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Charles Kurzman, Seteney Shami, and Neil Ketchley, “Introducing the ACSS Dataverse,” MENA Politics Newsletter, Vol. 6, No. 1, Spring 2023, pp. 13-17.  

Faiza Patel and Charles Kurzman, “U.S. Domestic Terrorism Prosecutions: The Reality Behind the Government’s Inflated Numbers,” Just Security, May 8, 2023.  

Muslim-American Involvement with Violent Extremism, 2001-2022, January 10, 2023. Data and annual reports.


People in Iran make their way toward Aichi cemetery in Saqez after the death of Mahsa Amini.“How Would We Know If We Were Witnessing a Revolution in Iran?” Monkey Cage, The Washington Post, December 19, 2022.  

Charles Kurzman and Didem Türkoğlu, “When Do Muslims Vote Islamic?” in Fatma Müge Göçek and Gamze Evcimen, editors, I.B. Tauris Handbook of Sociology and the Middle East (London: I.B. Tauris, 2022), pp. 163-174. Data and texts.  

International focus in Social Forces, 1922-2020“The Globalization of Social Forces,” Social Forces, Vol. 101, No. 1, September 2022, pp. 93–101.

“The State of the Canon: Sociological Theory Syllabi in the United States,” Perspectives: Newsletter of the ASA Theory Section, August 29, 2022.  

English-Language Workbook from Mosul, Iraq“English-Language Workbook from Mosul, Iraq, Donated to UNC,” UNC Center for Middle East and Islamic Studies, April 26, 2022.  

Periodic Table Geography, March 28, 2022.

Muslim-American Involvement with Violent Extremism Since 9/11Muslim-American Involvement with Violent Extremism, 2001-2021, February 25, 2022. Data and annual reports.


I’m Sorry I Called You a Terrorist, October 29, 2021.

“Al-Qaida, Islamic State Group Struggle for Recruits,” The Conversation, September 3, 2021.

Breakthrough Infections in Less-Vaccinated States, August 17, 2021. Full series of Covid-related reports.

Occupational Shortages After the Vaccine Rapture, July 30, 2021. Full series of Covid-related reports.

Masked and Vaccine Hesitant, April 30, 2021. Full series of Covid-related reports.

“The ACSS and Data Preservation for the Public Good,” presentation on panel, “Knowledge for the Public Good,” Arab Council for the Social Sciences, Beirut, Lebanon (online), April 10, 2021.  

“The Global Wave of Constitutional Revolutions, 1905-1915,” in David Motadel, editor, Revolutionary World: Global Upheaval in the Modern Age (Cambridge University Press, March 2021), pp. 111-129.  

How Much Does Working at Home Lower Covid-19 Infection Rates?, March 31, 2021. Full series of Covid-related reports.  

Mask-Wearing and Biden Vote-Share, by County, February 8, 2021. Full series of Covid-related reports.

Muslim-American Involvement with Violent Extremism, 2001-2020, Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security, January 14, 2021. Data and annual reports.


Charles Kurzman and Nafeesa Andrabi, “Working Outside the Home and Prevalence of Covid-19 in the United States.” Full series of Covid-related reports.  

“The Arab world’s dictators are on notice – they know that their populations desire and demand government of decency,” Reaction, December 17, 2020.  

Who Polices the Police?, October 9, 2020.

Income Disparity in Prevalence of Covid-19 in the United States, September 9, 2020. Full series of Covid-related reports.  

Racial Inequality in the United States: Median Family Net Worth, 1983-2016, June 5, 2020.  

“Middle East Research During Time of Crisis,” Forum on Remote Research Possibilities, UCLA Center for Near Eastern Studies, May 18, 2020. Video; slides with hyperlinks.  

Thank You, Civil Society, March 23, 2020.

Charles Kurzman, “The 6 Countries in Trump’s New Travel Ban Pose Little Threat to US National Security,” The Conversation, February 6, 2020.  

Muslim-American Involvement with Violent Extremism, 2001-2019, Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security, January 21, 2020. Data and annual reports.


Prosecuting Mass Destruction, December 30, 2019.

Big Data and Mega Corpora in Middle East Studies, November 25, 2019.

Charles Kurzman, “What Terror Experts Can Learn From Public Health Experts,” Foreign Policy, September 28, 2019.

Charles Kurzman, Willa Dong, Brandon Gorman, Karam Hwang, Renee Ryberg, and Batool Zaidi, “Women’s Assessments of Gender Equality,” Socius, Vol. 5, September 4, 2019. Data.  

“Sociologies of Islam,” Annual Review of Sociology, August 2019, Vol. 45, pp. 265-277.

The Disparaging Implications of Strategic Location, July 31, 2019.

Acknowledging State Terrorism, June 20, 2019.

“The Privacy Rights of Terrorism Defendants, Muslim and Non-Muslim,” Lawfare, April 5, 2019.

Interview about The Missing Martyrs on the Building Bridges Podcast, Georgetown University, March 1, 2019.

The Destruction of Syria: Resources for Teaching, February 28, 2019.

Muslim-American Involvement with Violent Extremism, 2001-2018, Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security, January 22, 2019. Data and annual reports.  

The Missing Martyrs: Why Are There So Few Muslim Terrorists? Second edition, Updated for the Age of ISIS (New York: Oxford University Press, 2019). Promotional video.


From Brain Drain to Brain Flush, October 31, 2018.

Confidentiality of Human Research Subjects, 1927, August 31, 2018.

Charles Kurzman and John D. Martin, III, “The Hidden Heritage of Arab Libraries: Online Catalogs and Institutional Barriers to Discoverability,” IFLA Journal (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions), Vol. 44, No. 4, December 2018, pp. 300-310 (pre-print July 23, 2018). Data and documentation.  

Brandon Gorman, Ijlal Naqvi, and Charles Kurzman, “Who Doesn’t Want Democracy? A Multilevel Analysis of Elite and Mass Attitudes,” Sociological Perspectives, Vol. 62, No. 3, June 2019, pp. 261-281 (pre-print July 11, 2018).  

The Man Who Broke the World, June 29, 2018.

Hard-Liners Agree: Good Riddance to Iran Nuclear Deal! June 1, 2018.

Chasing the Ghosts of Violent Extremism in the Middle East, May 1, 2018.

Nativism, Then and Now, March 29, 2018.

“Unruly Protest,” in Frédéric Volpi and James M. Jasper, editors, Microfoundations of the Arab Uprisings (Amsterdam, Netherlands: Amsterdam University Press, 2018), pp. 183-191.  

“Counting Terrorists: The Urgent Need for Comprehensive Data,” Lawfare, January 23, 2018.

Muslim-American Involvement with Violent Extremism, 2017, Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security, January 18, 2018. Data and annual reports.


“N.C. Senators Backed a ‘Tax Cut’ That Will Increase Taxes for Most,” News & Observer (Raleigh, NC), December 5, 2017. Data and sources.  

Niklaus Steiner and Charles Kurzman, “Global Education for All?” Center for Global Initiatives, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, November 2017.  

“Scholarly Attention and the Limited Internationalization of US Social Science,” International Sociology, Vol. 32, No. 6, November 2017, pp. 775-795. Data.  

The False Premise of Travel Ban 3.0, September 29, 2017.

Syria’s Four Revolutions, August 31, 2017.

Understanding the U.S. and Iran,” Duke-UNC Consortium for Middle East Studies video series, “Middle East Explained,” March 15, 2017 (released July 10, 2017).  

Teaching the Middle East in 10 Quiz Questions, June 30, 2017. (Updated periodically on the same webpage.)

“The GOP Assault on Health Insurance, North Carolina Style,” News & Observer (Raleigh, NC), May 30, 2017.

Charles Kurzman, Ahsan Kamal, and Hajar Yazdiha, “Ideology and Threat Assessment: Law Enforcement Evaluation of Muslim and Right-Wing Extremism,” Socius, Vol. 3, April 18, 2017. Data. Coverage in The New York Times, November 3, 2018.  

“Trump’s Muslim Laptop Ban,” Politico, April 4, 2017.

“Was the Arab Spring Worth It?” Mobilizing Ideas, March 1, 2017.

Kurzman_Muslim-American_Involvement_in_Violent_Extremism_2016_title_pageMuslim-American Involvement with Violent Extremism, 2016, Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security, January 26, 2017. Data and annual reports.

Summarized in “These Numbers Show Why Trump’s Muslim Entry Limit Is Absurd,” Huffington Post, January 26, 2017; coverage by National Public Radio, January 27, 2017; The New York Times, January 28, 2017; The Washington Post, January 28, 2017; The Washington Post, February 7, 2017; The Wall Street Journal, February 10, 2017; The New York Times, February 12, 2017.



The escalator“Islamophobia and the Trump Campaign,” ASA Footnotes (American Sociological Association), December 2016.

kurzman_clandestine_labs_2012-2015_by_countyThe Meth Vote, November 29, 2016.

A Century of Acceleration, October 31, 2016.

usatodaylogoGreg Toppo, “Expert: Terrorism Frightens Us ‘Far Out of Proportion’ to Actual Risk,” USA Today, September 21, 2016 (paper edition, September 22, 2016).

Interview with Michel Martin on The Diane Rehm Show, National Public Radio, September 20, 2016.


USA State Flag Map“Making the United States Plural Again,” Scatterplot blog, August 31, 2016. Data.

police-chief-cover-july2016David Schanzer, Charles Kurzman, Jessica Toliver, and Elizabeth Miller, “Research in Brief: The Challenge and Promise of Using Community Policing Strategies to Prevent Violent Extremism,” The Police Chief (International Association of Chiefs of Police), July 2016, pp. 14-15. Data.  

POMEPS-Conversation-71Marc Lynch with Charles Kurzman, “Iranian Revolution, Arab Uprisings, Mobilization,” POMEPS Conversation 71, June 13, 2016.  

“Waves of Democratization, Waves of Disillusionment: The Arab Spring in Historical Perspective,” Project on Middle East Political Science (POMEPS), June 7, 2016.  

“America and Terrorism,” interview with Brandon Bieltz on UNC-Chapel Hill’s Well Said podcast, April 27, 2016.

When Republicans Needed Muslim Allies, March 31, 2016.

Piscop_NYT_special_crossword_puzzle_2016_02_07What Crossword History Tells Us About the Language We Use,” New York Times, February 7, 2016. Data.

Kurzman_Muslim-American_Involvement_in_Violent_Extremism_2015_Title_PageMuslim-American Involvement with Violent Extremism, 2015, Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security, February 2, 2016. Data and annual reports.  

Schanzer_Kurzman_Toliver_Miller_2016_cover_pageDavid Schanzer, Charles Kurzman, Jessica Toliver, and Elizabeth Miller, “The Challenge and Promise of Using Community Policing Strategies to Prevent Violent Extremism,” Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security, January 2016. Data.


“America Is Holding Itself Hostage to Terrorism,” The Huffington Post, December 17, 2015.

NYT_Room_for_Debate“Ideological Violence Is Terrorism,” New York Times “Room for Debate” forum, December 3, 2015.

“A Resolute Commitment to Coexistence — Now That Projects Strength,” IslamiCommentary, November 30, 2015.  

Kurzman_Turkoglu_platforms_rights_themesCharles Kurzman and Didem Türkoğlu, “After the Arab Spring: Do Muslims Vote Islamic Now?” Journal of Democracy, Vol. 26, No. 4, October 2015, pp. 100-109. Data and texts.  

Websites and Online Catalogs of Libraries in Arab Countries, by Quintiles of HoldingsOnline Catalogs and the Invisible Heritage of Arab Libraries, report to the Mellon Foundation, September 30, 2015.

Four Gunmen“Why We Care About Some Gunmen, and Not Others,” IslamiCommentary, August 31, 2015.

Image source: Asociación de Maquiladoras de MatamorosTen Unfortunate Place Names, July 31, 2015.

New York Times logoCharles Kurzman and David Schanzer, “The Other Terror Threat,” The New York Times, June 16, 2015. Full report: “Law Enforcement Assessment of the Violent Extremism Threat,” Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security, June 25, 2015. Data.  

islamberg-school-children“The PATRIOT Act Can’t Keep America Safe from Right-Wing Violence,” IslamiCommentary, May 27, 2015.

International Content
in K-12 Standards
Rank State Percent of Standards
1 Louisiana 100
2 New Hampshire 100
3 Kansas 87.1

How Global Is K-12 Education in America? April 30, 2015.  

2014 Human Development Report, p. 165.Syria’s Human Development Crisis, March 31, 2015.

People from throughout the Triangle filled the UNC-Chapel Hill Pit Wednesday for the vigil for Deah Shaddy Barakat, 23, of Chapel Hill; his wife, Yusor Abu-Salha, 21; and her sister, Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, 19, of Raleigh. They were shot and killed on Tuesday night. Photo Austin Root/UNC General Alumni Association.“The Chapel Hill Shootings & the Troubling Growth of Anti-Muslim Intolerance,” IslamiCommentary, February 12, 2015.

Kurzman_Terrorism_Cases_Involving_Muslim-Americans_2014_Figure_2Terrorism Cases Involving Muslim-Americans in 2014, Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security, February 9, 2015. Data and annual reports.  

“The Stubborn Parochialism of American Social Science,” Chronicle of Higher Education, January 19, 2015. Chart.

OxfordIslamicStudiesOnlinelogo“ISIS’s Unpredictable Revolution,” Oxford Islamic Studies Online, January 18, 2015.


Which one is the real Panopti-Claus?Panopti-Claus, December 19, 2014.

Vladislav Surkov, rightwing postmodernist.Rightwing Postmodernists, November 30, 2014.

Mideast_Wikipedia_2014Teaching Middle East Crises, October 31, 2014.

Scott Adams, "Dilbert," copyright 1993.Charles Kurzman, Rajesh Ghoshal, Kristin Gibson, Clinton Key, Micah Roos, and Amber Wells, “Powerblindness,” Sociology Compass, Vol. 8, No. 6, June 2014, pp. 718-730. Introducing Powerblindness, September 30, 2014:  

“World Values Lost in Translation,” The Washington Post’s Monkey Cage blog, September 2, 2014.

“Failing to Forecast the Israeli-Palestinian Crisis," The Washington Post’s Monkey Cage blog, July 29, 2014.

Kurzman_Hasnain_When_Forecasts_Fail_Figure_3Charles Kurzman and Aseem Hasnain, “When Forecasts Fail: Unpredictability in Israeli-Palestinian Interaction,” Sociological Science, Vol. 1, June 2014, pp. 239-259. Data.  

president-oligarchPresident Oligarch, May 31, 2014.

David Schanzer and Charles Kurzman, “Homegrown Terrorism Threat Was Overhyped,” Newark Star-Ledger, April 14, 2014.

Banner of al-Sisi at the Supreme Court in Cairo“The Anointment of Saint Francis Al-Sisi,” IslamiCommentary, March 28, 2014.

Kurzman_American_Attitudes_2014_02“Anti-Muslim Sentiment Rising in the U.S: What Is Happening to Religious Tolerance?” IslamiCommentary, February 13, 2014.

Kurzman_Muslim-American_Terrorism_in_2013Muslim-American Terrorism in 2013, Triangle Center on Terrrorism and Homeland Security, February 5, 2014. Data and annual reports.


Gremlins of Terror, December 31, 2013.

Khamenei_2009The Khomeini Wanna-Be, November 26, 2013.

Metro_Defa-e_MoqaddasDeath Tolls of the Iran-Iraq War, October 31, 2013.

Washington_Post_September_28_2001_sidebar“The Heresy of the Hijackers,” IslamiCommentary, September 11, 2013.

“The Rights of Roamers and the Double Standard of American National Security,” IslamiCommentary, August 28, 2013.

A_Rainbow_of_RepressionA Rainbow of Repression, July 30, 2013.

Kurzman_Prism_graphsPrism’s Paltry Yield, June 28, 2013.

NCTC_Interactive_Map_2013_04_30“Mis-Mapping Terror: Why did an American counterterrorism agency map the entire Muslim world as a terror zone? And why was their map 500 years out of date?” IslamiCommentary, May 31, 2013.  

Ahmed Ouyahia, prime minister of Algeria“Winter Without Spring,” Contexts, Spring 2013, pp. 14-15.

Kurzman_Title_VI_fundingCrippling International Education, April 26, 2013.

US_Defense_Spending_1962_2013Will $500 Billion Make America Feel Secure? April 10, 2013.

Muslim-American Terrorism: Declining Further, Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security, February 1, 2013. Data and annual reports.