",1 "American Sociological Review",1961,"THE YOUNG PROFESSIONAL IN THE ARMY: A. STUDY OF OCCUPATIONAL IDENTITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"AROUND THE CLOCK PATIENT CARE IN JAPANESE PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITALS: THE ROLE OF THE TSUKISOI",1 "American Sociological Review",1961,"ABSENTEEISM AND TURNOVER IN AN ARGENTINE FACTORY",1 "American Sociological Review",1961,"FAMILY ENVIRONMENT AND COGNITIVE STYLE: A STUDY OF THE SOURCES OF HIGHLY INTELLIGENT AND OF HIGHLY CREATIVE ADOLESCENTS",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"THE MARITAL STATUS OF SECOND-GENERATION AMERICANS",1 "American Sociological Review",1961,"STRUCTURAL CONSTRAINTS ON FRIENDSHIPS IN OLD AGE",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"STRATIFICATION AND HOSPITAL CARE: II. THE OBJECTIVE CRITERIA OF PERFORMANCE",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"FORMAL ORGANIZATION AND PROMOTION IN A PREINDUSTRIAL SOCIETY",1 "American Sociological Review",1961,"AN EXPERIMENTAL TEST OF A THEORY OF COALITION FORMATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"ORDERLY CAREERS AND SOCIAL PARTICIPATION: THE IMPACT OF WORK HISTORY ON SOCIAL INTEGRATION IN THE MIDDLE MASS",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"ORGANIZATION MAN AND DUE PROCESS OF LAW",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"SOCIOECONOMIC FACTORS IN RELIGIOUS DIFFERENTIALS IN FERTILITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"FAMILY STRUCTURE AND ACHIEVEMENT MOTIVATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"PERSPECTIVE AND PARTICIPATION OF PHYSICIANS IN PREPAID GROUP PRACTICE",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"ALIENATION: ITS MEANING AND MEASUREMENT",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"JUVENILE DELINQUENCY AND SUBTERRANEAN VALUES",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"SOCIALIZATION IN CORRECTIONAL COMMUNITIES.",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"THE DISTRIBUTION OF JUVENILE DELINQUENCY IN THE SOCIAL CLASS STRUCTURE",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"ALIENATION AND INTEGRATION OF STUDENT INTELLECTUALS",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"SOCIAL CORRELATES OF EARLY ADOLESCENT THEFT",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"THE PROVO EXPERIMENT IN DELINQUENCY REHABILITATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"A SOCIO-STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF MURDER, SUICIDE, AND ECONOMIC CRIME IN CEYLON",1 "American Sociological Review",1961,"FUNCTION AND CAUSE",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"EVALUATING THE RELATIVE IMPORTANCE OF VARIABLES",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"REFLECTIONS ON THE ABILITY DIMENSION IN HUMAN SOCIETY",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"ILLEGITIMACY, ANOMIE, AND CULTURAL PENETRATION",1 "American Sociological Review",1961,"A SOCIETAL THEORY OF RACE AND ETHNIC RELATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"LIFE-CYCLE, CAREER PATTERN, AND THE DECISION TO MOVE",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"THE SIGNIFICANCE OF INTRA-OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY: SOME METHODOLOGICAL AND THEORETICAL NOTES, TOGETHER WITH A CASE STUDY OF ENGINEERS",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"AN ANALYSIS OF THE FACTORS INFLUENCING MARRIED WOMEN'S ACTUAL OR PLANNED WORK PARTICIPATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"A LABORATORY EXPERIMENT ON BUREAUCRATIC AUTHORITY",1 "American Sociological Review",1961,"THE ANALYSIS OF GOALS IN COMPLEX ORGANIZATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"ATTITUDES TOWARD FEDERAL SUPPORT OF SOCIAL SCIENCES: 1961 VERSION",0 "American Sociological Review",1961,"CHARACTERISTICS OF FIVE OFFENDER TYPES",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"SOCIALIZATION AND ACHIEVEMENT MOTIVATION IN BRAZIL",1 "American Sociological Review",1962,"COMMUNITY POWER: SOME REFLECTIONS ON THE RECENT LITERATURE",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"PUBLIC AFFAIRS OPINION LEADERSHIP AMONG EDUCATIONAL TELEVISION VIEWERS",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"THE CHANGING AMERICAN PARENT: A REPLY TO HABER",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"A PLEA FOR A DECENT BURIAL",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"ALIENATION AND PARTICIPATION: A COMPARISON OF GROUP LEADERS AND THE 'MASS'",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"FURTHER NOTES ON THE STUDY OF COMMUNITY POWER",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"SOCIO-ECONOMIC CLASS AND AREA AS CORRELATES OF ILLEGAL BEHAVIOR AMONG JUVENILES",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"RATES OF MENTAL HOSPITALIZATION: A STUDY OF SOCIETAL REACTION TO DEVIANT BEHAVIOR",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"THE HUMANIST LOOKS AT EMPIRICAL SOCIAL RESEARCH",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"THE SOCIOLOGY OF EMPIRICAL SOCIAL RESEARCH",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"A NEW ASYMMETRIC MEASURE OF ASSOCIATION FOR ORDINAL VARIABLES",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"AGE AND INTEGRATION SETTING: A RE-APPRAISAL OF 'THE CHANGING AMERICAN PARENT'",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"SOME FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH STUDENT ACCEPTANCE OR REJECTION OF WAR",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"ARATIONALISM, IGNORANCE, AND PERCEIVED DANGER IN MEDICAL PRACTICES",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"RACIAL, ETHNIC, AND INCOME FACTORS IN THE EPIDEMIOLOGY OF NEONATAL MORTALITY",1 "American Sociological Review",1962,"PARENTAL INFLUENCE, ANTICIPATORY SOCIALIZATION, AND SOCIAL MOBILITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"RADICAL INNOVATION AND PRESTIGE",1 "American Sociological Review",1962,"THE SOCIAL DEBT: AN INVESTIGATION OF LOWER-CLASS AND MIDDLE-CLASS NORMS OF SOCIAL OBLIGATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"STATUS CONSISTENCY AND SYMPTOMS OF STRESS",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"FURTHER OBSERVATIONS ON ASYMMETRIC CAUSAL MODELS",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"PATTERNS OF CHOICE IN INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"MASS SOCIETY AND EXTREMIST POLITICS",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"TOWARD A THEORY OF REVOLUTION,",1 "American Sociological Review",1962,"VALUEBEHAVIOR DISCREPANCIES REGARDING PRE-MARITAL COITUS IN THREE WESTERN CULTURES",1 "American Sociological Review",1962,"NURSEPATIENT SOCIAL DISTANCE AND THE STRUCTURAL CONTEXT OF A MENTAL HOSPITAL",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"OPERATIONALIZING A CONCEPTUAL SCHEME: THE UNIVERSALISM-PARTICULARISM PATTERN VARIABLE",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"THEORY, PROBABILITY, AND INDUCTION IN SOCIAL RESEARCH",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"THE RELATION OF APPARENT MINORITY ETHNOCENTRISM TO MAJORITY ANTIPATHY",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"CITYSUBURBAN INCOME DIFFERENTIALS IN METROPOLITAN AREAS",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"THE ACHIEVEMENT MOTIVE AND DIFFERENTIAL OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY IN THE UNITED STATES",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"SOCIAL REFERENCE BASIS OF JOB SATISFACTION: THE CASE OF MANUAL WORKERS",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"THE BASES OF OCCUPATIONAL PRESTIGE: THE CASE OF DENTISTS",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"THE OCCUPATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS OF MIGRANTS TO DULUTH: A RETEST OF ROSE'S HYPOTHESIS",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"ACHIEVEMENT MOTIVATION AND RELIGIOUS BACKGROUND",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"INDEPENDENT CAUSATION IN MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS: THE CASE OF POLITICAL ALIENATION AND ATTITUDE TOWARD A SCHOOL BOND ISSUE",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"RELIGIOUS PREFERENCE AND WORLDLY SUCCESS.",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN POPULATION GROWTH AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT",1 "American Sociological Review",1962,"THE TREND OF INTERFAITH MARRIAGES IN CANADA: 1922-1957",1 "American Sociological Review",1962,"NORM QUALITIES AND DIFFERENTIAL EFFECTS OF DEVIANT BEHAVIOR: AN EXPLORATORY ANALYSIS",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"THE REPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUE AS A MEASURE OF COMMUNITY POWER: AN EVALUATION BASED ON COMPARATIVE AND LONGITUDINAL STUDIES",1 "American Sociological Review",1962,"SEGREGATION SCORES FOR METROPOLITAN AREAS",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"THE SOCIAL AREAS OF ROME: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS",1 "American Sociological Review",1962,"DEFERRED GRATIFICATION, SOCIAL CLASS, AND THE ACHIEVEMENT SYNDROME",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"THE STATUS CONSISTENCY OF OCCUPATIONAL GROUPS",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND THE PERFORMANCE AND JOB SATISFACTION OF PHYSIOLOGISTS",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"ALIENATION FROM WORK: A STUDY OF NURSING PERSONNEL",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"GOALS, ENVIRONMENTAL PRESSURES, AND ORGANIZATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"REPLICATED TESTS OF THE ATTRACTION-COMMUNICATION HYPOTHESIS IN A SETTING OF TECHNICAL INFORMATION FLOW",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"VALUE CONSENSUS AND NEED COMPLEMENTARITY IN MATE SELECTION",0 "American Sociological Review",1962,"ADOPTION AND INFERTILITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"REJOINDER",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"VALIDATING A MENTAL HEALTH SCALE",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"TRADITIONS OF RESEARCH ON THE DIFFUSION OF INNOVATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"EVOLUTION, FUNCTION, AND CHANGE",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"POSITION AND PROSPECTS OF SOCIOLOGISTS IN FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"PERCEIVED ROLE COMPONENTS OF NURSING IN ISRAEL",1 "American Sociological Review",1963,"BEHAVIOR DIMENSIONS OF GANG DELINQUENCY",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"ADOLESCENT CHOICES AND PARENT-PEER CROSS-PRESSURES",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"VARIANT REACTIONS TO PHYSICAL DISABILITIES",1 "American Sociological Review",1963,"INTERSTATE MIGRATION DIFFERENTIALS",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"PEER-GROUP INTERACTION AND ORGANIZATIONAL SOCIALIZATION: A STUDY OF EMPLOYEE TURNOVER",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"NEIGHBORHOOD COHESION UNDER CONDITIONS OF MOBILITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"THE PRIMARY RELATIONS OF MIDDLE-CLASS COUPLES: A STUDY IN MALE DOMINANCE",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"ON SOCIAL REGRESSION",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"THE EMPIRICAL CLASSIFICATION OF FORMAL GROUPS",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY AND SUICIDE AMONG WHITE MALES",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"SOCIAL MOBILITY IN CZECHOSLOVAKIA",1 "American Sociological Review",1963,"GOAL-STRIVING, SOCIAL STATUS, AND MENTAL DISORDER: A RESEARCH REVIEW",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"WHAT DETERMINES THE AMOUNT OF ARGUMENT PER JUROR?",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"THE FAMILY CYCLE IN INDIA AND THE UNITED STATES",1 "American Sociological Review",1963,"CIVIC EDUCATION, COMMUNITY NORMS, AND POLITICAL INDOCTRINATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS OF CITIES AND SUBURBS",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"SOCIAL COHESION THROUGH VARIANT VALUES: EVIDENCE FROM MEDICAL ROLE RELATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS IN SOCIOLOGY",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"COMPARING RELATIONSHIPS OF INDIVIDUAL AND AVERAGE VARIABLES TO INDIVIDUAL RESPONSE",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"RESPONSE FALSIFICATION AND SPURIOUS CORRELATION IN SURVEY RESEARCH",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"SCHLESINGER ON HUMANISM AND EMPIRICAL RESEARCH",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"SCHLESINGER ON HUMANISM AND EMPIRICAL RESEARCH",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"THE CORRELATES OF URBANIZATION",1 "American Sociological Review",1963,"THE SIMILARITY OF CONNECTED OBSERVATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"SOME EMPIRICAL CONSEQUENCES OF THE DAVIS-MOORE THEORY OF STRATIFICATION",1 "American Sociological Review",1963,"A LOGICAL ANALYSIS OF THE DAVIS-MOORE THEORY OF STRATIFICATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"STRUCTURAL SUPPORTS FOR UPWARD MOBILITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"ANTECEDENTS OF THE ACTION ORIENTATION IN AMERICAN SOCIOLOGY BEFORE 1935",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"CHARISMA AND RELIGIOUS INNOVATION: THE SOCIAL LOCATION OF ISRAELITE PROPHECY",1 "American Sociological Review",1963,"SOCIAL DISTANCE STRATEGIES AND INTRA-ORGANIZATIONAL STRATIFICATIONA STUDY OF THE STATUS SYSTEM ON A PSYCHIATRIC WARD",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"RADICALISM AND THE ORGANIZATION OF RADICAL MOVEMENTS",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"ALIENATION, RACE, AND EDUCATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"INTERRACIAL MARRIAGE AND OCCUPATIONAL STATUS IN HAWAII",1 "American Sociological Review",1963,"LOCATING LEADERS IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES: A COMPARISON OF SOME ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"VILLAGES, CITIES, AND TOTAL INSTITUTIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"DECISION PROCESSES IN PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITALIZATION: PATIENTS REFERRED, ACCEPTED, AND ADMITTED TO A PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"DIMENSIONS OF ALIENATION AMONG MANUAL AND NON-MANUAL WORKERS",0 "American Sociological Review",1963,"VALUES, DEMAND, AND SOCIAL MOBILITY",1 "American Sociological Review",1963,"THE OLD-NEW DISTINCTION AND IMMIGRANTS IN AUSTRALIA",1 "American Sociological Review",1963,"SOME PRINCIPLES OF THEORY, PROBLEMS AND METHODS OF RESEARCH IN SOCIOLOGY IN THE USSR",1 "American Sociological Review",1963,"SOCIOLOGY IN CUBA",1 "American Sociological Review",1964,"RELIGIOUS EVOLUTION",0 "American Sociological Review",1964,"POPULATION DECLINE AND THE SOCIAL AND DEMOGRAPHIC STRUCTURE OF AN AMERICAN CITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1964,"SUB-URBAN PERSISTANCE",0 "American Sociological Review",1964,"THE USE OF TIME IN THE STUDY OF SOCIAL CHANGE",0 "American Sociological Review",1964,"SOCIAL CHANGE, DIFFERENTIATION AND EVOLUTION",0 "American Sociological Review",1964,"MULTIPLE DISCRIMINANT ANALYSIS: AN ILLUSTRATION",1 "American Sociological Review",1964,"A NOTE ON INDUSTRY CHANGES AND MIGRATION",1 "American Sociological Review",1964,"ECONOMIC INSECURITY AND WORKING-CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS",0 "American Sociological Review",1964,"SOCIAL DIFFERENTIATION AND STATUS INTERRELATIONS: THE MAORI-PAKEHA CASE",1 "American Sociological Review",1964,"VIOLENCE AND THE PROCESS OF TERROR",0 "American Sociological Review",1964,"ORGANIZATIONS AND POWERLESSNESS: A TEST OF THE MEDIATION HYPOTHESIS",0 "American Sociological Review",1964,"MASS SOCIETY AND MASS CULTURE: INTERDEPENDENCE?",0 "American Sociological Review",1964,"INSTITUTIONALIZATION AND CHANGE",0 "American Sociological Review",1964,"A NOTE ON INTERVIEWER EFFECT IN SELF-ENUMERATIVE PROCEDURES",0 "American Sociological Review",1964,"ESTIMATING THE PREVALENCE OF MENTAL ILLNESS",0 "American Sociological Review",1964,"COMMUNITY OF RESIDENCE AND COLLEGE PLANS",1 "American Sociological Review",1964,"OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY IN THE UNITED STATES: A POINT ESTIMATE AND TREND COMPARISON",0 "American Sociological Review",1964,"SOCIOLOGICAL MANPOWER",0 "American Sociological Review",1964,"THE POLITICAL FUNCTIONS OF EUNUCHISM",1 "American Sociological Review",1964,"DETECTING CAUSAL PRIORITIES IN PANEL STUDY DATA",0 "American Sociological Review",1964,"JUVENILE DELINQUENCY IN RACIALLY MIXED AREAS",0 "American Sociological Review",1964,"REJECTION OF THE MENTALLY ILL: THE INFLUENCE OF BEHAVIOR AND SEX",0 "American Sociological Review",1964,"PREMARITAL SEXUAL PERMISSIVENESS AMONG NEGROES AND WHITES",0 "American Sociological Review",1964,"WHITE MIGRATION AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CITIES AND SUBURBS",0 "American Sociological Review",1964,"CLASS, RADICALISM, AND RELIGIOUS INVOLVEMENT IN GREAT BRITAIN",1 "American Sociological Review",1964,"COMMUNITY POWER STRUCTURE: PROBLEMS AND CONTINUITIES",0 "American Sociological Review",1964,"A NORMATIVE THEORY OF CULTURE",0 "American Sociological Review",1964,"AWARENESS CONTEXTS AND SOCIAL INTERACTION",0 "American Sociological Review",1964,"SOME COMMENTS ON 'THE EMPIRICAL CLASSIFICATION OF NORMAL GROUPS'",0 "American Sociological Review",1964,"SYMPOSIA ON POLITICAL BEHAVIOR",0 "American Sociological Review",1964,"THE NATURAL TRIAD IN KINSHIP AND COMPLEX SYSTEMS",0 "American Sociological Review",1964,"SOURCES OF EDUCATIONAL ASPIRATIONS AMONG WORKING CLASS YOUTH",0 "American Sociological Review",1964,"VARIATIONS IN ADOLESCENT PERCEPTION OF FAMILY POWER STRUCTURE",0 "American Sociological Review",1964,"PEER INFLUENCES ON ADOLESCENT EDUCATIONAL ASPIRATIONS AND ATTAINMENTS",0 "American Sociological Review",1964,"INCOME, CLASS AND REFERENCE GROUPS",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"'YANKEE CITY' REVISITED: THE PERILS OF HISTORICAL NAIVETE",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"CHARISMA, ORDER, AND STATUS",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"POLITICAL CRITIQUES OF MAX WEBER: SOME IMPLICATIONS FOR POLITICAL SOCIOLOGY",1 "American Sociological Review",1965,"THE INMATE GROUP IN CUSTODIAL AND TREATMENT SETTINGS",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"FAMILY STRUCTURE AND EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT: A CROSS-NATIONAL ANALYSIS",1 "American Sociological Review",1965,"PARSONS ON THE SIBLEY REPORT",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"SOCIOLOGICAL MANPOWER: CORRECTIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"NEGRO SUBORDINATION AND WHITE GAINS",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"EXPERIMENTAL DESIGNS OF THE SINGLE-STIMULUS, ALL-OR-NOTHING TYPE",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"THE 'PREVALENCE' OF RECORDED DELINQUINCY AND RECIDIVISM IN ENGLAND AND WALES",1 "American Sociological Review",1965,"A PROPOSAL FOR THE EMPIRICAL STUDY OF VALUES",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"MAX WEBER AND JAKOB BURCKHARDT",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"MAX WEBER, 1864-1964",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"PSYCHOLOGICAL DIMENSIONS OF ANOMY",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"WORKING-CLASS AUTHORITARIANISM: A RE-EVALUATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"A NOTE ON SELF-CONCEPT AS AN INSULATOR AGAINST DELINQUENCY",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"SOCIOECONOMIC DIFFERENTIALS AMONG NONWHITE RACES",1 "American Sociological Review",1965,"DURKHEIM'S ONE CAUSE OF SUICIDE",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"NAMING CHILDREN IN MIDDLE CLASS FAMILIES",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"TECHNICAL NOTE ON TWO RATES OF MIXED MARRIAGE",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"SOCIAL CLASS AND PREMARITAL SEXUAL PERMISSIVENESS: A RE-EXAMINATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"ACADEMIC ABILITY, HIGHER EDUCATION, AND OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"THE TREND OF OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY IN THE UNITED STATES",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"THE FLOW OF OCCUPATIONAL SUPPLY AND RECRUITMENT",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"SOCIOLOGY IN INDIA: A STUDY IN THE SOCIOLOGY OF KNOWLEDGE",1 "American Sociological Review",1965,"EXISTENTIAL PHENOMENOLOGY AND THE SOCIOLOGICAL TRADITION",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"WORK AND FAMILY IN CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"CRITERIA FOR MEASURES OF ASSOCIATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"A METHOD OF LINEAR CAUSAL ANALYSIS: DEPENDENCE ANALYSIS",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"THEORY BUILDING AND THE STATISTICAL CONCEPT OF INTERACTION",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"URBAN CRIME PATTERNS",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"A NEW APPROACH TO COMMUNITY STRUCTURE",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"MODERNIZATION AND COMMUNISM: A RETEST OF LIPSET'S HYPOTHESES",1 "American Sociological Review",1965,"BECOMING A WORLD-SAVER: A THEORY OF CONVERSION TO DEVIANT PERSPECTIVE",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"THE COHORT AS A CONCEPT IN THE STUDY OF SOCIAL CHANGE",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"THE PRECIPITANTS AND UNDERLYING CONDITIONS OF RACE RIOTS",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"TWO MEASURES OF REPORTED DELINQUENT BEHAVIOR",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"EMOTIONAL ADJUSTMENT, SOCIAL ORGANIZATION, AND PSYCHIATRIC TREATMENT RATES",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"ON REJECTION OF THE MENTALLY ILL",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"SCIENTISTS AT MAJOR AND MINOR UNIVERSITIES: A STUDY OF PRODUCTIVITY AND RECOGNITION",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"CAREER ANCHORAGE: MANAGERIAL MOBILITY MOTIVATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"THE MACIVER LECTURE: TRANSFORMATION OF SOCIAL, POLITICAL, AND CULTURAL ORDERS IN MODERNIZATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"DUAL LEADERSHIP IN COMPLEX ORGANIZATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"DEMOTION IN INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"STATUS AND SYMPTOMS OF STRESS; ADDITIVE AND INTERACTION EFFECTS",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"SAMPLING ORGANIZATIONS AND GROUPS OF UNEQUAL STATUS",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"THE GROWTH AND DECLINE OF SMALL TOWNS AS A PROBILITY PROCESS",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"NEWSPAPER CITATION AND REPUTATION FOR COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"SMALL GROUP AS SOCIAL INSTITUTION",0 "American Sociological Review",1965,"SOME COMPUTER APPLICATIONS IN SOCIAL SCIENCE",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"REVIEW SYMPOSIUM",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"COMPLIANCE PATTERNS AND COMMUNICATION BLOCKS IN COMPLEX ORGANIZATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"INDUSTRIALIZATION AND THE AMERICAN FAMILY: A LOOK BACKWARD",1 "American Sociological Review",1966,"PAROCHIAL SCHOOL ORIGINS AND EDUCATION ACHIEVEMENT",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"INDUSTRIALIZATION AND COMMUNITY STATUS STRUCTURE",1 "American Sociological Review",1966,"ANOMIA AND EUNOMIA: A METHODOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF SROLE'S ANOMIA SCALE",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"A RESEARCH NOTE ON DIAGNOSED MENTAL ILLNESS AND SOCIAL CLASS",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"SOCIAL STATUS AND PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDER: AN ISSUE OF SUBSTANCE AND AN ISSUE OF METHOD",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"RESEARCH ON SOCIALIZATION AND PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT IN THE UNITED STATES AND FRANCE: REMARKS ON THE PAPER BY P.H. CHOMBART DE LAUWE",1 "American Sociological Review",1966,"THE INTERACTION OF PERSON AND SOCIETY",1 "American Sociological Review",1966,"THE DIVISION OF LABOR, TECHNOLOGY AND THE ORGANIZATION OF PRODUCTION IN TWELVE COUNTRIES",1 "American Sociological Review",1966,"THE IDENTIFICATION PROBLEM AND THEORY BUILDING: THE CASE OF STATUS INCONSISTENCY",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"THE RANDOM PROBE: A TECHNIQUE FOR EVALUATING THE VALIDITY OF CLOSED QUESTIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"CONFLICT AND CRIMINALITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"THE SOCIOLOGY OF LAW AND NORMATIVE PHENOMENA",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"MODELS OF BEHAVIOR IN STALINIST LITERATURE: A CASE STUDY OF TOTALITARIAN VALUES AND CONTROLS",1 "American Sociological Review",1966,"STATUS CONSISTENCY AND POLITICAL ATTITUDES",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"COLOR GRADATION AND ATTITUDES AMONG MIDDLE-INCOME FAMILIES",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"THEOLOGY AND PARTY PREFERENCE AMONG PROTESTANT CLERGYMAN",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"NEIGHBORHOOD CONTEXT AND COLLEGE PLANS",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"METROPOLITAN MIGRATION AND INTERVENING OPPORTUNITIES",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"THE RELATIVE ASSOCIATIONAL CONTIGUITY OF OCCUPATIONS IN AN URBAN SETTING",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY AND ATTITUDE TOWARD NEGROS",1 "American Sociological Review",1966,"THE MARGINAL MIDDLE CLASS: A RECONSIDERATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"ECONOMIC INSECURITY AND THE POLITICAL ATTITUDES OF CUBAN WORKERS",1 "American Sociological Review",1966,"UNION CONVENTIONS AND EXECUTIVE BOARDS: A FORMAL ANALYSIS OF ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"THE STRUCTURE OF SMALL BUREAUCRACIES",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"REPLY TO ROSE",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"ON AN EMPIRICAL TEST OF 'AN AMERICAN DELEMMA'",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"THE INFLUENCE OF KINSHIP UPON PERCEPTION OF AN AMBIGUOUS STIMULUS",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"CLIQUE CONTACTS AND FAMILY ORIENTATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"SOCIAL FACTORS IN THE ORIGINS OF A NEW SCIENCE, THE CASE OF PSYCHOLOGY",1 "American Sociological Review",1966,"SOLIDARITY AND DELINQUENCY IN A STREET CORNER GROUP",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"MERTON REVISTED: A NEW CLASSIFICATION FOR DEVIANT BEHAVIOR",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"ILLEGITIMACY IN THE CARIBBEAN SOCIAL STRUCTURE: A RECONSIDERATION",1 "American Sociological Review",1966,"ASSORTATIVE MATING AND THE STRUCTURE OF CITIES",1 "American Sociological Review",1966,"CHILDSPACING AND FAMILY ECONOMIC POSITION",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"ON NEIGHBORHOOD CONTEXT AND COLLEGE PLANS (I), (II), (III),",1 "American Sociological Review",1966,"ORGANIZATIONS AND CLIENTS: LATERAL AND LONGITUDINAL DIMENSIONS,",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"DISCIPLINE, METHOD, AND COMMUNITY POWER: A NOTE ON THE SOCIOLOGY OF KNOWLEDGE",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"THE UTILITY OF UTOPIAS",1 "American Sociological Review",1966,"THE DECLINE OF POLITICS AND IDEOLOGY IN A KNOWLEDGEABLE SOCIETY",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"A PREFERRED METHOD FOR OBTAINING RANKINGS: REACTIONS TO PHYSICAL HANDICAPS",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"BIRTH ORDER AND THE FEMININE SEX ROLE AMONG COLLEGE WOMEN",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"CULTURE AND SYMPTOMS-AN ANALYSIS OF PATIENTS' PRESENTING COMPLAINTS",1 "American Sociological Review",1966,"THE FRIENDS AND SUPPORTERS OF PSYCHOTHERAPY: ON SOCIAL CIRCLES IN URBAN LIFE",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"CLASS AND POLITICS IN THE FAMILY BACKGROUNDS OF STUDENT POLITICAL ACTIVISTS",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"ON WORKING-CLASS IDENTICICATION,",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"SOME RELIGIOUS FACTORS IN THE EMERGENCE OF INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY IN ENGLAND",1 "American Sociological Review",1966,"ON DIAGNOSED MENTAL ILLNESS AND SOCIAL CLASS I & II",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"HIGHER EDUCATION, RELIGION AND WOMEN'S FAMILY-SIZE ORIENTATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"STUDY SOCIAL CLASS, OCCUPATION, AND PARENTAL VALUES, A CROSS-NATIONAL",1 "American Sociological Review",1966,"ORGANIZATIONAL ALIENATION, A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS",0 "American Sociological Review",1966,"POLYGRAPH AND INTERVIEW VALIDATION OF SELF-REPORTED DEVIANT BEHAVIOR",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"CLASS REGRESSION, AN ASPECT OF THE SOCIAL STRATIFICATION PROCESS",1 "American Sociological Review",1967,"THE SIZE AND STRUCTURE OF FAMILIES, A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF CENSUS DATA",1 "American Sociological Review",1967,"THEOLOGY AND THE POSITION OF PASTORS ON PUBLIC ISSUES",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"SOCIALIZATION N ACHIEVEMENT AND ACHIEVEMENT VALUES",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"ON VALUES AND VALUE JUDGMENTS IN SOCIOLOGY",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"ARGOT, SYMBOLIC DEVIANCE AND SUBCULTURAL DELINQUENCY",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"SOCIAL MOBILITY AND SOCIAL ISOLATION: A TEST OF SOROKIN'S DISSOCIATIVE HYPOTHESIS",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"SOCIAL DISTANCE, A NETWORK APPROACH",1 "American Sociological Review",1967,"SUICIDAL BEHAVIOR",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"GENETICS AND SOCIOLOGY, A RECONSIDERATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"REVIEW SYMPOSIUM",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"ON ANOMIA AND EUNOMIA",1 "American Sociological Review",1967,"ON POLYGRAPH AND INTERVIEW VALIDATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"NOBEL LAUREATES IN SCIENCE, PATTERNS OF PRODUCTIVITY, COLLABORATION, AND AUTHORSHIP",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"OCCUPATIONAL POSITION, MOBILITY, AND THE KIN OF ORIENTATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"ETHNICITY AND EXTENDED FAMILISM IN AN UPPER-MIDDLE-CLASS SUBURB",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"A FRAMEWORK FOR THE COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF ORGANIZATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"RELIGION: OPIATE OF INSPIRATION OF CIVIL RIGHTS MILITANCY AMONG NEGROES?",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"RELIGIOUS PREFERENCE AND WORDLY SUCCESS, SOME EVIDENCE FROM NA- TIONAL SURVEYS",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"RELIGIOUS IDENTITY AND CHURCH ATTENDANCE OF SONS OF RELIGIOUS INTERMARRIAGES",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"STATUS CONSISTENCY AND RIGHTWING EXTREMISM",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"AN ORGANIZATIONAL THEORY OF UNION DEMOCRACY",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"ON THE MULTIDIMENSIONALITY OF ALIENATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"TOWARD A SOCIOLOGICAL MODEL OF CONSENSUS",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"THE PROTECTION OF THE INEPT",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"ORGANIZATIONS AS SEMI-LATTICES",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"ON RANKING PREFERENCES",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"ASSOCIATIONAL CONTIGUITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"TREATING MATCHING AS A VARIABLE IN A SOCIOLOGICAL EXPERIMENT",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"ISSUES IN THE ECOLOGICAL STUDY OF DELINQUENCY",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL CORRELATES OF URBAN FERTILITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"ASPECTS OF CONCEPT FORMATION, EXPLICATION, AND THEORY CONSTRUCTION IN SOCIOLOGY",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"COUPLE CONCURRENCE AND EMPATHY ON BIRTH CONTROL MOTIVATION IN DACCA, EAST PAKISTAN",1 "American Sociological Review",1967,"CULTURAL PATTERNING OF SEXUAL SOCIALIZATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"STATUS INCONSISTENCY, SOCIAL MOBILITY, STATUS INTEGRATION AND STRUCTURAL EFFECTS",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"DIMENSIONS OF ETHNIC INTERMARRIAGE IN HAWAII",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"FROM RELIGIOUS COMMUNITY TO OCCUPATIONAL GROUP: STRUCTURAL ASSIMILATION AMONG PROFESSORS, LAWYERS, AND ENGINEERS",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"COMMUNITY STATUS AS A DIMENSION OF LOCAL DECISION-MAKING",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"STRATIFICATION AND RISK-TAKING: A THEORY TESTED ON AGRICULTURAL INNOVATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"A SYSTEM RESOURCE APPROACH TO ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"ORGANIZATIONAL SIZE, COMPLEXITY, AND FORMALIZATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"PERCEIVED REFERENCE GROUP SUPPORT: RACIAL ATTITUDES AND OVERT BEHAVIOR",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"IN PRAISE OF CONFLICT AND ITS RESOLUTION",1 "American Sociological Review",1967,"THE POLICE IN SKID-ROW: A STUDY OF PEACE KEEPING",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"PROFESSIONALS IN BUREAUCRACY: ALIENATION AMONG INDUSTRIAL SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"THE EFFECTS OF VALUES ON PECUNIARY BEHAVIOR: THE CASE OF ACADEMICIANS",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"THE ANDERSON WARKOV HYPOTHESES IN LOCAL UNIONS: A COMPARATIVE STUDY",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"SOCIAL ORIGINS, MOBILITY PATTERNS AND FERTILITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"SOCIAL MOBILITY AND SOCIAL STRUCTURE: SOME INSIGHTS FROM THE LINEAR MODEL",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"UPWARD SOCIAL MOBILITY AND POLITICAL ORIENTATION",1 "American Sociological Review",1967,"AMERICA'S UNIQUE CLASS POLITICS: THE INTERPLAY OF THE LABOR, CREDIT AND COMMODITY MARKETS",0 "American Sociological Review",1967,"INEQUALITY: A CROSS-NATIONAL ANALYSIS",1 "American Sociological Review",1967,"ROBERT A. NISBET. THE SOCIOLOGICAL TRADITION (A REVIEW SYMPOSIUM)",1 "American Sociological Review",1968,"INTERACTION AND ADAPTATION: INTIMACY AS A CRITICAL VARIABLE",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"REFERENCE GROUPS, SOCIALIZATION AND ACHIEVEMENT",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"THE FUTURE OF UPWARD MOBILITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"PROFESSIONALIZATION AND BUREAUCRATIZATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"THE CONDITIONS UNDERLYING RACE RIOTS AS PORTRAYED BY MULTIDIMENSIONAL SCALOGRAM ANALYSIS: A REANALYSIS OF LIEBERSON AND SILVERMAN'S DATA",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"ACCOUNTS",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"DO AMERICAN WOMEN MARRY UP?",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"A STOCHASTIC MODEL OF SOCIAL MOBILITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"SOCIAL PARTICIPATION AND SOCIAL STATUS",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS OF NATIONAL POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT",1 "American Sociological Review",1968,"POWER, INFLUENCE AND SOCIAL CIRCLES: A NEW METHODOLOGY FOR STUDYING OPINION MAKERS",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"BASIC HUMAN NEEDS, ALIENATION AND INAUTHENTICITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"INFORMAL REACTIONS TO DEVIANCE IN SIMULATED WORK ORGANIZATIONS: A LABORATORY EXPERIMENT",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE SOCIAL SCIENCES",1 "American Sociological Review",1968,"ECOLOGICAL STUDIES OF DELINQUENCY: A REJOINDER TO ROBERT A. GORDON",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"ANOTHER RESPONSE TO GORDON",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"UNIVERSITIES AS ORGANIZATIONS: A RESEARCH APPROACH",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"AGING, VOTING, AND POLITICAL INTEREST",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"REVIEW SYMPOSIUM: THE USES OF SOCIOLOGY",1 "American Sociological Review",1968,"ON THE EXISTENCE OF THURSTONE'S OBLIQUE REFERENCE SOLUTION",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"CULTURAL DISTANCES AMONG OCCUPATIONAL CATEGORIES",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"PRE-INDUSTRIAL PATTERNS IN THE COLONIAL FAMILY IN AMERICA: A CONTENT ANALYSIS OF COLONIAL MAGAZINES",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"A RESEARCH NOTE ON THE MASS SUPPORT FOR 'TOUGH' MILITARY INITIATIVES",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"TALCOTT PARSONS, SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY AND MODERN SOCIETY",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"SOCIAL EVOLUTION AND STRUCTURAL-FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS: AN EMPIRICAL TEST",1 "American Sociological Review",1968,"INTERGENERATIONAL TIES IN FINNISH URBAN FAMILIES",1 "American Sociological Review",1968,"PARENTS' EDUCATION AND CHILDREN'S EDUCATIONAL ASPIRATIONS AND ACHIEVEMENTS",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"A NOTE ON CONTEXTUAL EFFECTS AND THE POLITICAL ORIENTATION OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS",1 "American Sociological Review",1968,"TECHNOLOGY AND THE STRUCTURE OF ORGANIZATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP, EDUCATION, AND POLITICAL BEHAVIOR",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"CONFORMITY AND DEVIANCE IN THE 'SITUATION OF COMPANY'",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"A POVERTY CASE: THE ANALGESIC SUBCULTURE OF THE SOUTHERN APPALACHIANS",1 "American Sociological Review",1968,"SOCIALIZATION IN CORRECTIONAL COMMUNITIES: A REPLICATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"SOCIAL STRUCTURE, IDENTIFICATION AND CHANGE IN A TREATMENT-ORIENTED INSTITUTION",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"THE DISTRIBUTION OF SOCIAL AND CULTURAL PROPERTIES IN INFORMAL COMMUNICATION NETWORKS AMONG BIOLOGICAL SCIENTISTS",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY IN SIX CITIES",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"POWER, VISIBILITY, AND CONFORMITY IN FORMAL ORGANIZATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"EXPERTNESS AND THE SPAN OF CONTROL",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"ORGANIZATIONAL INTERDEPENDENCE AND INTRA-ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"AN APPROACH TO THE MULTIVARIATE ANALYSIS OF ORDINAL DATA",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"COMMITMENT AND SOCIAL ORGANIZATION: A STUDY OF COMMITMENT MECHANISMS IN UTOPIAN COMMUNITIES",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"POLITICAL INTEGRATION AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO INDEPENDENCE IN THE FRENCH ANTILLES",1 "American Sociological Review",1968,"SOVIET SOCIOLOGY: AN ADDENDUM",1 "American Sociological Review",1968,"VISIBILITY AND THE STRUCTURAL BASES OF AWARENESS OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"MINORITIES AND THE PROCESS OF STRATIFICATION",1 "American Sociological Review",1968,"PARTICIPATION AND INTEGRATION: THE CASE OF THE SMALL BUSINESSMAN",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"PARTICIPATION IN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONS BY OCCUPATION: A TEST OF THREE THEORIES",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"ON SOCIALIZATION AND ACHIEVEMENT, I AND II",0 "American Sociological Review",1968,"ON THE MEASUREMENT OF ASSOCIATION",1 "American Sociological Review",1969,"THE SOCIAL STRUCTURE OF RELIGIOUS AND ETHNO-RELIGIOUS GROUPS IN A METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"TESTING THE THEORY OF SOCIAL AREA ANALYSIS: THE ECOLOGY OF CAIRO, EGYPT",1 "American Sociological Review",1969,"DISRUPTION, SOCIAL LOCATION AND INTERPRETIVE PRACTICES: THE CASE OF WAYNE, NEW JERSEY",1 "American Sociological Review",1969,"SEXUAL STATUS AND PSYCHIATRIC SYMPTOMS",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"THE EDUCATIONAL AND EARLY OCCUPATIONAL ATTAINMENT PROCESS",1 "American Sociological Review",1969,"VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP: A LONGITUDINAL ANALYSIS",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"THE CHAOTIC SOCIETY: PRODUCT OF THE SOCIAL MORPHOLOGICAL REVOLUTION",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"PARENTAL AND PEER INFLUENCES ON EDUCATIONAL PLANS OF ADOLESCENTS",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"LABORATORY SIMULATION OF ORGANIZATIONAL STRESS",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"ATTITUDE AS AN INTERACTIONAL CONCEPT: SOCIAL CONSTRAINT AND SOCIAL DISTANCE AS INTERVENING VARIABLES BETWEEN ATTITUDES AND ACTION",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"THE RELIABILITY OF RESPONDENT-CODED OCCUPATIONAL PRESTIGE",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"CHANGES IN THE FORM OF ALIENATION: THE 1900'S VS. THE 1950'S",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"SEPARATING RELIABILITY AND STABILITY IN TEST-RETEST CORRELATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"THE CLASSIFICATION OF SUBNATIONS IN HAWAII: AN ESSAY IN THE SOCIOLOGY OF KNOWLEDGE",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"ECOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF DELINQUENCY: AGGREGATION EFFECTS",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"THE VALIDITY OF CENSUS DATA ON BILINGUALISM IN A PUERTO RICAN NEIGHBORHOOD",1 "American Sociological Review",1969,"GROWTH AND DECAY CURVES IN SCIENTIFIC CITATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"CAREER MOBILITY IN THREE SOCIETIES: AUSTRALIA, ITALY, AND THE UNITED STATES",1 "American Sociological Review",1969,"ON THE MEASUREMENT OF SOCIAL MOBILITY: AN INDEX OF STATUS PERSISTENCE",1 "American Sociological Review",1969,"CORRELATES OF POLITICAL COMPLEXITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"VARIETIES OF SOCIOLOGICAL IMAGINATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"APPEARANCE AND EDUCATION IN MARRIAGE MOBILITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"TWO PATTERNS IN THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SOCIAL CLASS AND MENTAL HOSPITALIZATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"COMMITMENT AND CONFLICT IN A NORMATIVE ORGANIZATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"PRIMARY GROUP STRUCTURES AND THEIR FUNCTIONS: KIN, NEIGHBORS, AND FRIENDS",1 "American Sociological Review",1969,"A QUICK METHOD FOR DETERMINING THE RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY OF MULTIPLE-ITEM SCALES",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"SOCIAL STRUCTURE IN A GROUP OF SCIENTISTS: A TEST OF THE 'INVISIBLE COLLEGE' HYPOTHESIS",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"MY SON THE DOCTOR: ASPECTS OF MOBILITY AMONG AMERICAN JEWS",1 "American Sociological Review",1969,"SOCIODYNAMICS: AN INTEGRATIVE THEOREM OF POWER, AUTHORITY, INTERFLUENCE AND LOVE",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"A COMMENT ON 'DO AMERICAN WOMEN MARRY UP?'",1 "American Sociological Review",1969,"MEASURING POPULATION DIVERSITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"MULTIVERSITY, UNIVERSITY SIZE, UNIVERSITY QUALITY AND STUDENT PROTEST: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"THE PUBLIC PERCEPTION OF PROTEST",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"STRUCTURAL CRYSTALLIZATION, STATUS INCONSISTENCY AND POLITICAL PARTISANSHIP",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"RACIAL INTEGRATION IN A TRANSITION COMMUNITY",1 "American Sociological Review",1969,"THE DISTRIBUTION OF PARTICIPATION IN GROUP DISCUSSION: AN EMPIRICAL AND THEORETICAL REAPPRAISAL",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"TWO CONFLICTING THEMES: COMMON VALUES VERSUS CLASS DIFFERENTIAL VALUES",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"SYMBOLIC INTERACTIONISM AND ETHNOMETHODOLOGY: A PROPOSED SYNTHESIS",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"INMATE ORGANIZATION: SEX DIFFERENTIATION AND THE INFLUENCE OF CRIMINAL SUBCULTURES",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"DILEMMAS OF A GOLDEN EXILE: INTEGRATION OF CUBAN REFUGEE FAMILIES IN MILWAUKEE",1 "American Sociological Review",1969,"ON BEING 'ALIENATED'",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"TOWARD A MACROSOCIOLOGY OF POWER",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"THE SOCIAL ORGANIZATION OF LEGAL CONTACTS",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"PHYSICIANS AND MEDICARE: A BEFORE-AFTER STUDY OF THE EFFECTS OF LEGISLATION ON ATTITUDES",0 "American Sociological Review",1969,"INTERNATIONAL SYSTEMS AND THE MODERNIZATION OF SOCIETIES: THE FORMATION OF NATIONAL GOALS-J.P. NETTL & ROLAND ROBERTSON",1 "American Sociological Review",1970,"IDEAL TYPES AND THE IDEALIZATION STRATEGY",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"JUVENILE DELINQUENCY IN THE U.S.S.R. SOME QUANTITATIVE AND QUALITATIVE INDICATORS",1 "American Sociological Review",1970,"PREMARITAL SEX AS DEVIANT BEHAVIOR: AN APPLICATION OF CURRENT APPROACHES TO DEVIANCE",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"TOWARD A TEMPORAL SEQUENCE OF ADOLESCENT ACHIEVEMENT VARIABLES",1 "American Sociological Review",1970,"SOCIOMETRIC LOCATION AND INNOVATIVENESS: REFORMULATION AND EXTENSION OF THE DIFFUSION MODEL",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"REACTIVE SUBSYSTEMS",1 "American Sociological Review",1970,"THE FORUM THEORY OF ORGANIZATIONAL DEMOCRACY: STRUCTURAL GUARANTEES AS TIME-RELATED VARIABLES",1 "American Sociological Review",1970,"A FORMAL THEORY OF DIFFERENTIATION IN ORGANIZATIONS",1 "American Sociological Review",1970,"ON BOUDON'S METHOD OF LINEAR CAUSAL ANALYSIS",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"ESTIMATING MEASUREMENT ERROR USING MULTIPLE INDICATORS AND SEVERAL POINTS IN TIME",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"'THE BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES: OUTLOOK AND NEEDS' AND 'SOCIOLOGY'",1 "American Sociological Review",1970,"TOWARD A NON-UTOPIAN NORMATIVE MODEL OF THE COMMUNITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"MARXIST DIALECTIC AND PRAGMATISM: POWER AS KNOWLEDGE",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"A COMMENT ON WHETHER AMERICAN WOMEN DO MARRY UP",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"THE RELIGIOUS CONTEXT OF EDUCATIONAL EXPECTATIONS",1 "American Sociological Review",1970,"PROBLEMS IN MAKING POLICY INFERENCES FROM THE COLEMAN REPORT",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"A COMMENT ON PROBLEMS IN MAKING INFERENCES FROM THE COLEMAN REPORT",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"RELIGION AND OCCUPATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"THE CROSS-NATIONAL STUDY OF INEQUALITY: A RESEARCH NOTE",1 "American Sociological Review",1970,"INTERORGANIZATIONAL NETWORKS IN URBAN SOCIETY: INITIAL PERSPECTIVES AND COMPARATIVE RESEARCH",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"THE ESTIMATION OF MEASUREMENT ERROR IN PANEL DATA",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"RESPONSE BIASES IN FIELD STUDIES OF MENTAL ILLNESS",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"THE SROLE ITEMS AND ACQUIESCENCE",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"AUTHORITY AND CONTROVERSIAL POLICY: THE CHURCHES AND CIVIL RIGHTS",1 "American Sociological Review",1970,"STATUS CONSISTENCY AND POLITICAL PREFERENCE: THE AUSTRALIAN CASE",1 "American Sociological Review",1970,"THE LOGICAL ADEQUACY OF HOMAN'S SOCIAL THEORY",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"RECALL FROM ANECDOTE: ALEXIS DE TOCQUEVILLE AND THE MORPHOGENESIS OF AMERICA",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"COMMENTS ON 'POWER AS KNOWLEDGE'",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"FOUNDATIONS OF PARENTAL INFLUENCE UPON ADOLESCENTS: AN APPLICATION OF SOCIAL POWER THEORY",1 "American Sociological Review",1970,"EVICTIONS FROM PUBLIC HOUSING: EFFECTS OF INDEPENDENT REVIEW",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"CLUSTERING AND HIERARCHY IN INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS: TESTING TWO GRAPH THEORETICAL MODELS",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"PRODUCTION OF CRIME RATES",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"SOCIAL ORIGINS, EDUCATIONAL CONTEXTS AND CAREER MOBILITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"INTRAGENERATIONAL SOCIAL MOBILITY AS A MARKOV PROCESS: INCLUDING A TIME-STATIONARY MARKOVIAN MODEL THAT EXPLAINS OBSERVED DECLINES IN MOBILITY RATES OVER TIME",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"CONCEPTIONS OF INTERACTION AND FORMS OF SOCIOLOGICAL EXPLANATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"THE CAUSES OF RACIAL DISTURBANCES: A COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVE EXPLANATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"SOCIAL AND POLITICAL PARTICIPATION OF BLACKS",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"LEADERS AND RULING ELITES: THE INTERORGANIZATIONAL BASES OF COMMUNITY POWER",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"SOCIAL MOBILITY, NORMLESSNESS AND POWERLESSNESS IN TWO CULTURAL CONTEXTS",1 "American Sociological Review",1970,"INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY AND WORKER INTEGRATION IN THE ORGANIZATION",1 "American Sociological Review",1970,"SOCIETAL REACTION AS AN EXPLANATION OF MENTAL ILLNESS: AN EVALUATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"COMMENT ON THE ASSIGNMENT OF NUMBER TO RANK ORDER CATEGORIES",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"THE ORGANIZATION OF ROLE-RELATIONSHIPS: A SYSTEMATIC DESCRIPTION",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"WEBER AND FREUD: ON THE NATURE AND SOURCES OF AUTHORITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"SOCIOLOGY AND THE DISTRUST OF REASON",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"RACE, SOCIAL STATUS, AND CRIMINAL ARREST",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"A COMMENT ON 'MULTIVERSITY UNIVERSITY SIZE, UNIVERSITY QUALITY AND STUDENT PROTEST: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY'",1 "American Sociological Review",1970,"IMMIGRANTS AND MUNICIPAL VOTING TURNOUT: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE CHANGING ETHNIC IMPACT ON URBAN POLITICS",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"COMMUNITY STRUCTURE AND INNOVATION: THE CASE OF URBAN RENEWAL",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"THE SOCIAL COHESION OF LIBERAL DEMOCRACY",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"THE POLITICAL ORIENTATION OF SKIDDERS: A MIDDLE-RANGE THEORY",1 "American Sociological Review",1970,"SEX-ROLE IDENTITY AND PRAGMATIC ACTION",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"THEORETICAL CONCEPTS AND OBSERVABLES",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"THE REWARD SYSTEM IN BRITISH SCIENCE",1 "American Sociological Review",1970,"THE ASSIGNMENT OF NUMBERS TO RANK ORDER CATEGORIES",0 "American Sociological Review",1970,"CAUTIONS IN APPLYING VARIOUS PROCEDURES FOR DETERMINING THE RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY OF MULTIPLE-ITEM SCALES",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"COMMENTS ON 'SOCIOMETRIC LOCATION AND INNOVATIVENESS'",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"UPWARD SOCIAL MOBILITY AND POLITICAL ORIENTATIONS: A RE-EVALUATION OF THE EVIDENCE",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"FAMILY STABILITY: A COMPARISON OF TRENDS BETWEEN BLACKS AND WHITES",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"FUNCTIONS OF CHILDREN'S PERCEPTIONS OF THE STRATIFICATION SYSTEM",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"THE SOCIOECONOMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF WHITE RELIGIO-ETHNIC SUBGROUPS: SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS",1 "American Sociological Review",1971,"TRENDS IN VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIPS OF AMERICAN ADULTS: REPLICATION BASED ON SECONDARY ANALYSIS OF NATIONAL SAMPLE SURVEYS",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"ALVIN W. GOULDNER: THE COMING CRISIS OF WESTERN SOCIOLOGY - A REVIEW SYMPOSIUM",1 "American Sociological Review",1971,"COMMENT ON CORRELATES OF POLITICAL COMPLEXITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"SIGNIFICANT OTHERS, THE SELF-REFLEXIVE ACT AND THE ATTITUDE FORMATION PROCESS",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"DEFINITION AND MEASUREMENT OF CONTINUOUS VARIATION IN ECOLOGICAL ANALYSIS",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"FREEDOM AND SOCIAL ORGANIZATION: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS",1 "American Sociological Review",1971,"THE SOCIAL ASCRIPTION OF MOTIVES",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"COMMENT ON 'THE ESTIMATION OF MEASUREMENT ERROR IN PANEL DATA'",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"COMMENT ON GOVE'S EVALUATION OF SOCIETAL REACTION THEORY AS AN EXPLANATION FOR MENTAL ILLNESS",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"CONJUGAL POWER STRUCTURE: A RE-EXAMINATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"STUDENT UNIONISM IN THE NETHERLANDS: AN APPLICATION OF A SOCIAL CLASS MODEL",1 "American Sociological Review",1971,"SOME CONSTRAINTS IN ANALYZING DATA ON ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURES: A COMMENT ON BLAU'S PAPER",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"ADMINISTRATIVE RATIOS AND ORGANIZATION SIZE: A LINGITUDINAL EXAMINATION",1 "American Sociological Review",1971,"COMMENT ON DAVIS' GRAPH MODELS",1 "American Sociological Review",1971,"THE RELIGIOUS FACTOR IN DETROIT: REVIEW, REPLICATIONS, AND REANALYSIS",1 "American Sociological Review",1971,"SOME SOCIAL IMPLICATIONS OF HIGH DENSITY HOUSING",1 "American Sociological Review",1971,"DISABILITY AND DEVIANCE: NORMATIVE ADAPTIONS OF ROLE BEHAVIOR",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"THE HOBBESIAN PROBLEM OF ORDER: A CRITICAL APPRAISAL OF THE NORMATIVE SOLUTION",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"THE LANGUAGE OF PERSUASION IN BUREAUCRACY: 'MODERN' AND 'TRADITIONAL' APPEALS TO THE ISRAEL CUSTOMS AUTHORITIES",1 "American Sociological Review",1971,"PATTERNS OF FEMALE INTERGENERATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY: A COMPARISON WITH MALE PATTERNS OF INTERGENERATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"PROFESSIONAL SELF-IMAGES AND POLITICAL PERSPECTIVES IN THE GREEK MILITARY",1 "American Sociological Review",1971,"CODING RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY OF INTERVIEW DATA",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"INEQUALITY OF OPPORTUNITY FOR HIGHER EDUCATION",1 "American Sociological Review",1971,"ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE AND COMMUNICATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"POLITICAL ORIENTATION AND RIOT PARTICIPATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATIONS JOINING: A CROSS-NATIONAL COMPARATIVE NOTE",1 "American Sociological Review",1971,"URBAN STRUCTURE AND THE DIFFERENTIATION BETWEEN BLACKS AND WHITES",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"ON MARIS AND THE LOGIC OF TIME",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"THE REGENERATION OF SOCIAL ORGANIZATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"SECOND THOUGHTS: USES OF LOGICIAN THEORY CONSTRUCTION",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"SOME COMMENTS CONCERNING MARIS ON 'LOGICAL ADEQUACY'",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"AN ALTERNATIVE TO PARSONS' FOUR-FUNCTION PARADIGM AS A BASIS FOR DEVELOPING GENERAL SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"HOMICIDE AND A REGIONAL CULTURE OF VIOLENCE",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"COMMENT ON 'TOWARD A TEMPORAL SEQUENCE OF ADOLESCENT ACHIEVEMENT VARIABLES'",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"VARIATION IN COUNTRY SIZE: A THEORY OF SEGMENTAL GROWTH",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"THE PUBLIC PERCEPTION OF THE WATTS RIOT AS SOCIAL PROTEST",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"DECISIONS AND EXCHANGE",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"BUREAUCRATIC MAN: A PORTRAIT AND INTERPRETATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"COMMENTS ON LABOVITZ'S 'THE ASSIGNMENT OF NUMBERS TO RANK ORDER CATEGORIES'",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"MEASUREMENT OF RELATIVE VARIATION: SOCIOLOGICAL EXAMPLES",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"HIGH SCHOOL CONTEXT ADD COLLEGE PLANS: THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL STRUCTURE ON ASPIRATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"COMMUNITY RANK STRATIFICATION: A FACTOR ANALYSIS",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"FUNCTIONAL AND CONFLICT THEORIES OF EDUCATIONAL STRATIFICATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"SOCIAL MOBILITY AND FERTILITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"WORKING CLASS COMMUNISM IN WESTERN EUROPE: RATIONAL OR NONRATIONAL",1 "American Sociological Review",1971,"CIVIL DISORDER PARTICIPATION: A CRITICAL EXAMINATION OF RECENT RESEARCH",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"A HEURISTIC PROCEDURE FOR INTERPRETING FACTOR ANALYSES",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"'SIGNIFICANT OTHERS, THE SELF-REFLEXIVE ACT AND THE ATTITUDE FORMATION PROCESS' A REINTERPRETATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"SOCIALIZATION AND ADOLESCENT CONFORMITY TO SIGNIFICANT OTHERS: A CROSS-NATIONAL ANALYSIS",1 "American Sociological Review",1971,"POLITICAL PRIMITIVISM, DIFFERENTIAL SOCIALIZATION, AND LOWER-CLASS LEFTIST RADICALISM",1 "American Sociological Review",1971,"THE SCIENTIFIC LEGITIMATION OF FALLACY: NEUTRALIZING SOCIAL CHANGE THEORY",1 "American Sociological Review",1971,"SOCIAL POSITIONS AND POLITICAL CROSS-PRESSURES: A RE-EXAMINATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"BIOLOGICAL MODELS OF SOCIAL CHANGE",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"COMMENT ON 'THE DISTRIBUTION OF PARTICIPATION IN GROUP DISCUSSIONS' AS RELATED TO GROUP SIZE",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"THE LOGICAL ADEQUACY OF 'THE LOGICAL ADEQUACY OF HOMANS' SOCIAL THEORY'",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"AN ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSIS OF COLLECTIVITIES",1 "American Sociological Review",1971,"DIALECTIC IN SOCIOLOGY",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"COMMENT ON 'RESPONSE BIASES IN FIELD STUDIES OF MENTAL ILLNESS'",1 "American Sociological Review",1971,"THE CHANGING SOUTH: NATIONAL INCORPORATION OF A REGION",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"THE CAUSES OF RACIAL DISTURBANCES: TESTS OF AN EXPLANATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"COMMENT ON 'THE CAUSES OF RACIAL DISTURBANCES': A COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVE EXPLANATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1971,"FLOW OF COMMUNICATIONS, EXPERT QUALIFICATIONS AND ORGANIZATIONAL AUTHORITY STRUCTURES",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"A Comment on ""The Scientific Legitimization of Fallacy""",1 "American Sociological Review",1972,"On the Hobbesian Problem of Order: A Comment",1 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Status Characteristics and Social Interaction",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"A Comment on ""Political Orientation and Riot Participation""",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Social Participation and Voting Turnout: A Multivariate Analysis",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"International Tests of the Size-Density Hypothesis",1 "American Sociological Review",1972,"People Processing Organizations: An Exchange Approach",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Some Methodological Problems in Explaining Social Mobility",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Illness and the Legitimation of Failure",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Issues Versus Controversies: Substantive and Statistical Significance",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Cumulative Sociological Knowledge",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Reply to Proctor",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Role Differentiation",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Exchange as Symbolic Interaction: Convergences Between Two Theoretical Perspectives",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"The Causes of Black Riots",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Presidential Address: The Place of Force in Human Society",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"The Division of Labor: A Post-Durkheimian Analytical View",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Reward Distribution and Work-Role Attractiveness in the Kibbutz-Reflections on Equity Theory",1 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Comment on ""Sex and Social Participation""",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"A Configurational Approach to Contingent Consistency in the Attitude-Behavior Relationship",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Modification of Interracial Interaction Disability: An Application of Status Characteristic Theory",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Role-Taking and Power in Social Psychology",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"A Theory of Ethnic Antagonism: The Split Labor Market",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Race, Class and Consciousness",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Culture Creation and Social Reconstruction: The Socio-Cultural Dynamics of Intergroup Contaot",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Technology and Social Behavior of Workers in Four Countries: A Sociotechnical Perspective",1 "American Sociological Review",1972,"System Size and Structural Differentiation in Formal Organizations: A Baseline Generator for Two Major Theoretical Propositions",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"The Alien as a Servant of Power: Court Jews and Christian Renegades",1 "American Sociological Review",1972,"A Causal Model for the Political Party Preferences of American Men",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Differential Mortality and the Formation of Political Elites: The Case of the U.S. House of Representatives",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Socioeconomic-Ethnic Status Inconsistency and Preference for Political Change",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Status Perceptions",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Effects of Vertical Mobility and Status Inconsistency: A Body of Negative Evidence",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Female Intergenerational Occupational Mobility: Comparisons of Patterns?",1 "American Sociological Review",1972,"A Specification of Relationships Between Job Complexity and Powerlessness",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Differentials in Marital Instability: 1970",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Blue Collar Anger: Reactions to Student and Black Protest",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Comment on ""Urban Structure and the Differentiation between Blacks and Whites,""",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"The Signals of '68: Alienation in Pre-Crisis France",1 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Strategies for Organizational Innovation: An Empirical Comparison",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"A Comment on ""Organization Structure and Communications""",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Size and the Structure of Organizations: A Causal Analysis",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"The Growth of Science and Economic Development",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"The Manufacture of Deviance: The Case of the Soviet Purge, 1936 -- 1938",1 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Comment on Gove's Evaluation of Societal Reaction as an Explanatory of Mental Illness",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"High School Context and College Plans: A Comment",1 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Migration and the Ecological Complex",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Patterns of Vandalism During Civil Disorders as an Indicator of Selection of Targets",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Hardship and Collective Violence in France, 1830 to 1960",1 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Linking Form of Hypothesis to Type of Statistic: An Application of Goodman's Z",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Measuring Individual Modernity: A Near Miss",1 "American Sociological Review",1972,"Heterogamy, Inter-Class Mobility and Socio-Political Attitudes in Italy",1 "American Sociological Review",1972,"The Analysis of Mobility Processes by the Introduction of Independent Variables into a Markov Chain",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"DEVELOPMENTAL CHANGE IN THE SENTIMENT STRUCTURE OF CHILDREN'S GROUPS",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"ACHIEVEMENT ORIENTATIONS AND SOCIOECONOMIC CAREER ATTAINMENTS",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"RELIGION, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND LETHAL AGGRESSION",1 "American Sociological Review",1972,"SIZE AND GROWTH AS DETERMINANTS OF ADMINISTRATIVE-PRODUCTION RATIOS IN ORGANIZATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"SEX AND SOCIAL PARTICIPATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"SOME COMMENTS ON BIOLOGICAL MODELS OF SOCIAL CHANGE",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"THE STRUCTURE OF SCIENTIFIC FIELDS AND THE FUNCTIONING OF UNIVERSITY GRADUATE DEPARTMENTS",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"ON THE TRANSMISSION OF MARITAL INSTABILITY IN BLACK FAMILIES",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"HALL'S PROFESSIONALISM SCALE: AN EMPIRICAL REASSESSMENT",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"THE SPHERE OF INFLUENCE",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"HOUSEHOLD COMPLEXITY IN NINETEENTH CENTURY FRANCE",1 "American Sociological Review",1972,"THE PROCESS OF ENTRY INTO FIRST MARRIAGE",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"THE POLITICAL ORIENTATION OF THE SOCIALLY MOBILE IN ITALY: A RE-EXAMINATION",1 "American Sociological Review",1972,"SOME COMMENTS ON 'THE CHANGING SOUTH: NATIONAL INCORPORATION OF A REGION'",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"LEADERSHIP AND ORGANIZATIONAL PERFORMANCE: A STUDY OF LARGE CORPORATIONS",1 "American Sociological Review",1972,"FAMILY DISRUPTION AND DELINQUENT CONDUCT: MULTIPLE MEASURES AND THE EFFECT OF SUBCLASSIFICATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"GOAL IMPLEMENTATION AND OUTCOME IN MEDICAL SCHOOLS",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"A COMMENT ON 'COMMUNITY STRUCTURE AND INNOVATION: THE CASE OF URBAN RENEWAL'",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"THE CREDIBILITY OF PROTEST",1 "American Sociological Review",1972,"INDUSTRIAL CONFLICT AND UNIONIZATION",1 "American Sociological Review",1972,"A MODIFIED MULTIPLE REGRESSION APPROACH TO THE ANALYSIS OF DICHOTOMOUS VARIABLES",0 "American Sociological Review",1972,"TENTING WITH MALINOWSKI",1 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Psychological Reductionism, Methodological Individualism, and Large-Scale Problems",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Comment on Williams' ""The Ecological Approach in Measuring Community Power Concentration""",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"The Ecological Approach in Measuring Community Power Concentration: An Analysis of Hawley's MPO Ratio",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"On Phenomenological Sociology",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Causal Models and Social Indicators; Toward the Development of Social Systems Models",1 "American Sociological Review",1973,"The Invocation of Legal Norms: An Empirical Investigation of Durkheim and Weber",1 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Social Problems, Problematic Situations, and Quasi-Theories",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Symbolic Interaction as a Pragmatic Perspective: The Bias of Emergent Theory",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Technology and Household Configuration in Urban Africa: The Bassa of Monrovia",1 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Comments on ""Hall's Professionalism Scale: An Empirical Reassessment""",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Trends in the Occupational Mobility of U.S. Men, 1962-1970",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Ministerial Roles and Social Actionist Stance: Protestant Clergy and Protest in the Sixties",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"""Ordinal Regression?"" A Comment",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Classic on Classic: Parsons' Interpretation of Durkheim",1 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Size and Ruling Elites: Effects of System Growth on Power Structures",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"System Size and Ruling Elites",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"System Size and Structural Differentiation in Formal Organizations: An Alternative Baseline Generator",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Comments on Hope's Mobility and Fertility Paper",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Education and Mobility: From Achievement to Ascription",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"""Hardship and Collective Violence in France"": A Comment",1 "American Sociological Review",1973,"A Cross-Species Comparison of Status in Small Established Groups",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Some Developmental Interpersonal Dynamics Through Childhood",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Attitude and Action: A Field Experiment Joined to a General Population Survey",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Behavioral Model of Man: Propositions and Implications",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"An Interpretation of the Relation Between Objective and Subjective Social Status",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Group Disorders in the Public Schools",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"A Theory of Middleman Minorities",1 "American Sociological Review",1973,"The Potential for Residential Integration in Cities and Suburbs: Implications for the Busing Controversy",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Disturbance in the Self-Image at Adolescence",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Comments on Models for the Socioeconomic Career",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Two Sources of Error in Ecological Correlations",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Non-Random Exogenous Variables in Path Analysis",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Presidential Address: Some Problems in Role Analysis",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Environment, Technology, and the Administrative Intensity of Manufacturing Organizations",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"The Assembling Process: A Theoretical and Empirical Examination",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Social Networks and Voting: The Resurrection of a Research Agenda",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"The Internal Stratification of the Working Class: System Involvements of Auto Workers in Four Countries",1 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Reply to Simpson",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"A Dip in Deaths Before Ceremonial Occasions: Some New Relationships between Social Integration and Mortality",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Values and Violence: A Test of the Subculture of Violence Thesis",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"On the Use of the Mass Media for Important Things",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Exchange as Symbolic Interaction: For What?",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"On Urban Alienations and Anomie: Powerlessness and Social Isolation",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"New Directions in the Study of Community Elites",1 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Patterns of Female Intergenerational Occupational Mobility: A Comment",1 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Monothetic and Polythetic Typologies and Their Relation to Conceptualization, Measurement and Scaling",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Loss of Power",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Do Christian Beliefs Cause Antisemitism?--A Comment",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Political Overconformity by Upwardly Mobile American Men",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Chemists in British Universities: A Study of the Reward System in Science",1 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Managerial Mobility Motivations and Central Life Interests",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Occupational Experience and Psychological Functioning: An Assessment of Reciprocal effects",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Income and Veteran Status: Variations Among Mexican Americans, Blacks and Anglos",1 "American Sociological Review",1973,"A Re-Examination of Hernes' Model on the Process of Entry into First Marriage for United States Women, Cohorts 1891-1945",0 "American Sociological Review",1973,"Minority Group Status and Fertility: The Irish",1 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Comment on ""A Behavioral Model of Man: Propositions and Implications""",1 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Estimation from Grouped Observations",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"SI and Emergent Theory: A Reexamination",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Unionization and Racial Income Inequality in the Metropolis",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"The Structure Interorganizational Elite Cooptation: Interlocking Corporate Directorates",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"A Gaming Approach to Crowd Behavior",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Toward a Theory of Role Accumulation",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Productivity Differences among Scientists: Evidence for Accumulative Advantage",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Norms and Counter-Norms in a Select Group of the Apollo Moon Scientists: A Case Study of the Ambivalence of Scientists",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Role Commitment Processes and the American Catholic Priesthood",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"The Occupational and Marital Mobility of Women",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Moscow in 1897 as a Preindustrial City: A Test of the Inverse Burgess Zonal Hypothesis",1 "American Sociological Review",1974,"The J-Curve and Power Struggle Theories of Collective Violence",1 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Increasing Mail Questionnaire Response: A Four State Comparison",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"A Comment on ""Attitude-Behavior Consistency...""",1 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Presidential Address: Parameters of Social Structure",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Aestheticism and Social Structure: Style and Social Network in the Dandy Life",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Comment on ""Internal Stratification of the Working Class""",1 "American Sociological Review",1974,"City Effects on Socioeconomic Achievements: The Case of Large Cities",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Regional Subculture and Homicide: An Examination of the Gastil-Hackney Thesis",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Patterns of Intergenerational Mobility of Females Through Marriage",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Distinguishing between Contagion, Heterogeneity, and Randomness in Stochastic Models",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"On the Nature and Purpose of Ascription",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Participation and Leadership in Small Groups",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Bringing Beasts Back in: Toward a Biosocial Theory of Aggression",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"System Level and System Property",1 "American Sociological Review",1974,"On Using Informants: A Technique for Collecting Quantitative Data and Controlling Measurement Error in Organization Analysis",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Some Empirical Patterns in a Riot Process",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"A Comment on the Effect of Duration on Intragenerational Social Mobility",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Art as Collective Action",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"On Telling Who's Crazy",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Seriousness Weights in an Index of Crime",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"The Honoring of Accounts",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"National Development, Mother Tongue Diversity, and the Comparative Study of Nations",1 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Structural Antecedents of the Shape of Strikes: A Comparative Analysis",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Social and Demographic Factors in American Political Party Affiliations, 1952-72",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Stratification Processes and Outcomes in England and the US",1 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Race, Socialization and Mobility in Educational and Early Occupational Attainment",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Professional Reform Organizations and the Symbolic Representation of the Poor",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Homogamy, Propinquity, and Segregation: A Re-Evaluation",1 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Non-Random Exogenous Variables in Path Analysis: A Comment",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"American Big Business Ideology: A Content Analysis of Executive Speeches",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"The Labelling Theory of Mental Illness",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Community Attachment in Mass Society",1 "American Sociological Review",1974,"The Influence of Suggestion on Suicide: Substantive and Theoretical Implications of the Werther Effect",1 "American Sociological Review",1974,"News as Purposive Behavior: On the Strategic Use of Routine Events, Accidents, and Scandals",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Political Democracy and Social Equality: A Comparative Analysis",1 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Professionalism and Role Making in a Service Organization: A Longitudinal Investigation",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Competition in Science",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Comment on ""The Reward System in Science""",1 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Group Disorders in the Public School: A Comment",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Social Class and Corporal Punishment in Childrearing: A Reassessment",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Level of Occupational Aspiration: An Empirical Analysis",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Individual Resources and Mental Hospitalization: A Comparison and Evaluation of the Societal Reaction and Psychiatric Perspectives",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"The Changing Role of a Political Boss in a Puerto Rican Migrant Community",1 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Poverty Status and Receipt of Welfare Among Migrants and Nonmigrants in Large Cities",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Emergent Issues in the Attitude-Behavior Consistence Controversy",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"On Modification of Interracial Interaction",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"""A Theory of Middleman Minorities""; A Comment",1 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Sex, Socialization and Politics",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"A Causal Modelling Approach to the Study of a Community Elite's Influence Structure",1 "American Sociological Review",1974,"College Effects on Educational and Occupational Attainments",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Mental Hospitalization as a Reinforcement Process",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Revival Religion and Antislavery Politics",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"The Seriousness of Crimes: Normative Structure and Individual Differences",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"On the Empirical Evaluation of Certain Logical Forms of Hypotheses Using Quasi-Independence as a Standard For Comparison",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Comments on Heap and Roth ""On Phenomenological Sociology""",1 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Age Stratification and Age Conflict in Political Life",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Inequality and Social Structure: A Comparison of Mars and Weber",0 "American Sociological Review",1974,"Honor, Normative Ambiguity and Gang Violence",1 "American Sociological Review",1975,"EXPECTATIONS, EVALUATIONS AND EQUITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"IS THERE A SUBCULTURE OF VIOLENCE?",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"AN UNTESTED HYPOTHESIS: THE EFFECT OF SIZE OF PUBLIC ASSISTANCE BENEFITS ON MIGRATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"COMPONENTS OF SUSTENANCE ORGANIZATION AND NONMETROPOLITAN POPULATION CHANGE: A HUMAN ECOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"COMMENTS: PRODUCTIVITY AMONG SCIENTISTS: A REPLICATION AND ELABORATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS AND RELIGIOUS PARTICIPATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"RACE AND SOCIOECONOMIC SEGREGATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"SOCIAL STRUCTURAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL ANTECEDENTS OF SELF-ESTRANGEMENT AND POWERLESSNESS",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"AN EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF SOME STRUCTURAL DETERMINANTS OF EQUITABLE AND INEQUITABLE EXCHANGE RELATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS: TWO METHODS IN SEARCH OF A SUBSTANCE",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"CULTURAL CONCEPTIONS, MENTAL DISORDERS AND SOCIAL ROLES: A COMPARISON OF GERMANY AND AMERICA",1 "American Sociological Review",1975,"SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS AND CRIMINAL SENTENCING: AN EMPIRICAL ASSESSMENT OF A CONFLICT PROPOSITION",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"A STRUCTURAL CONTROL MODEL OF ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"DISENGAGEMENT THEORY: A CRITIQUE AND PROPOSAL",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"STATUS INEQUALITY AND STRESS IN MARRIAGE",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"GENERATION AND FAMILY EFFECTS IN VALUE SOCIALIZATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"CONTEXTUAL EFFECTS IN THE HIGH SCHOOL ATTAINMENT PROCESS",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"THE LOSS OF COMMUNITY: AN EMPIRICAL TEST THROUGH REPLICATION",1 "American Sociological Review",1975,"THE MARKET, TRADITION AND PEASANT REBELLION: THE CASE OF ROMANIA IN 1907",1 "American Sociological Review",1975,"DETERMINANTS OF CAREER PLANS: INSTITUTIONAL VERSUS INTERPERSONAL EFFECTS",1 "American Sociological Review",1975,"OCCUPATIONS, LABOR MARKETS AND THE PROCESS OF WAGE ATTAINMENT",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"TWO MARKOV MODELS OF OPEN SYSTEM OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY: UNDERLYING CONCEPTUALIZATIONS AND EMPIRICAL TESTS",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"THE OCCUPATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT PROCESS, 1940-1949: A COHORT ANALYSIS",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"MODELS OF STATUS INCONSISTENCY AND SOCIAL MOBILITY EFFECTS",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"TEMPORAL CHANGE IN OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY: EVIDENCE FOR MEN IN THE UNITED STATES",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"STRUCTURAL CHANGES IN OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY AMONG MEN IN THE UNITED STATES",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"""THE INTERNAL STRATIFICATION OF THE WORKING CLASS"": A REANALYSIS",1 "American Sociological Review",1975,"THE STRUCTURE OF INTRAGENERATIONAL MOBILITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"A COMPARISON OF MEN'S AND WOMEN'S INTERGENERATIONAL MOBILITY IN THE UNITED STATES",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"PARTY CLASS IMAGES AND THE CLASS VOTE IN CANADA",1 "American Sociological Review",1975,"REVITALIZATION MOVEMENTS AND SOCIAL STRUCTURE: SOME QUANTITATIVE TESTS",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"ORGANIZATIONAL DOMAINS",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"INSTITUTIONAL SETTING AND INDUSTRIAL CONFLICT: COMPARATIVE ANALYSES OF FRANCE, ITALY AND THE UNITED STATES",1 "American Sociological Review",1975,"VALIDATING CONFLICT DATA",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"CONTINGENT CONSISTENCY AND THE ATTITUDE-BEHAVIOR RELATIONSHIP: A COMMENT",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE AND VOLUNTARY PARTICIPATION IN COLLECTIVE-GOOD DECISIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"THE MYTH OF ""TERRITORIALITY"" IN VAN DEN BERGHE'S ""BRINGING BEASTS BACK IN""",1 "American Sociological Review",1975,"WHY ASCRIPTION? PARTS OF A MORE OF LESS FORMAL THEORY OF THE FUNCTIONS AND DYSFUNCTIONS OF SEX ROLES",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"ON THE DIVERGENCE OF WEBER AND DURKHEIM: A CRITIQUE OF PARSONS' CONVERGENCE THESIS",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"COMMENTS: ON ""DE-PARSONIZING WEBER""",1 "American Sociological Review",1975,"Imprisonment and the Expected Value of Criminal Choice: A Specification and Test of Aspects of the Labeling Perspective",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"Disclaimers",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"School District Organization and Student Achievement",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"The Stratification of Socialization Processes",1 "American Sociological Review",1975,"Basing Influences on Drug Arrest Records: Implications for Deviance Research",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"Socio-Historical Model and Developmental Theory: Charismatic Community, Charisma of Reason and the Counterculture",1 "American Sociological Review",1975,"Growth and Decline Processes in Organizations",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"Cycles in Symbol Production: The Case of Popular Music",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"Political Alienation in America, 1952-1968",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"Race and Family Social Standing",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"Sex and the Process of Status Attainment: A Comparison of Working Women and Men",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"The Labelling Theory of Mental Illness: A Reply to Scheff",0 "American Sociological Review",1975,"Voluntary Associations and Minority Status: Comment and Extension",1 "American Sociological Review",1975,"Moral Freedom Through Understanding in Durkheim",1 "American Sociological Review",1975,"A Re-Examination of the Cross-Cultural Principles of Task Segregation and Sex Role Differentiation in the Family",1 "American Sociological Review",1975,"De-Parsonizing Weber: A Critique of Parsons' Interpretation of Weber's Sociology",1 "American Sociological Review",1975,"The American Family in the Preindustrial Period: From Base Lines in History to Change",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"Presidential Address: Sociology for Whom?",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"Measuring Corporate and Individual Power: Finding Coleman's Lost Power",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"Ambiguity and Interchangeability in Role Attribution: The Effect of Alter's Response",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"Social Assimilation among American Catholic National-Origin Groups",1 "American Sociological Review",1976,"The News' Manufacture of Sociological Data",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"Class Segments: Agrarian Property and Political Leadership in the Capitalist Class of Chile",1 "American Sociological Review",1976,"Comment on Aronoff and Crano's Re-Examination of the Cross-Cultural Principles of Task Segregation and Sex Role Differentiation in the Nuclear Family",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"Violent Acts and Violent Times: A Comparative Approach to Postwar Homicide Rates",1 "American Sociological Review",1976,"Comment: Stratification and Risk-Taking: A Further Negative Replication of Cancian's Theory",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"Selection and Allocation within Schools: Some Causes and Consequences of Curriculum Placement",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"Status Attainment and Status Maintenance: A Study of Stratification in Old Age",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"Aligning Actions",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"Inequality in the Military: An Examination of Promotion Time for Black and White Enlisted Men",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"Counterculture and Dominant Culture Values: A Cross-National Analysis of the Underground Press and Dominant Culture Magazines",1 "American Sociological Review",1976,"Face-To-Face: The Alienating Effects of Class, Status and Power Divisions",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"Stratification and Risk-Taking: A Further Negative Replication of Cancian's Theory",1 "American Sociological Review",1976,"Structural Characteristics of Cities and the Severity of Racial Disorders",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"A Practitioner's Perspective on the Index of Dissimilarity",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"On Bias in Drug Arrest Records",1 "American Sociological Review",1976,"On ""Quality of Life""",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"Recent Patterns of Secularization: A Problem of Generations?",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"QUANTITATIVE TESTING AND REVITALIZATION BEHAVIOR: ON CARROLL'S EXPLANATION OF THE GHOST DANCE",1 "American Sociological Review",1976,"THE UTILITY OF EDUCATION AND ATTRACTIVENESS FOR FEMALES' STATUS ATTAINMENT THROUGH MARRIAGE",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"CHANGE IN U.S. WOMEN'S SEX-ROLE ATTITUDES, 1964-1974",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"STATE PRODUCTION OF SOCIAL KNOWLEDGE: PATTERNS IN GOVERNMENT FINANCING OF ACADEMIC SOCIAL RESEARCH",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"RACE, COMMITMENT TO DEVIANCE, AND SPOILED IDENTITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"RULES AND EXAMPLES IN LAY AND PROFESSIONAL PSYCHIATRY: AN ETHNOMETHODOLOGICAL COMMENT ON THE SCHEFF-GOVE CONTROVERSY",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"STRUCTURAL DETERMINANTS OF FERTILITY IN LATIN AMERICA: 1800-1970",1 "American Sociological Review",1976,"TOWARD A THEORY OF CRIMINAL DETERRENCE",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"REPLY TO BIDWELL AND KASARDA",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"TESTS OF THE SIZE-DENSITY HYPOTHESIS: A CAUTION",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"SEX DIFFERENCES IN STATUS ATTAINMENT IN SCIENCE: THE CASE OF THE POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY IN INDUSTRIAL SOCIETIES: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF DIFFERENTIAL ACCESS TO OCCUPATIONAL RANKS IN SEVENTEEN COUNTRIES",1 "American Sociological Review",1976,"SEXUAL INEQUALITIES AND SOCIOECONOMIC ACHIEVEMENT IN THE U.S., 1962-1973",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"COMMUNITY POWER AND DECISION MAKING: A REPLICATION AND EXTENSION OF HAWLEY",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"THE NEED FOR READER-ACCESS TO THE MEASURES OF VARIABLES USED IN QUANTITATIVE CROSS-NATIONAL STUDIES",1 "American Sociological Review",1976,"THE WORLD-ECONOMY AND THE DISTRIBUTION OF INCOME WITHIN STATES: A CROSS-NATIONAL STUDY",1 "American Sociological Review",1976,"ON THEORY IN COLLECTIVE BEHAVIOR AND EMPIRICAL PATTERNS IN A RIOT PROCESS",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"PROFIT AND NONPROFIT ORIENTATIONS AND THE DIFFERENTIATION-COORDINATION HYPOTHESIS FOR ORGANIZATIONS: A STUDY OF SMALL GENERAL HOSPITALS",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION AND WHITE GAIN",1 "American Sociological Review",1976,"FURTHER CONSIDERATIONS ON THE METHODOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF SEGREGATION INDICES",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"COMMUNITY STRUCTURE AND LEADERSHIP ARRANGEMENTS: A MULTIDIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"A MISAPPLICATION OF BIOLOGICAL CONCEPTS AND DATA (COMMENT ON VAN DEN BERGHE, ASR, DECEMBER, 1974)",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"EMERGENT ETHNICITY: A REVIEW AND REFORMULATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"DEVIANCE AND MORAL BOUNDARIES",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"THE SOLUTION AND INTERPRETATION OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION MODELS",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"INTENDED CHILDBEARING AND LABOR FORCE PARTICIPATION OF YOUNG WOMEN: INSIGHTS FROM NONRECURSIVE MODELS",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"FAMILY ROLE DIFFERENTIATION AND WOMEN'S SUBSISTENCE CONTRIBUTION",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"DUAL OCCUPATION FAMILIES AND MIGRATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"CROWDING AND FAMILY RELATIONS",1 "American Sociological Review",1976,"TRADITIONAL RELIGION IN CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY: A THEORY OF LOCAL-COSMOPOLITAN PLAUSIBILITY",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"RACIAL AND CLASS PREJUDICE: THEIR RELATIVE EFFECTS ON PROTEST AGAINST SCHOOL DESEGREGATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"OCCUPATIONAL INCOME AND THE EFFECTS OF MINORITY COMPETITION AND SEGREGATION: A REANALYSIS AND SOME NEW EVIDENCE",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"MAINLAND CONTROL OF MANUFACTURING AND REWARD FOR BILINGUALISM IN PUERTO RICO",1 "American Sociological Review",1976,"DETERMINANTS OF COORDINATION MODES WITHIN ORGANIZATIONS",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"ON HOUSE AND MASON'S STUDY OF ALIENATION",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"ASCRIPTION: CUI BONO?",1 "American Sociological Review",1976,"POPULISM AND LYNCHING IN LOUISIANA, 1889-1896: A TEST OF ERIKSON'S THEORY OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN BOUNDARY CRISES AND REPRESSIVE JUSTICE",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"COMMENTS: REPLY TO COHEN, HAZELRIGG AND POPE",1 "American Sociological Review",1976,"REWARDS, RESOURCES, AND THE RATE OF MOBILITY: A NONSTATIONARY MULTIVARIATE STOCHASTIC MODEL",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"WORKING WIVES: 1940-1960",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"THE LITERARY RHETORIC OF SCIENCE: COMEDY AND PATHOS IN DRINKING DRIVER RESEARCH",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"THE OCCUPATIONAL STATUS ATTAINMENT PROCESSES OF MALES AND FEMALES",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"CAREER ATTRIBUTES AND NETWORK STRUCTURE: A BLOCKMODEL STUDY OF A BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH SPECIALTY",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"REGIONAL DIFFERENCES IN PREJUDICE",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"DETERMINANTS OF ADMINISTRATIVE CONTROL: A TEST OF A THEORY WITH JAPANESE FACTORIES",1 "American Sociological Review",1976,"COMMENTS: ON VAN DEN BERGHE'S THEORY OF AGGRESSION",0 "American Sociological Review",1976,"POWER AND MOBILIZATION IN THE URBAN COMMUNITY: RECONSIDERING THE ECOLOGICAL APPROACH",0 "American Sociological Review",1977,"The Structure of Inequality and the Process of Attainment",0 "American Sociological Review",1977,"The Expansion of National Educational Systems: Tests of a Population Ecology Model",1 "American Sociological Review",1977,"Notes on the Criminogenic Hypothesis: A Case Study of the American Liquor Industry",0 "American Sociological Review",1977,"The French Republican Calendar: A Case Study in the Sociology of Time",1 "American Sociological Review",1977,"Chinese Consumption of Foreign Commodities: A Comparative Perspective",1 "American Sociological Review",1977,"Presidential Address: Countercultures and Social Change",0 "American Sociological Review",1977,"""Situation"" versus ""Frame"": The ""Interactionist"" and the ""Structuralist"" Analyses of Everyday Life",0 "American Sociological Review",1977,"Marital Status, Life-Strains and Depression",0 "American Sociological Review",1977,"Ecological Approach to Migration Reexamined",1 "American Sociological Review",1977,"The Export of Raw Materials and Economic Growth: A Cross-National Study",1 "American Sociological Review",1977,"Is Community Alive and Well in the Inner City?",0 "American Sociological Review",1977,"Methods of Analysis in the Study of the World-Economy",1 "American Sociological Review",1977,"Size, Centralization and Organizational Adoption of Innovations",0 "American Sociological Review",1977,"Opening Encounters",0 "American Sociological Review",1977,"Social Constructions and Urban Ethnicity",1 "American Sociological Review",1977,"Comments: Reply to Parsons",0 "American Sociological Review",1977,"The Sociology of Women's Economic Role in the Family",0 "American Sociological Review",1977,"The Changing American Family from the Preindustrial to the Industrial Period: A Final Report",0 "American Sociological Review",1977,"Scientific Productivity and the Reward Structure of Science",0 "American Sociological Review",1977,"The Group Structure of Cocitation Clusters: A Comparative Study",1 "American Sociological Review",1977,"Rediscovering Delinquency: Social History, Political Ideology and the Sociology of Law",1 "American Sociological Review",1977,"Subjective Class Identification: A Multiple Indicator Approach",0 "American Sociological Review",1977,"Social Status, Status Inconsistency and Psychological Stress",0 "American Sociological Review",1977,"Democracy and Social Inequality: A Reanalysis",0 "American Sociological Review",1977,"Class, Status, and ""Reactive Ethnic Cleavages"": The Social Bases of Political Regionalism",1 "American Sociological Review",1977,"The Effect of Political Democracy and Social Democracy on Equality in Industrial Societies: A Cross-National Comparison",1 "American Sociological Review",1977,"The Production of Cynical Knowledge in Organizations",1 "American Sociological Review",1977,"The Ethnic Vice Industry, 1880-1944",1 "American Sociological Review",1977,"The Realism of Educational Ambitions in England and the United States",1 "American Sociological Review",1977,"Distributive Justice and Earned Income",0 "American Sociological Review",1977,"Keeping the Faith or Pursuing the Good Life: A Study of the Consequences of Participation in the Civil Rights Movement",0 "American Sociological Review",1977,"Conflict Intensity, Media Sensitivity and the Validity of Newspaper Data",0 "American Sociological Review",1977,"A Theoretical Model for the Interpretation of Tables of Social Mobility",1 "American Sociological Review",1977,"Structural and Exchange Components of Vertical Mobility",0 "American Sociological Review",1977,"Normal Homicides and the Law",0 "American Sociological Review",1977,"3 Comments on Chiricos and Waldo (ASR December, 1975)",1 "American Sociological Review",1977,"Sex and Theories of Deviance: Toward a Functional Theory of Deviant Type-Scripts",0 "American Sociological Review",1977,"A Critical Celebration of Gusfield's ""The Literary Rhetoric of Science""",0 "American Sociological Review",1977,"Work Values and Job Rewards: A Theory of Job Satisfaction",0 "American Sociological Review",1977,"Social Change and the Family: Los Angeles, California, 1850-1870",1 "American Sociological Review",1977,"Typological Invalidity in ""Generation and Family Effects in Value Socialization""",0 "American Sociological Review",1977,"Status, Inequality and Innovation: The Green Revolution in Andra Pradesh, India",1 "American Sociological Review",1977,"Social Reform Organizations and Subsequent Careers of Participants: A Follow-Up Study of Early Participants in the OEO Legal Services Program",0 "American Sociological Review",1977,"Trends in Racial Inequalities: Have the Gains of the 1960s Disappeared in the 1970s?",0 "American Sociological Review",1977,"Comments",1 "American Sociological Review",1977,"Deterrence as Social Control: The Legal and Extralegal Production of Conformity",0 "American Sociological Review",1977,"The Deterrence Doctrine and the Perceived Certainty of Legal Punishments",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Nonrecursive Models of Labor Force Participation, Fertility Behavior and Sex Role Attitudes",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Status Resources, Societal Reactions, and Type of Mental Hospital Admission",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Is Status Attainment Research Atheoretical?",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Diamonds are Trumps: A Reply to House",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Reply to Walsh",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"State Boundaries and the World-Economy: Reply to Stack:",1 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Military Inequality: Reply to Hauser",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"The Transition to Adulthood: Sex Differences in Educational Attainment and Age at Marriage",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Sex Differences in the Complexity of Children's Play and Games",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"The Variable Order of Events in the Life Course",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Reply to Ronald L. Simons",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"The Effects of International Economic Dependence on Development: A Critique",1 "American Sociological Review",1978,"A Rule for Inferring Individual-Level Relationships from Aggregate Data",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Threats to Internal Validity in Burgess and Nielsen's Social Exchange Experiment",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Factors Affecting Response Rates to Mailed Questionnaires: A Quantitative Analysis of the Published Literature",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"On the Measurement of Segregation as a Random Variable",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"The Sociogenesis of Psychological Disorder: Reexamining the Causal Issues with Longitudinal Data",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Social Factors in Psychiatric Outcome: Toward the Resolution of Interpretive Controversies",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Explaining the Low Use of Health Services by the Poor: Costs, Attitudes, or Delivery Systems?",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Class Power and State Policy: The Case of Large Business Corporations, Labor Unions and Governmental Redistribution in the American States",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Style as Social Process",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Organizational Change in the American Foreign Service, 1925-1965: The Utility of Cohort Analysis",1 "American Sociological Review",1978,"The Causes and Cost of Racial Exclusion from Job Authority",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Determinants and Behavioral Consequences of Psychological Modernity: Empirical Evidence from Costa Rica",1 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Facets and Flaws of Hope's Diamond Model",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Behaviorism on Verstehen and Erklaren",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Black Subordination and White Economic Well-Being",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"The Myth of Social Class and Criminality: An Empirical Assessment of the Empirical Evidence",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Stratification in a Dual Economy: A Sectoral Model of Earnings Determination",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Sex Differences in Soviet Earnings",1 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Power, Equity and Commitment in Exchange Networks",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"The Influence of ""Family Background"" on Intellectual Attainment",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"The Hawthorne Experiments: First Statistical Interpretation",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Cross-National Diffusion: The Effects of Canadian TV on Rural Minnesota Viewers",1 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Black Political Participation in the United States: Some Recent Evidence",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Productivity and Academic Position in the Scientific Career",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"The Ideology of Childhood and the State: Rules Distinguishing Children in National Constitutions, 1870-1970",1 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Bringing the Boss Back in: Employer Size, Employee Schooling, and Socioeconomic Achievement",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"The Effect of Direct Government Involvement in the Economy on the Degree of Income Inequality: A Cross-National Study",1 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Occupational Sex Identification and the Assessment of Male and Female Earnings Inequality",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Cultural Effects on Organizational Structure: The Case of Japanese Firms in the United States",1 "American Sociological Review",1978,"White Enrollment Stability and School Desegregation: A Two-Level Analysis",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"The Presidential Address: Cumulative Change in Theory and in History",1 "American Sociological Review",1978,"On the Use of Historical Documents and Evidence",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Measures of Inequality",1 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Residential Segregation by Occupation and Race in Ten Urbanized Areas, 1950-1970",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Determinants of Juvenile Court Dispositions: Ascriptive and Achieved Factors in Two Metropolitan Courts",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Equality, Success, and Social Justice in England and the United States",1 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Suburban Social Status: Persistence or Evolution?",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"The Meaning of the IQ-Delinquency Relationship",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Deterrence and Social Control",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"International Political Organization and the World Economy of Income Inequality",1 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Community Structure and Industrial Conflict: An Analysis of Strike Activity in SMSAs",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Attribution, Goals, and Deviance",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Sex Differences in Children's Friendships",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Formal and Substantive Voluntarism in the Work of Talcott Parsons: A Theoretical and Ideological Reinterpretation",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"A Third Interpretation for the Generating Process of the Negative Binomial Distribution",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Marx's Theory of the Falling Rate of Profit: Towards a Dialectical Analysis of Structural Social Change",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Race and Involvement in Common Law Personal Crimes",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Curriculum Tracking and Educational Stratification: Some Further Evidence",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Comment: On Inequality in the Military",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Comment: The Ecological Approach and Community Leadership",0 "American Sociological Review",1978,"Night as Frontier",0 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Mead vs. Blumer: The Divergent Methodological Perspectives of Social Behaviorism and Symbolic Interactionism",0 "American Sociological Review",1979,"The Variability of Paradigms in the Production of Culture: A Comparison of the Arts and Sciences",0 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Making It in America: Differences between Eminent Blacks and White Ethnic Groups",1 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Gaps and Glissandos: Inequality, Economic Development, and Social Mobility in 24 Countries",1 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Equal Employment Opportunity Legislation and the Income of Women and Nonwhites",0 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Income Inequality in the Federal Civilian Government",0 "American Sociological Review",1979,"The Collectivist Organization: An Alternative to Rational-Bureaucratic Models",0 "American Sociological Review",1979,"The Social Organization of the American Business Elite and Participation of Corporation Directors in the Governance of American Institutions",0 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Political Democracy and the Timing of Development",1 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Ethnic Political Mobilization: The Welsh Case",1 "American Sociological Review",1979,"American Jewish Denominations: A Social and Religious Profile",1 "American Sociological Review",1979,"The Religious Switcher in the United States",0 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Social Learning and Deviant Behavior: A Specific Test of a General Theory",0 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Social Change and Crime Rate Trends: A Routine Activity Approach",0 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Whose Status Counts?",1 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Small Groups and Culture Creation: The Idioculture of Little League Baseball Teams",1 "American Sociological Review",1979,"The Structure of a National Elite Network",0 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Vertical Differentiation among Occupations",0 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Priest Resignations in a Lazy Monopoly",0 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Entrance into the Academic Career",1 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Early Childbearing and Later Economic Well-Being",0 "American Sociological Review",1979,"The Presidential Address: Measurement and Conceptualization Problems: The Major Obstacle to Integrating Theory and Research",0 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Temporal Changes in Work Content",0 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Inequality and Police Strength: Conflict Theory and Coercive Control in Metropolitan Areas",0 "American Sociological Review",1979,"White Movement to the Suburbs: A Comparison of Explanations",0 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Effects of Socioeconomic Factors on the Residential Segregation of Blacks and Spanish Americans in U.S. Urbanized Areas",1 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Entry into Early Adolescence: The Impact of School Structure, Puberty, and Early Dating on Self-Esteem",0 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Poverty and Infant Mortality in the United States",0 "American Sociological Review",1979,"The Founding of the American Sociological Review: The Anatomy of a Rebellion",0 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Structural Determinants of Urbanization in Asia and Latin America, 1950-1970",1 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Sex and Authority in the Workplace: The Causes of Sexual Inequality",0 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Race, Regional Labor Markets and Earnings",0 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Another Look at the Black/White Trend in Unemployment Rates (Comment on Bonacich, American Sociological Review, February, 1976)",0 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Attitude and Behavior: A Specification of the Contingent Consistency Hypothesis",0 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Values, Distributive Justice and Social Change",1 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Dialectical Analysis and Closed Systems: Class Societies or World-Economy?",1 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Possible Causes of the Apparent Sex Differences in Physical Health: An Empirical Investigation",0 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Decision Making and Non-Decision Making in Cities: Some Implications for Community Structural Research",0 "American Sociological Review",1979,"The ""Ecological Approach"" and Community Leadership",0 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Class as Conceived by Marx and Dahrendorf: Effects on Income Inequality and Politics in the United States and Great Britain",1 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Toward a Class-Dialectical Model of Power: An Empirical Assessment of Three Competing Models of Political Power",0 "American Sociological Review",1979,"The Effects of Political Participation and Socialist Party Strength on the Degree of Income Inequality",0 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Size and Administrative Intensity in Nations",1 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Overcrowding in the Home: An Empirical Investigation of Its Possible Pathological Consequences",0 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Paradigms in Evolutionary Theory: The Sociobiological Model of Natural Selection",0 "American Sociological Review",1979,"Parsons's Voluntarism",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"A New Theory of Distributive Justice",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"The Flemish Movement in Belgium after World War II: A Dynamic Analysis",1 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Sexual Enbourgeoisement? Social Class and Sexual Activity: 1938-1970",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"The Geography of Soviet Criminality",1 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Empirical Verification and Black's The Behavior of Law",1 "American Sociological Review",1980,"In Defense of Microeconomic Theory",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"The Transition to Adulthood as a Career Contingency",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"The Tacit Conventions of the Modernity School: An Analysis of Key Assumptions",1 "American Sociological Review",1980,"An Opportunity Labor Demand Model and Markovian Labor Supply Models: Comparative Tests in an Organization",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Political Protest Orientations among Black and White Adults",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Comparing Stratification Theories",1 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Is the Status Structure in the United States Really More Fluid for Women Than for Men?",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"The Impact of Outliers on Income Inequality",1 "American Sociological Review",1980,"The Spatial Structure of Income Distribution in Rural Regions",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Truth Tests and Utility Tests: Decision-Makers' Frames of Reference for Social Science Research",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Beyond Methodology: The Place of Theory in Quantitative Historical Research",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Firearms Ownership for Sport and Protection: Two Divergent Models",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Fertility and Female Employment: Problems of Causal Direction",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Mead and Blumer: The Convergent Methodological Perspectives of Social Behaviorism and Symbolic Interactionism",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Darwin, Sociobiology and Sociology: (Comment on Quadagno, ASR, February, 1979)",1 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Social Class and Psychological Distress",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Comment on Walter R. Gove and Michael Hughes, 'Possible Causes of the Apparent Sex Differences in Physical Health'",1 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Organizational Properties from Aggregate Data: Separating Individual and Structural Effects",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Issues in the Comparative Measurement of Political Democracy",1 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Ideology, Specificity, and the Coding of Legal Documents: What Do Measures of Constitutional Content Measure? (Comment on Boli-Bennett and Meyer, ASR, December, 1978)",1 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Solidarity Model, Breakdown Model, and the Boston Anti-Busing Movement",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Beyond Misspecification in Sociological Analyses of Income Inequality",1 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Some Experimental Investigations of the Principles of Differential Association through Deliberate Manipulations of the Structure of Service Systems",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Access to Interorganizational Networks as a Professional Resource",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Education and Fertility: Implications for the Roles Women Occupy",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Three Parametric Techniques for Contingency Table Analysis: A Nontechnical Commentary",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Dependence, Inequality, and the Growth of the Tertiary: A Comparative Analysis of Less Developed Countries",1 "American Sociological Review",1980,"How Jews Avoid Alcohol Problems",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"The Structure of Attitude Systems in the General Public: Comparisons of a Structural Equation Model",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Unconfounding the Confluence Model: A Test of Sibship Size and Birth-Order Effects on Intelligence",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Race and Sex Differences in Career Dynamics",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Banks and Corporate Lending: An Analysis of the Impact of the Internal Structure of the Capitalist Class on the Lending Behavior of Banks",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Class and Income Inequality in Korea",1 "American Sociological Review",1980,"On 'Stratification in a Dual Economy'",1 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Comment on Newport Article",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Sex and Involvement in Deviance/Crime: A Quantitative Review of the Empirical Literature",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Weber's Last Theory of Capitalism: A Systematization",1 "American Sociological Review",1980,"The Presidential Address: The Challenge and Opportunities of Applied Social Research",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"The Noninfluence of 'Family Background' on Intellectual Attainment",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Social Process and Hierarchy Formation in Small Groups: A Comparative Perspective",1 "American Sociological Review",1980,"The Relay Assembly Test Room: An Alternative Statistical Interpretation",1 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Testing a Structural Theory of Corporate Cooptation: Interorganizational Directorate Ties as a Strategy for Avoiding Market Constraints on Profits",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Social Networks and Social Movements: A Microstructural Approach to Differential Recruitment",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Generating Newsworthiness: The Interpretive Construction of Public Events",1 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Welsh Political Mobilization: A Comment and a Note",1 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Bringing the Firms Back in: Stratification, Segmentation, and the Organization of Work",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Suburban Status Instability",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"The Meek Shall Not Inherit the Earth: Self-Evaluation and the Legitimacy of Stratification",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"In Pursuit of Pathology: The Effects of Human Crowding",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"The Effects of Crowding Found in the Toronto Study: Some Methodological and Empirical Questions",1 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Immigration and the Expansion of Schooling in the United States, 1890-1970",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Crime and Poverty: Some Experimental Evidence from Ex-Offenders",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"The Differential Sentencing of White-Collar Offenders in Ten Federal District Courts",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"The Effect of Sexual Stratification by Race on Official Reactions to Rape",0 "American Sociological Review",1980,"Heredity, Environment, and Public Policy Reconsidered",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"New Methods Lead to Familiar Results",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Variations in Sex-Race-Age-Specific Incidence Rates of Offending",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Trends in United States Men's and Women's Sex-Role Attitudes: 1972 to 1978",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Trends in the Relationship between Sex and Psychological Distress: 1957-1976",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Organizational Context and Scientific Productivity",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Social Resources and Strength of Ties: Structural Factors in Occupational Status Attainment",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"At Sixes and Sevens: Occupational Status in the City of London from the Fourteenth to the Seventeenth Century",1 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Measure for Measure: On the Use of Endogenous Ability Data in School-Process Research",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Effects of United States Presidential Elections on Suicide and Other Causes of Death",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Social Mobility and Fertility: Two Effects in One",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Social Inequality and Predatory Criminal Victimization: An Exposition and Test of a Formal Theory",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"""Sex and Authority in the Workplace"": A Replication and Critique",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Social Class and Emotional Distress",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"On the Use and Abuse of Aggregate Data in Analyzing Organizations",1 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Social Control Theory and Delinquency",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Political Involvement and Attitude Structure in the General Public",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"The Dimension(s) of Democracy: Further Issues in the Measurement and Effects of Political Democracy",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Social Class and Ethnic Segregation: A Reconsideration of Methods and Conclusions",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Religious Conformity in an Age of Disbelief: Contextual Effects of Time, Denomination, and Family Processes upon Church Decline and Apostasy",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Community Structure in Response to Population Growth and Decline: A Study in Ecological Organization",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Dynamics of Organizational Expansion in National Systems of Education",1 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Black-White Differences in the Educational Attainment Process: What Have We Learned?",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Racial Tolerance as a Function of Group Position",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Trends in Occupational Mobility in Canada and the United States: A Comparison",1 "American Sociological Review",1981,"A Dynamic Study of Change in a Regional Corporate Network",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Correction: Firearms Ownership for Sport and Protection: Two Not So Divergent Models",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Career Patterns of Scientists: A Case for Complementary Data",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Reconfounding the Confluence Model: Is the Relationship of Sibship Size and Birth-Order to Intelligence an Artifact?",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"The Japanese Americans: Changing Patterns of Assimilation over Three Generations",1 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Racial Characteristics and the Imposition of the Death Penalty",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"The Historical Distribution of County Seats in the United States: A Review, Critique, and Test of Time-Minimization Theory",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Diagonal Mobility Models: A Substantively Motivated Class of Designs for the Analysis of Mobility Effects",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Structural Constraints and Individual Career Earnings Patterns",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Taxonomies of Institutional Structure: Dual Economy Reconsidered",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Interlocking Directorates and Interest Group Formation",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"A Multilevel Model of Life Satisfaction: Effects of Individual Characteristics and Neighborhood Composition",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"A Test of the Stability of Punishment Hypothesis: The Case of California, 1851-1970",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Racial Discrimination in Criminal Sentencing: A Critical Evaluation of the Evidence with Additional Evidence on the Death Penalty",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Inequality within Rural Communities of India",1 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Black Southern Student Sit-In Movement: An Analysis of Internal Organization",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Stratification, Work, and Values: A Polish-United States Comparison",1 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Keeping Up the Neighborhood: Estimating Net Effects of Zoning",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Issues in Instrumental Variables Analysis",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Some Useful Applications of Logistic Models: Reply to an Odd Critique",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Logistic Regression Models with Continuous Independent Variables",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Complexities of the Randomized Response Solution",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"On Interpreting Coefficients in Differential Equation Models",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"The Dictionary of Occupational Titles as a Source of Occupational Data",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Predicting Response Rates to Mailed Questionnaires",1 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Pearson's r and Coarsely Categorized Measures",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Measures of Inequality for Qualitative Variables and Concentration Curves",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"The Validity of Randomized Response for Sensitive Measurement",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Substantive Interpretations of Differential Equation Models",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Paradigm Analysis in Sociology: Clarifying the Issues",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Nonconformity, Competence, and Influence in Groups: A Test of Two Theories",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"The Effects of Household Density on Subgroups",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Does IQ Really Matter? A Study of the Use of IQ Scores for the Tracking of the Mentally Retarded",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Undesirable Life Events and Psychophysiological Distress: A Problem of Operational Confounding",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Profit Constraints on Managerial Autonomy: Managerial Theory and the Unmaking of the Corporation President",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Business Temporal Norms and Bereavement Behavior",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Comments",1 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Dynamics of Formal Political Structure: An Event-History Analysis",1 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Commitment and Detachment in Voluntary Associations",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Differentiation within the United States Capitalist Class: Workforce Size and Income Differences",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Change and Stability in Educational Stratification",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"The Public and Private Worlds of City Life",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Structural Determinants of Peripheral Urbanization: The Effects of International Dependence",1 "American Sociological Review",1981,"The Stratification of Metropolitan Suburbs, 1960-1970",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"The Meaning and Measurement of Income Inequality",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Religio-Ethnic Effects on Attainments in the Early Career",1 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Race and the War on Crime: The Sociopolitical Determinants of Municipal Police Expenditures in 90 Non-Southern U.S. Cities",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Jasso on Distributive Justice",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Demographic Antecedents of a Revitalization Movement: Population Change, Population Size, and the 1890 Ghost Dance",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Sex Differences in Health Status: A Reexamination of the Nurturant Role Hypothesis",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"The Myth of Social Class and Criminality Reconsidered",0 "American Sociological Review",1981,"Discrepancies between Self-Reported and Official Measures of Delinquency",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Fundamental Intrinsic Duality, Social Scientific Debates, and the Nature of Psychosocial Modernity: A Reanalysis and Reply to Rau and Others",1 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Achievement Variables and Class Cultures: Family, Schooling, Job, and Forty-Nine Dependent Variables in the Cumulative GSS",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Social Structure and Intergroup Interaction: Men and Women of the Federal Bureaucracy",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Competition, Scale and Political Explanations for Inequality: An Integrated Study of Sectoral Explanations at the Aggregate Level",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Cumulative Advantage and Inequality in Science",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Curricula and Coursework: A Surprise Ending to a Familiar Story",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Sentencing the White-Collar Offender: Rhetoric and Reality",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"The Sequence and Timing of Family Formation Events in Asia",1 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Rediscovering City Differences in Racial Occupational Inequality",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"The Consequences of Controversy Accompanying Institutional Change: The Case of School Desegregation",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"The American Class Structure",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Economic Dualism: A Critical Review",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Inequalities in Educational Attainment in Hungary, 1923-1973",1 "American Sociological Review",1982,"On the Importance of Marginality: One More Step into the Two-Step Flow of Communication",1 "American Sociological Review",1982,"A Disaggregation of the Relationship between Socioeconomic Status and Psychological Distress",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Imitative Suicides: A National Study of the Effects of Television News Stories",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Female Employment and Fertility in the Dominican Republic: A Dynamic Perspective",1 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Estimable Functions of Age, Period, and Cohort Effects",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"The Use of ""Ability"" Measures as Controls for Concurrent or Subsequent Achievement",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Social Structural Determinants of Similarity among Associates",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Familial Influence on the Intellectual Attainment of Children",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"On the Use of Self-Report Data to Determine the Class Distribution of Criminal and Delinquent Behavior",1 "American Sociological Review",1982,"The Estimation of Two-Sample Logistic Regressions",1 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Who's to Blame for Limited Health Care Use by the Poor?",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Models of Fertility and Women's Work",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Further Evidence on Factors Affecting Response Rates to Mailed Questionnaires",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Changing Locality Identification in the Metropolis: Seattle, 1920-1978",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Whites' Beliefs about Blacks' Opportunity",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Social Correlates of Criminal Involvement: Further Evidence on the Relationship between Social Status and Criminal Behavior",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Industrial Segmentation and Men's Career Mobility",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Social Mobility in a Mid-Nineteenth Century French City",1 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Bomb Threats and the Mass Media: Evidence for a Theory of Suggestion",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Dimensions of Educational and Occupational Attainment in Great Britain",1 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Growth Controls, Population Growth, and Community Satisfaction",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Organization of Production and Community Income Distributions",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Testing Control Theory and Differential Association: A Causal Modeling Approach",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Michael Hechter's Theory of Regional Underdevelopment: A Test Using Victorian Railways",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Informed Consent Procedures in Telephone Interviews",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Tolerance of Sexual Nonconformity: City Size as a Situational and Early Learning Determinant",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Another Look at the Export of Raw Materials and Economic Growth",1 "American Sociological Review",1982,"The Police, Crime, and Economic Theory: An Assessment",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Christmas Gifts and Kin Networks",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Ethnicity in the American Elite",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Delayed Career Entry, Industrial Pension Structure, and Early Retirement in a Cohort of Unmarried Women",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Industrial Transformation and the Decline of Craft: The Decompostion of Skill in the Printing Industry, 1931-1978",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Curriculum Tracking and Delinquency",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Women's Job Mobility Processes within and between Employers",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Status Shifts within the City",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"The Cost of Inequality: Metropolitan Structure and Violent Crime",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Vertical and Nonvertical Class Mobility in Three Countries",1 "American Sociological Review",1982,"External Conflict/Internal Cohesion: A Reevaluation of an Old Theory",1 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Status in Groups: The Importance of Motivation",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"A Stochastic Model of Relational Control in Dyadic Interaction",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Heterogeneity and Intermarriage",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"A Dubious Distinction? An Inquiry into the Value and Use of Merton's Concepts of Manifest and Latent Function",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"""Sociological Reductionism"" from Parsons to Althusser: Linking Action and Structure in Social Theory",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Social Inventions for Solving Human Problems",1 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Comments",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Sources of Ambiguity and Possible Error in Ralph and Rubinson",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Multivariate Analysis and Ordinal Data",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Suggestions for the Measurement of Consensus",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Easter and Passover: On Calendars and Group Identity",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Wage and Status Effects of Employment on Affective Well-Being among Ex-Felons",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Relations between Individual Life Cycles and Population Characteristics",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Major Labor Disputes in Britain, 1902-1938: The Relationship between Resource Expenditure and Outcome",1 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Testing the Theory of Status Integration and Suicide Rates",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"The Effect of Wives' Employment on the Mental Health of Married Men and Women",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Mental Patient Status, Work, and Income: An Examination of the Effects of a Psychiatric Label",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Cultural Capital and School Success: The Impact of Status Culture Participation on the Grades of U.S. High School Students",0 "American Sociological Review",1982,"Workers and Machines: Dimensions and Determinants of Technical Relations in the Workplace",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Between the Labor Process and the State: The Changing Face of Factory Regimes under Advanced Capitalism",1 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Fiscal Policy and Class Income Inequality: The Distributional Consequences of Governmental Revenues and Expenditures in the United States, 1949-1976",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Gender, Domestic Labor Time, and Wage Inequality",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Sex Segregation and Sectors: An Analysis of Gender Differences in Returns from Employer Changes",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"The Life Course of Children of Divorce: Marital Disruption and Parental Contact",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"The Devil's Techniques: Cultural Legitimation and Social Change",1 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Inside Organic Solidarity",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"The Liability of Newness: Age Dependence in Organizational Death Rates",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Political Business Cycles, Presidential Elections, and Suicide and Mortality Patterns",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Structural Mobility, Circulation Mobility and the Analysis of Occupational Mobility: A Conceptual Mismatch",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Peer Influence on College Aspirations with Initial Aspirations Controlled",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Tactical Innovation and the Pace of Insurgency",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Social Structure, Revitalization Movements and State Building: Social Change in Four Native American Societies",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Boundary-Work and the Demarcation of Science from Non-Science: Strains and Interests in Professional Ideologies of Scientists",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Frontiers and Criminal Justice: English Private Prosecution Societies and American Vigilantism in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries",1 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Dividing Work, Sharing Work, and In-Between: Marriage Patterns and Depression",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Deciphering Prometheus: Temporal Change in the Skill Level of Work",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"The Formation and Stability of Instructional Groups",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Marriage and Women's Occupational Attainment in Cross-Cultural Perspective",1 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Avoiding Bias in ""Derivative Samples"": A Neglected Issue in Family Studies",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Social Movement Involvement in the Wake of a Nuclear Accident: Activists and Free Riders in the TMI Area",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Measuring Social Participation",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"The Presidential Address: The Interaction Order",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Political Democracy -- How Many Dimensions? (Comment on Bollen and Grandjean, ASR, October 1981)",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Formal Theory and Informal Analysis (Comment on Cohen et al., ASR, October 1981)",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"George Washington and the Whig Conception of Heroic Leadership",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Crime as Social Control",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Race, Sex and Feminist Outlooks",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Aging, Values, and Rewards: Explaining Age Differences in Job Satisfaction",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Organizations as Action Generators",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Does Television Enhance the Shared Symbolic Environment? Trends in Labeling of Editorial Cartoons, 1948-1980",1 "American Sociological Review",1983,"A Spatial Autocorrelation Model of the Effects of Population Density on Fertility",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"A Quantitative Analysis of Temporal Symmetry in Microsocial Relations",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"The Norm of Even-Handedness in Surveys as in Life",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Alienation and Alcohol: The Role of Work, Mastery and Community in Drinking Behavior",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Mobility in Professional Occupational-Internal Labor Markets: Stratification, Segmentation and Vacancy Chains",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Gender and Jobs: Prestige Standings of Occupations as Affected by Gender",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Local Roles and Social Networks",1 "American Sociological Review",1983,"An Introduction to Sample Selection Bias in Sociological Data",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"The Iron Cage Revisited: Institutional Isomorphism and Collective Rationality in Organizational Fields",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"The Sociological Import of G. H. Mead's Theory of the Past",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Multiple Identities and Psychological Well-Being: A Reformulation and Test of the Social Isolation Hypothesis",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Mental Health and the Interpersonal Environment: A Reexamination of Some Effects of Social Structure on Mental Health",1 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Universals in Judging Wrongdoing: Japanese and Americans Compared",1 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Causes and Consequences of Sex-Role Attitudes and Attitude Change",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Paranoia and the Structure of Powerlessness",1 "American Sociological Review",1983,"A Preliminary Examination of Ethnic Identification among Whites",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"The Unfolding of the Interlocking Directorate Structure of the United States",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Scale Economy or Scale Entropy? Country Size and Rate of Economic Growth, 1950-1977",1 "American Sociological Review",1983,"The Persistence of Extended Family Residence in Japan: Anachronism or Alternative Strategy?",1 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Curriculum Tracking and Delinquency: Some Observations",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Metropolitan Structure and Violent Crime: Which Measure of Crime?",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"One Occupation, Two Labor Markets: The Case of Longshore Crane Operators",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"The Legitimation of Structural Inequality: Reformulation and Test of the Self-Evaluation Argument",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Salience, Heterogeneity and Consolidation of Parameters: Civilizing Blau's Primitive Theory",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Civil Disorder and the Welfare Explosion: A Two-Step Process",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Industrial Sector and Career Mobility Reconsidered",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Inequality and the Service Sector in Less Developed Countries: A Reanalysis and Respecification",1 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Residents' Perceptions of Suburban Community Differences",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Rank Order versus Rank Category Measures of Continuous Variables",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Ordinal Measures in Multiple Indicators Models: A Simulation Study of Categorization Error",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Economic Hardship and Marital Relations in the 1930s",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Comment on ""Gaps and Glissandos $...""",1 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Race, Political Orientation, and Participation: An Empirical Test of Four Competing Theories",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"The Social and Political Consequences of Overeducation",1 "American Sociological Review",1983,"World System Position, Dependency, and Democracy: The Cross-National Evidence",1 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Educational Expansion and Economic Output in the United States, 1890-1969: A Production Function Analysis",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Industrialization and the Status Attainment Process: The Thesis of Industrialism Reconsidered",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"An Ecology of Affiliation",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Childbearing Decision Making and Family Well-Being: A Dynamic, Sequential Model",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Trickle Down or Transfers? Postwar Determinants of Family Income Inequality",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"The Impact of Mass Media Violence on U.S. Homicides",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Size of Place, Residential Preferences and the Life Cycle: How People Come to Like Where They Live",0 "American Sociological Review",1983,"Weber on Action",1 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Paradigm Lost and Paradigm Regained: Critique of Dannefer's Portrayal of Life-Span Developmental Psychology",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Problem-Solving Strategies of Local Areas in the Metropolis",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Lifecourse Migration of Metropolitan Whites and Blacks and the Structure of Demographic Change in Large Central Cities",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Family Origins and the Schooling Process: Early versus Late Influence of Parental Characteristics",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Organization, Rationality and Spontaneity in the Civil Rights Movement",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Education and Intergroup Attitudes: Moral Enlightenment, Superficial Democratic Commitment, or Ideological Refinement?",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Why Not Equal Protection? Explaining the Politics of Public Social Spending in Britain, 1900-1911, and the United States, 1880s-1920",1 "American Sociological Review",1984,"The Social Fabric at Risk: Toward the Social Transformation of Risk Analysis",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Should the Framework of Structural vs. Circulation Mobility Be Abandoned? If So, Not Because of Faulty Logic",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Presidential Election Effects on Suicide and Mortality Levels Are Independent of Unemployment Rates",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Boomtown's Youth: The Differential Impacts of Rapid Community Growth on Adolescents and Adults",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Structural Determinants of Stratification in Science",1 "American Sociological Review",1984,"The Origins of Contemporary Eminent Black Americans: A Three-Generation Analysis of Social Origin",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Occupational and Labor Market Effects on Secondary and Postsecondary Educational Expansion in the United States: 1922 to 1979",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"The Allocation of Esteem and Disesteem: A Test of Goode's Theory",1 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Welfare Capitalism and the Social Security Act of 1935",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Sex Differences in Vulnerability to Undesirable Life Events",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"A Structural Reinterpretation of Responsibility, Risk and Helping in Small Collectives of Children",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"""If You Don't Do It, Nobody Else Will"": Active and Token Contributors to Local Collective Action",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Mobilization and Participation: Social-Psychological Expansions of Resource Mobilization Theory",1 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Gender and Parenthood",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Comparative Social Mobility Revisited: Models of Convergence and Divergence in 16 Countries",1 "American Sociological Review",1984,"The Paradox of Lessening Racial Inequality and Joblessness among Black Youth: Enrollment, Enlistment, and Employment, 1964-1981",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Changing Conceptions of Race: Towards an Account of Anomalous Findings of Sentencing Research",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Karl Mannheim and Conservatism: The Ancestry of Historical Thinking",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"The Moral Basis of Moral Reform: Status Discontent vs. Culture and Socialization as Explanations of Anti-Pornography Social Movement Adherence",1 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Adult Development and Social Theory: A Paradigmatic Reappraisal",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Intergenerational Support Activities and Well-Being among the Elderly: A Convergence of Exchange and Symbolic Interaction Perspectives",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Parental Status and Child's Home Ownership",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Dependence, Political Exclusion, and Government Repression: Some Cross-National Evidence",1 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Structural Inertia and Organizational Change",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Elections, Keynes, Bureaucracy and Class: Explaining U.S. Budget Deficits, 1961-1978",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Reproducing Class Relations in Industrial Capitalism",1 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Status Attainment and the Commodity Form: Stratification in Historical Perspective",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Tracking and Ethnicity in Israeli Secondary Education",1 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Assessing Discrimination: A Boolean Approach",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Work Commitment, Sex-Role Attitudes, and Women's Employment",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"School Grades and Responsibility for Younger Siblings: An Empirical Study of the ""Teaching Function""",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"The Specific Deterrent Effects of Arrest for Domestic Assault",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"An Approach to Sensitivity Analysis in Sociological Research",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Structural Transformation and Social Mobility: Hungary 1938-1973",1 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Occupational Mobility of Black Men: 1962 to 1973",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Small Is Bountiful: Labor Markets and Establishment Size",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Companies, Industries, and the Measurement of Economic Segmentation",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Expected versus Actual Work Roles of Women",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"The Transition to Motherhood: The Intersection of Structural and Temporal Dimensions",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Do Status Interventions Persist?",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"The Rise of Ethnicity: Determinants of Ethnic Perceptions among Cuban Exiles in Miami",1 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Imitation and Suicide: A Reexamination of the Werther Effect",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Positional Power, Strikes and Wages",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Unemployment and Criminal Involvement: An Investigation of Reciprocal Causal Structures",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Capitalist Industrialization and Patterns of Industrial Protest: A Comparative Urban Study of Nineteenth-Century France",1 "American Sociological Review",1984,"The Organization of Work in a Segmented Economy",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Household Resources and U.S. Women's Work: Factors Affecting Gainful Employment at the Turn of the Century",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Women's Educational Attainment and the Timing of Entry into Parenthood",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Regression Models with Ordinal Variables",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Heredity and Sociological Theories of Delinquency: A Reconsideration",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Legal Control of the Southern Civil Rights Movement",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Television, Magazine Covers, and the Shared Symbolic Environment: 1948-1970",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Furthering the Applied Side of Sociology",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"Another View of Easter and Passover (Comment on Zerubavel, ASR April 1982)",0 "American Sociological Review",1984,"The Sex-Sanctioning Issue: Is It History?",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Errata",1 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Toward a Theory of Ethnic Solidarity in Modern Societies",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"State and State Expenditure: Determinants of Social Investment and Social Consumption Spending in the Postwar United States",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"The Rise of the West",1 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Dependent Development in Black Africa: A Cross-National Study",1 "American Sociological Review",1985,"How Work Roles Influence Perception: Structural-Cognitive Processes and Organizational Behavior",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Does Arrest Really Deter Wife Battery? An Effort to Replicate the Findings of the Minneapolis Spouse Abuse Experiment",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Unequal Organizations or Unequal Attainments? An Empirical Comparison of Sectoral and Individualistic Explanations for Aggregate Inequality",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"On the Functions of Social Conflict among Children",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Marital Coital Frequency and the Passage of Time: Estimating the Separate Effects of Spouse's Ages and Marital Duration, Birth and Marriage Cohorts, and Period Influences",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Changes in the Employment Activities of New Parents",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Talking Social Structure: Discourse, Domination and the Watergate Hearings",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Scope Statements: Imperatives for Evaluating Theory",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"White-Collar Crime and Punishment: The Class Structure and Legal Sanctioning of Securities Violations",1 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Unemployment and Crime Rates in the Post-World War II United States: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Professionalization of American Scientists: Public Science in the Creation/Evolution Trials",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"For Whom the School Bell Tolls: The Impact of Dropping Out on Cognitive Performance",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Same Time, Next Year: Aggregate Analysis of the Mass Media and Violent Behavior",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Varieties of Normative Consenses",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"The Spread of the Multidivisional Form among Large Firms, 1919-1979",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Did Capitalists Shape Social Security?",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Are Affirmative Action and Economic Growth Alternative Paths to Racial Equality",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Ties to Conventional Institutions and Delinquency: Estimating Reciprocal Effects",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Dynamic Relationships between Premarital Cohabitation and Illicit Drug Use: An Event-History Analysis of Role Selection and Role Socialization",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Language Retention among Canadian Indians: A Simultaneous Equations Model with Dichotomous Endogenous Variables",1 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Unwelcome Immigrants: The Labor Market Experiences of 1980 (Mariel) Cuban and Haitian Refugees in South Florida",1 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Occupational Mobility and Social Class: Insights from Men's Career Mobility",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"The Variable Effects of Education on Liberal Attitudes: A Comparative-Historical Analysis of Anti-Semitism Using Public Opinion Survey Data",1 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Political Democracy and the Size Distribution of Income",1 "American Sociological Review",1985,"The Public Economy and Economic Growth in Western Market Economies",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Professional Networks and the Institutionalization of a Single Mind Set",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"User's Guide to Ratio Variables",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Social Mobility and Fertility Revisited: Some New Models for the Analysis of the Mobility Effects Hypothesis",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"The Quality and Stability of Remarriages: The Role of Stepchildren",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Disorganization and the New Mexico Prison Riot of 1980",1 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Ontogenesis and Sociogenesis: Problematics for Theory and Research about Development and Socialization across the Lifespan",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Job Involvement through the Life Course: A Panel Study of Three Age Groups",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Job Power and Earnings",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Patterns of Career Mobility and Structural Positions in Advanced Capitalist Societies: A Comparison of Men in Austria, France, and the United States",1 "American Sociological Review",1985,"The Consequences of Parenthood for the Marital Stability of Young Adults",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Assimilation in the United States: An Analysis of Ethnic and Generation Differences in Status and Achievement",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"State Structures and Ideological Outcomes",1 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Age Structure, Politics, and Cross-National Patterns of Public Pension Expenditures",1 "American Sociological Review",1985,"The Social Geography of Rural Revolt at the Beginning of the French Revolution",1 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Work Organization and Workforce Commitment: A Study of Plants and Employees in the U.S. and Japan",1 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Mythologies of Work: A Comparison of Firms in State Socialism and Advanced Capitalism",1 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Toward a Multilevel Distributive Justice Theory",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Private Attitudes and Collective Action",1 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Ability Grouping and Contextual Determinants of Educational Experience in Israel",1 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Racial Mix and Industrial Productivity",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"A Comment on Presenting Results from Logit and Probit Models",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Income Inequality, Regime Repressiveness, and Political Violence",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"An Organizational Approach to State Policy Formation: A Comparative Study of Energy and Health Domains",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Urbanism and Tolerance: A Test of Some Hypotheses Drawn from Wirth and Stouffer",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"The Aging of the Suburbs, 1960-1980",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Spatial Assimilation as a Socioeconomic Outcome",1 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Number of Siblings and Educational Mobility",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Nativity, Intermarriage, and Mother-Tongue Shift",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Sex and Power in Interaction: Conversational Privileges and Duties",0 "American Sociological Review",1985,"Nineteenth-Century Cherokee History",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Marital Coital Frequency: Unnoticed Outliers and Unspecified Interactions Lead to Erroneous Conclusions",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"On the Uses of Social Science Research",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Using Adjusted Crosstabulations to Interpret Log-Linear Relationships",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Structure as Process: Organization and Role",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Attitude Similarity in Three-Generation Families: Socialization, Status Inheritance, or Reciprocal Influence?",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"The Settlement Process among Mexican Migrants to the United States",1 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Race, Instruction, and Learning",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Labor Market Structure, Intragenerational Mobility, and Discrimination: Black Male Advancement Out of Low-Paying Occupations, 1962-1973",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Worker Attachment and Workplace Authority",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Class Struggle American Style: Unions, Strikes and Wages",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Expectations, Legitimation, and Dominance Behavior in Task Groups",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"E-State Structuralism: A Theoretical Method",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Determinants of Divorce over the Marital Life Course",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Effects of Education on Attitude to Protest",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Nonfamily Living and the Erosion of Traditional Family Orientations among Young Adults",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Migration, Medical Care Preferences and the Lay Referral System: A Network Theory of Role Assimilation",1 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Support for Worker Participation: Attitudes among Union and Non-Union Workers",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Economic Sources of Corporate Political Consenses: An Examination of Interindustry Relations",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Frame Alignment Processes, Micromobilization, and Movement Participation",1 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Collective Locomotion as Collective Behavior",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Channeling Black Insurgency: Elite Patronage and Professional Social Movement Organizations in the Development of the Black Movement",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Effects of Ability Grouping in British Secondary Schools",1 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Effects of Socioeconomic Context on Official Reaction to Juvenile Delinquency",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"On Work and Alienation",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Choosing Models for Cross-Classifications",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Suburban Development, Black Suburbanization and the Civil Rights Movement since World War II",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Payment Strategy in South Korea's Advanced Economic Sector",1 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Crime, Deterrence, and Rational Choice",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Social Causation or Social Construction of Suicide? An Investigation into the Social Organization of Official Rates",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Sex Segregation in Voluntary Associations",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Can Gender Inequalities Be Reduced?",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Beliefs about Inequality and Perception of Distributive Justice",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Pragmatism and Social Interactionism",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Tolerance, Urbanism and Region",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Culture in Action: Symbols and Strategies",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Multiple Identities: Examining Gender and Marital Status Differences in Distress",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Socio-Economic Status and Schizophrenia: Noisome Occupational Characteristics as a Risk Factor",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Social Class Segregation and Its Relationship to Pupils' Examination Results in Scotland",1 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Opportunity and the Minority Middle Class: A Comparison of Blacks in the United States and Catholics in Northern Ireland",1 "American Sociological Review",1986,"American Penetration and Canadian Development: A Case Study of Mature Dependency",1 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Pathways to Top Corporate Management",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Household and Family in Theory on Inequality",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Capitalist Resistance to the Organization of Labor before the New Deal: Why? How? Success?",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Suburbs and Satellites: Two Decades of Change",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Racial Occupational Inequality, 1940-1980: National and Regional Trends",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Incorporation in the World-System: Toward a Critique",1 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Educational Self-Direction and Personality",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"A Split Labor Market Analysis of Discrimination against Chinese Immigrants, 1850-1882",1 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Ethnic Group Mobility in the Israeli Labor Market",1 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Job-Shift Patterns in the Federal Republic of Germany: The Effects of Social Class, Industrial Sector, and Organizational Size",1 "American Sociological Review",1986,"The Impact of Industrial and Occupational Structure of Black-White Employment Allocation",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"The Organization of Career Lines: Equal Employment Opportunity and Status Advancement in a Federal Bureaucracy",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"On ""Welfare Capitalism and the Social Security Act of 1935""",0 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Income Inequality and Political Violence Reconsidered",1 "American Sociological Review",1986,"Further Evidence on Sibship Size and Educational Stratification",0 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Comments",1 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Core Discussion Networks of Americans",0 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Status Attainment Research and Its Image of Society",0 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Understanding Labeling Effects in the Area of Mental Disorders: An Assessment of the Effects of Expectations of Rejection",0 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Distributive Justice and Satisfaction with Material Well-Being",0 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Voter Mobilization and Party Competition in a Volatile Electorate",1 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Structural Determinants of Third World Urban Change: An Ecological and Political Economic Analysis",1 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Toward a Sociological Theory of Motivation",0 "American Sociological Review",1987,"On the Significance of Age in Sociology. American Sociological Association, 1986 Presidential Address",0 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Family Background, Educational Resources, and Educational Attainment",0 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Parenthood and the Attitudes of Young Adults",0 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Publicized Executions and Homicide, 1950-1980",0 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Potentials, Networks, Motivations, and Barriers: Steps towards Participation in Social Movements",1 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Race Differences in the Timing of Adolescent Intercourse",0 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Urbanism, Region, and Tolerance Revisited: The Case of Racial Prejudice",0 "American Sociological Review",1987,"The Role of Self-Explanations and Self-Evaluations in Legitimating Inequality",0 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Models for Comparing Mobility Tables: Toward Parsimony and Substance",1 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Gender Differences in Religion: A Test of the Structural Location Theory",0 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Minimalist Organizations: Vital Events in State Bar Associations, 1870-1930",0 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Classification in Art",0 "American Sociological Review",1987,"The Making of a Method: A Historical Reinterpretation of the Early Parsons",0 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Celebrities and Suicide: A Taxonomy and Analysis, 1948-1983",0 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Time Together among Dual-Earner Couples",0 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Estimation with Cross-National Data: Robust and Nonparametric Methods",1 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Homophily in Voluntary Organizations: Status Distance and the Composition of Face-to-Face Groups",0 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Industrialization and World Inequality: The Transformation of the Division of Labor in 59 Nations, 1960-1981",1 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Demographic Foundations of Family Change",0 "American Sociological Review",1987,"The Center Doesn't Hold: Church Attendance in the United States, 1940-1984",1 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Cohorts, Regimes, and the Legitimation of Democracy: West Germany since 1945",1 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Elite Settlements",1 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Cross-National Similarity in Social Mobility Patterns: A Direct Test of the Featherman-Jones-Hauser Hypothesis",1 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Doing Time: Dynamics of Imprisonment in the Reformist State",0 "American Sociological Review",1987,"The Manuscript Review and Decision-Making Process",0 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Interuniversity Mobility of Academic Scientists",0 "American Sociological Review",1987,"The Stability of Students' Interracial Friendships",0 "American Sociological Review",1987,"School Performance, Status Relations, and the Structure of Sentiment: Bringing the Teacher Back In",0 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Nonverbal Behavior, Dominance, and the Basis of Status in Task Groups",0 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Paternal Participation and Children's Well-Being after Marital Dissolution",0 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Relative Cohort Size and Youth Crime in the United States, 1953-1984",0 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Errata",0 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Limits of Ethnic Solidarity in the Enclave Economy",1 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Sharing Data: It's Time for ASA Journals to Follow the Folkways of a Scientific Sociology",0 "American Sociological Review",1987,"Correction: ""Estimation with Cross-National Data: Robust and Nonparametric Methods""",1 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Scholarly Consensus and Journal Rejection Rates",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Rethinking Macrosociological Theory",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Corporate Political Groupings: Does Ideology Unify Business Political Behavior?",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"The Transformation of the Southern Racial State: Class and Race Determinants of Local-State Structures",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Secrecy and Status: The Social Construction of Forbidden Relationships",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Power Relations in Exchange Networks",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"When Bigger Is Better: Differences in the Individual-Level Effect of Firm and Establishment Size",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Bi-Ethnic Labor Markets, Mono-Ethnic Labor Markets, and Socioeconomic Inequality",1 "American Sociological Review",1988,"A Flexible Procedure for Adjusting Rates and Proportions, including Statistical Methods for Group Comparisons",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Class Identification Processes of Married, Working Men and Women",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Sentencing the White-Collar Offender",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Crime, Deterrence, and Choice: Testing the Rational Behavior Hypothesis",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Incentive in Collective Action Organizations",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Organizatonal Growth of Small Firms: An Outcome of Markets and Hierarchies?",1 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Exploring the Social Sources of Denominationalism: Schisms in American Protestant Denominations, 1890-1980",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Ethnic Hegemony and the Japanese of California",1 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Interlocking Directorates and Communities of Interest among American Railroad Companies, 1905",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Professional, Variation, and Organizational Survival",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Shame and Conformity: The Deference-Emotion System",1 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Macroeconomic and Social-Control Policy Influences on Crime Rate Changes, 1948-1985",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"The Social Production of Criminal Homicide: A Comparative Study of Disaggregated Rates in American Cities",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Cross-National Determinants of Child Homicide",1 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Social Control and the Diffusion of Modern Telecommunications Technologies: A Cross-National Study",1 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Urban Bias, Dependence, and Economic Stagnation in Noncore Nations",1 "American Sociological Review",1988,"The Use of Subjective Information in Statistical Models",1 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Whom Shall We Welcome? Elite Judgments of the Criteria for the Selection of Immigrants",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"War and Social Integration: The Effects of the Israeli-Arab Conflict on Jewish Emigration from Israel",1 "American Sociological Review",1988,"The Widening Gap in Black and White Marriage Rates: The Impact of Population Composition and Differential Marriage Propensities",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Discussione and Friendship: Socialization Processes in the Peer Culture of Italian Nursery School Children",1 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Interaction Preludes to Role Setting: Exploratory Local Action",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Grievances and Participation in Social Movements",1 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Divergence and Convergence in International Development: A Decomposition Analysis of Inequality in the World System",1 "American Sociological Review",1988,"The Active State, Investment in Human Capital, and Economic Growth: France 1825-1975",1 "American Sociological Review",1988,"The Theory of the State versus the State of Theory",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Attitude Strength and Social Action in the Abortion Dispute",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Inequality and Violence: Issues of Theory and Measurement in Muller",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Cross-National Variation in Occupational Distributions, Relative Mobility Chances, and Intergenerational Shifts in Occupational Distributions",1 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Back to the Future: Adult Political Behavior of Former Student Activists",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Local Friendship Ties and Community Attachment in Mass Society: A Multilevel Systemic Model",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Formal Education and Initial Employment: Unravelling the Relationships between Schooling and Skills over Time",1 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Biological Predispositions and Social Control in Adolescent Sexual Behavior",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Reassessing Economic Dependency and Uneven Development: The Kenyan Experience",1 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Social Organization and Pathways of Commitment: Types of Communal Groups, Rational Choice Theory, and the Kanter Thesis",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"The Formative Years of U.S. Social Spending Policies: Theories of the Welfare State and the American States during the Great Depression",1 "American Sociological Review",1988,"The Social Structural Determinants of Ethnic Group Behavior: Single Ancestry Rates among Four White American Ethnic Groups",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Work Life, Family Life, and Women's Support of Feminism",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Islamic and Western Educational Accommodation in a West African Society: A Cohort-Comparison Analysis",1 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Ecological Demography: Its Place in Sociology",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Dependence, Distorted Development, and Fertility Trends in Noncore Nations: A Structural Analysis of Cross-National Data",1 "American Sociological Review",1988,"The Consequences of Professionalization and Formalization in the Pro-Choice Movement",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"The Collective Behavior of Fads: The Characteristics, Effects, and Career of Streaking",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Studying Situations and Identities Using Experiential Sampling Methodology",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Explaining Occupational Sex Segregation and Wages: Findings from a Model with Fixed Effects",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Occupational Disputes in Mechanical and Organic Social Systems: An Empirical Study of Elementary and Secondary Schools",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"The Portuguese and Haoles of Hawaii: Implications for the Origin of Ethnicity",1 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Mission Control? The Development of Personnel Systems in U.S. Industry",0 "American Sociological Review",1988,"Allies and Opponents: Nobility and Third Estate in the Spring of 1789",1 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Sociology in America: The Discipline and the Public",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Sociology: Proscience or Antiscience?",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Youth, Underemployment, and Property Crime: Differential Effects of Job Availability and Job Quality on Juvenile and Young Adult Arrest Rates",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Specifying Specific Deterrence: The Influence of Arrest on Future Criminal Activity",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Dominance and Collective Hierarchy Formation in Male and Female Task Groups",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Interracial Friendship Choices in Secondary Schools",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Organizational Theory, Social Supports, and Mortality Rates: A Theoretical Convergence",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Durkheim, Suicide, and Religion: Toward a Network Theory of Suicide",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"The Elite Variable in Democratic Transitions and Breakdowns",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Density Dependence in the Evolution of Populations of Newspaper Organizations",1 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Cultural Materialism in the Functionalist Mode",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"State Autonomy and Class Conflict in the Reformation",1 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Relative Cohort Size and Political Alienation: Three Methodological Issues and a Replication Supporting the Easterlin Hypothesis",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Protestant and Catholic: Is the Analogical Imagination Extinct?",1 "American Sociological Review",1989,"""Who Gets the Bird?"" or, How the Communists Won Power and Trust in America's Unions: The Relative Autonomy of Intraclass Political Struggles",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Gender Stratification in Contemporary Urban Japan",1 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Conceptualizing Social Structure: The Misuse of Classification in Structural Modeling",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"The Irish Case of Dependency: An Exception to the Exceptions?",1 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Economic Discrimination and Societal Homicide Rates: Further Evidence on the Cost of Inequality",1 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Democracy, Stability, and Dichotomies",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Temporal Change in Occupational Earnings Attainment, 1970-1980",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Unemployment, Reemployment, and Emotional Functioning in a Community Sample",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Social Integration and Longevity: An Event History Analysis of Women's Roles and Resilience",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Power, Politics, and State Autonomy in the Development of Social Citizenship: Social Rights during Sickness in Eighteen OECD Countries since 1930",1 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Conceptualization of Terrorism",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Limits on Technocratization of the Law: The Elimination of the National Labor Relations Board's Division of Economic Research",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Generations and Collective Memories",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Life Stress and Health: Stressors and Resources",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"A Modified Labeling Theory Approach to Mental Disorders: An Empirical Assessment",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Interruptions in Group Discussions: The Effects of Gender and Group Composition",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Race, Employment Hardship, and Inequality in the American Nonmetropolitan South",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"The Real and Unrealized Contributions of Quantitative Sociology",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Do Suburban Growth Controls Control Growth?",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"The Effect of International Dependence on Income Inequality and Political Violence",1 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Fertilty among Women on Welfare: Incidence and Determinants",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"The Religious Ecology of Deviance",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Class Hegemony and Political Finance: Presidential Campaign Contributions of Wealthy Capitalist Families",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Strain Theory Revisited: Economic Goals, Educational Means, and Delinquency",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Density Dependence versus Population Dynamics: An Ecological Study of Failings in the California Wine Industry",1 "American Sociological Review",1989,"The Radicalization of the Brazilian Catholic Church in Comparative Perspective",1 "American Sociological Review",1989,"The Reproduction of Parenting",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"The Positional Power of American Labor, 1963-1977",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Colonial Empires and the Capitalist World-Economy: A Time Series Analysis of Colonization, 1640-1960",1 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Religion and the Rise of Liberal-Democratic Ideology in 17th-Century England",1 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Elite Conflict and State Formation in 16th- and 17th-Century England and France",1 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Democracy and Income Inequality Reconsidered",1 "American Sociological Review",1989,"A Theory of Market Transition: From Redistribution to Markets in State Socialism",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"The Sources and Structure of Legitimation in Western Democracies: A Consolidated Model Tested with Time-Series Data in Six Countries since World War II",1 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Strategies and Structural Contradictions: Growth Coalition Politics in Japan",1 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Murder and Capital Punishment: A Monthly Time-Series Analysis of Execution Publicity",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"The Biographical Consequences of Activism",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Social Movement Continuity: The Women's Movement in Abeyance",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Family Ties: Balancing Commitments to Work and Family in Dual Earner Households",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Racial Identity among Caribbean Hispanics: The Effect of Double Minority Status on Residential Segregation",1 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Returns on Human Capital in Ethnic Enclaves: New York City's Chinatown",1 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Money, Business, and the State: Material Interests, Fortune 500 Corporations, and the Size of Political Action Committees",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Estimating Selection Effects in Occupational Mobility in a 19th-Century City",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Acquiring Capital for College: The Constraints of Family Configuration",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Overeducation and Earnings: A Structural Approach to Differential Attainment in the U.S. Labor Force (1970-1982)",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"New Evidence on Religious Pluralism, Urbanism, and Religious Participation",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Ahistoricism in Time-Series Analyses of Historical Process: Critique, Redirection, and Illustrations from U.S. Labor History",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Social Protest, Hegemonic Competition, and Social Reform: A Political Struggle Interpretation of the Origins of the American Welfare State",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Life Chances and the Continuity of Rank: An Alternative Interpretation of Mobility Magnitudes over the Life Cycle",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"The Enclave and the Entrants: Patterns of Ethnic Enterprise in Miami before and after Mariel",1 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Immigrant Entrepreneurship: Effects of Ethnic Market Size and Isolated Labor Pool",1 "American Sociological Review",1989,"City Limits on Racial Equality: The Effects of City-Suburb Boundaries on Public-School Desegregation, 1968-1976",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"City Size, Economic Development, and Quality of Life in China: New Empirical Evidence",1 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Self-Esteem and Adolescent Problems: Modeling Reciprocal Effects",0 "American Sociological Review",1989,"Villages as Contexts for Contraceptive Behavior in Rural Egypt",1 "American Sociological Review",1989,"On the Estimation of Union Threat Effects",1 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Macro-Micro Links in Gender Stratification",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Race, Class, and Gender in the U.S. Welfare State: Nixon's Failed Family Assistance Plan",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"From an Autonomous to a Captured State Agency: The Decline of the New Deal in Agriculture",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Class, Culture, and Campaigns against Vice in Three American Cities, 1872-1892",1 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Disarticulation and Human Welfare in Less Developed Countries",1 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Investment Dependence and Alternative Explanations of Third World Mortality: A Cross-National Study",1 "American Sociological Review",1990,"The Victims of Homicide: A Temporal and Cross-National Comparison",1 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Ethnic Discrimination and the Income of Majority-Group Workers",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Segregation, Tracking, and the Educational Attainment of Minorities: Arabs and Oriental Jews in Israel",1 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Cultural Resources and School Success: Gender, Ethnicity, and Poverty Groups within an Urban School District",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Ethnicity, Geography, and Occupational Achievement of Hispanic Men in the United States",1 "American Sociological Review",1990,"For What It's Worth: Organizations, Occupations, and the Value of Work Done by Women and Nonwhites",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Worker Interdependence and Output: The Hawthorne Studies Reevaluated",1 "American Sociological Review",1990,"New Process Technology, Job Design, and Work Organization: A Contingency Model",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Life Transitions, Role Histories, and Mental Health",1 "American Sociological Review",1990,"The Timing of a First Birth and High School Completion",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Emptying the Nest and Parental Well-Being: An Analysis of National Panel Data",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Sacrifice for the Cause: Group Processes, Recruitment, and Commitment in a Student Social Movement",1 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Formal Organization and the Fate of Social Movements: Craft Association and Class Alliance in the Knights of Labor",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Cultural Capital, Student Achievement, and Educational Reproduction: The Case of Greece",1 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Generation, Ethnicity, and Occupational Opportunity in Late 19th Century America",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"The Portuguese and Haoles of Hawaii",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Departmental Effects on Scientific Productivity",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Categorical Imperatives: The Structure of Job Titles in California State Agencies",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Status Incongruence among Boundary Spanners: Structure, Exchange, and Conflict",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Trends in Whites' Explanations of the Black-White Gap in Socioeconomic Status, 1977-1989",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"The Killing Fields of the Deep South: The Market for Cotton and the Lynching of Blacks, 1882-1930",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Dependency and Rebellion: A Cross-National Analysis",1 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Understanding Cross-National Variation in Occupational Mobility",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Relative Wages and the Radical Theory of Economic Segmentation",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Local Industrial Dominance and Earnings Attainment",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"A Tale of Two Islands",1 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Collaring the Crime, Not the Criminal: Reconsidering the Concept of White-Collar Crime",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Incorporating Comparison within a World-Historical Perspective: An Alternative Comparative Method",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Collective Sanctions and Compliance Norms: A Formal Theory of Group-Mediated Social Control",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Class Formation without Class Struggle: An Elite Conflict Theory of the Transition to Capitalism",1 "American Sociological Review",1990,"A Critical Assessment of the New Elite Paradigm",1 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Structure, Action, and Outcomes: The Dynamics of Power in Social Exchange",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Communication Dilemmas in Social Networks: An Experimental Study",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Crime and Deviance over the Life Course: The Salience of Adult Social Bonds",1 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Murder, Capital Punishment, and Television: Execution Publicity and Homicide Rates",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Property Rights and the Organization of Economic Activity by the State",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Steel and the State: Industry Politics and Business Policy Formation, 1940-1989",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"From Farm to Factory: Proletarianization in Korea",1 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Political Rights and Income Inequality: A Cross-National Test",1 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Sex and Sector Differences in the Dynamics of Wage Growth in the Federal Republic of Germany",1 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Inequality in the Military: Fact or Fiction?",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"The Occupational Achievements of Community and Four-Year College Entrants",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Structural Determinants of Men's and Women's Personal Networks",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"An Overlapping Persistence Model of Career Mobility",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Adding Covariates to Loglinear Models for the Study of Social Mobility",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Marxism as Science: Historical Challenges and Theoretical Growth",1 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Ethnomethodology and the Micro-Macro Order",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Learning Theory and the Logic of Critical Mass",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"What Is New in ""New Structuralist"" Analyses of Earnings?",1 "American Sociological Review",1990,"The Local Welfare State: Two Strategies for Social Domination in Urban Imperial Germany",1 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Industrial Employment and Wages of Women, Men, and Children in a 19th Century City: Indianapolis, 1850-1880",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Power Relations in Exchange Networks: A Comment on ""Network Exchange Theory""",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Prolegomena to a Theory of Social Institutions",0 "American Sociological Review",1990,"The Logocentrism of the Classics",1 "American Sociological Review",1990,"Revising Socialization Theory",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Birth Order and Intelligence: Further Tests of the Confluence Model",1 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Social Structure, Stress, and Mental Health: Competing Conceptual and Analytic Models",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Status Processes in Enduring Work Groups",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"The Organizational Context of Tracking in Schools",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Beyond ""State vs Society"": Theories of the State and New Deal Agricultural Policies",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Social Change and Collective Memory: The Democratization of George Washington",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Religious Pluralism and Church Membership: A Spatial Diffusion Model",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"It Happened Here: Political Opportunity, the New Institutionalism, and the Townsend Movement",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Five Decades of Educational Assortative Mating",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Group Differences in Economic Opportunity and the Timing of Marriage: Blacks and Whites in the Rural South, 1910",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Capitalists Did Not Want the Social Security Act: A Critique of the ""Capitalist Dominance"" Thesis",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Demographic Structures and Power Hierarchies in Peasant Households",1 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Studying Inner-City Social Dislocations: The Challenge of Public Agenda Research: 1990 Presidential Address",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"The Process of Status Attainment among Men in Poland, the U.S., and West Germany",1 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Job Mobility and Social Ties: Social Resources, Prior Job, and Status Attainment",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Men's and Women's Consciousness of Gender Inequality: Austria, West Germany, Great Britain, and the United States",1 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Knowledge for the Masses: World Models and National Curricula, 1920-1986",1 "American Sociological Review",1991,"The Continuing Significance of Race: Antiblack Discrimination in Public Places",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Urbanism, Migration, and Tolerance: A Reassessment",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Social Inequalities in Reforming State Socialism: Between Redistribution and Markets in China",1 "American Sociological Review",1991,"A Comparative Study of Corporatist Development",1 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Inequality and Attainment in a Dual Labor Market",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Family Structure, Parental Practices and High School Completion",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Sibship Size and Educational Attainment in Nuclear and Extended Families: Arabs and Jews in Israel",1 "American Sociological Review",1991,"A Theory of Group Stability",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"From Expectations to Behavior: An Improved Postulate for Expectation States Theory",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Left of Ethnomethodology: The Rise and Decline of Radical Reflexivity",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Transplanted Organizations: The Transfer of Japanese Industrial Organization to the U.S.",1 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Density Dependence in Organizational Morality: Legitimacy or Unobserved Heterogeneity?",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Religion and Political Process in an American City",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Primary, Secondary, and Enclave Labor Markets: A Training Systems Approach",1 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Ethnic Movements and the Competition Model: Some Missing Links",1 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Ethnic Conflict and the Rise and Fall of Ethnic Newspapers",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Affect and Social Exchange: Satisfaction in Power-Dependence Relations",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Destiny and Drift: Subcultural Preferences, Status Attainments, and the Risks and Rewards of Youth",1 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Children's Work and Schooling in the Late Nineteenth-Century Family Economy",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Work Experience and Control Orientation in Adolescence",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Cognitive Attainment among Firstborn Children of Adolescent Mothers",1 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Family of Origin and Cohort Differences in Verbal Ability",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"The Organization of Political Ideology: Culture, State, and Theater in Fascist Italy",1 "American Sociological Review",1991,"The ""Red Menace"" and the Rise of Italian Fascism",1 "American Sociological Review",1991,"The Political Economy of Madness: The Expansion of the Asylum in Progressive America",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Capitalist Response to State Intervention: Theories of the State and Political Finance in the New Deal",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"The Variable Autonomy of the State: A Comment on ""Steel and the State""",1 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Rebellious Alliances: The State and Peasant Unrest in Early Seventeenth-Century France and the Ottoman Empire",1 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Multiple Networks and Mobilization in the Paris Commune, 1871",1 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Chains of Cooperation: Threshold Effects in Collective Action",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Employment Relations and the Labor Market: Integrating Institutional and Market Perspectives",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Further Evidence on Returns to Schooling by Establishment Size",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Organizational Evolution and the Social Ecology of Jobs",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Shifting Boundaries: Trends in Religious and Educational Homogamy",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Race, Family Structure, and Changing Poverty among American Children",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Dispute Resolution without Disputing: How the Interactional Organization of Mediation Hearings Minimizes Argument",0 "American Sociological Review",1991,"Identity Processes and Social Stress",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Einstein, Renoir, and Greeley: Some Thoughts about Evidence in Sociology",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"The Soviet Transition from Socialism to Capitalism: Worker Control and Economic Bargaining in the Wood Industry",1 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Industrial Characteristics and Job Mobility Rates",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Innovation and Diversity in the Popular Music Industry, 1969 to 1990",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Summer Setback: Race, Poverty, School Composition, and Mathematics Achievement in the First Two Years of School",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"The Relative Permeability of Class Boundaries to Cross-Class Friendships: A Comparative Study of the United States, Canada, Sweden, and Norway",1 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Racial Violence and Black Migration in the American South, 1910 to 1930",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Democratic Stability in Venezuela: Elite Consensus or Class Compromise?",1 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Four Erroneous Assertions regarding the Accuracy of the Confluence Model",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Voluntary Association Membership in Fifteen Countries: A Comparative Analysis",1 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Social Networks and Organizational Dynamics",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"The Social and Demographic Context of Language Use in the United States",1 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Residential Segregation by Skin Color in Brazil",1 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Wage Determination in Rural and Urban China: A Comparison of Public and Private Industrial Sectors",1 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Work Organization and Wildcat Strikes in the U.S. Automobile Industry, 1946 to 1963",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Survival Chances of Newly Founded Business Organizations",1 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Macroeconomic Structure and Labor's Share of Income: United States, 1950 to 1980",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"The Social Organization of Sociological Knowledge: Modeling the Intersection of Specialties",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Visible Colleges: The Social and Conceptual Structure of Sociology Specialties",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"The Violent and Illegal Behavior of Mental Patients Reconsidered",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Immigrants, Urban Politics, and Policing in 1900",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Cohort Size and Arrest Rates over the Life Course: The Easterlin Hypothesis Reconsidered",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Historical Analogies, Generational Effects, and Attitudes toward War",1 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Affective Attachments to Nested Groups: A Choice-Process Theory",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Failed Populism: Movement-Party Disjuncture in North Carolina, 1890 to 1900",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Ideology as Episodic Discourse: The Case of the Iranian Revolution",1 "American Sociological Review",1992,"The Log-Multiplicative Layer Effect Model for Comparing Mobility Tables",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Vertical and Nonvertical Effects in Class Mobility: Cross-National Variations",1 "American Sociological Review",1992,"The Enclave and the Entrants: Patterns of Ethnic Enterprise in Miami before and after Mariel",1 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Reputations and Predecessor Selection: Parsons and the Institutionalists",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Sociology, Ideology, and Nation-Building: The Palestinians and Their Meaning in Israeli Sociology",1 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Images of Class: Public Perceptions in Hungary and Australia",1 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Cross-National Variation in Occupational Sex Segregation",1 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Learning More from Tobit Coefficients: Extending a Comparative Analysis of Political Protest",1 "American Sociological Review",1992,"The Concept of Mode of Exchange",1 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Property Rights and Stratification in Socialist Redistributive Economies",1 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Institutional Embeddedness and the Dynamics of Organizational Populations",1 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Keiretsu Networks in the Japanese Economy: A Dyad Analysis of Intercorporate Ties",1 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Job Search and Network Composition: Implications of the Strength-of-Weak-Ties Hypothesis",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Corporate Mobilization and Political Power: The Transformation of U.S. Economic Policy in the 1970s",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Social Movements and State Transformation: Labor Unions and Racial Conflict in the War on Poverty",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Schooling for Some: Child Labor and School Enrollment of Black and White Children in the Early Twentieth-Century South",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Race and Job Dismissals in a Federal Bureaucracy",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Migration and the Earnings of Hispanic Men",1 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Crime, Punishment, and Stake in Conformity: Legal and Informal Control of Domestic Violence",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Formal and Informal Deterrents to Domestic Violence: The Dade County Spouse Assault Experiment",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"The Deterrent Effect of Arrest in Incidents of Domestic Violence: A Bayesian Analysis of Four Field Experiments",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"The Writing on the Mud Wall: Nigerian Novels and the Imaginary Village",1 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Cowboys and Indians: Perceptions of Western Films among American Indians and Anglos",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"A Very Straight Gay: Masculinity, Homosexual Experience, and the Dynamics of Gender",1 "American Sociological Review",1992,"The Prestige of Criminal and Conventional Occupations: A Subcultural Model of Criminal Activity",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Careers of Misconduct: The Structure of Prosecuted Professional Deviance among Lawyers",1 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Race and the Retreat from Marriage: A Shortage of Marriageable Men?",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"The Effects of Attitudes on Teenage Premarital Pregnancy and Its Resolution",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"The Variable Effects of High School Tracking",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Organization Size and Failure among Health Maintenance Organizations",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Status Inconsistency in Task Situations: A Test of Four Status Processing Principles",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Let's Train Reviewers",0 "American Sociological Review",1992,"Employment, Marriage, and the Deterrent Effect of Arrest for Domestic Violence: Replications and Re-Analyses",0 "American Sociological Review",1993,"The Rational Reconstruction of Society",1 "American Sociological Review",1993,"Ownership and Authority in the Earnings Function: Nonnested Tests of Alternative Specifications",1 "American Sociological Review",1993,"The Weakness of Strong Theories: The U.S. State's Dominance of the World War II Investment Process",0 "American Sociological Review",1993,"Unorganized Interests and Collective Action in Communist China",1 "American Sociological Review",1993,"Industrial Restructuring and the Mobility Response of American Workers in the 1980s",0 "American Sociological Review",1993,"The Effects of Family Disruption on Social Mobility",0 "American Sociological Review",1993,"Booing: The Anatomy of a Disaffiliative Response",0 "American Sociological Review",1993,"Conservative Protestantism and Support for Corporal Punishment",0 "American Sociological Review",1993,"Morals versus Art: Censorship, the Politics of Interpretation, and the Victorian Nude",0 "American Sociological Review",1993,"The Family Economy, Child Labor, and Schooling: Evidence from the Early Twentieth-Century South",0 "American Sociological Review",1993,"Collective Action and Network Structure",0 "American Sociological Review",1993,"The Seeds of Weak Power: An Extension of Network Exchange Theory",1 "American Sociological Review",1993,"Family Structure and the Risk of a Premarital Birth",0 "American Sociological Review",1993,"Mothers, Children, and Cohabitation: The Intergenerational Effects of Attitudes and Behavior",0 "American Sociological Review",1993,"""May God Give Sons to All"": Gender and Child Mortality in India",1 "American Sociological Review",1993,"Postwar Unionization in Eighteen Advanced Capitalist Countries",1 "American Sociological Review",1993,"National Industrial Structure and the Global System",1 "American Sociological Review",1993,"Gender and the Social Rights of Citizenship: The Comparative Analysis of Gender Relations and Welfare States",0 "American Sociological Review",1993,"Collective Action and Group Heterogeneity: Voluntary Provision versus Selective Incentives",0 "American Sociological Review",1993,"Poverty, Parenting, and Children's Mental Health",0 "American Sociological Review",1993,"The Educational Benefits of Being Spaced Out: Sibship Density and Educational Progress",0 "American Sociological Review",1993,"Class Consciousness and Political Change: Voting and Political Attitudes in the British Working Class, 1964 to 1970",1 "American Sociological Review",1993,"Is Worker Solidarity Undermined by Autonomy and Participation? Patterns from the Ethnographic Literature",1 "American Sociological Review",1993,"Metropolitan Structure and the Suburban Hierarchy",0 "American Sociological Review",1993,"The Social Context of Recycling",1 "American Sociological Review",1993,"Opposition to Race-Targeting: Self-Interest, Stratification Ideology, or Racial Attitudes?",0 "American Sociological Review",1993,"Power and the Emergence of Commitment Behavior in Negotiated Exchange",0 "American Sociological Review",1993,"Changes in American Marriage, 1972 to 1987: Availability and Forces of Attraction by Age and Education",0 "American Sociological Review",1993,"Relative Cohort Size and Fertility: The Socio-Political Context of the Easterlin Effect",1 "American Sociological Review",1993,"After Minimalism: Transformations of State Bar Associations from Market Dependence to State Reliance, 1918 to 1950",0 "American Sociological Review",1993,"Occupational Power, State Capacities, and the Diffusion of Licensing in the American States: 1890 to 1950",0 "American Sociological Review",1993,"Age, Gender, and Suicide: A Cross-National Analysis",1 "American Sociological Review",1993,"On Measuring Political Violence: Northern Ireland, 1969 to 1980",1 "American Sociological Review",1993,"Citizenship and the Place of the Public Sphere: Law, Community, and Political Culture in the Transition to Democracy",1 "American Sociological Review",1993,"Birmingham Confrontation Reconsidered: An Analysis of the Dynamics and Tactics of Mobilization",0 "American Sociological Review",1993,"The Dynamics of Protest Waves: West Germany, 1965 to 1989",1 "American Sociological Review",1993,"Dissident Groups, Personal Networks, and Spontaneous Cooperation: The East German Revolution of 1989",1 "American Sociological Review",1993,"Marx's Theory of Rebellion: A Cross-National Analysis of Class Exploitation, Economic Development, and Violent Revolt",1 "American Sociological Review",1993,"Rank Advancement in Academic Careers: Sex Differences and the Effects of Productivity",0 "American Sociological Review",1993,"Money in the Bank: Transaction Costs and the Economic Organization of Marriage",0 "American Sociological Review",1993,"Adolescent Mothers Drop Out",0 "American Sociological Review",1993,"Constructing Racial Rhetoric: Media Depictions of Harm in Heavy Metal and Rap Music",0 "American Sociological Review",1994,"The Social Requisites of Democracy Revisited: 1993 Presidential Address",1 "American Sociological Review",1994,"Changes in the Segregation of Whites from Blacks during the 1980s: Small Steps toward a More Integrated Society",0 "American Sociological Review",1994,"Industrialization and Racial Inequality in Employment: The Brazilian Example",1 "American Sociological Review",1994,"How 4.5 Million Irish Immigrants Became 40 Million Irish Americans: Demographic and Subjective Aspects of the Ethnic Composition of White Americans",1 "American Sociological Review",1994,"Who Were the Yugoslavs? Failed Sources of a Common Identity in the Former Yugoslavia",1 "American Sociological Review",1994,"Imbalanced Structures, Unfair Strategies: Power and Justice in Social Exchange",0 "American Sociological Review",1994,"Gender, Legitimate Authority, and Leader-Subordinate Conversations",0 "American Sociological Review",1994,"The Origins of African-American Family Structure",1 "American Sociological Review",1994,"Effects of a Parent's Death on Adult Children: Relationship Salience and Reaction to Loss",0 "American Sociological Review",1994,"State Revenue Extraction from Different Income Groups: Variations in Tax Progressivity in the United States, 1916 to 1986",0 "American Sociological Review",1994,"Bureaucracy and Efficiency: An Analysis of Taxation in Early Modern Prussia",1 "American Sociological Review",1994,"Economic Inequality: New Methods for New Trends",0 "American Sociological Review",1994,"Is Husband's Class Enough? Class Location and Class Identity in the United States, Sweden, Norway, and Australia",1 "American Sociological Review",1994,"Paying the Professor: Sources of Salary Variation in Academic Labor Markets",0 "American Sociological Review",1994,"Mother's Occupational Status and Children's Schooling",0 "American Sociological Review",1994,"Political Conflict in the World Economy: A Cross-National Analysis of Modernization and World-System Theories",1 "American Sociological Review",1994,"Catholicism and Unionization in Affluent Postwar Democracies: Catholicism, Culture, Party, and Unionization",1 "American Sociological Review",1994,"Does Economic Growth Benefit the Masses? Growth, Dependence, and Welfare in the Third World",1 "American Sociological Review",1994,"Income Inequality and Industrial Development: Dualism Revisited",0 "American Sociological Review",1994,"Stolen Thunder? Huey Long's ""Share Our Wealth,"" Political Mediation, and the Second New Deal",0 "American Sociological Review",1994,"Why Social Movement Sympathizers Don't Participate: Erosion and Nonconversion of Support",1 "American Sociological Review",1994,"Economic Crisis and the Centralization of Control over the Managerial Process: Corporate Restructuring and Neo-Fordist Decision-Making",0 "American Sociological Review",1994,"Regional Processes in the Hegemonic Nation: Political, Economic, and Military Influences on the Use of Geographic Space",0 "American Sociological Review",1994,"The Statistical Turn in American Social Science: Columbia University, 1890 to 1915",0 "American Sociological Review",1994,"What Is Deconstruction, and Where and When Does It Take Place? Making Facts in Science, Building Cases in Law",1 "American Sociological Review",1994,"Male Flight from Computer Work: A New Look at Occupational Resegregation and Ghettoization",0 "American Sociological Review",1994,"Job Training in U.S. Organizations",0 "American Sociological Review",1994,"The Decline and Fall of the Conglomerate Firm in the 1980s: The Deinstitutionalization of an Organizational Form",0 "American Sociological Review",1994,"A Logical Approach to Formalizing Organizational Ecology",1 "American Sociological Review",1994,"The Gender-Poverty Gap: What We Can Learn from Other Countries",1 "American Sociological Review",1994,"The Permeability of Class Boundaries to Intergenerational Mobility among Men in the United States, Canada, Norway and Sweden",1 "American Sociological Review",1994,"Housework in Marital and Nonmarital Households",0 "American Sociological Review",1994,"Employment Schedules among Dual-Earner Spouses and the Division of Household Labor by Gender",0 "American Sociological Review",1994,"Role-Taking, Role Commitment, and Delinquency: A Theory of Differential Social Control",0 "American Sociological Review",1994,"Two Dimensions of Self-Esteem: Reciprocal Effects of Positive Self-Worth and Self-Deprecation on Adolescent Problems",1 "American Sociological Review",1994,"Race Differences in Sexual Activity among Adolescent Women: The Role of Neighborhood Characteristics",0 "American Sociological Review",1994,"Migration, Segregation, and the Geographic Concentration of Poverty",1 "American Sociological Review",1994,"Winter Setback: The Racial Composition of Schools and Learning to Read",1 "American Sociological Review",1994,"Where East Meets West: Ethnic Intermarriage in the Former Yugoslavia, 1962 to 1989",1 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Hiroshima, the Holocaust, and the Politics of Exclusion: 1994 Presidential Address",1 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Spousal Alternatives and Marital Dissolution",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Gender and Family Businesses in Rural China",1 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Changes in Gender Role Attitudes and Perceived Marital Quality",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Policy Alternatives and Political Change: Work, Family, and Gender on the Congressional Agenda, 1945-1990",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Religious Participation in Early Adulthood: Age and Family Life Cycle Effects on Church Membership",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"The Epidemiology of Social Stress",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Education, Social Liberalism, and Economic Conservatism: Attitudes toward Homeless People",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Global Self-Esteem and Specific Self-Esteem: Different Concepts, Different Outcomes",1 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Class and Class Conflict in Six Western Nations",1 "American Sociological Review",1995,"A Comparative Study of Working-Class Disorganization: Union Decline in Eighteen Advanced Capitalist Countries",1 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Friendship among the French Financial Elite",1 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Education and the Dual Labor Market for Japanese Men",1 "American Sociological Review",1995,"An Extension of the Sorensen-Kalleberg Theory of the Labor Market Matching and Attainment Processes",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"The Stopping and Spacing of Childbirths and Their Birth-History Predictors: Rational-Choice Theory and Event-History Analysis",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"The Spatial Diffusion of Fertility: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Counties in the American South, 1940",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Career Mobility and the Communist Political Order",1 "American Sociological Review",1995,"The Programmatic Emergence of the Social Security State",1 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Unemployment and the Incarceration of Pretrial Defendants",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"The Individualist Polity and the Prevalence of Professionalized Psychology: A Cross-National Study",1 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Engendering the Worlds of Labor: Women Workers, Labor Markets, and Production Politics in the South China Economic Miracle",1 "American Sociological Review",1995,"The Persistence of Gender Inequality in Earnings in the German Democratic Republic",1 "American Sociological Review",1995,"The Gender Gap in Workplace Authority: A Cross-National Study",1 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Gender and Values",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Sex Differences in Distress: Real or Artifact?",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"The Friendly and Predatory Acquisition of Large U.S. Corporations in the 1960s: The Other Contested Terrain",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Networks of Power or the Finance Conception of Control? Comment on Palmer, Barber, Zhou, and Soysal",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"The Finance Conception of Control -- ""The Theory that Ate New York?"" Reply to Fligstein",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Organizational Evolution in a Multinational Context: Entries of Automobile Manufacturers in Belgium, Britain, France, Germany, and Italy",1 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Cultivating an Institutional Ecology of Organizations: Comment on Hannan, Carroll, Dundon, and Torres",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Theory Building and Cheap Talk about Legitimation: Reply to Baum and Powell",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Habermas, Goffman, and Communicative Action: Implications for Professional Practice",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"The Questions of Caste in Modern Society: Durkheim's Contradictory Theories of Race, Class, and Sex",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Prejudice as a Response to Perceived Group Threat: Population Composition and Anti-Immigrant and Racial Prejudice in Europe",1 "American Sociological Review",1995,"The Institutional Environment: Implications for Race and Gender Inequality in the U.S. Labor Market",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Interdependence and Reintegrative Social Control: Labeling and Reforming ""Inappropriate"" Parents in Neonatal Intensive Care Units",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Criminal Careers in the Short-Term: Intra-Individual Variability in Crime and Its Relation to Local Life Circumstances",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Income Inequality, Development, and Dualism: Results from an Unbalanced Cross-National Panel",1 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Democracy and Demographic Inheritance: The Influence of Modernity and Proto-Modernity on Political and Civil Rights, 1965 to 1980",1 "American Sociological Review",1995,"The Links between Education and Health",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"When Bigger Is Not Better: Family Size, Parental Resources, and Children's Educational Performance",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"The Influence of School Enrollment and Accumulation on Cohabitation and Marriage in Early Adulthood",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Making Gender Visible",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Rights and Interests: Raising the Next Generation",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Bureaucracy",1 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Rational Choice versus Cultural Explanations of the Efficiency of the Prussian Tax System",1 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Conceptualizing Regional Differences in Eighteenth-Century England",1 "American Sociological Review",1995,"What's in a Name? Sociological Explanation and the Problem of Place",1 "American Sociological Review",1995,"The Democratic Class Struggle in the United States, 1948-1992",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Union Democracy, Radical Leadership, and the Hegemony of Capital",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"The Political Economy of Business Failures across the American States, 1970-1985: The Impact of Reagan's New Federalism",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"The Structural Embeddedness of Business Decisions: The Migration of Manufacturing Plants in New York State, 1960 to 1985",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Organizational Mortality in a Declining Social Movement: The Demise of Peace Movement Organizations in the End of the Cold War Era",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Distinctive African American Names: An Experimental, Historical, and Linguistic Analysis of Innovation",1 "American Sociological Review",1995,"American Indian Ethnic Renewal: Politics and the Resurgence of Identity",0 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Economic Determinants of Democracy",1 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Income Inequality and Democratization Revisited: Comment on Muller",1 "American Sociological Review",1995,"Income Equality and Democratization: Reply to Bollen and Jackman",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"The Responsive Community: A Communitarian Perspective",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Principals and Agents, Colonialists and Company Men: The Decay of Colonial Control in the Dutch East Indies",1 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Do Private Schools Force Public Schools to Compete?",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Is Bigger Better? Explaining the Relationship between Organization Size and Job Rewards",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Keiretsu Networks and Corporate Performance in Japan",1 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Commitment in Exchange Relations: Test of a Theory of Relational Cohesion",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Concessions, Repression, and Political Protest in the Iranian Revolution",1 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Structural Opportunity and Perceived Opportunity in Social-Movement Theory: The Iranian Revolution of 1979",1 "American Sociological Review",1996,"On ""Realization"" in Everyday Life: The Forecasting of Bad News as a Social Relation",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Comment: Entropy and Popular Culture: Product Diversity in the Popular Music Recording Industry",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Testing a Dynamic Model of Social Composition: Diversity and Change in Voluntary Groups",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Mobilizing Local Religious Markets: Religious Pluralism in the Empire State, 1855 to 1865",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Self-Employment and the Earnings of Immigrants",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Immigrant Self-Employment: The Family as Social Capital and the Value of Human Capital",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"The Dynamics and Dilemmas of Collective Action",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Nucleus and Shield: The Evolution of Social Structure in the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Power in Networks of Substitutable and Complementary Exchange Relations: A Rational-Choice Model and an Analysis of Power Centralization",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Cooperation under Uncertainty: What Is New, What Is True, and What Is Important",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Cooperative Strategies in Low-Noise Environments",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"The Logic and Practice of Generosity",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Socioeconomic Achievement in the Life Course of Disadvantaged Men: Military Service as a Turning Point, Circa 1940-1965",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"New Kid in Town: Social Capital and the Life Course Effects of Family Migration on Children",1 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Effects of Family Instability, Income, and Income Instability on the Risk of a Premarital Birth",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Life after Welfare: Women, Work, and Repeat Dependency",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Not for Widows Only: Institutional Politics and the Formative Years of Aid to Dependent Children",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Making Claims as Workers or Wives: The Distribution of Social Security Benefits",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Interests and Symbols in Post-Communist Political Culture: The Case of Hungary",1 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Images of Protest: Dimensions of Selection Bias in Media Coverage of Washington Demonstrations, 1982 and 1991",1 "American Sociological Review",1996,"A Test of Durkheim's Theory of Suicide -- Without Committing the ""Ecological Fallacy""",1 "American Sociological Review",1996,"The World System Paradigm as General Theory of Development: A Cross-National Test",1 "American Sociological Review",1996,"A Re-Evaluation of the Economic Consequences of Divorce",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"The Economic Consequences of Divorce Are Still Unequal: Comment on Peterson",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Statistical Errors, Faulty Conclusions, Misguided Policy: Reply to Weitzman",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Reconsidering the Declining Significance of Race: Racial Differences in Early Career Wages",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Cognitive Skills and Racial Wage Inequality: Reply to Farkas and Vicknair",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Racial Economic Subordination and White Gain in the U.S. South",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Poverty, Segregation, and Race Riots: 1960-1993",1 "American Sociological Review",1996,"The Effect of Changes in Intraracial Income Inequality and Educational Attainment on Changes in Arrest Rates for African Americans and Whites, 1957-1990",1 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Routine Activities and Individual Deviant Behavior",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Markets as Politics: A Political-Cultural Approach to Market Institutions",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"The Sources and Consequences of Embeddedness for the Economic Performance of Organizations: The Network Effect",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Economic Behavior in Institutional Environments: The Corporate Merger Wave of the 1980s",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Appropriate Tests of Racial Wage Discrimination Require Controls for Cognitive Skill: Comment on Cancio, Evans, and Maume",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Dignity in the Workplace under Participative Management: Alienation and Freedom Revisited",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Market Transition and the Persistence of Power: The Changing Stratification System in Urban China",1 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Homeboys, Babies, Men in Suits: The State and the Reproduction of Male Dominance",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Using Racial and Ethnic Concepts: The Critical Case of Very Young Children",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"The Two Faces of Governance: Responses to Legal Uncertainty in U.S. Firms, 1955 to 1985",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Exploring the Limits of the New Institutionalism: The Causes and Consequences of Illegitimate Organizational Change",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"The Effect of Social Relationships on Psychological Well-Being: Are Men and Women Really So Different?",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"An Interactive Model of Religiosity Inheritance: The Importance of Family Context",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Emotional Reactions and Status in Groups",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"""Anything but Heavy Metal"": Symbolic Exclusion and Musical Dislikes",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Changing Highbrow Taste: From Snob to Omnivore",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Memory as a Cultural System: Abraham Lincoln in World War II",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Rethinking Stratification from a Feminist Perspective: Gender, Race, and Class in Mainstream Textbooks",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Perceptions of Racial Group Competition: Extending Blumer's Theory of Group Position to a Multiracial Social Context",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"A Shortage of Marriageable Men? A Note on the Role of Cohabitation in Black-White Differences in Marriage Rates",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Take the Money and Run: Economic Segregation in U.S. Metropolitan Areas",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Ending Footbinding and Infibulation: A Convention Account",1 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Individual Experience and the Fragmentation of Societies",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"""A True American System of Finance"": Frame Resonance in the U.S. Labor Movement, 1866 to 1886",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Linking Mobilization Frames and Political Opportunities: Insights from Regional Populism in Italy",1 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Resource Mobilization by Local Social Movement Organizations: Agency, Strategy, and Organization in the Movement against Drinking and Driving",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Mobilization at the Margins: Resources, Benefactors, and the Viability of Homeless Social Movement Organizations",0 "American Sociological Review",1996,"Reply: Measuring Industry Concentration, Diversity, and Innovation in Popular Music",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"The Sociological Study of Social Change: 1996 Presidential Address",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"The Kuznets Curve and the Great U-Turn: Income Inequality in U.S. Counties, 1970 to 1990",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Citizenship and Public Schools: Accounting for Racial Inequality in Education in the Pre- and Post-Disfranchisement South",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"The Libidinal Constitution of a High-Risk Social Movement: Affectual Ties and Solidarity in the Huk Rebellion, 1946-1954",1 "American Sociological Review",1997,"The Structure and Dynamics of Movement Participation",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Racial Rioting in the 1960s: An Event History Analysis of Local Conditions",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Risk and Power Use: Constraints on the Use of Coercion in Exchange",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"An Identity Model for Network Exchange",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Argumentative Talk in Divorce Mediation Sessions",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"From Warre to Tyranny: Lethal Conflict and the State",1 "American Sociological Review",1997,"The Impact of Protestant Fundamentalism on Educational Attainment",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"An Analysis of English-Language Proficiency among U.S. Immigrants",1 "American Sociological Review",1997,"The Social Geography of Interstate Mobility and Persistence",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Work, Welfare, and Single Mothers' Economic Survival Strategies",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Explaining the Black-White Gap in Labor Force Participation among Women Heading Households",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Interaction and the Conservation of Gender Inequality: Considering Employment",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"The Effect of Children on Women's Wages",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"The Social and Ideological Bases of Middle-Class Political Realignment in the United States, 1972 to 1992",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"World Culture in the World Polity: A Century of International Non-Governmental Organization",1 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Institutional Change and Job-Shift Patterns in Urban China, 1949 to 1994",1 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Bringing Strong Ties Back In: Indirect Ties, Network Bridges, and Job Searches in China",1 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Structural Change, Labor Market Turbulence, and Labor Market Outcomes",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Prelates and Princes: Aristocratic Marriages, Canon Law Prohibitions, and Shifts in Norms and Patterns of Domination in the Central Middle Ages",1 "American Sociological Review",1997,"The Spread of Sharecropping in Tuscany: The Political Economy of Transaction Costs",1 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Culture and Conflict: The Portrayal of Blacks in U.S. Children's Picture Books through the Mid- and Late-Twentieth Century",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Rethinking Racism: Toward a Structural Interpretation",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Sociology's Asociological ""Core"": An Examination of Textbook Sociology in Light of the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Tools for Intuition about Sample Selection Bias and Its Correction",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Gender, Children, and Social Contact: The Effects of Childrearing for Men and Women",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Living in Single-Parent Households: An Investigation of the Same-Sex Hypothesis",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Sexual Contact between Children and Adults: A Life Course Perspective",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Social Stratification across Three Generations: New Evidence from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Cultural and Educational Careers: The Dynamics of Social Reproduction",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"The Gender Gap in Earnings at Career Entry",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Are Young Black Men Really Less Willing to Work?",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Social Structure and Personality under Conditions of Radical Social Change: A Comparative Analysis of Poland and Ukraine",1 "American Sociological Review",1997,"National Context, Parental Socialization, and Religious Belief: Results from 15 Nations",1 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Labeling Mental Illness: The Effects of Received Services and Perceived Stigma on Life Satisfaction",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Resources and Relationships: Social Networks and Mobility in the Workplace",1 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Who Cares? Toward an Integrated Theory of Volunteer Work",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"All Women Benefit: The Macro-Level Effect of Occupational Integration on Gender Earnings Equality",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"The Changing Logic of Political Citizenship: Cross-National Acquisition of Women's Suffrage Rights, 1890 to 1990",1 "American Sociological Review",1997,"American Sociological Association Elections, 1975 to 1996: Exploring Explanations for ""Feminization""",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Political Generations, Micro-Cohorts, and the Transformation of Social Movements",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"The Sequencing of Social Movements",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"The Impacts of Social Movements on the Political Process: The Civil Rights Movement and Black Electoral Politics in Mississippi",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"International Press Coverage of East German Protest Events, 1989",1 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Power in Exchange Networks: Critique of a New Theory",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"An Asian Route to Capitalism: Religious Economy and the Origins of Self-Transforming Growth in Japan",1 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Educational Credentials and Promotion Chances in Japanese and American Organizations",1 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Sifting and Sorting: Personal Contacts and Hiring in a Retail Bank",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Bigger May Be Better, but Is Older Wiser? Organizational Age and Size in the New York Life Insurance Industry",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Collective Memory and Cultural Constraint: Holocaust Myth and Rationality in German Politics",1 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Social Cleavages and Political Alignments: U.S. Presidential Elections, 1960 to 1992",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Probing the Character of Norms: A Factorial Survey Analysis of the Norms of Political Action",1 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Self-Esteem Enhancement through Fertility? Socioeconomic Prospects, Gender, and Mutual Influence",0 "American Sociological Review",1997,"Population Dynamics and Economic Development: Age-Specific Population Growth Rates and Economic Growth in Developing Countries, 1965-1990",1 "American Sociological Review",1997,"The Logic of the New Theory and Misrepresentations of the Logic",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Glass-Ceiling Effect or Cohort Effect? A Longitudinal Study of the Gender Earnings Gap for Engineers, 1982 to 1989",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Becoming a Gendered Body: Practices of Preschools",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"How White Attitudes Vary with the Racial Composition of Local Populations: Numbers Count",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Assessing the Oppositional Culture Explanation for Racial/Ethnic Differences in School Performance",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Racial Disparities in Official Assessments of Juvenile Offenders: Attributional Stereotypes as Mediating Mechanisms",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Neighborhood Context and the Risk of Childbearing among Metropolitan-Area Black Adolescents",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Self-Esteem, Delinquent Peers, and Delinquency: A Test of the Self-Enhancement Thesis",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Strong Legacies and Weak Markets: Bulgarian State-Owned Enterprises during Early Transition",1 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Socially Embedded Consumer Transactions: For What Kinds of Purchases Do People Most Often Use Networks?",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"The Evolution of Trust and Cooperation between Strangers: A Computational Model",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"The Paradox of Redistribution and Strategies of Equality: Welfare State Institutions, Inequality, and Poverty in the Western Countries",1 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Gender, the Welfare State, and Public Employment: A Comparative Study of Seven Industrialized Countries",1 "American Sociological Review",1998,"And Then There Were More? The Effect of Organizational Sex Composition on the Hiring and Promotion of Managers",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Raising the Bar: The Gender Stratification of Law-Firm Capital",1 "American Sociological Review",1998,"National Context, Social Change, and Sex Differences in Suicide Rates",1 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Religious Pluralism in Contemporary US Counties",1 "American Sociological Review",1998,"The Rational and the Ambivalent in the Social Sciences",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Leaving the 'Hood: Residential Mobility between Black, White, and Integrated Neighborhoods",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Race and Violent Crime in the Suburbs",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Immigration, Race, and Riot: The 1992 Los Angeles Uprising",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Social Networks, Gender, and Immigrant Incorporation: Resources and Constraints",1 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Temporal Differentiation in the Occupational Mobility of Immigrant and Native-Born Latina Workers",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Modeling Durkheim on the Micro Level: A Study of Youth Suicidality",1 "American Sociological Review",1998,"The Case of the Phantom Episcopalians",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"What Church Officials' Reports Don't Show: Another Look at Church Attendance Data",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"When Surveys Lie and People Tell the Truth: How Surveys Oversample Church Attenders",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Overreporting Church Attendance in America: Evidence That Demands the Same Verdict",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"A Review of Church Attendance Measures",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Data Collection Mode and Social Desirability Bias in Self-Reported Religious Attendance",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Hazards of the Market: The Continuity and Dissolution of Interorganizational Market Relationships",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Gatekeeping in Action: Editorial Conferences and Assessments of Newsworthiness",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Bureaucratic Authority in the ""Company of Equals"": The Interactional Management of Medical Peer Review",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Trajectories of Change in Criminal Offending: Good Marriages and the Desistance Process",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Effects of Parental Divorce on Mental Health throughout the Life Course",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"The Consequences of Premarital Fatherhood",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Educational Homogamy in 65 Countries: An Explanation of Differences in Openness Using Country-Level Explanatory Variables",1 "American Sociological Review",1998,"The Homogenization and Differentiation of Hate Crime Law in the United States, 1978 to 1995: Innovation and Diffusion in the Criminalization of Bigotry",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Beyond Individual Differences: Social Differentiation from First Principles",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"How Do Status Beliefs Develop? The Role of Resources and Interactional Experience",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Creating Status Characteristics",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"The Legitimation and Delegitimation of Power and Prestige Orders",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"How Much Does Childhood Poverty Affect the Life Chances of Children?",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Early Failure in the Labor Market: Childhood and Adolescent Predictors of Unemployment in the Transition to Adulthood",1 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Global Attitude Measurement: An Assessment of the World Values Survey Postmaterialism Scale",1 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Detection and Determinants of Bias in Subjective Measures",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Church Culture as a Strategy of Action in the Black Community",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"The Continuing Significance of Race Revisited: A Study of Race, Class, and Quality of Life in America, 1972 to 1996",1 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Conservative Protestant Childrearing: Authoritarian or Authoritative?",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"The Impact of Family Religious Life on the Quality of Mother-Child Relations",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Normative versus Social Constructivist Processes in the Allocation of Citations: A Network-Analytic Model",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Sex Differences in Research Productivity: New Evidence about an Old Puzzle",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Network Structure and Emotion in Exchange Relations",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Suicide and Religion: Did Durkheim Commit the Ecological Fallacy, or Did Van Poppel and Day Combine Apples and Oranges?",1 "American Sociological Review",1998,"The Loglinear Modeling of Interstate Migration: Some Additional Considerations",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"The Simple Virtues of Descriptive Modeling",0 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Religious Choice and Competition",1 "American Sociological Review",1998,"Reply to Simpson",1 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Creating a Capital Investment Welfare State: The New American Exceptionalism. 1998 Presidential Address",1 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Children of the Cultural Revolution: The State and the Life Course in the People's Republic of China",1 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Comment on Zhou & Hou: A Negative Life Event with Positive Consequences",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"The State, Courts, and Maternity Policies in U.S. Organizations: Specifying Institutional Mechanisms",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Organizational Mediation of Project-Based Labor Markets: Talent Agencies and the Careers of Screenwriters",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Revolving Doors Reexamined: Occupational Sex Segregation over the Life Course",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Regional Origin and Family Stability in Northern Cities: The Role of Context",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Neighborhood Effects on Family Formation: Concentrated Poverty and Beyond",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"How Much Injustice Is There in the World? Two New Justice Indexes",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Sibship Size and Intellectual Development: Is the Relationship Causal?",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Sibship Size and Academic Achievement: What We Now Know and What We Still Need to Know",1 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Much Ado about Siblings: Change Models, Sibship Size, and Intellectual Development",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"The Effects of Closely Spaced and Widely Spaced Sibship Size on Intellectual Development",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Rebel without a Cause or Effect: Birth Order and Social Attitudes",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Bilingualism and the Academic Achievement of First- and Second-Generation Asian Americans: Accommodation with or without Assimilation?",1 "American Sociological Review",1999,"The Intercohort Decline in Verbal Ability: Does It Exist?",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Further Discussion of the Evidence for an Intercohort Decline in Education-Adjusted Vocabulary",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Aging versus Cohort Interpretations of Intercohort Differences in GSS Vocabulary Scores",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"The Age-Period-Cohort Conundrum and Verbal Ability: Empirical Relationships and Their Interpretation. Reply to Glenn and to Alwin and McCammon",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Utility of Health Data from Social Surveys: Is There a Gold Standard for Measuring Morbidity?",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Real in Their Consequences: A Sociological Approach to Understanding the Association between Psychotic Symptoms and Violence",1 "American Sociological Review",1999,"The Ties That Bind: Principles of Cohesion in Cohabitation and Marriage",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Collective Violence and Group Solidarity: Evidence from a Feuding Society",1 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Genre Memories and Memory Genres: A Dialogical Analysis of May 8, 1945 Commemorations in the Federal Republic of Germany",1 "American Sociological Review",1999,"The Architecture of Small Networks: Strong Interaction and Dynamic Organization in Small Social Systems",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"The Structuring of Organizational Populations",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Immigrant Groups in the Suburbs: A Reexamination of Suburbanization and Spatial Assimilation",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"""Property Values Drop when Blacks Move In, Because..."": Racial and Socioeconomic Determinants of Neighborhood Desirability",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Embeddedness in the Making of Financial Capital: How Social Relations and Networks Benefit Firms Seeking Financing",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"The Coupling of the Symbolic and the Technical in an Institutionalized Context: The Negotiated Order of the GAO's Audit Reporting Process",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Building the Iron Cage: Determinants of Managerial Intensity in the Early Years of Organizations",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Economic Hardship across the Life Course",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Fueling the Politics of Age: On Economic Hardship across the Life Course: Comment on Mirowsky and Ross",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Economic Hardship Declines with Age: Reply to Hardy and Hazelrigg",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"In Search of Smoking Guns: What Makes Income Inequality Vary over Time in Different Countries?",1 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Income Inequality, Development, and Dependence: A Reconsideration",1 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Beyond Social Capital: Spatial Dynamics of Collective Efficacy for Children",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Parental Networks, Social Closure, and Mathematics Learning: A Test of Coleman's Social Capital Explanation of School Effects",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Opening the Debate on Closure and Schooling Outcomes: Comment on Morgan and Sorensen",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Conceptualizing and Measuring School Social Networks: Comment on Morgan and Sorensen",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Theory, Measurement, and Specification Issues in Models of Network Effects on Learning: Reply to Carbonaro and to Hallinan and Kubitschek",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Explaining Deindustrialization: Globalization, Failure, or Success?",1 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Developing Difference: Social Organization and the Rise of the Auto Industries of South Korea, Taiwan, Spain, and Argentina",1 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Bureaucracy and Growth: A Cross-National Analysis of the Effects of ""Weberian"" State Structures on Economic Growth",1 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Boon or Bane? Reassessing the Productivity of Foreign Direct Investment",1 "American Sociological Review",1999,"The Social Inheritence of Divorce: Effects of Parent's Family Type in Postwar Germany",1 "American Sociological Review",1999,"The Effect of Marriage and Divorce on Women's Economic Well-Being",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Americans' Increasing Belief in Life after Death: Religious Competition and Acculturation",1 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Religious Congregations and Welfare Reform: Who Will Take Advantage of ""Charitable Choice""?",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"A Historical Note on Whites' Beliefs about Racial Inequality",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Choice Shift and Group Polarization",0 "American Sociological Review",1999,"Power in Negotiated and Reciprocal Exchange",0 "American Sociological Review",2000,"Is Engineering Hostile to Women? An Analysis of Data from the 1993 National Survey of College Graduates",0 "American Sociological Review",2000,"Gender Stratification and Paradigm Change",0 "American Sociological Review",2000,"The Hidden Abode: Sociology as Analysis of the Unexpected",0 "American Sociological Review",2000,"Modernization, Cultural Change, and the Persistence of Traditional Values",1 "American Sociological Review",2000,"The Web of Group Affiliations Revisited: Social Life, Postmodernism, and Sociology",0 "American Sociological Review",2000,"Trade Globalization since 1795: Waves of Integration in the World-System",1 "American Sociological Review",2000,"The Nation-State and the Natural Environment over the Twentieth Century",1 "American Sociological Review",2000,"World Society, the Nation-State, and Environmental Protection",1 "American Sociological Review",2000,"Environmentalism as a Global Institution: Reply to Buttel",1 "American Sociological Review",2000,"Lost in the Storm: The Sociology of the Black Working Class, 1850 to 1990",0 "American Sociological Review",2000,"Historicizing the Secularization Debate: Church, State, and Society in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe, ca. 1300 to 1700",1 "American Sociological Review",2000,"Class Inequality and Social Mobility in Northern Ireland, 1973 to 1996",1 "American Sociological Review",2000,"A Status Value Theory of Power in Exchange Relations",0 "American Sociological Review",2000,"A New Solution to the Collective Action Problem: The Paradox of Voter Turnout",0 "American Sociological Review",2000,"Biological Limits of Gender Construction",0 "American Sociological Review",2000,"Is Biology Destiny? Birth Weight and Life Chances",0 "American Sociological Review",2000,"Still the Missing Feminist Revolution? Inequalities of Race, Class, and Gender in Introductory Sociology Textbooks",0 "American Sociological Review",2000,"Civil Rights Liberalism and the Suppression of a Republican Political Realignment in the United States, 1972 to 1996",1 "American Sociological Review",2000,"Wage Wars: Institutional Politics, WPA Wages, and the Struggle for U.S. Social Policy",0 "American Sociological Review",2000,"Work as a Turning Point in the Life Course of Criminals: A Duration Model of Age, Employment, and Recidivism",0 "American Sociological Review",2000,"The Structural Context of Homicide: Accounting for Racial Differences in Process",1 "American Sociological Review",2000,"Routes to Children's Economic Recovery after Divorce: Are Cohabitation and Remarriage Equivalent?",0 "American Sociological Review",2000,"The Contingent Meaning of Neighborhood Stability for Residents' Psychological Well-Being",0 "American Sociological Review",2000,"Core Networks and Tie Activation: What Kinds of Routine Networks Allocate Resources in Nonroutine Situations?",0 "American Sociological Review",2000,"Events, Instruments, and Reporting Errors",0 "American Sociological Review",2000,"The Market That Antitrust Built: Public Policy, Private Coercion, and Railroad Acquisitions, 1825 to 1922",0 "American Sociological Review",2000,"Leveraging the State: Private Money and the Development of Public Education for Blacks",1 "American Sociological Review",2000,"Revenge as Sanction and Solidarity Display: An Analysis of Vendettas in Nineteenth-Century Corsica",1 "American Sociological Review",2000,"Ethnicity and Sentencing Outcomes in U.S. Federal Courts: Who Is Punished More Harshly?",0 "American Sociological Review",2000,"Job Relocation and the Racial Gap in Unemployment in Detroit and Chicago, 1980 to 1990",0 "American Sociological Review",2000,"Analyzing Educational Careers: A Multinomial Transition Model",1 "American Sociological Review",2000,"Temporal and Regional Variation in the Strength of Educational Homogamy",1 "American Sociological Review",2000,"More or Less Educational Homogamy? A Test of Different Versions of Modernization Theory Using Cross-Temporal Evidence for 60 Countries",1 "American Sociological Review",2000,"History Repeats Itself, but How? City Character, Urban Tradition, and the Accomplishment of Place",0 "American Sociological Review",2000,"Surviving Closure: Post-Rejection Adaptation and Plurality in Science",0 "American Sociological Review",2000,"The Effects of Science on National Economic Development, 1970 to 1990",1 "American Sociological Review",2000,"Migration and Infant Death: Assimilation or Selective Migration among Puerto Ricans?",1 "American Sociological Review",2000,"The Significance of Socioeconomic Status in Explaining the Racial Gap in Chronic Health Conditions",0 "American Sociological Review",2000,"Using the Literature: Reference Networks, Reference Contexts, and the Social Structure of Scholarship",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"Getting to the Truths That Matter",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"Social Justice and Sociology: Agendas for the Twenty-First Century",1 "American Sociological Review",2001,"Media and Mobilization: The Case of Radio and Southern Textile Worker Insurgency, 1929 to 1934",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"How Movements Win: Gendered Opportunity Structures and U.S. Women's Suffrage Movements, 1866 to 1919",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"Social Movements and Policy Implementation: The Mississippi Civil Rights Movement and the War on Poverty, 1965 to 1971",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"Studying Status: An Integrated Framework",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"Justice Processes: Specifying the Mediating Role of Perceptions of Distributive Justice",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"True Facts, True Stories, and True Differences",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"(How) Does the Sexual Orientation of Parents Matter?",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"Parental Influences on the Gendered Division of Housework",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"The Wage Penalty for Motherhood",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"Time-Dependent Effects of Wives' Employment on Marital Dissolution",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"Losers and Winners: The Financial Consequences of Separation and Divorce for Men",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"Transformations in New Immigrant Religions and Their Global Implications",1 "American Sociological Review",2001,"Social Citizenship and a Reconstructed Tocqueville",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"The Small World of Germany and the Durability of National Networks",1 "American Sociological Review",2001,"Exchange Structures in Transition: Lending and Trade Relations in Chinese Business Groups",1 "American Sociological Review",2001,"The Two Faces of Capital: Corporations and Individual Capitalists as Political Actors",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"Work and Honor in the Law: Prestige and the Division of Lawyers' Labor",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"Intellectualization and Art World Development: Film in the United States",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"Managing Laboratory Work through Skepticism: Processes of Evaluation and Control",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"Standardization vs. Rapport: Respondent Laughter and Interviewer Reaction during Telephone Surveys",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"Mass Education and Fertility Transition",1 "American Sociological Review",2001,"Marriage Delayed or Marriage Forgone? New Cohort Forecasts of First Marriage for U.S. Women",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"Sources of Racial Wage Inequality in Metropolitan Labor Markets: Racial, Ethnic, and Gender Differences",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"The Structure of Disadvantage: Individual and Occupational Determinants of the Black-White Wage Gap",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"Powerlessness and the Amplification of Threat: Neighborhood Disadvantage, Disorder, and Mistrust",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"The Limits of Biological Determinism",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"What Is Gender?",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"Calling the Bluff of Value-Free Science",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"Feminist Critics Uncover Determinism, Positivism, and Antiquated Theory",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"The ASR Review Process",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"Uncertainty, Risk, and Trust: Russian and American Credit Card Markets Compared",1 "American Sociological Review",2001,"Getting Deals Done: The Use of Social Networks in Bank Decision-Making",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"Organizational Growth and Ecological Constraints: The Growth of Social Movements in Sweden, 1881 to 1940",1 "American Sociological Review",2001,"The Ecology of Tactical Overlap",1 "American Sociological Review",2001,"Food Security in Less Developed Countries, 1970 to 1990",1 "American Sociological Review",2001,"Changing Income Inequalities within and between Nations: New Evidence",1 "American Sociological Review",2001,"America's Liberalization in Attitudes toward Homosexuality, 1973 to 1998",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"Nations of Joiners: Explaining Voluntary Association Membership in Democratic Societies",1 "American Sociological Review",2001,"The Structural Contexts of Civic Engagement: Voluntary Association Membership in Comparative Perspective",1 "American Sociological Review",2001,"Community as Gift-Giving: Collectivistic Roots of Volunteerism",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"Changing the Subject: Gender, Status, and the Dynamics of Topic Change",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"Youth Violence and the End of Adolescence",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"The Effects of Divorce and Marital Discord on Adult Children's Psychological Well-Being",0 "American Sociological Review",2001,"Does Race Matter in Residential Segregation? Exploring the Preferences of White Americans",0 "American Sociological Review",2002,"The Search for Oppositional Culture among Black Students",0 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Data Happen, but How?",0 "American Sociological Review",2002,"A Brief History of Human Society: The Origin and Role of Emotion in Social Life",0 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Commemorating a Difficult Past: Yitzhak Rabin's Memorials",0 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Becoming a Pragmatist Philosopher: Status, Self-Concept, and Intellectual Choice",0 "American Sociological Review",2002,"From Civil Relations to Racial Conflict: Merchant-Customer Interactions in Urban America",1 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Race of the Interviewer and Perception of Skin Color: Evidence from the Multi-City Study of Urban Inequality",0 "American Sociological Review",2002,"The Political Sociology of the Death Penalty: A Pooled Time-Series Analysis",0 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Two Decades of Family Change: The Shifting Economic Foundations of Marriage",1 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Does Oppositional Culture Exist in Minority and Poverty Peer Groups?",0 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Why More Americans Have No Religious Preference: Politics and Generations",0 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Religious Influence and the Politics of Family Decline Concern: Trends, Sources, and U.S. Political Behavior",0 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Religious Pluralism and Participation: Why Previous Research Is Wrong",0 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Markets and Income Inequality in Rural China: Political Advantage in an Expanding Economy",1 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Social Capital and Democracy: An Interdependent Relationship",1 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Transnational Entrepreneurs: An Alternative Form of Immigrant Economic Adaptation",1 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Immigrant Enclaves and Ethnic Communities in New York and Los Angeles",0 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Cultural Transmission, Disproportionate Prior Exposure, and the Evolution of Cooperation",0 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Interpretive Activism and the Political Uses of Verdi's Operas in the 1840s",0 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Corporatism and Unemployment in the 1980s and 1990s",1 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Organizational Size and Pollution: The Case of the U.S. Chemical Industry",1 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Resource Distributions and Market Partitioning: Dutch Daily Newspapers, 1968 to 1994",1 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Occupational Stratification across the Life Course: Evidence from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study",0 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Race, Regional Origin, and Residence in Northern Cities at the Beginning of the Great Migration",0 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Political Competition and Violence in Mexico: Hierarchical Social Control in Local Patronage Structures",1 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Forging Social Order and Its Breakdown: Riot and Reform in U.S. Prisons",0 "American Sociological Review",2002,"The Impact of Incarceration on Wage Mobility and Inequality",0 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Assessing Alternative Perspectives on Race and Sex Employment Segregation",0 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Equal but Separate? A Cross-National Study of Sex Segregation in Higher Education",1 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Emerging Parental Gender Indifference? Sex Composition of Children and the Third Birth",0 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Who Is Multiracial? Assessing the Complexity of Lived Race",0 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Structural Change and Post-Socialist Stratification: Labor Market Transitions in Contemporary Russia",1 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Confessional Protest: The Religious Birth of U.S. National Social Movements",0 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Buried Gold",0 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Contention and Confession",0 "American Sociological Review",2002,"The War at Home: Antiwar Protests and Congressional Voting, 1965 to 1973",1 "American Sociological Review",2002,"How the Civil Rights Movement Revitalized Labor Militancy",0 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Invisible Inequality: Social Class and Childrearing in Black Families and White Families",0 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Democratic Contraction? Political Consequences of Felon Disenfranchisement in the United States",0 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Identifying the Unprecedented: Hannah Arendt, Totalitarianism, and the Critique of Sociology",0 "American Sociological Review",2002,"The Shadow of Exploitation in Weber's Class Analysis",0 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Cohort Effects on Suicide Rates: International Variations",1 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Social Integration, Imitation, and the Geographic Patterning of Suicide",1 "American Sociological Review",2002,"The Hinges of History: State-Making and Revolt in Early Modern France",1 "American Sociological Review",2002,"Oil Development and the Accomplishment of Place",0 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Reply: O Be Some Other Name",0 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Including Mechanisms in Our Models of Ascriptive Inequality",0 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Determinants of Relative Poverty in Advanced Capitalist Democracies",1 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Emergent Public Spheres: Talking Politics in Participatory Governance",1 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Embeddedness and Contractual Relationships in China's Transitional Economy",1 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Structural Cohesion and Embeddedness: A Hierarchical Concept of Social Groups",0 "American Sociological Review",2003,"In the Eye of the Beholder: Procedural Justice in Social Exchange",0 "American Sociological Review",2003,"No Evidence for Stochastic Learning in Voter Turnout",0 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Reading Shadows on Plato's Cave Wall",1 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Biomedicalization: Technoscientific Transformations of Health, Illness, and U.S. Biomedicine",0 "American Sociological Review",2003,"The Structure of Founding Teams: Homophily, Strong Ties, and Isolation among U.S. Entrepreneurs",0 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Why Teamwork Fails: Obstacles to Workplace Change in Four Manufacturing Plants",0 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Where Job Values Come From: Family and Schooling Background, Cognitive Ability, and Gender",0 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Footprints on the Earth: The Environmental Consequences of Modernity",1 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Foreign Capital Dependence and Development: A New Direction",1 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Comment: ""Secularization"" by Any Other Name",0 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Long-Term Changes in the Character of the Sociological Discipline: A Short Note on the Length of Titles of Articles Submitted to the American Sociological Review during the Year 2002",0 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Culture and Competition: Homophily and Distancing Explanations for Cultural Niches",0 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Elite Self-Interest and Economic Decline in Early Modern Europe",1 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Interracialism: The Ideological Transformation of Hawaii's Working Class",1 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Inequality in the World Polity: The Structure of International Organization",1 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Does the Market Pay Off? Earnings Returns to Education in Urban China",1 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Individuals, Jobs, and Labor Markets: The Devaluation of Women's Work",0 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Status Processes and the Institutionalization of Women as Leaders",0 "American Sociological Review",2003,"The Great Chain of Orientalism: Jewish Identity, Stigma Management, and Ethnic Exclusion in Israel",1 "American Sociological Review",2003,"War and Bureaucratization in Qin China: Exploring an Anomalous Case",1 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Beyond Black and White: The Present and Future of Multiracial Friendship Segregation",0 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Revisiting Racial Differences in College Attendance: The Role of Historically Black Colleges and Universities",0 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Protest under Fire? Explaining the Policing of Protest",0 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Who Are Feminists and What Do They Believe? The Role of Generations",0 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Certifying Knowledge: The Sociology of a Logical Theorem in Artificial Intelligence",0 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Revisits: An Outline of a Theory of Reflexive Ethnography",0 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Space Meets Time: Integrating Temporal and Contextual Influences on Mental Health in Early Adulthood",0 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Cumulative Disadvantage and Health: Long-Term Consequences of Obesity?",0 "American Sociological Review",2003,"The Global Institutionalization of Geological Science, 1800 to 1990",1 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Religion and Economic Growth across Countries",1 "American Sociological Review",2003,"A Formalization and Test of the Religious Economies Model",0 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Toward a Theory of Panethnicity: Explaining Asian American Collective Action",0 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Hate Crime Reporting as a Successful Social Movement Outcome",0 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Social Capital and Finding a Job: Do Contacts Matter?",0 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Elite Opportunity in Transitional Economics",1 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Precision and Exaggeration in Interaction",0 "American Sociological Review",2003,"Grammar and Social Organization: Yes/No Interrogatives and the Structure of Responding",0 "American Sociological Review",2004,"Should Sociological Theories Venture into ""Economic Territory?"" Yes!",0 "American Sociological Review",2004,"Dimensions of Social Capital and Rates of Criminal Homicide",0 "American Sociological Review",2004,"Union Members and Voluntary Associations: Membership Overlap as a Case of Organizational Embeddedness",0 "American Sociological Review",2004,"Social Networks and Family Change in Japan",1 "American Sociological Review",2004,"Kin Support among Blacks and Whites: Race and Family Organization",0 "American Sociological Review",2004,"Racial and Ethnic Differences in Marriage after the Birth of a Child",1 "American Sociological Review",2004,"The Influence of Physical and Sexual Abuse on Marriage and Cohabitation",0 "American Sociological Review",2004,"Macro-Level Gender Inequality and the Division of Household Labor in 22 Countries",1 "American Sociological Review",2004,"Group Dominance and the Myth of Racial Democracy: Antiracism Attitudes in Brazil",1 "American Sociological Review",2004,"The Economic Incorporation of Immigrants in 18 Western Societies: Origin, Destination, and Community Effects",1 "American Sociological Review",2004,"Tightening Up: Declining Class Mobility during Russia's Market Transition",1 "American Sociological Review",2004,"Does Firm Size Matter Anymore? The New Economy and Firm Size Wage Effects",0 "American Sociological Review",2004,"Childhood Emotional and Behavioral Problems and Educational Attainment",0 "American Sociological Review",2004,"Are Schools the Great Equalizer? Cognitive Inequality during the Summer Months and the School Year",0 "American Sociological Review",2004,"Early Chinese Bureaucratization in Comparative Perspective: Reply to Zhao",1 "American Sociological Review",2004,"Comment: Spurious Causation in a Historical Process: War and Bureaucratization in Early China",1 "American Sociological Review",2004,"How Culture Mattered at Vatican II: Collegiality Trumps Authority in the Council's Social Movement Organizations",1 "American Sociological Review",2004,"The Treadmill of Destruction: National Sacrifice Areas and Native Americans",1 "American Sociological Review",2004,"""Generations and Collective Memory"" Revisited: Race, Region, and Memory of Civil Rights",0 "American Sociological Review",2004,"All the Rioting That's Fit to Print: Selection Effects in National Newspaper Coverage of Civil Disorders, 1968-1969",0 "American Sociological Review",2004,"Abortion, Race, and Gender in Nineteenth-Century America",0 "American Sociological Review",2004,"When Do Movements Matter? The Politics of Contingency and the Equal Rights Amendment",0 "American Sociological Review",2004,"Rock in a Hard Place: Grassroots Cultural Production in the Post-Elvis Era",0 "American Sociological Review",2004,"The Organizational and Social Foundations of Worker Resistance",0 "American Sociological Review",2004,"Revisiting the Contact Hypothesis: The Case of Public Exposure to Homelessness",0 "American Sociological Review",2004,"Sexual Harassment as a Gendered Expression of Power",0 "American Sociological Review",2004,"Constraints into Preference: Gender, Status, and Emerging Career Aspirations",0 "American Sociological Review",2004,"Growing Pains: Cross-National Variation in Sex Segregation in Sixteen Developing Countries",1 "American Sociological Review",2004,"Comment: Explication of the Cultural Transmission Model",0 "American Sociological Review",2004,"Reply: Cultural Transmission, Disproportionate Prior Exposure, and the Evolution of Cooperation",0 "American Sociological Review",2004,"Mass Imprisonment and the Life Course: Race and Class Inequality in U.S. Incarceration",0 "American Sociological Review",2004,"The Political Economy of Imprisonment in Affluent Western Democracies, 1960-1990",1 "American Sociological Review",2004,"What Is Originality in the Humanities and the Social Sciences?",0 "American Sociological Review",2004,"The Structure of a Social Science Collaboration Network: Disciplinary Cohesion from 1963 to 1999",0 "American Sociological Review",2004,"The Academic Caste System: Prestige Hierarchies in PhD Exchange Networks",0 "American Sociological Review",2004,"Privatizing the Welfare State: Nonprofit Community-Based Organizations as Political Actors",0 "American Sociological Review",2004,"Does Government Funding Suppress Nonprofits' Political Activity?",0 "American Sociological Review",2004,"Embeddedness and Price Formation in the Corporate Law Market",0 "American Sociological Review",2004,"Here a Chief, There a Chief: The Rise of the CFO in the American Firm",0 "American Sociological Review",2004,"Race, Gender, and Workplace Power",0 "American Sociological Review",2004,"Altruism as an Organizational Problem: The Case of Organ Procurement",0 "American Sociological Review",2004,"Structural Incoherence and Stock Market Activity",0 "American Sociological Review",2004,"The Social Construction of Market Value: Institutionalization and Learning Perspectives on Stock Market Reactions",0 "American Sociological Review",2004,"Towards the Social Reconstruction of an Interdisciplinary Turf War",0 "American Sociological Review",2005,"Age for Leisure? Political Mediation and the Impact of the Pension Movement on U.S. Old-Age Policy",0 "American Sociological Review",2005,"Cooperation in Microcredit Borrowing Groups: Identity, Sanctions, and Reciprocity in the Production of Collective Goods",0 "American Sociological Review",2005,"Sovereignty Relinquished? Explaining Commitment to the International Human Rights Covenants, 1966-1999",1 "American Sociological Review",2005,"A Clash of Capitalisms: Foreign Shareholders and Corporate Restructuring in 1990s Japan",1 "American Sociological Review",2005,"Unequal but Fluid: Social Mobility in Chile in Comparative Perspective",1 "American Sociological Review",2005,"Weak Ties, Information, and Influence: How Workers Find Jobs in a Local Russian Labor Market",1 "American Sociological Review",2005,"Race, Ethnicity, and Youth Perceptions of Criminal Injustice",0 "American Sociological Review",2005,"Walking the Talk? What Employers Say versus What They Do",0 "American Sociological Review",2005,"Suicide Determination and the Professional Authority of Medical Examiners",0 "American Sociological Review",2005,"Civic Associations and Authoritarian Regimes in Interwar Europe: Italy and Spain in Comparative Perspective",1 "American Sociological Review",2005,"From Poverty to Perversity: Ideas, Markets and Institutions over 200 Years of Welfare Debate",1 "American Sociological Review",2005,"Constructing Social Problems in an Age of Globalization: A French-American Comparison",1 "American Sociological Review",2005,"A General Theory of Scientific/Intellectual Movements",0 "American Sociological Review",2005,"History, Commemoration, and Belief: Abraham Lincoln in American Memory, 1945-2001",0 "American Sociological Review",2005,"Income Inequality, Democracy, and Public Sector Size",1 "American Sociological Review",2005,"A Comparative Study of Inequality and Corruption",1 "American Sociological Review",2005,"Cultural Politics and Modernist Architecture: The Tulip Debate in Postwar Hungary",1 "American Sociological Review",2005,"Cross-National Cultural Diffusion: The Global Spread of Cricket",1 "American Sociological Review",2005,"Diffusion, Development, and Democracy, 1800-1999",1 "American Sociological Review",2005,"The Discourse of Globalization: Framing and Sensemaking of an Emerging Concept",1 "American Sociological Review",2005,"2004 Presidential Address: For Public Sociology",0 "American Sociological Review",2005,"The Independence of Young Adults and the Rise of Interracial and Same-Sex Unions",0 "American Sociological Review",2005,"Interracial Relationships and the Transition to Adulthood",0 "American Sociological Review",2005,"It's Not ""a Black Thing"": Understanding the Burden of Acting White and Other Dilemmmas of High Achievement",0 "American Sociological Review",2005,"Migration and Gender among Mexican Women",1 "American Sociological Review",2005,"The Legacy of Lynching and Southern Homicide",0 "American Sociological Review",2005,"Vigilantism, Current Racial Threat, and Death Sentences",1 "American Sociological Review",2005,"Interorgaizational Determinants of Promotion: Client Leadership and the Attainment of Women Attorneys",0 "American Sociological Review",2005,"Gender Stereotypes, Same-Gender Preferences, and Organizational Variation in the Hiring of Women: Evidence from Law Firms",0 "American Sociological Review",2005,"Fatalities and the Organization of Child Care in the United States, 1985-2003",0 "American Sociological Review",2005,"Sexual Initiation in Early Adolescence: The Nexus of Parental and Community Control",0 "American Sociological Review",2005,"Through Thick and Thin: Layers of Social Ties and Urban Settlement among Thai Migrants",1 "American Sociological Review",2005,"Marriage Market Mismatches in Japan: An Alternative View of the Relationship between Women's Education and Marriage",1 "American Sociological Review",2005,"Social Status in an Open-Source Community",0 "American Sociological Review",2005,"""Just Call Me Adonai"": A Case Study of Ethnic Humor and Immigrant Assimilation",1 "American Sociological Review",2005,"Earnings Returns to Education in Urban China: A Note on Testing Differences among Groups",1 "American Sociological Review",2005,"Market Premium, Social Process, and Statisticism",1 "American Sociological Review",2005,"The Worldwide Diffusion of Market-Oriented Infrastructure Reform, 1977-1999",1 "American Sociological Review",2005,"The Worldwide Expansion of Higher Education in the Twentieth Century",1 "American Sociological Review",2005,"Economic Globalization and the Welfare State in Affluent Democracies, 1975-2001",1 "American Sociological Review",2005,"Family Policies, Wage Structures, and Gender Gaps: Sources of Earnings Inequality in 20 Countries",1 "American Sociological Review",2005,"Border Crossing: Bricolage and the Erosion of Categorical Boundaries in French Gastronomy",1 "American Sociological Review",2005,"Interpreters of the Literary Canon and Their Technical Instruments: The Case of Balzac Criticism",0 "American Sociological Review",2006,"Comparative Perspectives and Competing Explanations: Taking on the Newly Configured Reductionist Challenge to Sociology",0 "American Sociological Review",2006,"Widowhood and Race",0 "American Sociological Review",2006,"Networks, Race, and Hiring",1 "American Sociological Review",2006,"Wealth, Race, and Inter-Neighborhood Migration",0 "American Sociological Review",2006,"Deterring Delinquents: A Rational Choice Model of Theft and Violence",0 "American Sociological Review",2006,"Black and White Control of Numbers Gambling: A Cultural Assets-Social Capital View",1 "American Sociological Review",2006,"Comment on Steffensmeier and Ulmer: Cultural Assets or Structural Advantages in Numbers Gambling?",1 "American Sociological Review",2006,"Reply to Lee: Is There No Place for Culture in a Sociology of Legal and Illegal Enterprise?",0 "American Sociological Review",2006,"The Egalitarian Face of Islamic Orthodoxy: Support for Islamic Law and Economic Justice in Seven Muslim-Majority Nations",1 "American Sociological Review",2006,"National Context, Religiosity, and Volunteering: Results from 53 Countries",1 "American Sociological Review",2006,"Atheists As ""Other"": Moral Boundaries and Cultural Membership in American Society",0 "American Sociological Review",2006,"Collective Action, Rival Incentives, and the Emergence of Antisocial Norms",0 "American Sociological Review",2006,"Gender and the Meanings of Adolescent Romantic Relationships: A Focus on Boys",0 "American Sociological Review",2006,"Infant Mortality, Social Networks, and Subsequent Fertility",1 "American Sociological Review",2006,"The Conditional Nature of Embeddedness: A Study of Borrowing by Large U.S. Firms, 1973-1994",0 "American Sociological Review",2006,"Kinship in the Shadow of the Corporation: The Interbuilder Network in Clyde River Shipbuilding, 1711-1990",0 "American Sociological Review",2006,"Social Isolation in America: Changes in Core Discussion Networks over Two Decades",0 "American Sociological Review",2006,"Trends in Civic Association Activity in Four Democracies: The Special Case of Women in the United States",1 "American Sociological Review",2006,"Bowling Young: How Youth Voluntary Associations Influence Adult Political Participation",0 "American Sociological Review",2006,"The Rise of Anti-Foreigner Sentiment in European Societies, 1988-2000",1 "American Sociological Review",2006,"""Fair"" Inequality? Attitudes toward Pay Differentials: The United States in Comparative Perspective",1 "American Sociological Review",2006,"Social Policy Responsiveness in Developed Democracies",1 "American Sociological Review",2006,"Welfare State and Public Opinion",0 "American Sociological Review",2006,"Theory and Methods for Comparative Opinion/Social Policy Research",0 "American Sociological Review",2006,"Free-Market and Religious Fundamentalists versus Poor Relief",1 "American Sociological Review",2006,"Poverty and Piety",1 "American Sociological Review",2006,"Is Telling Stories Good for Democracy? Rhetoric in Public Deliberation after 9/11",0 "American Sociological Review",2006,"Movements and Memory: The Making of the Stonewall Myth",0 "American Sociological Review",2006,"The Dynamics of Protest Diffusion: Movement Organizations, Social Networks, and News Media in the 1960 Sit-Ins",0 "American Sociological Review",2006,"How Cultural Tastes Shape Personal Networks",0 "American Sociological Review",2006,"The Institutionalization of Fame: Achievement, Recognition, and Cultural Consecration in Baseball",0 "American Sociological Review",2006,"Navigating Dangerous Streets: The Sources and Consequences of Street Efficacy",0 "American Sociological Review",2006,"The Dynamics of Economic Disadvantage and Children's Life Chances",0 "American Sociological Review",2006,"When Do National Movements Adopt or Reject International Agendas? A Comparative Analysis of the Chinese and Indian Women's Movements",1 "American Sociological Review",2006,"The International Women's Movement and Women's Political Representation, 1893-2003",1 "American Sociological Review",2007,"Political Action and Party Formation in the United States Constitutional Convention",0 "American Sociological Review",2007,"Social Boundaries and Marital Assimilation: Interpreting Trends in Racial and Ethnic Intermarriage",1 "American Sociological Review",2007,"Adoptive Parents, Adaptive Parents: Evaluating the Importance of Biological Ties for Parental Investment",0 "American Sociological Review",2007,"The Winds of Change: The Progressive Movement and the Bureaucratization of Thrift",0 "American Sociological Review",2007,"Repertoires of Trust: The Practice of Trust in a Multinational Organization amid Political Conflict",1 "American Sociological Review",2007,"Selling Genes, Selling Gender: Egg Agencies, Sperm Banks, and the Medical Market in Genetic Material",0 "American Sociological Review",2007,"Cultural Context, Sexual Behavior, and Romantic Relationships in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods",0 "American Sociological Review",2007,"Economic Globalization and Women's Employment: The Case of Manufacturing in Mexico",1 "American Sociological Review",2007,"African American, Hispanic, and White Beliefs about Black/White Inequality, 1977-2004",1 "American Sociological Review",2007,"Conservative Protestant Congregations and Racial Residential Segregation: Evaluating the Closed Community Thesis in Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Counties",0 "American Sociological Review",2007,"The Structure of Charismatic Mobilization: A Case Study of Rebellion During the Chinese Cultural Revolution",1 "American Sociological Review",2007,"Climbing the Dispute Pagoda: Grievances and Appeals to the Official Justice System in Rural China",1 "American Sociological Review",2007,"Lasting Consequences of the Summer Learning Gap",0 "American Sociological Review",2007,"Family Instability and Child Well-Being",0 "American Sociological Review",2007,"Risky Business: Assessing Risk Preference Explanations for Gender Differences in Religiosity",1 "American Sociological Review",2007,"Working More and Feeling Better: Women's Health, Employment, and Family Life, 1974-2004",0 "American Sociological Review",2007,"Leaving a Legacy: Position Imprints and Successor Turnover in Young Firms",0 "American Sociological Review",2007,"Careers in Foreign-Owned Firms in Japan",1 "American Sociological Review",2007,"Who Pays the Price of Brokerage? Transferring Constraint through Price Setting in the Staffing Sector",0 "American Sociological Review",2007,"Class and Status: The Conceptual Distinction and its Empirical Relevance",1 "American Sociological Review",2007,"Not by Productivity Alone: How Visibility and Specialization Contribute to Academic Earnings",0 "American Sociological Review",2007,"Religious Persecution in Cross-National Context: Clashing Civilizations or Regulated Religious Economies?",1 "American Sociological Review",2007,"Working for the Woman? Female Managers and the Gender Wage Gap",0 "American Sociological Review",2007,"Movement Framing and Discursive Opportunity Structures: The Political Successes of the U.S. Women's Jury Movements",0 "American Sociological Review",2007,"The Implications of Racial Misclassification by Observers",0 "American Sociological Review",2007,"Corporate Demography and Income Inequality",1 "American Sociological Review",2007,"Dynamics of Political Polarization",1 "American Sociological Review",2007,"Population Aging, Intracohort Aging, and Sociopolitical Attitudes",0 "American Sociological Review",2007,"On the Relations Between Right-Wing Parties and Anti-foreigner Sentiment",1 "American Sociological Review",2007,"Structure, Culture, and Community: The Search for Belonging in 50 Urban Communes",0 "American Sociological Review",2007,"Animal Practices, Ethnicity, and Community: The Turkish Pigeon Handlers of Berlin",1 "American Sociological Review",2007,"Diversity in Everyday Discourse: The Cultural Ambiguities and Consequences of 'Happy Talk'",0 "American Sociological Review",2007,"How Puerto Rico Became White: Boundary Dynamics and Intercensus Racial Reclassification",1 "American Sociological Review",2007,"Does Money Whiten? Intergenerational Changes in Racial Classification in Brazil",1 "American Sociological Review",2007,"Nonresident Father Involvement and Adolescent Well-Being: Father Effects or Child Effects?",0 "American Sociological Review",2008,"Can Power from Below Change the World?",0 "American Sociological Review",2008,"Beyond the Industrial Paradigm: Market-Embedded Labor and the Gender Organization of Global Service Work in China",1 "American Sociological Review",2008,"The Configuration of Symbolic Boundaries against Immigrants in Europe",1 "American Sociological Review",2008,"Evangelicals in the Power Elite: Elite Cohesion Advancing a Movement",0 "American Sociological Review",2008,"Religion and the Construction of Civic Identity",0 "American Sociological Review",2008,"The Rise of Intra-Occupational Wage Inequality in the United States, 1983 to 2002",0 "American Sociological Review",2008,"Job Mobility and Wage Trajectories for Men and Women in the United States",0 "American Sociological Review",2008,"Make Money Surfing the Web? The Impact of Internet Use on the Earnings of U.S. Workers",0 "American Sociological Review",2008,"Getting Counted: Markets, Media, and Reality",0 "American Sociological Review",2008,"Ownership, Organization, and Income Inequality: Market Transition in Rural Vietnam",1 "American Sociological Review",2008,"Gender and the Education-Employment Paradox in Ethnic and Religious Contexts: The Case of Arab Americans",1 "American Sociological Review",2008,"Stability and Change in Family Structure and Maternal Health Trajectories",0 "American Sociological Review",2008,"The Social Connectedness of Older Adults: A National Profile",0 "American Sociological Review",2008,"Social Inequalities in Happiness in the United States, 1972 to 2004: An Age-Period-Cohort Analysis",0 "American Sociological Review",2008,"Gendered Power Relations among Women: A Study of Household Decision Making in Black, Lesbian Stepfamilies",0 "American Sociological Review",2008,"Mediation in Multiple Networks: Elite Mobilization before the English Civil War",1 "American Sociological Review",2008,"Corporate Restructuring and Sex Differences in Managerial Promotion",0 "American Sociological Review",2008,"Ethnic and Gender Satisfaction in the Military: The Effect of a Meritocratic Institution",0 "American Sociological Review",2008,"Opting Out? Cohort Differences in Professional Women's Employment Rates from 1960 to 2005",0 "American Sociological Review",2008,"Social Exchange and Micro Social Order",0 "American Sociological Review",2008,"Beyond the Census Tract: Patterns and Determinants of Racial Segregation at Multiple Geographic Scales",0 "American Sociological Review",2008,"Classification as Culture: Types and Trajectories of Music Genres",0 "American Sociological Review",2008,"Immigrant Children's Educational Achievement in Western Countries: Origin, Destination, and Community Effects on Mathematical Performance",1 "American Sociological Review",2008,"The Effect of Sibship Size on Educational Attainment in China: Period Variations",1 "American Sociological Review",2008,"Inequality among American Families with Children, 1975 to 2005",0 "American Sociological Review",2009,"The Global Economy as Instituted Process: The Case of Central and Eastern Europe",1 "American Sociological Review",2009,"Condom Semiotics: Meaning and Condom Use in Rural Malawi",1 "American Sociological Review",2009,"Normalizing Heterosexuality: Mothers' Assumptions, Talk, and Strategies with Young Children",0 "American Sociological Review",2009,"The Strength of Weak Enforcement: The Impact of Discrimination Charges, Legal Environments, and Organizational Conditions on Workplace Segregation",0 "American Sociological Review",2009,"The Global Dimensions of Rape-Law Reform: A Cross-National Study of Policy Outcomes",1 "American Sociological Review",2009,"Precarious Work, Insecure Workers: Employment Relations in Transition",1 "American Sociological Review",2009,"A Pragmatist Theory of Social Mechanisms",0 "American Sociological Review",2009,"Model Uncertainty in Sociological Research: An Application to Religion and Economic Growth",1 "American Sociological Review",2009,"On the Run: Wanted Men in a Philadelphia Ghetto",0 "American Sociological Review",2009,"Family and Religious Characteristics' Influence on Delinquency Trajectories from Adolescence to Young Adulthood",0 "American Sociological Review",2009,"A Natural Experiment on Residential Change and Recidivism: Lessons from Hurricane Katrina",0 "American Sociological Review",2009,"Deciding to Discipline: Race, Choice, and Punishment at the Frontlines of Welfare Reform",1 "American Sociological Review",2009,"Explaining Mexican-Immigrant Welfare Behaviors: The Importance of Employment-Related Cultural Repertoires",1 "American Sociological Review",2009,"Violence, Older Peers, and the Socialization of Adolescent Boys in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods",0 "American Sociological Review",2009,"What Do These Memories Do: Civil Rights Remembrance and Racial Attitudes",1 "American Sociological Review",2009,"The 2004 GSS Finding of Shrunken Social Networks: An Artifact?",0 "American Sociological Review",2009,"All the Movements Fit to Print: Who, What, When, Where, and Why SMO Families Appeared in the New York Times in the Twentieth Century",0 "American Sociological Review",2009,"The Sources and Consequences of National Identification",1 "American Sociological Review",2009,"Bringing Intergenerational Social Mobility Research into the Twenty-first Century: Why Mothers Matter",0 "American Sociological Review",2009,"From Credit to Collective Action: The Role of Microfinance in Promoting Women's Social Capital and Normative Influence",1 "American Sociological Review",2009,"Low-Income Students and the Socioeconomic Composition of Public High Schools",0 "American Sociological Review",2009,"Discrimination in a Low-Wage Labor Market: A Field Experiment",0 "American Sociological Review",2009,"Intersections of Power and Privilege: Long-Term Trends in Managerial Representation",0 "American Sociological Review",2009,"Why Targets Matter: Toward a More Inclusive Model of Collective Violence",0 "American Sociological Review",2009,"Immigrant Bureaucratic Incorporation: The Dual Roles of Professional Missions and Government Policies",0 "American Sociological Review",2009,"Social Class, School and Non-School Environments, and Black/White Inequalities in Children's Learning",0 "American Sociological Review",2009,"Hispanics and Organized Labor in the United States, 1973 to 2007",0 "American Sociological Review",2009,"When Work Interferes with Life: Work-Nonwork Interference and the Influence of Work-Related Demands and Resources",0 "American Sociological Review",2009,"Movements, Aesthetics, and Markets in Literary Change: Making the American Labor Problem Novel",0 "American Sociological Review",2009,"Voting to Ban Same-Sex Marriage: Interests, Values, and Communities",0 "American Sociological Review",2009,"Culture and Mobilization: Tactical Repertoires, Same-Sex Weddings, and the Impact on Gay Activism",0 "American Sociological Review",2009,"Gender Differences in Sleep Disruption among Retail Food Workers",0 "American Sociological Review",2010,"Influential Cases in Multilevel Modeling: A Methodological Comment",0 "American Sociological Review",2010,"Moving Out but Not Up: Economic Outcomes in the Great Migration",0 "American Sociological Review",2010,"The New Politics of Community",0 "American Sociological Review",2010,"I'd Like to Thank the Academy, Team Spillovers, and Network Centrality",0 "American Sociological Review",2010,"The Myth Incarnate: Re-coupling Processes, Turmoil, and Inhabited Institutions in an Urban Elementary School",0 "American Sociological Review",2010,"National Religious Context and Volunteering: More Rigorous Tests Supporting the Association",0 "American Sociological Review",2010,"Social Change and Socioeconomic Disparities in Health over the Life Course in China: A Cohort Analysis",1 "American Sociological Review",2010,"Is There a Downside to Shooting for the Stars? Unrealized Educational Expectations and Symptoms of Depression",0 "American Sociological Review",2010,"Still Separate and Unequal? A City-Level Analysis of the Black-White Gap in Homicide Arrests since 1960",0 "American Sociological Review",2010,"Reinforcing Separate Spheres: The Effect of Spousal Overwork on Men's and Women's Employment in Dual-Earner Households",0 "American Sociological Review",2010,"American Exceptionalism Revisited: The Military-Industrial Complex, Racial Tension, and the Underdeveloped Welfare State",1 "American Sociological Review",2010,"Threat, Resistance, and Collective Action: The Cases of Sobibor, Treblinka, and Auschwitz",1 "American Sociological Review",2010,"Who Benefits Most from College?: Evidence for Negative Selection in Heterogeneous Economic Returns to Higher Education",0 "American Sociological Review",2010,"From Policy to Polity: Democracy, Paternalism, and the Incorporation of Disadvantaged Citizens",0 "American Sociological Review",2010,"The Effects of Organizational and Political Embeddedness on Financial Malfeasance in the Largest U.S. Corporations",0 "American Sociological Review",2010,"The Global Rise of Democracy",1 "American Sociological Review",2010,"Latino Immigrants and the U.S. Racial Order",0 "American Sociological Review",2010,"Occupations and the Structure of Wage Inequality in the United States, 1980s to 2000s",1 "American Sociological Review",2010,"Gastronationalism",1 "American Sociological Review",2010,"Stained Red",0 "American Sociological Review",2010,"Bringing the Polluters Back In: Environmental Inequality and the Organization of Chemical Production",0 "American Sociological Review",2010,"National and Global Origins of Environmental Association",1 "American Sociological Review",2010,"Effects of Prenatal Poverty on Infant Health: State Earned Income Tax Credits and Birth Weight",0 "American Sociological Review",2010,"The Things They Carry: Combat, Disability, and Unemployment among U.S. Men",0 "American Sociological Review",2010,"Religious Economy or Organizational Field?: Predicting Bishops' Votes at the Second Vatican Council",1 "American Sociological Review",2010,"Activist Religion, Empire, and the Emergence of Modern Long-Distance Advocacy Networks",1 "American Sociological Review",2010,"Calling for Participation: Requests, Blocking Moves, and Rational (Inter)action in Survey Introductions",0 "American Sociological Review",2010,"Racial Segregation and the American Foreclosure Crisis",0 "American Sociological Review",2010,"Stratification by Skin Color in Contemporary Mexico",1 "American Sociological Review",2010,"Differences in Disadvantage: Variation in the Motherhood Penalty across White Women's Earnings Distribution",0 "American Sociological Review",2010,"Good Times, Bad Times: Postwar Labor's Share of National Income in Capitalist Democracies",1 "American Sociological Review",2010,"The Rise of the Nation-State across the World, 1816 to 2001",1 "American Sociological Review",2010,"Personal Characteristics, Sexual Behaviors, and Male Sex Work: A Quantitative Approach",0 "American Sociological Review",2010,"The Temporal Structure of Scientific Consensus Formation",0 "American Sociological Review",2010,"Have Asian American Men Achieved Labor Market Parity with White Men?",0 "American Sociological Review",2010,"Cultural Foundations of Tokenism: Evidence from the Leveraged Buyout Industry",0 "American Sociological Review",2010,"Making the News: Movement Organizations, Media Attention, and the Public Agenda",0 "American Sociological Review",2010,"Religion, Social Networks, and Life Satisfaction",0 "American Sociological Review",2010,"Worldwide Trends in the Criminal Regulation of Sex, 1945 to 2005",1 "American Sociological Review",2010,"Neighborhood Context and the Gender Gap in Adolescent Violent Crime",0 "American Sociological Review",2011,"Learning to Be Illegal: Undocumented Youth and Shifting Legal Contexts in the Transition to Adulthood",0 "American Sociological Review",2011,"Targeting Lynch Victims: Social Marginality or Status Transgressions? NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2011,"Unions, Norms, and the Rise in U.S. Wage Inequality NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2011,"Constructing Citizenship: Exclusion, Subordination, and Resistance NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2011,"How Mothers and Fathers Share Childcare: A Cross-National Time-Use Comparison",1 "American Sociological Review",2011,"Courtesy Stigma and Monetary Sanctions: Toward a Socio-Cultural Theory of Punishment",0 "American Sociological Review",2011,"Schools for Democracy: Labor Union Participation and Latino Immigrant Parents' School-Based Civic Engagement",0 "American Sociological Review",2011,"You Can't Always Get What You Need: Organizational Determinants of Diversity Programs",0 "American Sociological Review",2011,"A Social Movement Generation: Cohort and Period Trends in Protest Attendance and Petition Signing",0 "American Sociological Review",2011,"How General Is Trust in ""Most People""? Solving the Radius of Trust Problem",1 "American Sociological Review",2011,"Nonmarital Childbearing, Union History, and Women's Health at Midlife NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2011,"Who Does More Housework: Rich or Poor? A Comparison of 33 Countries NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2011,"Neighborhood Effects in Temporal Perspective: The Impact of Long-Term Exposure to Concentrated Disadvantage on High School Graduation",0 "American Sociological Review",2011,"Money, Moral Authority, and the Politics of Creditworthiness NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2011,"The Initial Assignment Effect: Local Employer Practices and Positive Career Outcomes for Work-Family Program Users",0 "American Sociological Review",2011,"Social Environment, Genes, and Aggression: Evidence Supporting the Differential Susceptibility Perspective",1 "American Sociological Review",2011,"Neighborhood Immigration and Native Out-Migration NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2011,"""I Need Help!"" Social Class and Children's Help-Seeking in Elementary School",0 "American Sociological Review",2011,"Professional Role Confidence and Gendered Persistence in Engineering NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2011,"Uncertainty and Fertility in a Generalized AIDS Epidemic NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2011,"Income Dynamics, Economic Rents, and the Financialization of the U.S. Economy",0 "American Sociological Review",2011,"Toward a Theory of Cultural Appropriation: Buddhism, the Vietnam War, and the Field of U.S. Poetry",1 "American Sociological Review",2011,"Protesting While Black? The Differential Policing of American Activism, 1960 to 1990",0 "American Sociological Review",2011,"Revisiting the Gender Gap in Time-Use Patterns: Multitasking and Well-Being among Mothers and Fathers in Dual-Earner Families",0 "American Sociological Review",2011,"Cultural Anchors and the Organization of Differences: A Multi-method Analysis of LGBT Marches on Washington",0 "American Sociological Review",2011,"Misery Does Not Love Company: Network Selection Mechanisms and Depression Homophily",0 "American Sociological Review",2011,"Laws of Attraction: Regulatory Arbitrage in the Face of Activism in Right-to-Work States",0 "American Sociological Review",2011,"Cohesion, Cooperation, and the Value of Doing Things Together: How Economic Exchange Creates Relational Bonds",0 "American Sociological Review",2011,"Bringing Managers Back In: Managerial Influences on Workplace Inequality NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2011,"Consequences of Parental Divorce for Child Development NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2011,"Status Struggles: Network Centrality and Gender Segregation in Same- and Cross-Gender Aggression",0 "American Sociological Review",2011,"Variance Function Regression in Hierarchical Age-Period-Cohort Models: Applications to the Study of Self-Reported Health",0 "American Sociological Review",2011,"Changing Workplaces to Reduce Work-Family Conflict: Schedule Control in a White-Collar Organization",0 "American Sociological Review",2011,"Culture, Cognition, and Collaborative Networks in Organizations NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2011,"The Limit of Equality Projects: Public-Sector Expansion, Sectoral Conflicts, and Income Inequality in Postindustrial Economies",1 "American Sociological Review",2011,"Dangerous Liaisons? Dating and Drinking Diffusion in Adolescent Peer Networks",0 "American Sociological Review",2011,"The Firm Strikes Back: Non-compete Agreements and the Mobility of Technical Professionals",0 "American Sociological Review",2011,"Socioeconomic Status and the Increased Prevalence of Autism in California",0 "American Sociological Review",2011,"The Enduring Association between Education and Mortality: The Role of Widening and Narrowing Disparities",0 "American Sociological Review",2012,"Changing Global Norms through Reactive Diffusion: The Case of Intellectual Property Protection of AIDS Drugs",1 "American Sociological Review",2012,"Searching for a Mate: The Rise of the Internet as a Social Intermediary NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2012,"Globalization and Commitment in Corporate Social Responsibility: Cross-National Analyses of Institutional and Political-Economy Effects",1 "American Sociological Review",2012,"A Theory of the Self for the Sociology of Morality NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2012,"Hot Spots and Hot Moments in Scientific Collaborations and Social Movements",0 "American Sociological Review",2012,"The Fringe Effect: Civil Society Organizations and the Evolution of Media Discourse about Islam since the September 11th Attacks",1 "American Sociological Review",2012,"Religion and Volunteering in Context: Disentangling the Contextual Effects of Religion on Voluntary Behavior",0 "American Sociological Review",2012,"Politicization of Science in the Public Sphere: A Study of Public Trust in the United States, 1974 to 2010",0 "American Sociological Review",2012,"Hiring as Cultural Matching: The Case of Elite Professional Service Firms",0 "American Sociological Review",2012,"Sexual Harassment, Workplace Authority, and the Paradox of Power NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2012,"Mass Privatization, State Capacity, and Economic Growth in Post-Communist Countries",1 "American Sociological Review",2012,"Segregation and Poverty Concentration: The Role of Three Segregations NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2012,"Moving Beyond Deterrence: The Effectiveness of Raising the Expected Utility of Abstaining from Terrorism in Israel",1 "American Sociological Review",2012,"Forms of Exchange and Integrative Bonds: Effects of History and Embeddedness",0 "American Sociological Review",2012,"The Effect of Parents' Attitudes on Sons' Marriage Timing NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2012,"Racial Discrimination, Ethnic-Racial Socialization, and Crime: A Micro-sociological Model of Risk and Resilience",0 "American Sociological Review",2012,"Accounting for Women's Orgasm and Sexual Enjoyment in College Hookups and Relationships",0 "American Sociological Review",2012,"Revenge of the Managers: Labor Cost-Cutting and the Paradoxical Resurgence of Managerialism in the Shareholder Value Era, 1984 to 2001",0 "American Sociological Review",2012,"The Rise of the Super-Rich: Power Resources, Taxes, Financial Markets, and the Dynamics of the Top 1 Percent, 1949 to 2008",0 "American Sociological Review",2012,"Educational Differences in U.S. Adult Mortality: A Cohort Perspective NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2012,"Religion and Sexual Behaviors: Understanding the Influence of Islamic Cultures and Religious Affiliation for Explaining Sex Outside of",1 "American Sociological Review",2012,"Making Redistributive Direct Democracy Matter: Development and Women's Participation in the Gram Sabhas of Kerala, India",1 "American Sociological Review",2012,"It's All about Control: Worker Control over Schedule and Hours in Cross-National Context",1 "American Sociological Review",2012,"Rhetorics of Suffering: September 11 Commemorations as Theodicy NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2012,"Disease Politics and Medical Research Funding: Three Ways Advocacy Shapes Policy",0 "American Sociological Review",2012,"Constructing Adulthood in an Age of Uncertainty NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2012,"Despair by Association? The Mental Health of Mothers with Children by Recently Incarcerated Fathers",0 "American Sociological Review",2012,"Cultural Reception and Production: The Social Construction of Meaning in Book Clubs",0 "American Sociological Review",2012,"School Context and the Gender Gap in Educational Achievement NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2012,"The Extended Family and Children's Educational Success NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2012,"Neighborhood Diversity, Metropolitan Constraints, and Household Migration",0 "American Sociological Review",2012,"Academic Entrepreneurship and Exchange of Scientific Resources: Material Transfer in Life and Materials Sciences in Japanese Universities",1 "American Sociological Review",2012,"Resolving the Democracy Paradox: Democratization and Women's Legislative Representation in Developing Nations, 1975 to 2009",1 "American Sociological Review",2012,"We Can't Win This on Our Own: Unions, Firms, and Mobilization of External Allies in Labor Disputes",0 "American Sociological Review",2012,"Constructing Labor Markets: The Valuation of Black Labor in the U.S. South, 1831 to 1867",0 "American Sociological Review",2012,"Social Movements, Risk Perceptions, and Economic Outcomes: The Effect of Primary and Secondary Stakeholder Activism on Firms' Perceived",0 "American Sociological Review",2012,"Structure and Dynamics of Religious Insurgency: Students and the Spread of the Reformation",1 "American Sociological Review",2012,"Politics of Organizational Adornment: Lessons from Las Vegas and Beyond NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2012,"Is Breastfeeding Truly Cost Free? Income Consequences of Breastfeeding for Women",0 "American Sociological Review",2012,"Political Holes in the Economy: The Business Network of Partisan Firms in Hungary",1 "American Sociological Review",2013,"A Broken Public? Americans' Responses to the Great Recession NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2013,"Decomposing School Resegregation: Social Closure, Racial Imbalance, and Racial Isolation",0 "American Sociological Review",2013,"The Association of Social Class and Lifestyles: Persistence in American Sociability, 1974 to 2010",0 "American Sociological Review",2013,"Deciding to Cross: Norms and Economics of Unauthorized Migration NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2013,"Does Specialization Explain Marriage Penalties and Premiums? NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2013,"Community Social Capital and Entrepreneurship NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2013,"The Returns to Criminal Capital NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2013,"Pathways to Empowerment: Repertoires of Women's Activism and Gender Earnings Equality",1 "American Sociological Review",2013,"Conditional Decoupling: Assessing the Impact of National Human Rights Institutions, 1981 to 2004",1 "American Sociological Review",2013,"Social Isolation in America: An Artifact NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2013,"Gender and Time for Sleep among U.S. Adults NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2013,"Race, Legality, and the Social Policy Consequences of Anti-Immigration Mobilization",0 "American Sociological Review",2013,"Alliances and Perception Profiles in the Iranian Reform Movement, 1997 to 2005",1 "American Sociological Review",2013,"Remembering May 4, 1970: Integrating the Commemorative Field at Kent State",1 "American Sociological Review",2013,"The Mechanics of Social Capital and Academic Performance in an Indian College",1 "American Sociological Review",2013,"Pulpit and Press: Denominational Dynamics and the Growth of Religious Magazines in Antebellum America",0 "American Sociological Review",2013,"The Care Economy? Gender, Economic Restructuring, and Job Polarization in the US Labor Market",0 "American Sociological Review",2013,"The Capitalist Machine: Computerization, Workers' Power, and the Decline in Labor's Share within US Industries",0 "American Sociological Review",2013,"Redefining Relationships: Explaining the Countervailing Consequences of Paternal Incarceration for Parenting",0 "American Sociological Review",2013,"Belonging Before Believing: Group Ethos and Bloc Recruitment in the Making of Chinese Communism",1 "American Sociological Review",2013,"The Grandparents Effect in Social Mobility: Evidence from British Birth Cohort Studies",1 "American Sociological Review",2013,"The Shadow of Indebtedness: Bridewealth and Norms Constraining Female Reproductive Autonomy",1 "American Sociological Review",2013,"When White Is Just Alright: How Immigrants Redefine Achievement and Reconfigure the Ethnoracial Hierarchy",0 "American Sociological Review",2013,"The Corner and the Crew: The Influence of Geography and Social Networks on Gang Violence",0 "American Sociological Review",2013,"The Genomic Revolution and Beliefs about Essential Racial Differences: A Backdoor to Eugenics?",0 "American Sociological Review",2013,"Segmented Assimilation, Split Labor Markets, and Racial/Ethnic Inequality: The Case of Early-Twentieth-Century New York",1 "American Sociological Review",2013,"Neighborhood Immigration, Violence, and City-Level Immigrant Political Opportunities",0 "American Sociological Review",2013,"Gender and Twenty-First-Century Corporate Crime: Female Involvement and the Gender Gap in Enron-Era Corporate Frauds",0 "American Sociological Review",2013,"Can Honorific Awards Give Us Clues about the Connection between Socioeconomic Status and Mortality?",0 "American Sociological Review",2013,"Egalitarianism, Housework, and Sexual Frequency in Marriage NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2013,"How Macro-Historical Change Shapes Cultural Taste: Legacies of Democratization in Spain and Portugal",1 "American Sociological Review",2013,"Only 15 Minutes? The Social Stratification of Fame in Printed Media NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2013,"Unpolicing the Urban Poor: Consequences of Third-Party Policing for Inner-City Women",0 "American Sociological Review",2013,"Worker Replacement Costs and Unionization: Origins of the US Labor Movement",0 "American Sociological Review",2013,"Increasing Rejection of Intimate Partner Violence: Evidence of Global Cultural Diffusion",1 "American Sociological Review",2013,"More Is More or More Is Less? Parental Financial Investments during College",0 "American Sociological Review",2013,"When Unionization Disappears: State-Level Unionization and Working Poverty in the United States",1 "American Sociological Review",2013,"The Historical Nature of Cities: A Study of Urbanization and Hazardous Waste Accumulation",0 "American Sociological Review",2013,"Transforming Capitalism through Real Utopias NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2013,"A Reconsideration of the Fatherhood Premium: Marriage, Coresidence, Biology, and Fathers' Wages",0 "American Sociological Review",2013,"Leading Associations: How Individual Characteristics and Team Dynamics Generate Committed Leaders",0 "American Sociological Review",2013,"Racial Variation in the Effect of Incarceration on Neighborhood Attainment",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Political Polarization as a Social Movement Outcome: 1960s Klan Activism and Its Enduring Impact on Political Realignment in Southern Counties,",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Protest on the Fly: Toward a Theory of Spontaneity in the Dynamics of Protest and Social Movements",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Ethnic Identification and Its Consequences for Measuring Inequality in Mexico",1 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Reputation Formation and the Evolution of Cooperation in Anonymous Online Markets",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Unmasking the Conflicting Trends in Job Tenure by Gender in the United States, 1983-2008",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Coached for the Classroom: Parents' Cultural Transmission and Children's Reproduction of Educational Inequalities",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Prisoners and Paupers: The Impact of Group Threat on Incarceration in Nineteenth-Century US Cities",1 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Dilettante or Renaissance Person? How the Order of Job Experiences Affects Hiring in an External Labor Market",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"The Role of Bridging Cultural Practices in Racially and Socioeconomically Diverse Civic Organizations",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Trust Radius versus Trust Level: Radius of Trust as a Distinct Trust Construct",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Brokerage Professions and Implementing Reform in an Age of Experts NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Educational Segregation, Tea Party Organizations, and Battles over Distributive Justice",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Why Status Matters for Inequality NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Formal Rights and Informal Privileges for Same-Sex Couples: Evidence from a National Survey Experiment",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Medical Adaptation to Academic Pressure: Schooling, Stimulant Use, and Socioeconomic Status",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Citizenship and Punishment: The Salience of National Membership in U.S. Criminal Courts",1 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Economies of Dying: The Moralization of Economic Scarcity in U.S. Hospice Care",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"House of Green Cards: Statistical or Preference-Based Inequality in the Employment of Foreign Nationals",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Local Ethnic Composition and Natives' and Immigrants' Geographic Mobility in France, 1982-1999",1 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Network Ecology and Adolescent Social Structure NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2014,"The Effect of Status on Role-Taking Accuracy NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Entrepreneurship as a Mobility Process NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Union Strength, Neoliberalism, and Inequality: Contingent Political Analyses of US Income Differences since 1950",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Beauty and Status: The Illusion of Exchange in Partner Selection? NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Close, But No Cigar: The Bimodal Rewards to Prize-Seeking NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Shaming the Corporation: The Social Production of Targets and the Anti-Sweatshop Movement",1 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Changing Work and Work-Family Conflict: Evidence from the Work, Family, and Health Network",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"How You Downsize Is Who You Downsize: Biased Formalization, Accountability, and Managerial Diversity",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Does Fertility Behavior Spread among Friends? NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Overwork and the Slow Convergence in the Gender Gap in Wages NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Insiders, Outsiders, and the Struggle for Consecration in Cultural Fields: A Core-Periphery Perspective",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"The Reversal of the Gender Gap in Education and Trends in Marital Dissolution",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Who's the Boss? Explaining Gender Inequality in Entrepreneurial Teams NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Racial Inequality Trends and the Intergenerational Persistence of Income and Family Structure",1 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Black Mexicans, Conjunctural Ethnicity, and Operating Identities: Long-Term Ethnographic Analysis",1 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Casualties of Social Combat: School Networks of Peer Victimization and Their Consequences",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Suspending Progress: Collateral Consequences of Exclusionary Punishment in Public Schools",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Prenatal Exposure to Violence and Birth Weight in Mexico: Selectivity, Exposure, and Behavioral Responses",1 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Public Emergency Room Overcrowding in the Era of Mass Imprisonment NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Resource Partitioning and the Organizational Dynamics of ""Fringe Banking""",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Status Attainment of Siblings during Modernization NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Social Distance in the United States: Sex, Race, Religion, Age, and Education Homophily among Confidants, 1985 to 2004",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"""Notable"" or ""Not Able"": When Are Acts of Inconsistency Rewarded? NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Varieties of Capitalism and Job Quality: The Attainment of Civic Principles at Work in the United States and Germany",1 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Divergent Pathways of Gentrification: Racial Inequality and the Social Order of Renewal in Chicago Neighborhoods",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"The Radius of Trust Problem Remains Resolved NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Surveillance and System Avoidance: Criminal Justice Contact and Institutional Attachment",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Is the Motherhood Penalty Larger for Low-Wage Women? A Comment on Quantile Regression",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Does Immigration Undermine Public Support for Social Policy? NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2014,"The Parity Penalty in Life Course Perspective: Motherhood and Occupational Status in 13 European Countries",1 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Are Suicidal Behaviors Contagious in Adolescence? Using Longitudinal Data to Examine Suicide Suggestion",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Statistical Models and Empirical Evidence for Differences in the Motherhood Penalty across the Earnings Distribution",0 "American Sociological Review",2014,"Cross-Field Effects and Ethnic Classification The Institutionalization of Hispanic Panethnicity, 1965 to 1990",0 "American Sociological Review",2015,"Ethnic Diversity and Social Trust: Evidence from the Micro-Context NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2015,"International Human Rights and Domestic Income Inequality: A Difficult Case of Compliance in World Society",1 "American Sociological Review",2015,"The (Re)genesis of Values: Examining the Importance of Values for Action NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2015,"Dignity and Dreams: What the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) Means to Low-Income Families",0 "American Sociological Review",2015,"The Historical Demography of Racial Segregation NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2015,"Paradoxes of Social Policy: Welfare Transfers, Relative Poverty, and Redistribution Preferences",1 "American Sociological Review",2015,"The Price of Protection: A Trajectory Analysis of Civil Remedies for Abuse and Women's Earnings",0 "American Sociological Review",2015,"Lifetime Socioeconomic Status, Historical Context, and Genetic Inheritance in Shaping Body Mass in Middle and Late Adulthood",0 "American Sociological Review",2015,"Traditional, Modern, and Post-Secular Perspectives on Science and Religion in the United States",0 "American Sociological Review",2015,"Prayers, Protest, and Police: How Religion Influences Police Presence at Collective Action Events in the United States, 1960 to 1995",0 "American Sociological Review",2015,"Neighborhood Foreclosures, Racial/Ethnic Transitions, and Residential Segregation",0 "American Sociological Review",2015,"""No Fracking Way!"" Documentary Film, Discursive Opportunity, and Local Opposition against Hydraulic Fracturing in the United States, 2010 to",0 "American Sociological Review",2015,"Us and Them: Black-White Relations in the Wake of Hispanic Population Growth",0 "American Sociological Review",2015,"Protest Campaigns and Movement Success: Desegregating the US South in the Early 1960s",0 "American Sociological Review",2015,"Pulling Closer and Moving Apart: Interaction, Identity, and Influence in the US Senate, 1973 to 2009",0 "American Sociological Review",2015,"The Power of Transparency: Evidence from a British Workplace Survey NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2015,"Toward a New Macro-Segregation? Decomposing Segregation within and between Metropolitan Cities and Suburbs",0 "American Sociological Review",2015,"*Can We Finish the Revolution? Gender, Work-Family Ideals, and Institutional Constraint",0 "American Sociological Review",2015,"Positioning Multiraciality in Cyberspace: Treatment of Multiracial Daters in an Online Dating Website",0 "American Sociological Review",2015,"Cultural Knowledge and Social Inequality NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2015,"Can Ratings Have Indirect Effects? Evidence from the Organizational Response to Peers' Environmental Ratings",0 "American Sociological Review",2015,"A Dynamic Process Model of Private Politics: Activist Targeting and Corporate Receptivity to Social Challenges",0 "American Sociological Review",2015,"Contact Theory in a Small-Town Settler-Colonial Context: The Reproduction of Laissez-Faire Racism in Indigenous-White Canadian",1 "American Sociological Review",2015,"All That Is Solid: Bench-Building at the Frontiers of Two Experimental Sciences",0 "American Sociological Review",2015,"How National Institutions Mediate the Global: Screen Translation, Institutional Interdependencies, and the Production of National",1 "American Sociological Review",2015,"Working for Free in the VIP: Relational Work and the Production of Consent",0 "American Sociological Review",2015,"""Both Sides of the Story"": History Education in Post-Apartheid South Africa",1 "American Sociological Review",2015,"Choice, Information, and Constrained Options: School Transfers in a Stratified Educational System",0 "American Sociological Review",2015,"The Dynamics of Opportunity and Insurgent Practice: How Black Anti-colonialists Compelled Truman to Advocate Civil Rights",0 "American Sociological Review",2015,"Capturing Culture: A New Method to Estimate Exogenous Cultural Effects Using Migrant Populations",1 "American Sociological Review",2015,"Ideals as Anchors for Relationship Experiences NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2015,"Family Structure Transitions and Child Development: Instability, Selection, and Population Heterogeneity",0 "American Sociological Review",2015,"After State Socialism: The Political Origins of Transitional Recessions NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2015,"Accounting for the Child in the Transmission of Party Identification NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2015,"Do Women Suffer from Network Closure? The Moderating Effect of Social Capital on Gender Inequality in a Project-Based Labor Market, 1929 to",0 "American Sociological Review",2015,"Executive Compensation, Fat Cats, and Best Athletes NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2015,"Brokers and the Earnings of Female Sex Workers in India NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2015,"Altared States: Legal Structuring and Relationship Recognition in the United States, Canada, and Australia",1 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Rent Seeking and the Transformation of Employment Relationships: The Effect of Corporate Restructuring on Wage Patterns, Determinants, and",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Going Back in Time? Gender Differences in Trends and Sources of the Racial Pay Gap, 1970 to 2010",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Segregation in Civic Life: Ethnic Sorting and Mixing across Voluntary Associations",1 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Police Violence and Citizen Crime Reporting in the Black Community NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Ripples of Fear: The Diffusion of a Bank Panic NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Internal Wars, Taxation, and State Building NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Do Highly Paid, Highly Skilled Women Experience the Largest Motherhood Penalty?",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Fitting In or Standing Out? The Tradeoffs of Structural and Cultural Embeddedness",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Sexual Orientation in the Labor Market NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Whose Backyard and What's at Issue? Spatial and Ideological Dynamics of Local Opposition to Fracking in New York State, 2010 to 2013",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Inequality in Children's Contexts: Income Segregation of Households with and without Children",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Penalized or Protected? Gender and the Consequences of Nonstandard and Mismatched Employment Histories",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"From Patrick to John F.: Ethnic Names and Occupational Success in the Last Era of Mass Migration",1 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Does a Flexibility/Support Organizational Initiative Improve High-Tech Employees' Well-Being? Evidence from the Work, Family, and Health",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Migrant Transnational Participation: How Citizen Inclusion and Government Engagement Matter for Local Democratic Development in Mexico",1 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Explaining the Gaps in White, Black, and Hispanic Violence since 1990: Accounting for Immigration, Incarceration, and Inequality",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Immigration and Welfare Support in Germany NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Nonmarital First Births, Marriage, and Income Inequality NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Money Supply, Class Power, and Inflation: Monetarism Reassessed NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Cultural Sentiments and Schema-Consistency Bias in Information Transmission",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Tactical Innovation in Social Movements: The Effects of Peripheral and Multi-Issue Protest",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"The Accumulation of (Dis)advantage: The Intersection of Gender and Race in the Long-Term Wage Effect of Marriage",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Varieties of American Popular Nationalism NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Class Advantage, Commitment Penalty: The Gendered Effect of Social Class Signals in an Elite Labor Market",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Manufacturing Gender Inequality in the New Economy: High School Training for Work in Blue-Collar Communities",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"The Theory of Legal Cynicism and Sunni Insurgent Violence in Post-Invasion Iraq",1 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Through the Contested Terrain: Implementation of Downsizing Announcements by Large US Firms, 1984 to 2005",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"The Privatization of Political Representation: Community-Based Organizations as Nonelected Neighborhood Representatives",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Grievances and the Genesis of Rebellion: Mutiny in the Royal Navy, 1740 to 1820",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Neighborhood Attainment over the Adult Life Course NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Why Is There No Labor Party in the United States? Political Articulation and the Canadian Comparison, 1932 to 1948",1 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Adolescents under Pressure: A New Durkheimian Framework for Understanding Adolescent Suicide in a Cohesive Community",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Sometimes the Social Becomes Personal: Gender, Class, and Sexualities NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Modeling Dynamic Identities and Uncertainty in Social Interactions: Bayesian Affect Control Theory",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Geography, Joint Choices, and the Reproduction of Gender Inequality NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2016,"The Class Pay Gap in Higher Professional and Managerial Occupations NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2016,"The Role of Gender, Class, and Religion in Biracial Americans' Racial Labeling Decisions",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Trust Thy Crooked Neighbor: Multiplexity in Chicago Organized Crime Networks",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Saving Children, Controlling Families: Punishment, Redistribution, and Child Protection",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"From ""Different"" to ""Similar"": An Experimental Approach to Understanding Assimilation",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"What Does It Mean to Span Cultural Boundaries? Variety and Atypicality in Cultural Consumption",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Childhood Disadvantage and Health Problems in Middle and Later Life: Early Imprints on Physical Health?",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Money, Work, and Marital Stability: Assessing Change in the Gendered Determinants of Divorce",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"The Great and the Small: The Impact of Collective Action on the Evolution of Board Interlocks after the Panic of 1907",0 "American Sociological Review",2016,"Millionaire Migration and Taxation of the Elite: Evidence from Administrative Data",0 "American Sociological Review",2017,"Denunciation and Social Control NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2017,"The Politics of World Polity: Script-writing in International Organizations",1 "American Sociological Review",2017,"What Makes Popular Culture Popular? Product Features and Optimal Differentiation in Music",0 "American Sociological Review",2017,"Grand Advantage: Family Wealth and Grandchildren's Educational Achievement in Sweden",1 "American Sociological Review",2017,"Displaced in Place: Manufactured Housing, Mass Eviction, and the Paradox of State Intervention",0 "American Sociological Review",2017,"Demonstrating Power: How Protest Persuades Political Representatives NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2017,"The Effects of Gendered Occupational Roles on Men's and Women's Workplace Authority: Evidence from Microfinance",1 "American Sociological Review",2017,"A Position with a View: Educational Status and the Construction of the Occupational Hierarchy",0 "American Sociological Review",2017,"Beyond Incarceration: Criminal Justice Contact and Mental Health NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2017,"Horizontal Immobility: How Narratives of Neighborhood Violence Shape Housing Decisions",0 "American Sociological Review",2017,"Cultural Meanings and the Aggregation of Actions: The Case of Sex and Schooling in Malawi",1 "American Sociological Review",2017,"Community and Capital in Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2017,"When Two Bodies Are (Not) a Problem: Gender and Relationship Status Discrimination in Academic Hiring",0 "American Sociological Review",2017,"Cut to the Quick: The Consequences of Youth Violent Victimization for the Timing of Dating Debut and First Union Formation",0 "American Sociological Review",2017,"Comments on Conceptualizing and Measuring the Exchange of Beauty and Status",0 "American Sociological Review",2017,"Own Gender, Sibling's Gender, Parent's Gender: The Division of Elderly Parent Care among Adult Children",0 "American Sociological Review",2017,"Agents with Principles: The Control of Labor in the Dutch East India Company, 1700 to 1796",1 "American Sociological Review",2017,"Why Elites Love Authentic Lowbrow Culture: Overcoming High-Status Denigration with Outsider Art",0 "American Sociological Review",2017,"The Ambulance: Toward a Labor Theory of Poverty Governance NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2017,"Ambiguity and Scientific Authority: Population Classification in Genomic Science",0 "American Sociological Review",2017,"The Decline and Persistence of the Old Boy: Private Schools and Elite Recruitment 1897 to 2016",1 "American Sociological Review",2017,"Schools as Surveilling Institutions? Paternal Incarceration, System Avoidance, and Parental Involvement in Schooling",0 "American Sociological Review",2017,"The Motherhood Wage Penalty by Work Conditions: How Do Occupational Characteristics Hinder or Empower Mothers?",1 "American Sociological Review",2017,"Big Data Surveillance: The Case of Policing NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2017,"Support for Beauty-Status Exchange Remains Illusory NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2017,"The Costs of Simplicity: Why Multilevel Models May Benefit from Accounting for Cross-Cluster Differences in the Effects of Controls",1 "American Sociological Review",2017,"Channeling Hearts and Minds: Advocacy Organizations, Cognitive-Emotional Currents, and Public Conversation",0 "American Sociological Review",2017,"Welfare Benefits and Unemployment in Affluent Democracies: The Moderating Role of the Institutional Insider/Outsider Divide",1 "American Sociological Review",2017,"Addicted to Hate: Identity Residual among Former White Supremacists NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2017,"Seeing Like the Fed: Culture, Cognition, and Framing in the Failure to Anticipate the Financial Crisis of 2008",0 "American Sociological Review",2017,"Community and the Crime Decline: The Causal Effect of Local Nonprofits on Violent Crime",0 "American Sociological Review",2017,"Where ""Old Heads"" Prevail: Inmate Hierarchy in a Men's Prison Unit NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2017,"When Being in the Minority Pays Off: Relationships among Sellers and Price Setting in the Champagne Industry",0 "American Sociological Review",2017,"A Member Saved Is a Member Earned? The Recruitment-Retention Trade-Off and Organizational Strategies for Membership Growth",0 "American Sociological Review",2017,"An Immigrant Paradox? Contextual Attainment and Intergenerational Educational Mobility",1 "American Sociological Review",2017,"The New Closed Shop? The Economic and Structural Effects of Occupational Licensure",0 "American Sociological Review",2017,"It's the Conventional Thought That Counts: How Third-Order Inference Produces Status Advantage",0 "American Sociological Review",2018,"The Authentic Appeal of the Lying Demagogue: Proclaiming the Deeper Truth about Political Illegitimacy",0 "American Sociological Review",2018,"Precarious Sexuality: How Men and Women Are Differentially Categorized for Similar Sexual Behavior",0 "American Sociological Review",2018,"The Societalization of Social Problems: Church Pedophilia, Phone Hacking, and the Financial Crisis",0 "American Sociological Review",2018,"Educational Inequality, Educational Expansion, and Intergenerational Income Persistence in the United States",0 "American Sociological Review",2018,"Relative Education and the Advantage of a College Degree NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2018,"Unemployment, Temporary Work, and Subjective Well-Being: The Gendered Effect of Spousal Labor Market Insecurity",1 "American Sociological Review",2018,"Policy Generosity, Employer Heterogeneity, and Women's Employment Opportunities: The Welfare State Paradox Reexamined",1 "American Sociological Review",2018,"The Structure of Deference: Modeling Occupational Status Using Affect Control Theory",0 "American Sociological Review",2018,"Permanency and the Educational and Economic Attainment of Former Foster Children in Early Adulthood",0 "American Sociological Review",2018,"Immigrants' Economic Assimilation: Evidence from Longitudinal Earnings Records",0 "American Sociological Review",2018,"The Cultural-Cognitive Mapping of Scientific Professions NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2018,"The Social Sources of Geopolitical Power: French and British Diplomacy and the Politics of Interstate Recognition, 1689 to 1789",1 "American Sociological Review",2018,"No Laughter among Thieves: Authenticity and the Enforcement of Community Norms in Stand-Up Comedy",0 "American Sociological Review",2018,"Social and Genetic Pathways in Multigenerational Transmission of Educational Attainment",0 "American Sociological Review",2018,"Beyond Social Contagion: Associative Diffusion and the Emergence of Cultural Variation",0 "American Sociological Review",2018,"Compounding Inequalities: How Racial Stereotypes and Discrimination Accumulate across the Stages of Housing Exchange",0 "American Sociological Review",2018,"The Social Ecology of Speculation: Community Organization and Non-occupancy Investment in the US Housing Bubble",0 "American Sociological Review",2018,"The Dynamics of Intimate Partner Violence and the Risk of Pregnancy during the Transition to Adulthood",0 "American Sociological Review",2018,"Political Consequences of Survival Strategies among the Urban Poor NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2018,"Time, Anticipation, and the Life Course: Egg Freezing as Temporarily Disentangling Romance and Reproduction",0 "American Sociological Review",2018,"The Evolution of Gender Segregation over the Life Course NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2018,"Income Inequality and Class Divides in Parental Investments NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2018,"Wage Stagnation and Buyer Power: How Buyer-Supplier Relations Affect US Workers' Wages, 1978 to 2014",0 "American Sociological Review",2018,"It's Only Wrong If It's Transactional: Moral Perceptions of Obfuscated Exchange",0 "American Sociological Review",2018,"The Paradox of Persistence: Explaining the Black-White Gap in Bachelor's Degree Completion",0 "American Sociological Review",2018,"Who Are the ""Illegals""? The Social Construction of Illegality in the United States",0 "American Sociological Review",2018,"Is There a Male Marital Wage Premium? New Evidence from the United States",0 "American Sociological Review",2018,"Firm Turnover and the Return of Racial Establishment Segregation NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2018,"The Mark of a Woman's Record: Gender and Academic Performance in Hiring NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2018,"From Opt Out to Blocked Out: The Challenges for Labor Market Re-entry after Family-Related Employment Lapses",0 "American Sociological Review",2018,"Addressing Recognition Gaps: Destigmatization and the Reduction of Inequality",0 "American Sociological Review",2018,"The Institutional Determinants of Health Insurance: Moving Away from Labor Market, Marriage, and Family Attachments under the ACA",0 "American Sociological Review",2018,"Risky Investments: How Local and Foreign Investors Finesse Corruption-Rife Emerging Markets",1 "American Sociological Review",2018,"The Roots of Reciprocity: Gratitude and Reputation in Generalized Exchange Systems",0 "American Sociological Review",2018,"Education, Smoking, and Cohort Change: Forwarding a Multidimensional Theory of the Environmental Moderation of Genetic Effects",1 "American Sociological Review",2018,"A Systematic Assessment of ""Axial Age"" Proposals Using Global Comparative Historical Evidence",1 "American Sociological Review",2019,"Women in the One Percent: Gender Dynamics in Top Income Positions NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2019,"The Relation between Inequality and Intergenerational Class Mobility in 39 Countries",1 "American Sociological Review",2019,"Rhetorics of Radicalism NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2019,"Segregation and Violence Reconsidered: Do Whites Benefit from Residential Segregation?",0 "American Sociological Review",2019,"A Theory of Racialized Organizations NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2019,"Brilliant or Bad: The Gendered Social Construction of Exceptionalism in Early Adolescence",0 "American Sociological Review",2019,"Equalization or Selection? Reassessing the ""Meritocratic Power"" of a College Degree in Intergenerational Income Mobility",0 "American Sociological Review",2019,"The Organization of Neglect: Limited Liability Companies and Housing Disinvestment",0 "American Sociological Review",2019,"Scaling Down Inequality: Rating Scales, Gender Bias, and the Architecture of Evaluation",0 "American Sociological Review",2019,"The Cognitive Dimension of Household Labor NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2019,"Aggressive Policing and the Educational Performance of Minority Youth NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2019,"Status Characteristics, Implicit Bias, and the Production of Racial Inequality",0 "American Sociological Review",2019,"Structural Sexism and Health in the United States: A New Perspective on Health Inequality and the Gender System",0 "American Sociological Review",2019,"Encultured Biases: The Role of Products in Pathways to Inequality NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2019,"Measuring Automatic Cognition: Advancing Dual-Process Research in Sociology",0 "American Sociological Review",2019,"Family Complexity into Adulthood: The Central Role of Mothers in Shaping Intergenerational Ties",1 "American Sociological Review",2019,"Hearing Gender: Voice-Based Gender Classification Processes and Transgender Health Inequality",0 "American Sociological Review",2019,"Getting to Know You: Welfare Fraud Investigation and the Appropriation of Social Ties",0 "American Sociological Review",2019,"Complaint-Oriented Policing: Regulating Homelessness in Public Space NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2019,"Does Intra-household Contagion Cause an Increase in Prescription Opioid Use?",0 "American Sociological Review",2019,"Public Ideas: Their Varieties and Careers NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2019,"Performative State-Formation in the Early American Republic NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2019,"Certainty, Uncertainty, or Indifference? Examining Variation in the Identity Narratives of Nonreligious Americans",0 "American Sociological Review",2019,"What Drives Ethnic Homophily? A Relational Approach on How Ethnic Identification Moderates Preferences for Same-Ethnic Friends",1 "American Sociological Review",2019,"Genes, Gender Inequality, and Educational Attainment NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2019,"Linked Lives, Linked Trajectories: Intergenerational Association of Intragenerational Income Mobility",0 "American Sociological Review",2019,"Between Tolerant Containment and Concerted Constraint: Managing Madness for the City and the Privileged Family",0 "American Sociological Review",2019,"School-to-Work Linkages, Educational Mismatches, and Labor Market Outcomes",1 "American Sociological Review",2019,"The Moral Limits of Predictive Practices: The Case of Credit-Based Insurance Scores",0 "American Sociological Review",2019,"Feeling Race: Theorizing the Racial Economy of Emotions NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2019,"Data Collection as Disruption: Insights from a Longitudinal Study of Young Adulthood",1 "American Sociological Review",2019,"Race and Networks in the Job Search Process NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2019,"Mapping Cultural Schemas: From Theory to Method NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2019,"Crossing Categorical Boundaries: A Study of Diversification by Social Movement Organizations",0 "American Sociological Review",2019,"Low-Income Black Mothers Parenting Adolescents in the Mass Incarceration Era: The Long Reach of Criminalization",0 "American Sociological Review",2019,"Consequences of Routine Work-Schedule Instability for Worker Health and Well-Being",0 "American Sociological Review",2019,"The Geometry of Culture: Analyzing the Meanings of Class through Word Embeddings",0 "American Sociological Review",2019,"The Sociology of Gaslighting NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2019,"The Global Increase in the Socioeconomic Achievement Gap, 1964 to 2015 NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2020,"Measuring Stability and Change in Personal Culture Using Panel Data NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2020,"Getting Eyes in the Home: Child Protective Services Investigations and State Surveillance of Family Life",0 "American Sociological Review",2020,"Who Gets the Benefit of the Doubt? Performance Evaluations, Medical Errors, and the Production of Gender Inequality in Emergency Medical",0 "American Sociological Review",2020,"Do Police Brutality Stories Reduce 911 Calls? Reassessing an Important Criminological Finding",0 "American Sociological Review",2020,"School Outcomes of Children Raised by Same-Sex Parents: Evidence from Administrative Panel Data",1 "American Sociological Review",2020,"Sociology Engaged in Social Justice NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2020,"Vaccine Refusal and Pharmaceutical Acquiescence: Parental Control and Ambivalence in Managing Children's Health",0 "American Sociological Review",2020,"How Marriage Matters for the Intergenerational Mobility of Family Income: Heterogeneity by Gender, Life Course, and Birth Cohort",0 "American Sociological Review",2020,"Becoming Wards of the State: Race, Crime, and Childhood in the Struggle for Foster Care Integration, 1920s to 1960s",0 "American Sociological Review",2020,"Scientific Hegemony and the Field of Autism NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2020,"Inside the Black Box of Organizational Life: The Gendered Language of Performance Assessment",0 "American Sociological Review",2020,"Exogenous Shocks, the Criminal Elite, and Increasing Gender Inequality in Chicago Organized Crime",0 "American Sociological Review",2020,"Opting Out: Individualism and Vaccine Refusal in Pockets of Socioeconomic Homogeneity",0 "American Sociological Review",2020,"Who Is an Indian Child? Institutional Context, Tribal Sovereignty, and Race-Making in Fragmented States",0 "American Sociological Review",2020,"Exploiting Ambiguity: A Moral Polysemy Approach to Variation in Economic Practices",0 "American Sociological Review",2020,"Triple Disadvantage: Neighborhood Networks of Everyday Urban Mobility and Violence in US Cities",0 "American Sociological Review",2020,"Mano Suave-Mano Dura: Legitimacy Policing and Latino Stop-and-Frisk NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2020,"New on the Block: Analyzing Network Selection Trajectories in a Prison Treatment Program",0 "American Sociological Review",2020,"What Explains Racial/Ethnic Inequality in Job Quality in the Service Sector?",0 "American Sociological Review",2020,"Avoiding Us versus Them: How Schools' Dependence on Privileged ""Helicopter"" Parents Influences Enforcement of Rules",0 "American Sociological Review",2020,"We Built This: Consequences of New Deal Era Intervention in America's Racial Geography",0 "American Sociological Review",2020,"National Family Policies and Mothers' Employment: How Earnings Inequality Shapes Policy Effects across and within Countries",1 "American Sociological Review",2020,"De-gendered Processes, Gendered Outcomes: How Egalitarian Couples Make Sense of Non-egalitarian Household Practices",0 "American Sociological Review",2020,"Socially-Structured Mobility Networks and School Segregation Dynamics: The Role of Emergent Consideration Sets",0 "American Sociological Review",2020,"Educational Expansion, Skills Diffusion, and the Economic Value of Credentials and Skills",1 "American Sociological Review",2020,"A Numbers Game: Quantification of Work, Auto-Gamification, and Worker Productivity",1 "American Sociological Review",2020,"Does Use of Emotion Increase Donations and Volunteers for Nonprofits? NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2020,"Multiplex Network Ties and the Spatial Diffusion of Radical Innovations: Martin Luther's Leadership in the Early Reformation",1 "American Sociological Review",2020,"From Aristocratic to Ordinary: Shifting Modes of Elite Distinction NA",1 "American Sociological Review",2020,"Getting In, Getting Hired, Getting Sideways Looks: Organizational Hierarchy and Perceptions of Racial Discrimination",0 "American Sociological Review",2020,"Workplace Compensation Practices and the Rise in Benefit Inequality NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2020,"Contraction as a Response to Group Threat: Demographic Decline and Whites' Classification of People Who Are Ambiguously White",0 "American Sociological Review",2020,"The Variability of Occupational Attainment: How Prestige Trajectories Diversified within Birth Cohorts over the Twentieth Century",1 "American Sociological Review",2020,"Cognitive Authority and the Constraint of Attitude Change in Groups NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2020,"Pluralistic Collapse: The ""Oil Spill"" Model of Mass Opinion Polarization NA",0 "American Sociological Review",2020,"His and Her Earnings Following Parenthood in the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom",1 "American Sociological Review",2020,"Elaborating on the Abstract: Group Meaning-Making in a Colombian Microsavings Program",1 "Social Forces",1953,"PARENTAL PARTICIPATION IN MATE SELECTION AND ITS EFFECT UPON FAMILY CONTINUITY",0 "Social Forces",1953,"THE USE OF SOCIOLOGY IN AN INDUSTRIAL MEDICAL PROGRAM",0 "Social Forces",1953,"EDUCATION FOR MARRIAGE AND FAMILY RELATIONS IN SOUTHERN COLLEGES",0 "Social Forces",1953,"THE CRITERIA OF ORGANIZATIONAL SUCCESS",0 "Social Forces",1953,"PERCEPTUAL OBSTACLES TO CLASS CONSCIOUSNESS",0 "Social Forces",1953,"INDUSTRY COMES OF AGE IN THE SOUTH",0 "Social Forces",1953,"NEGRO JOB STATUS AND EDUCATION",0 "Social Forces",1953,"STATUS CONGRUENCY AS A VARIABLE IN SMALL GROUP PERFORMANCE",0 "Social Forces",1953,"A STUDY OF MANAGEMENT REPRESENTATIVE EVALUATIONS OF NISEI WORKERS",1 "Social Forces",1953,"THE ADJUSTMENT OF SOUTHERN WHITE MIGRANTS TO NORTHERN URBAN NORMS",1 "Social Forces",1953,"THE ACHIEVEMENT OF HIGH STATUSES AND LEADERSHIP IN THE SMALL GROUP",0 "Social Forces",1953,"NOTE ON ATTITUDES TOWARD THE UNITED NATIONS: AN EXPERIMENT IN ATTITUDE CHANGE",1 "Social Forces",1953,"PITIRIM SOROKIN AND HIS SOCIOLOGY",1 "Social Forces",1953,"THE MARGINAL CATHOLIC: AN INSTITUTIONAL APPROACH",0 "Social Forces",1953,"BUSINESSMEN AND BUREAUCRATS",0 "Social Forces",1953,"A STUDY OF CHINESE ASSIMILATION IN HAWAII",1 "Social Forces",1953,"TOWARD A SOCIOLOGY OF LANGUAGE",0 "Social Forces",1953,"MIGRATION AND MARITAL STATUS IN TEN SOUTHEASTERN CITIES",1 "Social Forces",1953,"THE RELATIONSHIP OF MARITAL STATUS TO INCIDENCE OF AND RECOVERY FROM MENTAL ILLNESS",0 "Social Forces",1953,"A CONCEPTUAL SCHEME FOR THE SOCIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF ELECTION CAMPAIGNS",1 "Social Forces",1953,"JOBS FOR NEGROES: SOME NORTH-SOUTH PLANT STUDIES",0 "Social Forces",1953,"PLANNING CONCEPTS AND REGIONAL RESEARCH",0 "Social Forces",1953,"BEHAVIOR AND PERSONALITY IN JAPAN:. A CRITIQUE OF THREE STUDIES OF JAPANESE PERSONALITY",1 "Social Forces",1953,"FOLK SOCIOLOGY AS A SUBJECT FIELD FOR THE HISTORICAL STUDY OF TOTAL HUMAN SOCIETY AND THE EMPIRICAL STUDY OF GROUP BEHAVIOR",0 "Social Forces",1953,"NOTE ON RACIAL IDEAS OF THE JAPANESE",1 "Social Forces",1953,"POSTPONEMENT OF SOCIAL DECISION IN TRANSITIONAL SOCIETY",1 "Social Forces",1953,"THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE FOLK SOCIETY",0 "Social Forces",1953,"THE ETHNIC GROUP AS A COLLECTIVITY",1 "Social Forces",1953,"JAPAN'S POST-WAR POPULATION PROBLEMS",1 "Social Forces",1953,"TOWARD A DISTINCTION BETWEEN PSYCHIATRIC AND SOCIAL ABNORMALITY",0 "Social Forces",1953,"DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS AND JOB MOBILITY OF MIGRANTS IN SIX CITIES.",0 "Social Forces",1953,"SITUATIONAL PRESSURES AND FUNCTIONAL ROLE OF THE LABOR LEADER",1 "Social Forces",1953,"RESEARCH-ORIENTED TEACHING OF THE COURSE IN THE FAMILY.",0 "Social Forces",1953,"A FRAMEWORK FOR RESEARCH IN THE ACTIONS OF COMMUNITY GROUPS;",0 "Social Forces",1953,"VALUES, POSITIVISM, AND THE FUNCTIONAL THEORY OF RELIGION: THE GROWTH OF A MORAL DILEMMA",0 "Social Forces",1953,"THE PROCESS OF SOCIAL STRATIFICATION AMONG AN URBAN SOUTHERN MINORITY POPULATION",0 "Social Forces",1953,"SOME SOCIAL VALUES ASSOCIATED WITH OBJECTIVELY AND SUBJECTIVELY DEFINED SOCIAL CLASS MEMBERSHIPS",0 "Social Forces",1953,"FOUR APPROACHES TO CULTURAL CHANGE: A SYSTEMATIC ASSESSMENT",0 "Social Forces",1953,"ELEMENTS IN THE PROGRESSIVE DEVELOPMENT OF SMALL GROUPS",0 "Social Forces",1953,"RESIDENTIAL TURNOVER AND FAMILY COMPOSITION OF HOME OWNERS IN FOUR SUBDIVISIONS IN NATICA, MASSACHUSETTS",0 "Social Forces",1953,"ON URBANIZATION INDICES",0 "Social Forces",1953,"STUDIES IN CHILD SPACING. II. THE TIME-INTERVAL BETWEEN MARRIAGE OF PARENTS AND BIRTH OF THEIR FIRST CHILD, TIPPECANOE COUNTRY, INDIANA",0 "Social Forces",1953,"LOOSENESS AND RIGIDITY IN FAMILY STRUCTURE",1 "Social Forces",1954,"ELLSWORTH FARIS, 1874-1953",0 "Social Forces",1954,"STATISTICAL INDEXES OF THE SOCIAL ASPECTS OF COMMUNITIES",0 "Social Forces",1954,"SOME LOGICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL PROBLEMS IN COMMUNITY RESEARCH",0 "Social Forces",1954,"A THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK FOR SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH IN COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION",0 "Social Forces",1954,"A SOCIOLOGIST LOOKS AT RACIAL DESEGREGATION IN THE SOUTH",0 "Social Forces",1954,"SHIFTING GROUP ATTACHMENT AND ATTITUDES TOWARDS NEGROES",0 "Social Forces",1954,"THE TRANSMISSION OF RACIAL ATTITUDES AMONG WHITE SOUTHERNERS",0 "Social Forces",1954,"COMMUNITY CHEST CAMPAIGNS AS AN INDEX OF COMMUNITY INTEGRATION",0 "Social Forces",1954,"ESSENTIAL STRUCTURAL REQUISITES IN RACE RELATIONS",0 "Social Forces",1954,"THE CONTROL OF SOCIAL CHANGE: A SOUTH AFRICAN EXPERIMENT",1 "Social Forces",1954,"SOCIAL CONTROLS IN THE RACE RELATIONS PATTERN OF A SMALL NEW ENGLAND TOWN",1 "Social Forces",1954,"THE NEGRO INTELLECTUAL AND NEGRO NATIONALISM",0 "Social Forces",1954,"A SUGGESTED SINGLE INDEX FOR A MEASURE OF CHANGING AGE DISTRIBUTIONS IN GENERAL POPULATIONS.",1 "Social Forces",1954,"EXPECTATION OF LIFEACTUAL VERSUS PREDICTED TRENDS",1 "Social Forces",1954,"AN INDUCTIVE STUDY OF THE NATURE OF CULTURE",0 "Social Forces",1954,"LIFE COURSE IN MIDDLE AGE",0 "Social Forces",1954,"THE SOCIAL STRUCTURE OF A SINDHI REFUGEE COMMUNITY",1 "Social Forces",1954,"CHILDHOOD EXPERIENCE AND EMOTIONAL SECURITY IN THE CONTEXT OF SINHALESE SOCIAL ORGANIZATION",1 "Social Forces",1954,"CIRCUITOUS ASSIMILATION AMONG RURAL HINDUSTANIS IN CALIFORNIA",1 "Social Forces",1954,"ADJUSTMENT PROBLEMS OF COLLEGE STUDENTS",0 "Social Forces",1954,"THE FOLK SOCIETY -AN ANTHROPOLOGICAL APPLICATION",0 "Social Forces",1954,"OCCUPATIONAL DIFFERENTIATION IN SOUTH INDIA",1 "Social Forces",1954,"SOCIAL MOBILITY AND RADICALISM-CONSERVATISM",0 "Social Forces",1954,"CULTURAL COMPATIBILITY IN THE ADOPTION OF TELEVISION",0 "Social Forces",1954,"SOCIOLOGICAL NOTES ON THE JAM SESSION",0 "Social Forces",1954,"INTEREST PREFERENCES AND THEIR EFFECT UPON ACADEMIC SUCCESS",0 "Social Forces",1954,"THE STATUS OF SOCIOLOGY IN INDEPENDENT INDIA",1 "Social Forces",1954,"BUREAUCRACY IN A GOVERNMENT LABORATORY",0 "Social Forces",1954,"TOWARD A SOCIOLOGY OF EXPERTNESS",0 "Social Forces",1954,"PHILANTHROPIC ACTIVITY AND THE BUSINESS CAREER",1 "Social Forces",1954,"LEADERSHIP AND SOCIAL CHANGE: THE REACTIONS OF A SPECIAL GROUP TO INDUSTRIALIZATION AND POPULATION INFLUX;",0 "Social Forces",1954,"EXPERIMENT IN INTERGROUP RELATIONS-A TEN-YEAR SUMMARY",0 "Social Forces",1954,"CONCEPTIONS OF OFFICIAL LEADER ROLES IN THE AIR FORCE",0 "Social Forces",1954,"BUREAUCRATS AS HEROES",0 "Social Forces",1954,"THE JUVENILE COURT IN ITS RELATIONSHIP TO ADULT CRIMINALITY",0 "Social Forces",1954,"THE EFFECTS OF COUNSELING ON ADJUSTMENT IN PRISON",0 "Social Forces",1954,"THE NOMADIC. PEOPLE OF NORTHERN GREECE: ETHNIC PUZZLE AND CULTURAL SURVIVAL",1 "Social Forces",1955,"MORAL BEWILDERMENT.",1 "Social Forces",1955,"SOME OBSERVATIONS ON SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH",1 "Social Forces",1955,"SOME COMMENTS ON CONCEPTS",1 "Social Forces",1955,"HIGH ANXIETY LEVELS AND CULTURAL INTEGRATION: NOTES ON A PSYCHO-CULTURAL HYPOTHESIS",1 "Social Forces",1955,"THE DEFINITION AND MEASUREMENT OF AMBIENCES",1 "Social Forces",1955,"EVENT ANALYSIS AS AN APPROACH TO COMMUNITY STUDY",1 "Social Forces",1955,"A LONGITUDINAL APPROACH TO THE STUDY OF CULTURAL GROWTH",1 "Social Forces",1955,"MARGINAL STATUS AND MARGINAL PERSONALITY",1 "Social Forces",1955,"A TEST OF THE UNDIMENSIONALITY OF THE INDEX OF STATUS CHARACTERISTICS.",1 "Social Forces",1955,"DIMENSIONS AND AXES OF SUPREME COURT DECISIONS: A STUDY IN THE SOCIOLOGY OF CONFLICT",1 "Social Forces",1955,"CHANGING PATTERNS OF FERTILITY IN MORRISTOWN, PENNSYLVANIA, 1920-1950",1 "Social Forces",1955,"RELATIONSHIP OF ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIOR IN ECOLOGICAL MOBILITY",1 "Social Forces",1955,"SIMILARITY IN BACKGROUND CHARACTERISTICS AND DIFFERENTIAL FERTILITY.",1 "Social Forces",1955,"STUDIES IN CHILD SPACING: IV. THE TIME-INTERVAL SEPARATING ALL CHILDREN IN COMPLETED FAMILIES OF PURDUE UNIVERSITY GRADUATES",1 "Social Forces",1955,"NATIONAL AND REGIONAL CULTURAL VALUES IN THE UNITED STATES",1 "Social Forces",1955,"MEASURING THE AWARENESS OF THE PROBLEM OF GROUP HOSTILITY",0 "Social Forces",1955,"THE STRUCTURED INTERVIEW AS A SOCIAL RELATIONSHIP",0 "Social Forces",1955,"THE RAS TAFARI MOVEMENT IN JAMAICA: A STUDY OF RACE AND CLASS CONFLICT",1 "Social Forces",1955,"REFERENCE GROUPS OF FUTURE-ORIENTED MEN",0 "Social Forces",1955,"FARM OUTMIGRATION AS AN INTEGRATIVE ADJUSTMENT TO ECONOMIC GROWTH",0 "Social Forces",1955,"INDUSTRIAL PROGRESS AND RURAL STAGNATION IN THE NEW SOUTH",0 "Social Forces",1955,"HOWARD W. ODUM AND AMERICAN REGIONALISM",0 "Social Forces",1955,"SOCIAL STRATIFICATION AND COMBAT SURVIVAL",1 "Social Forces",1955,"THE CONTRIBUTION OF GEORGE H. MEAD TO THE SOCIOLOGY OF KNOWLEDGE",0 "Social Forces",1955,"THE REFERENCE GROUP APPROACH TO THE PARENTAL FACTOR IN ATTITUDE AND BEHAVIOR FORMATION",0 "Social Forces",1955,"CONCEPTUAL ERRORS COMMON IN THE TEACHING OF SOCIOLOGY",0 "Social Forces",1955,"A PROPOSAL FOR THE USE OF CONTENT ANALYSIS EVIDENCE IN LITERARY INFRINGEMENT CASES",0 "Social Forces",1955,"HOWARD ODUM",0 "Social Forces",1955,"ROLE CONFLICT, THE PATTERN VARIABLE THEORY, AND SCALOGRAM ANALYSIS",0 "Social Forces",1955,"VALUE ANALYSIS IN THE THEORY OF SOCIAL PROBLEMS",0 "Social Forces",1955,"METHODOLOGICAL NOTE ON MEASURING SELECTION IN DIFFERENTIAL MIGRATION",0 "Social Forces",1955,"JOB PLANS AND ENTRY INTO THE LABOR MARKET",0 "Social Forces",1955,"MARXIAN IMPLICATIONS OF CENTERS' INTEREST-GROUP THEORY: A CRITICAL APPRAISAL",0 "Social Forces",1955,"SOCIAL IMAGES IN EAST AND WEST GERMANY: A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF MATCHED NEWSPAPERS IN TWO SOCIAL SYSTEMS",1 "Social Forces",1955,"FAMILISM AND MARITAL SUCCESS",0 "Social Forces",1955,"A CRITIQUE OF CONTEMPORARY MARRIAGE AND FAMILY RESEARCH",0 "Social Forces",1955,"INDUSTRIAL CONTROLS AND PERSONAL RELATIONS;",0 "Social Forces",1955,"SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR THE LEGITIMATION OF INDUSTRIAL STUDIES IN SOCIOLOGY",1 "Social Forces",1955,"SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY AND INDUSTRIAL SOCIOLOGY",0 "Social Forces",1955,"TOWARD A THEORY OF THE LABOR MARKET",0 "Social Forces",1955,"SOME OBSERVATIONS ON THE SOCIAL ORGANIZATION OF INTERDISCIPLINARY SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH",0 "Social Forces",1955,"ATTITUDINAL CONCOMITANTS TO MILITARY STATUSES",0 "Social Forces",1955,"COHESION IN A SMALL GROUP: A CASE STUDY",0 "Social Forces",1955,"HUMAN RELATIONS LEADERSHIP AND THE ASSOCIATION OF MORALE AND EFFICIENCY IN WORK GROUPS: A CONTROLLED STUDY WITH SMALL MILITARY UNITS",0 "Social Forces",1955,"GROUP AUTONOMY AND INTERNAL GROUP CONTROL",0 "Social Forces",1955,"SOCIAL INTEGRATION BUREAUCRATIZATION AND THE PROFESSIONS",0 "Social Forces",1955,"PSYCHIATRY: A SOCIAL INSTITUTION IN PROCESS",0 "Social Forces",1955,"THE TRUCKING INDUSTRY AND THE NATIONAL RECOVERY ADMINISTRATION",0 "Social Forces",1956,"TOWARD A REFINEMENT OF THE 'MARGINAL MAN' CONCEPT",0 "Social Forces",1956,"FIELD WORK AMONG SCOTTISH SHEPHERDS AND GERMAN PEASANTS: 'WHOLES' AND THEIR HANDICAPS",1 "Social Forces",1956,"AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS OF RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS: AN EVALUATION OF DATA ACCURACY",0 "Social Forces",1956,"A CONTRIBUTION TO THE THEORY OF PARTICIPANT OBSERVATION",0 "Social Forces",1956,"A METHOD OF DERIVING GEOGRAPHIC PATTERNS OF ASSOCIATED DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS WITHIN URBAN AREAS",0 "Social Forces",1956,"RESEARCH WITH PEASANTS IN UNDERDEVELOPED AREAS",0 "Social Forces",1956,"A SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE ON IMMIGRANT ADJUSTMENT",0 "Social Forces",1956,"POWER AS A PRIMARY CONCEPT IN THE STUDY OF MINORITIES",0 "Social Forces",1956,"ATTITUDES TOWARD URBAN AND SUBURBAN RESIDENCE IN INDIANAPOLIS",0 "Social Forces",1956,"FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH URBAN ADJUSTMENT OF RURAL SOUTHERN MIGRANTS",0 "Social Forces",1956,"POPULATION REDISTRIBUTION WITHIN METROPOLITAN AREAS: EVALUATION OF RESEARCH",0 "Social Forces",1956,"OCCUPATIONAL DETERMINATENESS; A PROBLEM AND HYPOTHESES IN ROLE THEORY",1 "Social Forces",1956,"SOCIAL ORIGINS AND OCCUPATIONAL ADJUSTMENT",0 "Social Forces",1956,"SOCIAL STRATIFICATION IN RELATION TO ATTITUDE TOWARD SOURCES OF POWER IN A COMMUNITY",0 "Social Forces",1956,"SOCIAL STRATIFICATION AND THE COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF ELITES",0 "Social Forces",1956,"A MODIFICATION OF THE FUNCTIONAL THEORY OF SOCIAL STRATIFICATION",0 "Social Forces",1956,"THE LABOR VOTE: A LOCAL UNION'S IMPACT ON THE POLITICAL CONDUCT OF ITS MEMBERS",0 "Social Forces",1956,"ANALYZING METROPOLITAN DOMINANCE",0 "Social Forces",1956,"RECENT POPULATION TRENDS IN THE SOUTHEAST",0 "Social Forces",1956,"FAMILY ROLE STRUCTURE AND SELF BLAME",0 "Social Forces",1956,"LABOR DISTRIBUTION AND THE NORMATIVE SYSTEM",0 "Social Forces",1956,"EXECUTIVES AND SUPERVISORS: A SITUATIONAL THEORY OF DIFFERENTIAL OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY",0 "Social Forces",1956,"THE PATTERN OF DIVORCE IN THREE GENERATIONS",0 "Social Forces",1956,"THE DOUBLE STANDARD IN PREMARITAL SEXUAL INTERCOURSE",0 "Social Forces",1956,"POSITION, ROLE, AND STATUS: A REFORMULATION OF CONCEPTS",0 "Social Forces",1956,"SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND PARTICIPATION IN DIFFERENT TYPES OF FORMAL ASSOCIATIONS.",0 "Social Forces",1956,"THE FORMALIZATION PROCESS IN VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATIONS",0 "Social Forces",1956,"A TYPOLOGY OF COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP BASED ON INFLUENCE AND INTERACTION WITHIN THE LEADER SUBSYSTEM",0 "Social Forces",1956,"THE ILLITERATE IN AMERICAN SOCIETY: SOME GENERAL HYPOTHESES",0 "Social Forces",1956,"FACTORS RELATED TO THE VIRGINIA VOTE ON SEGREGATION",0 "Social Forces",1956,"SOCIAL FACTORS IN HEART DISEASE: A PRELIMINARY RESEARCH REPORT ON THE RELATIONSHIP OF CERTAIN SOCIAL FACTORS TO BLOOD PRESSURE IN MALES",0 "Social Forces",1956,"BUREAUCRATIC MASS MEDIA: A STUDY IN ROLE DEFINITIONS",0 "Social Forces",1956,"RAISING RESEARCH TO TEACHING RATIOS: A TEN-POINT PROGRAM FOR SOCIOLOGY DEPARTMENTS WHEN ENROLLMENTS RISE AND RESOURCES LAG",0 "Social Forces",1957,"A STUDY OF ATTITUDES TOWARD THE USE OF CONCEALED DEVICES IN SOCIAL SCIENCE RESEARCH",0 "Social Forces",1957,"A CONCEPTUAL ANALYSIS OF GROUP STRUCTURE",0 "Social Forces",1957,"A PROPOSED MODEL FOR MEASURING THE ECOLOGICAL PROCESS OF DOMINANCE",0 "Social Forces",1957,"CONTACT PATTERNS IN THE CITY",0 "Social Forces",1957,"SATELLITES AND SUBURBS",0 "Social Forces",1957,"AN EMPIRICAL STUDY OF SOCIAL CLASS AWARENESS",0 "Social Forces",1957,"THE JAPANESE SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND THE SOURCE OF MENTAL STRAINS OF JAPANESE IMMIGRANTS IN THE UNITED STATES",1 "Social Forces",1957,"THE PROTECTIVE ENVIRONMENT AND ADOLESCENT SOCIALIZATION.",1 "Social Forces",1957,"PERSONALITY CHARACTERISTICS AND MARITAL SATISFACTION",0 "Social Forces",1957,"A CASE FOR THE THEORY OF FAMILIAL ROLE DIFFERENTIATION IN SMALL GROUPS",0 "Social Forces",1957,"ORIENTATION TO EDUCATION AS A FACTOR IN THE SCHOOL MALADJUSTMENT OF LOWER-CLASS CHILDREN",0 "Social Forces",1957,"INTERMARRIAGE AND CULTURAL CHANGE: A STUDY OF PHILIPPINE-AMERICAN MARRIAGES",1 "Social Forces",1957,"VALUE CONFLICTS IN CATHOLIC DEVICE-CONTRACEPTIVE USAGE",0 "Social Forces",1957,"FAMILY STATUS AND THE DELINQUENT CHILD: A REAPPRAISAL AND SOME NEW FINDINGS",0 "Social Forces",1957,"THE INFLUENCE OF INFORMATION ON THREE DIMENSIONS OF PREJUDICE TOWARD NEGROES",0 "Social Forces",1957,"ETHNIC DIFFERENCES IN AUTHORITY PERSONALITY",0 "Social Forces",1957,"GROUP DECISION-MAKING AND DISAGREEMENT",0 "Social Forces",1957,"DECISION MAKERS IN RURAL COMMUNITY ACTION",0 "Social Forces",1957,"THE ECOLOGY OF BANGALORE, INDIA: AN EAST-WEST COMPARISON",1 "Social Forces",1957,"THE SOCIALIZATION OF AN ARTIST: THE AMERICAN COMPOSER",1 "Social Forces",1957,"INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS AND IDEOLOGY IN A NORTHERN CANADIAN COMMUNITY",1 "Social Forces",1957,"A STUDY OF SOME FACTORS AFFECTING THE DECISION OF NEGRO HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS TO ENROLL IN PREVIOUSLY ALL-WHITE HIGH SCHOOLS.",0 "Social Forces",1957,"DESEGREGATION AND ITS CHANCES FOR SUCCESS",1 "Social Forces",1957,"THE CONSEQUENCES OF SECTARIANISM FOR SOCIAL PARTICIPATION",0 "Social Forces",1957,"UNITY AND DIVERSITY IN MODERN AMERICA",0 "Social Forces",1957,"ADJUSTMENT TO CONFLICTING EXPECTATIONS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF IDENTIFICATION WITH AN OCCUPATION",0 "Social Forces",1957,"OCCUPATIONAL IDEOLOGY AND THE DETERMINATE ROLE",0 "Social Forces",1957,"RESIDENTIAL AND OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY AS INDICES OF THE ACCULTURATION OF AN ETHNIC GROUP",1 "Social Forces",1957,"SOME UNAPPLAUDED CONSEQUENCES OF SOCIAL MOBILITY IN A MASS SOCIETY",0 "Social Forces",1957,"MIGRATION BETWEEN THE SOUTH AND OTHER REGIONS, 1949-1950",1 "Social Forces",1957,"INTERRACIAL MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE IN HAWAII",0 "Social Forces",1957,"THE DISTRIBUTION OF CONTROL IN FORMAL ORGANIZATION",0 "Social Forces",1957,"A POWER OF TOWN SIZE PREDICTS AN INTERNAL INTERACTING: A CONTROLLED EXPERIMENT RELATING THE AMOUNT OF AN INTERACTION TO THE NUMBER OF POTENTIAL INTERACTIONS",0 "Social Forces",1958,"THE STEREOTYPE AS A RESEARCH TOOL",0 "Social Forces",1958,"SEXUAL DIVISION OF LABOR AND CROSS-CULTURAL RESEARCH",0 "Social Forces",1958,"THE SOCIOLOGY OF A CHANGING AGRICULTURE",0 "Social Forces",1958,"A STATISTICAL STUDY OF URBANIZATION",0 "Social Forces",1958,"FRINGE AND SUBURB: A CONFUSION OF CONCEPTS",0 "Social Forces",1958,"CLUSTER ANALYSIS IN URBAN DEMOGRAPHY",0 "Social Forces",1958,"AN APPLICATION OF THE SHEVKY SOCIAL AREA INDEXES TO A MODEL OF URBAN SOCIETY",0 "Social Forces",1958,"OCCUPATIONAL CONTACT NETWORKS",0 "Social Forces",1958,"THE MODERN LITERARY ETHOS: A SOCIOLOGICAL INTERPRETATION",0 "Social Forces",1958,"LITERATURE AND CULTURE: THE FUGITIVE-AGRARIANS",0 "Social Forces",1958,"THE SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ENTERTAINERS",1 "Social Forces",1958,"THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES AND NURSING EDUCATION: SOME PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS",0 "Social Forces",1958,"TOWARD A CONCEPTUALIZATION OF DEMOGRAPHY",0 "Social Forces",1958,"VALUES AND MARITAL ADJUSTMENT OF NURSES",0 "Social Forces",1958,"THE DYNAMICS OF RACIAL PREJUDICE: AN IDEAL-TYPE DICHOTOMY",1 "Social Forces",1958,"RACIAL RECOGNITION BY NURSERY SCHOOL CHILDREN IN LYNCHBURG, VIRGINIA",0 "Social Forces",1958,"AN APPROACH TO THE UNDERSTANDING OF RURAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT",0 "Social Forces",1958,"SOURCES OF MIDDLE-CLASS VALUES OF AMERICAN JEWS",1 "Social Forces",1958,"SOCIAL STRATIFICATION IN NIGERIA",1 "Social Forces",1958,"PROBLEMS OF MARRIED WORKING WOMEN AS PRESENTED BY THREE POPULAR WORKING WOMEN'S MAGAZINES",0 "Social Forces",1958,"A TECHNIQUE FOR DESCRIBING COMMUNITY STRUCTURE THROUGH NEWSPAPER ANALYSIS",0 "Social Forces",1958,"WIVES, MOTHERS, AND THE POSTHOSPITAL PERFORMANCE OF MENTAL PATIENTS",0 "Social Forces",1958,"ROLES IN SOCIOLOGICAL FIELD OBSERVATIONS",0 "Social Forces",1958,"THE SUPREME COURT AS A SMALL GROUP",0 "Social Forces",1958,"THE ACCULTURATION OF EASTERN CHEROKEE COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION",0 "Social Forces",1958,"LOCALISM AND RELATED VALUES AMONG NEGROES IN A SOUTHERN RURAL COMMUNITY",0 "Social Forces",1958,"SOCIAL STATUS AND CONSUMER CHOICE",0 "Social Forces",1958,"CAREER PATTERNS OF TEACHERS IN NEGRO COLLEGES",0 "Social Forces",1958,"RELIGION AND SECULARIZATION",0 "Social Forces",1958,"CIVIL DEFENSE AND REGIONS: AN EXPLORATORY STUDY",0 "Social Forces",1958,"LABOR MOBILITY AND INDUSTRIALIZATION IN A UTAH COUNTY",0 "Social Forces",1958,"SOCIAL CONTROL OF NEGRO-WHITE INTERMARRIAGE",0 "Social Forces",1958,"THE STRUCTURE OF THE SOCIALIZATION PROCESS IN PAPAGO INDIAN SOCIETY",0 "Social Forces",1958,"AN EVALUATION OF THE NATIONAL CHARACTER CONCEPT IN SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY",0 "Social Forces",1958,"CITIZEN PARTICIPATION IN COMMUNITY AFFAIRS IN STUTTGART, GERMANY",1 "Social Forces",1958,"SOME SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL CORRELATES OF DIRECTION IN ATTITUDE CHANGE",0 "Social Forces",1958,"THE IMPORTANCE OF PERSONAL INFLUENCE IN THE ADOPTION OF TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGES",0 "Social Forces",1958,"THE CORRELATION OF SOCIAL PHENOMENA WITH COMMUNITY SIZE",0 "Social Forces",1958,"LIMITATIONS OF THE ECONOMIC BASE ANALYSIS",0 "Social Forces",1958,"CLOSE FRIENDSHIP RELATIONS OF HOUSEWIVES RESIDING IN AN URBAN COMMUNITY",0 "Social Forces",1958,"THE ROLE OF THE BANKER IN A SMALL CITY",0 "Social Forces",1958,"CONTROL AND LEADERSHIP IN WOMEN'S GROUPS: AN ANALYSIS OF PHILANTHROPIC MONEY-RAISING ACTIVITY.",1 "Social Forces",1958,"THE LITIGATION CURVE AND THE LITIGATION FILIBUSTER IN CIVIL RIGHTS CASES: A STUDY OF CONFLICT BETWEEN LEGALLY COMMANDED AND SOCIO-CULTURALLY ACCEPTED CHANGES IN THE NEGRO-WHITE CASTE ORDER IN THE SOUTHERN COMMUNITY",0 "Social Forces",1958,"THE SOCIOLOGY OF COMMERCIALIZED PROSTITUTION IN OKINAWA,",1 "Social Forces",1959,"WILLIAM FIELDING OGBURN",1 "Social Forces",1959,"INFLUENCES AFFECTING THE FUTURE OF SOCIOLOGY",0 "Social Forces",1959,"THE INTERPRETATION OF INTERRACIAL SITUATIONS",0 "Social Forces",1959,"COMMUNITY POWER AND A TYPOLOGY OF SOCIAL ISSUES",0 "Social Forces",1959,"TOWARD AN INTERACTIONAL CONCEPTION OF COMMUNITY",0 "Social Forces",1959,"THE CHANGING SOCIAL STRATIFICATION OF THE SOUTH",0 "Social Forces",1959,"RELATIVE PROFESSIONAL STATUS AS PERCEIVED BY AMERICAN AND SWEDISH UNIVERSITY STUDENTS",1 "Social Forces",1959,"CONGRUITY AND INCONGRUITY OF STATUS ATTRIBUTES WITHIN OCCUPATIONS AND WORK POSITIONS",0 "Social Forces",1959,"OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY AND UNION MEMBERSHIP IN DETROIT: A REPLICATION",0 "Social Forces",1959,"EDUCATIONAL SELECTIVITY OF NET MIGRATION FROM THE SOUTH",0 "Social Forces",1959,"FAMILY IDENTIFICATION OF FOSTER CHILDREN",0 "Social Forces",1959,"ROLE CONFLICT, ROLE REDEFINITION, AND SOCIAL CHANGE IN A CLINICAL RESEARCH ORGANIZATION",0 "Social Forces",1959,"SOME SUGGESTIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF ETIOLOGICAL AND TREATMENT THEORY IN CRIMINOLOGY",1 "Social Forces",1959,"NOTE ON MINORITY REJECTION OF INCIDENTAL RESTRAINT: A CASE STUDY",0 "Social Forces",1959,"A COMPARISON OF THREE MEASURES OF ATTITUDE INTENSITY",0 "Social Forces",1959,"OTHER-DIRECTEDNESS IN CONSUMER-GOODS ADVERTISING: A TEST OF RIESMAN'S HISTORICAL THEORY",0 "Social Forces",1959,"THE SPATIAL LOCATION AND USE OF SELECTED FACILITIES IN A MIDDLE-SIZED CITY",0 "Social Forces",1959,"DIFFERENTIALS IN THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN VALUES AND PRACTICES IN FERTILITY",0 "Social Forces",1959,"PROFESSIONALIZATION: ITS FUNCTIONS AND DYSFUNCTIONS FOR THE LIFE INSURANCE OCCUPATION",0 "Social Forces",1959,"THE NEED FOR A SYSTEMIC THEORY OF WORKER PRODUCTIVITY",0 "Social Forces",1959,"THE SOCIAL BASES OF BUREAUCRATIC ORGANIZATION",1 "Social Forces",1959,"DISASTER AND AFTERMATH: SELECTED ASPECTS OF INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP BEHAVIOR IN CRITICAL SITUATIONS",0 "Social Forces",1959,"REPORTED EMOTIONAL STRESS FOLLOWING A DISASTER",0 "Social Forces",1959,"PREMARITAL SEXUAL BEHAVIOR AND SEX CODES OF CONDUCT WITH ACQUAINTANCES, FRIENDS, AND LOVERS",0 "Social Forces",1959,"SOME IMPLICATIONS OF THE HOMOGAMY-COMPLEMENTARY NEEDS THEORIES OF MATE SELECTION FOR SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH",0 "Social Forces",1959,"AN INVESTIGATION OF THE CONTROL GRAPH: INFLUENCE IN A STAFF ORGANIZATION",0 "Social Forces",1959,"A FACTOR ANALYSIS OF THE F-SCALE",0 "Social Forces",1959,"A RESEARCH NOTE ON THE CHANGING ASSOCIATION BETWEEN INFANT MORTALITY AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS",0 "Social Forces",1959,"TRENDS IN MATE SELECTION IN A TRI-RACIAL ISOLATE",1 "Social Forces",1959,"THE GHETTO-A RE-EVALUATION",0 "Social Forces",1959,"CASTE, I CLASS, AND MINORITY",0 "Social Forces",1959,"ANGLOLATIN PROBLEMS AS PERCEIVED BY PUBLIC SERVICE PERSONNEL",1 "Social Forces",1959,"ANOMIE AND ACHIEVEMENT MOTIVATION: A STUDY OF PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT WITHIN CULTURAL DISORGANIZATION",0 "Social Forces",1959,"ATTITUDINAL CORRELATES OF SOCIAL PARTICIPATION",0 "Social Forces",1959,"SOCIAL INDECISION: A DYSFUNCTIONAL FOCUS OF TRANSITIONAL SOCIETY",1 "Social Forces",1959,"THE SOCIOLOGY OF COMMUNITY POWER: A REASSESSMENT",0 "Social Forces",1959,"STATUS CONSCIOUSNESS: A DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS",0 "Social Forces",1959,"NATIONALITY GROUPS AND SOCIAL STRATIFICATIONTION IN AMERICA",1 "Social Forces",1959,"THE PERSPECTIVE OF UNIONIZED PROFESSIONALS",0 "Social Forces",1959,"PLANNING TO FARM: A SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGICAL INTERPRETATION",0 "Social Forces",1959,"BUCHENWALD AND MODERN PRISONER-OF-WAR DETENTION POLICY",1 "Social Forces",1959,"TOO MUCH ROOM AT THE TOP",1 "Social Forces",1959,"RESISTANCE AND SOCIAL MOVEMENTS",0 "Social Forces",1959,"WORK CONTACTS AND INTERNATIONAL EVALUATIONS: THE CASE OF A MEXICAN BORDER VILLAGE",1 "Social Forces",1959,"SUBURBANIZATION AND CHURCH PARTICIPATION",0 "Social Forces",1959,"THE FUTURE FERTILITY OF THE AMERICAN NEGRO",0 "Social Forces",1959,"CHANGES IN FAMILY AND PEER ORIENTATION OF CHILDREN BETWEEN THE FOURTH AND TENTH GRADES",0 "Social Forces",1959,"THE MEANINGS OF LEISURE",1 "Social Forces",1959,"MANIFEST AND LATENT PARTICIPATORS IN RURAL COMMUNITY ACTION PROGRAMS",0 "Social Forces",1959,"STATUS PERCEPTIONS IN A MENTAL HOSPITAL",0 "Social Forces",1960,"CONTRASTING THE EFFECTS OF GENERATION, CLASS, SEX, AND AGE GROUP IDENTIFICATION IN THE JEWISH AND PROTESTANT COMMUNITIES",0 "Social Forces",1960,"PLANS FOR IMPROVED STATISTICS ON FAMILY FORMATION AND DISSOLUTION IN THE UNITED STATES",0 "Social Forces",1960,"INDUSTRIAL SOCIOLOGY AND THE BUSINESSMAN",0 "Social Forces",1960,"QUANTITATIVE METHODS IN SOCIOLOGY: 1920-1960",0 "Social Forces",1960,"A POWER ANALYSIS OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION",0 "Social Forces",1960,"NATURE AND DIRECTIONS OF SUBURBANIZATION IN THE SOUTH",0 "Social Forces",1960,"THE MIDDLE CLASS FROM A SOCIOLOGICAL VIEWPOINT",1 "Social Forces",1960,"CORRELATIONS OF INDEXES OF FAMILIES' SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS",0 "Social Forces",1960,"SOCIAL STRATIFICATION AND ATTITUDE TOWARD CHANGE IN JOB CONTENT",0 "Social Forces",1960,"EDUCATIONAL AND OCCUPATIONAL ASPIRATIONS OF MILL AND TOWN SCHOOL CHILDREN IN A SOUTHERN COMMUNITY",0 "Social Forces",1960,"ADMINISTRATIVE SUCCESSION IN FORMAL ORGANIZATIONS",0 "Social Forces",1960,"TWO COMMUNICATORS OF THE NEWS: A STUDY OF THE ROLES OF SOURCES AND REPORTERS",1 "Social Forces",1960,"SOCIOLOGICAL SYMBOLISM OF THE 'ADULT WESTERN,'",1 "Social Forces",1960,"NOTE ON RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN ATTITUDES TOWARD THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD AND THE BACKGROUND OF SEMINARIANS",0 "Social Forces",1960,"STATUS, RESIDENCE, AND FUNDAMENTALIST RELIGIOUS BELIEFS IN THE SOUTHERN APPALACHIANS",0 "Social Forces",1960,"POLITICAL POWER AND THE ABILITY TO WIN SUPREME COURT DECISIONS",0 "Social Forces",1960,"MIGRATION PATTERNS OF NEGROES FROM A RURAL NORTHEASTERN MISSISSIPPI COMMUNITY",0 "Social Forces",1960,"ON THE INCIDENCE OF DELINQUENCY",0 "Social Forces",1960,"SOCIAL SCIENTISTS' PREDICTIONS ABOUT DESEGREGATION, 1950-1955",0 "Social Forces",1960,"INFLUENCE OF PROFESSORS ON THE FLOW OF TALENT TO THE ACADEMIC PROFESSION",0 "Social Forces",1960,"STATISTICAL INFERENCES FROM SMALL AREA DATA",0 "Social Forces",1960,"THE ELEMENTS OF COMMUNITY ACTION",0 "Social Forces",1960,"SOCIAL DISTANCE ATTITUDES OF SOUTH AFRICAN STUDENTS",1 "Social Forces",1960,"THE SPANISH SURNAME CRITERION FOR IDENTIFYING HISPANOS IN THE SOUTHWESTERN UNITED STATES: A PRELIMINARY EVALUATION",1 "Social Forces",1960,"Lansing),. ORGANIZED LABOR'S IMAGE OF COMMUNITY POWER STRUCTURE.",0 "Social Forces",1960,"COMMUNITY: AN APPLICATION OF SOCIAL AREA ANALYSIS",0 "Social Forces",1960,"RESIDENTIAL MOBILITY INCLINATIONS AMONG FAMILIES OF MENTAL PATIENTS",0 "Social Forces",1960,"A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF THE AGE DISTRIBUTION I OF THE POPULATION OF MAJOR CITIES IN THE UNITED STATES",1 "Social Forces",1960,"OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY AND CHURCH PARTICIPATION.",0 "Social Forces",1960,"COMMUNITY OF ORIENTATION AND OCCUPATIONAL ASPIRATIONS OF NINTH GRADE STUDENTS",0 "Social Forces",1960,"THE CAREER EXPERIENCE OF THE SYMPHONY MUSICIAN",0 "Social Forces",1960,"NEGRO PROTEST LEADERS IN A SOUTHERN COMMUNITY",0 "Social Forces",1960,"BUREAUCRACY IN THE REHABILITATION INSTITUTION: LOWER LEVEL STAFF AS A TREATMENT RESOURCE",0 "Social Forces",1960,"PARTY ABSORPTION OF ETHNIC GROUPS: THE CASE OF PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND",0 "Social Forces",1960,"ALIENATION AND POLITICAL APATHY",0 "Social Forces",1960,"POLITICAL ALIENATION AS A FORCE IN POLITICAL ACTION",0 "Social Forces",1960,"CHANGING COGNITIVE STRUCTURE AS A BASIS FOR THE 'SLEEPER EFFECT,'",0 "Social Forces",1960,"THE JAZZ COMMUNITY",0 "Social Forces",1960,"EDUCATIONAL ASPIRATIONS AND PARENTAL STRESS ON COLLEGE",0 "Social Forces",1960,"DIFFERENTIAL SEX RATIOS OF YOUNG CHILDREN IN NEW ORLEANS",0 "Social Forces",1960,"PEER INFLUENCES ON LEVELS OF OCCUPATIONAL AND EDUCATIONAL ASPIRATION",0 "Social Forces",1960,"GROUPSTRUCTURE AND INTERPERSONAL CREATIVITY AS FACTORS WHICH REDUCE ERRORS IN THE PREDICTION OF MARITAL ADJUSTMENT",0 "Social Forces",1960,"SOME THEORETICAL APPROACHES TO THE SOCIOLOGY OF AGING",0 "Social Forces",1960,"THE CONCEPT OF INSTITUTION; A REVIEW EVALUATION AND SUGGESTED RESEARCH PROCEDURE",0 "Social Forces",1960,"SOCIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR OCCUPATIONAL SUCCESS: INTERNALIZED NORMS AND FRIENDSHIP",0 "Social Forces",1960,"VALUES, PERSONAL INFLUENCE; AND OCCUPATIONAL CHOICE",0 "Social Forces",1960,"SUBURBAN VOTING TRENDS: 1948 TO 1959",0 "Social Forces",1960,"MARITAL SATISFACTION AND CONGRUENT SELFSPOUSE CONCEPTS",0 "Social Forces",1960,"HOMOGAMY IN PERSONAL VALUES AND THE 'FIELD OF ELIGIBLES,'",0 "Social Forces",1961,"ETHNOCENTRIC SOCIOLOGY",0 "Social Forces",1961,"KARL MANNHEIM: REVISION OF AN INTELLECTUAL PORTRAIT",1 "Social Forces",1961,"TROTSKY AND THE SOCIOLOGICAL DIMENSION: AN ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL ACTION",1 "Social Forces",1961,"SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND RACE RELATIONS",1 "Social Forces",1961,"ASSIMILATION THROUGH INTERMARRIAGE",1 "Social Forces",1961,"SOME SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL DETERMINANTS OF INTERGROUP RELATIONS IN CHANGING NEIGHBORHOODS: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE BRIDGEVIEW STUDY",1 "Social Forces",1961,"FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH ATTITUDES TOWARD DESEGREGATION IN A FLORIDA RESIDENTIAL SUBURB",0 "Social Forces",1961,"THE IMPACT OF RESIDENTIAL SEGREGATION ON ETHNIC ASSIMILATION",1 "Social Forces",1961,"LADINO-INDIAN RELATIONS IN THE HIGHLANDS OF CIA PAS, MEXICO",1 "Social Forces",1961,"COMMUNITY INFLUENCE SYSTEMS: STRUCTURE AND CHANGE",0 "Social Forces",1961,"THE SHEVKY-BELL SOCIAL AREAS: CONFIRMATION OF RESULTS AND A REINTERPRETATION",0 "Social Forces",1961,"SOVIET THEORY OF CLASS",1 "Social Forces",1961,"PERSONAL SENTIMENTS IN A HIERARCHY",0 "Social Forces",1961,"OCCUPATIONAL PRESTIGE: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY OF ITS CORRELATES",0 "Social Forces",1961,"THE PROFESSIONAL IN CORRECTION: STATUS AND PROSPECTS",0 "Social Forces",1961,"ORGANIZATION AND AUTHORITY IN INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH",1 "Social Forces",1961,"ROLE CONFLICTS IN THE POSITION OF A MILITARY EDUCATION ADVISER",0 "Social Forces",1961,"PROCESSES OF SOCIALIZATION IN AMERICAN GRADUATE SCHOOLS",0 "Social Forces",1961,"THE AUTONOMY OF SCIENCE IN TOTALITARIAN SOCIETIES",1 "Social Forces",1961,"ON THE TREND IN DELINQUENCY",0 "Social Forces",1961,"SEQUENTIAL AND CLASS VARIABLES OF THE FAMILY IN THE SUBURBAN AREA",0 "Social Forces",1961,"MATERNAL EMPLOYMENT AND MARITAL INTERACTION: SOME CONTINGENT CONDITIONS",0 "Social Forces",1961,"INTERACTION AND CRIMINAL HOMICIDE IN INDIA",1 "Social Forces",1961,"CORRELATION AND CAUSALITY: THE MULTIVARIATE CASE",0 "Social Forces",1961,"INSTRUMENTAL VALUES AND THE POPULARITY OF INSTRUMENTAL LEADERS",0 "Social Forces",1961,"MORAL DISCOMFORT AND RACIAL SEGREGATION - AN EXAMINATION OF THE MYRDAL HYPOTHESIS",0 "Social Forces",1961,"RANK ORDERS OF DISCRIMINATION OF NEGROES AND WHITES IN A SOUTHERN CITY",0 "Social Forces",1961,"ANOMIE, AUTHORITARIANISM, PREJUDICE, AND SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS: AN ATTEMPT AT CLARIFICATION",0 "Social Forces",1961,"THE MAORI: A STUDY IN RESISTIVE ACCULTURATION",1 "Social Forces",1961,"SOCIO-ECONOMIC STATUS AND SOCIOMETRIC CHOICE",0 "Social Forces",1961,"A THEORY OF INTERNAL MIGRATION DIFFERENTIALS",0 "Social Forces",1961,"PREDICTING MIGRATION",0 "Social Forces",1961,"SOCIAL SOURCES OF PREGNANCY AS ILLNESS OR NORMALITY",0 "Social Forces",1961,"A PROPOSAL FOR RESEARCH IN DELINQUENCY CAUSATION",0 "Social Forces",1961,"SOURCES OF VARIATION IN THE LEVEL OF LIVING OF FARM OPERATORS IN THE UNITED STATES",0 "Social Forces",1961,"SOCIAL DIFFERENTIATION IN THE NETHERLANDS",1 "Social Forces",1961,"PROFESSIONAL AUTONOMY AND THE ROLE OF THE LAYMAN",0 "Social Forces",1961,"THE CLERGYMAN AND THE FUNERAL DIRECTOR: A STUDY IN ROLE CONFLICT",0 "Social Forces",1961,"ORIGINS AND CAREER PATTERNS OF LEADING PROTESTANT CLERGYMEN",0 "Social Forces",1961,"DO HOLINESS SECTS SOCIALIZE IN DOMINANT VALUES",0 "Social Forces",1961,"SOME FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH VARIATIONS IN CHURCH ATTENDANCE",1 "Social Forces",1961,"DIMENSIONS AND CORRELATES OF RELIGIOUS IDEOLOGIES",0 "Social Forces",1962,"BIOLOGICAL DISCOVERIES AND THE FUTURE OF THE FAMILY: A REAPPRAISAL",0 "Social Forces",1962,"SOME VARIABLES OF MIDDLE AND LOWER CLASS IN TWO CENTRAL AMERICAN CITIES",1 "Social Forces",1962,"SOCIAL INFLUENCE AND THE SOCIAL-PSYCHOLOGICAL FUNCTION OF DEFERENCE: A STUDY OF PSYCHIATRIC NURSING",0 "Social Forces",1962,"EMOTIONAL ILLNESS AND INTERACTION PROCESS: A STUDY OF PATIENT GROUPS",0 "Social Forces",1962,"SOCIAL STATUS, ATTITUDES TOWARD PREGNANCY AND CHILD-REARING ATTITUDES",0 "Social Forces",1962,"PATTERNS OF CHURCH DISTRIBUTION AND MOVEMENT",0 "Social Forces",1962,"ROLE CONFLICTS IN THE MODERN JAPANESE FAMILY",1 "Social Forces",1962,"RACIAL PREJUDICE AND PERSONALITY SCALES: AN ALTERNATIVE APPROACH",0 "Social Forces",1962,"SPURIOUSNESS VERSUS INTERVENING VARIABLES: THE PROBLEM OF TEMPORAL SEQUENCES",0 "Social Forces",1962,"PROFESSOR OR PRODUCER: THE TWO FACES OF ACADEMIC MAN",1 "Social Forces",1962,"A SHORT METHOD FOR PROJECTING POPULATION BY AGE FROM ONE DECENNIAL CENSUS TO ANOTHER",0 "Social Forces",1962,"SOCIAL FACTORS AND THE VALIDATION OF THOUGHT",0 "Social Forces",1962,"MALE NURSES: A CASE STUDY IN STATUS CONTRADICTION AND PRESTIGE LOSS",0 "Social Forces",1962,"CAREER CHOICE PROCESS",0 "Social Forces",1962,"CHANGES IN THE AMERICAN OCCUPATIONAL STRUCTURE AND OCCUPATIONAL GA",0 "Social Forces",1962,"CASTE AND OCCUPATIONAL STRUCTURE IN CENTRAL INDIA",1 "Social Forces",1962,"OCCUPATIONAL STRATIFICATION IN FOUR SOUTHWESTERN COMMUNITIES: A STUDY OF ETHNIC DIFFERENTIAL EMPLOYMENT IN HOSPITALS",1 "Social Forces",1962,"OCCUPATIONAL ASPECTS OF SOCIAL WORK",0 "Social Forces",1962,"PATRON-PEON PATTERN AMONG THE SPANISH AMERICANS OF NEW MEXICO",1 "Social Forces",1962,"HEALTH PRACTICES AND EDUCATIONAL ASPIRATIONS AS INDICATORS OF ACCULTURATION AND SOCIAL CLASS AMONG THE EASTERN CHEROKEE",0 "Social Forces",1962,"STEREOTYPING AND NEGRO-JEWISH STEREOTYPES",0 "Social Forces",1962,"COALITIONS AND INTER-ACTION CONCEPTS OF SUPPORT IN THREE PERSON GROUPS",0 "Social Forces",1962,"URBANIZATION, THE EXTENDED FAMILY AND KINSHIP TIES IN WEST AFRICA",1 "Social Forces",1962,"CONSENSUS, CONFLICT AND COOPERATION: A SOCIOLOGICAL INVENTORY",0 "Social Forces",1962,"TEST FACTOR STANDARDIZATION AS A METHOD OF INTERPRETATION",0 "Social Forces",1962,"SOCIAL RESEARCH AS A COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM",0 "Social Forces",1962,"AGES AT MARRIAGE, OCCUPATIONS OF GROOMS AND INTERRELIGIOUS MARRIAGE RATES",0 "Social Forces",1962,"THE AMBONESE NATIONALIST MOVEMENT IN THE NETHERLANDS: A STUDY IN STATUS DEPRIVATION",1 "Social Forces",1962,"FARM PRACTICE ATTRIBUTES AND ADOPTION RATES",0 "Social Forces",1962,"STUDYING NATIONAL CHARACTER THROUGH COMPARATIVE CONTENT ANALYSIS",1 "Social Forces",1962,"INVOLVEMENT IN CULTURAL SYSTEM IN THE NETHERLANDS: ITS MEASUREMENT AND SOCIAL CORRELATES",1 "Social Forces",1962,"TOWARDS A THEORY OF REPRESENTATION BETWEEN GROUPS",0 "Social Forces",1962,"EMERGING PATTERNS OF ETHNIC STRAIN IN ISRAEL",1 "Social Forces",1962,"THE EUROPEAN EMPIRE: FROM CHARLEMAGNE TO THE COMMON MARKET",1 "Social Forces",1962,"MYRDAL'S ASSUMPTIONS ON RACE RELATIONS: A CONCEPTUAL COMMENTARY",0 "Social Forces",1962,"STRUCTURAL DIFFERENTIATION, PRODUCTION IMPERATIVES AND COMMUNAL NORMS: THE KIBBUTZ IN CRISIS",1 "Social Forces",1962,"COGNITIVE SIMPLICITY AND PREJUDICE",0 "Social Forces",1962,"NEGRO COLLEGE STUDENTS' PARTICIPATION IN SIT-INS",0 "Social Forces",1962,"REASONS FOR MOVES TO AND FROM A CENTRAL CITY AREA",0 "Social Forces",1962,"LEVELS OF ORGANIZATION IN THE ROLE POSITION OF THE STAFF NURSE",0 "Social Forces",1962,"SOCIAL ORIGINS, OCCUPATIONAL ADVICE, OCCUPATIONAL VALUES, AND WORK CAREERS",0 "Social Forces",1962,"THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS AND PRO-INTEGRATION VOTE OF WHITE PRECINCTS IN A METROPOLITAN SOUTHERN COUNTY",0 "Social Forces",1962,"THE CIVIL RIGHTS ISSUE AND PRESIDENTIAL VOTING AMONG SOUTHERN NEGROES AND WHITES",0 "Social Forces",1962,"SCHOOL ATTENDANCE AND ATTAINMENT: FUNCTION AND DYSFUNCTION OF SCHOOL AND FAMILY SOCIAL SYSTEMS",0 "Social Forces",1962,"SOME CORRELATES OF ACTIVITY AND MORALE AMONG THE ELDERLY",0 "Social Forces",1962,"INSTRUMENTAL ROLE EXPECTATIONS AND POST-HOSPITAL PERFORMANCE OF FEMALE MENTAL PATIENTS",0 "Social Forces",1963,"ASYMMETRY IN INTERGENERATIONAL FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS",0 "Social Forces",1963,"SOME RECENT TRENDS IN FAMILY RESEARCH",0 "Social Forces",1963,"JESSE FREDERICK STEINER (1880-1962)",1 "Social Forces",1963,"ORGANIZATIONAL GOALS AND STRUCTURAL CHANGE: A STUDY OF THE ORGANIZATION OF A PRISON SOCIAL SYSTEM",0 "Social Forces",1963,"THE RELATIONSHIP OF THE SOCIAL STRUCTURE OF AN INDIAN COMMUNITY TO ADULT AND JUVENILE DELINQUENCY",0 "Social Forces",1963,"SURVIVAL RATES AMONG RELIGIOUSLY HOMOGAMOUS AND INTERRELIGIOUS MARRIAGES",0 "Social Forces",1963,"STUDENT REBELLION AGAINST PARENTAL POLITICAL BELIEFS",0 "Social Forces",1963,"FERTILITY, MORTALITY, AND ECONOMIC STATUS OF UNDERDEVELOPED AREAS",1 "Social Forces",1963,"TRANSITION THEORY AS GENERAL POPULATION THEORY",0 "Social Forces",1963,"THE MIGRATING SECT: AN ILLUSTRATION FROM EARLY NORWEGIAN IMMIGRATION",1 "Social Forces",1963,"OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY AND FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS",0 "Social Forces",1963,"THE DIFFERENTIAL PRESTIGE OF SITUS CATEGORIES",0 "Social Forces",1963,"RACIAL CHANGES IN METROPOLITAN AREAS, 1950-1960",1 "Social Forces",1963,"LEADERSHIP AND PERCEPTIONS OF CHANGE IN A VILLAGE CONFRONTED WITH URBANISM",0 "Social Forces",1963,"CHANGING PATTERNS OF RACE AND HOUSING: A TOLEDO STUDY",0 "Social Forces",1963,"THE LOCAL-COSMOPOLITAN DIMENSION AND THE STUDY OF URBAN POLITICS",0 "Social Forces",1963,"URBAN SOCIAL STRUCTURE AS A SINGLE HIERARCHY",0 "Social Forces",1963,"AIR FORCE BASE-HOST COMMUNITY RELATIONS: A STUDY IN COMMUNITY TYPOLOGY",0 "Social Forces",1963,"SCHOOL DESEGREGATION AND NEW INDUSTRY: THE SOUTHERN COMMUNITY LEADERS' VIEWPOINT",0 "Social Forces",1963,"THE CONCEPT OF EXCHANGE IN SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY: 1884 AND 1961",0 "Social Forces",1963,"THE PROPER SCOPE OF SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY",0 "Social Forces",1963,"ASPIRATIONS OF NEGRO AND WHITE STUDENTS",0 "Social Forces",1963,"DIFFERENTIAL ASSOCIATION AND THE STRATIFICATION OF THE URBAN COMMUNITY",0 "Social Forces",1963,"THE METROPOLITAN INFLUENCE OF THE 168 STANDARD METROPOLITAN AREA CENTRAL CITIES",0 "Social Forces",1963,"REJOINDER TO MANDEL'S PAPER",0 "Social Forces",1963,"ESOTERIC THEORIES AND ERRONEOUS STATISTICS IN STUDIES OF PREJUDICE",0 "Social Forces",1963,"GOAL ORIENTATIONS AND ILLEGAL BEHAVIOR AMONG JUVENILES",0 "Social Forces",1963,"CURRENT POPULATION TRENDS IN THE SOUTH",0 "Social Forces",1963,"ACTIVITY AND MORALE: A LONGITUDINAL STUDY OF SELECTED ELDERLY SUBJECTS",0 "Social Forces",1963,"INTERETHNIC MARRIAGE IN LOS ANGELES 1948-1959",1 "Social Forces",1963,"THE LOWER-CLASS VALUE STRETCH",1 "Social Forces",1963,"PROCESSES IN THE FORMATION OF ADOLESCENTS' ASPIRATIONS",0 "Social Forces",1963,"ROLE CONSENSUS AND TEACHER EFFECTIVENESS",0 "Social Forces",1963,"WORK BEHAVIOR IN A SERVICE INDUSTRY",0 "Social Forces",1963,"SOME FACTORS INFLUENCING THE UPGRADING OF NEGROES IN THE SOUTHERN PETROLEUM REFINING INDUSTRY",0 "Social Forces",1963,"APPEALS FROM DISCRIMINATION IN FEDERAL EMPLOYMENT: A CASE STUDY",0 "Social Forces",1963,"CORRELATED INDEPENDENT VARIABLES: THE PROBLEM OF MULTICOLLINEARITY",0 "Social Forces",1963,"THE DECLINE OF FERTILITY IN THE SOUTHERN APPALACHIAN MOUNTAIN REGIONS",0 "Social Forces",1963,"DIFFUSION AND FARMING ADVICE: A TEST OF SOME CURRENT NOTIONS",0 "Social Forces",1963,"AN ANALYSIS OF SELECTED VARIABLES AFFECTING OUTDOOR RECREATION PATTERNS",0 "Social Forces",1963,"THE MASS MEDIA AND EGYPTIAN VILLAGE LIFE",1 "Social Forces",1963,"THE SIZE OF THE SUPPORTIVE COMPONENT IN ORGANIZATIONS: A MULTI-ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSIS",0 "Social Forces",1963,"INCIDENCE AND DEGREES OF FRIENDSHIP IN URBAN AND RURAL AREAS",0 "Social Forces",1963,"THE PSYCHOLOGICAL FUTURE OF AN OPPRESSED GROUP",1 "Social Forces",1963,"THE STRESS-STRAIN ELEMENT OF SOCIAL SYSTEMS: A MICRO THEORY OF CONFLICT AND CHANGE",0 "Social Forces",1964,"COGNITIVE SIMPLICITY AND OUT-GROUP STEREO-TYPING",0 "Social Forces",1964,"ROMANTICISM AND EMOTIONAL MATURITY: A FURTHER EXPLORATION",0 "Social Forces",1964,"ART CONTENT AND SOCIAL INVOLVEMENT",0 "Social Forces",1964,"ANOMIA, ASPIRATION, AND STATUS",0 "Social Forces",1964,"GROWTH OF METROPOLITAN AREAS IN THE SOUTH",0 "Social Forces",1964,"INCREASING SCALE AND SPATIAL DIFFERENTIATION: NEW TESTS OF TWO THEORIES FROM SHEVKY AND BELL",0 "Social Forces",1964,"ETHNIC CONGREGATION-SEGREGATION, ASSIMILATION, AND STRATIFICATION",1 "Social Forces",1964,"A COMMENT ON UDRY'S 'INCREASING SCALE AND SPATIAL DIFFERENTIATION'",1 "Social Forces",1964,"THE MINIATURE REPLICA MODEL AND ITS USE IN LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS OF COMPLEX ORGANIZATIONS",0 "Social Forces",1964,"TASKS, BARGAINS, AND IDENTITIES IN SOCIAL INTERACTION",0 "Social Forces",1964,"PRIVACY-A USEFUL CONCEPT?",0 "Social Forces",1964,"RELIGIOSITY, SEXUAL GRATIFICATION AND MARITAL SATISFACTION IN THE MIDDLE YEARS OF MARRIAGE",0 "Social Forces",1964,"SIBLING INTERACTION: A NEGLECTED ASPECT IN FAMILY LIFE RESEARCH",0 "Social Forces",1964,"FIELD OBSERVATIONS OF MIDDLE CLASS GANGS",0 "Social Forces",1964,"PATTERNS OF HOMOGAMY AND THE FIELD OF ELIGIBLES",0 "Social Forces",1964,"METROPOLITAN AREA MOBILITY: A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF FAMILY SPATIAL MOBILITY IN A CENTRAL CITY AND SELECTED SUBURBS",0 "Social Forces",1964,"CLASS AND THE PERCEPTION OF CLASS",0 "Social Forces",1964,"SOCIOECONOMIC DIFFERENCES BETWEEN WHITE AND NONWHITE FARM POPULATIONS OF THE SOUTH",0 "Social Forces",1964,"A CONTEMPORARY REVITALIZATION MOVEMENT IN AMERICAN RACE RELATIONS: THE 'BLACK MUSLIMS'",1 "Social Forces",1964,"THE ACHIEVEMENT SYNDROME AND ECONOMIC GROWTH IN BRAZIL",1 "Social Forces",1964,"THE TEACHING OF SOCIOLOGY IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS: PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS",0 "Social Forces",1964,"TOWARD A SOCIOLOGY OF AFRICA",1 "Social Forces",1964,"NOTES ON STUDENT REBELLION AGAINST PARENTAL POLITICAL BELIEFS",1 "Social Forces",1964,"MIGRANT STATUS AND CHURCH ATTENDANCE",0 "Social Forces",1964,"SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND THE NEGRO REVOLT: AN EXAMINATION OF SOME HYPOTHESES",0 "Social Forces",1964,"INSTRUMENT ERROR AND THE STUDY OF PREJUDICE",0 "Social Forces",1964,"THE SUBJECT ROLE IN SMALL GROUP EXPERIMENTS",0 "Social Forces",1964,"THE BEARING OF COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS ON SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY",0 "Social Forces",1964,"COMMUNITY POWER AND DECISION-MAKING: A COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF MEASUREMENT TECHNIQUES",0 "Social Forces",1964,"RACIAL GROUP MEMBERSHIP AND JUVENILE DELINQUENCY",0 "Social Forces",1964,"FEMALE DELINQUENCY AND RELATIONAL PROBLEMS",0 "Social Forces",1964,"IMPACT OF THE 'GI BILLS' ON THE EDUCATIONAL LEVEL OF THE MALE POPULATION",0 "Social Forces",1964,"GEORGE SIMMEL AND THE SOCIOLOGY OF MUSIC",0 "Social Forces",1964,"THE RELATIVE SIZE OF THE NEGRO POPULATION AND NEGRO OCCUPATIONAL STATUS",0 "Social Forces",1964,"STATUS CONFLICTS WITHIN A HINDU CASTE",0 "Social Forces",1964,"AMBITION AND SOCIAL CLASS: A RESPECIFICATION",0 "Social Forces",1964,"INTERGENERATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY AND LEGISLATIVE VOTING BEHAVIOR",0 "Social Forces",1964,"LOGICAL ERROR AS A FUNCTION OF GROUP CONSENSUS: AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF ERRONEOUS GROUP CONSENSUS UPON THE LOGICAL JUDGMENTS OF GRADUATE STUDENTS",0 "Social Forces",1964,"FOR A SOCIOLOGICAL CONCEPT OF CHARISMA",1 "Social Forces",1964,"FAMILY NORMS, SOCIAL POSITION, AND THE VALUE OF CHANGE",0 "Social Forces",1964,"EXOGAMY AND AMERICAN KINSHIP",0 "Social Forces",1964,"CLASS AND FAMILY INFLUENCES ON STUDENT ASPIRATIONS",0 "Social Forces",1964,"MORALITY DIFFERENTIALS IN A METROPOLITAN AREA",0 "Social Forces",1964,"SOCIAL ORGANIZATION OF PRISONERS: AN EMPIRICAL TEST",0 "Social Forces",1964,"OCCUPATIONAL MIGRATION DIFFERENTIALS",0 "Social Forces",1964,"THE CONSEQUENCES OF MALAPPORTIONMENT: A NOTE OF CAUTION",0 "Social Forces",1964,"COVERT POLITICAL REBELLION AS RESENTIMENT",0 "Social Forces",1964,"SOCIAL CHANGE, SOCIAL MOVEMENTS AND THE DISAPPEARING SECTIONAL SOUTH",0 "Social Forces",1964,"AN ATTITUDE SCALE ON ACCEPTING NEGRO STUDENTS",0 "Social Forces",1965,"TOTALITARIAN YOUGH MOVEMENT AS A CAREER MECHANISM: THE CASE IN CZECHOSLOVAKIA",1 "Social Forces",1965,"EDUCATIONAL SELECTIVITY OF INTERREGIONAL MIGRATION",0 "Social Forces",1965,"PREDICTING GRADUATE STUDENT MIGRATION",0 "Social Forces",1965,"COMMUNICATION AND INNOVATION IN INDIAN VILLAGES",1 "Social Forces",1965,"CLASS STRUCTURE AND CLASS CONFLICT IN HAITIAN SOCIETY",1 "Social Forces",1965,"THE SAILOR ABOARD SHIP: A STUDY OF ROLE BEHAVIOR IN A TOTAL INSTITUTION",0 "Social Forces",1965,"ON DEFLEUR AND WESTIE'S 'ATTITUDE AS A SCIENTIFIC CONCEPT'",0 "Social Forces",1965,"POWER STRUCTURE AND SOCIOCULTURAL CHANGE IN LATIN AMERICAN COMMUNITIES",1 "Social Forces",1965,"SUICIDE, HOMICIDE, AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT",1 "Social Forces",1965,"FEMALE OCCUPATIONAL ROLES AND URBAN SEX RATIOS IN THE UNITED STATES, JAPAN, AND THE PHILIPPINES",1 "Social Forces",1965,"VERBAL ATTITUDES AND OVERT BEHAVIOR: A STUDY OF RACIAL DISCRIMINATION",0 "Social Forces",1965,"THE ATTITUDES OF NEGROES TOWARD JEWS",0 "Social Forces",1965,"LEADERSHIP TYPES, ROLE DIFFERENTIATION, AND SYSTEM PROBLEMS",0 "Social Forces",1965,"THE SELECTION OF FRIENDS",0 "Social Forces",1965,"TOLERANCE OF DIVERGENT ATTITUDES",0 "Social Forces",1965,"AN INQUIRY INTO THE UNDERSOCIALIZED CONCEPTION OF MAN",0 "Social Forces",1965,"PERSONAL AND POSITIONAL INFLUENCE IN FORMAL GROUPS: PROPOSITIONS AND THEORY FOR RESEARCH ON FAMILY VULNERABILITY TO STRESS",0 "Social Forces",1965,"INITIAL ADJUSTMENT PROCESSES IN YOUNG MARRIED COUPLES",0 "Social Forces",1965,"RECENT TRENDS IN THE OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY OF NEGROES, 1930-1960: AN INTRACOHORT ANALYSIS",0 "Social Forces",1965,"OCCUPATIONAL DIFFERENTIATION OF NEGROES AND WHITES IN THE UNITED STATES",0 "Social Forces",1965,"SOCIAL ORIGINS OF SALARIED AND SELF-EMPLOYED PROFESSIONAL WORKERS",0 "Social Forces",1965,"SOCIAL CLASS AND INTELLIGENCE",1 "Social Forces",1965,"LEVELS OF KNOWLEDGE IN AN EMERGENT CRISIS",0 "Social Forces",1965,"A SHORT-FORM DOGMATISM SCALE FOR USE IN FIELD STUDIES",0 "Social Forces",1965,"THE COLUMBIAN VIOLENCIA: AN EX POST FACTO EXPERIMENT",1 "Social Forces",1965,"ROMANTICISM AND MOTIVATION TO MARRY IN THE UNITED STATES, SINGAPORE, BURMA, AND INDIA",1 "Social Forces",1965,"TOWARD MONOGAMY: A CROSS-CULTURAL STUDY OF CORRELATES OF TYPE OF MARRIAGE",0 "Social Forces",1965,"THE AMERICAN BUSINESS CREED AND DENOMINATIONAL IDENTIFICATIONS",0 "Social Forces",1965,"CITY-SUBURBAN SOCIAL DISTANCE AND PUBLIC POLICY",0 "Social Forces",1965,"EVALUATIONS OF SELECTED JOBS AND OCCUPATIONS BY UNIVERSITY STUDENTS IN A DEVELOPING COUNTRY: PAKISTAN",1 "Social Forces",1965,"THE RESUSCITATION OF SOCIAL CHANGE",0 "Social Forces",1965,"THE LOWER CLASS, STATUS FRUSTRATION AND SOCIAL DISORGANIZATION",0 "Social Forces",1965,"PRIMARY FRIENDS AND KIN: A STUDY OF THE ASSOCIATIONS OF MIDDLE CLASS COUPLES",0 "Social Forces",1965,"CONTINUITIES IN MEASUREMENT, 1959-63.",0 "Social Forces",1965,"AN ATTITUDINAL CORRELATE OF THE STATUS CONGRUENCY OF MARRIED WOMEN",0 "Social Forces",1965,"COUNTY SEAT STATUS AS A FACTOR IN SMALL TOWN GROWTH AND DECLINE",1 "Social Forces",1965,"THE RELATIVE IRRELEVANCE OF MORAL NORMS IN INTERNATIONAL POLITICS",1 "Social Forces",1965,"RACIAL DISCRIMINATION AND NEGRO LEADERSHIP PROBLEMS: THE CASE OF 'NORTHERN COMMUNITY'",1 "Social Forces",1965,"COMMENT ON THE IDENTIFICATION OF LEADERS",0 "Social Forces",1965,"ORIENTATION AND LEGITIMATE OPPORTUNITY: DELINQUENTS AND NON-DELINQUENTS",0 "Social Forces",1965,"DEVELOPMENT OF AN OBJECTIVE MEASURE OF ORIENTATION TOWARD PUBLIC DEPENDENCE",0 "Social Forces",1965,"STANDARDIZATION OF AN EDUCATIONAL VARIABLE: THE NEED AND ITS CONSEQUENCES",0 "Social Forces",1965,"HOW BAFFIN ISLAND ESKIMO HAVE LEARNED TO USE ALCOHOL",0 "Social Forces",1965,"PREJUDICE, ORTHODOXY AND THE SOCIAL SITUATION",0 "Social Forces",1965,"FORMS AND FUNCTIONS OF ADULT SOCIALIZATION",0 "Social Forces",1965,"THE ANALYSIS OF PATTERNS OF SOCIAL INTERACTION",0 "Social Forces",1965,"SELF-RELIANCE AND THE INCLINATION TO ADOPT THE SICK ROLE",0 "Social Forces",1965,"SOCIAL COHESION, LINEAGE TYPE, AND INTERGENERATIONAL TRANSMISSION",0 "Social Forces",1965,"LOWER CLASS NEGRO MOTHERS' ASPIRATIONS FOR THEIR CHILDREN",0 "Social Forces",1965,"SOME NEW EVIDENCE ON EDUCATIONAL SELECTIVITY IN MIGRATION TO AND FROM THE SOUTH",0 "Social Forces",1965,"THE IDENTIFICATION OF VISIBLE, CONCEALED, AND SYMBOLIC LEADERS IN A SMALL INDIANA CITY: A REPLICATION OF THE BONJEAN-NOLAND STUDY OF BURLINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA",0 "Social Forces",1965,"OCCUPATIONAL LEVEL AND MORTALITY",0 "Social Forces",1965,"A BRIEF REPORT ON THE METHODOLOGY OF STEROTYPE RESEARCH",1 "Social Forces",1965,"POPULATION GROWTH AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: RECENT U.S. HISTORY AND COMPUTER MODELS OF ANALYSIS",0 "Social Forces",1965,"TOWARD THE MEASUREMENT OF SOCIOCULTURAL CHANGE",0 "Social Forces",1965,"SUICIDAL BEHAVIOR, ASSAULTIVENESS, AND SOCIALIZATION PRINCIPLES",0 "Social Forces",1966,"A TYPOLOGY OF AUTHORITY IN COMPLEX ORGANIZATIONS",0 "Social Forces",1966,"SOCIAL NETWORKS AND CONJUGAL ROLES: A TEST OF BOTT'S HYPOTHESIS",0 "Social Forces",1966,"THE AMAZING RISE OF ILLEGITIMACY IN GREAT BRITAIN",1 "Social Forces",1966,"SOCIAL CLASS AND ATTITUDES OF YOUTH RELEVANT FOR THE REALIZATION OF ADULT GOALS",0 "Social Forces",1966,"THE HASHER: A STUDY OF ROLE CONFLICT",0 "Social Forces",1966,"FLUORIDATION: THE DIFFUSION OF AN INNOVATION AMONG CITIES",0 "Social Forces",1966,"SOCIAL MOBILITY IN A MEXICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY",1 "Social Forces",1966,"EFFECT OF RACIAL CHARACTERISTICS OF INVESTIGATOR ON SELF-ENUMERATED RESPONSES TO A NEGRO PREJUDICE SCALE",0 "Social Forces",1966,"TYPOLOGIES OF DELINQUENT GIRLS: SOME ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES",0 "Social Forces",1966,"SOCIAL DISINTEGRATION AS A REQUISITE OF RESOCIALIZATION",0 "Social Forces",1966,"OCCUPATIONAL PRESTIGE AND ITS CORRELATES: A REEXAMINATION",0 "Social Forces",1966,"NOTABLES OF MID CENTURY: HOW THEY WERE VIEWED",0 "Social Forces",1966,"THE MARGINAL SITUATION: A CONTRIBUTION TO MARGINALITY THEORY",1 "Social Forces",1966,"SYNECDOCHE AND STRUCTURAL-FUNCTIONALISM",0 "Social Forces",1966,"COMMENTARY",0 "Social Forces",1966,"HIDDEN DELINQUENCY AND SOCIAL STATUS",0 "Social Forces",1966,"THE RELIGIOUS ORIENTATIONS OF AMERICAN NATURAL SCIENTISTS",0 "Social Forces",1966,"CHRISTIANITY AND SOCIOPOLITICAL CHANGE IN SUB-SAHARAN AFRICA",1 "Social Forces",1966,"RELATIONSHIP OF CASTE SYSTEM WITH MEASURED INTELLIGENCE AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF STUDENTS IN INDIA",1 "Social Forces",1966,"VALUE DIFFERENCES AND VALUE CONSENSUS BY SOCIOECONOMIC LEVELS",0 "Social Forces",1966,"MODAL ATTITUDE CLUSTERS: A SUPPLEMENT FOR THE STUDY OF NATIONAL CHARACTER",0 "Social Forces",1966,"AN ANALYSIS OF SOME DETERMINANTS OF ATTITUDE TOWARD FLUORIDATION",0 "Social Forces",1966,"EDUCATIONAL SPECIALIZATION OF SOUTHERN SOCIOLOGISTS WITH THE DOCTORATE",0 "Social Forces",1966,"MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE DECISIONS AND THE LARGER SOCIAL SYSTEM: A CASE STUDY IN SOCIAL CHANGE",0 "Social Forces",1966,"SOME TENTATIVE MODIFICATIONS OF WEBER'S TYPOLOGY: OCCIDENTAL VERSUS ORIENTAL CITY",1 "Social Forces",1966,"THE STRATEGY OF OCCUPATIONAL CHOICE: RECRUITMENT TO DENTISTRY",0 "Social Forces",1966,"MASS COMMUNICATION AND SOCIAL CHANGE",0 "Social Forces",1966,"SOCIAL MOVEMENT ORGANIZATIONS: GROWTH, DECAY AND CHANGE",0 "Social Forces",1966,"SOME INTERCORRELATIONS AMONG 'ALIENATION' MEASURES",0 "Social Forces",1966,"PROTESTANTISM AND ECONOMIC INSTITUTIONS: AUXILIARY THEORIES TO WEBER'S PROTESTANT ETHIC.",1 "Social Forces",1966,"ASPECTS OF RACIAL INTEGRATION IN THE METHODIST CHURCH: SOURCES OF RESISTANCE TO ORGANIZATIONAL POLICY",0 "Social Forces",1966,"ADVENTITIOUS VERSUS PURPOSIVE OCCUPATIONAL CHOICE, A REPLY TO KATZ",0 "Social Forces",1966,"THE JUVENILE COURT IN ITS RELATIONSHIP TO ADULT CRIMINALITY, A REPLICATED STUDY",0 "Social Forces",1966,"THE OCCUPATIONAL ROLE OF THE CHILD, A RESEARCH FRONTIER IN THE DEVELOPMENTAL CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK",0 "Social Forces",1966,"THE CIVIC SPHERE IN THE AMERICAN CITY",0 "Social Forces",1966,"RACIAL ATTITIUDES OF NEGRO FREEDOM SCHOOL PARTICIPANTS AND NEGRO AND WHITE CIVIL RIGHTS PARTICIPANTS",0 "Social Forces",1966,"DEFERENCE AND FRIENDSHIP PATTERNS IN TWO INDIAN MUNICIPAL COUNCILS",1 "Social Forces",1966,"REGIONAL DIFFERENCES IN AUTHORITARIANISM",0 "Social Forces",1966,"THE STANDARDIZED CONTIGUITY RATIO",0 "Social Forces",1966,"RELIGIOSITY IN 5-D: AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSIS",0 "Social Forces",1966,"MEASURES OF URBANIZATION",1 "Social Forces",1966,"THE HISTORICAL SOCIOLOGY OF CITIES, A CRITICAL REVIEW",1 "Social Forces",1966,"A STUDY OF KEY COMMUNICATORS IN URBAN THAILAND",1 "Social Forces",1966,"ALIENATION AND REVOLUTION",1 "Social Forces",1966,"SOCIAL PARTICIPATION AND SOCIAL STRUCTURE",0 "Social Forces",1966,"ROLE AND INTERPERSONAL STYLE AS COMPONENTS OF SOCIAL INTERACTION",0 "Social Forces",1966,"ATTITUDE AS A SCIENTIFIC CONCEPT",0 "Social Forces",1966,"PREDICTION OF DELINQUENCY WITH AN ATTITUDINAL CONFIGURATION MODEL",0 "Social Forces",1966,"NARCOTICS, NEGROES AND THE SOUTH",0 "Social Forces",1966,"THE CHINESE NARCOTIC ADDICT IN THE UNITED STATES",1 "Social Forces",1966,"SOME CHARACTERISTICS OF STUDENTS FROM POVERTY BACKGROUNDS ATTENDING PREDOMINANTLY NEGRO COLLEGES IN THE DEEP SOUTH",0 "Social Forces",1966,"THE IMPACT OF NEGRO NEIGHBORS ON WHITE HOME OWNERS",0 "Social Forces",1966,"AN EXPLORATORY STUDY OF ATTITUDES OF NEGRO PROFESSIONALS TOWARD COMPETITION WITH WHITES",0 "Social Forces",1966,"STATUS-SET AND ROLE-SET CONFLICTS OF THE STOCKBROKER, A PROBLEM IN THE SOCIOLOGY OF LAW",0 "Social Forces",1966,"MASS MEDIA SOCIALIZATION BEHAVIOR, NEGRO-WHITE DIFFERENCES",0 "Social Forces",1966,"A RELIGIOUS BASIS FOR SOLIDARITY IN INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY",0 "Social Forces",1966,"THE FUNCTIONS OF RACIAL CONFLICT",0 "Social Forces",1966,"SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND CIVIL RIGHTS INVOLVEMENT, A CASE STUDY OF PROTESTANT MINISTERS",0 "Social Forces",1966,"A STUDY OF INDIVIDUALISM, SOME DEMOGRAPHIC AND PSYCHOLOGICAL CORRELATES",0 "Social Forces",1967,"PARENTAL ENCOURAGEMENT, OCCUPATIONS, EDUCATION AND FAMILY SIZE, ARTIFACTUAL OR INDEPENDENT DETERMINANTS OF ADOLESCENT EDUCATIONAL EXPECTATIONS",0 "Social Forces",1967,"THE FUTURES OF SOUTH AFRICA",1 "Social Forces",1967,"AN EXAMINATION OF SOME RELIGIOUS AND POLITICAL ATTITUDE CORRELATES OF BIGOTRY",0 "Social Forces",1967,"ETHNIC CONCENTRATION AND ASSIMILATION, AN AUSTRALIAN CASE STUDY",1 "Social Forces",1967,"OBVIATING THE FUNCTIONS OF FUNCTIONALISM",0 "Social Forces",1967,"MEASURING THE EXTENT, CHARACTER, AND DIRECTION OF OCCUPATIONAL CHANGES",0 "Social Forces",1967,"CLASS POSITION AND SUCCESS STEREOTYPES IN GREEK AND AMERICAN CULTURES",1 "Social Forces",1967,"SPEECH AND SOCIAL STATUS IN AMERICA",1 "Social Forces",1967,"SOCIAL STRATIFICATION AND THE FAMILY IN MASS SOCIETY",0 "Social Forces",1967,"ROLE CONSTELLATION AS A VARIABLE IN WOMEN S LEISURE ACTIVITIES",0 "Social Forces",1967,"NEGRO STUDENT REBELLION AGAINST PARENTAL POLITICAL BELIEFS",1 "Social Forces",1967,"A STUDY OF THE ASSOCIATION AMONG VERBAL ATTITUDES, COMMITMENT AND OVERT BEHAVIOR IN DIFFERENT EXPERIMENTAL SITUATIONS",0 "Social Forces",1967,"AN EVALUATION OF THE CONCEPT CULTURE OF POVERTY",0 "Social Forces",1967,"REALISM IN LABORATORY SIMULATION, MYTH OR METHOD?",0 "Social Forces",1967,"SOCIAL INTEGRATION; EMOTIONAL ADJUSTMENT AND ILLNESS BEHAVIOR",0 "Social Forces",1967,"DIFFERENTIAL IDENTIFICATION AND ATTITUDES TOWARD THE LAW",0 "Social Forces",1967,"SOCIOLOGICAL REALISM: PARTITION FOR SOUTH AFRICA?",1 "Social Forces",1967,"INCOME REDISTRIBUTION. A CROSS-NATIONAL ANALYSIS",1 "Social Forces",1967,"MASSIFICATION VERSUS DIFFERENTIATION: SOME TREND DATA FROM NATIONAL SURVEYS",0 "Social Forces",1967,"SOME CORRELATES OF CIVIL RIGHTS ACTIVISM",0 "Social Forces",1967,"SUICIDE, STATUS, AND MOBILITY IN CHICAGO",0 "Social Forces",1967,"MORAL VALUE STRUCTURE OF LABORERS AND PENITENTIARY INMATES: A RESEARCH NOTE",0 "Social Forces",1967,"CONTINUITIES IN THEORIES OF STATUS CONSISTENCY AND COGNITIVE DISSONANCE",0 "Social Forces",1967,"SOME OBSERVATIONS ON MEASUREMENT AND STATISTICS",0 "Social Forces",1967,"INSIDERS AND OUTSIDERS: TOWARDS A THEORY OF OVERSEAS CULTURAL GROUPS",0 "Social Forces",1967,"RACE RELATIONS AND DEVELOPMENTAL CHANGE",0 "Social Forces",1967,"RACIAL DIFFERENTIATION IN AMERICAN METROPOLITAN AREAS",0 "Social Forces",1967,"OCCUPATIONAL STATUS AND WORK-TRIPS: A MINIMUM DISTANCE APPROACH",0 "Social Forces",1967,"A PRELIMINARY STUDY OF GENERATIONAL ECONOMIC DEPENDENCE ORIENTATIONS",0 "Social Forces",1967,"VIOLENCE: BIOLOGICAL NEED AND SOCIAL CONTROL",0 "Social Forces",1967,"A COMPARATIVE STUDY OF DELINQUENTS AND NON-DELINQUENTS: FAMILY AFFECT, RELIGION, AND PERSONAL INCOME",0 "Social Forces",1967,"SOCIAL INTEGRATION OF BUSINESSMEN IN VARIED SIZE COMMUNITIES",0 "Social Forces",1967,"ECOLOGICAL ORGANIZATION OF THE TRANSITIONAL CITY: SOME MEXICAN EVIDENCE",1 "Social Forces",1967,"POTENTIAL CANDIDATES FOR THE DESIGNERS' PARADISE, A SOCIAL ANALYSIS FROM A NATIONWIDE SURVEY",0 "Social Forces",1967,"A NOTE ON 'MEASURES OF URBANIZATION', WITH A FURTHER PROPOSAL",0 "Social Forces",1967,"DISENGAGEMENT OF THE AGED POPULATION AND RESPONSE DIFFERENTIALS IN SURVEY RESEARCH",0 "Social Forces",1967,"THE PROBLEM OF OBJECTIVITY IN JUDICIAL DECISION-MAKING",0 "Social Forces",1967,"EDUCATION AND TOLERANCE: AN ANALYSIS OF INTERVENING FACTORS",0 "Social Forces",1967,"ANALYSIS OF WORLD VIEW IN A MEXICAN PEASANT VILLAGE: AN ILLUSTRATION",1 "Social Forces",1967,"SOCIAL CHANGE AND THE JAZZ MUSICIAN",0 "Social Forces",1967,"INDONESIAN TERMS OF ADDRESS IN A SITUATION OF RAPID SOCIAL CHANGE",1 "Social Forces",1967,"EXPLORATION IN CASTE STEREOTYPES",1 "Social Forces",1967,"SUBCOMMUNITY GLADIATORIAL COMPETITION: CIVIL RIGHTS LEADERSHIP AS A COMPETITIVE PROCESS",0 "Social Forces",1967,"BIRTH ORDER AS A RESEARCH VARIABLE",0 "Social Forces",1967,"CAUSAL MODELS AND PROBABILITY",0 "Social Forces",1967,"ECOLOGICAL VARIABLES IN THE CROSS-CULTURAL STUDY OF DELINQUENCY",1 "Social Forces",1967,"ALCOHOL AND ADOLESCENT REBELLION",0 "Social Forces",1967,"CHANGE IN RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION AND FAMILY STABILITY",0 "Social Forces",1967,"AN ANALYSIS OF COMMUNITY AND PROFESSIONAL PARTICIPATION AMONG OCCUPATIONS",0 "Social Forces",1967,"SOCIAL MOBILITY AND JOB SATISFACTION: A REPLICATION AND EXTENSION",0 "Social Forces",1967,"OCCUPATIONAL STATUS AND HUSBAND-WIFE SOCIAL PARTICIPATION",0 "Social Forces",1967,"LIMITATIONS OF ONE SOCIAL CLASS INDEX WHEN COMPARING RACES WITH RESPECT TO INDICES OF HEALTH",0 "Social Forces",1967,"STRUCTURAL SOURCES OF THREAT TO NEGRO MEMBERSHIP IN MILITANT VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATIONS IN A SOUTHERN CITY",0 "Social Forces",1967,"THEORETICAL ALTERNATIVES AND SOCIAL RESEARCH",0 "Social Forces",1967,"THE PHILOSOPHY OF TOOLS",0 "Social Forces",1967,"VERBAL ATTITUDES AND OVERT BEHAVIOR",0 "Social Forces",1968,"OPTIMISM AND ACCURACY IN THE PERCEPTION OF SELECTED PAROLE PREDICTION ITEMS",0 "Social Forces",1968,"THE INTERACTION OF NEGROES AND WHITES IN AN INTEGRATED CHURCH SETTING",0 "Social Forces",1968,"INCOMPLETE PROFESSIONALIZATION: THE CASE OF PHARMACY",0 "Social Forces",1968,"SOCIAL CLASS AND ORIENTATION TO CHANGE: SOME RELEVANT VARIABLES IN A BOGOTA SAMPLE",1 "Social Forces",1968,"THE ROLE OF CHARISMA IN MODERN AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT",1 "Social Forces",1968,"THE ETHNIC FACTOR IN NATION-BUILDING",1 "Social Forces",1968,"BALANCE FORCES AND ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS: FACTORS INFLUENCING THE COHESIVENESS OF ADOLESCENT DRINKING GROUPS",0 "Social Forces",1968,"VIOLENCE NEXT DOOR",0 "Social Forces",1968,"A NOTE ON HOUSING SEGREGATION INDEXES",0 "Social Forces",1968,"FURTHER OBSERVATIONS ON 'MEASURES OF URBANIZATION'",1 "Social Forces",1968,"INTELLECTUAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL UNDERDEVELOPMENT: A CASE STUDY-COLOMBIA",1 "Social Forces",1968,"EMBARRASSMENT: ITS VARIABLE AND INVARIABLE ASPECTS",0 "Social Forces",1968,"RACE, EXPECTATIONS AND ANOMIA",0 "Social Forces",1968,"RELIGIOSITY IN 5-D: A SOUTHERN TEST",0 "Social Forces",1968,"ACADEMIC DISCIPLINE AS PREDICTIVE OF FACULTY RELIGIOSITY",0 "Social Forces",1968,"SOCIAL MOBILITY, STATUS INCONSISTENCY AND PARTISAN REALIGNMENT IN THE UNITED STATES",0 "Social Forces",1968,"EXPLORATIONS IN THE THEORY OF SOCIAL MOVEMENTS AND REVOLUTIONS",0 "Social Forces",1968,"OCCUPATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS AND PARTICIPATION IN VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATIONS",0 "Social Forces",1968,"HOMELESSNESS, AFFILIATION, AND OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY",0 "Social Forces",1968,"AUTHORITY RELATIONS AND CLASS CONFLICT",0 "Social Forces",1968,"STATUS INCONSISTENCY, SATISFACTORY SOCIAL INTERACTION, AND COMMUNITY SATISFACTION IN AN AREA OF RAPID GROWTH",0 "Social Forces",1968,"STATUS CRYSTALLIZATION AND THE INTERRACIAL ATTITUDES",0 "Social Forces",1968,"VALUES AND TRANSCENDENTAL EXPERIENCES",0 "Social Forces",1968,"A QUALIFICATION OF TEST FACTOR STANDARDIZATION: A METHODOLOGICAL NOTE",0 "Social Forces",1968,"RELIGIOUS COMMUNALITY AMONG WHITE PROTESTANTS, CATHOLICS, AND MORMONS",0 "Social Forces",1968,"ON THE PROPER USAGE OF THE GOMS",0 "Social Forces",1968,"A COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF SUBJECTIVE SOCIAL CLASS: 1945-1963",0 "Social Forces",1968,"OPPORTUNITY, MOBILITY AND SATISFACTION WITHIN AN INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION",1 "Social Forces",1968,"SOCIAL SECURITY AND INCOME REDISTRIBUTION",1 "Social Forces",1968,"'SOME OBSERVATIONS ON MEASUREMENT AND STATISTICS': COMMENT",0 "Social Forces",1968,"PRESTIGE INFLUENCES IN SERIOUS DATING RELATIONSHIPS OF UNIVERSITY STUDENTS",1 "Social Forces",1968,"IMAGES OF MAN AND SOCIAL CONTROL",0 "Social Forces",1968,"'MEASURES OF URBANIZATION': FURTHER DISCUSSION",0 "Social Forces",1968,"THE POLITICAL PARTY AFFILIATION OF COLLEGE PROFESSORS",0 "Social Forces",1968,"CHANGES IN THE RELATIVE STATUS LEVEL OF WORKERS IN THE UNITED STATES, 1950-60",0 "Social Forces",1968,"DEFINING THE RURAL-URBAN FRINGE",1 "Social Forces",1968,"TOENNIES AND SOCIAL CHANGE",0 "Social Forces",1968,"THE APPLICATION OF A SYSTEM OF SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS TO AN INNOVATION DIFFUSION MODEL",0 "Social Forces",1968,"ORGANIZATIONAL AGE, STRUCTURE AND ORIENTATIONS TOWARD CLIENTS",0 "Social Forces",1968,"ORGANIZATIONAL INVOLVEMENT AND SOCIAL CONTROL",0 "Social Forces",1968,"BEHAVIORAL OBSERVABILITY AND COMPLIANCE WITH RELIGIOUS PROSCRIPTIONS ON BIRTH CONTROL",1 "Social Forces",1968,"VARIABLES RELATED TO RESISTANCE TO DESEGREGATION IN THE SOUTH",1 "Social Forces",1968,"CONTINGENCIES OF MARRIAGE TO HIGH-STATUS MEN",0 "Social Forces",1968,"DEMOGRAPHIC CONDITIONS AND EXTENDED FAMILY HOUSEHOLDS: EGYPTIAN DATA",1 "Social Forces",1968,"STATUS INCONSISTENCY, SOCIAL ISOLATION, AND INDIVIDUAL UNREST",0 "Social Forces",1968,"THE EFFECT OF INTERNATIONAL INTERCHANGE OF HIGH-LEVEL MANPOWER ON THE UNITED STATES",1 "Social Forces",1968,"ETHNIC MEMBERSHIP AND CULTURAL CHANGE IN GUATEMALA",1 "Social Forces",1968,"ASSIMILATION-CONTRAST EFFECTS AND ITEM SELECTION IN THURSTONE SCALING",0 "Social Forces",1968,"ON THE NATURE OF DEVIANCE",0 "Social Forces",1968,"PROBLEMS IN THE SOCIOLOGY OF DEVIANCE: SOCIAL DEFINITIONS AND BEHAVIOR",0 "Social Forces",1968,"COMMENTS ON 'INCOME REDISTRIBUTION'",0 "Social Forces",1969,"HIERARCHY AND WORK SATISFACTION IN A CHILEAN HOSPITAL",1 "Social Forces",1969,"A COMPARISON OF THE CSR ESTIMATES OF NET MIGRATION, 1950-60 AND THE CENSUS ESTIMATES, 1955-60 FOR THE UNITED STATES",0 "Social Forces",1969,"SOME ASPECTS OF AMERICAN INDIAN MIGRATION",0 "Social Forces",1969,"RELIGIOSITY IN 5-D: A CRITICAL NOTE",0 "Social Forces",1969,"A FACTOR ANALYSIS OF DEAN'S ALIENATION SCALE",0 "Social Forces",1969,"A NOTE ON DETERMINING QUESTIONNAIRE DESTINATION IN A SURVEY RESEARH",0 "Social Forces",1969,"CONFLICT RESOLUTION AND IMPROPRIETY IN A GUATEMALAN TOWN",1 "Social Forces",1969,"SOME DETERMINANTS OF INTRAMETROPOLITAN RESIDENTIAL MOBILITY: CONCEPTUAL CONSIDERATION",0 "Social Forces",1969,"ENVIRONMENT, SYSTEM AND OUTPUT: THE CONSIDERATION OF A MODEL",0 "Social Forces",1969,"TYPIFICATION, TYPOLOGIES, AND SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY",0 "Social Forces",1969,"CROSS-CULTURAL MEASUREMENT OF RACIAL AND ETHNIC ATTITUDES BY THE SEMANTIC DIFFERENTIAL",1 "Social Forces",1969,"WHITE AND NEGRO LISTENERS' REACTIONS TO VARIOUS AMERICAN-ENGLISH DIALECTS",1 "Social Forces",1969,"URBANIZATION, TECHNOLOGY, AND TRADITIONAL VALUES IN GUATEMALA: SOME CONSEQUENCES OF A CHANGING SOCIAL STRUCTURE",1 "Social Forces",1969,"TOWARD PREDICTION OF ATTITUDE-ACTION DISCREPANCY",0 "Social Forces",1969,"PETITIONS AND PRAYERS: A METHOD FOR THE CONTENT ANALYSIS OF PERSUASIVE APPEALS",1 "Social Forces",1969,"NEGROES, EDUCATION, AND THE SOUTHERN STATES",0 "Social Forces",1969,"NEGRO POLITICAL BEHAVIOR AND COMMUNITY POLITICAL AND SOCIOECONOMIC STRUCTURAL FACTORS",0 "Social Forces",1969,"A NEW SUBURBAN POLITICS",0 "Social Forces",1969,"WHITE-NON-WHITE AGE DIFFERENCES AND THE ACCURATE ASSESSMENT OF THE 'COST OF BEING NEGRO'",0 "Social Forces",1969,"TWO CATEGORIES OF POLITICAL ALIENATION",0 "Social Forces",1969,"DIFFERENTIAL PRIOR SOCIALIZATION: A COMPARISON OF FOUR PROFESSIONAL TRAINING PROGRAMS",0 "Social Forces",1969,"DISSATISFACTION AND THE FARM-NONFARM WORK CONTEXT",0 "Social Forces",1969,"STUDENT ACTRESSES AND THEIR ARTISTRY: VICISSITUDES OF LEARNING A CREATIVE TRADE",0 "Social Forces",1969,"SOCIOECONOMIC DIFFERENTIATION WITHIN NEGRO AREAS OF AMERICAN CITIES",0 "Social Forces",1969,"THE DECLINING STATUS OF WOMEN: POPULAR MYTHS AND THE FAILURE OF FUNCTIONALIST THOUGHT",0 "Social Forces",1969,"STATUS INCONSISTENCY AND SATISFACTION WITH SORORITY MEMBERSHIP",0 "Social Forces",1969,"STATUS INCONSISTENCY REVISITED",0 "Social Forces",1969,"BEYOND PARSONS? A CRITIQUE OF RALF DAHRENDORF'S CONFLICT THEORY",1 "Social Forces",1969,"THE CHANGING STRUCTURE OF PROPERTY CRIME IN AN AFFLUENT SOCIETY",0 "Social Forces",1969,"NEGRO-WHITE DIFFERENCES IN BLUE-COLLAR MARRIAGES IN A NORTHERN METROPOLIS",0 "Social Forces",1969,"STATISTICAL INTERACTION AND PAROLE PREDICTION",0 "Social Forces",1969,"APATHY, TRUANCY AND DELINQUENCY AS ADAPTATIONS TO SCHOOL FAILURE",1 "Social Forces",1969,"FAILING IN NEW HAVEN: AN ANALYSIS OF HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES AND DROPOUTS",0 "Social Forces",1969,"SOCIAL ORIGINS, ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT AND MOBILITY CHANNELS: SPONSORED AND CONTEST MOBILITY AMONG COLLEGE GRADUATES",0 "Social Forces",1969,"OCCUPATIONAL STEREOTYPES AND PRESTIGE",1 "Social Forces",1969,"'SYMBOLIC BUREAUCRACY': A CASE STUDY OF A SOCIAL WELFARE AGENCY",0 "Social Forces",1969,"RELIGIOUS ORTHODOXY AND PREMARITAL SEX",1 "Social Forces",1969,"FACTORS RELATED TO IMMIGRANT ASSIMILATION: PRE-MIGRATION TRAITS",1 "Social Forces",1969,"DIFFERENTIAL ASSOCIATION AND CONTAINMENT THEORY: A THEORETICAL CONVERGENCE",0 "Social Forces",1969,"CRIME AND PUNISHMENT: A STUDY IN SOCIAL ATTITUDES",0 "Social Forces",1969,"AN EMPIRICAL STUDY OF HOWARD BECKER'S SIDE-BET THEORY",0 "Social Forces",1969,"SELF-IMAGE, FAMILY CLIMATE, AND DEAFNESS",0 "Social Forces",1969,"ETHNICITY, POVERTY, AND SELECTED ATTITUDES: A TEST OF THE 'CULTURE OF POVERTY' HYPOTHESIS",1 "Social Forces",1969,"A PARTIAL TEST OF THE DELINQUENCY CONTINUUM TYPOLOGY: CONTRACULTURES AND SUBCULTURES",0 "Social Forces",1969,"GEORG SIMMEL ON SOCIAL MEDICINE",1 "Social Forces",1969,"PROTESTANT AND CATHOLIC PERCEPTIONS OF CHURCH STRUCTURE",0 "Social Forces",1969,"EDUCATION, MIGRATION AND NEGRO UNEMPLOYMENT",0 "Social Forces",1969,"THE SELF OR THE COLLECTIVITY: SIMULATION OF A MARXIAN HYPOTHESIS",0 "Social Forces",1969,"A RE-EXAMINATION OF SIMMEL'S 'THE SECRET AND THE SECRET SOCIETY': NINE PROPOSITIONS",0 "Social Forces",1969,"A PROPORTIONAL-REDUCTION-IN-ERROR INTERPRETATION FOR KENDALL'S TAU-B",0 "Social Forces",1969,"QUESTIONNAIRE RESPONSE RATE: A METHODOLOGICAL ANALYSIS",0 "Social Forces",1970,"TRENDS IN OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY IN INDIANAPOLIS",0 "Social Forces",1970,"INTRAGENERATIONAL VERSUS INTERGENERATIONAL MOBILITY IN RELATION TO SOCIOPOLITICAL ATTITUDES",1 "Social Forces",1970,"DELINQUENCY POTENTIAL AND ATTITUDES TOWARD THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM",0 "Social Forces",1970,"RURAL COMMUNITY POWER STRUCTURE IN INDIA",1 "Social Forces",1970,"THE 'FRIENDLY' POKER GAME: A STUDY OF AN EPHEMERAL ROLE",0 "Social Forces",1970,"AGING AND RELIGIOUS DISAFFILIATION",0 "Social Forces",1970,"SECULARIZATION: A CROSS-NATIONAL STUDY OF CATHOLIC MALE ADOLESCENTS",1 "Social Forces",1970,"RELIGIOUS CHANGE AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS OVER TWO DECADES",0 "Social Forces",1970,"ACHIEVEMENT VALUES AND ANOMIE AMONG WOMEN IN A LOW-INCOME HOUSING PROJECT",0 "Social Forces",1970,"A NOTE ON STATUS CRYSTALLIZATION AND URBANIZATION",0 "Social Forces",1970,"ON THE MIXING OF MORALITY AND POLITICS: A TEST OF A WEBERIAN HYPOTHESIS",1 "Social Forces",1970,"CHRONOPOLITICS: THE IMPACT OF TIME PERSPECTIVES ON THE DYNAMICS OFCHANGE",0 "Social Forces",1970,"ON THE MIXING OF MORALITY AND POLITICS: A TEST OF A WEBERIAN HYPOTHESIS",1 "Social Forces",1970,"MAN THE SPECIES AND THE INDIVIDUAL: A SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE",0 "Social Forces",1970,"AN EMPIRICAL NOTE ABOUT MARRIED WOMEN AND THEIR FRIENDS",0 "Social Forces",1970,"LIFE-STYLE DIFFERENCES AMONG URBAN AND SUBURBAN BLUE COLLAR FAMILIES",0 "Social Forces",1970,"AN INDICATOR OF MARRIAGE DISSOLUTION BY MARRIAGE COHORT",0 "Social Forces",1970,"SOME POLITICAL IMPLICATIONS OF STUDENTS ACQUISITION OF SOCIAL SCIENCE INFORMATION",0 "Social Forces",1970,"THE IMPACT OF PARENTAL CONSTRAINTS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF BEHAVIOR DISORDERS",0 "Social Forces",1970,"SOCIAL STATUS AND INTERPERSONAL PATTERNS AMONG MARRIED COUPLES",0 "Social Forces",1970,"MINORITY STATUS AND THE PURSUIT OF PROFESSIONAL CAREERS: WOMEN IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING",0 "Social Forces",1970,"A THEMATIC ANALYSIS OF THE AMERICAN BUSINESS CREED",0 "Social Forces",1970,"SOCIAL INVENTIONS",0 "Social Forces",1970,"THE ROLE OF STEREOTYPES IN COMMUNICATION BETWEEN ETHNIC GROUPS IN THE PHILIPPINES",1 "Social Forces",1970,"SELF-CONCEPTS OF AMERICAN AND CANADIAN PARTY OFFICIALS: THEIR DEVELOPMENT AND CONSEQUENCES",1 "Social Forces",1970,"DOSTOYEVSKY, TRADITIONAL DOMINATION AND COGNITIVE DISSONANCE",1 "Social Forces",1970,"A NOTE ON THE FRIENDSHIP TIES OF BLACK URBANITES",0 "Social Forces",1970,"SEARCH PARAMETERS FOR THE SMALL WORLD PROBLEM",0 "Social Forces",1970,"THE PERSISTENCE OF REGIONALISM AS A FACTOR IN RACIAL ATTITUDES OF METHODIST CLERGY",0 "Social Forces",1970,"INTRAGENERATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY AND VISITING WITH KIN AND FRIEND",0 "Social Forces",1970,"SOCIAL-PSYCHOLOGICAL IMPLICATIONS OF WEBER'S MODEL OF BUREAUCRACY: RELATIONS AMONG EXPERTISE, CONTROL, AUTHORITY, AND LEGITIMACY",0 "Social Forces",1970,"ANCHORAGE IN ORGANIZATION: A DIALECTICAL THEORY",0 "Social Forces",1970,"PARTICULARISM, EXCHANGE AND ORGANIZATIONAL EFFICIENCY: A CASE STUDY OF A CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY",1 "Social Forces",1970,"DIFFERENTIAL TRENDS TOWARD EQUALITY BETWEEN WHITES AND NONWHITES",0 "Social Forces",1970,"THE MAILED QUESTIONNAIRE IN PANEL RESEARCH: SOME EMPIRICAL OBSERVATIONS",0 "Social Forces",1970,"ARE INTERRACIAL MARRIAGES LESS STABLE?",0 "Social Forces",1970,"ECONOMIC AND NONECONOMIC LIBERALISM, UPWARD MOBILITY POTENTIAL AND CATHOLIC WORKING CLASS YOUTH",0 "Social Forces",1970,"STATUS INCONSISTENCIES AND WALLACE SUPPORTERS IN A MIDWESTERN CITY",0 "Social Forces",1970,"GROUP ORIENTATIONS AND STRATEGIES IN RACIAL CHANGE",0 "Social Forces",1970,"AUTHORITARIANISM; ANOMIA AND PREJUDICE",0 "Social Forces",1970,"AN EXPERIMENTAL EXAMINATION OF A STOCHASTIC MODEL OF DOMINANCE",0 "Social Forces",1970,"PREJUDICE VERSUS DISCRIMINATION: AN EMPIRICAL EXAMPLE AND THEORETICAL EXTENSION",0 "Social Forces",1970,"ON MISUNDERSTANDING THE CONCEPT OF COMMITMENT: A THEORETICAL CLARIFICATION",0 "Social Forces",1970,"ON THE PROBLEM OF CLARIFYING COMMITMENT THEORY",0 "Social Forces",1970,"ON THE ESTIMATION OF PATH COEFFICIENTS FOR UNMEASURED VARIABLES FROM CORRELATIONS AMONG OBSERVED VARIABLES",0 "Social Forces",1970,"ON CHRISTIANITY AND SOCIOPOLITICAL CHANGE",1 "Social Forces",1970,"A CRITICAL EXAMINATION OF THE DESIGNATION OF STANDARD METROPOLITAN STATISTICAL AREAS",0 "Social Forces",1970,"SUBJECTIVE SOCIAL CLASS IN AMERICA: 1945-68",0 "Social Forces",1970,"BUREAUCRACY AND ALIENATION: A DIMENSIONAL APPROACH",0 "Social Forces",1970,"THE COMMUNITY AS A SOCIAL FIELD",0 "Social Forces",1970,"IN DEFENSE OF ORTHODOXY: NOTES ON THE VALIDITY OF AN INDEX",0 "Social Forces",1970,"NOTE ON THE MATEHMATICAL FORMALIZATION OF A MEASURE OF DIVISION OFLABOR",0 "Social Forces",1970,"MULTIPLE CORRELATION AND ORDINALLY SCALED DATA",1 "Social Forces",1971,"AN ELABORATION AND TEST OF A SECULARIZATION HYPOTHESIS IN TERMS OF OPEN-SYSTEMS THEORY OF ORGANIZATION",0 "Social Forces",1971,"MEASUREMENT ERROR AND REGRESSION TO THE MEAN IN MATCHED SAMPLES",0 "Social Forces",1971,"RETENTION OF CULTURAL VALUES AND DIFFERENTIAL URBAN ADAPTATION",1 "Social Forces",1971,"ALIENATION, DEVIATION-PRONENESS, AND PERCEPTION OF TWO TYPES OF BARRIERS AMONG RURAL ADOLESCENTS",0 "Social Forces",1971,"IS DELINQUENCY INCREASING?",0 "Social Forces",1971,"THE EXPLANATION OF OCCUPATIONAL PRESTIGE HIERARCHIES",1 "Social Forces",1971,"THE LOGIC OF NATURALISTIC INQUIRY",0 "Social Forces",1971,"RATIO MEASUREMENT FOR THE SOCIAL SCIENCES",0 "Social Forces",1971,"ETHNOMETHODOLOGY AND MEASUREMENT",0 "Social Forces",1971,"AGGREGATION AND MEASUREMENT ERROR",0 "Social Forces",1971,"TRENDS IN THE RELATIVE STATUS OF THE AGED",0 "Social Forces",1971,"ROLE SATISFACTION OF THE CATHOLIC PRIEST",1 "Social Forces",1971,"STRUCTURAL EFFECTS OF PROFESSIONAL SCHOOLS ON PROFESSIONAL SOCIALIZATION: THE CASE OF PROTESTANT CLERGYMEN",0 "Social Forces",1971,"ON THE LOGIC OF POST-FACTUM EXPLANATIONS: THE HYPOTHESIS OF LOWER-CLASS FRUSTRATION AS THE CAUSE OF LEFTIST RADICALISM",1 "Social Forces",1971,"INADVERTENT SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY",0 "Social Forces",1971,"PROCESS-ORIENTATION IN SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY AND RESEARCH: UNTASTED OLD WINE IN SLIGHTLY USED BOTTLES",0 "Social Forces",1971,"A THEORY OF RACIAL CONFLICT",0 "Social Forces",1971,"COMMENTARY ON LAND'S TREATMENT OF UNMEASURED VARIABLES IN PATH ANALYSIS",0 "Social Forces",1971,"MOBILITY ORIENTATION IN THE FAMILY",0 "Social Forces",1971,"THE ORGANIZATIONAL SUBSTRUCTURE OF DISORDERLY POLITICS",0 "Social Forces",1971,"SOME ISSUES IN THE STUDY OF BUREAUCRACY AND ALIENATION",1 "Social Forces",1971,"THE TWO PROBLEMS OF ORDER IN PARSONS' THEORY: AN ANALYSIS FROM WITHIN",0 "Social Forces",1971,"THE DEVELOPMENT OF CLASS AWARENESS IN CHILDREN",0 "Social Forces",1971,"SOME STRUCTURAL FEATURES OF RELATIONS BETWEEN THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE, THE NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION, AND THEIR PRINCIPAL CONTRACTORS",1 "Social Forces",1971,"SCALING FORMAL VOLUNTARY ORGANIZATIONS AS AN ELEMENT OF COMMUNITY STRUCTURE",0 "Social Forces",1971,"COMMUNICATION IN THE PRACTICE OF LOVE MAGIC",0 "Social Forces",1971,"CRITIQUE OF ORDINAL VALUES",0 "Social Forces",1971,"MARITAL AGREEMENT AS A FUNCTION OF STATUS-RELATED AGREEMENT",1 "Social Forces",1971,"BIRTH ORDER, SIBSHIP SIZE AND SOCIAL CLASS AS ANTECEDENTS OF ADOLESCENTS' ACCEPTANCE OF PARENTS' AUTHORITY",0 "Social Forces",1971,"DIFFERENTIAL ASSOCIATIONAL INVOLVEMENT OF SUCCESSIVE ETHNIC IMMIGRATIONS: AN INDICATOR OF ETHNO-RELIGIOUS FACTIONALISM AND ALIENATION OF IMMIGRANTS",1 "Social Forces",1971,"LATER-LIFE SOCIALIZATION AND DIFFERENTIAL SOCIAL ASSIMILATION OF THE CHINESE IN URBAN THAILAND",1 "Social Forces",1971,"SOME CORRELATES OF GOVERNMENT PURCHASE OF INDUSTRY OUTPUT",0 "Social Forces",1971,"AN ECOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF VOTING BEHAVIOR IN BATON ROUGE: FROM STROM THURMOND TO GEORGE WALLACE",0 "Social Forces",1971,"THE IMPACT OF SOCIAL CONSTRAINTS ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ATTITUDES AND BEHAVIOR",0 "Social Forces",1971,"FORMS OF STATUS INCONSISTENCY",0 "Social Forces",1971,"THE LOST LETTER TECHNIQUE AS A MEASURE OF SOCIAL VARIABLES",0 "Social Forces",1971,"THE ELEMENTARY CLASSROOM AS A FROG POND: SELF-CONCEPT, SENSE OF CONTROL AND SOCIAL CONTEXT",0 "Social Forces",1971,"COMMENTARY ON 'THE INDISCRIMINATE STATE OF SOCIAL CLASS MEASUREMENT'",0 "Social Forces",1971,"REPLY TO HOLLINGSHEAD",0 "Social Forces",1971,"THE INDISCRIMINATE STATE OF SOCIAL CLASS MEASUREMENT",1 "Social Forces",1971,"URBANIZATION AND PARTY COMPETITION: A NOTE ON SHIFTING CONCEPTUALIZATION AND A REPORT OF FURTHER DATA",0 "Social Forces",1971,"REACTIONS TO A STUDY OF BUREAUCRACY AND ALIENATION",0 "Social Forces",1971,"TASK EXPERIENCE AND INTERTRIBAL VALUE DIFFERENCES ON THE WIND RIVER RESERVATION",0 "Social Forces",1971,"THE FIRST YEARS OF DESEGREGATION",0 "Social Forces",1971,"IDEOLOGY, INSTITUTIONAL IDENTIFICATION, AND CAMPUS ACTIVISM",1 "Social Forces",1971,"OCCUPATIONAL STATUS AND UNEMPLOYMENT OF NONWHITE WOMEN",0 "Social Forces",1971,"THE EMERGENCE OF ETHNIC INTERESTS",1 "Social Forces",1971,"LEADERSHIP AND CHANGE IN AN EVOLUTION MOVEMENT",1 "Social Forces",1972,"City of Rural ""Homeland"": A Study of Patterns of Identification among Africans in South Africa's Divided Society",1 "Social Forces",1972,"Differential Labor Force Participation of Women in Latin American and Middle Eastern Countries: The Influence of Family Characteristics",1 "Social Forces",1972,"The City as a System Generating Income Equality",0 "Social Forces",1972,"The Theory of Ecological Expansion: An Empirical Test",0 "Social Forces",1972,"The Distribution of Segregation in Atlanta",0 "Social Forces",1972,"Neighborhood Context and College Plans: An Ordinal Path Analysis",0 "Social Forces",1972,"Sectarianism, World View and Anomie",0 "Social Forces",1972,"American Civil Religion: An Empirical Study",0 "Social Forces",1972,"The Division of Labor in America: An Ecological Analysis",0 "Social Forces",1972,"Sociology in an Age of Fifth Wheels",0 "Social Forces",1972,"Dialectical Sociology: An Exemplar for the 1970's",0 "Social Forces",1972,"Howard Odum's Technicways: A Neglected Lead in American Sociology",0 "Social Forces",1972,"The Ratio Measurement of Social Status: Some Cross-Cultural Comparisons",1 "Social Forces",1972,"The Failure of Freedom of Choice: Decision-Making in a Southern Black Community",0 "Social Forces",1972,"Unanticipated Consequences of Organizational Coalitions: Ecumenical Cooperation and Civil Rights Policy",1 "Social Forces",1972,"The ""Dual Society"" Thesis in Latin America: A Reexamination of the Costa Rican Case",1 "Social Forces",1972,"Beyond Rational Bureaucracy: Changing Values and Social Integration In Post-Industrial Society",0 "Social Forces",1972,"Coping with Bureaucracy: The Isreali Case",0 "Social Forces",1972,"Community and Consistency: The Ethnic Factor in Status Inconsistency",0 "Social Forces",1972,"Residential Segregation and Social Differentiation in American Urban Areas",0 "Social Forces",1972,"Correlates of Commutation between Central Cities and Rings of SMSA's",0 "Social Forces",1972,"Lay Conceptions of the Sick Role",0 "Social Forces",1972,"The Relationship Between Sex Roles, Marital Status, and Mental Illness",0 "Social Forces",1972,"The Widowed Who Live Alone: An Examination of Social and Demographic Factors",0 "Social Forces",1972,"Class, Property and Authority: Dahrendorf's Critique of Marx's Theory of Class",0 "Social Forces",1972,"Social Mobility and Attitude Toward the Political System",0 "Social Forces",1972,"The Doll Technique: A Measure of Racial Ethnocentrism?",0 "Social Forces",1972,"General Deterrent Effects of Imprisonment",0 "Social Forces",1972,"CLASS, FAMILY, AND SCHIZOPHRENIA: A REFORMULATION",0 "Social Forces",1972,"RELIGION AND THE MIGRANT IN THE CITY: A TEST OF HOLT'S CULTURAL SHOCK THESIS",0 "Social Forces",1972,"SOCIAL CLASS AND SCHIZOPHRENIA: SOME REQUIREMENTS FOR A PLAUSIBLE THEORY OF SOCIAL INFLUENCE",0 "Social Forces",1972,"REJOINDER TO DAVID MECHANIC",0 "Social Forces",1972,"CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORKS FOR THE ANALYSIS OF RACE RELATIONS: AN EVALUATION",0 "Social Forces",1972,"CHANGING CONCEPTS OF MORALITY: 1948-69",0 "Social Forces",1972,"THE COMMUNITY AS A SOCIAL SYSTEM",0 "Social Forces",1972,"A NEW IDEOLOGY OF EDUCATION",1 "Social Forces",1972,"THE OCCUPATIONAL COMPOSITION OF WHITE FEMALES: SEXISM, RACISM AND OCCUPATIONAL DIFFERENTIATION",0 "Social Forces",1972,"ON THE CONCEPT OF POLITICAL CULTURE: A THEORETICAL REASSESSMENT",1 "Social Forces",1972,"PERCENT BLACK AND LYNCHING: A TEST OF BLALOCK'S THEORY",0 "Social Forces",1972,"A COMMENT ON 'INTERGENERATIONAL OCCUPATIONAL MOBILITY AND VISITING WITH KIN AND FRIEND'",0 "Social Forces",1973,"On Operationalizing the Concept of Commitment",0 "Social Forces",1973,"Georg Simmel and the Aesthetics of Social Reality",0 "Social Forces",1973,"Task Experience and Attitudes Toward Delaying Reward",0 "Social Forces",1973,"Attitude and Prediction of Behavior",0 "Social Forces",1973,"Facial Stereotypes of Deviants and Judgments of Guilt or Innocence",0 "Social Forces",1973,"Social Relations in Organizations: Further Evidence for the Weberian Model",0 "Social Forces",1973,"Occupational Aspirations Among the Totally Blind",0 "Social Forces",1973,"Occupational Structure of Community General Hospitals: The Harmonic Series Model",0 "Social Forces",1973,"Social Participation Patterns Among Mobile-Home and Single-Family Dwellers",0 "Social Forces",1973,"Old Culture - New Culture: A Study of Migrants in Ankara, Turkey",1 "Social Forces",1973,"Campus Mate Selection Preferences: A Cross-National Comparison",1 "Social Forces",1973,"Social Networks, Lay Consultation and Help-Seeking Behavior",1 "Social Forces",1973,"A Comment on Palmore and Whittington's Relative Status of the Aged",0 "Social Forces",1973,"A Comment on Palmore and Whittington's Index of Similarity",0 "Social Forces",1973,"Deviance and Respectability: An Observational Study of Reactions to Shoplifting",0 "Social Forces",1973,"Toward a Theory of Racial Differences in Employment",0 "Social Forces",1973,"Stable Resources of Protest Movements: The Multi-Organizational Field",0 "Social Forces",1973,"Some Temporal and Spatial Aspects of Interurban Industrial Differentiation",0 "Social Forces",1973,"Contract Formation and Overt Power: A Reexamination",0 "Social Forces",1973,"Migration, Poverty, and the Rural South",0 "Social Forces",1973,"Social Identities in Anglo and Latin Adolescents",1 "Social Forces",1973,"Design Strategies for Comparative International Studies of Community Power",1 "Social Forces",1973,"Social Control Violence and Radicalization: The Kent State Case",1 "Social Forces",1973,"Problems of Definitional Dependency: The Case of Administrative Intensity",0 "Social Forces",1973,"Social Class Measurement and Women's Occupational Roles",0 "Social Forces",1973,"Subjective Probability and Normative Evaluations",0 "Social Forces",1973,"Group Violations, Socioeconomic Status and Official Delinquency",0 "Social Forces",1973,"From Utopia to Where?: A Strategy for Reformulating the Dahrendorf Conflict Model",0 "Social Forces",1973,"Societal Reaction and the Response to Deviation in Small Groups",0 "Social Forces",1973,"The Effect of Competition on Some Dimensions of Organizational Structure",0 "Social Forces",1973,"The Protestant Ethic and Political Preference",0 "Social Forces",1973,"Marching to a Different Drummer: Occupational and Political Correlates of Former Student Activists",0 "Social Forces",1973,"Urban Malaise",1 "Social Forces",1973,"Sources of Conflict Over Priorities of the Protestant Church",1 "Social Forces",1973,"Religious Identification and Its Ethnic Correlates: A Multivariate Model",0 "Social Forces",1973,"The Civil Justice Process as Societal Reactions",0 "Social Forces",1973,"Some Dimensions of Interreligious Marriages in Indiana, 1962-67",0 "Social Forces",1973,"Organizational and Political Transformation of a Social Movement: A Study of the 30th of May Movement in Curacao",1 "Social Forces",1973,"Intergenerational Occupational Mobility and Alienation",0 "Social Forces",1973,"Servants: The Obsolescence of an Occupational Role",0 "Social Forces",1973,"Auto Workers and Their Machines: A Study of Work, Factory, and Job Satisfaction in Four Countries",1 "Social Forces",1973,"Consistency Among Humanitarian and Helping Attitudes",0 "Social Forces",1974,"On Ordinal Prediction Problems",0 "Social Forces",1974,"A Socioeconomic Model for the Prediction of Societal Rates of Property Theft",1 "Social Forces",1974,"The Validity of Secondary Analyses of Community Power Studies",0 "Social Forces",1974,"Procedural Considerations in Measuring Latitudes of Acceptance, Rejection, and Noncommitment",0 "Social Forces",1974,"Criticism, Witnesses and the Maintenance of Interaction",0 "Social Forces",1974,"On the Administrative Sector of Social Systems: An Analysis of the Size and Complexity of Government Bureaucracies in the American States",0 "Social Forces",1974,"Rate of Change and Stress: A Test of the ""Future Shoci"" Thesis",0 "Social Forces",1974,"Class Consciousness and American Political Attitudes",0 "Social Forces",1974,"Conflict Change and Stability: A Reciprocal Interaction in Schools",0 "Social Forces",1974,"Ethological Indicators of Dominance and Territory in a Human Captive Population",0 "Social Forces",1974,"Certainty of Arrest and Crime Rates: A Further Test of the Deterrence Hypothesis",0 "Social Forces",1974,"Testing Theoretical Hypotheses: A PRE Statistic",0 "Social Forces",1974,"Continuities in Ordinal Path Analysis",1 "Social Forces",1974,"On Interpreting Ordinal Analogies to Multiple Regression and Path Analysis",0 "Social Forces",1974,"On ""Ordinal Path Analysis""",1 "Social Forces",1974,"The Current State of Swedish Sociology: A Review Essay",1 "Social Forces",1974,"The Duality of Persons and Groups",0 "Social Forces",1974,"Alienation and Age: A Context-Specific Approach",0 "Social Forces",1974,"Region, Migration and the Earnings of White and Black Men",0 "Social Forces",1974,"Interethnic Marriage as an Index of Assimilation: The Case of Singapore",1 "Social Forces",1974,"John Doe, Jr.: A Study of His Distribution in Space, Time, and the Social Structure",0 "Social Forces",1974,"A Problem in Testing the Theory of Status Integration",0 "Social Forces",1974,"Social Class and Social Time Perspective",0 "Social Forces",1974,"Occupational Mobility in Nineteenth-Century US Cities: A Review of Some Evidence",0 "Social Forces",1974,"The Structure of Occupational Mobility: Conceptualization and Analysis",1 "Social Forces",1974,"""The Compassionate Physician"": Frequency and Social Determinants of Physician-Investigator Concern for Human Subjects",0 "Social Forces",1974,"Some Evidence on Occupational Licensing and Occupational Incomes",0 "Social Forces",1974,"Ability vs. Effort: Ideological Correlates of Occupational Grading",0 "Social Forces",1974,"Urbanization, Population Density, and Overcrowding: Trends in the Quality of Life in Urban America",0 "Social Forces",1974,"Population Density and Social Pathology: The Case of Building Type, Social Allowance and Juvenile Delinquency",0 "Social Forces",1974,"Methodological Issues in Delinquency Research: Some Alternative Analyses of Geographically Distributed Data",0 "Social Forces",1974,"The Labeling Approach to Delinquency: State of the Theory as a Function of Method",0 "Social Forces",1974,"Alternative Models for the Future of Society: From the Invisible to the Visible Hand",0 "Social Forces",1974,"Scapegoating and Leader Behavior",0 "Social Forces",1974,"The Standardization of Elite Careers in Bureaucratizing Organizations",0 "Social Forces",1974,"A Causal Synthesis of Sociological and Psychological Models of American Voting Behavior",0 "Social Forces",1974,"Stress and Mental Illness Among the Young: A Comparison of the Sexes",0 "Social Forces",1974,"Forming Composite Scales and Estimating Their Validity Through Factor Analysis",0 "Social Forces",1974,"Cohort Analysis of Church Attendance, 1939-69",0 "Social Forces",1974,"Social Class, Style of Life and Fertility in Puerto Rico",1 "Social Forces",1974,"Treating Data Collected by the ""Small World"" Method as a Markov Process",0 "Social Forces",1974,"Recent Trends in Intercategory Differences in Attitudes",0 "Social Forces",1974,"On the Relation Between Human Ecology and Behavioral Social Psychology",0 "Social Forces",1974,"The Social Dimensions of Urbanism",1 "Social Forces",1974,"Municipal Differentiation and Public Policy: Fiscal Support Levels in Varying Environments",1 "Social Forces",1974,"Prestige and Goals in American Universities",0 "Social Forces",1974,"Student Activism of the 1960s Revisited: A Multivariate Analysis Research Note",0 "Social Forces",1974,"Adolescent Perceptions of Conjugal Power",0 "Social Forces",1974,"Parents and Peers: Serendipity in a Study of Shifting Reference Sources",0 "Social Forces",1974,"Early Motherhood, Accelerated Role Transition, and Social Pathologies",0 "Social Forces",1974,"Correlates of Childlessness and Expectations to Remain Childless: U. S. 1967",0 "Social Forces",1974,"Women's Labor Force Participation and the Residential Mobility of Families",0 "Social Forces",1975,"THE JOURNEY TO WORK OF RURAL INDUSTRIAL EMPLOYEES",0 "Social Forces",1975,"INEQUITIES IN THE ORGANIZATIONAL EXPERIENCES OF WOMEN AND MEN",0 "Social Forces",1975,"TELEVISION VIOLENCE AND VIOLENT BEHAVIOR",0 "Social Forces",1975,"CRIME RATES AND POLICE BEHAVIOR: A TEST OF TWO HYPOTHESES",0 "Social Forces",1975,"PUBLIC SCHOOL DESEGREGATION AND THE LAW",0 "Social Forces",1975,"OCCUPATIONAL PRESTIGE HIERARCHIES: A GREAT EMPIRICAL INVARIANT?",1 "Social Forces",1975,"INTERACTION RULES AND ETHNICITY: THE JAPANESE AND CAUCASIANS IN HONOLULU",1 "Social Forces",1975,"RESIDENCE, MORAL TRADITIONALISM, AND TOLERANCE OF ATHEISTS",0 "Social Forces",1975,"CENTRALITY, EXTREMITY, INTENSITY: NEGLECTED VARIABLES IN RESEARCH ON ATTITUDE-BEHAVIOR CONSISTENCY",0 "Social Forces",1975,"THE IMPACT OF STUDENT ACTIVISM ON ATTITUDES TOWARD THE FEMALE SEX ROLE: LONGITUDINAL AND CROSS-SECTIONAL PERSPECTIVES",0 "Social Forces",1975,"TOWARD A UNIFIED THEORY OF ANCESTOR WORKSHIP: A CROSS-CULTURAL STUDY",0 "Social Forces",1975,"CAUSAL MODELS FOR THE STUDY OF PREVALENCE",0 "Social Forces",1975,"MICROECONOMIC THEORIES OF FERTILITY: A CRITIQUE",1 "Social Forces",1975,"FERTILITY MEASUREMENT THROUGH CROSS-SECTIONAL SURVEYS",0 "Social Forces",1975,"CHANGES OF NATURAL FERTILITY AND CONTRACEPTIVE EQUIVALENTS",0 "Social Forces",1975,"THEORIES OF FERTILITY AS GUIDES TO POPULATION POLICY",1 "Social Forces",1975,"CRIME TRENDS IN SOUTHERN AND NONSOUTHERN CITIES: A TWENTY-YEAR PERSPECTIVE",0 "Social Forces",1975,"THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CHILD'S SES AND TEACHER EXPECTATIONS: A TEST OF THE MIDDLE-CLASS BIAS HYPOTHESIS",0 "Social Forces",1975,"JOURNEY TO WORK, 1960-70",0 "Social Forces",1975,"DIFFERENTIAL EFFECTS OF INFORMATION CHANNELS IN THE PROCESS OF INNOVATION DIFFUSION",1 "Social Forces",1975,"THE EFFECT OF SOCIAL CLASS ON TOLERANCE OF DEFEAT",0 "Social Forces",1975,"THE DAVIS-MOORE THEORY AND PERCEPTIONS OF STRATIFICATION: SOME RELEVANT EVIDENCE",1 "Social Forces",1975,"SOCIOECONOMIC THEORY AND DIFFERENTIAL FERTILITY: THE CASE OF THE LDCS",1 "Social Forces",1975,"POLITICAL SOCIALIZATION RESEARCH: THE ""PRIMACY"" PRINCIPLE",0 "Social Forces",1975,"LEGITIMATE CONTROL AND ""ORGANIZATIONAL TRANSCENDENCE""",0 "Social Forces",1975,"BLACK ECONOMIC GAINS IN THE SIXTIES: A METHODOLOGICAL CRITIQUE AND REASSESSMENT",0 "Social Forces",1975,"BIOMETRIC MODELS OF FERTILITY",0 "Social Forces",1975,"MODELS OF MARRIAGE FORMATION AND FERTILITY",0 "Social Forces",1975,"AGE ADJUSTMENT OF RACIAL INCOME DIFFERENCES: A RESEARCH NOTE",0 "Social Forces",1975,"AN EVALUATION OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS IN ILLINOIS",0 "Social Forces",1975,"A RELIGIOUS FACTOR IN SECULAR ACHIEVEMENT AMONG BLACKS: THE CASE OF CATHOLICISM",0 "Social Forces",1975,"CHRISTIAN BELIEFS, NONRELIGIOUS FACTORS, AND ANTI-SEMITISM",0 "Social Forces",1975,"MEASURING RELIGIOUS INVOLVEMENT",0 "Social Forces",1975,"THE ART OF DOMINATION: AN ANALYSIS OF POWER IN PARADISE LOST",0 "Social Forces",1975,"AN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE DAVIS-MOORE THEORY OF STRATIFICATION",0 "Social Forces",1975,"MEASURING THE DEGREE OF BUREAUCRATIZATION AT THE SOCIETAL LEVEL",1 "Social Forces",1975,"WORK RESPONSE TO INCOME MAINTENANCE: ECONOMIC, SOCIOLOGICAL, AND CULTURAL PERSPECTIVES",1 "Social Forces",1975,"MARX AND SIMMEL REVISITED: REASSESSING THE FOUNDATIONS OF CONFLICT THEORY",0 "Social Forces",1975,"PROFESSIONALIZATION, BUREAUCRATIZATION AND RATIONALIZATION: THE VIEWS OF MAX WEBER",0 "Social Forces",1975,"A COMMENT ON ""A SOCIOECONOMIC MODEL FOR THE PREDICTION OF SOCIETAL RATES OF PROPERTY THEFT""",1 "Social Forces",1975,"Deterrents or Labeling?",0 "Social Forces",1975,"A Strategy for Reformulating the Dialectical and Functional Theories of Conflict",0 "Social Forces",1975,"Toward a Social-Psychological Theory of Charismatic Social Influence Processes",0 "Social Forces",1975,"Changes in Reputed Black Community Leadership, 1962-72: A Case Study",0 "Social Forces",1975,"A Structural-Behavioral Theory of Intergroup Antagonism",0 "Social Forces",1975,"Public Responses to Hypothetical Crimes: Effect of Offender and Victim Status and Seriousness of the Offense on Punitive Reactions",0 "Social Forces",1975,"The Division of Labor: Conceptualization and Related Measures",0 "Social Forces",1975,"From Region to Class, the Changing Locus of Country Music: A Test of the Massification Hypothesis",0 "Social Forces",1975,"The Effect of Urban Life on Traditional Values",1 "Social Forces",1975,"Social Class, Academic Ability, and College ""Quality""",0 "Social Forces",1975,"Residential Segregation in United States Cities: A Causal Analysis",0 "Social Forces",1975,"Identity Bargaining and Self-Conception",0 "Social Forces",1976,"Marginal Standardization and Table Shrinking: Aids in the Traditional Analysis of Contingency Tables",1 "Social Forces",1976,"A Caution Regarding Partial Rank Correlation Based on the Product-Moment Model",0 "Social Forces",1976,"The Protestant Ethic Thesis: A Social-Psychological Assessment",0 "Social Forces",1976,"Deviance, Sanctions, and Social Integration in Small-Scale Societies",1 "Social Forces",1976,"Self-Attitudes and Deviant Response",0 "Social Forces",1976,"Ethnic Identification, Interethnic Contact and Belief in Integration",0 "Social Forces",1976,"Equal-Status Contact and Modification of Racial Prejudice: A Reexamination of the Contact Hypothesis",0 "Social Forces",1976,"The Heart Of Dixie: An Essay in Folk Geography",0 "Social Forces",1976,"Small Entrepreneurship in a Developing Society: Patterns of Labor Absorption and Social Mobility",0 "Social Forces",1976,"The Relation Between Verbal Attitude and Overt Behavior: A Public Opinion Application",0 "Social Forces",1976,"Social Networks and Voting: Some Israeli Data",1 "Social Forces",1976,"Need Achievement, Phase Movement and the Business Cycle",0 "Social Forces",1976,"Reinforcement and the Origin, Rate and Extent of Cultural Diffusion",0 "Social Forces",1976,"Theory and Ideology in Two Traditions of Thought about Schools",0 "Social Forces",1976,"Dimensions of Religiosity Reconsidered; Evidence from a Cross-Cultural Study",0 "Social Forces",1976,"The Civil Religious Dimension: Is It There ?",0 "Social Forces",1976,"Inverse Distance Variations for the Flow of Crime in Urban Areas",0 "Social Forces",1976,"The Sociopolitical Context of Philosophical Beliefs: A Transhistorical Causal Analysis",1 "Social Forces",1976,"Perspectives on Inmate Culture: A Study of Women in Prison",0 "Social Forces",1976,"Categorized Variables and Simple Causal Models",0 "Social Forces",1976,"Observations on the K Measure of Association",0 "Social Forces",1976,"Introduction: Thematic Controversies and New Developments in the Uses of Historical Materials by Sociologists",0 "Social Forces",1976,"Religion and Revolutionary Beliefs: Sociological and Historical Dimensions in Max Weber's Work--In Memory of Ivan Vallier (1927-1974)",0 "Social Forces",1976,"Boundary Interaction between Service Organizations and Their Publics: Study of Teacher-Parent Relationships",0 "Social Forces",1976,"Human Nature and the Dialectics of Immanent Sociocultural Change",0 "Social Forces",1976,"Ideological Variations in the Structure of Deviant Types: A Multivariate Comparison of Alcoholism and Heroin Addiction",0 "Social Forces",1976,"Positions in Networks",1 "Social Forces",1976,"Later-Life Socialization and Differential Social Assimilation of the Chinese in Urban Thailand: A Comment",1 "Social Forces",1976,"The Contact Hypothesis: Social and Economic Contact and Generational Changes in the Study of Black Anti-Semitism",0 "Social Forces",1976,"Sex, Marital Status, and Mental Health: A Reappraisal",0 "Social Forces",1976,"Expectation Effects of Performance Evaluations",0 "Social Forces",1976,"Old Regime Legacies and Communist Revolutions in Russia and China",1 "Social Forces",1976,"Social Judgments of the Urban and Vietnam Issues in 1968 and 1972",1 "Social Forces",1976,"Cultural Cleavages between Occupational Categories: The Case of Canada",1 "Social Forces",1976,"Origins of Tolerance: Findings from a Replication of Stouffer's Communism, Conformity, and Civil Liberties",0 "Social Forces",1976,"Collecting Data on Crowds and Rallies: A New Method of Stationary Sampling",0 "Social Forces",1976,"The Mandate to Rule: An Introduction",1 "Social Forces",1976,"Age Differences in Voluntary Association Memberships",0 "Social Forces",1976,"Residential Segregation in Southern Cities: 1970",0 "Social Forces",1976,"Further Notes on Technology and the Moral Order",0 "Social Forces",1976,"Minority Group Status as a Factor in the Relationship between Mobility and Fertility: The Mexican American Case",1 "Social Forces",1976,"Statistical Recycling of Documentary Information: Estimating Regional Variations in a Pre-Censal Population",1 "Social Forces",1976,"Adolescent Involvement in Legal and Illegal Drug Use: A Multiple Classification Analysis",0 "Social Forces",1976,"From Feudalism to Capitalism: Transition or Transitions?",1 "Social Forces",1976,"""Marxist and Functionalist Theories in the Study of Stratification"": A Comment",0 "Social Forces",1976,"Life Satisfaction in the United States",0 "Social Forces",1976,"Marxist and Functionalist Theories in the Study of Stratification: Common Elements that Lead to a Test",0 "Social Forces",1976,"Migration, Community of Origin, and Status Attainment: A Comparison of Two Metropolitan Communities in Developing Societies",1 "Social Forces",1976,"Return to Zion: Characteristics and Motivations of Returning Emigrants",1 "Social Forces",1976,"Black-White Differentials in the Institutionalization of the Elderly: A Temporal Analysis",0 "Social Forces",1976,"The Division of Labor: Conceptual and Methodological Issues",0 "Social Forces",1976,"A Sampling Distribution and Significance Test for Differences in Qualitative Variation",0 "Social Forces",1976,"The Perception of Power",0 "Social Forces",1976,"The Status Attainment Process: Socialization or Allocation?",0 "Social Forces",1976,"Occupation and the Journey to Work",0 "Social Forces",1976,"Dimensionality of Belief among Mainstream Protestant Clergy",0 "Social Forces",1976,"Ecological Determinants of White and Black Inmigration to Small Areas in Central Cities, 1965 to 1970",0 "Social Forces",1976,"Residential Segregation in United States Cites: A Comment",0 "Social Forces",1976,"The African Diaspora in Mexico, Brazil and the United States",1 "Social Forces",1977,"Racial Differences in the Value of Job Rewards",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Fear of Crime in the United States: A Multivariate Analysis",0 "Social Forces",1977,"An Addendum to Causal Models for the Study of Prevalence",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Proportional Reduction in Error Interpretations for the Squared Generalized Multiple, Partial, and Multiple-Partial Correlation Coefficients and Their Special Cases",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Test-Factor Standardization and Marginal Standardization",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Application of the K Measure with Severe Marginal Constraints",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Associations vs. Effects: A Note of Clarification",0 "Social Forces",1977,"The Effect of Earnings Discrimination against Women on the Economic Position of Men",1 "Social Forces",1977,"The Production of Social Knowledge for Public Use",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Childhood Deviance as a Developmental Process: A Study of 223 Urban Black Men from Birth to 18",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Status Resources and Behavioral Deviance as Contingencies of Societal Reaction",0 "Social Forces",1977,"An Alternative View of the Labelling Versus Psychiatric Perspectives on Societal Reaction to Mental Illness",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Social Networks and Pathways to Psychiatric Treatment",0 "Social Forces",1977,"The Effect of Children and Employment on the Mental Health of Married Men and Women",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Community Structure and the Determinants of Local Health Care Differentiation: A Research Report",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Explaining Premarital Sexual Intercourse among College Students: A Causal Model",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Alienation and Fertility in the Marital Dyad",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Voluntary Association Membership Trends and the Family Life Cycle",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Deterrence, Overload, and Incapacitation: An Empirical Evaluation",0 "Social Forces",1977,"The Processing of Misdemeanor Drinking Drivers: The Bureaucratization of the Arrest, Prosecution, and Plea Bargaining Situations",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Charge Reduction: An Intermediary Stage in the Process of Labelling Criminal Defendants",0 "Social Forces",1977,"High School Context and College Selectivity: Institutional Constraints in Educational Stratification",0 "Social Forces",1977,"A Research Note on City-Suburban Socioeconomic Differences among American Blacks",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Community Structure and the Metropolitan Division of Labor: The Impact of Key Functions on Community Social Characteristics",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Social Class and Criminality",0 "Social Forces",1977,"A Life Table for Postwar Senate Careers: A Research Note",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Black Religion as Both Opiate and Inspiration of Civil Rights Militance: Putting Marx's Data to the Test",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Conflict and Consensus in the Designation of Deviance",0 "Social Forces",1977,"A Theory of Black Political Participation in the United States",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Religion, Ethnicity, and Party Affiliation in the U.S.: Evidence from Pooled Electoral Surveys, 1968-72",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Positions in Multiple Network Systems, Part Two: Stratification and Prestige among Elite Decision-Makers in the Community of Altneustadt",1 "Social Forces",1977,"Political Elites and Labor Markets: Selection of American Cabinet Members, 1932-72",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Size and Structure in Complex Organizations",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Toward a Further Clarification of Becker's Side-Bet Hypothesis as Applied to Organizational and Occupational Commitment",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Assimilation or Marginality? Some School Integration Effects Reconsidered",0 "Social Forces",1977,"The Structure of Adult Friendship Choices",1 "Social Forces",1977,"On the Use of Psychophysical Methods in the Study of Social Status: A Replication, and Some Theoretical Problems",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Toward a Sociology of Freedom",0 "Social Forces",1977,"An Empirical Test of McClelland's ""Achieving Society"" Theory",1 "Social Forces",1977,"Encounters between Blacks and White Liberals: The Collision of Stereotypes",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Resource Allocations in United Funds: Examination of Power and Dependence",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Two Modes of Interpretation of Survey Data: A Comment on Schreiber",1 "Social Forces",1977,"The Home Advantage",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Conventional Religion and Political Participation in Postwar Rural Japan",1 "Social Forces",1977,"The Reputations of American Medical Schools",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Primary-Group Differentiation in Urban Ireland",1 "Social Forces",1977,"Race and Social Status Differences in the Explanation of Educational Ambition",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Criminal Justice in Rural and Urban Communities: A Study of the Bureaucratization of Justice",1 "Social Forces",1977,"Crowding and Human Sexual Behavior",1 "Social Forces",1977,"Age and Race Discrimination Reported by Middle-Aged and Older Persons",1 "Social Forces",1977,"Sanction Fear and the Maintenance of Social Order",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Political Portest and Political Violence: A Nonrecursive Causal Model",0 "Social Forces",1977,"The Naval Reservist: An Empirical Assessment of Ephemeral Role Enactment",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Hellfire and Delinquency Revisited",1 "Social Forces",1977,"Paradigm Development and Particularism: Journal Publication in Three Scientific Disciplines",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Professional Standing and Peer Consultation Status among Biological Scientists at a Summer Research Laboratory",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Social Networks in the Modern City",1 "Social Forces",1977,"Authority Position, Legitimacy of Authority Structure, and Acquiescence to Authority",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Socioeconomic Determinants of Intraethnic Marriage and Friendship",0 "Social Forces",1977,"The Effects of Industrial, Occupational, and Sex Stratification on Wages in Blue-Collar Markets",0 "Social Forces",1977,"A Revaluation of Indexes of Residential Segregation",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Alternative Models of Neighborhood Change",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Separatism, Integrationism, and Avoidance among Black, White, and Latin Adolescents",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Effect of Outgroup Responses on Perceptions of Leader Effectiveness",1 "Social Forces",1977,"The Measurement of Role Identity",0 "Social Forces",1977,"A Proportional Reduction in Error Interpretation for Daniels G squared and Its Special Cases",0 "Social Forces",1977,"Status Consciousness and Leftism: A Study of Mexican-American Adolescents",1 "Social Forces",1977,"A Social Indicator Model of a Health Services System",0 "Social Forces",1978,"Crime and the Contemporary Woman: An Analysis of Changing Levels of Female Property Crime, 1960-75",0 "Social Forces",1978,"Sociologists Should Reconsider Nuclear Energy",0 "Social Forces",1978,"Perceived Risk of Punishment and Self-Reported Delinquency",0 "Social Forces",1978,"Suicide: A Comparative Analysis",1 "Social Forces",1978,"The Welfare Threat: AFDC Coverage and Closeness in the American States",0 "Social Forces",1978,"Changing Patterns of Fertility in the South: A Social-Demographic Examination",0 "Social Forces",1978,"Sustenance Differentiation and Population Redistribution",0 "Social Forces",1978,"Productivity and Reproductivity: Fertility and Professional Achievement among Research Scientists",0 "Social Forces",1978,"Politics and the New Insecurity: Ideological Changes of Professionals in a Recession",0 "Social Forces",1978,"Reflections on the Chinese Model of Development",1 "Social Forces",1978,"Social Change in Communist Romania",1 "Social Forces",1978,"A Crucible of Opinion on Women's Status: ERA in Illinois",0 "Social Forces",1978,"Organizational Response to Occupational Injury and Disease: The Case of the Uranium Industry",0 "Social Forces",1978,"Social Stratification and the Development of Urban Labor Markets in India",1 "Social Forces",1978,"Effects of Work Scheduling on Time-Income Tradeoffs",0 "Social Forces",1978,"Comment on van den Berghe's 'The African Diaspora in Mexico, Brazil, and the United States'",1 "Social Forces",1978,"Ethnic Opening and Closing in an Open System: A Canadian Example",1 "Social Forces",1978,"Sex Differences in the Educational-Occupational Expectation Process",0 "Social Forces",1978,"Maternal Employment, Race, and Work Orientation of High School Girls",0 "Social Forces",1978,"Life Satisfaction and Religion: A Reanalysis",0 "Social Forces",1978,"Attitude toward Abortion and Attitude-Relevant Overt Behavior",0 "Social Forces",1978,"Raising Expectations Indirectly",0 "Social Forces",1978,"The Effects of External Reinforcement on Power Structure in Task Oriented Groups",0 "Social Forces",1978,"Utilizing Standardized Indices of Residential Segregation: Comment on Winship",0 "Social Forces",1978,"When Can Age, Period, and Cohort Be Separated?",0 "Social Forces",1978,"The Impact of an Early First Birth on Young Women's Educational Attainment",0 "Social Forces",1978,"Rural-Urban Migration and Working-Class Consciousness: The Spanish Case",1 "Social Forces",1978,"Correlates of Poverty: The Interaction of Individual and Family Characteristics",0 "Social Forces",1978,"Urban Location and Segregation of the Aged: A Block-Level Analysis",0 "Social Forces",1978,"Work Satisfaction and Age: Some Evidence for the 'Job Change' Hypothesis",0 "Social Forces",1978,"Racism and the Availability of Family Planning Services in the United States",0 "Social Forces",1978,"The Impact of Diminishing Discrimination on the Internal Size Distribution of Black Income: 1954-74",0 "Social Forces",1978,"Continuity and Change in Social Distance: Studies from the Arab East--A Research",1 "Social Forces",1978,"The Demographic Context of School Segregation and Desegregation",0 "Social Forces",1978,"Differences in Social Participation: Blacks and Whites",0 "Social Forces",1978,"Prior U.S. Residence among Mexican Immigrants",1 "Social Forces",1978,"Participation of Blacks, Puerto Ricans, and Whites in Voluntary Associations: A Test of Current Theories",1 "Social Forces",1978,"A Theory of Ethnic Oppression: Toward a Reintegration of Cultural and Structural Concepts in Ethnic Relations Theory",0 "Social Forces",1978,"The Social Ecology of Time Barriers",0 "Social Forces",1978,"Measuring Attitudes toward Self and Others in Society: State of the Art",0 "Social Forces",1978,"Family Structure and the Distribution of Family Income",0 "Social Forces",1978,"Occupational Hierarchy in the United States: 1789-1969",0 "Social Forces",1978,"Organizational Status Attainment of Religious Professionals",1 "Social Forces",1978,"Occupational Prestige in the Collective Conscience",1 "Social Forces",1978,"Sex Structure of Occupations and Job Mobility",0 "Social Forces",1978,"Editorial Foreword: Five Empirical Landmarks",0 "Social Forces",1978,"The Public's Perception of Group Influence in the United States",0 "Social Forces",1978,"A Structural Model of the Mobility Table",1 "Social Forces",1978,"Modernization and Education in the U.S.S.R.",1 "Social Forces",1979,"The Dialectical Method: Its Application to Social Theory",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Modeling Use Diffusion",0 "Social Forces",1979,"A Note on Family Situation and Global Happiness",1 "Social Forces",1979,"Evidence for a Social Psychological View of the Status Attainment Process: Four Studies Compared",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Enduring Effects of Military Service? Opinion Differences between U.S. Veterans and Nonveterans",1 "Social Forces",1979,"The Effect of Sex Role Differences on the Societal Reaction to Mental Retardation",0 "Social Forces",1979,"The Impact of Alienation Meaninglessness, and Meritocracy on Supervisor and Subordinate Satisfaction",1 "Social Forces",1979,"Technological Innovation among Congressmen",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Government Legitimacy and Political Stability",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Prejudice and Urban Social Participation Reconsidered",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Organizational Differentiation in Urban Communities: A Study in Organizational Ecology",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Changes in the Coincidence of the Boundaries and Populations of Central Cities",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Derivation of Some Social-Demographic Regularities from the Theory of Time-Minimization",0 "Social Forces",1979,"A Measure of Association for Nonparametric Statistics",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Behavioral Choice and Social Reinforcement: Step Function versus Matching",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Durkheim's Theory of Suicide as Applied to the Family: An Empirical Test",1 "Social Forces",1979,"A Behavioral Analysis of the Dynamics of Social Exchange in the Dyad",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Another Look at Status Integration and Suicide",0 "Social Forces",1979,"The Effects of Sex, Race, and Achievement on Schoolchildren's Friendships",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Multiplexity in Adult Friendships",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Status Inconsistency and the Hope Technique, I: The Grounds for a Resurrection",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Status Inconsistency and the Hope Technique, II: A Linear Hypothesis about Status Enhancement, Status Detraction, and Satisfaction with Membership",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Retirement and Interstate Migration",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Black Economic, Political, and Cultural Development: Does City Size Make a Difference?",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Kinship Mapping among Jews in a Midwestern City",0 "Social Forces",1979,"The Structure of Community Organizational Networks",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Comment on 'The Kanawha Textbook Controversy'",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Education and Friendship Choice in Urban Zambia",1 "Social Forces",1979,"Household Types and Social Standing",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Black Streetcorner Districts",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Racial Differences in Infant Mortality Rates: United States, 1969",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Age Structure, Unwanted Fertility, and the Association between Racial Composition and Family Planning Programs: A Comment on Wright",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Patterns of Interethnic Marriage among American Catholics",1 "Social Forces",1979,"Madness and Work: Short- and Long-Term Effects of Mental Illness on Occupational Careers",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Ratio Measurement and Theoretical Inference in Social Research",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Administrative Intensity and Ratio Variables: The Case against Definitional Dependency",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Incipient Status in Small Groups",0 "Social Forces",1979,"European Melody, African Rhythm, or West Indian Harmony? Changing Cultural Identity among Leaders in a New State",1 "Social Forces",1979,"A Functional Theory of Organizational Stratification",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Sexual Stratification: Differences in Power in the Work Setting",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Job-Specific Sex Differences in Organizational Reward Attainment: Wage Discrimination vs. Rank Segregation",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Private Time and Public Time: The Temporal Structure of Social Accessibility and Professional Commitments",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Black and White Population Growth in American Suburbs: Transition or Parallel Development?",0 "Social Forces",1979,"A Causal Perspective on School Segregation among American States: A Research Note",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Belief in the Right to Question Church Teachings, 1958-71",1 "Social Forces",1979,"Socioeconomic Differentials among White Socioreligious Groups in the United States",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Changing Attitudes toward Capital Punishment",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Theories of Fertility Decline: A Reappraisal",1 "Social Forces",1979,"The Perception and Fear of Crime: Implications for Neighborhood Cohesion, Social Activity, and Community Affect",1 "Social Forces",1979,"The Detention Decision: A Study of the Impact of Social Characteristics and Legal Factors in Two Metropolitan Juvenile Courts",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Gender Roles and Delinquency",0 "Social Forces",1979,"An Empirical Comparison of Ritzer's Paradigms and Similar Metatheories: A Research Note",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Housing Policy as a Tool of Social Policy",1 "Social Forces",1979,"Women under Socialism: Role Definitions of Soviet Women",1 "Social Forces",1979,"A Pseudomodel of the Small World Problem",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Freedom and Domination: The Garden of Eden and the Social Order",1 "Social Forces",1979,"Area-Distance, Contact Technology and Administrative Intensity in Societies",1 "Social Forces",1979,"The Zoological Connection: Animal-Related Human Behavior",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Work Experience and Political Orientation: A Panel Study",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Status Consistency in Comparative Perspective: An Examination of Educational, Occupational, and Income Data in Nine Societies",1 "Social Forces",1979,"Preference for Men as Bosses and Professionals",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Why Are the Streets So Dirty? Social Psychological and Stratification Factors in the Decline of Municipal Services",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Ceremonial Justice: Crime and Punishment in a Loosely Coupled System",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Drug Use and Mental Health among a Representative National Sample of Young Adults",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Sex Differences in the Use of Psychiatric Outpatient Facilities",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Marital Status and Mental Disorder: Evidence in Favor of a Behavioral Model",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Scientists and Technocratic Ideology",0 "Social Forces",1979,"Technology in Evolutionary and Ecological Perspective: Theory and Measurement at the Societal Level",1 "Social Forces",1980,"Racial Segregation among Places of Employment",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Racial Violence and Socioeconomic Changes among Blacks in the United States",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Power and Commitment in Organizations: A Test of the Participation Thesis",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Political Trials and Resource Mobilization: Towards an Understanding of Social Movement Litigation",0 "Social Forces",1980,"On the Intersubjectivity of Occupational Status Evaluations: A Test of a Key Assumption Underlying the 'Wisconsin Model' of Status Attainment",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Social Interactional and Sociolinguistic Rules",0 "Social Forces",1980,"The Influence of the Religious Factor on Civil and Sacred Tolerance, 1958-71",0 "Social Forces",1980,"The Allocation of Status within Occupations: The Case of the Legal Profession",0 "Social Forces",1980,"The Dynamics of Specialization in Juvenile Offenses",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Divorce and Female Remarriage Mobility: Data on Marriage Matches after Divorce for White Women",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Mate Selection Differentials between Whites and Blacks in the United States",0 "Social Forces",1980,"A Fable about Social Structure",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Organizational Success through Program Failure: Skid Row Rescue Missions",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Variables Affecting Guilty Pleas and Convictions in Rape Cases: Toward a Social Theory of Rape Processing",0 "Social Forces",1980,"On the Reliability and Stability of Alienation Measures: A Longitudinal Analysis",0 "Social Forces",1980,"A System of Paired Asymmetric Measures of Association for Use with Ordinal Dependent Variables",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Relationships among Ratio Variables with Common Components: Fact or Artifact",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Airplane Accidents, Murder, and the Mass Media: Towards a Theory of Imitation and Suggestion",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Reexamining the Ecological Fallacy: A Study in Which Aggregate Data Are Critical in Investigating the Pathological Effects of Living Alone",0 "Social Forces",1980,"The Changing Association between Age and Happiness: Emerging Trend or Methodological Artifact?",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Japanese American Economic Behavior: Its Types, Determinants, and Consequences",1 "Social Forces",1980,"Obedience to Orders: Issues of Morality and Legality in Combat among U.S. Army Paratroopers",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Conservative Weather in a Liberalizing Climate: Change in Selected NORC General Social Survey Items, 1972-78",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Public versus Statutory Choice of Heirs: A Study of Public Attitudes about Property Distribution at Death",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Social Class and Voting Choices in Middletown",0 "Social Forces",1980,"How Are Inconsistencies between Status and Ability Resolved?",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Resource Inequality and Accumulative Advantage: Stratification in the Ministry",0 "Social Forces",1980,"On the Analysis of Status Consciousness: A Comment on Balkwell, Bates, and Garbin",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Racial Separation during the 1970s: The Case of Birmingham",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Racial Inequalities in Home Ownership",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Deterrence and the Celerity of the Death Penalty: A Neglected Question in Deterrence Research",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Parental and Peer Influence on Adolescents",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Recent Changes in Marital Instability among Mexican Americans: Convergence with Black and Anglo Trends?",1 "Social Forces",1980,"Sex Differences in Patterns of Adult Crime, 1965-77: A Review and Assessment",0 "Social Forces",1980,"The Multi-Goal, Theory-Driven Approach to Evaluation: A Model Linking Basic and Applied Social Science",0 "Social Forces",1980,"On Sociology in India: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow",1 "Social Forces",1980,"Social Morphology of Pareto's Economic Elite",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Structural Effects on Dyadic Change",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Notes on the Index of Dissimilarity: A Research Note",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Sex Prejudice among White Protestants: Like or Unlike Ethnic Prejudice?",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Assimilation or Consciousness: Perceptions of U.S. Society among Recent Latin American Immigrants to the United States",1 "Social Forces",1980,"Getting to Know You: The Contact Hypothesis Applied to the Sectional Beliefs and Attitudes of White Southerners",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Industrial Transformation and Occupational Change in the U.S., 1960-70",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Control in Organizations and the Commitment of Members",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Differentiation in Organizations: Replication and Cumulation",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Kanawha County Revisited: Reply to Billings and Goldman",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Observations on the Sociology of Citizenship: Obligations and Rights",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Civil Religion and the Choice for President: Nixon in '72",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Discrimination and White Economic Loss: A Time Series Examination of the Radical Model",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Status Inequality in a Religious Community: The Case of a Trappist Monastery",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Type of Homicide and Variation in Regional Rates",0 "Social Forces",1980,"The Importance of Mother: Labor Force Participation and Intergenerational Mobility of Women",1 "Social Forces",1980,"Structuralism versus Individualism: Part I, Shadowboxing in the Dark",0 "Social Forces",1980,"An Empirical Comparison of Ritzer's Paradigms and Similar Metatheories: Comment on Freidheim",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Racial Succession in New York City, 1960-70",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Managerial, Institutional, and Technical Influences on Administration: A Longitudinal Analysis",0 "Social Forces",1980,"An Exploratory Analysis of Individualist versus Structuralist Explanations of Income",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Race, Class, and Neighborhood: Differences in the Residential Return on Individual Resources",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Religiosity and Fertility: The Case of Chicanas",1 "Social Forces",1980,"The Deterrent Effect of Perceived Severity of Punishment",0 "Social Forces",1980,"Technology in Evolutionary and Comparative Perspective: Comment on Frisbie and Clarke",1 "Social Forces",1980,"Demographic Response to Transportation Innovation: The Case of the Interstate Highway",0 "Social Forces",1980,"The Accuracy of Public Beliefs about Crime",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Sex Differences in the Propensity to Seek Psychiatric Treatment: Prevailing Folk Beliefs and Misused Log-Linear Analysis -- Comment on Kessler et al",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Open Letter to the Readers of Social Forces",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Tolerance of School Desegregation, 1954-77",0 "Social Forces",1981,"College Achievement among Native Americans: A Research Note",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Durkheim, Deviance and Development: Opportunities Lost and Regained",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Durkheim and the Social Anthropology of Culture",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Emile Durkheim: Exemplar for an Integrated Sociological Paradigm?",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Developments in the Phenomenological Reading of Durkheim's Work",1 "Social Forces",1981,"Moral Integration and Political Inclusion: A Comparison of Durkheim's and Weber's Theories of Democracy",0 "Social Forces",1981,"A Marxist Consideration of Durkheim",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Psychiatric Disorder and Gender: A Logit Analysis",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Nationality, Relevance, and Ethnocentrism: An Essay in the Sociology of Canadian Book Publishing",1 "Social Forces",1981,"Puerto Rican Fertility: An Examination of Social Characteristics, Assimilation, and Minority Status Variables",1 "Social Forces",1981,"Familial Values in a Developing Society: A Decade of Change in Taiwan",1 "Social Forces",1981,"The Career Strategies of Black Men",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Gender and Perceived Chances of Arrest",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Social Resources and Occupational Status Attainment",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Using Rank Category Variables to Represent Continuous Variables: Defects of Common Practice",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Society and Economy in the Western World System",1 "Social Forces",1981,"On Factors Affecting Fertility at Different Stages in the Reproduction History: An Exercise in Cohort Analysis",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Birth and Death: Social Construction at the Poles of Existence",0 "Social Forces",1981,"The Realm of Sociology as a Science",1 "Social Forces",1981,"Sexual Anomie, Social Structure, Societal Change",0 "Social Forces",1981,"The Danger of Committing the Ecological Fallacy Persists: Comment on Gove and Hughes",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Mobility and Its Measure",1 "Social Forces",1981,"Airplane Accidents, Murder, and the Mass Media: Comment on Phillips",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Religious Trends among College Students, 1948-79",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Leisure and Socialization",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Explaining Fertility Differences among U.S. Protestants",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Sociology's ""One Law""",1 "Social Forces",1981,"Managerial Power and Tenure in the Large Corporation",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Wealth and Power: A Comparison of Men and Women in the Property Elite",0 "Social Forces",1981,"The Structures and Meanings of Social Time",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Sociology: Parochial or Universal?",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Neither Socialization nor Recruitment: The Avocational Careers of Old-Car Enthusiasts",0 "Social Forces",1981,"The Mass Society and Group Action Theories of Cultural Production: The Case of Stylistic Innovation in Jazz",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Sport as Ritual: Interpretations from Durkheim to Goffman",0 "Social Forces",1981,"A Critique of Critiques: Radical and Feminist Writings on Sport",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Change, Flexibility, Spontaneity, and Self-Determination in Leisure",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Leisure Interaction and the Social Dialectic",0 "Social Forces",1981,"The Courage to Be Leisured",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Another Methodological Confounder: Comment on Witt, Lowe, Peek, and Curry",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Belief Constraints and Belief Consensus: Toward an Analysis of Social Movement Ideologies -- A Research Note",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Youth, Voluntary Associations and Political Socialization",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Secret Societies and Social Structure",0 "Social Forces",1981,"The Sexual Division of Labor: Evidence from Childhood",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Wives' Employment, Household Behaviors, and Sex-Role Attitudes",0 "Social Forces",1981,"The Hawthorne Experiments: Statistical Evidence for a Learning Hypothesis",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Problems in the Work Setting, Drinking, and Reasons for Drinking",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Age and Differential Predictability of Delinquent Behavior",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Dangerous Places: Crime and Residential Environment",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Suburban Racial Segregation as a Nonecological Process",1 "Social Forces",1981,"Marital Dissolution, Early Motherhood and Early Marriage",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Long Term Effects of the Holocaust on Selected Social Attitudes and Behaviors of Survivors: A Cautionary Note",1 "Social Forces",1981,"A Dynamic Model of Voluntary Affiliation",1 "Social Forces",1981,"Structuralism versus Individualism: Part II, Ideological and Other Obfuscations",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Extending Expectation States Theory: Comparative Status Models of Participation in N Person Groups",1 "Social Forces",1981,"Still Another Look at Status Integration and Suicide",1 "Social Forces",1981,"Political Integration and the Effect of War on Suicide: United States, 1933-76",0 "Social Forces",1981,"A Contingency Change Analysis of the Disruption and Recovery of Social Exchange and Cooperation",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Ethnic Scale and Intensity: The Zimbabwean Experience",1 "Social Forces",1981,"The Theory of the Split Labor Market: A Comparison of the Japanese Experience in Brazil and Canada",1 "Social Forces",1981,"Community Segregation and the Costs of Ethnic Subordination",1 "Social Forces",1981,"Catholics and the Upper Middle Class: A Comment on Roof",0 "Social Forces",1981,"A Critical and Not-So-Critical Assumption of the Status Attainment Research Tradition: Rejoinder to Horan",0 "Social Forces",1981,"Stability and Centrality: The Nuclear Family in Modern Israel",1 "Social Forces",1981,"The Liability of Ethnicity in Israel",1 "Social Forces",1982,"Motherhood, Marriage Timing, and Marital Stability: A Research Note",0 "Social Forces",1982,"A Note on Recent Trends in the Infant Mortality-Socioeconomic Status Relationship",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Durkheim and Sexual Anomie: A Comment on Tiryakian",1 "Social Forces",1982,"On Intersubjectivity and Collective Conscience in Occupational Prestige Research: A Comment on Balkwell-Bates-Garbin and Kraus-Schild-Hodge",1 "Social Forces",1982,"Fundamentalism and Sexism: A Reanalysis of Peek and Brown",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Differentiation in Organizations: A Comment on Miller and Conaty",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Specifying Models of Status Inconsistency: A Comment on Wilson and Zurcher",1 "Social Forces",1982,"Ethnic Culture and Economic Structure: Determinants of French-English Earnings Inequality in Quebec",1 "Social Forces",1982,"Types of Education and the Occupational Attainments of Young Men",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Further Evidence on Education and Job Satisfaction",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Classroom Racial Composition and Children's Friendships",0 "Social Forces",1982,"INDEX: An Informant-Defined Experiment in Social Structure",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Public Perceptions of Crime: A Derivation of Warr's Power Function from the Bayesian Odds Relations",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Using Rank-Order Measures to Represent Continuous Variables",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Social Matching over Multiple Reinforcement Domains: An Explanation of Local Exchange Imbalance",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Resolving Status Inconsistency: An Expectation States Theory and Test",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Population Heterogeneity and the Sociogenesis of Homicide",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Societal Development, Social Equality, and Homicide: A Cross-National Test of a Durkheimian Model",1 "Social Forces",1982,"Housing Type, Stress, and Family Relations",1 "Social Forces",1982,"Female Exclusion from Religious Roles: A Cross-Cultural Test of Competing Explanations",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Race Composition and White Hostility: A Research Note on the Problem of Control in Desegregated Schools",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Tolerance of Free Speech in the United States and West Germany, 1970-79: An Analysis of Public Opinion Survey Data",1 "Social Forces",1982,"The Corporate Advantage: A Study of the Involvement of Corporate and Individual Victims in a Criminal Justice System",0 "Social Forces",1982,"American Regional Cultures and Differences in Leisure Time Activities",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Self-Employed Manual Workers: Petty Bourgeois or Working Class?",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Political Instability and Foreign Direct Investment: The Motor Vehicle Industry 1948-65",1 "Social Forces",1982,"Job Satisfaction and Age: A Test of Two Views",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Social Policy and Determinants of Retirement: A Longitudinal Analysis of Older White Males, 1969-75",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Organization Adjustment to Population Change in Nonmetropolitan America: A Longitudinal Analysis of Retail Trade",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Political Parties and Political Participation: A Reexamination of the Standard Socioeconomic Model",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Sociology and Demography: Perspectives on Population",0 "Social Forces",1982,"The Social Context of Commemoration: A Study in Collective Memory",0 "Social Forces",1982,"The Study of Values as a Social Phenomenon: The Soviet Case",1 "Social Forces",1982,"The Institutionalization of Soviet Sociology: Its Social and Political Context",1 "Social Forces",1982,"Trends in Education and Earnings, 1950-70: A Structural Analysis",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Medical Care, Living Conditions, and Children's Well-Being",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Predicting Violent Behavior: A Note on a Cross-Validation Study",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Marital Status and Depression: The Importance of Coping Resources",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Headship and Household Composition among Blacks, Hispanics, and Other Whites",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Race, Class, and Political Involvement in the U.S.",1 "Social Forces",1982,"The Influence of Socioeconomic Bonds and Satisfaction on Interstate Migration",0 "Social Forces",1982,"The Decomposition of Gross Density: Unit-Level and Unit-Contextual Determinants -- A Research Note",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Paths of Relevance and the Induction of Status-Task Expectancies: A Research Note",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Salvation and Survival on Skid Row: A Comment on Rooney",0 "Social Forces",1982,"The Dual Economy and Labor Market Segmentation: A Comment on Lord and Falk",0 "Social Forces",1982,"A Research Note on the Demography of Occupational Relocations",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Employment and Mental Hospitalization: The Case of Buffalo, New York, 1914-55",1 "Social Forces",1982,"Fear of Crime as a Social Fact",0 "Social Forces",1982,"The Structure of Belief Systems among Contending ERA Activists",0 "Social Forces",1982,"The Effect of Arrests on Crime: A Multivariate Panel Analysis",0 "Social Forces",1982,"The Epidemiological Network Survey: A New Tool for Surveying Deviance and Handicaps -- A Research Note",1 "Social Forces",1982,"""Structuralism"" or Structure: A Comment on Mayhew",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Trends in Reported Happiness within Demographically Defined Subgroups, 1957-78",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Compliance under Threat of Severe Punishment",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Problems in Ratio Correlation: The Case of Deterrence Research",0 "Social Forces",1982,"A Structural Analysis of Class Voting",1 "Social Forces",1982,"G. H. Mead's Orthodoxy",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Postdoctoral Training in Bioscience: Allocation and Outcomes",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Metropolitan Function and Interdependence in the U.S. Urban System",0 "Social Forces",1982,"Alternative Methods of Measuring Role/Identity: A Research Note",0 "Social Forces",1983,"Convergent and Divergent Trends in National Educational Systems",1 "Social Forces",1983,"Social Class and Criminal Behavior: A Critique of the Theoretical Foundation",0 "Social Forces",1983,"Social Class and Social Control: An Application of Deterrence Theory",0 "Social Forces",1983,"Risk Periods for Drug Involvement in Adolescence in France and in Israel: Application of Survival Analysis to Cross-Sectional Data",1 "Social Forces",1983,"Deterrence in the Workplace: Perceived Certainty, Perceived Severity, and Employee Theft",0 "Social Forces",1983,"Substantive and Statistical Considerations in the Interpretation of Multiple Measures of SES",0 "Social Forces",1983,"Sex Differences in Early Labor Force Experience: Harbinger of Things to Come",0 "Social Forces",1983,"Religion and Suicide: A Research Note on Sociology's ""One Law""",1 "Social Forces",1983,"The Worst Place and the Best Face",1 "Social Forces",1983,"Corporate Philanthropy as a Cooptive Relation",0 "Social Forces",1983,"Socioeconomic Returns to Migration among Married Women",0 "Social Forces",1983,"Joint Retirement in the Dual Worker Family",0 "Social Forces",1983,"Three Dimensions of Occupational Choice: A Research Note on Measuring the Career Intentions of College Women",0 "Social Forces",1983,"Commentary: Academic Learning, Worker Learning, and the Hawthorne Studies",1 "Social Forces",1983,"Size and Administrative Intensity in Macro-Level Systems: A Reconciliation",1 "Social Forces",1983,"A Research Note on Deriving the Square-Cube Law of Formal Organizations from the Theory of Time-Minimization",0 "Social Forces",1983,"Religiosity and Deviance: Toward a Contingency Theory of Constraining Effects",0 "Social Forces",1983,"A Research Note on Religion and Morality: Are Religious People Nice People?",0 "Social Forces",1983,"The Political Uses of the Dead as Symbols in Contemporary Civil Religions",0 "Social Forces",1983,"Changes in Religious Communalism Desired by Protestants and Catholics",0 "Social Forces",1983,"Theory and Method in Comparative Research: Two Strategies",0 "Social Forces",1983,"The Influence of Family Background on Education, Earnings, and Wealth",0 "Social Forces",1983,"Black Concentration and Lynchings in the South: Testing Blalock's Power-Threat Hypothesis",0 "Social Forces",1983,"Affirmative Action Attitudes: Effects of Self-Interest, Racial Affect, and Stratification Beliefs on Whites' Views",0 "Social Forces",1983,"A Research Note on Residential Succession: The Hispanic Case",0 "Social Forces",1983,"Factorial Invariance and Self-Esteem: Reassessing Race and Sex Differences",0 "Social Forces",1983,"The Measurement of Intergroup Income Inequality: A Conceptual Review",0 "Social Forces",1983,"The Pareto Curve and Its Utility for Open-Ended Income Distributions in Survey Research",0 "Social Forces",1983,"Organization Properties and Sex-Segregation in the Underworld: Building a Sociological Theory of Sex Differences in Crime",0 "Social Forces",1983,"Fear of Victimization: A Look at the Proximate Causes",0 "Social Forces",1983,"The Size of Voluntary Organizations",0 "Social Forces",1983,"Organization Sponsorship and Influence Reputation of Social Influence Associations",0 "Social Forces",1983,"Structural and Individual Determinants of Organization Morale and Satisfaction",0 "Social Forces",1983,"A Note on the Recruitment and Reward Equity of Organizations: U.S. Universities before Affirmative Action",0 "Social Forces",1983,"Industrial Segmentation and Men's Intergenerational Mobility",0 "Social Forces",1983,"A Note on Sex, Geographic Mobility, and Career Advancement",0 "Social Forces",1983,"A Labor Market Perspective on the Mobility of College Football Coaches",1 "Social Forces",1983,"The Effects of Group Benefits and Type of Distribution Rule on Noncompliance to Legitimate Authority",0 "Social Forces",1983,"Status Maintenance or Status Competition? Wife's Relative Wages as a Determinant of Labor Supply and Marital Instability",0 "Social Forces",1983,"Extensions of Power-Dependence Theory: The Concept of Resistance",0 "Social Forces",1983,"Insistence on Systems Theory: Perspectives from Germany -- An Essay",1 "Social Forces",1983,"Judaism and Modernization: The Case of the Religious Kibbutzim",1 "Social Forces",1983,"Bringing the Arrows Back In: On the Recursivity Assumptions in School Process Models",1 "Social Forces",1983,"Horizons of Observability and Limits of Informal Control in Organizations",0 "Social Forces",1983,"Adult Kinship Networks: The Selective Formation of Intimate Ties with Kin",0 "Social Forces",1983,"Sources of Gender Inequality in Income: What the Australian Census Says",1 "Social Forces",1983,"Achievement and Ascriptive Processes in the Recognition of Scientific Articles",0 "Social Forces",1983,"Status Inconsistency: A Body of Negative Evidence or a Statistical Artifact?",1 "Social Forces",1983,"Are Self-Reports of Adolescent Deviance Valid? Biochemical Measures, Randomized Response, and the Bogus Pipeline in Smoking Behavior",0 "Social Forces",1983,"British Sociology 1960-80 -- An Essay",1 "Social Forces",1983,"Valid Predictions from Invalid Comparisons: Response to Heckathorn",0 "Social Forces",1983,"Family Violence as a Case of Interpersonal Aggression: A Situational Analysis",0 "Social Forces",1983,"Sex Effects or Structural Effects? An Empirical Test of Kanter's Theory of Proportions",1 "Social Forces",1983,"Perceived Criteria for Research Problem Choice in the Agricultural Sciences -- A Research Note",0 "Social Forces",1983,"A Research Note on Friendship, Gender, and the Life Cycle",0 "Social Forces",1983,"A Research Note on Adult Friendship Contact: A Dyadic Perspective",1 "Social Forces",1983,"Demographic Differentials in the World System: A Research Note",1 "Social Forces",1983,"Comment on Janson's and Martin's ""Job Satisfaction and Age: A Test of Two Views""",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Urban Dynamics and Ecological Studies of Delinquency",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Durkheim and Individualism: A Comment on Messner",1 "Social Forces",1984,"Out of Sequence: The Timing of Marriage following a Premarital Birth",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Age and Sequencing Norms in the Transition to Adulthood",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Differences by Sex in Support for Nuclear Power",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Prospective Life Style Congruence among American Adolescents: Variations in the Association between Fertility Expectations and Ideas regarding Women's Roles",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Education and Family Income: A Comparison of White Married Men and Women in the U.S.",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft: Testing the Spatial and Communal Hypotheses",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Territorial Subdivision",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Black Capitalism and Black Inequality: Some Sociological Considerations",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Social Bases of Class Consciousness: A Study of Southern Textile Workers with a Comparison by Race",0 "Social Forces",1984,"The Logic of Opportunity and Mobility",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Structural Change and Class Mobility in Capitalist Societies",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Drain from the Bottom: Individual Ethnic Identity Change in Southern Ecuador",1 "Social Forces",1984,"Trajectories of Development: A Test of Ecological-Evolutionary Theory",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Religion, Mastery-over-Nature, and Environmental Concern",0 "Social Forces",1984,"The Process of Eliminating Status Generalization",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Mobilization of a Traditionally Petit Bourgeois Ethnic Group",1 "Social Forces",1984,"Textile Workers and Union Sentiment",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Measuring Tie Strength",1 "Social Forces",1984,"Explaining Distributions of Psychological Vulnerability: Lack of Social Support in the Face of Life Stress",0 "Social Forces",1984,"A Research Note on Homicide and Rurality",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Juvenile Justice Decision-Making as a Longitudinal Process",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Structured Inequality, Conflict, and Control: A Cross-National Test of the Threat Hypothesis",1 "Social Forces",1984,"American Art Museums: Sanctuary or Free-For-All?",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Elections and Decisions: Negotiation by School Budget Referendum",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Control and Coordination Links in the Metropolitan System of Cities: The South as Case Study",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Monotheism and Gender Status: A Cross-Societal Study",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Gemeinschaft Verstehen: A Theory of the Middle Range",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Racial Inequality and Salience: An Examination of Blau's Theory of Social Structure",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Sociology for Our Times",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Adolescent Sexual Behavior and Friendship Choice",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Age Differences and Age Changes in the Division of Labor by Sex: Reanalysis of White and Brinkerhoff",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Consensus on Occupational Prestige: A Reassessment of the Evidence",1 "Social Forces",1984,"Segregated Integration: A Research Note on the Fallacy of Misplaced Numbers",1 "Social Forces",1984,"Urbanization of the Nonfarm Population: A Research Note on the Convergence of Rich and Poor Nations",1 "Social Forces",1984,"The Structured Use of Personal Associates",0 "Social Forces",1984,"A Research Note on the Metropolitan Determinants of Suburban Persistence",0 "Social Forces",1984,"A Measurement of Technological Change: An Ecological Perspective",1 "Social Forces",1984,"Wage Appreciation and Depreciation: A Test of Neoclassical Economic Explanations of Occupational Sex Segregation",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Extending Rosenberg's Technique for Standardizing Percentage Tables",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Group Size, Heterogeneity, and Intergroup Conflict: A Test of Blau's Inequality and Heterogeneity",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Validity, Reliability, and Hostility: A Comment on Longshore",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Multicollinearity in a Study of Regional Variations in Homicide Rates: A Comment on Smith and Parker",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Intersecting Social Affiliations and Intermarriage",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Social Disruption and Its Effects on Music: An Empirical Analysis",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Is Suburbanization Slowing Down? Recent Trends in Population Deconcentration in U.S. Metropolitan Areas",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Period Effects and Specific Age Effects Influencing Values of Alumni in the Decade after College",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Neutralization as a Hardening Process: Considerations in the Modeling of Change",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Consistency of Female Gender Attitudes: A Research Note",0 "Social Forces",1984,"A Comment on the Neonatal Mortality-Socioeconomic Status Relationship",0 "Social Forces",1984,"The Metropolitan System in the South: Functional Differentiation and Trade Patterns",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Trends in Integration Attitudes on a Deep-South Campus during the First Two Decades of Desegregation",0 "Social Forces",1984,"The Attitude-Behavior Relationship and Parental Influence: Circular Mobility in Thailand",1 "Social Forces",1984,"Social Class and Income Returns to Education in Sweden: A Research Note",1 "Social Forces",1984,"Measuring Religion: A Comment on Morgan",1 "Social Forces",1984,"On Ratio Correlation",0 "Social Forces",1984,"Third Party Buying: The Trend and the Consequences",0 "Social Forces",1985,"Ethnic Residential Concentration and the Protected Market Hypothesis",1 "Social Forces",1985,"Clerical Labor Intensity and the Feminization of Clerical Labor in Great Britain, 1857-1937",1 "Social Forces",1985,"Structural Assimilation, Ethnic Group Membership, and Political Participation among Japanese Americans: A Research Note",1 "Social Forces",1985,"Sex and Race in the Determinants of Psychophysical Distress: A Reappraisal of the Sex-Role Hypothesis",0 "Social Forces",1985,"A Note on Models and Definers as Sources of Influence in the Status Attainment Process: Male-Female Differences",0 "Social Forces",1985,"Educational Self-Direction and the Cognitive Functioning of Students",0 "Social Forces",1985,"Effort and Reward: The Assumption that College Grades Are Affected by Quantity of Study",0 "Social Forces",1985,"Bureaucratic Insurgency: The Vatican and the Crisis of Modernism",1 "Social Forces",1985,"The Origins of Federal Securities Regulation: A Case Study in the Social Control of Finance",0 "Social Forces",1985,"A Note on the ""Social Law of Effect"": Expanding the Model",0 "Social Forces",1985,"Social Class and Crime, One More Time",1 "Social Forces",1985,"Trust as a Social Reality",0 "Social Forces",1985,"The Equal Rights Amendment as Status Politics",0 "Social Forces",1985,"Racial Differences in Nonmetropolitan Population Deconcentration",0 "Social Forces",1985,"Perceptions of Crime, Racial Attitudes, and Firearms Ownership",0 "Social Forces",1985,"Markets as Mechanisms: Using a Role Structure",0 "Social Forces",1985,"A New Test and Extension of Propositions from the Bonacich Synthesis",1 "Social Forces",1985,"A Biosocial Model of Status in Face-to-Face Primate Groups",0 "Social Forces",1985,"Working Class Culture, Occupational Recruitment, and Union Politics",0 "Social Forces",1985,"Technoeconomic Heritage, Patterns of Development, and the Advantage of Backwardness",1 "Social Forces",1985,"Explaining the Paradox of Puerto Rican Segregation",1 "Social Forces",1985,"Developments in the Regulation of Lawyers: Competing Segments and Market, Client, and Government Controls",0 "Social Forces",1985,"What Counts in the Death or Transformation of an Organization?",0 "Social Forces",1985,"The Influence of Corporate Power, Social Status, and Market Position on Corporate Interlocks in a Regional Network",0 "Social Forces",1985,"Token Achievement: An Examination of Proportional Representation and Performance Outcomes",0 "Social Forces",1985,"Religion and Economics among Japanese Americans: A Weberian Study",1 "Social Forces",1985,"City Spending, Suburban Demands, and Fiscal Exploitation: A Replication and Extension",0 "Social Forces",1985,"A Revised Strain Theory of Delinquency",0 "Social Forces",1985,"Settlement Type and Interpersonal Estrangement: A Test of the Theories of Wirth and Gans",0 "Social Forces",1985,"Testing the Economic Production and Conflict Models of Crime Control",0 "Social Forces",1985,"Export Dependence and Economic Growth: A Reformulation and Respecification",1 "Social Forces",1985,"Explaining the Symptomatology of Separated and Divorced Women and Men: The Role of Material Conditions and Social Networks",0 "Social Forces",1985,"Relational and Distributional Models of Collective Justice Sentiments",1 "Social Forces",1985,"The Organization of Technology in Advanced Industrial Society: A Hypothesis on Technical Systems",1 "Social Forces",1985,"Heuristic Models in Marxian Theory",0 "Social Forces",1985,"Change Agents and Generational Relationships: A Reevaluation of Mannheim's Problem of Generations",0 "Social Forces",1985,"Targets for Racial Invasion and Reinvasion: Housing Units Where Racial Turnovers Occurred, 1974-77",1 "Social Forces",1985,"How Far to Meritocracy? Empirical Tests of a Controversial Thesis",0 "Social Forces",1985,"Cohort Size and Juvenile Delinquency: A Test of the Easterlin Hypothesis",1 "Social Forces",1985,"New and (Very) Old Mobility Ratios: Is There Life after Benini?",1 "Social Forces",1985,"Relative Effects of Individual Dependencies: Further Tests of the Relation between Power Imbalance and Power Use",0 "Social Forces",1985,"Unofficial Memorial Rites in an Army Unit",1 "Social Forces",1985,"Modernization, Elites, and the Distribution of Educational Resources in Thailand",1 "Social Forces",1985,"The Effects of Race and Socioeconomic Status on Residential Segregation in Texas, 1970-80",1 "Social Forces",1985,"Totem or Tyrant? Monopoly, Regional, and Local Sector Effects on Worker Commitment",0 "Social Forces",1985,"Adolescent Friendship Networks and Distress in School",0 "Social Forces",1985,"Alignment, Magnification, and Snowballing: Processes in the Definition of ""Symptoms of Mental Illness""",0 "Social Forces",1985,"A Major Problem with the Theory of Status Integration and Suicide",0 "Social Forces",1986,"A Child's Garden of Equations: Comment on Alexander and Pallas",0 "Social Forces",1986,"Labor Market, Pension Rule Structure and Retirement Benefit Promise for Long-Term Employees",0 "Social Forces",1986,"Patterns of Ethnic Marriage in the United States",1 "Social Forces",1986,"The Effect of Prior Case Outcomes on Juvenile Justice Decision-Making",0 "Social Forces",1986,"Ideology and the Materialist Model of General Evolution: A Cross-Cultural Test of Subsystem Relationships",0 "Social Forces",1986,"Temporal and Subnational Variations in the Reversal of Migration Flows between Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Areas: 1935-80",0 "Social Forces",1986,"Toward an Explication of the Legitimation Process",0 "Social Forces",1986,"Social Structure and Social Control: Modeling the Discriminatory Execution of Blacks in Georgia and North Carolina, 1925-35",1 "Social Forces",1986,"Immigrant Suicide in Canada: 1971 and 1981",1 "Social Forces",1986,"Modeling Sutherland's Theory of Differential Association: Toward an Empirical Clarification",0 "Social Forces",1986,"Legitimacy and Collective Action",0 "Social Forces",1986,"Religious and Moral Attitude Trends among College Students, 1948-84",0 "Social Forces",1986,"The Theory of Ecological Expansion: The Relation between Dominance and Suburban Differentiation",0 "Social Forces",1986,"In Defense of Separate Spheres: Class and Status Politics in the Antisuffrage Movement",0 "Social Forces",1986,"The Surplus Theory of Social Stratification and the Size Distribution of Personal Wealth",0 "Social Forces",1986,"Trajectories of Development: A Further Test",1 "Social Forces",1986,"A Research Note on International Comparisons of Inequality of Income",1 "Social Forces",1986,"The Deterrent Effect of Perceived Severity: A Reexamination",0 "Social Forces",1986,"The Behavior of Law in a Private Legal System",0 "Social Forces",1986,"Changing Places: Conjugal Careers and Women's Marital Mobility",0 "Social Forces",1986,"Extra-Network Linkages, Dependence, and Power",0 "Social Forces",1986,"The Division of Task Responsibility in U.S. Households: Longitudinal Adjustments to Change",0 "Social Forces",1986,"Artistic Production and Social Control",0 "Social Forces",1986,"The Occupational Retention and Recruitment of Older Men: The Influence of Structural Characteristics of Work",0 "Social Forces",1986,"Legitimation, Endorsement, and Stability",0 "Social Forces",1986,"Economic Development and Female Labor Force Participation: A Reconsideration",1 "Social Forces",1986,"Economic Development, Investment Dependence, and the Rise of Services in Less Developed Nations",1 "Social Forces",1986,"The World System of Cities: Relations between International Financial Metropolises and South American Cities",1 "Social Forces",1986,"Reinventing the Oxcart: Jones' Obsolete Proposal for Mobility Analysis",1 "Social Forces",1986,"Unemployment and Protest in the United States, 1890-1940: A Methodological Critique and Research Note",0 "Social Forces",1986,"The Influence of Occupational Characteristics on Men's Early Retirement",0 "Social Forces",1986,"Industry Structure and Gender Segregation in Blue-Collar Occupations",0 "Social Forces",1986,"The Influence of Supportive Relations on the Psychological Well-Being of Teenage Mothers",0 "Social Forces",1986,"Status and Participation in Six-Person Groups: A Test of Skvoretz's Comparative Status Model",0 "Social Forces",1986,"Economic Deprivation, Opportunity Structure, and Robbery Victimization: Intra- and Interracial Patterns",0 "Social Forces",1986,"Reactions to Subordination: Attitudes of Southern Textile Workers",0 "Social Forces",1986,"Tokenism Reconsidered: Male Nurses and Female Physicians in a Hospital Setting",0 "Social Forces",1986,"Southern Exposure: Deciphering the South's Influence on Homicide Rates",0 "Social Forces",1986,"The Elite Arts, More or Less de rigueur: A Comparative Analysis of Metropolitan Culture",0 "Social Forces",1986,"Contested Accommodation: The Catholic Church as a Special Case of Social Change",1 "Social Forces",1987,"Social Mobility, Status Inheritance, and Structural Constraints: Conceptual and Methodological Considerations",0 "Social Forces",1987,"Chinese Sociology, 1898-1986",1 "Social Forces",1987,"Religious Affiliation, Attendance, and Support for ""Pro-Family"" Issues in the United States",0 "Social Forces",1987,"Vulnerability to the Effects of Recession: Minority and Female Workers",0 "Social Forces",1987,"The Division of Labor at Home",0 "Social Forces",1987,"Police Response to Interpersonal Violence: Defining the Parameters of Legal Control",0 "Social Forces",1987,"Economic Inequality and Discrimination in Sentencing",0 "Social Forces",1987,"Beyond Anomalies: Rethinking the Conflict Perspective on Race and Criminal Punishment",0 "Social Forces",1987,"Bernstein's Sociolinguistics: An Empirical Test in Iceland",1 "Social Forces",1987,"The Influence of Mothers on the Academic Expectations of Young Children: A Longitudinal Study of How Gender Differences Arise",0 "Social Forces",1987,"Polish Engineers' Participation in the Solidarity Movement",1 "Social Forces",1987,"Toward Desacralizing Secularization Theory",0 "Social Forces",1987,"Do Women Have Higher Social Status in Hunting Societies without High Gods?",0 "Social Forces",1987,"Testing Justice Theories with Blockmodels",1 "Social Forces",1987,"The Social Construction of School Punishment: Racial Disadvantage Out of Universalistic Process",0 "Social Forces",1987,"The Effects of Minority Size on Women's Position in Academia",1 "Social Forces",1987,"Theories of Inequality: An Overview and a Strategy for Synthesis",1 "Social Forces",1987,"Routine Leisure Activities and Rates of Crime: A Macro-Level Analysis",0 "Social Forces",1987,"Work Satisfaction under Yugoslav Self-Management: On Participation, Authority, and Ownership",1 "Social Forces",1987,"Determinants of Leftist Radical Belief in the United States: A Test of Competing Theories",0 "Social Forces",1987,"Organizations and Identity: Obituaries 1856-1972",0 "Social Forces",1987,"Cycles of Illegality: Antitrust Violations in Corporate America",0 "Social Forces",1987,"Forms of Mobility and Their Policy Implications: Thailand and China Compared",1 "Social Forces",1987,"Dependent Urbanization in Colonial America: The Case of Charleston, South Carolina",1 "Social Forces",1987,"The Effect of Residential Segregation on Black Social and Economic Well-Being",0 "Social Forces",1987,"Getting Ready for First Grade: Standards of Deportment in Home and School",0 "Social Forces",1987,"Urbanism and Suicide: A Study of American Counties",0 "Social Forces",1987,"Temporality and Gender: Young Adults' Career and Family Plans",0 "Social Forces",1987,"A Test of ""Gender"" and ""Job"" Models of Sex Differences in Job Involvement",0 "Social Forces",1987,"Regional Contrasts within Black Protestantism: A Research Note",0 "Social Forces",1987,"Discrimination in the Criminal Courts: Family, Gender, and the Problem of Equal Treatment",0 "Social Forces",1987,"Race and Plea Bargained Outcomes: A Research Note",0 "Social Forces",1987,"When Rewards Are Scarce: Equal or Equitable Distributions?",0 "Social Forces",1987,"Models for Estimating Effects of Origin, Destination, and Mobility",0 "Social Forces",1987,"Religious Involvement and the Health of the Elderly: Some Hypotheses and an Initial Test",0 "Social Forces",1987,"Marital Timing: Race and Sex Comparisons",0 "Social Forces",1987,"Crime and the Changing Forms of Class Control: Policing Public Order in ""Toronto the Good,"" 1859-1955",1 "Social Forces",1987,"Dying for Coal: The Struggle for Health and Safety Conditions in American Coal Mining, 1930-82",0 "Social Forces",1987,"Street Management and City Design",1 "Social Forces",1987,"Mobilizing Weak Support for Social Movements: The Role of Grievance, Efficacy, and Cost",1 "Social Forces",1987,"Home-Based White Collar Employment: Lessons from the 1980 Census",0 "Social Forces",1987,"Slums and Squatter Areas as Entrepots for Rural-Urban Migrants in a Less Developed Society",1 "Social Forces",1987,"Comparison of Dependence and Punitive Forms of Power",0 "Social Forces",1987,"A Macrosociological Analysis of Native Indian Fertility in Canada: 1961, 1971, and 1981",1 "Social Forces",1987,"""On the Separatin' Place"": Social Class and Relocation among Older Women",0 "Social Forces",1987,"Abuse-Resistant Youth: Some Factors That May Inhibit Violent Criminal Behavior",0 "Social Forces",1987,"Family Transitions, Housing Market Context, and First Home Purchase by Young Married Households",0 "Social Forces",1987,"Validity of Survey Responses: Insights from Interviews of Married Couples in a Survey of Soviet Emigrants",1 "Social Forces",1988,"The Uses of Social Indicators",0 "Social Forces",1988,"Convergence Theory and the Korean Connection",1 "Social Forces",1988,"Inequality and Intermarriage: A Paradox of Motive and Constraint",0 "Social Forces",1988,"Age, Earnings, and Change within the Dual Economy",0 "Social Forces",1988,"Law, Social Standing and Racial Disparities in Imprisonment",0 "Social Forces",1988,"The Upgrading and Downgrading of Occupations: Status Redefinition vs. Deskilling as Alternative Theories of Change",0 "Social Forces",1988,"Multinational Corporate Penetration, Protest, and Basic Needs Provision in Non-Core Nations: A Cross-National Analysis",1 "Social Forces",1988,"Murder and Capital Punishment in the Evolving Context of the Post-Furman Era",0 "Social Forces",1988,"The ""Organization Man"" and the Community: The Impact of Organizational Norms and Personal Values on Community Participation and Transfers",0 "Social Forces",1988,"Fear of Crime and Constrained Behavior Specifying and Estimating a Reciprocal Effects Model",0 "Social Forces",1988,"Music as Social Circumstance",0 "Social Forces",1988,"Professional Ideologies and Patterns of ""Gatekeeping"": Evaluation and Judgment within Two Art Worlds",1 "Social Forces",1988,"Living Arrangements and Family Formation",1 "Social Forces",1988,"Differential Paths to Political Activism: Comparisons of Four Mobilization Processes after the Three Mile Island Accident",0 "Social Forces",1988,"The Dual Economy and Sex Differences in Earnings",0 "Social Forces",1988,"Earnings of American Indians and Alaskan Natives: The Effects of Residence and Migration",0 "Social Forces",1988,"Emotions, Reflexivity and Action: An Interactionist Analysis",0 "Social Forces",1988,"Sex and the Second Moment of Prestige Distributions",0 "Social Forces",1988,"Social Resources and Mobility Outcomes: A Replication and Extension",0 "Social Forces",1988,"Change in the Relation between Marital Integration and Suicide Rates",0 "Social Forces",1988,"Racial Differences in Length of Welfare Use",0 "Social Forces",1988,"Urban Stratification of Places, Routine Activities and Suburban Crime Rates",0 "Social Forces",1988,"Racial Inequality in a Public Arena: The Case of Professional Baseball",0 "Social Forces",1988,"Marriage, Parenthood, and the College Enrollment of Men and Women",0 "Social Forces",1988,"Metropolitan Earnings Inequality and Service Sector Employment",0 "Social Forces",1988,"Socialization and Stress Explanations for Spouse Abuse",0 "Social Forces",1988,"""With a Little Help from My Friends"": Social Resources as an Explanation of Occupational Status and Income in West Germany, the Netherlands, and the United States",1 "Social Forces",1988,"Household Composition, Parental Expectations, and School Achievement",0 "Social Forces",1988,"""Outside Agitators"" and Crowds: Results from a Computer Simulation Model",0 "Social Forces",1988,"The Physicians' Anti-Abortion Campaign and the Social Bases of Moral Reform Participation",0 "Social Forces",1988,"The Political Life Cycle of Technological Controversies",0 "Social Forces",1988,"Age and the Meaning of Work in the United States and Japan",1 "Social Forces",1988,"Old and New Gods in the Modern World: Toward a Theory of Religious Transformation",0 "Social Forces",1988,"The Dimensions of Residential Segregation",0 "Social Forces",1988,"Dynamic Functionalism: An Exchange",1 "Social Forces",1988,"Racial Group Identification among Black Adults",0 "Social Forces",1988,"Deviance from Sex-Linked Expressivity Norms and Psychological Distress",0 "Social Forces",1988,"The Family Wage System in Pennsylvania's Anthracite Region: 1850-1900",0 "Social Forces",1988,"Attitude Organization in the General Public: Evidence for a Bidimensional Structure",0 "Social Forces",1988,"When Promises Fail: A Theory of Temporal Fluctuations in Suicide",0 "Social Forces",1988,"Localism, Religiosity, Orthodoxy, and Liberalism: The Case of Jews in the United States",1 "Social Forces",1988,"Legitimacy and Collective Action: A Research Note",0 "Social Forces",1988,"Immigrant Selectivity and Fertility Adaptation in the United States",1 "Social Forces",1988,"Labor Market Structure, Human Capital, and Earnings Inequality in Metropolitan Areas",0 "Social Forces",1988,"Time with Children: The Impact of Couples' Work-Time Commitments",0 "Social Forces",1988,"Contingencies for Dispositional Disparities in Juvenile Justice",0 "Social Forces",1988,"Rationalization and the Deprofessionalization of Physicians",0 "Social Forces",1989,"Women's Occupations and Local Labor Markets: 1950 to 1980",0 "Social Forces",1989,"A Flawed Approach to Solving the Identification Problem in the Estimation of Mobility Effect Models: A Comment on Brody and McRae",0 "Social Forces",1989,"Black Lynchings: The Power Threat Hypothesis Revisited",0 "Social Forces",1989,"Opportunity and Attitudes toward Job Advancement in a Manufacturing Firm",0 "Social Forces",1989,"Crime and Delinquency in Metropolitan Lagos: A Study of ""Crime and Delinquency Area"" Theory",1 "Social Forces",1989,"Ethnicity and the Shaping of Musical Taste Patterns in an Israeli Urban Community",1 "Social Forces",1989,"Psychological Well-Being among Mothers with School Age Children: Evolving Family Structures",0 "Social Forces",1989,"Role Changes and Psychological Well-Being: Variations in Effects by Gender and Role Repertoire",0 "Social Forces",1989,"Attacking Sex Discrimination in the Labor Market: A Study in Law and Politics",0 "Social Forces",1989,"The Sociology of Work: Where Have the Workers Gone?",0 "Social Forces",1989,"Marriage and Childbearing in China since 1940",1 "Social Forces",1989,"The Transformation of the Social Bond: Images of Individualism in the 1920s versus the 1970s",0 "Social Forces",1989,"Families' Definition Behavior of Problematic Situations",0 "Social Forces",1989,"Classroom Characteristics and Student Friendship Cliques",0 "Social Forces",1989,"Continuities in the Study of Ecological Succession: Asian Businesses in Three English Cities",1 "Social Forces",1989,"Socioeconomic Development, Suicide and Religion: A Test of Durkheim's Theory of Religion and Suicide",1 "Social Forces",1989,"Role Overload, Role Conflict, and Stress: Addressing Consequences of Multiple Role Demands",0 "Social Forces",1989,"Poverty, Subculture of Violence, and Type of Homicide",0 "Social Forces",1989,"Intranational Inequality: A Cross-National Dataset",1 "Social Forces",1989,"The Determinants of Public Attitudes toward the Welfare State",0 "Social Forces",1989,"The Transition from Student to Adult Politics",0 "Social Forces",1989,"On Narrative and Sociology",0 "Social Forces",1989,"On the Social Psychology of Social Mobility Processes",0 "Social Forces",1989,"Social Structure and Personality: A Quintessentially Sociological Approach to Social Psychology",0 "Social Forces",1989,"Self-Concept Research: A Historical Overview",0 "Social Forces",1989,"The Two Psychologies: Additional Thoughts",0 "Social Forces",1989,"The Employment of Central City Male Youth: Nonlinear Effects of Racial Composition",0 "Social Forces",1989,"Sociopolitical Control and the Structure of National Symbols: An Empirical Analysis of National Anthems",0 "Social Forces",1989,"Does Religious Commitment Contribute to Individual Life Satisfaction?",0 "Social Forces",1989,"The Effects of Children on Adults' Psychological Well-Being: 1957-1976",0 "Social Forces",1989,"Other Than Counting Words: A Linguistic Approach to Content Analysis",0 "Social Forces",1989,"An Experimental Analysis of Imbalance in Punishment Power",0 "Social Forces",1989,"Organizational and Environmental Influences on the Development of the Pro-Choice Movement",0 "Social Forces",1989,"Availability and Affordability: Household Adaptation to a Housing Squeeze",0 "Social Forces",1989,"Development and Female Crime: A Cross-National Test of Alternative Explanations",1 "Social Forces",1989,"Career Processes in Great Britain and the United States",1 "Social Forces",1989,"Academic Effort and College Grades",1 "Social Forces",1989,"The Dynamics of Moral Beliefs and Minor Deviance",0 "Social Forces",1989,"Power and Social Structure in Community Elites",1 "Social Forces",1989,"The Effects of War and Alcohol Consumption Patterns on Suicide: United States, 1910-1933",0 "Social Forces",1989,"Labor Stratification and Violent Crime",0 "Social Forces",1989,"Patterns of Repressive Social Control in Post-Reconstruction Georgia, 1882-1935",1 "Social Forces",1989,"Racial Occupational Inequality, 1940-1980: A Research Note on the Impact of the Changing Regional Distribution of the Black Population",0 "Social Forces",1989,"Firm Size, Occupational Segregation, and the Effects of Family Status on Women's Wages",0 "Social Forces",1989,"Segregation and Competition in Occupational Labor Markets",1 "Social Forces",1989,"Intergenerational Occupational Mobility in the Late 19th Century United States",0 "Social Forces",1989,"Causes of Shifts in Occupational Segregation of the Foreign-Born: Evidence from American Cities, 1870-1880",0 "Social Forces",1989,"Is It Family Structure or Socioeconomic Status? Family Structure during Adolescence and Adult Adjustment",0 "Social Forces",1989,"The Determinants of Religious Behavior: A Theoretical Model and Empirical Test",0 "Social Forces",1989,"Household Characteristics, Neighborhood Composition and Victimization Risk",0 "Social Forces",1990,"The Values of Canadians and Americans: A Critical Analysis and Reassessment",1 "Social Forces",1990,"Market-Like Forces and Social Stratification: How Neoclassical Theories of Wages Can Survive Recent Sociological Critiques",1 "Social Forces",1990,"The Rise of the Industrial Metropolis: The Myth and the Reality",0 "Social Forces",1990,"Participation in the Arts by Black and White Americans",0 "Social Forces",1990,"The Impact of Occupational Segregation on Working Conditions",0 "Social Forces",1990,"Race, Kin Networks, and Assistance to Mother-Headed Families",0 "Social Forces",1990,"Public Transfers: Safety Net or Inducement into Poverty?",0 "Social Forces",1990,"The Gender Stratification of Income Inequality among Lawyers",1 "Social Forces",1990,"Measurement Issues in the Study of Social Change",0 "Social Forces",1990,"When Art Becomes News: Portrayals of Art and Artists on Network Television News",0 "Social Forces",1990,"Dangerous Situations: Social Context and Fear of Victimization",0 "Social Forces",1990,"Protektzia: The Roots of Organizational Biculturalism among Israeli Jews",1 "Social Forces",1990,"State Action and Labor Structure Change in Mexico",1 "Social Forces",1990,"The Origins of Sex Differences in Science",1 "Social Forces",1990,"A Synthesis and Formalization of Heiderian Balance and Social Exchange Theory",0 "Social Forces",1990,"Explaining the Church Member Rate",0 "Social Forces",1990,"Networks of Political Action: Toward Theory Construction",0 "Social Forces",1990,"Sociology for the Glasnost Era: Institutional and Substantive Changes in Recent Soviet Sociology",1 "Social Forces",1990,"Changing Female Labor Force Participation: Influences on Income Inequality and Distribution",0 "Social Forces",1990,"Dealing with Social Change: The Mormon Church's Response to Change in Women's Roles",0 "Social Forces",1990,"Processes of Disaffiliation: Religious Mobility among Men and Women",0 "Social Forces",1990,"The Officer-Enlisted Distinction and Patterns of Organizational Reaction to Social Deviance in the U.S. Military",0 "Social Forces",1990,"The Residential Decentralization of Social Status Groups in American Metropolitan Communities, 1950-1980",0 "Social Forces",1990,"Revisiting Metropolitan Racial Inequality: The Case for a Resource Approach",0 "Social Forces",1990,"The Significance of Color Remains: A Study of Life Chances, Mate Selection, and Ethnic Consciousness among Black Americans",0 "Social Forces",1990,"Emile Durkheim's Theory of Social Organization",0 "Social Forces",1990,"Determinants of Political Opposition among Large American Corporations",0 "Social Forces",1990,"The Values of Canadians and Americans: A Reply",1 "Social Forces",1990,"Race Relations and the Nineties: Where Are the Dreams of the Sixties?",0 "Social Forces",1990,"Segregation and Neighborhood Quality: Blacks, Hispanics, and Asians in the San Francisco Metropolitan Area",0 "Social Forces",1990,"Racial and Ethnic Inequality among Children in the United States: 1940 and 1950",1 "Social Forces",1990,"Ethnic Inequality and the Rate of Homicide",0 "Social Forces",1990,"The Racial Patterning of Rape",0 "Social Forces",1990,"Organizational Time: Temporal Demands and the Experience of Work in Restaurant Kitchens",0 "Social Forces",1990,"Corporations and the Urban Advanced Business Service Sector",0 "Social Forces",1990,"Networks Past: A 1939 Bloomington Neighborhood",0 "Social Forces",1990,"Principles of Justice in Judgments about Child Support",0 "Social Forces",1990,"Beyond Sibship Size: Sibling Density, Sex Composition, and Educational Outcomes",0 "Social Forces",1990,"Cohabitation and Marital Stability in the United States",1 "Social Forces",1990,"The Dissolution of Dixie and the Changing Shape of the South",0 "Social Forces",1990,"Industrialization and Household Complexity in Rural Taiwan",1 "Social Forces",1990,"Public Beliefs about the Causes of Homelessness",0 "Social Forces",1990,"Cross-National Evidence on Homicide and the Age Structure of the Population",1 "Social Forces",1990,"Black Threat and Incarceration in Postbellum Georgia",1 "Social Forces",1990,"The Political Context of Competition: Lynching and Urban Racial Violence, 1882-1914",0 "Social Forces",1990,"Dynamics of Labor Market Segmentation in Poland, 1982-1987",1 "Social Forces",1990,"Compensating Differentials and the Male-Female Wage Gap: Evidence from the New York State Comparable Worth Study",0 "Social Forces",1990,"Perceived Cohesion: A Conceptual and Empirical Examination",0 "Social Forces",1990,"Repression, Micromobilization, and Political Protest",1 "Social Forces",1990,"National Politics, International Dependency, and Basic Needs Provision: A Cross-National Analysis",1 "Social Forces",1990,"Paradox in Popular Religion: The Limits of Instrumental Health",0 "Social Forces",1990,"Mobility Effect Models: A Comment on Glenn, McRae, and Brody",0 "Social Forces",1990,"Interest-Group PACsmanship: An Analysis of Campaign Contributions, Issue Visibility, and Legislative Impact",0 "Social Forces",1990,"The Older Order Amish Steering Committee: A Case Study in Organizational Evolution",0 "Social Forces",1990,"The Formation of Intransitive Friendships",0 "Social Forces",1991,"The Effects of Weaponry on Human Violence",0 "Social Forces",1991,"The Sex Ratio, Family Disruption, and Rates of Violent Crime: The Paradox of Demographic Structure",0 "Social Forces",1991,"Deadly Connections: Culture, Poverty, and the Direction of Lethal Violence",0 "Social Forces",1991,"National Business Cycles and Community Competition for Jobs",0 "Social Forces",1991,"Growth in Service Sector Employment and MSA Gender Earnings Inequality: 1970-1980",0 "Social Forces",1991,"Self-Employment and Occupational Structure in an Industrializing City: Detroit, 1880",0 "Social Forces",1991,"Literary Myths and Social Structure",0 "Social Forces",1991,"Racial Occupational Inequality in Southern Metropolitan Areas, 1940-1980: Revisiting the Visibility-Discrimination Hypothesis",0 "Social Forces",1991,"Organizational Mortality in the Anti-Drunk-Driving Movement: Failure among Local MADD Chapters",0 "Social Forces",1991,"Age, Gender, and Crime across Three Historical Periods: 1935, 1960, and 1985",0 "Social Forces",1991,"Consequences of Parental Divorce and Marital Unhappiness for Adult Well-Being",0 "Social Forces",1991,"The Costs and Risks of Social Activism: A Study of Sanctuary Movement Activism",0 "Social Forces",1991,"Segregation in the Second Ghetto: Racial and Ethnic Segregation in American Public Housing, 1977",0 "Social Forces",1991,"Interpersonal Choice and Networks in China",1 "Social Forces",1991,"Women, Men, and the Division of Power: A Study of Gender Stratification in Kenya",1 "Social Forces",1991,"Firearm Availability and Homicide Rates in Detroit, 1951-1986",0 "Social Forces",1991,"The Case against Secularization: A Rebuttal",1 "Social Forces",1991,"Differences in Race, Marital Status, and Education among Women Obtaining Abortions",0 "Social Forces",1991,"Foreign Investment as a Dependent Variable: Determinants of Foreign Investment and Capital Penetration in Developing Nations, 1967-1978",1 "Social Forces",1991,"Resolving Conflict through Explicit Bargaining",0 "Social Forces",1991,"Gender and God's Word: Another Look at Religious Fundamentalism and Sexism",0 "Social Forces",1991,"An Eye for an Eye? A Note on the Southern Subculture of Violence Thesis",0 "Social Forces",1991,"Question-Order Effects of Presidential Approval Ratings on Gubernatorial Approval Ratings: A Research Note",0 "Social Forces",1991,"A Methodology for Twenty-First Century Sociology",0 "Social Forces",1991,"Evolution on a Dancing Landscape: Organizations and Networks in Dynamic Blau Space",0 "Social Forces",1991,"Linking the Micro- and Macrolevel Dimensions of Community Social Organization",1 "Social Forces",1991,"Gender and Small Business Success: An Inquiry into Women's Relative Disadvantage",1 "Social Forces",1991,"The Disjunctive History of U.S. Museums, 1869-1980",0 "Social Forces",1991,"Levels of Information and Contributions to Public Goods",0 "Social Forces",1991,"Reconceptualizing Cult Coercion and Withdrawal: A Comparative Analysis of Divorce and Apostasy",0 "Social Forces",1991,"Routine Activities: A Cross-National Assessment of a Criminological Perspective",1 "Social Forces",1991,"Social Change and Crime Rates: An Evaluation of Alternative Theoretical Approaches",0 "Social Forces",1991,"Separation from a Parent during Childhood and Adult Socioeconomic Attainment",0 "Social Forces",1991,"Social Integration and Divorce",0 "Social Forces",1991,"The Effect of Population Density on Welfare Participation",0 "Social Forces",1991,"Small N's and Big Conclusions: An Examination of the Reasoning in Comparative Studies Based on a Small Number of Cases",0 "Social Forces",1991,"Desertion as Localism: Army Unit Solidarity and Group Norms in the U.S. Civil War",0 "Social Forces",1991,"Mourning and the Making of a Sacred Symbol: Durkheim and the Lincoln Assassination",0 "Social Forces",1991,"The Social Construction of Status Value: Gender and Other Nominal Characteristics",0 "Social Forces",1991,"In and Out of Chinatown: Residential Mobility and Segregation of New York City's Chinese",1 "Social Forces",1991,"A Contextual Analysis of Black Self-Employment in Large Metropolitan Areas, 1970-1980",0 "Social Forces",1991,"The Politics of Black Religious Change: Disaffiliation from Black Mainline Denominations",0 "Social Forces",1991,"Who Do You Know in the Group?: Location of Organizations in Interpersonal Networks",0 "Social Forces",1991,"A Test of the Satisfaction-Balance Decision Model Using Direct Numeric Estimation",0 "Social Forces",1991,"Child-Care Expenditures and Women's Employment Turnover",0 "Social Forces",1991,"Using Logit Coefficients to Obtain the Effects of Independent Variables on Changes in Probabilities",0 "Social Forces",1992,"A Theory of Minor-Party Persistence: Election Rules, Social Cleavage, and the Number of Political Parties",0 "Social Forces",1992,"Extracting, Representing, and Analyzing Mental Models",0 "Social Forces",1992,"Keeping in Touch: How Women in Mid-Life Allocate Social Contacts among Kith and Kin",0 "Social Forces",1992,"Does Law Behave? A Macrolevel Test of Black's Propositions on Change in Law",0 "Social Forces",1992,"The Social and Political Participation of Black Americans: Compensatory and Ethnic Community Perspectives Revisited",0 "Social Forces",1992,"Racial Inequality and Child Mortality in Brazil",1 "Social Forces",1992,"Urban Theory, Urbanism, and Suburban Residence",0 "Social Forces",1992,"Life Chances and Support for Equality and Equity as Normative and Counternormative Distribution Rules",0 "Social Forces",1992,"Religiously Based Politics: Religious Elites and the Public",0 "Social Forces",1992,"The Chronicity of Poverty: Evidence from the PSID, 1968-1987",0 "Social Forces",1992,"Testosterone and Occupational Achievement",1 "Social Forces",1992,"Structure and Dynamics of the Global Economy: Network Analysis of International Trade 1965-1980",1 "Social Forces",1992,"Effects of Foreign Investment, Exports, and Economic Growth on Third World Food Consumption",1 "Social Forces",1992,"Nation Building and School Expansion under the Fragile French State",1 "Social Forces",1992,"Community Impacts of Technological Change: Toward a Longitudinal Perspective",0 "Social Forces",1992,"Professionalization and Protest: Changes in the Social Movement Sector, 1961-1983",0 "Social Forces",1992,"A Multilevel Analysis of Marital and Nonmarital Fertility in the U.S.",0 "Social Forces",1992,"The Making of an Industry: Organizational Births in New York's Life Insurance Industry, 1842-1904",0 "Social Forces",1992,"The Differing Effects of Economic Inequality on Black and White Rates of Violence",0 "Social Forces",1992,"Infant Mortality Differentials among Hispanic Groups in Florida",0 "Social Forces",1992,"Sources of Personal Neighbor Networks: Social Integration, Need, or Time?",0 "Social Forces",1992,"Local Labor Markets, Ethnic Segregation, and Income Inequality",1 "Social Forces",1992,"Linking Sociology and Its Specialties: The Case of Criminology",0 "Social Forces",1992,"Centrality and the Structure of Urban Interaction: Measures, Concepts, and Applications",0 "Social Forces",1992,"Intergenerational Relationships, Social Support, and Mortality",1 "Social Forces",1992,"Ties among Adult Siblings",1 "Social Forces",1992,"Support from Parents over the Life Course: The Adult Child's Perspective",0 "Social Forces",1992,"The Effects of Parental Marital Status during Adolescence on High School Graduation",0 "Social Forces",1992,"Organizational Demography and Inequality",0 "Social Forces",1992,"Measures of Sex Differences in Scientific Productivity",0 "Social Forces",1992,"Socioeconomic Status and Psychiatric Disorder among Blacks and Whites",0 "Social Forces",1992,"Are Self-Proclaimed Conservatives Really Conservative? Trends in Attitudes and Self-Identification among the Young",0 "Social Forces",1992,"The Effect of Country Music on Suicide",0 "Social Forces",1992,"Further Notes on Religious Transformation",0 "Social Forces",1992,"Occupational Mobility in the Year 2000: Projections for American Men and Women",0 "Social Forces",1992,"The Cultural Evolution of Beneficent Norms",0 "Social Forces",1992,"The Legacy of World War II for Regional Growth and Decline: The Cumulative Effects of Wartime Investments on U.S. Manufacturing, 1947-1972",0 "Social Forces",1992,"Cross-National Determinants of Income Inequality: A Replication and Extension Using Ecological-Evolutionary Theory",1 "Social Forces",1992,"Schooling, Color, and the Labor Force Activity of Women",1 "Social Forces",1992,"Predicting Nonconventional Religious Affiliation in Tokyo: A Control Theory Application",1 "Social Forces",1992,"Are Religious People Nice People? Evidence from the National Survey of Black Americans",0 "Social Forces",1992,"Populism and Black Lynching in Georgia, 1890-1900",1 "Social Forces",1992,"As Old as You Feel: Age Identity in Middle and Later Life",0 "Social Forces",1992,"Gender Differences in the Scientific Achievement of Adolescents: Effects of Age and Parental Separation",0 "Social Forces",1992,"The Meaning of Self-in-Role: A Modified Measure of Role-Identity",0 "Social Forces",1992,"Conceptualizing Public Attitudes toward the Welfare State: A Comment on Hasenfeld and Rafferty",0 "Social Forces",1992,"Do Thai Newlyweds Really Live Separately?",1 "Social Forces",1993,"From Repressive Intervention to Integrative Prevention: The U.S. State's Legal Management of Labor Militancy, 1881-1978",0 "Social Forces",1993,"The Politics of the Professors: Self-Identifications, 1969-1984",0 "Social Forces",1993,"Borrowing against the Future: Children and Third World Indebtedness",1 "Social Forces",1993,"Cultural Representation and Ideological Domination",1 "Social Forces",1993,"Frame Disputes within the Nuclear Disarmament Movement",0 "Social Forces",1993,"Urbanism and Kinship Bonds: A Test of Four Generalizations",0 "Social Forces",1993,"Social Context and Adolescent Behavior: The Impact of Community on the Transition to Sexual Activity",0 "Social Forces",1993,"Contextual Effects in Models of Criminal Victimization",0 "Social Forces",1993,"Rich Kids, Poor Kids: Changing Income Inequality among American Children",0 "Social Forces",1993,"The Contact Hypothesis Revisited: Black-White Interaction and Positive Racial Attitudes",0 "Social Forces",1993,"Political Power versus Ecological Evolutionary Forces: What Are the Proximal Sources of Income Distribution?",0 "Social Forces",1993,"Series on ""Immigrant Communities and Ethnic Communities in the United States and Canada""",1 "Social Forces",1993,"Comparing World-Systems: Concepts and Working Hypotheses",1 "Social Forces",1993,"The Organization of Survival: Women's and Racial-Ethnic Voluntarist and Activist Organizations, 1955-1985",0 "Social Forces",1993,"Risk and Recreancy: Weber, the Division of Labor, and the Rationality of Risk Perceptions",0 "Social Forces",1993,"A Sociological Theory of Scientific Change",0 "Social Forces",1993,"The Search for Adolescent Role Exits and the Transition to Adulthood",1 "Social Forces",1993,"Joint Role Investments and Synchronization of Retirement: A Sequential Approach to Couples' Retirement Timing",0 "Social Forces",1993,"Racial Segregation and Black Urban Homicide",0 "Social Forces",1993,"Religious Involvement and Self-Perception among Black Americans",0 "Social Forces",1993,"Odds versus Probabilities in Logit Equations: A Reply to Roncek",0 "Social Forces",1993,"Environmental Sociology and the State of Discipline",0 "Social Forces",1993,"Reciprocal Justice and Strategies of Exchange",0 "Social Forces",1993,"The Gender and Race Composition of Jobs and the Male/Female, White/Black Pay Gaps",0 "Social Forces",1993,"Postbellum Race Relations and Rural Land Tenure: Migration of Blacks and Whites to Kansas and Nebraska, 1870-1890",0 "Social Forces",1993,"Immigration, Naturalization, and Residential Assimilation among Asian Americans in 1980",0 "Social Forces",1993,"Trends in Black/White Intermarriage",0 "Social Forces",1993,"Race and Residential Mobility: Individual Determinants and Structural Constraints",0 "Social Forces",1993,"Ethnic Living Arrangements: Cultural Convergence or Cultural Manifestation?",1 "Social Forces",1993,"Career Strategies in Capitalism and Socialism: Work Values and Job Rewards in the United States and Hungary",1 "Social Forces",1993,"An Analysis of Organizational Birth Types: Organizational Start-Up and Entry in the Nineteenth-Century Life Insurance Industry",0 "Social Forces",1993,"The Impact of Knowledge on the Survival of American Manufacturing Plants",1 "Social Forces",1993,"Parents, Peers, and Delinquency",0 "Social Forces",1993,"Social Inequality in Aboriginal North America: A Test of Lenski's Theory",1 "Social Forces",1993,"Transnational Economic Linkages, the State, and Dependent Development in South Korea, 1966-1988: A Time-Series Analysis",1 "Social Forces",1993,"State Limitations, Self-Help Secondary Schooling, and Development in Kenya",1 "Social Forces",1993,"Southern Intolerance: A Fundamentalist Effect?",0 "Social Forces",1993,"Switching Close to Home: Volatility or Coherence in Protestant Affiliation Patterns?",0 "Social Forces",1993,"The Ethnic Responses of Whites: What Causes Their Instability, Simplification, and Inconsistency?",0 "Social Forces",1993,"Who Are the Whites?: Imposed Census Categories and the Racial Demography of Brazil",1 "Social Forces",1993,"Testosterone and Men's Marriages",0 "Social Forces",1993,"Neighborhood, Family, and Work: Influences on the Premarital Behaviors of Adolescent Males",0 "Social Forces",1993,"Marital Homophily on Illicit Drug Use among Young Adults: Assortative Mating or Marital Influence?",0 "Social Forces",1993,"Racial Differentials in Infant Mortality in the U.S.: An Examination of Social and Health Determinants",1 "Social Forces",1993,"Inequalities in Access to Community Resources in a Chinese City",1 "Social Forces",1994,"Constituting Class and Crime in Upper Canada: The Sentencing of Narcotics Offenders, circa 1908-1953",1 "Social Forces",1994,"The Political Economy of Revenue Extraction in the Modern State: A Time-Series Analysis of U.S. Income Taxes, 1916-1986",0 "Social Forces",1994,"Social Resources Generated by Group Support Networks May Not Be Beneficial to Asian Immigrant-Owned Small Businesses",0 "Social Forces",1994,"Ethnic Economies in Metropolitan Regions: Miami and Beyond",1 "Social Forces",1994,"The Constraints on Minority Housing Choices, New York City 1978-1987",1 "Social Forces",1994,"Secularization as Declining Religious Authority",0 "Social Forces",1994,"Comparative Social Fluidity: Trends over Time in Father-to-Son Mobility in Japan and Australia, 1965-1985",1 "Social Forces",1994,"School Differences in Tracking Effects on Achievement",0 "Social Forces",1994,"The Political Development of Sixties' Activists: Identifying the Influence of Class, Gender, and Socialization on Protest Participation",0 "Social Forces",1994,"Intimacy in the Public Realm: The Case of Co-Workers",0 "Social Forces",1994,"Explaining Race and Gender Differences in Adolescent Sexual Behavior",0 "Social Forces",1994,"The Segmentation of Southern Sociology? Social Research at Historically Black Colleges and Universities",0 "Social Forces",1994,"Comments on Stack and Gundlach's ""The Effect of Country Music on Suicide"": An ""Achy Breaky Heart"" May Not Kill You",0 "Social Forces",1994,"From Service Provision to Institutional Advocacy: The Shifting Legitimacy of Organizational Forms",0 "Social Forces",1994,"The Producer Services Sector and Development within the Deindustrializing Urban Community",0 "Social Forces",1994,"Disorganizing and Reorganizing Conflict: Outcomes of the State's Legal Regulation of the Strike since the Wagner Act",0 "Social Forces",1994,"External Status, Legitimacy, and Compliance in Male and Female Groups",0 "Social Forces",1994,"Family Status and Criticism of Gender Inequality at Home and at Work",0 "Social Forces",1994,"Flexible Work and Housework: Work and Family Constraints on Women's Domestic Labor",0 "Social Forces",1994,"The Quiet Revolution and the Sex Differential in Quebec's Suicide Rates: 1931-1986",1 "Social Forces",1994,"Effects of Individual, Occupational, and Industrial Characteristics on Earnings: Intersections of Race and Gender",0 "Social Forces",1994,"Determinants of Disciplinary Discontent",0 "Social Forces",1994,"Kin and Nonkin under Collective Threat: Israeli Networks during the Gulf War",1 "Social Forces",1994,"The Rationality of Drawing Big Conclusions Based on Small Samples: In Defense of Mill's Methods",1 "Social Forces",1994,"Reassessing the Link between Country Music and Suicide",0 "Social Forces",1994,"Community Ecology and Employment Dynamics: A Study of Large Canadian Organizations, 1985-1992",1 "Social Forces",1994,"The Political Economy of Manufacturing Growth and Decline across the American States, 1970-1985",0 "Social Forces",1994,"The Gendered Valuation of Occupations and Skills: Earnings in 1980 Census Occupations",0 "Social Forces",1994,"Class Structure and Intergenerational Class Mobility: A Comparative Analysis of Nation and Gender",0 "Social Forces",1994,"Black Money in Belize: The Ethnicity and Social Structure of Black-Market Crime",1 "Social Forces",1994,"The Subculture of Violence and Delinquency: Individual vs. School Context Effects",0 "Social Forces",1994,"Heinous Crime or Unfortunate Accident? The Effects of Remorse on Responses to Mock Criminal Confessions",0 "Social Forces",1994,"Resource Mobilization, Hardship, and Popular Collective Action in the West Bank",1 "Social Forces",1994,"Family Structure and Child Well-Being: Economic Resources vs. Parental Behaviors",0 "Social Forces",1994,"Gender and the Short-Run Economic Consequences of Marital Disruption",0 "Social Forces",1994,"Nonmarital Pregnancies and Marriage in the United States",0 "Social Forces",1994,"Status Maintenance and Change during Old Age",0 "Social Forces",1994,"Why We Do What We Do: A Biopsychosocial Theory of Human Motivation",0 "Social Forces",1994,"Living with Crime: The Implications of Racial/Ethnic Differences in Suburban Location",0 "Social Forces",1994,"Interaction Diffusion and Fertility Transition in Costa Rica",1 "Social Forces",1994,"Jewish Rescue in Holland and France during the Second World War: Moral Cognition and Collective Action",1 "Social Forces",1994,"Institutional Mechanisms for Unionization in Sixteen OECD Countries: An Analysis of Social Survey Data",1 "Social Forces",1994,"Socioeconomic Status and Unionization Attitudes in the United States",0 "Social Forces",1994,"Gender, Labor Allocations, and the Psychology of Entitlement within the Home",0 "Social Forces",1994,"Swedish Professionals and Gender Inequalities",1 "Social Forces",1994,"Does Parenting Explain the Effects of Structural Conditions on Children's Antisocial Behavior? A Comparison of Blacks and Whites",0 "Social Forces",1994,"Diversity in Decline: Institutional Environment and Organizational Failure in the American Life Insurance Industry",0 "Social Forces",1994,"Mimetic Isomorphism and Its Effect on the Audit Services Market",0 "Social Forces",1994,"The Subjective Well-Being of the Previously Married: The Importance of Unmarried Cohabitation and Time since Widowhood or Divorce",1 "Social Forces",1994,"Spouses, Homography, and Social Networks",0 "Social Forces",1994,"Religious Polities as Institutions",0 "Social Forces",1994,"Economic Inequality, Family Disruption, and Urban Black Violence: Cities as Units of Stratification and Social Control",0 "Social Forces",1994,"The New Protestant Coherence?: A Response to Sullins",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Union Homogenization and the Organizational Foundations of Plantwide Militancy in the U.S. Automobile Industry, 1959-1979",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Corporatist Control and Organizational Commitment among Professionals: The Case of Lawyers Working in Law Firms",1 "Social Forces",1995,"Explaining Southern Disadvantage in Verbal Facility among Young Children",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Understanding Academic Achievement among Children in Stephouseholds: The Role of Parental Resources, Sex of Stepparent, and Sex of Child",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Parental Divorce, Marital Conflict, and Offspring Well-Being during Early Adulthood",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Sources of Emergency Help and Routine Assistance in Old Age",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Minority Rights and Majority Rule: Ethnic Tolerance in Romania and Bulgaria",1 "Social Forces",1995,"The Continuing Significance of Race in Minority Male Joblessness",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Preferences, Constraints, and Choices in Religious Markets: An Examination of Religious Switching and Apostasy",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Patterns of Growth and Size-Localized Competition in the New York State Life Insurance Industry, 1860-1985",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Springboards to Mortarboards: Women's College Foundings in Massachusetts, New York, and Pennsylvania",0 "Social Forces",1995,"The Baby Boom and Trends in Poverty, 1967-1987",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Measuring the Composition of Voluntary Groups: A Multitrait-Multimethod Analysis",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Is Sociology the Integrative Discipline in the Study of Human Behavior?",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Sociology and Economics: Crossing the Boundaries",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Is Political Sociology Informed by Political Science?",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Social Psychology: The Interplay between Sociology and Psychology",0 "Social Forces",1995,"How Is Sociology Informed by History?",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Is Sociology the Core Discipline for the Scientific Study of Religion?",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Sociology and Biology: What Biology Do Sociologists Need to Know?",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Nations and Novels: Cultural Politics and Literary Use",1 "Social Forces",1995,"The Construction of Nonpersonhood and Demonization: Commemorating the Traitorous Reputation of Benedict Arnold",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Organization Building in the Wake of Ethnic Conflict: A Comparison of Three Ethnic Groups",1 "Social Forces",1995,"Pacific Islander Americans and Multiethnicity: A Vision of America's Future?",1 "Social Forces",1995,"White Backlash to Workplace Affirmative Action: Peril or Myth?",0 "Social Forces",1995,"The ""Semi-Involuntary Institution"" Revisited: Regional Variations in Church Participation among Black Americans",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Organizations and Fraud in the Savings and Loan Industry",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Feeling the Pinch: Child Spacing and Constraints on Parental Economic Investments in Children",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Contextual Determinants of Children's Responses to Poverty",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Women's Return to School following the Transition to Motherhood",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Community Orientations of Higher-Status Women Volunteers",1 "Social Forces",1995,"When Experience Counts: The Effects of Experiential and Structural Similarity on Patterns of Support and Interpersonal Stress",0 "Social Forces",1995,"The Impact of Homeownership on Political Beliefs",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Who Are the Morenas?",1 "Social Forces",1995,"A Reply to Telles",1 "Social Forces",1995,"The Practical Consequences of Sociology's Pursuit of ""Justice for All""",1 "Social Forces",1995,"Sex and Race Homogeneity in Naturally Occurring Groups",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Emancipating Sociology: Postmodernism and Mainstream Sociological Practice",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Perverse Effects of Social Support: Publics and Performance in Major League Sports",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Negotiated Exchanges in Social Networks",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Persistence and Change in the Protestant Establishment, 1930-1992",0 "Social Forces",1995,"The Changing Basis of Competition in Organizational Populations: The Manhattan Hotel Industry, 1898-1990",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Interracial Contact and Black Racial Attitudes: The Contact Hypothesis and Selectivity Bias",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Exploring the Determinants of Adult Black Identity: Context and Process",0 "Social Forces",1995,"The Impact of Drug Use on Earnings: A Life-Span Perspective",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Pathways to Voluntarism: Family Socialization and Status Transmission Models",0 "Social Forces",1995,"The Impact of Alcohol, Divorce, and Unemployment on Suicide: A Multilevel Analysis",1 "Social Forces",1995,"White Male Suicide in the United States: A Multivariate Individual-Level Analysis",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Country Music, Suicide, and Spuriousness",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Country Music and Suicide -- Individual, Indirect, and Interaction Effects: A Reply to Snipes and Maguire",0 "Social Forces",1995,"The Thomas Theorem and the Matthew Effect",0 "Social Forces",1995,"The More, the Better? A Four-Nation Study of the Inclusion of Women in Symphony Orchestras",1 "Social Forces",1995,"Social Structure, Political Institutions, and Mobilization Potential",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Insult and Inclusion: The Term Fag Hag and Gay Male ""Community""",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Why Racial Employment Inequality Is Greater in Northern Labor Markets: Regional Differences in White-Black Employment Differentials",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Composition of the Workplace and Psychological Well-Being: The Effects of Tokenism on America's Black Elite",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Hispanic Educational Attainment: The Effects of Family Background and Nativity",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Economic Decline, Gender, and Labor Flexibility in Family-Based Enterprises: Midwestern Farming in the 1980s",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Attitudes, Values, and Entrance into Cohabitational versus Marital Unions",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Migrant Remittances, Labor Markets, and Household Strategies: A Comparative Analysis of Low-Income Household Strategies in the Caribbean Basin",1 "Social Forces",1995,"Why Do Daughters Leave School in Southern Africa? Family Economy and Mothers' Commitments",1 "Social Forces",1995,"Religion, Health, and Nonphysical Senses of Self",0 "Social Forces",1995,"Religious Resources and Church Growth",1 "Social Forces",1996,"Ideology, Power, and Equity: Testing Competing Explanations for the Perception of Fairness in Household Labor",0 "Social Forces",1996,"Contextual Influences on Young Men's Transition to First Marriage",0 "Social Forces",1996,"Physical Impairment and the Diminishing Effects of Income",0 "Social Forces",1996,"Gender Ideology and Perceptions of the Fairness of the Division of Household Labor: Effects on Marital Quality",0 "Social Forces",1996,"Conservative Protestantism and the Parental Use of Corporal Punishment",0 "Social Forces",1996,"Track Mobility in Secondary School",0 "Social Forces",1996,"Labor Force Transitions among Older African American and White Men",0 "Social Forces",1996,"Deprivation and Race Riots: An Extension of Spilerman's Analysis",0 "Social Forces",1996,"Minority Access to White Suburbs: A Multiregional Comparison",0 "Social Forces",1996,"Facial Dominance of West Point Cadets as a Predictor of Later Military Rank",1 "Social Forces",1996,"Decomposing the Intellectuals' Class Power: Conversion of Cultural Capital to Income, Hungary, 1986",1 "Social Forces",1996,"Stratification Dynamics under State Socialism: The Case of Urban China, 1949-1993",1 "Social Forces",1996,"Attitudes on Residential Integration: Perceived Status Differences, Mere In-Group Preference, or Racial Prejudice?",0 "Social Forces",1996,"Who Fought in Vietnam?",1 "Social Forces",1996,"The Toggle Switch of Institutions: Religion and Art in the U.S. in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries",0 "Social Forces",1996,"From Protest to Change of Regime: The 4-19 Revolt and the Fall of the Rhee Regime in South Korea",1 "Social Forces",1996,"Nonconformity in Competitive Repertoires: A Sociological View of Markets",0 "Social Forces",1996,"Labor Market Structures in Japan: An Analysis of Organizational and Occupational Mobility Patterns",1 "Social Forces",1996,"Dynamics of Organizational Responses to Competition",1 "Social Forces",1996,"The Settlement Experience of Latinos in Chicago: Segregation, Speculation, and the Ecology Model",0 "Social Forces",1996,"Segregation and Crime: The Effect of Black Social Isolation on the Rates of Black Urban Violence",0 "Social Forces",1996,"Perceived Risk versus Fear of Crime: Empirical Evidence of Conceptually Distinct Reactions in Survey Data",0 "Social Forces",1996,"Self-Determination as a Source of Self-Esteem in Adolescence",0 "Social Forces",1996,"Part-Time Work and Occupational Value Formation in Adolescence",0 "Social Forces",1996,"Demographic, Socioeconomic, and Behavioral Factors Affecting Ethnic Mortality by Cause",1 "Social Forces",1996,"The Socioeconomic Assimilation of Caribbean American Blacks",1 "Social Forces",1996,"Insurgency, Radicalism, and Democracy in America's Industrial Unions",1 "Social Forces",1996,"Social Politics in Context: The Institutional Politics Theory and Social Spending at the End of the New Deal",0 "Social Forces",1996,"The Social Composition of the Czechoslovak and Hungarian Communist Parties in the 1980s",1 "Social Forces",1996,"Collective Identity and Informal Groups in Revolutionary Mobilization: East Germany in 1989",1 "Social Forces",1996,"Gender, Reflected Appraisals, and Labeling: A Cross-Group Test of an Interactionist Theory of Delinquency",0 "Social Forces",1996,"Risk Preferences and Patriarchy: Extending Power-Control Theory",0 "Social Forces",1996,"Situational Contingencies Surrounding the Receipt of Informal Support",0 "Social Forces",1996,"Economic and Interpersonal Work Rewards: Subjective Utilities of Men's and Women's Compensation",0 "Social Forces",1996,"Pregnancy Discrimination Litigation: Legal Erosion of Capitalist Ideology under Equal Employment Opportunity Law",0 "Social Forces",1996,"Family Structure, Private Transfers, and the Economic Well-Being of Families with Children",0 "Social Forces",1996,"The Individual, Society, or Both? A Comparison of Black, Latino, and White Beliefs about the Causes of Poverty",0 "Social Forces",1996,"The Implications of Intergenerational Class Mobility for Class Theory: A Comment on Western",1 "Social Forces",1996,"Intergenerational Mobility and Class Theory: A Reply to Kingston",1 "Social Forces",1996,"Social Change, Social Inequality, and Intergroup Tensions",0 "Social Forces",1996,"Ritual Disrobement at Mardi Gras: Ceremonial Exchange and Moral Order",1 "Social Forces",1996,"The Effect of Human Capital and State Intervention on the Performance of Medical Systems",1 "Social Forces",1996,"Selective Attrition in a Newly Hostile Regime: The Case of 1980 Sophomores",0 "Social Forces",1996,"Majority African American Schools and Social Injustice: The Influence of De Facto Segregation on Academic Achievement",1 "Social Forces",1996,"What Spatial Mismatch? The Proximity of Blacks to Employment in Boston and Houston",0 "Social Forces",1996,"Racial Segregation among Postsecondary Workers",0 "Social Forces",1996,"Socioeconomic and Cultural Incorporation and Marital Disruption among Mexican Americans",1 "Social Forces",1996,"Extremely Disadvantaged Neighborhoods and Urban Crime",0 "Social Forces",1996,"Metropolitan Expansion and Black Social Dislocation: The Link between Suburbanization and Center-City Crime",0 "Social Forces",1996,"Women's Fear of Victimization: Shadow of Sexual Assault?",0 "Social Forces",1996,"Household Production and Household Structure in the Context of China's Economic Reforms",1 "Social Forces",1996,"State Agendas, Local Sentiments: Vietnamese Wedding Practices amidst Socialist Transformations",1 "Social Forces",1997,"Sample Selection Bias in Analyses of the Political Democracy and Income Inequality Relationship",0 "Social Forces",1997,"Is Marital Quality Declining? The Evidence from Two Generations",0 "Social Forces",1997,"Secularization and the Influence of Religion on Beliefs about Premarital Sex",0 "Social Forces",1997,"Explaining the Political and Personal Consequences of Protest",0 "Social Forces",1997,"Responses to Social Exchange and Social Exclusion in Networks",0 "Social Forces",1997,"Age-Linked Institutions and Age Reporting among Older African Americans",1 "Social Forces",1997,"Guanxi Networks and Job Mobility in China and Singapore",1 "Social Forces",1997,"The Cognitive Structure of a Moral Crusade: Conservative Protestantism and Opposition to Pornography",0 "Social Forces",1997,"Race versus Class? Racial Composition and Class Voting, 1936-1992",0 "Social Forces",1997,"Cognitive Skill, Skill Demands of Jobs, and Earnings among Young European American, African American, and Mexican American Workers",1 "Social Forces",1997,"White Ethnic Neighborhoods and Assimilation: The Greater New York Region, 1980-1990",1 "Social Forces",1997,"The Student Divestment Movement in the United States and Tactical Diffusion: The Shantytown Protest",0 "Social Forces",1997,"African American Collective Action and Crime, 1955-91",1 "Social Forces",1997,"Socioeconomic Status, Subcultural Definitions, and Violent Delinquency",0 "Social Forces",1997,"Crime and the Restructuring of the U.S. Economy: A Reconsideration of the Class Linkages",0 "Social Forces",1997,"Of Time and Space: The Contemporary Relevance of the Chicago School",0 "Social Forces",1997,"Individual Voice on the Shop Floor: The Role of Unions",1 "Social Forces",1997,"The Great Migration and Changes in the Northern Black Family, 1940 to 1990",0 "Social Forces",1997,"Life's Greatest Joy?: European Attitudes toward the Centrality of Children",1 "Social Forces",1997,"Marital Uncertainty and Childbearing",0 "Social Forces",1997,"Development and Marital Power in Mexico",1 "Social Forces",1997,"Family Structure and Social Mobility",0 "Social Forces",1997,"Social Capital and the Generation of Human Capital",0 "Social Forces",1997,"Testing Coercive Explanations for Order: The Determinants of Law Enforcement Strength over Time",0 "Social Forces",1997,"Political Restraint of the Market and Levels of Criminal Homicide: A Cross-National Application of Institutional-Anomie Theory",1 "Social Forces",1997,"Fields of Study, College Selectivity, and Student Inequalities in Higher Education",0 "Social Forces",1997,"Ethnic Inequality in Home Ownership and the Value of Housing: The Case of Immigrants in Israel",1 "Social Forces",1997,"Public Schools and the Public Good",0 "Social Forces",1997,"Violent Crime and the Spatial Dynamics of Neighborhood Transition: Chicago, 1970-1990",0 "Social Forces",1997,"Black Population Concentration and Black-White Inequality: Expanding the Consideration of Place and Space Effects",0 "Social Forces",1997,"Work and Crime: The Effects of Labor Stratification",0 "Social Forces",1997,"Defiance and Despair: Subcultural and Structural Linkages between Delinquency and Despair in the Life Course",1 "Social Forces",1997,"Problem Definition and Public Policy: Congressional Committees Confront Work, Family, and Gender, 1945-1990",0 "Social Forces",1997,"Ethnicity and Mortality in the United States: Individual and Community Correlates",1 "Social Forces",1997,"The Impact of Environmental Factors on Factionalism and Schism in Social Movement Organizations",0 "Social Forces",1997,"Adams (1997), Berzonsky (1997), & Grotevant (1997) provided discerning commentary on the strengths of using a control theory app",0 "Social Forces",1997,"Adams (1997), Berzonsky (1997), & Grotevant (1997) provided discerning commentary on the strengths of using a control theory app",0 "Social Forces",1997,"Religious Homogeneity and Metropolitan Suicide Rates",0 "Social Forces",1997,"Division of Household Labor among Black Couples and White Couples",0 "Social Forces",1997,"The State and Collective Disorders: The Los Angeles Riot/Protest of April, 1992",0 "Social Forces",1997,"Class Politics and Political Change in the United States, 1952-1992",0 "Social Forces",1997,"Science, Nature, and the Globalization of the Environment, 1870-1990",1 "Social Forces",1997,"The Quest for Legitimacy and the Withering Away of Utopia",1 "Social Forces",1997,"The Making of Union Democracy",1 "Social Forces",1997,"Evaluating Heterodox Theories",0 "Social Forces",1997,"Assimilation Differences among Africans in America",1 "Social Forces",1997,"The Racial Identification of Biracial Children with One Asian Parent: Evidence from the 1990 Census",0 "Social Forces",1997,"Power and Influence: A Theoretical Bridge",0 "Social Forces",1997,"Family Behaviors among Early U.S. Baby Boomers: Exploring the Effects of Religion and Income Change, 1965-1982",0 "Social Forces",1997,"Life-Course Effects of Work and Family Circumstances on Children",0 "Social Forces",1997,"Child Mortality, Women's Status, Economic Dependency, and State Strength: A Cross-National Study of Less Developed Countries",1 "Social Forces",1998,"Local Capitalism, Civic Engagement, and Socioeconomic Well-Being",0 "Social Forces",1998,"International Capital on ""Silicon Plateau"": Work and Control in India's Computer Industry",1 "Social Forces",1998,"Birds of a Feather Sing Together",1 "Social Forces",1998,"Educational Selection in the Migration of Southern Blacks, 1880-1990",0 "Social Forces",1998,"Between Depression and Prosperity? Changes in the Community Context of Historical African American Migration",1 "Social Forces",1998,"Racial Attraction or Racial Avoidance in American Suburbs?",0 "Social Forces",1998,"Social Determinants of Deforestation in Developing Countries: A Cross-National Study",1 "Social Forces",1998,"Who Are the Spaniards? Nationalism and Identification in Spain",1 "Social Forces",1998,"Violence between Spouses and Intimates: Does Neighborhood Context Matter?",0 "Social Forces",1998,"Sandwiched Marriages: The Implications of Child and Parent Relations for Marital Quality in Midlife",0 "Social Forces",1998,"Children's Residential Mobility and Neighborhood Environment following Parental Divorce and Remarriage",0 "Social Forces",1998,"How Bad Was It? The Effects of Victim and Perpetrator Emotion on Responses to Criminal Court Vignettes",0 "Social Forces",1998,"The Educational and Personal Consequences of Adolescent Employment",0 "Social Forces",1998,"Permanent Exits from Public Assistance: The Impact of Duration, Family, and Work",0 "Social Forces",1998,"Sweet Mothers and Gangbangers: Managing Crime in a Black Middle-Class Neighborhood",0 "Social Forces",1998,"The Boundaries of Abortion Law: Systems Theory from Parsons to Luhmann and Habermas",0 "Social Forces",1998,"Development Context, Regional Differences among Young Women, and Fertility: The Ecuadorean Amazon",1 "Social Forces",1998,"Tradition and Change in the Urban Chinese Family: The Case of Living Arrangements",1 "Social Forces",1998,"Marital Quality: A Product of the Dyadic Environment or Individual Factors?",0 "Social Forces",1998,"Parental Conflict, Marital Disruption and Children's Emotional Well-Being",0 "Social Forces",1998,"Social Economic Transformation in Bulgaria: An Empirical Assessment of the Merchant Capitalism Thesis",1 "Social Forces",1998,"Contingent Employment in British Establishments: Organizational Determinants of the Use of Fixed-Term Hires and Part-Time Workers",1 "Social Forces",1998,"The Pension Mix for Women in Middle and Late Life: The Changing Employment Relationship",0 "Social Forces",1998,"Race and the Reproduction of Educational Disadvantage",0 "Social Forces",1998,"Do Wives Matter? Class Identities of Wives and Husbands in the United States, 1974-1994",0 "Social Forces",1998,"Counterculture or Continuity? Competing Influences on Baby Boomers' Religious Orientations and Participation",0 "Social Forces",1998,"Relative Spatial Concentration among Minorities: Addressing Errors in Measurement",0 "Social Forces",1998,"The Elusive Quest for the Perfect Index of Concentration: Reply to Egan, Anderton, and Weber",0 "Social Forces",1998,"Organizational Ethnographies: An Underutilized Resource in the Sociology of Work",1 "Social Forces",1998,"Reproduced Inequality: Participation and Success in the South African Informal Economy",1 "Social Forces",1998,"Organizational Size, Layoffs, and Quits in Norway",1 "Social Forces",1998,"Housing Advantages for the Better Connected? Institutional Segmentation, Settlement Type and Social Network Effects in Hungary's Late State-Socialist Housing Inequalities",1 "Social Forces",1998,"Institutional Constraints on Social Movement ""Frame Extension"": Shifts in the Legislative Agenda of the American Federation of Labor, 1881-1955",0 "Social Forces",1998,"Political Resources and Direct State Intervention: The Adoption of Public Venture Capital Programs in the American States, 1974-1990",0 "Social Forces",1998,"Selective Deprivatization among American Religious Traditions: The Reversal of the Great Reversal",0 "Social Forces",1998,"A Time to Leave Home and a Time Never to Return? Age Constraints on the Living Arrangements of Young Adults",0 "Social Forces",1998,"Family Responsive Policies and Employee Retention following Childbirth",0 "Social Forces",1998,"Incorporating Origin and Process in Migration-Fertility Frameworks: The Case of Puerto Rican Women",1 "Social Forces",1998,"Joblessness, Family Disruption, and Violent Death in Chicago, 1970-90",0 "Social Forces",1998,"The Quest for Institutional Recognition: A Longitudinal Analysis of Scholarly Productivity and Academic Prestige among Sociology Departments",0 "Social Forces",1998,"Inciting Sociological Thought by Studying the Deadhead Community: Engaging Publics in Dialogue",0 "Social Forces",1998,"Bringing the Public Back In: Should Sociologists Consider the Impact of Public Opinion on Public Policy?",0 "Social Forces",1998,"Postmodernity and Historical Reputation: Abraham Lincoln in Late Twentieth-Century American Memory",0 "Social Forces",1998,"The Stanley Cup of Hockey and Suicide in Quebec, 1951-1992",1 "Social Forces",1998,"The Age-Crime Debate: Assessing the Limits of Longitudinal Self-Report Data",0 "Social Forces",1998,"Uncertainty, Cooperation, and Crime: Understanding the Decision to Co-Offend",1 "Social Forces",1998,"Industrial Restructuring and Violence: The Link between Entry-Level Jobs, Economic Deprivation, and Black and White Homicide",0 "Social Forces",1998,"Black Concentration Effects on Black-White and Gender Inequality: Multilevel Analysis for US Metropolitan Areas",0 "Social Forces",1998,"Changing Pathways to Attainment in Men's Lives, Historical Patterns of School, Work, and Social Class",0 "Social Forces",1998,"The Timing of the Influences of Cumulative Poverty on Children's Cognitive Ability and Achievement",0 "Social Forces",1998,"Changes in Cohabitation across Cohorts: The Influence of Political Activism",0 "Social Forces",1998,"Marriage, Divorce, and Male Testosterone",1 "Social Forces",1998,"""If I Had Abandoned My Children"": Community Mobilization and Commitment to the Identity of Mother in Northeast Brazil",1 "Social Forces",1999,"Sandpiles of Opportunity: Success in the Art World",0 "Social Forces",1999,"The Roller Coaster of Class Conflict: Class Segments, Mass Mobilization, and Voter Turnout in the U.S., 1840-1996",0 "Social Forces",1999,"Region and Political Opinion in the Contemporary United States",0 "Social Forces",1999,"Conventional Politics Takes Center Stage: The Latino Struggle against English-Only Laws",1 "Social Forces",1999,"The Individualization of Society and the Liberalization of State Policies on Same-Sex Sexual Relations, 1984-1995",1 "Social Forces",1999,"The Price of Partnering: The Role of Economic Well-Being in Young Adults' First Union Experiences",0 "Social Forces",1999,"Historical Time and U.S. Marital Dissolution",0 "Social Forces",1999,"Ironies of Citizenship: Skin Color, Police Brutality, and the Challenge to Democracy in Brazil",1 "Social Forces",1999,"Self-Employment Concentration and Earnings among Mexican Immigrants in the U.S.",1 "Social Forces",1999,"Black Suicide in U.S. Metropolitan Areas: An Examination of the Racial Inequality and Social Integration-Regulation Hypotheses",0 "Social Forces",1999,"Race/Ethnicity, Nativity, and Infant Mortality in the United States",1 "Social Forces",1999,"Do Social-Welfare Policies Reduce Poverty? A Cross-National Assessment",1 "Social Forces",1999,"The Rhythm of Work: Health Effects of Women's Work Dynamics",0 "Social Forces",1999,"Women and Men Policymakers: Does the Judge's Gender Affect the Sentencing of Criminal Defendants?",0 "Social Forces",1999,"Family Values and Coresidence with Married Children in Urban China",1 "Social Forces",1999,"Does Parental Conflict Explain Why Divorce Is Negatively Associated with Child Welfare?",0 "Social Forces",1999,"Endogamy among Louisiana Cajuns: A Social Class Explanation",0 "Social Forces",1999,"Income, Economic Voting, and Long-Term Political Change in the U.S., 1952-1996",0 "Social Forces",1999,"Voting with the Christian Right: Contextual and Individual Patterns of Electoral Influence",0 "Social Forces",1999,"Social Ontology and the Dynamics of Organizational Forms: Creating Market Actors in the Healthcare Field, 1966-1994",0 "Social Forces",1999,"Occupational Segregation and the Career Mobility of White Men and Women",0 "Social Forces",1999,"Structural Incentives for Conservative Mobilization: Power Devaluation and the Rise of the Ku Klux Klan, 1915-1925",0 "Social Forces",1999,"Collective Outbursts, Politics, and Punitive Resources: Toward a Political Sociology of Spending on Social Control",0 "Social Forces",1999,"Political Tolerance in Poland and the United States",1 "Social Forces",1999,"The Maintenance of Cooperation: Expectations of Future Interaction and the Trigger of Group Punishment",0 "Social Forces",1999,"Establishing a Sense of Personal Control in the Transition to Adulthood",0 "Social Forces",1999,"Hispanic Protestantism in the United States: Trends by Decade and Generation",0 "Social Forces",1999,"Core Concepts and Common Ground: The Relational Basis of Our Discipline",0 "Social Forces",1999,"Why Monogamy?",1 "Social Forces",1999,"The Social Sources of Alienation from Public Schools",0 "Social Forces",1999,"New Families and Nonresident Father-Child Visitation",0 "Social Forces",1999,"Parental Involvement as Social Capital: Differential Effectiveness on Science Achievement, Truancy, and Dropping Out",0 "Social Forces",1999,"Elite Control in State and Nation: Racial Inequalities in Vocational Funding in North Carolina, Georgia, and Mississippi, 1918-1936",1 "Social Forces",1999,"Competing Challengers and Contested Outcomes to State Breakdown: The Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia",1 "Social Forces",1999,"Policy as Symbolic Statement: International Response to National Population Policies",1 "Social Forces",1999,"Gender Inequality in Political Representation: A Worldwide Comparative Analysis",1 "Social Forces",1999,"Fairness and Emotions: Reactions to the Process and Outcomes of Negotiations",0 "Social Forces",1999,"The Avoidance of Punishment: A Legal-Bureaucratic Model of Suspended Sentences in Federal White-Collar Cases Prior to the Federal Sentencing Guidelines",0 "Social Forces",1999,"Volunteerism and Arrest in the Transition to Adulthood",0 "Social Forces",1999,"Growth and Distribution: Evidence from a Variable-Parameter Cross-National Time-Series Analysis",1 "Social Forces",1999,"Systems of Gender, Race, and Class Inequality: Multilevel Analyses",0 "Social Forces",1999,"Means and Measures: Property Rights, Political Economy, and Productivity in Fifteenth-Century Tuscany",1 "Social Forces",1999,"Political Demands, Political Opportunities: Explaining the Differential Success of Left-Libertarian Parties",1 "Social Forces",1999,"The State, Courts, and Equal Opportunities for Female CEOs in U.S. Organizations: Specifying Institutional Mechanisms",0 "Social Forces",1999,"The Rise of Chain Nursing Homes in Ontario, 1971-1996",1 "Social Forces",1999,"Agents for Cultural Reproduction and Structural Change: The Ironic Role of Women in Immigrant Religious Institutions",0 "Social Forces",1999,"Does Americanization Have Adverse Effects on Health?: Stress, Health Habits, and Infant Health Outcomes among Puerto Ricans",1 "Social Forces",1999,"Conflict, Religious Identity, and Ethnic Intolerance in Croatia",1 "Social Forces",1999,"Ethnic Enclaves and Intolerance: The Case of Yugoslavia",1 "Social Forces",1999,"Changes in Returning Home in the United States, 1925-1985",0 "Social Forces",1999,"The Growing Divisiveness: Culture Wars or a War of Words?",0 "Social Forces",1999,"Behavioral and Emotional Outcomes of Leadership in Task Groups",0 "Social Forces",1999,"Regional Patterns of African American Church Attendance: Revisiting the Semi-Involuntary Thesis",0 "Social Forces",1999,"Identifying the Semi-Involuntary Institution: A Clarification",0 "Social Forces",2000,"Market, State, and the Quality of New Self-Employment Jobs among Men in the U.S. and Western Germany",1 "Social Forces",2000,"Opportunities Lost? Race, Industrial Restructuring, and Employment among Young Women Heading Households",0 "Social Forces",2000,"The Influence of Parenthood on the Work Effort of Married Men and Women",0 "Social Forces",2000,"Status Integration and Suicide: Occupational, Marital, or Both?",0 "Social Forces",2000,"Herding and Homicide: An Examination of the Nisbett-Reaves Hypothesis",0 "Social Forces",2000,"""Narrow and Filthy Alleys of the City"": The Residential Settlement Patterns of Black Southern Migrants to the North",0 "Social Forces",2000,"The Interstate Migration of U.S. Immigrants: Individual and Contextual Determinants",0 "Social Forces",2000,"Labor Markets, Delinquency, and Social Control Theory: An Empirical Assessment of the Mediating Process",0 "Social Forces",2000,"The Declining Significance of Neighborhoods? Marital Transitions in Community Context",0 "Social Forces",2000,"Nature, Nuture, Neither, Nor: Black-White Differences in Beliefs about the Causes and Appropriate Treatment of Mental Illness",1 "Social Forces",2000,"A Time to Join, a Time to Quit: The Influence of Life Cycle Transitions on Voluntary Association Membership",0 "Social Forces",2000,"Is Law the Rule? Using Political Frames to Explain Cross-National Variation in Legal Activity",1 "Social Forces",2000,"Is Occupational Mobility Declining in the U.S.?",0 "Social Forces",2000,"Reliability in Experimental Sociology",0 "Social Forces",2000,"Reframing the Migration Question: An Analysis of Men, Women, and Gender in Mexico",1 "Social Forces",2000,"Family Structure, Parental Perceptions, and Child Labor in Kenya: What Factors Determine Who Is Enrolled in School?",1 "Social Forces",2000,"Deciphering Community and Race Effects on Adolescent Premarital Childbearing",0 "Social Forces",2000,"Married Women's Employment over the Life Course: Attitudes in Cross-National Perspective",1 "Social Forces",2000,"Color Differences in the Socioeconomic Status of African American Men: Results of a Longitudinal Study",1 "Social Forces",2000,"Gun Availability and Violent Crime: New Evidence from the National Incident-Based Reporting System",0 "Social Forces",2000,"How the West Was One: Explaining the Similarities in Race-Specific Homicide Rates in the West and South",1 "Social Forces",2000,"Local Labor-Market Opportunity and Adolescent Delinquency",0 "Social Forces",2000,"Race and Formal Volunteering: The Differential Effects of Class and Religion",0 "Social Forces",2000,"IQ and Stratification: An Empirical Evaluation of Herrnstein and Murray's Social Change Argument",0 "Social Forces",2000,"Adverse Living Conditions, Grievances, and Political Protest after Communism: The Example of East Germany",1 "Social Forces",2000,"Spatialization, Foreign Direct Investment, and Labor Outcomes in the American States, 1978-1996",0 "Social Forces",2000,"Emotional Reactions to Conflict: Do Dependence and Legitimacy Matter?",0 "Social Forces",2000,"Neighborhood Poverty and the Social Isolation of Inner-City African American Families",0 "Social Forces",2000,"The Rush Hour: The Character of Leisure Time and Gender Equity",1 "Social Forces",2000,"Is Anyone Doing the Housework? Trends in the Gender Division of Household Labor",0 "Social Forces",2000,"Assimilation, Choice or Constraint? Testing Theories of Gender Differences in the Careers of Lawyers",0 "Social Forces",2000,"Conservative Protestant Child Discipline: The Case of Parental Yelling",0 "Social Forces",2000,"The Measure of American Religion: Toward Improving the State of the Art",0 "Social Forces",2000,"Intergenerational Influences on the Entry into Parenthood: Mothers' Preferences for Family and Nonfamily Behavior",0 "Social Forces",2000,"Status Integration and Suicide: Occupational, Marital, or Both?",0 "Social Forces",2000,"Is Law the Rule? Using Political Frames to Explain Cross-National Variation in Legal Activity",1 "Social Forces",2000,"Generic Processes in the Reproduction of Inequality: An Interactionist Analysis",0 "Social Forces",2000,"Reproducing Social Structure in Task Groups: The Role of Structural Ritualization",0 "Social Forces",2000,"Market, State, or Don't Know? Education, Economic Ideology, and Voting in Contemporary Russia",1 "Social Forces",2000,"Family Matters: Gender, Networks, and Entrepreneurial Outcomes",0 "Social Forces",2000,"Organizational Ecology and Job Mobility",0 "Social Forces",2000,"The Changing Neighborhood Contexts of the Immigrant Metropolis",0 "Social Forces",2000,"Ending Welfare as We Know It (Again): Welfare State Retrenchment, 1989-1995",0 "Social Forces",2000,"The Role of Employers in Split Labor Markets: An Event-Structure Analysis of Racial Conflict and AFL Organizing, 1917-1919",0 "Social Forces",2000,"Community Cohesion and Violent Predatory Victimization: A Theoretical Extension and Cross-National Test of Opportunity Theory",1 "Social Forces",2000,"Race, Crime, and Public Housing in Atlanta: Testing a Conditional Effect Hypothesis",0 "Social Forces",2000,"Have Changes in Gender Relations Affected Marital Quality?",0 "Social Forces",2000,"The Impact of Religious Involvement on Migration",0 "Social Forces",2001,"Communist Party Membership and Regime Dynamics in China",1 "Social Forces",2001,"Local Sequential Patterns: The Structure of Lynching in the Deep South, 1882-1930",0 "Social Forces",2001,"Capital at Home and at School: Effects on Student Achievement",0 "Social Forces",2001,"China's One-Child Policy and the Care of Children: An Analysis of Qualitative and Quantitative Data",1 "Social Forces",2001,"Father Involvement in the Lives of Mainland Puerto Rican Children: Contributions of Nonresident, Cohabiting and Married Fathers",1 "Social Forces",2001,"Immigrant Generation, Assimilation, and Adolescent Psychological Well-Being",0 "Social Forces",2001,"The Effects of Early Work Experience on Young Women's Labor Force Attachment",0 "Social Forces",2001,"When Crime Pays: Capital, Competence, and Criminal Success",0 "Social Forces",2001,"""I've Called 'em Tom-ah-toes All My Life and I'm Not Going to Change!"": Maintaining Linguistic Control over English Identity in the U.S.",1 "Social Forces",2001,"The System of Occupations: Modeling Occupations in Sociodemographic Space",0 "Social Forces",2001,"De Gustibus Est Disputandum",0 "Social Forces",2001,"Social Differentiation in Musical Taste Patterns",1 "Social Forces",2001,"The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Reconceptualizing Scholarship and Transforming the Academy",0 "Social Forces",2001,"Families and Self-Sacrifice: Alternative Models and Meanings for Family Theory",0 "Social Forces",2001,"No Couple Is an Island: A Social Network Perspective on Dyadic Stability",0 "Social Forces",2001,"Assortative Meeting and Mating: Unintended Consequences of Organized Settings for Partner Choices",1 "Social Forces",2001,"Marital Happiness, Marital Duration, and the U-Shaped Curve: Evidence from a Five-Wave Panel Study",0 "Social Forces",2001,"Declining Government Confidence and Policy Preferences in the U.S.: Devolution, Regime Effects, or Symbolic Change?",0 "Social Forces",2001,"Racial Stratification in the Actuation of Mobility Expectations: Microlevel Impacts of Racially Restrictive Housing Markets",0 "Social Forces",2001,"From Protest to Agenda Building: Description Bias in Media Coverage of Protest Events in Washington, D.C.",0 "Social Forces",2001,"God, Politics, and Protest: Religious Beliefs and the Legitimation of Contentious Tactics",0 "Social Forces",2001,"Tracking the Restructuring of American Religion: Religious Affiliation and Patterns of Religious Mobility, 1973-1998",0 "Social Forces",2001,"Occupational Divisions of Labor and Their Technology Politics: The Case of Surgical Scopes and Gastrointestinal Medicine",0 "Social Forces",2001,"Social Change and the Persistence of Sex Typing: 1974-1997",0 "Social Forces",2001,"Party Formation, Political Power, and the Capacity for Reform: Comparing Left Parties in Kerala and West Bengal, India",1 "Social Forces",2001,"The Politics of Punishment across Time and Space: A Pooled Time-Series Analysis of Imprisonment Rates",0 "Social Forces",2001,"Racial Politics and Redistribution: Isolating the Contingent Influence of Civil Rights, Riots, and Crime on Tax Progressivity",0 "Social Forces",2001,"Getting a Laugh: Gender, Status, and Humor in Task Discussions",0 "Social Forces",2001,"The Value of Exchange",0 "Social Forces",2001,"Lines of Power in Exchange Networks",0 "Social Forces",2001,"Religious Involvement, Stress, and Mental Health: Findings from the 1995 Detroit Area Study",0 "Social Forces",2001,"Age Patterns of Suicide and Homicide Mortality Rates in High-Income Nations",1 "Social Forces",2001,"Social Capital and Homicide",0 "Social Forces",2001,"Scale of Agricultural Production, Civic Engagement, and Community Welfare",0 "Social Forces",2001,"Explaining Monogamy and Polygyny in Human Societies: Comment on Kanazawa and Still",0 "Social Forces",2001,"A Bit of Logic Goes a Long Way: A Reply to Sanderson",0 "Social Forces",2001,"Theoretical Pluralism and Historical Complexity in the Development and Maintenance of Socially Imposed Monogamy: A Comment on Kanazawa and Still",1 "Social Forces",2001,"Science vs. History: A Reply to MacDonald",0 "Social Forces",2001,"Models and Indicators",0 "Social Forces",2001,"Determinants of the Growth of the State: War and Taxation in Early Modern France and England",1 "Social Forces",2001,"Stirring Up Suffrage Sentiment: The Formation of the State Woman Suffrage Organizations, 1866-1914",0 "Social Forces",2001,"Replete and Desolate Markets: Poland, East Germany, and the New Religious Paradigm",1 "Social Forces",2001,"The Beloved Myth: Protestantism and the Rise of Industrial Capitalism in Nineteenth-Century Europe",1 "Social Forces",2001,"Explaining Black Southern Migrants' Advantage in Family Stability: The Role of Selective Migration",0 "Social Forces",2001,"African Americans and Immigrants in Northern Cities: The Effects of Relative Group Size on Occupational Standing in 1920",1 "Social Forces",2001,"Race, Region, and Religious Involvement: A Comparative Study of Whites and African Americans",1 "Social Forces",2001,"Race/Ethnic-Specific Variation in Adequacy of Prenatal Care Utilization",0 "Social Forces",2001,"The Glass Ceiling Effect",0 "Social Forces",2001,"Careers inside Organizations: A Comparative Study of Promotion Determination in Reforming China",1 "Social Forces",2001,"Gender Differences in Mathematical Trajectories",0 "Social Forces",2002,"The Collapse of Soviet Communism: A Class Dynamics Interpretation",1 "Social Forces",2002,"Employees' Use of Work-Family Policies and the Workplace Social Context",0 "Social Forces",2002,"An Ecological Theory of Spatial Evolution: Local Density Dependence in Tokyo Banking, 1894-1936",1 "Social Forces",2002,"The Social Influences on the Realization of Genetic Potential for Intellectual Development",0 "Social Forces",2002,"Movement-Countermovement Dynamics and the Emergence of New Institutions: The Case of ""White Flight"" Schools in Mississippi",1 "Social Forces",2002,"The Residential Preferences of Blacks: Do They Explain Persistent Segregation?",1 "Social Forces",2002,"The Culture of Mexican Migration: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis",1 "Social Forces",2002,"Evaluating the Role of ""Nothing to Lose"" Attitudes on Risky Behavior in Adolescence",0 "Social Forces",2002,"A Theory of Self-Esteem",0 "Social Forces",2002,"Work Units and Income Inequality: The Effect of Market Transition in Urban China",1 "Social Forces",2002,"Is the Mexican American ""Epidemiologic Paradox"" Advantage at Birth Maintained through Early Childhood Development?",1 "Social Forces",2002,"Resurrecting the Red: Pete Seeger and the Purification of Difficult Reputations",0 "Social Forces",2002,"Weighing In: Elementary-Age Students and the Debate on Attitudes toward School among Black Students",0 "Social Forces",2002,"Asserting Difference: The Strategic Response of Nonprofit Organizations to Competition",0 "Social Forces",2002,"Subordination and Violence against State Control Agents: Testing Political Explanations for Lethal Assaults against the Police",0 "Social Forces",2002,"The Context of Scientific Achievement: Sex Status, Organizational Environments, and the Timing of Publication on Scholarship Outcomes",0 "Social Forces",2002,"Racial Disparities in Income Security for a Cohort of Aging American Women",0 "Social Forces",2002,"Social Origins, Adolescent Experiences, and Work Value Trajectories during the Transition to Adulthood",0 "Social Forces",2002,"The Short- and Long-Term Effects of U.S. Migration Experience on Mexican Women's Fertility",1 "Social Forces",2002,"Voluntary Associations and Fertility Limitation",1 "Social Forces",2002,"What Do We Learn about Difference from the Scholarship on Gender?",0 "Social Forces",2002,"The Importance of Relationship Timing for Diffusion",0 "Social Forces",2002,"Creating Collective Attention in the Public Domain: Human Interest Narratives and the Rescue of Floyd Collins",0 "Social Forces",2002,"The Effects of Local Stressors on Neighborhood Attachment",0 "Social Forces",2002,"Why Does It Take a Village? The Mediation of Neighborhood Effects on Educational Achievement",0 "Social Forces",2002,"How Economic Segregation Affects Children's Educational Attainment",0 "Social Forces",2002,"The Civil Rights Movement's Struggle for Fair Employment: A ""Dramatic Events -- Conventional Politics"" Model",0 "Social Forces",2002,"Highbrow Cultural Consumption and Class Distinction in Italy, West Germany, Sweden, and the United States",1 "Social Forces",2002,"White, Black, or Puerto Rican? Racial Self-Identification among Mainland and Island Puerto Ricans",1 "Social Forces",2002,"Does Ethnic Concentration Influence Employees' Access to Authority? An Examination of Contemporary Urban Labor Markets",0 "Social Forces",2002,"Asian Immigrants' Reliance on Social Ties in a Multiethnic Labor Market",0 "Social Forces",2002,"Parenthood and Health: The Pivotal and Optimal Age at First Birth",0 "Social Forces",2002,"The Impact of Political Parties, Interest Groups, and Social Movement Organizations on Public Policy: Some Recent Evidence and Theoretical Concerns",0 "Social Forces",2002,"Embedded Economies: Social Relations as Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Central and Eastern Europe",1 "Social Forces",2002,"A Longitudinal Analysis of Globalization and Regionalization in International Trade: A Social Network Approach",1 "Social Forces",2002,"Matching Youth and Jobs? Gender Dynamics in New Deal Job Training Programs",0 "Social Forces",2002,"The Impact of Density: The Importance of Nonlinearity and Selection on Flight and Fight Responses",1 "Social Forces",2002,"Intimacy as a Double-Edged Phenomenon? An Empirical Test of Giddens",1 "Social Forces",2002,"Racial Threat and Social Control: A Test of the Political, Economic, and Threat of Black Crime Hypotheses",0 "Social Forces",2002,"The Political Context of Sentencing: An Analysis of Community and Individual Determinants",1 "Social Forces",2002,"Cohort Variations and Changes in Age-Specific Suicide Rates over Time: Explaining Variations in Youth Suicide",0 "Social Forces",2002,"Women's Employment, Marital Happiness, and Divorce",0 "Social Forces",2003,"Categorical Usages and Complex Realities: Race, Ethnicity, and Religion in the United States",0 "Social Forces",2003,"Rethinking the Sociological Measurement of Poverty",1 "Social Forces",2003,"A Contextual Analysis of Differential Association, Social Control, and Strain Theories of Delinquency",0 "Social Forces",2003,"""Out of the Parlors and into the Streets"": The Changing Tactical Repertoire of the U.S. Women's Suffrage Movements",0 "Social Forces",2003,"Competitive Position and Promotion Rates: Commercial Television Station Top Management, 1953-1988",0 "Social Forces",2003,"The Looking Glass Self: An Empirical Test and Elaboration",0 "Social Forces",2003,"Occupational Segregation and the Devaluation of Women's Work across U.S. Labor Markets",0 "Social Forces",2003,"Anti-Immigrant Prejudice in Europe: Contact, Threat Perception, and Preferences for the Exclusion of Migrants",1 "Social Forces",2003,"Spatial Measurement, Geography, and Urban Racial Inequality",0 "Social Forces",2003,"The Dynamic Properties of Social Support: Decay, Growth, and Staticity, and Their Effects on Adolescent Depression",0 "Social Forces",2003,"The Mobilizer's Dilemma: Crisis, Empowerment, and Collective Action",0 "Social Forces",2003,"Gender Differences in the Quantity and Quality of Free Time: The U.S. Experience",0 "Social Forces",2003,"Adolescents' Transition to First Intercourse, Religiosity, and Attitudes about Sex",0 "Social Forces",2003,"A Party of Workers or a Party of Intellectuals? Recruitment into Eastern European Communist Parties, 1945-1988",1 "Social Forces",2003,"Market Transition and Gender Gap in Earnings in Urban China",1 "Social Forces",2003,"Migrants' Social Ties in the U.S. and Investment in Mexico",1 "Social Forces",2003,"You Can't Always Get the Hours You Want: Mismatches between Actual and Preferred Work Hours in the U.S.",1 "Social Forces",2003,"Gender and Career Dynamics within a Segmented Professional Labor Market: The Case of Law Academia",0 "Social Forces",2003,"From Paid Worker to Volunteer: Leaving the Paid Workforce and Volunteering in Later Life",0 "Social Forces",2003,"Power-at-a-Distance",0 "Social Forces",2003,"Participation Shifts: Order and Differentiation in Group Conversation",0 "Social Forces",2003,"Race and the Probability of Arrest",0 "Social Forces",2003,"Home Economics: Metropolitan Labor and Housing Markets and Domestic Arrangements in Young Adulthood",0 "Social Forces",2003,"Transitions in Young Adulthood and the Relationship between Parent and Offspring Well-Being",0 "Social Forces",2003,"Alternative Routes in the Remarriage Market: Competing-Risk Analyses of Union Formation after Divorce",1 "Social Forces",2003,"The Emerging Mutable Self: Gender Dynamics and Creative Adaptations in Defining Work, Family, and the Future",0 "Social Forces",2003,"Sex, Fear, and Greed: A Social Dilemma Analysis of Gender and Cooperation",0 "Social Forces",2003,"S/He's a Rebel: Toward a Sequential Stress Theory of Delinquency and Gendered Pathways to Disadvantage in Emerging Adulthood",0 "Social Forces",2003,"Women's Political Representation: The Importance of Ideology",1 "Social Forces",2003,"Context Matters: Effects of the Proportion of Fundamentalists on Gender Attitudes",0 "Social Forces",2003,"Web Use and Net Nerds: A Neofunctionalist Analysis of the Impact of Information Technology in the Home",0 "Social Forces",2003,"Bounded Rationality at Large: Technological Standards in Airwaves Auctions",1 "Social Forces",2003,"Religion and Wealth: The Role of Religious Affiliation and Participation in Early Adult Asset Accumulation",0 "Social Forces",2003,"The Patterning of Repression: FBI Counterintelligence and the New Left",0 "Social Forces",2003,"Loosening Links? School-to-Work Transitions and Institutional Change in Russia since 1970",1 "Social Forces",2003,"Computers and Young Children: Social Benefit or Social Problem?",0 "Social Forces",2003,"The Effect of Teenage Employment on Delinquency and Problem Behaviors",0 "Social Forces",2003,"Parental Divorce and Offspring Marriage: Early or Late?",0 "Social Forces",2003,"Contexts of Risk? Explaining the Link between Girls' Pubertal Development and Their Delinquency Involvement",1 "Social Forces",2003,"Legacies of American Slavery: Status Attainment among Southern Blacks after Emancipation",0 "Social Forces",2003,"Racial Policy and Racial Conflict in the Urban United States, 1869-1924",1 "Social Forces",2003,"Public Employment, Welfare Transfers, and Economic Well-Being across Local Populations: Does a Lean and Mean Government Benefit the Masses?",0 "Social Forces",2003,"The Politics of Poverty: Left Political Institutions, the Welfare State, and Poverty",1 "Social Forces",2003,"Segregation and School Violence",0 "Social Forces",2003,"Faith and Works: Church-Based Social Capital Resources and African American Political Activism",0 "Social Forces",2003,"Job Search with Organizational Size as a Signal",0 "Social Forces",2003,"Social Capital and the Wages of Mexican Migrants: New Hypotheses and Tests",1 "Social Forces",2003,"Fairer Sex or Fairer System? Gender and Corruption Revisited",0 "Social Forces",2003,"Political Institutions, Minorities, and Punishment: A Pooled Cross-National Analysis of Imprisonment Rates",1 "Social Forces",2003,"Does the Ethnicity of Offenders in Crime Scenarios Affect Public Perceptions of Crime Seriousness? A Randomized Survey Experiment in Israel",1 "Social Forces",2003,"Selling Women Short: A Research Note on Gender Differences in Compensation on Wall Street",0 "Social Forces",2003,"What Happens after the High School Years among Young Persons with Disabilities?",0 "Social Forces",2004,"Response to Rodriguez: A ""Long Walk to Freedom"" and Democracy?",1 "Social Forces",2004,"Critical Discourse and the Cultural Consecration of American Films",0 "Social Forces",2004,"Structured Ignorance and Organized Racism in the United States",0 "Social Forces",2004,"Sources of Mexico's Migration Stream: Rural, Urban, and Border Migrants to the United States",1 "Social Forces",2004,"Sources of Durability and Change in Market Classifications: A Study of the Reconstitution of Product Categories in the American Mutual Fund Industry, 1944-1985",0 "Social Forces",2004,"Love Thy Neighbor? Moral Communities, Civic Engagement, and Juvenile Homicide in Rural Areas",0 "Social Forces",2004,"Collective Benefits, Exchange Interests, and Norm Enforcement",0 "Social Forces",2004,"Symbolic Gender Politics, Religious Group Identity, and the Decline in Female Genital Cutting in Minya, Egypt",1 "Social Forces",2004,"What Happened to the ""Long Civic Generation""? Explaining Cohort Differences in Volunteerism",0 "Social Forces",2004,"Volunteerism during the Transition to Adulthood: A Life Course Perspective",0 "Social Forces",2004,"Gender and Marital Decision Making: Negotiating Religious Ideology and Practice",0 "Social Forces",2004,"Temporary as Compared to Permanent High School Dropout",0 "Social Forces",2004,"Gender as Social Institution",0 "Social Forces",2004,"Institutional Environments and Scholarly Work: American Criminology, 1951-1993",0 "Social Forces",2004,"Institutional Dynamics and Dangerous Classes: Reading, Writing, and Arrest in Nineteenth-Century France",1 "Social Forces",2004,"Crimes of Opportunity or Crimes of Emotion? Testing Two Explanations of Seasonal Change in Crime",0 "Social Forces",2004,"Power, Identity, and Collective Action in Social Exchange",0 "Social Forces",2004,"Concentration and Diversity Revisited: Production Logics and the U.S. Mainstream Recording Market, 1940-1990",0 "Social Forces",2004,"Conceptualizing Political Opportunity",0 "Social Forces",2004,"Disaster, Litigation, and the Corrosive Community",0 "Social Forces",2004,"Unequal Returns to Housing Investments? A Study of Real Housing Appreciation among Black, White, and Hispanic Households",0 "Social Forces",2004,"Intergenerational Religious Dynamics and Adolescent Delinquency",0 "Social Forces",2004,"To Help or to Harm? Food Stamp Receipt and Mortality Risk Prior to the 1996 Welfare Reform Act",0 "Social Forces",2004,"Public Sociologies: Contradictions, Dilemmas, and Possibilities",1 "Social Forces",2004,"The Vacant ""We"": Remarks on Public Sociology",0 "Social Forces",2004,"Why Public Sociology May Fail",0 "Social Forces",2004,"The Arrogance of Public Sociology",0 "Social Forces",2004,"When Race Makes No Difference: Marriage and the Military",0 "Social Forces",2004,"If a Tree Falls in the Wilderness: Reparations, Academic Silences, and Social Justice",1 "Social Forces",2004,"Getting to Reparations: Japanese Americans and African Americans",1 "Social Forces",2004,"Maternal Employment during Northern Vietnam's Era of Market Reform",1 "Social Forces",2004,"Feminist Attitudes and Support for Gender Equality: Opinion Change in Women and Men, 1974-1998",0 "Social Forces",2004,"Military Service during the Vietnam Era: Were There Consequences for Subsequent Civilian Earnings?",1 "Social Forces",2004,"Anti-Semitism As a Response to Perceived Jewish Power: The Cases of Bulgaria and Romania before the Holocaust",1 "Social Forces",2004,"Corn, Klansmen, and Coolidge: Structure and Framing in Social Movements",0 "Social Forces",2004,"Strategy Matters: The Contingent Value of Social Capital in the Survival of Local Social Movement Organizations",0 "Social Forces",2004,"Global Civil Society and the International Human Rights Movement: Citizen Participation in Human Rights International Nongovernmental Organizations",1 "Social Forces",2004,"Marriage Timing in Nepal: Organizational Effects and Individual Mechanisms",1 "Social Forces",2004,"Cloning Headless Frogs and Other Important Matters: Conversation Topics and Network Structure",0 "Social Forces",2004,"The Paradox of Social Organization: Networks, Collective Efficacy, and Violent Crime in Urban Neighborhoods",0 "Social Forces",2004,"Why ""Unobservables"" Cannot Save General Theory: A Reply to Mahoney",0 "Social Forces",2004,"Revisiting General Theory in Historical Sociology",0 "Social Forces",2004,"A ""Long Walk to Freedom"" and Democracy: Human Rights, Globalization, and Social Injustice",1 "Social Forces",2004,"Strangers in the Halls: Isolation and Delinquency in School Networks",0 "Social Forces",2004,"Friendship Networks of Mobile Adolescents",0 "Social Forces",2004,"A Critical Mass Model of Bilingualism among U.S.-Born Hispanics",1 "Social Forces",2004,"Ideology, Social Threat, and the Death Sentence: Capital Sentences across Time and Space",0 "Social Forces",2004,"Cross-National Differences in the Expansion of Science, 1970-1990",1 "Social Forces",2004,"Do Facilities with Distant Headquarters Pollute More? How Civic Engagement Conditions the Environmental Performance of Absentee Managed Plants",0 "Social Forces",2004,"Postindustrialization and Environmental Quality: An Empirical Analysis of the Environmental State",0 "Social Forces",2004,"Ready-to-Wear Development? Foreign Investment, Technology Transfer, and Learning by Watching in the Apparel Trade",1 "Social Forces",2004,"Explaining the Upswing in Direct Investment: A Test of Mainstream and Heterodox Theories of Globalization",1 "Social Forces",2004,"Elites, Masses, and Media Blacklists: The Dixie Chicks Controversy",0 "Social Forces",2004,"What I Need and What the Poor Deserve: Analyzing the Gap between the Minimum Income Needed for Oneself and the View of an Adequate Norm for Social Assistance",0 "Social Forces",2004,"Unions, Solidarity, and Striking",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Alphas and Asterisks: The Development of Statistical Significance Testing Standards in Sociology",0 "Social Forces",2005,"The Effects of World Society on Environmental Protection Outcomes",1 "Social Forces",2005,"Economic Development Policymaking down the Global Commodity Chain: Attracting an Auto Industry to Silao, Mexico",1 "Social Forces",2005,"International Migration, Deindustrialization and Union Decline in 16 Affluent OECD Countries, 1962-1997",1 "Social Forces",2005,"Privileged Access, Privileged Accounts: Toward a Socially Structured Theory of Resources and Discourses",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Did the Israeli State Engineer Segregation? On the Placement of Jewish Immigrants in Development Towns in the 1950s",1 "Social Forces",2005,"Yes We Can: Latino Participation in Unconventional Politics",1 "Social Forces",2005,"The Significance of Color Declines: A Re-Analysis of Skin Tone Differentials in Post-Civil Rights America",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Racial Context, Black Immigration and the U.S. Black/White Health Disparity",1 "Social Forces",2005,"Toward Understanding How Social Capital Mediates the Impact of Mobility on Mexican American Achievement",1 "Social Forces",2005,"Gendered Migrant Social Capital: Evidence from Thailand",1 "Social Forces",2005,"Stratification, School-Work Linkages and Vocational Education",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Gender, Time and Inequality: Trends in Women's and Men's Paid Work, Unpaid Work and Free Time",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Outsourcing the Gender Factory: Living Arrangements and Service Expenditures on Female and Male Tasks",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Who Can You Turn To? Tie Activation within Core Business Discussion Networks",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Who Values the Obedient Child Now? The Religious Factor in Adult Values for Children, 1986-2002",1 "Social Forces",2005,"Residential Mobility and Adolescent Violence",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Familial and Religious Influences on Adolescent Alcohol Use: A Multi-Level Study of Students and School Communities",1 "Social Forces",2005,"What Does Love Mean? Exploring Network Culture in Two Network Settings",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Gender Differences in the Prevalence of Same-Sex Sexual Partnering: 1988-2002",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Unhappily Ever After: Effects of Long-Term, Low-Quality Marriages on Well-Being",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Out-of-Wedlock Childbearing, Marital Prospects and Mate Selection",0 "Social Forces",2005,"As Good As It Gets? A Life Course Perspective on Marital Quality",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Class Organization and Subjective Well-Being: A Cross-National Analysis",1 "Social Forces",2005,"Better Late than Never? Delayed Enrollment in the High School to College Transition",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Childhood Religious Conservatism and Adult Attainment among Black and White Women",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Immigrant Acculturation, Gender and Health Behavior: A Research Note",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Africa in American Sociology: Invisibility, Opportunity and Obligation",1 "Social Forces",2005,"The Uneven Geography of Global Civil Society: National and Global Influences on Transnational Association",1 "Social Forces",2005,"Decline of the Nation State? How the European Creates National and Sub-National Identifications",1 "Social Forces",2005,"Explaining the Global Digital Divide: Economic, Political and Sociological Drivers of Cross-National Internet Use",1 "Social Forces",2005,"Self-Employment of Immigrants: A Cross-National Study of 17 Western Societies",1 "Social Forces",2005,"Economic Restructuring and Intra-Generational Class Mobility in Mexico",1 "Social Forces",2005,"White Supremacists, Oppositional Culture and the World Wide Web",0 "Social Forces",2005,"The Structure of Women's Employment in Comparative Perspective",1 "Social Forces",2005,"A New Kind of English: Cultural Variance, Citizenship and DiY Politics amongst the Exodus Collective in England",1 "Social Forces",2005,"Social vs. Self-Directed Events among Japanese and Americans",1 "Social Forces",2005,"Employment Transitions and the Household Division of Labor in China",1 "Social Forces",2005,"Pay Differences among the Highly Trained: Cohort Differences in the Sex Gap in Lawyers' Earnings",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Exiting and Entering High-Poverty Neighborhoods: Latinos, Blacks and Anglos Compared",1 "Social Forces",2005,"A Distorted Nation: Perceptions of Racial/Ethnic Group Sizes and Attitudes toward Immigrants and Other Minorities",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Circles of Influence and Chains of Command: The Social Processes Whereby Ethnic Communities Influence Host Societies",0 "Social Forces",2005,"The Antislavery Movement in Early America: Religion, Social Environment and Slave Manumissions",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Black Church Culture and Community Action",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Social Capital, Too Much of a Good Thing? American Religious Traditions and Community Crime",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Pulpits and Platforms: The Role of the Church in Determining Protest among Black Americans",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Political Microcultures: Linking Civic Life and Democratic Discourse",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Process and Protest: Accounting for Individual Protest Participation",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Reconsidering Peers and Delinquency: How Do Peers Matter?",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Interracial Families and the Racial Identification of Mixed-Race Children: Evidence from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Student Disengagement and the Socialization Styles of High Schools",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Social Capital in Action: Alignment of Parental Support in Adolescents' Transition to Postsecondary Education",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Going Too Far? Sex, Sin and Social Policy",1 "Social Forces",2005,"The Status of Cultural Omnivorism: A Case Study of Reading in Russia",1 "Social Forces",2005,"Nothing to Fear but Fear Itself: Fear of Fear, Fear of Greed and Gender Effects in Two-Person Asymmetric Social Dilemmas",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Constraints and Opportunities with Interview Transcription: Towards Reflection in Qualitative Research",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Constructing Reason: Human Rights and the Democratization of the United Nations",1 "Social Forces",2005,"Response to Wallerstein: The Struggle for Global Society in a World System",1 "Social Forces",2005,"After Developmentalism and Globalization, What?",1 "Social Forces",2005,"Finding a Job in the Internet Age",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Winning Woman Suffrage One Step at a Time: Social Movements and the Logic of the Legislative Process",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Identifying the Precipitants of Homeless Protest across 17 U.S. Cities, 1980 to 1990",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Age and Self-Rated Health in Korea",1 "Social Forces",2005,"Counting on Kin: Social Networks, Social Support, and Child Health Status",1 "Social Forces",2005,"Parental Status and Differential Investment in Sons and Daughters: Trivers-Willard Revisited",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Cohabitation and Exchanges of Support",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Danger and the Decision to Offend",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Residential Stability and the Social Impact of Neighborhood Disadvantage: A Study of Gender- and Race-Contingent Effects",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Racially Biased Policing: Determinants of Citizen Perceptions",0 "Social Forces",2005,"The Unintended Significance of Race: Environmental Racial Inequality in Detroit",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Ethnic Classification in Southeastern Puerto Rico: The Cultural Model of ""Color""",1 "Social Forces",2005,"The Grass Widows of Mexico: Migration and Union Dissolution in a Binational Context",1 "Social Forces",2005,"Intertwined Cultural and Relational Environments of Organizations",1 "Social Forces",2005,"Minding Our Own Business: Local Retail Establishments and the Future of Southern Civic Community",1 "Social Forces",2005,"The Welfare State and Relative Poverty in Rich Western Democracies, 1967-1997",1 "Social Forces",2005,"Reforming a Breadwinner Welfare State: Gender, Race, Class, and Social Security Reform",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Lessons from Biafra: The Structuration of Socially Relevant Science in the Research and Production Directorate",1 "Social Forces",2005,"Militarist, Marxian, and Non-Marxian Materialist Theories of Gender Inequality: A Cross-Cultural Test",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Occupation, Class, and Social Networks in Urban China",1 "Social Forces",2005,"With a Little Help from My Friends (and My Financial Planner)",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Crimes of War and the Force of Law",1 "Social Forces",2005,"Consent, Informal Organization and Job Rewards: A Mixed Methods Analysis",0 "Social Forces",2005,"What Are We Measuring? An Evaluation of the CES-D across Race/Ethnicity and Immigrant Generation",0 "Social Forces",2005,"""... Be a Genuine Homemaker in Your Own Home"": Gender and Familial Relations in State Housing Practices, 1917-1922",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Outrages Against Personal Dignity: Rationalizing Abuse and Torture in the War on Terror",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Contributing to Scholarship and Theory through Public Sociology",0 "Social Forces",2005,"Politics and Society in Latin America at the Start of the New millennium",1 "Social Forces",2005,"Patterns in Contingencies: The Interlocking of Formal and Informal Political Institutions in Contemporary Argentina",1 "Social Forces",2005,"Women and Politics in Latin America: Perspectives and Limits of the Institutional Aspects of Women's Political Representation",1 "Social Forces",2005,"Democracy and New Social Forces in Bolivia",1 "Social Forces",2005,"Brazil: The Lulu Government and Financial Globalization",1 "Social Forces",2006,"What's Love Got to Do with It? Equality, Equity, Commitment and Women's Marital Quality",0 "Social Forces",2006,"The Family Factor in Jewish-Gentile Intermarriage: A Sibling Analysis of the Netherlands",1 "Social Forces",2006,"Advancing Age, Advantaged Youth: Parental Age and the Transmission of Resources to Children",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Educational Engagement and Early Family Formation: Differences by Ethnicity and Generation",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Spanish Maintenance among English-Speaking Latino Youth: The Role of Individual and Social Characteristics",1 "Social Forces",2006,"Social Capital and Adolescent Violent Behavior: Correlates of Fighting and Weapon Use among Secondary School Students",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Lake Wobegon Upside Down: The Paradox of Status-Devaluation",1 "Social Forces",2006,"Changing Locus of Control: Steelworkers Adjusting to Forced Unemployment",0 "Social Forces",2006,"A Common Explanation for the Changing Age Distributions of Suicide and Homicide in the United States, 1930-2000",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Deindustrialization, Disadvantage and Suicide among Young Black Males",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Racial Differences in Congregation-Based Political Activism",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Christian Religiosity, Self-Control and Social Conformity",0 "Social Forces",2006,"The Poverty of Trust in the Southern United States",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Southerners in the West: The Relative Well-Being of Direct and Onward Migrants",1 "Social Forces",2006,"Building Community: The Neighborhood Context of Social Organization",0 "Social Forces",2006,"The Presence of Organizational Resources in Poor Urban Neighborhoods: An Analysis of Average and Contextual Effects",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Social Cohesion, Criminal Victimization and Perceived Risk of Crime in Brazilian Neighborhoods",1 "Social Forces",2006,"Differential Participation and the Nature of a Movement: A Study of the 1999 Anti-U.S. Beijing Student Demonstrations",1 "Social Forces",2006,"Global Warming and the Neglected Greenhouse Gas: A Cross-National Study of the Social Causes of Methane Emissions Intensity, 1995",1 "Social Forces",2006,"Statistical Inference and Patterns of Inequality in the Global North",1 "Social Forces",2006,"Cross-National Differences in the Skills-Earnings Relationship: The Role of Labor Market Institutions",1 "Social Forces",2006,"The Persistence of Structural Inequality? A Network Analysis of International Trade, 1965-2000",1 "Social Forces",2006,"Transnationalism: Diaspora-Homeland Development",1 "Social Forces",2006,"When All Else Fails: International Adjudication of Human Rights Abuse Claims, 1976-1999",1 "Social Forces",2006,"Determinants of Linguistic Human Rights Movements: An Analysis of Multiple Causation of LHRs Movements Using a Boolean Approach",1 "Social Forces",2006,"Welcome to World Peace",1 "Social Forces",2006,"Suicide Bombing as Strategy and Interaction: The Case of the Second Intifada",1 "Social Forces",2006,"The Changing Nature of Suicide Attacks: A Social Network Perspective",1 "Social Forces",2006,"Ideologies of Violence: The Social Origins of Islamist and Leftist Transnational Terrorism",1 "Social Forces",2006,"A Theory of Categorical Terrorism",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Dynamic Gender Differences in a Post-Socialist Labor Market: Russia, 1991-1997",1 "Social Forces",2006,"Refining the Measurement of Women's Autonomy: An International Application of a Multi-Dimensional Construct",1 "Social Forces",2006,"It Cuts Both Ways: Workers, Management and the Construction of a ""Community of Fate"" on the Shop Floor in a Mexican Garment Factory",1 "Social Forces",2006,"Education and the Inequalities of Place",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Social Movement Tactics, Organizational Change and the Spread of African-American Studies",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Homophobia and HIV/AIDS: Attitude Change in the Face of an Epidemic",0 "Social Forces",2006,"The Ties that Bind and Those That Don't: Toward Reconciling Group Threat and Contact Theories of Prejudice",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Accounting for Spatial Variation in Tolerance: The Effects of Education and Religion",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Intersections on the Road to Self-Employment: Gender, Family and Occupational Class",0 "Social Forces",2006,"The Configuration of Local Economic Power and Civic Participation in the Global Economy",1 "Social Forces",2006,"Where's the Faith in Faith-Based Organizations? Measures and Correlates of Religiosity in Faith-Based Social Service Coalitions",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Why Estimates of the Impact of Public Opinion on Public Policy Are Too High: Empirical and Theoretical Implications",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Did Falling Wages and Employment Increase U.S. Imprisonment?",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Exit and Voice: Organizational Loyalty and Dispute Resolution Strategies",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Conflict and Fairness in Social Exchange",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Institutional Panethnicity: Boundary Formation in Asian American Organizing",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Dropping the Hyphen? Becoming Latino(a)-American through Racialized Assimilation",1 "Social Forces",2006,"Double-Checking the Race Box: Examining Inconsistency between Survey Measures of Observed and Self-Reported Race",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Structural Assimilation Revisited: Mexican-Origin Nativity and Cross-Ethnic Primary Ties",1 "Social Forces",2006,"Brutal Borders? Examining the Treatment of Deportees during Arrest and Detention",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Whites' Opposition to Affirmative Action: Rejection of Group-Based Preferences As Well As Rejection of Blacks",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Parenting across Racial and Class Lines: Assortative Mating Patterns of New Parents Who Are Married, Cohabiting, Dating and No Longer Romantically Involved",0 "Social Forces",2006,"The Connection between Biology and Sociology",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Gene-Culture Coevolutionary Games",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Testosterone and Social Behavior",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Achievement and Ascription in Educational Attainment: Genetic and Environmental Influences on Adolescent Schooling",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Culture in Animals and a Case of a Non-Human Primate Culture of Low Aggression and High Affiliation",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Strikes and Wages in Post-Accord America",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Do High Technology Policies Work? High Technology Industry Employment Growth in U.S. Metropolitan Areas, 1988-1998",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Economic Globalization, Industrialization and Deindustrialization in Affluent Democracies",1 "Social Forces",2006,"Redressing Past Human Rights Violations: Global Dimensions of Contemporary Social Movements",1 "Social Forces",2006,"Domestic Violence against Married Women in Cambodia",1 "Social Forces",2006,"Communist Cadres and Market Opportunities: Entry into Self-Employment in China, 1978-1996",1 "Social Forces",2006,"Status on Trial: Social Characteristics and Influence in the Jury Room",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Social Context and Musical Content: Rap Music, 1979-1995",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Volunteering in Middle and Later Life: Is Health a Benefit, Barrier, or Both?",0 "Social Forces",2006,"When Does Social Capital Matter? Non-Searching for Jobs across the Life Course",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Family Instability and Children's Early Problem Behavior",0 "Social Forces",2006,"2005 Southern Sociological Society Presidential Address Affect, Meaning, and Quality of Life",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Social Policy and Immigrant Joblessness in Britain, Germany and Sweden",1 "Social Forces",2006,"For Love or Money? Welfare Reform and Immigrant Naturalization",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Becoming a Citizen in the United States and Canada: Structured Mobilization and Immigrant Political Incorporation",1 "Social Forces",2006,"Labor Markets and Economic Incorporation among Recent Immigrants",1 "Social Forces",2006,"Multiculturalism and ""American"" Region: The Case of Hindu Indian Americans",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Social Policy and Immigrant Joblessness in Britain, Germany and Sweden",1 "Social Forces",2006,"Environmental Racial Inequality in Detroit",0 "Social Forces",2006,"I (Don't) Hate School: Revisiting Oppositional Culture Theory of Blacks' Resistance to Schooling",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Education and its Discontents: Overqualification in America, 1972-2002",1 "Social Forces",2006,"Work Uncertainty and the Promotion of Professional Women: The Case of Law Firm Partnership",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Coping with Rural Poverty: Economic Survival and Moral Capital in Rural America",0 "Social Forces",2006,"Tocquevillian Moments: Charitable Contributions by Chinese Private Entrepreneurs",1 "Social Forces",2006,"Environmentalism, Globalization, and National Economies, 1980-2000",1 "Social Forces",2006,"Consensus and the Creation of Status Beliefs",0 "Social Forces",2007,"What Would Sartre Say? And, Arendt's Reply?",1 "Social Forces",2007,"Group Threat and Social Control: Race, Perceptions of Minorities and the Desire to Punish",1 "Social Forces",2007,"Prestige from the Provision of Collective Goods",0 "Social Forces",2007,"Residential Segregation and the Transformation of Home Mortgage Lending",0 "Social Forces",2007,"Will ""Multiracial"" Survive to the Next Generation? The Racial Classification of Children of Multiracial Parents",0 "Social Forces",2007,"Bodacious Berry, Potency Wood and the Aging Monster: Gender and Age Relations in Anti-Aging Ads",0 "Social Forces",2007,"Modeling Determinants of White Racial Identity: Results from a New National Survey",0 "Social Forces",2007,"Negotiating Neoliberal Multiculturalism: Mapuche Workers in the Chilean State",1 "Social Forces",2007,"Mixed Race: Understanding Difference in the Genome Era",0 "Social Forces",2007,"Are Blacks Really Less Trusting than Whites? Revisiting the Race and Trust Question",0 "Social Forces",2007,"Perceived Age Discrimination and Mental Health",0 "Social Forces",2007,"One Size Fits All? Explaining U.S.-born and Immigrant Women's Employment across 12 Ethnic Groups",1 "Social Forces",2007,"Family Migration and Labor Force Outcomes: Sex Differences in Occupational Context",0 "Social Forces",2007,"Competitive Embeddedness and the Emergence of Interfirm Cooperation",0 "Social Forces",2007,"Capitalism and Urbanization in a New Key? The Cognitive-Cultural Dimension",1 "Social Forces",2007,"Organizational Diversity, Vitality and Outcomes in the Civil Rights Movement",0 "Social Forces",2007,"Framing the French Riots: A Comparative Study of Frame Variation",1 "Social Forces",2007,"Manufacturing Dissent: Labor Revitalization, Union Summer and Student Protest",0 "Social Forces",2007,"Amplifying Public Opinion: The Policy Impact of the U. S. Environmental Movement",0 "Social Forces",2007,"The Institutional Context of Industry Consolidation: Radio Broadcasting in the United States, 1920-1934",0 "Social Forces",2007,"Deconstructing Cultural Omnivorousness 1982-2002: Heterology in Americans' Musical Preferences",0 "Social Forces",2007,"Association Memberships and Generalized Trust: A Multilevel Model Across 31 Countries",1 "Social Forces",2007,"Ecological Unequal Exchange: International Trade and Uneven Utilization of Environmental Space in the World System",1 "Social Forces",2007,"Upward Wealth Mobility: Exploring the Roman Catholic Advantage",1 "Social Forces",2007,"Urbanization and Spatial Organization: Hospital and Orphanage Location in Chicago, 1848-1916",0 "Social Forces",2007,"Internal and External Ethnic Assessments in Eastern Europe",1 "Social Forces",2007,"Mapping Educational Inequality: Concentrations of Poverty among Poor and Minority Students in Public Schools",0 "Social Forces",2007,"The Interactive Effects of Race, Gender and School Composition on College Track Placement",1 "Social Forces",2007,"Educational and Work Strategies from Adolescence to Early Adulthood: Consequences for Educational Attainment",0 "Social Forces",2007,"Modeling States' Enactment of High School Exit Examination Policies",0 "Social Forces",2007,"Measuring Religion in Global Civil Society",1 "Social Forces",2007,"Losing My Religion: The Social Sources of Religious Decline in Early Adulthood",0 "Social Forces",2007,"Genetics and Faith: Religious Enchantment through Creative Engagement with Molecular Biology",0 "Social Forces",2007,"Parents' Discord and Divorce, Parent-Child Relationships and Subjective Well-Being in Early Adulthood: Is Feeling Close to Two Parents Always Better than Feeling Close to One?",0 "Social Forces",2007,"The Sex Difference in Depression Across 29 Countries",1 "Social Forces",2007,"The Racial Divide in Support for the Death Penalty: Does White Racism Matter?",1 "Social Forces",2007,"Women's Political Representation and Welfare State Spending in 12 Capitalist Democracies",1 "Social Forces",2007,"Thinking Globally, Planning Nationally and Acting Locally: Nested Organizational Fields and the Adoption of Environmental Practices",1 "Social Forces",2008,"Immigrants, English Ability and the Digital Divide",1 "Social Forces",2008,"Growth of Migrant Remittances from the United States to Mexico, 1990-2004",1 "Social Forces",2008,"Places as Recovery Machines: Vulnerability and Neighborhood Change After Major Hurricanes",0 "Social Forces",2008,"Gender-Based Employment and Income Differences in Urban China: Considering the Contributions of Marriage and Parenthood",1 "Social Forces",2008,"Social Movement Size, Organizational Diversity and the Making of Federal Law",0 "Social Forces",2008,"The Civil Rights Movement and the Right to Vote: Black Protest, Segregationist Violence and the Audience",0 "Social Forces",2008,"Making Space for Civil Society: Institutional Reforms and Local Democracy in Brazil",1 "Social Forces",2008,"Double Jeopardy? The Interaction of Gender and Race on Earnings in the United States",0 "Social Forces",2008,"Structural and Individual Covariates of English Language Proficiency",1 "Social Forces",2008,"Islamic Fatalism and the Clash of Civilizations: An Appraisal of a Contentious and Dubious Theory",1 "Social Forces",2008,"Faith, Morality and Mortality: The Ecological Impact of Religion on Population Health",0 "Social Forces",2008,"Social and Genetic Influences on Adolescent Religious Attitudes and Practices",0 "Social Forces",2008,"Secularization and Religious Change among Elite Scientists",0 "Social Forces",2008,"Scripture, Sin and Salvation: Theological Conservatism Reconsidered",0 "Social Forces",2008,"Gender, Religious Tradition and Biblical Literalism",0 "Social Forces",2008,"Religious Fundamentalism among Young Muslims in Egypt and Saudi Arabia",1 "Social Forces",2008,"Parental Divorce, Marital Conflict and Children's Behavior Problems: A Comparison of Adopted and Biological Children",0 "Social Forces",2008,"For Better or For Worse?: The Consequences of Marriage and Cohabitation for Single Mothers",0 "Social Forces",2008,"Happily Ever After? Religion, Marital Status, Gender and Relationship Quality in Urban Families",0 "Social Forces",2008,"Family Structure and Voter Turnout",0 "Social Forces",2008,"How Knowledge is Power: Education and the Sense of Control",0 "Social Forces",2008,"Who is Headed South?: U.S. Migration Trends in Black and White, 1970-2000",0 "Social Forces",2008,"Racial, Educational and Religious Endogamy in the United States: A Comparative Historical Perspective",0 "Social Forces",2008,"Inter-neighborhood Migration and Spatial Assimilation in a Multi-ethnic World: Comparing Latinos, Blacks and Anglos",0 "Social Forces",2008,"Job Displacement and Social Participation over the Lifecourse: Findings for a Cohort of Joiners",0 "Social Forces",2008,"Changing Attitudes toward the Male Breadwinner, Female Homemaker Family Model: Influences of Women's Employment and Education over the Lifecourse",0 "Social Forces",2008,"Job Loss at Mid-life: Managers and Executives Face the New Risk Economy",0 "Social Forces",2008,"Movements, Countermovements and Policy Adoption: The Case of Right-to-Work Activism",0 "Social Forces",2008,"Movement of Movements: Culture Moves in the Long Civil Rights Struggle",0 "Social Forces",2008,"Post-secondary Educational Attainment of Immigrant and Native Youth",1 "Social Forces",2008,"Poor People, Poor Places and Access to Health Care in the United States",0 "Social Forces",2008,"Transforming Symbolic Law into Organizational Action: Hate Crime Policy and Law Enforcement Practice",0 "Social Forces",2008,"Defending Turf: Racial Demographics and Hate Crime Against Blacks and Whites",0 "Social Forces",2008,"Status, Endorsement and the Legitimacy of Deviance",0 "Social Forces",2008,"Elites and Panic: More to Fear than Fear Itself",0 "Social Forces",2008,"Emotional Segues and the Management of Emotion by Women and Men",0 "Social Forces",2008,"A New Generation of Women? How Female ROTC Cadets Negotiate the Tension between Masculine Military Culture and Traditional Femininity",0 "Social Forces",2008,"From 9/11 to 8/29: Post-Disaster Recovery and Rebuilding in New York and New Orleans",0 "Social Forces",2008,"Unintended Consequences of Repression: Alliance Formation in South Korea's Democracy Movement (1970-1979)",1 "Social Forces",2008,"Guarded Borders: Adolescent Interracial Romance and Peer Trouble at School",0 "Social Forces",2008,"The Value of Non-Work Time in Cross-National Quality of Life Comparisons: The Case of the United States vs. the Netherlands",1 "Social Forces",2008,"A Special Section: Disasters in the Twenty-First Century: Modern Destruction and Future Instruction",0 "Social Forces",2008,"Organizing Hazards, Engineering Disasters?: Improving the Recognition of Political-Economic Factors in the Creation of Disasters",0 "Social Forces",2008,"A World-System Approach to Post-Catastrophe International Relief",1 "Social Forces",2008,"Rethinking the Nature of Disaster: From Failed Instruments of Learning to a Post-Social Understanding",1 "Social Forces",2009,"The Nones: Social Characteristics of the Religiously Unaffiliated",0 "Social Forces",2009,"Preparing for Public Life: School Sector and the Educational Context of Lasting Citizen Formation",0 "Social Forces",2009,"Birth Weight, Math and Reading Achievement Growth: A Multilevel Between-Sibling, Between-Families Approach",0 "Social Forces",2009,"National Incorporation of Global Human Rights: Worldwide Expansion of National Human Rights Institutions, 1966-2004",1 "Social Forces",2009,"The Trajectory of Perpetrators' Trauma: Mnemonic Politics around the Asia-Pacific War in Japan",1 "Social Forces",2009,"Correlates of National-level Homicide Variation in Post-Communist East-Central Europe",1 "Social Forces",2009,"Race Differences in Cohort Effects on Non-Marital Fertility in the United States",0 "Social Forces",2009,"Comment: Distinguishing Cohort Effects from Age Period Effects on Non-Marital Fertility",0 "Social Forces",2009,"Race Differences in Cohort Effects on Non-Marital Fertility in the United States: Reply to Martin",0 "Social Forces",2009,"An Organizational Approach to Understanding Sex and Race Segregation in U.S. Workplaces",0 "Social Forces",2009,"Schools or Neighborhoods or Both? Race and Ethnic Segregation and Educational Attainment",0 "Social Forces",2009,"Organizations and Local Development: Economic and Demographic Growth among Southern Counties during Reconstruction",0 "Social Forces",2009,"Power and Relation in the World Polity: The INGO Network Country Score, 1978-1998",1 "Social Forces",2009,"The Continuing Relevance of Family Income for Religious Participation: U.S. White Catholic Church Attendance in the Late 20th Century",0 "Social Forces",2009,"Mirage of Health in the Era of Biomedicalization: Evaluating Change in the Threshold of Illness, 1972-1996",0 "Social Forces",2009,"Socioeconomic Status and Health across the Life Course: A Test of the Social Causation and Health Selection Hypotheses",0 "Social Forces",2009,"Drive-bys and Trade-ups: Examining the Directionality of the Crime and Residential Instability Relationship",0 "Social Forces",2009,"Gender Inequality in Interaction -- An Evolutionary Account",0 "Social Forces",2009,"Multiracial Self-Identification and Adolescent Outcomes: A Social Psychological Approach to the Marginal Man Theory",0 "Social Forces",2009,"Specifying the Determinants of Neighborhood Satisfaction: A Robust Assessment in 24 Metropolitan Areas",0 "Social Forces",2009,"Cross-Talk: The Role of Homophily and Elite Bias in Civic Associations",0 "Social Forces",2009,"Disability and the Transition to Adulthood",0 "Social Forces",2009,"Ethnic Neighborhoods in Multi-Ethnic America, 1990-2000: Resurgent Ethnicity in the Ethnoburbs?",0 "Social Forces",2009,"Civic Opportunities in Associations: Interpersonal Interaction, Governance Experience and Institutional Relationships",0 "Social Forces",2009,"Immigration and Youthful Illegalities in a Global Edge City",1 "Social Forces",2009,"Five Decades of Educational Assortative Mating in 10 East Asian Societies",1 "Social Forces",2009,"The Transformative Role of Religious Experience: The Case of Short-Term Missions",0 "Social Forces",2009,"Maternal Education, Early Child Care and the Reproduction of Advantage",0 "Social Forces",2009,"Structure and Stress: Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms across Adolescence and Young Adulthood",0 "Social Forces",2009,"Putting Poverty in Political Context: A Multi-Level Analysis of Adult Poverty across 18 Affluent Democracies",1 "Social Forces",2009,"How Do Cultural Producers Make Creative Decisions?: Lessons from the Catwalk",0 "Social Forces",2009,"Modernization Theory and Changes Over Time in the Reproduction of Socioeconomic Inequalities in Australia",1 "Social Forces",2009,"The Impact of Origin and Host Country Schooling on the Economic Performance of Immigrants",1 "Social Forces",2009,"Fathers' Rights Groups, Domestic Violence and Political Countermobilization",0 "Social Forces",2009,"Listening to Rap: Cultures of Crime, Cultures of Resistance",1 "Social Forces",2009,"Dividing and Ruling the World?: A Statistical Test of the Effects of Colonialism on Postcolonial Civil Violence",1 "Social Forces",2009,"Why We Need To Learn More About Youth Civic Engagement",0 "Social Forces",2009,"Collateral Consequences of Violence in Disadvantaged Neighborhoods",0 "Social Forces",2009,"The Differential Valuation of Women's Work: A New Look at the Gender Gap in Lawyers' Incomes",0 "Social Forces",2009,"Knowledge Specialization, Knowledge Brokerage and the Uneven Growth of Technology Domains",0 "Social Forces",2009,"Culture and Embodied Cognition: Moral Discourses in Internet Support Groups for Overeaters",0 "Social Forces",2009,"Occupational Feminization and Pay: Assessing Causal Dynamics Using 1950-2000 U.S. Census Data",0 "Social Forces",2009,"Assessing the Effects of Voluntary Youth Service: The Case of Teach for America",0 "Social Forces",2009,"Is There a Career Penalty for Mothers' Time Out?: A Comparison of Germany, Sweden and the United States",1 "Social Forces",2009,"Has the Marital Time Cost of Parenting Changed Over Time?",0 "Social Forces",2009,"Taking on the Second Shift: Time Allocations and Time Pressures of U.S. Parents with Preschoolers",0 "Social Forces",2009,"Education Differences in Intended and Unintended Fertility",0 "Social Forces",2010,"Declining Dixie: Regional Identification in the Modern American South",0 "Social Forces",2010,"Unpacking the Unspoken: Silence in Collective Memory and Forgetting",1 "Social Forces",2010,"Behavior, Expectations and Status",0 "Social Forces",2010,"Ethnic Environment During Childhood and the Educational Attainment of Immigrant Children in Sweden",1 "Social Forces",2010,"Latino Employment and Black Violence: The Unintended Consequence of U.S. Immigration Policy",0 "Social Forces",2010,"World-System Mobility and Economic Growth, 1980-2000",1 "Social Forces",2010,"Globalization and Industrialization in 64 Developing Countries, 1980-2003",1 "Social Forces",2010,"Social Change and Anomie: A Cross-National Study",1 "Social Forces",2010,"Innovation and Selection: Symphony Orchestras and the Construction of the Musical Canon in the United States (1879-1959)",0 "Social Forces",2010,"Neighborhood Social Influence and Welfare Receipt in Sweden: A Panel Data Analysis",1 "Social Forces",2010,"Incubating Innovation or Cultivating Corruption? The Developmental State and the Life Sciences in Asia",1 "Social Forces",2010,"Hispanic Population Growth and Rural Income Inequality",0 "Social Forces",2010,"Clocking In: The Organization of Work Time and Health in the United States",0 "Social Forces",2010,"""If I had lots of money... I'd have a body makeover:"" Managing the Aging Body",0 "Social Forces",2010,"Gun Cultures or Honor Cultures? Explaining Regional and Race Differences in Weapon Carrying",0 "Social Forces",2010,"Why Do People Engage in Corruption? The Case of Estonia",1 "Social Forces",2010,"For Export Only: Diffusion Professionals and Population Policy",1 "Social Forces",2010,"Risk Groups in Exposure to Terror: The Case of Israel's Citizens",1 "Social Forces",2010,"The Durability of Collective Memory: Reconciling the Greensboro Massacre",0 "Social Forces",2010,"Sex, Anger and Depression",0 "Social Forces",2010,"The Economics and Sociology of Religious Giving: Instrumental Rationality or Communal Bonding?",0 "Social Forces",2010,"Can Cultural Worldviews Influence Network Composition?",0 "Social Forces",2010,"Multidimensionality and Gravity in Global Trade, 1950-2000",1 "Social Forces",2010,"Effects of Inequality, Family, and School on Mathematics Achievement: Country and Student Differences",1 "Social Forces",2010,"Understanding Economic Justice Attitudes in Two Countries: Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan",1 "Social Forces",2010,"Survivalism and Public Opinion on Criminality: A Cross-National Analysis of Prostitution",1 "Social Forces",2010,"Military Spending and Economic Well-Being in the American States: The Post-Vietnam War Era",1 "Social Forces",2010,"Is the United States Experiencing a ""Matrilineal Tilt""?: Gender, Family Structures and Financial Transfers to Adult Children",0 "Social Forces",2010,"The Skinny on Success: Body Mass, Gender and Occupational Standing Across the Life Course",0 "Social Forces",2010,"Stymied Mobility or Temporary Lull? The Puzzle of Lagging Hispanic College Degree Attainment",0 "Social Forces",2010,"The Declining Relative Status of Black Women Workers, 1980-2002",0 "Social Forces",2010,"Societal Responses to Endemic Terror: Evidence from Driving Behavior in Israel",1 "Social Forces",2010,"Explaining Late Life Urban vs. Rural Health Discrepancies in Beijing",1 "Social Forces",2010,"The Deviant Organization and the Bad Apple CEO: Ideology and Accountability in Media Coverage of Corporate Scandals",0 "Social Forces",2010,"Occupational Status and the Experience of Anger",0 "Social Forces",2010,"The Shifting Supply of Men and Woman to Occupations: Feminization in Veterinary Education",0 "Social Forces",2010,"Do Changes in Job Mobility Explain the Growth of Wage Inequality among Men in the United States, 1977-2005?",0 "Social Forces",2010,"Sex Typing of Jobs in Hiring: Evidence from Japan",1 "Social Forces",2010,"How Socio-Economic Change Shapes Income Inequality in Post-Socialist Europe",1 "Social Forces",2010,"Political Capital in a Market Economy",1 "Social Forces",2010,"The Lasting Effect of Civic Talk on Civic Participation: Evidence from a Panel Study",0 "Social Forces",2010,"Measuring Government Effectiveness and Its Consequences for Social Welfare in Sub-Saharan African Countries",1 "Social Forces",2010,"Framing the Future: Revisiting the Place of Educational Expectations in Status Attainment",0 "Social Forces",2010,"The Ecology of Technological Progress: How Symbiosis and Competition Affect the Growth of Technology Domains",0 "Social Forces",2010,"Socio-Demographic Determinants of Economic Growth: Age-Structure, Preindustrial Heritage and Sociolinguistic Integration",1 "Social Forces",2010,"No Safe Place: Environmental Hazards & Injustice along Mexico' Northern Border",1 "Social Forces",2010,"Scenes: Social Context in an Age of Contingency",1 "Social Forces",2010,"Movement Organizations, Synergistic Tactics and Environmental Public Policy",0 "Social Forces",2010,"Trends in Global Gender Inequality",1 "Social Forces",2010,"A General Panel Model with Random and Fixed Effects: A Structural Equations Approach",0 "Social Forces",2010,"The Experience of Daily Hassles, Cardiovascular Reactivity and Adolescent Risk Taking and Self-Esteem",0 "Social Forces",2010,"Organizational Liminality and Interstitial Creativity: The Fellowship of Power",0 "Social Forces",2010,"Whither the Turn? The Ambiguous Nature of Nonprofits' Commercial Revenue",0 "Social Forces",2010,"The Intergenerational Reproduction of Cultural Capital: A Threefold Perspective",0 "Social Forces",2010,"""You might be a redneck if..."" Boundary Work among Rural, Southern Whites",0 "Social Forces",2010,"Marital Patterns and Use of Mother Tongue at Home among Native-Born Asian Americans",0 "Social Forces",2010,"English Gain vs. Spanish Loss? Language Assimilation among Second-Generation Latinos in Young Adulthood",1 "Social Forces",2010,"Living Room vs. Concert Hall: Patterns of Music Consumption in Flanders",1 "Social Forces",2010,"Paternal Incarceration and Children's Physically Aggressive Behaviors: Evidence from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study",0 "Social Forces",2010,"Marriage and Suicide among Chinese Rural Young Women",1 "Social Forces",2011,"""A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Forever""? Returns to Physical Attractiveness over the Life Course",0 "Social Forces",2011,"The Happy Homemaker? Married Women's Well-Being in Cross-National Perspective",1 "Social Forces",2011,"Power, Revisited NA",0 "Social Forces",2011,"The Context of Workplace Sex Discrimination: Sex Composition, Workplace Culture and Relative Power",0 "Social Forces",2011,"Change in the Stratification of Educational Expectations and Their Realization",0 "Social Forces",2011,"Higher Education and Religious Liberalization among Young Adults NA",0 "Social Forces",2011,"Education and Work-Family Conflict: Explanations, Contingencies and Mental Health Consequences",0 "Social Forces",2011,"Origins and Outcomes of Judgments about Work NA",0 "Social Forces",2011,"The Effect of a Child's Sex on Support for Traditional Gender Roles NA",0 "Social Forces",2011,"The Social Structuring of Mental Health over the Adult Life Course: Advancing Theory in the Sociology of Aging",0 "Social Forces",2011,"Social Relations that Generate and Sustain Solidarity after a Mass Tragedy",0 "Social Forces",2011,"Migration, Remittances and Educational Stratification among Blacks in Apartheid and Post-Apartheid South Africa",1 "Social Forces",2011,"Testing the Protestant Ethic Thesis with Quantitative Historical Data: A Research Note",0 "Social Forces",2011,"Intergenerational Continuity of Taste: Parental and Adolescent Music Preferences",0 "Social Forces",2011,"Patterns of Racial-Ethnic Exclusion by Internet Daters NA",0 "Social Forces",2011,"The Unequal Burden of Weight Gain: An Intersectional Approach to Understanding Social Disparities in BMI Trajectories from 1986 to",0 "Social Forces",2011,"Understanding Activist Leadership Effort in the Movement Opposing Drinking and Driving",0 "Social Forces",2011,"Intergenerational Ties in Context: Grandparents Caring for Grandchildren in China",1 "Social Forces",2011,"What Do Children Know About Their Futures: Do Children's Expectations Predict Outcomes in Middle Age?",0 "Social Forces",2011,"Race, Ethnicity and the Quality of Life in America, 1972-2008 NA",1 "Social Forces",2011,"Family Events and the Timing of Intergenerational Transfers NA",1 "Social Forces",2011,"Why Does the Spatial Agglomeration of Firms Benefit Workers? Examining the Role of Organizational Diversity in US Industries and Labor Markets",0 "Social Forces",2011,"Coping with the Stigma of Mental Illness: Empirically-Grounded Hypotheses from Computer Simulations",0 "Social Forces",2011,"Subsidizing the Cost of Collective Action: International Organizations and Protest among Polish Farmers during Democratic Transition",1 "Social Forces",2011,"Too Many Men? Sex Ratios and Women's Partnering Behavior in China NA",1 "Social Forces",2011,"Early Pubertal Timing and the Union Formation Behaviors of Young Women NA",0 "Social Forces",2011,"Student-Centeredness in Social Science Textbooks, 1970-2008: A Cross-National Study",1 "Social Forces",2011,"Stigma or Separation? Understanding the Incarceration-Divorce Relationship",0 "Social Forces",2011,"Cohort Change and Racial Differences in Educational and Income Mobility NA",0 "Social Forces",2011,"Dreams Fulfilled, Dreams Shattered: Determinants of Segmented Assimilation in the Second Generation",0 "Social Forces",2011,"Something to Fall Back On: Community Colleges as a Safety Net NA",0 "Social Forces",2011,"Wealth Inequality: Ethnic Disparities in Israeli Society NA",1 "Social Forces",2011,"The Complexity of Non-Completion: Being Pushed or Pulled to Drop Out of High School",0 "Social Forces",2011,"Development and the Urban and Rural Geography of Mexican Emigration to the United States",1 "Social Forces",2011,"The Needs of Others: Gender and Sleep Interruptions for Caregivers NA",0 "Social Forces",2011,"Adolescent Cognitive Skills, Attitudinal/Behavioral Traits and Career Wages",0 "Social Forces",2011,"Substitution or Symbiosis? Assessing the Relationship between Religious and Secular Giving",0 "Social Forces",2011,"From the Pews to Policy: Specifying Evangelical Protestantism's Influence on States' Sexual Orientation Policies",0 "Social Forces",2011,"Adoption? Adaptation? Evaluating the Formation of Educational Expectations",0 "Social Forces",2011,"Literacy Gaps by Educational Attainment: A Cross-National Analysis NA",1 "Social Forces",2011,"Labor Market Flexibility and Inequality: The Changing Skill-Based Temporary Employment and Unemployment Risks in Europe",1 "Social Forces",2011,"Education, Labor Markets and the Retreat from Marriage NA",0 "Social Forces",2011,"Health Costs of Wealth Gains: Labor Migration and Perceptions of HIV/AIDS Risks in Mozambique",1 "Social Forces",2011,"Who We'll Live With: Neighborhood Racial Composition Preferences of Whites, Blacks and Latinos",0 "Social Forces",2011,"Movements, Markets and Fields: The Effects of Anti-Sweatshop Campaigns on U.S. Firms, 1993-2000",0 "Social Forces",2011,"Multi-Scale Residential Segregation: Black Exceptionalism and America's Changing Color Line",0 "Social Forces",2011,"Relationship Formation and Stability in Emerging Adulthood: Do Sex Ratios Matter?",0 "Social Forces",2011,"Child Labor in the World Polity: Decline and Persistence, 1980-2000 NA",1 "Social Forces",2011,"2010 SSS Presidential Address: The Devolution of Risk and the Changing Life Course in the United States",0 "Social Forces",2011,"Standards for Standardized Logistic Regression Coefficients NA",0 "Social Forces",2011,"(Re)Integrating Simmel in Contemporary Social Exchange: The Effect of Nonpartisans on Relational Outcomes",0 "Social Forces",2011,"A Theoretical Model and New Test of Managerial Legitimacy in Work Teams NA",1 "Social Forces",2011,"Social Exchange and the Progression of Sexual Relationships in Emerging Adulthood",0 "Social Forces",2011,"The Economic Cost of Homosexuality: Multilevel Analyses NA",0 "Social Forces",2011,"Cohort Changes in the Socio-demographic Determinants of Gender Egalitarianism",0 "Social Forces",2012,"Temporal Dynamics of Social Exchange and the Development of Solidarity: ""Testing the Waters"" Versus ""Taking a Leap of Faith""",0 "Social Forces",2012,"Support for Homosexuals' Civil Liberties: The Influence of Familial Gender Role Attitudes Across Religious Denominations",0 "Social Forces",2012,"A Late Start: Delayed Entry, Life Course Transitions and Bachelor's Degree Completion",0 "Social Forces",2012,"Lawyers' Lines of Work: Specialization's Role in the Income Determination Process",0 "Social Forces",2012,"Mexican American Protest, Ethnic Resiliency and Social Capital: The Mobilization Benefits of Cross-Cutting Ties",1 "Social Forces",2012,"Now We Are Almost Fifty! Reflections on a Theory of the Transformation of Social Movement Organizations",0 "Social Forces",2012,"Mothers' Repartnering after a Nonmarital Birth NA",0 "Social Forces",2012,"How Norms Can Generate Conflict: An Experiment on the Failure of Cooperative Micro-motives on the Macro-level",0 "Social Forces",2012,"The Measure of American Religious Traditions: Theoretical and Measurement Considerations",0 "Social Forces",2012,"Subnational Opposition to Globalization NA",1 "Social Forces",2012,"Enduring Consequences of Right-Wing Extremism: Klan Mobilization and Homicides in Southern Counties",0 "Social Forces",2012,"The Gendered Consequences of Unemployment Insurance Reforms NA",1 "Social Forces",2012,"Does Critical Mass Matter? Women's Political Representation and Child Health in Developing Countries(*)",1 "Social Forces",2012,"Corporate Characteristics, Political Embeddedness and Environmental Pollution by Large U.S. Corporations",0 "Social Forces",2012,"The Role of the State in the Repression and Revival of Religiosity in Central Eastern Europe",1 "Social Forces",2012,"Losing a Job: The Nonpecuniary Cost of Unemployment in the United States NA",0 "Social Forces",2012,"Homophily Through Nonreciprocity: Results of an Experiment NA",0 "Social Forces",2012,"Outcomes of Global Environmentalism: Longitudinal and Cross-National Trends in Chemical Fertilizer and Pesticide Use",1 "Social Forces",2012,"Better Off Jobless? Scarring Effects of Contingent Employment in Japan NA",1 "Social Forces",2012,"Intimate Partner Violence in Colombia: Who Is at Risk? NA",1 "Social Forces",2012,"Age, Period and Cohort Effects On Social Capital NA",0 "Social Forces",2012,"Bringing You More Than the Weekend: Union Membership and Self-rated Health in the United States",0 "Social Forces",2012,"Reassessing the Link between Women's Premarital Cohabitation and Marital Quality",0 "Social Forces",2012,"Segregation in Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Youth's Personal Networks: Testing Structural Constraint, Choice Homophily and Compartmentalization",0 "Social Forces",2012,"Occupational Linguistic Niches and the Wage Growth of Latino Immigrants NA",1 "Social Forces",2012,"Shifting Social Contracts and the Sociological Imagination NA",0 "Social Forces",2012,"Status Configurations, Military Service and Higher Education NA",0 "Social Forces",2012,"The Educational Gradient in Intermarriage: A Comparative Analysis of Immigrant Groups in the United States",0 "Social Forces",2012,"Political Reform and the Historical Trajectories of US Social Movements in the Twentieth Century",0 "Social Forces",2012,"Relational Inequality: Gender Earnings Inequality in U.S. and Japanese Manufacturing Plants in the Early 1980s",1 "Social Forces",2012,"The Scarring Effects of Bankruptcy: Cumulative Disadvantage Across Credit and Labor Markets",0 "Social Forces",2012,"Social Structure and Personality during the Transformation of Urban China: A Comparison to Transitional Poland and Ukraine",1 "Social Forces",2012,"Religion and End-of-Life Treatment Preferences: Assessing the Effects of Religious Denomination and Beliefs",0 "Social Forces",2012,"The Impact of Race and Ethnicity, Immigration and Political Context on Participation in American Electoral Politics",0 "Social Forces",2012,"Housework: Who Did, Does or Will Do It, and How Much Does It Matter? NA",0 "Social Forces",2012,"Minority Population Concentration and Earnings: Evidence From Fixed-Effects Models",0 "Social Forces",2012,"The Social Dynamics of Trust: Theoretical and Empirical Research, 1985-2012",0 "Social Forces",2012,"Punishment and Welfare: Paternal Incarceration and Families' Receipt of Public Assistance",0 "Social Forces",2012,"Depleting Capital? Race, Wealth and Informal Financial Assistance NA",0 "Social Forces",2012,"Reflections on ""Family Structure and Child Well-Being: Economic Resources vs. Parental Socialization""",0 "Social Forces",2012,"Debt and Graduation from American Universities NA",0 "Social Forces",2012,"Aggression, Exclusivity, and Status Attainment in Interpersonal Networks NA",0 "Social Forces",2012,"School Stratification in New and Established Latino Destinations NA",0 "Social Forces",2012,"Do Survey Data Estimate Earnings Inequality Correctly? Measurement Errors Among Black and White Male Workers*",0 "Social Forces",2012,"Voluntary Association Membership and Social Cleavages: A Micro-Macro Link in Generalized Trust",1 "Social Forces",2012,"Don't Blame the Babies: Work Hour Mismatches and the Role of Children NA",0 "Social Forces",2012,"Social Learning, Reinforcement and Crime: Evidence from Three European Cities",1 "Social Forces",2012,"Reflections on Conceptualizing and Measuring Tie Strength NA",0 "Social Forces",2012,"Family Formation and Men's and Women's Attainment of Workplace Authority NA",1 "Social Forces",2012,"Placing Deviance in a Legal and Local Context: A Multilevel Analysis of Cigarette Use in the European Union",1 "Social Forces",2012,"The Impact of Slavery on Racial Inequality in Poverty in the Contemporary U.S. South",0 "Social Forces",2012,"Maternity Leave in Turbulent Times: Effects on Labor Market Transitions and Fertility in Russia, 1985-2000",1 "Social Forces",2012,"Retirement Patterns and Income Inequality NA",1 "Social Forces",2012,"Panel Conditioning in a Longitudinal Study of Adolescents' Substance Use: Evidence from an Experiment",1 "Social Forces",2012,"Reflection on ""A Revised Strain Theory of Delinquency"" NA",0 "Social Forces",2012,"Reflections upon ""The Effects of Industrial, Occupational and Sex Segregation on Blue-Collar Markets""-35 Years Later",0 "Social Forces",2012,"Reflections on the Dimensions of Segregation NA",0 "Social Forces",2012,"More Careful or Less Marriageable? Parental Divorce, Spouse Selection and Entry into Marriage",1 "Social Forces",2012,"What's in a Relationship? An Examination of Social Capital, Race and Class in Mentoring Relationships",1 "Social Forces",2012,"Delayed Special Education Placement for Learning Disabilities Among Children of Immigrants",1 "Social Forces",2012,"Dual Embeddedness: Informal Job Matching and Labor Market Institutions in the United States and Germany",1 "Social Forces",2013,"Do Social Connections Create Trust? An Examination Using New Longitudinal Data",0 "Social Forces",2013,"Assessing the Significance of Cohort and Period Effects in Hierarchical Age-Period-Cohort Models: Applications to Verbal Test Scores and Voter",0 "Social Forces",2013,"Causal Effects of Parental Leave on Adolescents' Household Work NA",1 "Social Forces",2013,"Discursive Obstruction and Elite Opposition to Environmental Activism in the Czech Republic",1 "Social Forces",2013,"Religion and Interest in Politics in Sub-Saharan Africa NA",1 "Social Forces",2013,"Variation in the Heritability of Educational Attainment: An International Meta-Analysis",1 "Social Forces",2013,"Ideological Wage Inequalities? The Technical/Social Dualism and the Gender Wage Gap in Engineering",0 "Social Forces",2013,"Who Gets Designated a Terrorist and Why? NA",1 "Social Forces",2013,"Social Citizenship, Integration and Collective Action: Immigrant Civic Engagement in the United States",0 "Social Forces",2013,"Social Isolation of Disadvantage and Advantage: The Reproduction of Inequality in Urban Space",1 "Social Forces",2013,"Sexual Orientation and Gender Typicality of the Occupation in Young Adulthood",0 "Social Forces",2013,"The Marginalized ""Model"" Minority: An Empirical Examination of the Racial Triangulation of Asian Americans",0 "Social Forces",2013,"Union Membership and Political Participation in the United States NA",0 "Social Forces",2013,"Employment and Earnings in High-Tech Ethnic Niches NA",0 "Social Forces",2013,"Are Homeowners Better Citizens? Homeownership and Community Participation in the United States",0 "Social Forces",2013,"Welfare States and the Redistribution of Happiness NA",1 "Social Forces",2013,"The Hidden Costs of Contingency: Employers' Use of Contingent Workers and Standard Employees' Outcomes",0 "Social Forces",2013,"Apology and Redress: Escaping the Dustbin of History in the Postsegregationist South",0 "Social Forces",2013,"Convergence in National Income Distributions NA",1 "Social Forces",2013,"The Influence of Political Dynamics on Southern Lynch Mob Formation and Lethality",1 "Social Forces",2013,"Competitive Threat, Intergroup Contact, or Both? Immigration and the Dynamics of Front National Voting in France",1 "Social Forces",2013,"The Time Divide in Cross-National Perspective: The Work Week, Education and Institutions That Matter",1 "Social Forces",2013,"What's So Special about STEM? A Comparison of Women's Retention in STEM and Professional Occupations",0 "Social Forces",2013,"Gender, the Labor Process and Dignity at Work NA",0 "Social Forces",2013,"W. E. B. Du Bois: Reform, Will, and the Veil NA",0 "Social Forces",2013,"Population Size, Network Density, and the Emergence of Inherited Inequality",0 "Social Forces",2013,"All Work and No Pay: Violations of Employment and Labor Laws in Chicago, Los Angeles and New York City",0 "Social Forces",2013,"Legal Status and Educational Transitions for Mexican and Central American Immigrant Youth",1 "Social Forces",2013,"Community Poverty, Industrialization, and Educational Gender Gaps in Rural China",1 "Social Forces",2013,"Intergenerational Determinants of Income Level in Finland NA",1 "Social Forces",2013,"Gender, Bilingualism, and the Early Occupational Careers of Second-Generation Mexicans in the South",1 "Social Forces",2013,"World Citizenship and Concern for Global Warming: Building the Case for a Strong International Civil Society",1 "Social Forces",2013,"Intensifying the Countryside: A Sociological Study of Cropland Lost to the Built Environment in the United States, 2001-2006",0 "Social Forces",2013,"Micro- and Macro-Environment Population and the Consequences for Crime Rates",0 "Social Forces",2013,"Cumulative Causation, Coethnic Settlement Maturity and Mexican Immigration to U.S. Metropolitan Areas, 1995-2000",1 "Social Forces",2013,"Up the Down Staircase: Women's Upward Mobility and the Wage Penalty for Occupational Feminization, 1970-2007",0 "Social Forces",2013,"The Social Consequences of Postcommunist Structural Change: An Analysis of Suicide Trends in Eastern Europe",1 "Social Forces",2013,"Eat, Drink, Man, Woman: Gender, Income Share and Household Expenditure in South Africa",1 "Social Forces",2013,"Racial and Ethnic Differences in Neighborhood Attainments in the Transition to Adulthood",0 "Social Forces",2013,"Stutter-Step Models of Performance in School NA",0 "Social Forces",2013,"Strong Walk and Cheap Talk: The Effect of the International Covenant of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights on Policies and Practices",1 "Social Forces",2013,"Job Authority and Breast Cancer NA",0 "Social Forces",2013,"Economic Elites, Investments, and Income Inequality NA",0 "Social Forces",2013,"The Implications of Family Size for Adolescents' Education and Work in Brazil: Gender and Birth Order Differences",1 "Social Forces",2013,"The Bounded Polity: The Limits to Mexican Emigrant Political Participation",1 "Social Forces",2013,"Is Deindustrialization Causing High Unemployment in Affluent Countries? Evidence from 16 OECD Countries, 1970-2003",1 "Social Forces",2013,"Do Descriptive Norms Solve Social Dilemmas? Conformity and Contributions in Collective Action Groups",0 "Social Forces",2013,"Evicting Children NA",0 "Social Forces",2013,"Embarrassment and Social Organization: A Multiple Identities Model NA",0 "Social Forces",2013,"Stay or Leave? Externalization of Job Mobility and the Effect on the US Gender Earnings Gap, 1979-2009",0 "Social Forces",2013,"Why Do Unemployed Americans Blame Themselves While Israelis Blame the System?",1 "Social Forces",2013,"Hidden Paths from Morality to Cooperation: Moral Judgments Promote Trust and Trustworthiness",0 "Social Forces",2013,"Status, Numbers and Influence NA",0 "Social Forces",2013,"Its Who You Work With: Effects of Workplace Shares of Nonstandard Employees and Women in Japan",1 "Social Forces",2013,"Emigration from China in Comparative Perspective NA",1 "Social Forces",2013,"Breaking Up Is Hard to Do, Unless Everyone Else Is Doing It Too: Social Network Effects on Divorce in a Longitudinal Sample",0 "Social Forces",2013,"Immigrant Revitalization and Neighborhood Violent Crime in Established and New Destination Cities",0 "Social Forces",2013,"The Sense of Place behind Segregating Practices: An Ethnographic Approach to the Symbolic Partitioning of Metro Manila",1 "Social Forces",2013,"Position and Disposition: The Contextual Development of Human Values NA",0 "Social Forces",2013,"Childhood (Mis)fortune, Educational Attainment, and Adult Health: Contingent Benefits of a College Degree?",0 "Social Forces",2013,"Public Sector Transformation, Racial Inequality and Downward Occupational Mobility",1 "Social Forces",2014,"Personality and the Reproduction of Social Class NA",0 "Social Forces",2014,"Moving On? A Growth-Curve Analysis of Occupational Attainment and Career Progression Patterns in West Germany",1 "Social Forces",2014,"To Build an Extended Family: Feminist Organizational Design and Its Dilemmas in Women-Led Non-Governmental Elder Homes in China",1 "Social Forces",2014,"Is Academic Engagement the Panacea for Achievement in Mathematics across Racial/Ethnic Groups? Assessing the Role of Teacher Culture",0 "Social Forces",2014,"Discrimination of Arabic-Named Applicants in the Netherlands: An Internet-Based Field Experiment Examining Different Phases in Online",1 "Social Forces",2014,"Gendered Rioting: A General Strain Theoretical Approach NA",0 "Social Forces",2014,"Assessing the Impact of the Size and Scope of Government on Human Well-Being",1 "Social Forces",2014,"Volunteering over the Life Course NA",1 "Social Forces",2014,"Casual Contraception in Casual Sex: Life-Cycle Change in Undergraduates' Sexual Behavior in Hookups",0 "Social Forces",2014,"Sexual Subjectivity among Adolescent Girls: Social Disadvantage and Young Adult Outcomes",0 "Social Forces",2014,"Supervision, Pay, and Effort NA",0 "Social Forces",2014,"Religiousness, Social Networks, Moral Schemas, and Marijuana Use: A Dynamic Dual-Process Model of Culture and Behavior",0 "Social Forces",2014,"Nurse or Mechanic? The Role of Parental Socialization and Children's Personality in the Formation of Sex-Typed Occupational Aspirations",1 "Social Forces",2014,"Globally Themed Organizations as Labor Market Intermediaries: The Rise of Israeli-Palestinian Women's Employment in Retail",1 "Social Forces",2014,"The Effect of Paternal Incarceration on Children's Risk of Foster Care Placement",1 "Social Forces",2014,"Unequal Trajectories: Racial and Class Differences in Residential Exposure to Industrial Hazard",0 "Social Forces",2014,"Friends as a Bridge to Parental Influence: Implications for Adolescent Alcohol Use",0 "Social Forces",2014,"The Asymmetry of Legitimacy: Analyzing the Legitimation of Violence in 30 Cases of Insurgent Revolution",1 "Social Forces",2014,"Increasing Returns to Education, Changing Labor Force Structure, and the Rise of Earnings Inequality in Urban China, 1996-2010",1 "Social Forces",2014,"Diffusing through Disciplines: Insiders, Outsiders, and Socially Influenced Citation Behavior",0 "Social Forces",2014,"What Makes Muslims Feel French? NA",1 "Social Forces",2014,"Norms as Group-Level Constructs: Investigating School-Level Teen Pregnancy Norms and Behaviors",0 "Social Forces",2014,"The Economic Gains and Environmental Losses of US Consumption: A World-Systems and Input-Output Approach",1 "Social Forces",2014,"Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth: New Evidence from Post-Socialist Transition Countries",1 "Social Forces",2014,"Earnings Equality and Relationship Stability for Same-Sex and Heterosexual Couples",0 "Social Forces",2014,"Consumption as a Source of Social Change NA",0 "Social Forces",2014,"The Effect of Minority/Majority Origins on Immigrants' Integration NA",1 "Social Forces",2014,"Are Conceptions of Adulthood Universal and Unisex? Ages and Social Markers in 25 European Countries",1 "Social Forces",2014,"Testing the Veracity of Self-Reported Religious Practice in the Muslim World",1 "Social Forces",2014,"Self-Made Wealth or Family Wealth? Changes in Intergenerational Wealth Mobility",1 "Social Forces",2014,"Gender Structure and the Effects of Management Citizenship Behavior NA",0 "Social Forces",2014,"Hierarchical Structure and Gender Dissimilarity in American Legal Labor Markets",0 "Social Forces",2014,"Birth Cohort Changes in the Association Between College Education and Religious Non-Affiliation",0 "Social Forces",2014,"Finding Common Ground? Indian Immigrants and Asian American Panethnicity NA",0 "Social Forces",2014,"Religion, Stress, and Suicide Acceptability in South Korea NA",1 "Social Forces",2014,"Curricular Tracking and Central Examinations: Counterbalancing the Impact of Social Background on Student Achievement in 36 Countries",1 "Social Forces",2014,"The Scarring Effects of Primary-Grade Retention? A Study of Cumulative Advantage in the Educational Career",0 "Social Forces",2014,"Single Mothers and Poverty in Japan: The Role of Intergenerational Coresidence",1 "Social Forces",2014,"The Growth of Protestantism in Brazil and Its Impact on Male Earnings, 1970-2000",1 "Social Forces",2014,"Marriage, Gender, and Class: The Effects of Partner Resources on Unemployment Exit in Germany",1 "Social Forces",2014,"Are They Acculturating? Europe's Immigrants and Gender Egalitarianism NA",1 "Social Forces",2014,"Migrant Networks and Labor Market Integration of Immigrants from the Former Soviet Union in Germany",1 "Social Forces",2014,"Scholarly Culture and Academic Performance in 42 Nations NA",1 "Social Forces",2014,"The Toxicity of Torture: The Cultural Structure of US Political Discourse of Waterboarding",0 "Social Forces",2014,"The Consequences of Paternal Incarceration for Maternal Neglect and Harsh Parenting",0 "Social Forces",2014,"The Intergenerational Consequences of Mass Incarceration: Implications for Children's Co-Residence and Contact with Grandparents",0 "Social Forces",2014,"Generational Inequalities and Welfare Regimes NA",1 "Social Forces",2014,"Double Time: Is Health Affected by a Spouse's Time at Work? NA",0 "Social Forces",2014,"Maternal Education and the Unequal Significance of Family Structure for Children's Early Achievement",0 "Social Forces",2014,"Skin Tone Stratification among Black Americans, 2001-2003 NA",0 "Social Forces",2014,"The Scarring Effect of ""Women's Work"": The Determinants of Women's Attrition from Male-Dominated Occupations",0 "Social Forces",2014,"Explaining Pay Disparities between Top Executives and Nonexecutive Employees: A Relative Bargaining Power Approach",0 "Social Forces",2014,"Legitimizing Collective Action and Countervailing Power NA",0 "Social Forces",2014,"Material Welfare and Changing Political Preferences: The Case of Support for Redistributive Social Policies",0 "Social Forces",2014,"The Power of Integration: Affiliation and Cohesion in a Diverse Elite Network",0 "Social Forces",2014,"Gender Equality Perceptions, Division of Paid and Unpaid Work, and Partnership Dissolution in Sweden",1 "Social Forces",2014,"Gender and the Division of Labor in Older Couples: How European Grandparents Share Market Work and Childcare",1 "Social Forces",2014,"Convergence and Divergence in Renewable Energy Policy among US States from 1998 to 2011",0 "Social Forces",2014,"Testing the Oppositional Culture Explanation in Desegregated Schools: The Impact of Racial Differences in Academic Orientations on School",0 "Social Forces",2014,"Are Asian American Women Advantaged? Labor Market Performance of College Educated Female Workers",0 "Social Forces",2015,"We Are Family: Fathers' Time with Children and the Risk of Parental Relationship Dissolution",1 "Social Forces",2015,"Environmental Threats and Political Opportunities: Citizen Activism in the North Bohemian Coal Basin",1 "Social Forces",2015,"Cultural and Institutional Factors Shaping Mothers' Employment and Working Hours in Postindustrial Countries",1 "Social Forces",2015,"Natural Hazards and Residential Mobility: General Patterns and Racially Unequal Outcomes in the United States",0 "Social Forces",2015,"Housing Policy and Urban Inequality: Did the Transformation of Assisted Housing Reduce Poverty Concentration?",0 "Social Forces",2015,"Income Inequality and Intergenerational Income Mobility in the United States",0 "Social Forces",2015,"Contested Domains, Verbal ""Amplifiers,"" and Intimate Partner Violence in Young Adulthood",0 "Social Forces",2015,"Non-Standard Work Schedules and Childbearing in the Netherlands: A Mixed-Method Couple Analysis",1 "Social Forces",2015,"Reporting the International System: Attention to Foreign Leaders in the US News Media, 1950-2008",1 "Social Forces",2015,"Social Belonging and Economic Action: Affection-Based Social Circles in the Creation of Private Entrepreneurship",1 "Social Forces",2015,"Individual Troubles, Shared Troubles: The Multiplicative Effect of Individual and Country-Level Unemployment on Life Satisfaction in 95",1 "Social Forces",2015,"The Political Context of Science in the United States: Public Acceptance of Evidence-Based Policy and Science Funding",0 "Social Forces",2015,"Expectations on Track? High School Tracking and Adolescent Educational Expectations",0 "Social Forces",2015,"Discrimination in the Credential Society: An Audit Study of Race and College Selectivity in the Labor Market",0 "Social Forces",2015,"Civil War and Trajectories of Change in Women's Political Representation in Africa, 1985-2010",1 "Social Forces",2015,"Shareholder Value and Workforce Downsizing, 1981-2006 NA",0 "Social Forces",2015,"Network Intervention: Assessing the Effects of Formal Mentoring on Workplace Networks",1 "Social Forces",2015,"Mexican American Mobility: Early Life Processes and Adult Wealth Ownership",1 "Social Forces",2015,"Governing Natural Disasters: State Capacity, Democracy, and Human Vulnerability",1 "Social Forces",2015,"Balancing Permission and Prohibition: Private Trade and Adaptation at the VOC",1 "Social Forces",2015,"Homebuyer Neighborhood Attainment in Black and White: Housing Outcomes during the Housing Boom and Bust",0 "Social Forces",2015,"Is Love (Color) Blind? The Economy of Race among Gay and Straight Daters NA",0 "Social Forces",2015,"Work-Family Context and the Longevity Disadvantage of US Women NA",1 "Social Forces",2015,"Anarchy in the UK: Economic Deprivation, Social Disorganization, and Political Grievances in the London Riot of 2011",1 "Social Forces",2015,"Gene by Social-Environment Interaction for Youth Delinquency and Violence: Thirty-Nine Aggression-Related Genes",0 "Social Forces",2015,"Ethnic Diversity, Economic and Cultural Contexts, and Social Trust: Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Evidence from European Regions,",1 "Social Forces",2015,"The Impact of Immigrant Classmates on Educational Outcomes NA",1 "Social Forces",2015,"Income Inequality, Intergenerational Mobility, and the Great Gatsby Curve: Is Education the Key?",1 "Social Forces",2015,"What Money Doesn't Buy: Class Resources and Children's Participation in Organized Extracurricular Activities",0 "Social Forces",2015,"Negotiating Migration, Performing Gender NA",1 "Social Forces",2015,"A Struggle over Religious Rights? How Muslim Immigrants and Christian Natives View the Accommodation of Religion in Six European Countries",1 "Social Forces",2015,"Drugs, Sweat, and Gears: An Organizational Analysis of Performance-Enhancing Drug Use in the 2010 Tour de France",1 "Social Forces",2015,"Intergenerational Mobility and Gender in Mexico NA",1 "Social Forces",2015,"Failures-to-Launch and Boomerang Kids: Contemporary Determinants of Leaving and Returning to the Parental Home",0 "Social Forces",2015,"Status Beliefs and the Spirit of Capitalism: Accounting for Gender Biases in Entrepreneurship and Innovation",1 "Social Forces",2015,"Educational Expansion and Occupational Change: US Compulsory Schooling Laws and the Occupational Structure 1850-1930",0 "Social Forces",2015,"Inequality Preservation through Uneven Diffusion of Cultural Materials across Stratified Groups",0 "Social Forces",2015,"The Recruitment Paradox: Network Recruitment, Structural Position, and East German Market Transition",1 "Social Forces",2015,"Racial and Spatial Targeting: Segregation and Subprime Lending within and across Metropolitan Areas",0 "Social Forces",2015,"Learning from Performance: Banks, Collateralized Debt Obligations, and the Credit Crisis",0 "Social Forces",2015,"Time Period, Generational, and Age Differences in Tolerance for Controversial Beliefs and Lifestyles in the United States, 1972-2012",0 "Social Forces",2015,"Genetics of Educational Attainment and the Persistence of Privilege at the Turn of the 21st Century",0 "Social Forces",2015,"Responsibility or Liability? Student Loan Debt and Time Use in College NA",0 "Social Forces",2015,"Partnership Ties Shape Friendship Networks: A Dynamic Social Network Study",0 "Social Forces",2015,"A Life-Changing Event: First Births and Men's and Women's Attitudes to Mothering and Gender Divisions of Labor",1 "Social Forces",2015,"Intrinsically Advantageous? Reexamining the Production of Class Advantage in the Case of Home Mortgage Modification",0 "Social Forces",2015,"The Financial Premium in the US Labor Market: A Distributional Analysis NA",0 "Social Forces",2015,"When Do States Respond to Low Fertility? Contexts of State Concern in Wealthier Countries, 1976-2011",1 "Social Forces",2015,"Cancer and the Plow NA",1 "Social Forces",2015,"The Demography of Grandparenthood: An International Profile NA",1 "Social Forces",2015,"The Resurgence of Race in Spain: Perceptions of Discrimination Among Immigrants",1 "Social Forces",2015,"Disease and Dowry: Community Context, Gender, and Adult Health in India NA",1 "Social Forces",2015,"The Power of Love: The Role of Emotional Attributions and Standards in Heterosexuals' Attitudes toward Lesbian and Gay Couples",0 "Social Forces",2015,"How Has Educational Expansion Shaped Social Mobility Trends in the United States?",0 "Social Forces",2015,"Using ""Wild"" Laughter to Explore the Social Sources of Humor NA",0 "Social Forces",2015,"The Impact of Work and Family Life Histories on Economic Well-Being at Older Ages",0 "Social Forces",2015,"Doing Less with More: Cohorts, Education, and Civic Participation in America",0 "Social Forces",2015,"Double Jeopardy: Why Latinos Were Hit Hardest by the US Foreclosure Crisis",0 "Social Forces",2015,"Beyond ""White by Law"": Explaining the Gulf in Citizenship Acquisition between Mexican and European Immigrants, 1930",1 "Social Forces",2015,"Eviction's Fallout: Housing, Hardship, and Health NA",0 "Social Forces",2015,"Social Policy and Perceived Immigrant Labor Market Competition in Europe: Is Prevention Better Than Cure?",1 "Social Forces",2015,"Streams of Thought: Knowledge Flows and Intellectual Cohesion in a Multidisciplinary Era",0 "Social Forces",2015,"What Do Unions Do? A Cross-National Reexamination of the Relationship between Unionization and Job Satisfaction",1 "Social Forces",2015,"Hispanics at the Starting Line: Poverty among Newborn Infants in Established Gateways and New Destinations",1 "Social Forces",2016,"The Latin Americanization Thesis: An Expectation States Approach NA",0 "Social Forces",2016,"The Punishment Consequences of Lacking National Membership in Germany, 1998-2010",1 "Social Forces",2016,"Cascades of Coverage: Dynamics of Media Attention to Social Movement Organizations",0 "Social Forces",2016,"Lost Letters in Dutch Neighborhoods: A Field Experiment on Collective Efficacy",1 "Social Forces",2016,"Neighborhood Violent Crime and Academic Growth in Chicago: Lasting Effects of Early Exposure",0 "Social Forces",2016,"Atheists and Other Cultural Outsiders: Moral Boundaries and the Non-Religious in the United States",0 "Social Forces",2016,"Who in the World Cares? Gender Gaps in Attitudes toward Support for Older Adults in 20 Nations",1 "Social Forces",2016,"Neighborhood Social Processes and Adolescent Sexual Partnering: A Multilevel Appraisal of Anderson's Player Hypothesis",0 "Social Forces",2016,"The Media as a Dual Mediator of the Political Agenda-Setting Effect of Protest. A Longitudinal Study in Six Western European Countries",1 "Social Forces",2016,"Negative Compliance as an Organizational Response to Legal Pressures: The Case of Japanese Equal Employment Opportunity Law",1 "Social Forces",2016,"The Dynamics of Social Support Inequality: Maintenance Gaps by Socioeconomic Status and Race?",0 "Social Forces",2016,"Disaster Devastation in Poor Nations: The Direct and Indirect Effects of Gender Equality, Ecological Losses, and Development",1 "Social Forces",2016,"Seen Like a State: How Illegitimacy Shapes Terrorism Designation NA",1 "Social Forces",2016,"The Dynamics of Prosocial Leadership: Power and Influence in Collective Action Groups",0 "Social Forces",2016,"Production Networks and Varieties of Institutional Change: The Inequality Upswing in Post-Socialism Revisited",1 "Social Forces",2016,"The Financialization of the US Forest Products Industry: Socio-Economic Relations, Shareholder Value, and the Restructuring of an Industry",0 "Social Forces",2016,"Parent-Child Relationships at the Transition to Adulthood: A Comparison of Black, Hispanic, and White Immigrant and Native-Born Youth",0 "Social Forces",2016,"Flexible Work, Flexible Penalties: The Effect of Gender, Childcare, and Type of Request on the Flexibility Bias",0 "Social Forces",2016,"Ethnic Inequality in Mexican Education NA",1 "Social Forces",2016,"The Feminization of Occupations and Change in Wages: A Panel Analysis of Britain, Germany, and Switzerland",1 "Social Forces",2016,"The Effect of Category Spanning on the Lethality and Longevity of Terrorist Organizations",0 "Social Forces",2016,"Compared to Whom? Inequality, Social Comparison, and Happiness in the United States",0 "Social Forces",2016,"A Lack of Security or of Cultural Capital? Acculturative Conservatism in the Naming Choices of Early 20th-Century US Jews",0 "Social Forces",2016,"From Heterogeneity to Concentration: Latino Immigrant Neighborhoods and Collective Efficacy Perceptions in Los Angeles and Chicago",0 "Social Forces",2016,"The Use of Disruptive Tactics in Protest as a Trade-Off: The Role of Social Movement Claims",0 "Social Forces",2016,"The Legitimacy of Protest: Explaining White Southerners' Attitudes Toward the Civil Rights Movement",0 "Social Forces",2016,"Human Rights and the Individual: Cross-Cultural Variation in Human Rights Scores, 1980 to 2010",1 "Social Forces",2016,"Gendering (Non)Religion: Politics, Education, and Gender Gaps in Secularity in the United States",0 "Social Forces",2016,"Counterterrorist Legislation and Subsequent Terrorism: Does it Work? NA",1 "Social Forces",2016,"Skin Tone, Race/Ethnicity, and Wealth Inequality among New Immigrants NA",0 "Social Forces",2016,"Race, Marital History, and Risks for Stroke in US Older Adults NA",0 "Social Forces",2016,"Telecommuting and Earnings Trajectories Among American Women and Men 1989-2008",0 "Social Forces",2016,"NGOs, INGOs, and Environmental Policy Reform, 1970-2010 NA",1 "Social Forces",2016,"Membership Has Its Privileges: Shared International Organizational Affiliation and Foreign Aid Flows, 1978-2010",1 "Social Forces",2016,"Neighborhood Associations and Social Capital NA",0 "Social Forces",2016,"""Take One for the Team!"" Individual Heterogeneity and the Emergence of Latent Norms in a Volunteer's Dilemma",0 "Social Forces",2016,"Homogeneity and Inequality: School Discipline Inequality and the Role of Racial Composition",0 "Social Forces",2016,"The Relationship between Education and Mental Health: New Evidence from a Discordant Twin Study",0 "Social Forces",2016,"Life Chances: Labor Rights, International Institutions, and Worker Fatalities in the Global South",1 "Social Forces",2016,"Credential Privilege or Cumulative Advantage? Prestige, Productivity, and Placement in the Academic Sociology Job Market",0 "Social Forces",2016,"Delayed Disadvantage: Neighborhood Context and Child Development NA",0 "Social Forces",2016,"Beyond Boys' Bad Behavior: Paternal Incarceration and Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood",0 "Social Forces",2016,"Shorter Work Hours and Work-to-Family Interference: Surprising Findings from 32 Countries",1 "Social Forces",2016,"Ethnic Diversity and Support for Redistributive Social Policies NA",1 "Social Forces",2016,"Do Women Still Care? Cohort Changes in US Women's Care for the Ill or Disabled",0 "Social Forces",2016,"Explaining the Dynamics between the Women's Movement and the Conservative Movement in the United States",0 "Social Forces",2016,"Can We Have Our Cake and Eat it Too? Liberalization, Economic Growth, and Income Inequality in Advanced Industrial Societies",1 "Social Forces",2016,"Gender, Rural-Urban Inequality, and Intermarriage in China NA",1 "Social Forces",2016,"For the Poor, but Not Only the Poor: On Optimal Pro-Poorness in Redistributive Policies",0 "Social Forces",2016,"Disruptive Democratization: Contentious Events and Liberalizing Outcomes Globally, 1990-2004",1 "Social Forces",2016,"Why Does Education Matter to Employers in Different Institutional Contexts? A Vignette Study in England and the Netherlands",1 "Social Forces",2016,"The Populist Style in American Politics: Presidential Campaign Discourse, 1952-1996",0 "Social Forces",2016,"Does the Gender of Offspring Affect Parental Political Orientation? NA",1 "Social Forces",2016,"A Hunger for God: Embodied Metaphor as Cultural Cognition in Action NA",0 "Social Forces",2016,"Opportunity or Necessity? Disaggregating Self-Employment and Entry at Older Ages",0 "Social Forces",2016,"How Does Job Mobility Affect Inequality? Evidence from the South Korean Economic Crisis",1 "Social Forces",2016,"Preferences in the Early Stages of Mate Choice NA",0 "Social Forces",2016,"Cohort Changes in the Social Distribution of Tolerant Sexual Attitudes NA",0 "Social Forces",2016,"Trust and Fertility Dynamics NA",1 "Social Forces",2016,"Housework Now Takes Much Less Time: 85 Years of us Rural Women's Time Use",1 "Social Forces",2016,"Collectors and Collections: Critical Recognition of the World's Top Art Collectors",1 "Social Forces",2016,"Alcohol's Collateral Damage: Childhood Exposure to Problem Drinkers and Subsequent Adult Mortality Risk",0 "Social Forces",2016,"Partnership Patterns in the United States and across Europe: The Role of Education and Country Context",1 "Social Forces",2016,"Rights, Economics, or Family? Frame Resonance, Political Ideology, and the Immigrant Rights Movement",0 "Social Forces",2017,"School Opportunity Hoarding? Racial Segregation and Access to High Growth Schools",0 "Social Forces",2017,"Tracking Health Inequalities from High School to Midlife NA",0 "Social Forces",2017,"Gift-Giving, Disreputable Exchange, and the Management of Donations in a Police Department",1 "Social Forces",2017,"Income Inequality and Household Labor NA",0 "Social Forces",2017,"Micro-Educational Reproduction NA",1 "Social Forces",2017,"De Facto Privatization and Inequalities in Educational Opportunity in the Transition to Secondary School in Rural Malawi",1 "Social Forces",2017,"The Globalization of Production and Income Inequality in Rich Democracies",1 "Social Forces",2017,"Who Gets and Who Gives Employer-Provided Benefits? Evidence from Matched Employer-Employee Data",1 "Social Forces",2017,"Heterogeneity in the Relationship between Country-Level Affluence and Environmental Concern",1 "Social Forces",2017,"Masculine Compensation and Masculine Balance: Notes on the Hawaiian Cockfight",0 "Social Forces",2017,"Beyond Disasters: A Longitudinal Analysis of Natural Hazards' Unequal Impacts on Residential Instability",0 "Social Forces",2017,"Seeing is (Not) Believing: How Viewing Pornography Shapes the Religious Lives of Young Americans",0 "Social Forces",2017,"Globalization and Contemporary Fertility Convergence NA",1 "Social Forces",2017,"Gun Shops as Local Institutions: Federal Firearms Licensees, Social Disorganization, and Neighborhood Violent Crime",0 "Social Forces",2017,"Associational Participation and Network Expansion: Microcredit Self-Help Groups and Poor Women's Social Ties in Rural India",1 "Social Forces",2017,"The Effects of Women's Labor Force Participation: An Explanation of Changes in Household Income Inequality",1 "Social Forces",2017,"Occupational and Regional Mobility as Substitutes: A New Approach to Understanding Job Changes and Wage Inequality",1 "Social Forces",2017,"Labor Unions as Activist Organizations: A Union Power Approach to Estimating Union Wage Effects",0 "Social Forces",2017,"Managing the Boundaries of Taste: Culture, Valuation, and Computational Social Science",0 "Social Forces",2017,"Economic Change and Class Conflict over Tax Attitudes: Evidence from Nine Advanced Capitalist Democracies",1 "Social Forces",2017,"The Origins of the Food Desert: Urban Inequality as Infrastructural Exclusion",0 "Social Forces",2017,"From ""Subcultures"" to ""Toolkits"": Ethnicity and Violence in Israeli Prisons",1 "Social Forces",2017,"Education and Contributory Pensions at Work: Disadvantages of the Less Educated",0 "Social Forces",2017,"Family Background and Earnings Inequality among College Graduates NA",0 "Social Forces",2017,"Social Relations, Technical Divisions, and Class Stratification in the United States: An Empirical Test of the Death and Decomposition of Class",0 "Social Forces",2017,"The Context of Voting: Does Neighborhood Ethnic Diversity Affect Turnout?",1 "Social Forces",2017,"Natural Hazards and Local Development: The Successive Nature of Landscape Transformation in the United States",0 "Social Forces",2017,"All the Right Movements? Mediation, Rightist Movements, and Why US Movements Received Extensive Newspaper Coverage",0 "Social Forces",2017,"Publish and Perish? An Assessment of Gender Gaps in Promotion to Tenure in Academia",1 "Social Forces",2017,"The Ambiguous Link between Marriage and Health: A Dynamic Reanalysis of Loss and Gain Effects",1 "Social Forces",2017,"The Educational Backgrounds of American Business and Government Leaders: Inter-Industry Variation in Recruitment from Elite Colleges and Graduate",0 "Social Forces",2017,"Wither the Nation-State? A Comparative Analysis of Nationalism in Textbooks",1 "Social Forces",2017,"The Transferability of Skills and Degrees: Why the Place of Education Affects Immigrant Earnings",1 "Social Forces",2017,"International Organizations as Mobilizing Structures: World CSR Associations and Their Disparate Impacts on Members' CSR Practices,",1 "Social Forces",2017,"Cross-National and Longitudinal Variations in the Criminal Regulation of Sex, 1965 to 2005",1 "Social Forces",2017,"The Weight of Inequality: Socioeconomic Status and Adolescent Body Mass in Brazil",1 "Social Forces",2017,"Funding Sources, Family Income, and Fields of Study in College NA",0 "Social Forces",2017,"What a Story? NA",0 "Social Forces",2017,"Cultivating Support for Punitive Criminal Justice Policies: News Sectors and the Moderating Effects of Audience Characteristics",0 "Social Forces",2017,"The Paradox of Community Power: Cultural Processes and Elite Authority in Participatory Governance",0 "Social Forces",2017,"Does Manufacturing Matter for Economic Growth in the Era of Globalization?",1 "Social Forces",2017,"Age Homogamy, Gender, and Earnings: Sweden 1990-2009 NA",1 "Social Forces",2017,"The Role of Education for Intergenerational Income Mobility: A comparison of the United States, Great Britain, and Sweden",1 "Social Forces",2017,"Protest Policing alla Turca: Threat, Insurgency, and the Repression of Pro-Kurdish Protests in Turkey",1 "Social Forces",2017,"Infrastructure, Social Practice, and Environmentalism: The Case of Bicycle-Commuting",0 "Social Forces",2017,"The Commons of the Tragedy: Temporary Use and Social Capital in Christchurch's Earthquake-Damaged Central City",1 "Social Forces",2017,"Conservative Protestantism and Horizontal Stratification in Education: The Case of College Selectivity",0 "Social Forces",2017,"Being and Becoming Poor: How Cultural Schemas Shape Beliefs About Poverty",0 "Social Forces",2017,"Family (Dis)Advantage and Life Course Expectations NA",0 "Social Forces",2017,"Court Orders, White Flight, and School District Segregation, 1970-2010 NA",0 "Social Forces",2017,"When Beauty Doesn't Pay: Gender and Beauty Biases in a Peer-to-Peer Loan Market",0 "Social Forces",2017,"Cultural Change, Slow and Fast: The Distinctive Trajectory of Norms Governing Gender Equality and Sexual Orientation",1 "Social Forces",2017,"The Replaceable: The Inheritance of Paternal and Maternal Socioeconomic Statuses in Non-Standard Families",1 "Social Forces",2017,"Birth Order and College Major in Sweden NA",1 "Social Forces",2017,"National Trauma and the Fear of Foreigners: How Past Geopolitical Threat Heightens Anti-Immigration Sentiment Today",1 "Social Forces",2017,"Hypermobility, Destination Effects, and Delinquency: Specifying the Link between Residential Mobility and Offending",0 "Social Forces",2017,"The Consequences of Movement Office-Holding for Health Policy Implementation and Social Development in Urban Brazil",1 "Social Forces",2017,"Is Category Spanning Truly Disadvantageous? New Evidence from Primary and Secondary Movie Markets",0 "Social Forces",2017,"Custodial Parole Sanctions and Earnings after Release from Prison NA",0 "Social Forces",2017,"Complexity in Employment Life Courses in Europe in the Twentieth Century-Large Cross-National Differences but Little Change across Birth",1 "Social Forces",2017,"When Laws Are Not Enough: Violence against Women and Bureaucratic Practice in Nicaragua",1 "Social Forces",2017,"Negligible Connections? The Role of Familiar Others in the Diffusion of Smoking among Adolescents",0 "Social Forces",2017,"The Network Dynamics of Status: Assimilation and Selection NA",0 "Social Forces",2018,"Human Rights INGOs, LGBT INGOs, and LGBT Policy Diffusion, 1991-2015 NA",1 "Social Forces",2018,"Pathways to Corruption: Institutional Context and Citizen Participation in Bureaucratic Corruption",1 "Social Forces",2018,"Privilege on the Precipice: Perceived Racial Status Threats Lead White Americans to Oppose Welfare Programs",0 "Social Forces",2018,"World Society Divided: Divergent Trends in State Responses to Sexual Minorities and Their Reflection in Public Attitudes",1 "Social Forces",2018,"How Race and Unemployment Shape Labor Market Opportunities: Additive, Amplified, or Muted Effects?",0 "Social Forces",2018,"Occupational Devaluation Due to Feminization? Causal Mechanics, Effect Heterogeneity, and Evidence from the United States, 1960 to 2010",0 "Social Forces",2018,"The Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Neighborhood Informal Social Control and Crime",1 "Social Forces",2018,"Working 9 to 5? Union Membership and Work Hours and Schedules NA",0 "Social Forces",2018,"Escalating Moral Obligation in the Wisconsin Uprising of 2011 NA",0 "Social Forces",2018,"How Are We Apart? Continuity and Change in the Structure of Ideological Disagreement in the American Public, 1980-2012",0 "Social Forces",2018,"Pathways of Health and Human Capital from Adolescence into Young Adulthood",0 "Social Forces",2018,"The Institutional Foundation of Social Class Differences in Pro-redistribution Attitudes: A Cross-National Analysis, 1985-2010",1 "Social Forces",2018,"""Going with the Flow"": How College Men's Experiences of Unwanted Sex Are Produced by Gendered Interactional Pressures",0 "Social Forces",2018,"Gendered Innovation Adoption: The Non-Adoption of Bird Photography, 1899-1920",0 "Social Forces",2018,"Salvation or Safety Net? Meanings of ""College"" among Working- and Middle-Class Young Adults in Narratives of the Future",0 "Social Forces",2018,"The Gender Revolution in Context: How Later Tracking in Education Benefits Girls",1 "Social Forces",2018,"Does Parenthood Foster Traditionalism? Childrearing and Alterations in Gender and Family Attitudes in Japan",1 "Social Forces",2018,"Governing Through Police? Housing Market Reliance, Welfare Retrenchment, and Police Budgeting in an Era of Declining Crime",0 "Social Forces",2018,"Marriage, Family Structure, and Maternal Employment Trajectories NA",0 "Social Forces",2018,"Disability as Inequality: Social Disparities, Health Disparities, and Participation in Daily Activities",1 "Social Forces",2018,"Generations of Advantage. Multigenerational Correlations in Family Wealth",0 "Social Forces",2018,"Segregation across Workplaces and the Motherhood Wage Gap: Why Do Mothers Work in Low-Wage Establishments?",1 "Social Forces",2018,"The Impact of Participation in Extracurricular Activities on School Achievement of French Middle School Students: Human Capital and Cultural",1 "Social Forces",2018,"Housework and Sex in Midlife Marriages: An Examination of Three Perspectives on the Association",0 "Social Forces",2018,"Countering Trump: Toward a Theory of Charismatic Counter-Roles NA",0 "Social Forces",2018,"Coming Out of the Penumbras: World Culture and Cross-National Variation in Divorce Rates",1 "Social Forces",2018,"The Effects of Active and Passive Leisure on Cognition in Children: Evidence from Exogenous Variation in Weather",0 "Social Forces",2018,"Men's and Women's Gender-Role Attitudes across the Transition to Parenthood: Accounting for Child's Gender",1 "Social Forces",2018,"Race Relations, Black Elites, and Immigration Politics: Conflict, Commonalities, and Context",0 "Social Forces",2018,"Maternal Incarceration and the Transformation of Urban Family Life NA",0 "Social Forces",2018,"Ethnicity, Democracy, Trust: A Majority-Minority Approach NA",1 "Social Forces",2018,"Ideological Polarization and Organizational Form Evolution: A Study of Islamic-Secular Rivalry and High Schools in Turkey, 1971-1998",1 "Social Forces",2018,"Crimes of Terror, Counterterrorism, and the Unanticipated Consequences of a Militarized Incapacitation Strategy in Iraq",1 "Social Forces",2018,"The Co-Evolution of Education and Tolerance: Evidence from England NA",1 "Social Forces",2018,"College for All, Degrees for Few: For-Profit Colleges and Socioeconomic Differences in Degree Attainment",0 "Social Forces",2018,"Going Greek: The Organization of Campus Life and Class-Based Graduation Gaps",1 "Social Forces",2018,"Beyond the Stalled Gender Revolution: Historical and Cohort Dynamics in Gender Attitudes from 1977 to 2016",0 "Social Forces",2018,"The Impact of Delinquent Friendship Networks and Neighborhood Context on Suicidal Ideation among South Korean Youths",1 "Social Forces",2018,"Retirement Trajectories and Income Redistribution Through the Pension System in Finland",1 "Social Forces",2018,"Symbolic Unity, Dynastic Continuity, and Countervailing Power: Monarchies, Republics, and the Economy",1 "Social Forces",2018,"From Chinatown to Every Town: New Patterns of Employment for Low-Skilled Chinese Immigrants in the United States",1 "Social Forces",2018,"Working Hours and Carbon Dioxide Emissions in the United States, 2007-2013",0 "Social Forces",2018,"Labor Market Context, Economic Development, and Family Policy Arrangements: Explaining the Gender Gap in Employment in Central and",1 "Social Forces",2018,"The Strength of Whites' Ties: How Employers Reward the Referrals of Black and White Jobseekers",0 "Social Forces",2018,"Racial Stratification, Immigration, and Health Inequality: A Life Course-Intersectional Approach",1 "Social Forces",2018,"Horizontal Stratification of Higher Education: The Relative Importance of Field of Study, Institution, and Department for Candidates' Wages",1 "Social Forces",2018,"Drug Market Violence Comes Home: Three Sequential Pathways NA",0 "Social Forces",2018,"""I Decided to Save Them"": Factors That Shaped Participation in Rescue Efforts during Genocide in Rwanda",1 "Social Forces",2018,"Falling Behind: The Role of Inter- and Intragenerational Processes in Widening Racial and Ethnic Wealth Gaps through Early and Middle",0 "Social Forces",2018,"Labor Unions and Political Participation in Comparative Perspective NA",1 "Social Forces",2018,"From Policies to Principals: Tiered Influences on School-Level Coupling NA",0 "Social Forces",2018,"Port of Call: How Ships Shape Foreign-Local Encounters NA",1 "Social Forces",2018,"Body size reference norms and subjective weight status: A gender and life course approach",0 "Social Forces",2018,"World Society, Legal Formalism, and Execution of Legal Procedures NA",1 "Social Forces",2018,"Can Elites Shape Public Attitudes Toward Immigrants?: Evidence from the 2016 US Presidential Election",1 "Social Forces",2018,"Police Legitimacy and Homicide: A Macro-Comparative Analysis NA",1 "Social Forces",2018,"The Age of Belonging: Friendship Formation After Residential Mobility NA",0 "Social Forces",2018,"Status and Career Mobility in Organizational Fields: Chefs and Restaurants in the United States, 1990-2013",0 "Social Forces",2018,"A Dynamic Model of Self-Employment and Socioeconomic Mobility Among Return Migrants: The Case of Urban Mexico",1 "Social Forces",2018,"Inequality and Ethnic Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa NA",1 "Social Forces",2018,"Moral Economies or Hidden Talents? A Longitudinal Analysis of Union Decline and Wage Inequality, 1973-2015",0 "Social Forces",2018,"Competition for Leadership Promotes Contributions to Collective Action NA",0 "Social Forces",2018,"A Relational Inequality Approach to First- and Second-Generation Immigrant Earnings in German Workplaces",1 "Social Forces",2019,"Status Eligibilities: The Eligibility to Exist and Authority to Act in Refugee-Host Relations",1 "Social Forces",2019,"Prejudice, Contact, and Threat at the Diversity-Segregation Nexus: A Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Analysis of How Ethnic Out-Group Size",1 "Social Forces",2019,"The Contribution of National Income Inequality to Regional Economic Divergence",0 "Social Forces",2019,"How Institutions and Attitudes Shape Tax Compliance: a Cross-National Experiment and Survey",1 "Social Forces",2019,"The Persuasive Power of Protest. How Protest wins Public Support NA",1 "Social Forces",2019,"Uneven Patterns of Inequality: An Audit Analysis of Hiring-Related Practices by Gendered and Classed Contexts",0 "Social Forces",2019,"The Effect of Timing of Incarceration on Mental Health: Evidence from a Natural Experiment",1 "Social Forces",2019,"Contextual Declines in Educational Hypergamy and Intimate Partner Violence",1 "Social Forces",2019,"Gender Inequality in Product Markets: When and How Status Beliefs Transfer to Products",0 "Social Forces",2019,"Democracy Misunderstood: Authoritarian Notions of Democracy around the Globe",1 "Social Forces",2019,"Institutional Movement Logics and the Changing Shape of the US Social Movement Field, 1960-1995",0 "Social Forces",2019,"Income Stratification among Occupational Classes in the United States NA",0 "Social Forces",2019,"Heterogeneous Impacts of Concentrated Poverty During Adolescence on College Outcomes",0 "Social Forces",2019,"The Legacy of Disadvantaged Origins: Blocked Social Mobility of Descendants of Nobi Great-Grandfathers in Korea (1765-1894)",1 "Social Forces",2019,"Financialization and the Decline of Organized Labor: A Study of 18 Advanced Capitalist Countries, 1970-2012",1 "Social Forces",2019,"Between-School Ability Tracking and Ethnic Segregation in Secondary Schooling",1 "Social Forces",2019,"Is Welfare a Magnet for Migration? Examining Universal Welfare Institutions and Migration Flows",1 "Social Forces",2019,"War Abroad and Homicides at Home: Evidence from the United States NA",1 "Social Forces",2019,"Racialized Re-entry: Labor Market Inequality After Incarceration NA",1 "Social Forces",2019,"Marriage, Cohabitation, and Sexual Exclusivity: Unpacking the Effect of Marriage",0 "Social Forces",2019,"Cultural Processes of Ethnoracial Disadvantage among Native American College Students",0 "Social Forces",2019,"Left Partisanship and Top Management Pay in Affluent Capitalist Democracies",1 "Social Forces",2019,"Varieties of Indigeneity in the Americas NA",1 "Social Forces",2019,"Riding the Waves of Work and Life: Explaining Long-Term Experiences with Work Hour Mismatches",1 "Social Forces",2019,"Segregation and the Cost of Money: Race, Poverty, and the Prevalence of Alternative Financial Institutions",0 "Social Forces",2019,"Starting Points: Divergent Trajectories of Labor Market Integration among US Lawful Permanent Residents",0 "Social Forces",2019,"Finding Jobs, Forming Families, and Stressing Out? Work, Family, and Stress among Young Adult Women in the United States",0 "Social Forces",2019,"Eating for Taste and Eating for Change: Ethical Consumption as a High-Status Practice",1 "Social Forces",2019,"To Lend or Not to Lend to Friends and Kin: Awkwardness, Obfuscation, and Negative Reciprocity",0 "Social Forces",2019,"Explaining Gender Convergence in Housework Time: Evidence from a Cohort-Sequence Design",1 "Social Forces",2019,"Job Mobility among Unauthorized Immigrant Workers NA",1 "Social Forces",2019,"Frame Variation in Child Protectionist Claims: Constructions of Gay Men and Transgender Women as Strangers",0 "Social Forces",2019,"A Rare Case of Gender Parity in Academia NA",0 "Social Forces",2019,"The Corporate Restructuring Imperative: Performance, Strategy, and CEO Dismissal in the Shareholder Value Era",0 "Social Forces",2019,"Cyber-Routines, Political Attitudes, and Exposure to Violence-Advocating Online Extremism",0 "Social Forces",2019,"World Society Integration and Gender Attitudes in Cross-National Context NA",1 "Social Forces",2019,"Loneliness in Europe: Personal and Societal Individualism-Collectivism and Their Connection to Social Isolation",1 "Social Forces",2019,"Consistency and Compensation in Mercy: Commutation in the Era of Mass Incarceration",0 "Social Forces",2019,"Punishment and Inequality at an Early Age: Exclusionary Discipline in Elementary School",0 "Social Forces",2019,"We Comply with a Little Help from Our Friends: Human Rights, Development Aid, and Well-Being",1 "Social Forces",2019,"Sibling Achievement, Sibling Gender, and Beliefs about Parental Investment: Evidence from a National Survey Experiment",0 "Social Forces",2019,"Concealment and Constraint: Child Protective Services Fears and Poor Mothers' Institutional Engagement",0 "Social Forces",2019,"The Civic Footprints of Labor Market Participation: Longitudinal Evidence from the United States, 2002-2015",0 "Social Forces",2019,"Household Production in an Egalitarian Society NA",1 "Social Forces",2019,"Sibling Similarities and the Importance of Parental Socioeconomic Position in Electoral Participation",1 "Social Forces",2019,"Social Class, Gender, and Contemporary Parenting Standards in the United States: Evidence from a National Survey Experiment",0 "Social Forces",2019,"Gender Composition of Labor Queues and Gender Disparities in Hiring NA",0 "Social Forces",2019,"Adopting a Stigmatized Label: Social Determinants of Identifying as an Atheist beyond Disbelief",0 "Social Forces",2019,"Political Polarization and Long-Term Change in Public Support for Environmental Spending",0 "Social Forces",2019,"Social Support in America: Stratification and Trends in Access over Two Decades",0 "Social Forces",2019,"US Immigration, Residential Queuing, and Intergenerational Spatial Mobility: The Implications for White and Black Native-Born Families",0 "Social Forces",2019,"Christian America? Secularized Evangelical Discourse and the Boundaries of National Belonging",0 "Social Forces",2019,"Groups, Inequality, and Synergy NA",0 "Social Forces",2019,"Cultural Persistence and Labor Force Participation among Partnered Second-Generation Women in the United States",1 "Social Forces",2019,"Providing for a Family in the Working Class: Gender and Employment After the Birth of a Child",0 "Social Forces",2019,"The Right to Resist or a Case of Injustice? Meta-Power in the Oil and Gas Fields",1 "Social Forces",2019,"Education-Based Status in Comparative Perspective: The Legitimization of Education as a Basis for Social Stratification",1 "Social Forces",2019,"The Transmission of Multigenerational Educational Inequality NA",0 "Social Forces",2019,"The Multidimensional Impact of Islamic Religiosity on Ethno-religious Social Tolerance in the Middle East and North Africa",1 "Social Forces",2019,"Examining Homicide-Suicide as a Current in the Stream Analogy of Lethal Violence",0 "Social Forces",2019,"Does it Take a Village? Kin Coresidence and Child Survival in Tanzania NA",1 "Social Forces",2019,"Straight Identity and Same-Sex Desire: Conservatism, Homophobia, and Straight Culture",0 "Social Forces",2020,"The Extension of Particularized Trust to Generalized and Out-Group Trust: The Constraining Role of Collectivism",1 "Social Forces",2020,"Intergenerational Class Mobility in Europe: A New Account NA",1 "Social Forces",2020,"Lowest-Low Fertility in South Korea: Policy and Domestic Labor Supports and the Transition to Second Birth",1 "Social Forces",2020,"Competing for Jurisdiction: Practical Legitimation and the Persistence of Informal Recycling in Urban India",1 "Social Forces",2020,"Fighting for Their Neighborhood: Urban Policy and Anti-State Riots in France",1 "Social Forces",2020,"The Pathway to Improving Human and Economic Development: Girls' Secondary Education, Governance, and Education Expenditures",1 "Social Forces",2020,"Happiness in Hard Times: Does Religion Buffer the Negative Effect of Unemployment on Happiness?",0 "Social Forces",2020,"Online Exogamy Reconsidered: Estimating the Internet's Effects on Racial, Educational, Religious, Political and Age Assortative Mating",0 "Social Forces",2020,"Gender Attitudes in Africa: Liberal Egalitarianism Across 34 Countries NA",1 "Social Forces",2020,"The Long March: Deep Democracy in Cross-National Perspective NA",1 "Social Forces",2020,"Issueless Campus Riots: Toward a Structural Account of Disorderly Gatherings, 1997-2007",0 "Social Forces",2020,"Love the Science, Hate the Scientists: Conservative Identity Protects Belief in Science and Undermines Trust in Scientists",0 "Social Forces",2020,"First- and Continuing-Generation Students, Substance Use, and College Graduation",0 "Social Forces",2020,"The Decline of Cash Assistance and the Well-Being of Poor Households with Children",0 "Social Forces",2020,"Entangled: Evangelicals and Gangs in El Salvador NA",1 "Social Forces",2020,"Do Family Privileges Bring Gender Equality? Instrumentalism and (De) Stereotyping of STEM Career Aspiration among Chinese Adolescents",1 "Social Forces",2020,"Stuck in Place? A Field Experiment on the Effects of Reputational Information on Student Evaluations",1 "Social Forces",2020,"Are Parental Relationships Improved if Fathers Take Time Off of Work After the Birth of a Child?",0 "Social Forces",2020,"Health Without Papers: Immigrants, Citizenship, and Health in the 21st Century",1 "Social Forces",2020,"Economic Development, Market Transition, and Work Values in Post-Socialist China",1 "Social Forces",2020,"Voice After Exit: Explaining Diaspora Mobilization for the Arab Spring NA",1 "Social Forces",2020,"The Endogeneity of Race: Black Racial Identification and Men's Earnings in Mexico",1 "Social Forces",2020,"Immigration and Preferences for Greater Law Enforcement Spending in Rich Democracies",1 "Social Forces",2020,"The Legitimation of Extrajudicial Violence in an Urban Community NA",1 "Social Forces",2020,"Why Who Marries Whom Matters: Effects of Educational Assortative Mating on Infant Health in the United States 1969-1994",0 "Social Forces",2020,"The Enduring Influence of Cohort Characteristics on Race-Specific Homicide Rates",0 "Social Forces",2020,"Professionalizing Contingency: How Journalism Schools Adapt to Deprofessionalization",0 "Social Forces",2020,"Getting the Teacher's Attention: Parent-Teacher Contact and Teachers' Behavior in the Classroom",1 "Social Forces",2020,"The Decline of Intergenerational Income Mobility in Denmark: Returns to Education, Demographic Change, and Labor Market Experience",1 "Social Forces",2020,"Parental Financial Transfers: Do They Vary by Children's Sexual Orientation?",1 "Social Forces",2020,"Who Is Willing to Share the Burden? Attitudes Towards the Allocation of Asylum Seekers in Comparative Perspective",1 "Social Forces",2020,"The Social Production and Salience of Young Women's Desire for Sex NA",0 "Social Forces",2020,"Pathways to Modes of Movement Participation: Micromobilization in the Nashville Civil Rights Movement",0 "Social Forces",2020,"Social Norms about Father Involvement and Women's Fertility NA",1 "Social Forces",2020,"Social Investment Policy, Economic Growth, and Welfare States: Channels of Pro-Growth Effects of Policy",1 "Social Forces",2020,"Unpacking the Drivers of Racial Disparities in School Suspension and Expulsion",0 "Social Forces",2020,"Re-examining Restructuring: Racialization, Religious Conservatism, and Political Leanings in Contemporary American Life",1 "Social Forces",2020,"Do Energy Burdens Contribute to Economic Poverty in the United States? A Panel Analysis",0 "Social Forces",2020,"Motherhood Wage Penalties in Latin America: The Significance of Labor Informality",1 "Social Forces",2020,"The Giving Up of Weekly Rest-Days by Migrant Domestic Workers in Singapore: When Submission Is Both Resistance and Victimhood",1 "Social Forces",2020,"Parental Unemployment and the Transition into Tertiary Education: Can Institutions Moderate the Adverse Effects?",1 "Social Forces",2020,"Evidence from Field Experiments in Hiring Shows Substantial Additional Racial Discrimination after the Callback",0 "Social Forces",2020,"Contentions over World Culture: The Rise of Legal Restrictions on Foreign Funding to NGOs, 1994-2015",1 "Social Forces",2020,"Rules of the Game: Exponential Random Graph Models of a Gang Homicide Network",0 "Social Forces",2020,"Paths toward the Same Form of Collective Action: Direct Social Action in Times of Crisis in Italy",1 "Social Forces",2020,"Unrealized Educational Expectations and Mental Health: Evidence from a Low-Income Country",1 "Social Forces",2020,"Patients as Consumers in the Market for Medicine: The Halo Effect of Hospitality",0 "Social Forces",2020,"Decline of ""the American Dream""? Outlook toward the Future across Three Generations of Midwest Families",0 "Social Forces",2020,"The Effect of Women's Descriptive Representation on Premature Mortality NA",0 "Social Forces",2020,"The Silver Bullet? Assessing the Role of Education for Sustainability NA",1 "Social Forces",2020,"Open Secrecy: How Police Crackdowns and Creative Problem-Solving Brought Illegal Markets out of the Shadows",0 "Social Forces",2020,"Why is the American South Poorer? NA",1 "Social Forces",2020,"The Melting-Pot Problem? The Persistence and Convergence of Premigration Socioeconomic Status During the Age of Mass Migration",1 "Social Forces",2020,"Precarious Childhoods: Childhood Family Income Volatility and Mental Health in Early Adulthood",1 "Social Forces",2020,"How Statelessness, Citizenship, and Out-migration Contribute to Stratification Among Rural Elderly in the Highlands of Thailand",1 "Social Forces",2020,"Models and Morals: Elite-Oriented and Value-Neutral Discourse Dominates American Organizations' Framings of Climate Change",0 "Social Forces",2020,"Raising the Stakes: Inequality and Testing in the Russian Education System",1 "Social Forces",2020,"Foreign Credential Recognition and Immigrants' Chances of Being Hired for Skilled Jobs-Evidence from a Survey Experiment Among Employers",1 "Social Forces",2020,"The Segregation Premium: How Gender Shapes the Symbolic Valuation Process of Occupational Prestige Judgments",0 "Social Forces",2020,"Forever Homes and Temporary Stops: Housing Search Logics and Residential Selection",0 "Social Forces",2020,"Stand-in Labor and the Rising Economy of Self NA",0 "Social Forces",2020,"When Worlds Collide: Linking Involvement with Friends and Intimate Partner Violence in Young Adulthood",0 "Social Forces",2020,"Worker Power and Class Polarization in Intra-Year Work Hour Volatility NA",0