Occupational Shortages After the Vaccine Rapture
Charles Kurzman, “Occupational Shortages After the Vaccine Rapture,” July 30, 2021.
If Covid-19 vaccines are deadly, as some conspiracy theorists claim, then America’s occupational structure may look a little different after the vaccine rapture.
For example, those who are left behind may have to send their children to more crowded classrooms. According to a large-scale survey of adult Facebook users conducted by the Delphi Research Group at Carnegie Mellon University, there are more than 200 preschool and K-12 teachers among every 10,000 vaccinated Americans, but fewer than 100 among every 10,000 unvaccinated Americans.
A lot of libraries may be closed, since librarians are one of the most highly vaccinated occupations. The rate of librarians among the unvaccinated is only one quarter the rate among the vaccinated.
Some churches may struggle, too – the representation of clergy among the unvaccinated is 23 percent lower than among the vaccinated.
There may be lines at the drug store – the rate of pharmacists among the unvaccinated is one third the rate among the vaccinated.
Professional medical care may be harder to get – representation of doctors is 27 percent lower among the unvaccinated. Representation of nurses is 37 percent lower.
To help people recover, physical therapists are half as common among the unvaccinated as among the vaccinated.
And if they don’t recover, funeral services workers are 31 percent rarer among the unvaccinated as among the vaccinated.
Even pets may get less medical attention – there are 15 percent fewer veterinarians among every 10,000 unvaccinated Americans than among every 10,000 vaccinated Americans.
Life may look different in other ways, too. Among the unvaccinated, the prevalence of architects and engineers is 16 percent lower than among the vaccinated. Entertainers are 28 percent rarer. Sports workers, including coaches and scouts, are 31 percent rarer.
On the other hand, pest control workers are represented more than three times as often among unvaccinated respondents as among vaccinated respondents. So are mechanics, miners, construction workers, HVAC workers, and law enforcement.
So some industries may be significantly overstaffed and others may be understaffed if rapture removes the vaccinated from our — I mean your — midst. According to the Carnegie Mellon University survey, there are 55 scientists among every 10,000 vaccinated Americans, but only 17 scientists among every 10,000 unvaccinated Americans.