The View From Iran:
Khamene’i speech on phrase “Death to America,” on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Iranian Revolution, February 8, 2019. (Global News, Canada)
Official video from Khamene’i’s office on U.S. miscalculations on Iran, from President Carter to President Trump, January 2018. (
Book on The Unthinkable Revolution in Iran, 1979.
Invasions of 1910s-1920s:
Constitutionalist carpet of 1907. (National Carpet Museum of Iran; academic paper on the subject)
Invasions of 1940s-1950s:
United States coup on behalf of the shah, 1953, (CIA official history of the operation, cover page, page 1, page 44, page 65)
Invasions of 1980s:
Massive death toll, but not 1 million (correction of p. 41 of your reading). (Analysis of Iranian and Iraqi census data)
Next invasion?
John Bolton, soon-to-be-named National Security Advisor of the United States of America, speaking to annual conference of the Mojahedin-e Khalq, 2017. (Mojahedin-e Khalq YouTube channel)
Map of Iran (and region): Gulf/2000 Project, Columbia University.
Another View From Iran:
Interview with Shirin Ebadi, women’s rights activist and Nobel Prize winner. (click on 2:45)
Frequency of participation in collective prayers, 1975 and 2001: Abdolmohammad Kazemipur and Ali Rezaei, “Religious Life Under Theocracy: The Case of Iran,” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 42:3 (2003) 347–361. (table)
Surveys of women’s hejab preferences, 2007 and 2014: Center for Strategic Studies (Tehran), 2014 report. (skip to page 5)
Girls’ education: Djavad Salehi-Isfahani, “Iran: Poverty and Inequality Since the Revolution,” The Iranian Revolution at Thirty (Middle East Institute, 2009) (chart)
Protest slogans during protest wave of December 2017-January 2018. (Newsy)
Survey, January 2018, IranPoll/University of Maryland: (skip to page 3)
A View From Under Iran:
The View From the White House:
Kian Tajbakhsh, “Who Wants What from Iran Now? The Post-Nuclear Deal U.S. Policy Debate,” The Washington Quarterly, Fall 2018, 41:3 pp. 41-61. (paper)
Four goals:
Nuclear nonproliferation
Regional stability
Reintegration into international community
Human rights/democracy